
Chapter 2: Unfortunate Coincidence

The scent of Spring was all about Rose. Flowers bloomed brightly, releasing their wondrous aromas in hopes of attracting pollinating insects. Birds were singing, the sun was shining between the sparse clouds, and a cool breeze blew her short white hair across her eyes. She brushed it away gently, the soft gloves on her hands cool against her skin. She had chosen a jungle-green dress for today; she thought it fit the weather impeccably.

It was such a fair day that she didn’t mind taking the longer route to the Family Manor. Her father would worry about her tardiness, but it would be worth it for the exquisite scenery she knew was available along the dirt path through the forest. Of course, her father also disapproved of her walking to the Manor from her home. He worried so much about her; it would be charming if she wasn’t so determined to be independent. And she didn’t really care for cars, either: they made it harder to enjoy the weather. Only in bad weather, or in rush situations, did she ever take a car to work.

She paused at the top of a hill to smell a vine flower. It was a trumpet vine, a rather peculiar flower in this part of the country, but it had been there for so long that she had stopped questioning exactly how it had come to be there. It was a delightful flower; not for the first time she considered having a gardener plant some in her yard. Trumpet vines were actually among her favorite flowers, next to the Scarlet Knight rose; it was a sturdy and strong plant that could survive well in this place of warm summers and cold winters.

She admired it for a few more seconds before finally turning away from the flower to make her way onwards. She paused, however, when she heard a voice behind her calling. She frowned at that; she didn’t recognize the voice at all. Had her father sent one of his uncultured goons to find her? She sighed unhappily; she had been truly enjoying herself, too.

She heard the man’s footsteps slow to a walk behind her. “You are Rose, are you not?” She recognized the voice now, though she couldn’t place it. Still, that just meant that it had to be one of her father’s men. Honestly, wasn’t her hair a dead giveaway?

“Can you not tell by just looking…” she began, but the words died on her lips as she turned to face the man. He was a little taller than her, with green eyes that coincidentally matched the color of her dress and neatly combed brown hair. His attire included some dark brown pants and a white, buttoned shirt. She recognized him immediately, and his presence shocked her.

“I thought it was you,” the man stated with a smile. “As if the white hair wasn’t enough, that tone of voice is easy to recall.”

“You are…” she muttered slowly, “…Phil?” He grinned in pleasure that she recalled him. How long had it been since she’d seen him on that rainy day? Some six months? Yes, shortly before Mr. Jacobson was arrested for illegal business practices. What was it, weapons dealing?

“I never thought in a hundred years that I’d see your face again,” Phil stated, repeating that same slight bow he had made the last time they’d met. “I must admit, I’m very pleased by it.”

She frowned and turned away from him. “I am afraid the feeling is not mutual.”

In truth she didn’t know how to feel; her feelings towards their last meeting were rather mixed. She recalled, however, that he had been very eager to learn about her the last time. She wouldn’t let down her guard for anyone, let alone this unfamiliar man. She would treat him as a danger, as she did to anyone whom she didn’t know. Judging from their last encounter, however, she suspected that he wouldn’t be removed from her presence easily.

Her expectation proved correct. “That’s the kind of response I was hoping to get out of you,” he noted cheerfully, and she was annoyed to hear his steps following behind her. “You don’t seem to have changed much in six months.”

“If such disturbs you,” she replied plainly, “you are free to take your leave.”

Phil wouldn’t be dissuaded so easily. Soon he was walking beside her, which made her bristle with frustration. “Unfortunately for you,” he responded pleasantly, “I happen to be going in the same direction.”

“That is unfortunate,” Rose countered in as harsh a tone as she could manage. “You are not traveling a distance too grand, I trust?”

Phil gave her a wry look that added to her annoyance even more. “I’ll tell you my destination if you tell me yours.”

She grimaced and turned her eyes from him silently. He was toying with her! He knew perfectly well that she would agree to no such thing! She wouldn’t play into this man’s hands; she was going to present him the cold shoulder. Why had the fates placed him in her presence for a second time? And now she was so worried about her personal image that she couldn’t take pleasure in the weather. He was such a burden…

“So, is this a shortcut or do you simply enjoy nature’s embrace?” he asked conversationally. He was at it again, trying to find a flaw in her guard just like last time. Was this all a game to him? Or perhaps he had an ulterior motive? She wasn’t one to trust easily. He would have to learn that the hard way: she remained mute.

She realized that his eyes were upon her now. She tried to ignore them, but she felt herself growing anxious under his studious gaze. Just what was he after? She had initially assumed that he had been after her body, but the manner of his departure before suggested otherwise. So if he wasn’t the common weak-minded male, what could he possibly want? Perhaps he was after the Family. Could it be that this man knew of her connections, her pedigree?

“Where’s the danger in this?” Phil’s question seemed honest, and it caught her off guard. She didn’t respond, however, and tried to avoid looking his way to show that it hadn’t gotten to her.

“I mean,” he continued calmly, “if I want to talk with you about any old thing, what’s the harm? You treat me as if I were a lifelong enemy.”

She looked at him with only one eye, tilting her head slightly. She had learned long ago that this was an effective way to avoid revealing her thoughts. She considered his question, and how to respond, cautiously. “My motives are my own,” she stated simply, looking away as she did. “And yours are in question.”

“Touché.” He actually seemed satisfied with her response. She was perplexed; she wanted this man gone so she could be at ease again, yet any attempt she made to repel him appeared only to attract him! Just like before. She simply couldn’t comprehend this man, and if anything irritated her it was that. She was so accustomed to being able to read a person, to understand someone, but she had clearly been wrong about his motives on their first meeting, and today she was completely at a loss for them.

“Alright then,” he stated suddenly, “I’ll give it to you.” It was all Rose could do not to snap at him to keep silent: she had wanted to discern it for herself. But she kept her tongue still, and he explained. “All I want is to learn more about you. I never expected to meet you for a second time, and this suggests the possibility of more meetings in the future. And so I wish to crack that shell of yours, beautiful as it is, and get to know you a little better this time.”

Rose was pleased to see the main road up ahead, for it meant that she was getting closer to the Manor. She was careful not to hasten her step, though: she mustn’t let her eagerness show. “A foolish endeavor,” she told him severely, “and I still do not see why you are here.”

“Ah,” Phil responded as if making a revelation, “I had forgotten that such was in question. Regardless, that is information I cannot reveal. Sorry.”

“And you expect me to trust you?” she asked him blatantly, again without looking at him. “That, sir, is a rather poor attempt at breaching this shell.”

“Touché, again!” He laughed. He actually laughed! What did he find so humorous about her response? “Still, it’s not information I’m at leave to give away. So I guess we’re both going to be in the dark, hmm?”

They reached the road simultaneously, and Rose spoke harshly as she turned to the right, away from him, and continued walking. “Then surrender now and leave me be.”

“And leave such a beautiful lady to wander all by herself by the road here?” he asked, and to her dismay he was walking beside her again. “That’s a little dangerous, isn’t it?”

“I can take care of myself,” she snapped angrily. How dare he propose otherwise! She was not going to have some man thinking she might want – or worse, require – his protection! Did he have absolutely no notion of who he was speaking to? Nobody ever drove down this road anyways: it was private.

“Well,” Phil responded to her anger calmly, “nobody can determine that as well as you, I suppose. You’re still going the same way I am, though.”

Rose was cross, and anger led to mistakes. She would ignore him again, at least until she relaxed. But by then they would be at the Manor… good, then she would no longer have to tolerate him. She refused to give any indication that he was getting to her: she maintained her pace and remained silent.

It appeared Phil was finally satisfied to keep quiet for a little while. Had he given up? She didn’t risk glancing at him to analyze him, however. Such would give her curiosity away, and probably only encourage him. She wasn’t all that interested, anyways.

But it suddenly dawned upon her that, in fact, she was interested, and this realization brought her dangerously close to pausing. If Phil noticed the misstep, as slight as it was, he didn’t say anything. She suppressed a sigh of relief, but now her mind was distracted. She had been so determined to stay on the defensive and keep him in the dark that she hadn’t realized that her own curiosity had been tapped. Most men who approached her were given a similar treatment, but none of them gave her this level of annoyance. Somehow he had caught her attention in just the right way to make her uncomfortable, and she simply couldn’t explain why.

Perhaps it had something to do with her inability to understand him. Her attempts to get rid of him with harshness only seemed to draw him closer, and he had even laughed once! All the people she’d dealt with before would leave in anger, or at the very least in a state of loss. She would often be passed up as a haughty, arrogant, antagonistic young woman, which was a perfect method for repelling others. With a family like hers, she couldn’t afford to get involved with different people, to develop lasting relationships. Such things were dangerous for her, both physically and mentally, and she wanted nothing to do with them.

Yet this man seemed to be incapable of understanding her hints. Or perhaps he understood perfectly, and was unaffected? The idea seemed ludicrous, seeing how successful it had always been for her, but his behavior appeared to prove otherwise. It bugged her to no end: how was she supposed to get rid of this man? She was willing to accept that both this and their last meeting six months ago were random encounters, but did this foretell future meetings? Would she be somewhere six months from now, in the Fall, and have another coincidental encounter with him? The idea was not a pleasant one. Perhaps some different strategy was needed to make him lose interest?

“Ah, the mighty Aiolfi Family,” Phil suddenly stated, breaking her from her thoughts. “I wonder just how much money they’ve got, and just what it is they do with it.” She managed to avoid any visible reaction, however, instead keeping her eyes strong and steady, her pace unwavering. She could see that they were walking along the outer brick wall of the Manor, and the great black iron gate was not far. She was finally at her destination. Better yet, she would at long last be rid of him.

“So you know of the Aiolfi Family.” Her response was simple, but her mind was running. He knew about the Family, or at the very least he had just insinuated knowledge. Perhaps he really was planning something against the Family? Then again, if he lived in the area then he would of course know about the Family Manor, and who hadn’t at least heard of the Family? Now that she considered the situation, she couldn’t help but wonder: did he live in the area? Only the affluent lived in this region, however, and he didn’t give the impression of a financially successful man. Middle class, perhaps, but not wealthy.

“Yes,” he responded mysteriously, “I know a little bit about them.” Just how much was ‘a little bit?’

Rose paused before the gate, and to her unease he did as well. Perhaps he was going to try and make some parting statement? Before he could say anything, she turned to the gate and said, “I believe this is where we part ways, then.”

Two guards stood on either side of the gate. They recognized her immediately, of course, and the one near the latch began unlocking it. “Good afternoon, miss,” the other stated in a welcoming tone. “Your father’s been checking every ten minutes for the past hour to see if you’d come in yet. We were afraid he’d start to send a search party or something.”

“You may announce my arrival, if you wish,” she responded coolly; she didn’t know these particular guards all that well, so she treated them the same as she did any other group of people. She still had an image to maintain, especially before Phil. The guard opened the gate to let her through, and as she passed through the gate she heard Phil’s voice behind her.

“Wait, Rose? Aiolfi… Rose…” He seemed to be considering the two names. When he spoke again, it was as though he had come across a shocking revelation. “You mean you’re Rose Aiolfi, the Godfather’s daughter!?” She turned and gave him a severe look; so he already knew her name, even if he hadn’t realized it. Just how much did he know?

“I can’t believe I didn’t understand this beforehand,” he smiled, “Rose can’t be all that common of a name, I should have realized…” He took a step forward, but was blocked by the guard who had opened the gate.

“Sorry, pal, but only Family and invited guests get in here,” the guard told him in a rough yet non-aggressive tone.

Phil paused and frowned at him, looking the man up and down inquisitively. Rose wondered just how he’d handle this situation. She should have just walked into the Manor, ignoring the scene, but instead she stayed to see how this event would unfold.

“I haven’t seen you before, so I’m guessing they hired you sometime within the last two years,” Phil told the man simply. He motioned to the booth the other man was standing near, “You’ve got a phone there, right? Call in and let them know Phil’s arrived.”

He had business with the Family? Rose was surprised, and a touch worried. Was she going to have to put up with him in the comfort of her childhood home? But the guard shook his head and crossed his arms with authority. “They tell us when to expect someone, and they said nothing about a ‘Phil’ coming in today,” he stated with a touch more aggression than before. “We don’t need to call them. Get out of here.”

Phil lost his pleasant demeanor: his eyes grew hard and he stood to his full height, which still put him being almost a foot shorter than the guard. He seemed to act as if he’d just been challenged. “You’re doing your job quite well,” he told the guard quietly. “Tell me, does the name ‘Sisu Philemon’ sound familiar?”

It did indeed: Rose recognized the name. Sisu had once been a hit-man for the Family, and had also been a very close family friend. Or, to be more precise, a close friend to her father, aunt, and a few others. Rose herself only knew of him through stories, and had never met the man; he had never actually been to the Manor to her recollection, and even in her youth she had avoided strangers. She had spent his last years with the Family in a private school, and he’d left the Family to start his own business five years ago. She’d never been enlightened as to exactly what his business was. Something secretive and dangerous, to be certain. Yet surely this Phil couldn’t be that same man?

“That name doesn’t ring a bell, but I’m going to ring yours if you don’t go now,” the guard snapped, clearly growing aggravated with him.

“It’s too bad you were never warned about me, but that would be my fault for not stating exactly when I would be arriving,” Phil responded. “Even so, it will become a problem for you if you don’t do as I suggest and make that call.”

“Kid, I practice boxing for fun. You don’t know what you’re messing with.” The guard uncrossed his arms and his hands tightened into fists at his sides. Rose wondered if she was about to see Phil violently thrown out the gate.

“Back off, Tommy,” the other guard interrupted just as Phil was preparing to say something, “the Don himself just called and said to let him through.” Rose blinked and turned around to look out at the Manor. Sure enough, she saw her father standing before one of great second-story windows. He was holding something to his ear, but at that distance she could only deduce that it was probably a phone. She saw him wave to her, but she didn’t wave back. She only tilted her head backwards slightly, her method of acknowledging the motion. He placed something to his face, and she realized he had been watching for her arrival with his bird-watching binoculars. She wouldn’t risk a smile, not here; she’d have to apologize to him later.

She turned back to see the guard, Tommy, closing the gate, and Phil on the inside of it. She resisted the urge to cringe, as the sight of him on this side of the gate told her one thing only: she’d have to put up with him for even longer.

Phil seemed to have instantly returned to his congenial self, and he reached a hand out to the guard. “No hard feelings?” he asked. Tommy glanced at his hand as though wondering if it was hiding a snake in the sleeve, then slowly accepted it. Phil smiled and held the man’s hand for a brief moment. Rose suspected that some silent communication had just passed between the two, but whether it was friendly or not she couldn’t say.

“Well then,” Phil stated as he turned to her, “shall we go say hi to your pa?”

Writer's Block

Character Detail: Rose

Full Name:

Rose Aiolfi


August 16

155.02 cm (approximately 5' 1")

Rose, in and of herself, is the center-point of this story. In mid-January of 2007, I was surfing the web for random images when I came upon this wonderful anime-style, bust-image of a young woman in a black wedding dress. I was temporarily obsessed with the image, and from it I devised the character of Rose. The story of Rose is based solely on ideas elicited from that picture. I later learned that the image was a fan-art of a character named 'Kurai' from an anime called 'Angel Sanctuary.' I know nothing of this character and made no attempt to learn for fear that doing so would distort my image of Rose.

Rose's first name was derived from the fact that Kurai in the picture was holding a rose, and the flower suited the character very well. To further press the nature of Rose's personality, I sought out a suitable last name as well. I eventually settled upon Aiolfi.

The name 'Aiolfi' literally means 'Son of Aiolfo.' However, the roots of the word are Germanic and come from a pair of words: 'agil' and 'wulf.' 'Agil' means sword and 'wulf' means wolf. Although it's not entirely accurate, I prefer to think that Rose's full name can be translated to meaning 'Rose of the Sword' or 'Rose of Wolves.' This, of course, was intended to reflect her aggressive and fiery nature.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.02.2010

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