
It all began one day when I was reading the news paper I saw this
Advert in the jobs spot security guard wanted for new position in
Hotel in central London location so I phoned the number given
And got a appointment for a interview at the interview I met the
Boss of the security firm I introduced myself William Watson bill
For short had I any experience with the general public to this I
Replied yes I have had plenty experience with the general public
As in my job at the moment I work in the passport office in London
Ideal bill just what we are looking for rates of pay was discusted
Lot more than i was earning at the moment so good when can I start
When can you start he said to me I will have to give a weeks notice
I said fine one other thing he said this job involves a lot of foreign
Women hotel staff there will be a lot of contact with them so don't
Get involved with them keep that thing in your trousers I laughed
At this he said I mean it I will take you down and show you what
Your duty will be and meet the hotel security staff
At the hotel I was introduced to the people I would be working with
Fine looks ok next we went to the annex where I would be working
Nice little office front of the building what do I think the boss asked
Me just fine I said I will fit in here just nice ok your shifts will be nights
Monday to Friday nineteen hundred hours till o six hundred hours in
The morning until we see how you do you will also be working at the
Weekends we will fix that later are you happy with that yes I said

So first night on the job I was given a big ledger to record al the events
That took place in the annex the keys to the annex lift and other doors
A big torch tools of the trade and a electric kettle very important and. A radio and call sign annex
Put the kettle on had some coffee wrote my name in the ledger

Started time date time of first patrol.
First patrol commencing first message over the radio
Decided not to use the lift was told not to use it anyway and it was a old
Lift stairs to second floor no first floor just how it was laid out all the six
Floors were the same round with a well in the middle of the building
Walked round the floor never seen anybody half way round got a message on the radio a complaint has been made loud noise on the six
Floor so up i go to the six floor walking round I could hear this screaming
Shouting going on gets to the door knocked on the door security can you open the door please all went quiet I knocked again nothing took out my
Master key and opened the door well there is a girl tied to the bed and
This guy standing with a belt in his hand i looked at the girl her back and
Bum were all red stripes I said to the guy put that belt down now who are you he was a waiter in the hotel the girl on the bed was a receptioness who lives in this room I do said the recptionest right I told the guy where do you live third floor get going he was out the door in a flash I looked at the girl let's get you untied I had trouble with the knots
Do you have scissors or a knife she did not have any so I had to go back
Down to the office for a knife decided to use the lift radioed back to hotel
Security all in order noise six floor back in the room I cut the rope holding
The girl naked gave her a blanket she was embaresed so what was all that about turns out she likes it well what could I say nice looking girl she
Was well i said you were making that much noise someone complained
She did not know that there was security in the building now as it was my first night I would not report the incident thank you thank you but if it happens again well so I left the room shook my head got on with my
Patrol sitting in my office down stairs I was thinking I will need to get a
Small television things to make my office better knock at the front door
Young girl forgot her pass to get in let her in her name was Jane she
Works in the hotel office she signed in the register book had chat with her for a while infact I got to know her very well in the time I was to work
In the annex she was living on the third floor got to know all the people
In the building about two hundred rooms in the annex fifteen hundred
Rooms in the hotel the people in the annex were my concern got to like my job very much got on with everyone just fine out on patrol one night
Walking up the stairs I heard this shouting going on looked up saw this
Man naked running down the stairs turns out he was Japanese stopped
Him on the stairs he could not speak a word of English I quickly took my
Jacket of and covered him took him down to my office sat him down calmed him down then I got on the radio to the hotel security informing
Them of the situation and that we would need a Japanese interpreter
Turns out this guy had been raped by a resident in the annex c I. D and
Police were called in so in the mean time we found out where the rape
Had taken place through the interpreter so up I went to get this guy he was on the fourth floor room number four twenty knocked on the door
Security he opened the door imformed him of the situation and I would
Need him down stairs now he looked at me for a moment then he said
I never raped him he came down stairs to the office the Japanese man
Made a go for him and had to be restrained c I d or police had not turned
Up yet so they moved the Japanese guy over to the hotel office
In the end the two poofs stuck together and the police could not do a thing about it so that was that but we did manage to get rid of the resident on the fourth floor that was involved on another occasion I had
With shirt lifters as we called them I got a radio message telling me there
Was a man coming over and had prmission from hotel security to get into
One of the rooms and collect a video recorder and it was ok for me to let him in I was to escort him up to the room then secure the room after he was finished I opened the room door I could not believe it there was mirrors on the ceiling and photos of naked men on the walls in the corner
There was this big rubber penis stuck on the wall well I stood there then I
Said to this guy in a rough voice get what you are getting move the guy
Was jumpy he was quick of the mark I had a look around again took my radio out and called the engineer and the electrician to come to the room
I was standing by the door when they came up what's up bill I said you have to see this I let them into the room old engineer bert said all my
Years in this hotel twenty eight years I have never seen anything like it
My we pal the electrician john said well well who is this guy I did not know at the time but I did find out about him must say he did not give
Me any trouble John and I were good pals we had some good times
Together go out for a drink or two or ten one night working in the annex
We decided to check out the prostitutes outside the building there were
Plenty of them going about so out the door he went one way I went the
Other this woman approached me would I like a lady for the night how
Much I asked her five pound for a blow job twenty pounds a shag well
It was much the same for all of them back at the office John and me
Would compare notes we had a good laugh John said this young guy
Came up to him in the dark and the size of him he was bigger than me
And I was six feet four John said he scared the life out of him he was a
Shirt lifter all right wanted twenty five pound no thanks John said and got
Of his mark quick another time sitting watching the television phone rang
Receptioness from hotel complaint six floor noise so up I go walking a round could hear singing turned the corner this guy dressed in womans
Cloths hat the lot what the he'll is going on here I recognize him he was
A pastry chef Frenchman took him back to his room get in there now what's this all about he told me this was the only time he could dress up
And go out people are complaining I said to much noise and scaring
Some of the younger people on the floor well it has to stop so back in the office radioed hotel security informed them of the situation no more action was taken he has been warned. Another night I was up on the roof of the building looking into the well of the building I saw on the
Fourth floor a man outside his room window perched on the window
Ledge he was naked and he had a bottle in his hand I moved away
And got on the radio to the hotel security now the officer on duty that night was Molly nice woman even though she was a lesbian so I filled
Her in on the situation told her I would meet her on the fourth floor
We went to the room we let ourselves in by master key the man was
Still outside on the window ledge the smell in the room was awful the
Man had shit himself it was all over the bed carpet up on the window
What a mess well Molly what's next Molly said don't. Want to scare him
So we moved slow towards the window I let Molly do the talking
His naked body was covered in shit he must have been rolling in it
Molly managed to talk him back inside I took the bottle from him whisky
Molly got hold of him dragged him through the window she was covered
In shit shirt trousers the smell got him back on the bed what now I new
Him he was a barman in the hotel best let his manager know I said we
Both agreed I think you better have a shower Molly back in the office I phoned the manager told what had happened said he would come over
Took him up to the room the smell he said I know the Molly appeared
All spruced up clean and tidy turns out this guy had been having family
Problems back in Ireland back in the office i filled in the report in the ledger Molly made out hers the guy was sent back to Ireland
Molly and I had some times together another night call from reception
Naked man walking about third floor so up I goes sure enough there he was but something was not right I approached him he was sleep walking
So on the radio Molly informed her of the situation oh I one more thing
Molly he has a hard on yes big so there we are me and Molly and a small amount of people had gathered Molly said you were right about
The hard on. What next now it is dangerous to wake a sleep walker
So I take my jumper of and I try to cover him up not easy sowhat to do now Molly comes up with the idea two small buckets filled with water
So Molly is at one side me the other and we are flicking water onto his face it was funny the watching people wondered what was going on
We brought him round now this man was so embarrassed so that was
That report in the book I had never seen a sleep walker before I thought
It was a lot bull but seeing is believing On patrol one night up on the sixth floor I was checking the toilets when I heard this grunting and
Moaning noise coming from the toilets I opened the door no lights I
Quickly turned the lights on there is a guy standing trousers round his ankles whith his prick in his hand wanking away looking into the well of
Building I could see he was watching a girl naked on the other side of
The building I let out a roar what the fuck is going on here the guy
Quickly pulled up his trousers made to go by me not a chance held him
In one of the cubicles on the radio to Molly explained the situation
Meet me on the six floor toilets south this guy I knew lived on the second
Floor what was he doing on the sixth floor Molly appeared seen the guy
In the cubicle I told her I had caught him wanking himself and the girl
Other side of the building well Molly took a dislike to this guy right away
Llives on the second floor the bastard she said so not a lot we could do
Had to let him go but Molly was deter mend to get him put out of the
Annex So i said what about the girl should we say anything to her
We decided not to worry her and I would find some way to make her close her blinds I did do that discreetly Two weeks later we had a fire alarm in the building and it was a bitter cold night Molly and me were at
The front door during the fire alarm all the people came out of the annex
She got her eye on that guy from the toilets she said to me there's that
Wanker he had a pair of shorts on nothing else Molly let them all back
Into the annex bar this guy you should have seen his face and he was frozen about three weeks later Molly did get rid of the guy

We were getting a lot of people coming and going in the annex five Dutch girls appeared on the scene three of them were nannies two
Were cleaners got to know them well as you did on patrol one night
Walking round the floors one of the Dutch girls stopped me said she
Had a leak in her room went to her room sure enough water running
From the ceiling I called old Bert the engineer and he fixed it All ok
My next patrol walking by the Dutch girls room the door was open
I said ok she came to the door she had on one of them baby doll
Nightdresses pink it was yes ok would I like a cup o coffee just put the kettle on it was all said in broken english but I got the meaning so in I go
I can tell you now I never got that cup of coffee she was all over me like
A rash she had my shirt and trousers of in no time she took my penis
In her mouth I was in heaven then it was my turn I put my hands on her
Breasts my mouth on her nipples sucking away moved my hand down
Between her legs she opened them up for me I moved down pulled her
Knickers down and of her legs I began licking her fanny sucking liking
She was moaning then I entered her legs wide apart we went at it for
A long time then she stopped she did not want me to come inside her
She took me in her mouth and I came in her mouth then the dam radio
Called I turned it of We just lay there for a short while saying nothing
Then I said I would have to go that they would be looking for me I was to make a radio check call to the hotel very two hours I left her on the bed
Closed the door made my way back to the office I did meet her again
Took her out a few times on my day of she went home to holland though
She wrote a few times so did I but I think she must have met someone
In holland she never wrote again nice we lassie

Jane from the hotel office staff lived third floor got well with her
She was at a Christmas party for the staff I was sitting in my office
When she came in it was about two o'clock in the morning she had a few
I could see that she had on this lovely party dress so in she came sat
Down next to me good time at the party I asked yes was good night
Only thing was one of the managers kept pestering me putting his hands
On my legs could not get rid of him then she got up said to me do you think I have good legs then she pulled up her dress above her knees
Well i thought yes you have lovely legs not to fat no not to fat I said
Are you sure she kept saying I think she was getting tired then she said
I want you to feel I said I think I had better take you up to your room
She pulled her dress up higher I could see her blue knickers now
Go on have a feel well I put my hand on thigh started to rub the insides
Of her legs she started to move side to side I took my hands away
Time you were up the stairs I said she started to kiss me then she moved her hand down rubbing the front of my trousers I was beginning
To get hard she pulled my zip down took out my penis she was pulling
It up and down then it was in her mouth this went on a while she stopped
And got up I got up moved her over to the desk bent her over the desk
Lifted her dress I pulled her tights down below the knees then pulled
Blue knickers down to join her tights opened up her bum cheeks and
Entered her slowly she began to moan as went in after a while I exploded inside her we were both sweating and shaking I sat down on the chair zipped myself back up Jane got up pulled knickers and tight
Back up smoothed her dress down sat down and said have you got
Anything to drink bill I have a small fridge cans of coke and orange
Water she took the orange that was great she said we will need to do
That again and we did a few times

Got a knock at the door one evening I had just started my shift so I opened the door a man flashed a card at me what's that I said he said
He was from the Sunday people and there was a story to be told about
This building and the people living here he made to come in I stopped
Him from entering sorry can't let you in after a while he went away I phoned the hotel security to come over I told them what had happened
Do not let anyone from the press into the building fine
Working on the Saturday night another one turned up news of the world
He had a letter from someone living in the annex stating he had a good
Story for them I said to the man could I see the letter yes I took the
Letter read it I told the man I could not let him into the building so he did try to get in by the main lobby of the hotel hr did not get in though
I showed the letter to security there was a big stink about the press
Stories about the annex people from head office came down to see what
Was going on all sorts of carry on who was giving information to the press Sitting at my desk filling in my ledger the letter from the press
Fell out of the book I would keep things in the back of the ledger
I picked it up started to read it again then I thought I know this writing
I went to my staff signing in book sure enough same hand writing
The man who it was I knew nice old guy worked in hotels for years
Patrick silver waiter
I never said anything to nobody waited to speak to Patrick when the time came he was just finished his shift I asked him into the office
Made him and myself a cup of tea as I said I got on with all the people
In the annex so. After a we chat with Patrick I came right out with it
Patrick I know you were the one giving out the information to the press
No not me he denied it then he gave in how did you find out I showed
Him the letter so how dose that prove it was me I got my staff signing
In book showed him Patrick was near to tears I will be sacked he said
No you will not be sacked nobody knows but me and nobody will know
And I will make sure now I tore up the letter Patrick could not do enough
For me after that he's a good old man

Never forget this one Saturday night got a phone call from reception
Fifth floor room five ten man knocked out in the room up to the room
Sure enough man knocked out hotel security arrived no it wasn't Molly
It was a new guy Frenchman he was nice guy so what had happened
Was this guy in room five ten had been watching football on the television with a mate of his his mate said he just collapsed in front
Of him beside his head there was an apple a granny smith hard green
Apple the window had been broken but not the full window a hole the size of the granny smith apple we tested the apple to the hole perfect
I had never seen anything like it before or after must have been fired
At. Some speed not to break the hole window it was funny at the time
The guy who had been knocked out had a great big bump on his head
I have never seen a bump that size before it was huge mind you it could have killed him so this Frenchman had the idea to shine his torch through
Window where the apple had come through his torch light hit on a window in the hotel seventh floor he got on the radio to his mate in the hotel gave him the information and they caught the guy in the room with
Some sort of catapult could not believe either the torch got the right room

The annex and me and the people living in it were getting like a family
Some would come down to my office anytime and I mean anytime
They trusted me that much they would tell me there troubles money
Sex family anything they would sit with me for a while then get it of there
Chest what it was that was bothering them I tell you I heard some
Personal stuff to be honest i did like listening to them most of them
Were home sick and just needed to talk they would bring me back
Stuff from there country French girl nice we lassie brought me back
A bottle made of chocolate with whisky inside it it took me a long time
Before I broke that bottle and it was lovely
I was smoking at that time the fags I got duty free great yes we were
A family all right

We had a man jump of the roof one night wasn't a resident in the annex
Though a guest in the hotel stone dead nothing anyone could do he did leave a note his wife had left him for another man something like that
So he decided to end it

There was a lot of coming and going in the annex some would get
Better accommodation else where fair enough woman about my
Age portages very nice Maria she had been in the annex a long time
Waitress she rented a place not far from the hotel I was doing my
Patrol she was on the second floor her door was open ok in there
I shouted she came to the door just packing and waiting for a taxi
She had a lot of bags I will give you a hand down with your bags
You can leave them in my office be handy for the taxi great she said
Got the bag into the office offered her some tea no she said taxi
Won't be here for another hour I will go and get some shopping
There will be nothing in the flat good idea I will look after your bags
So she got away in the taxi and I never saw her for weeks she had been
Visiting a friend in the annex I had just came back from patrol
Would be about elven thirty she came down the stairs I always had the
Door open so she came in for a chat I liked her before we new it one
O'clock I said I will get you a taxi no she said thought strange she isn't
Going to walk home at this time doggy place at night round this area
But it turns out she had no intention of leaving anyway and she told me so ok would you like something to eat yes she said opened the fridge
I had steak pie sandwiches tomatoes cheese she went for the sandwiches I said I will have the pie I will have to heat it in the microwave in the kitchen that done drank some coffee she enjoyed
The sandwiches good I did not do anymore patrol made the check calls
Put the patrols in my ledger and that was that we talked through the
Night she liked the new place where she lived so I had a quiet night
No phone calls nothing around about day break she came over to me
And gave me great big kiss on the mouth well what was that for she said
She had been waiting a long. While to do that next thing let's go for breakfast what about your work she said got three days off so have I
Great why not come back to my place she agreed right away we had
Three days of great sex it was heaven she moved into my and stayed
With me for nearly a year but she wanted to go home she wanted me to go with her but I had a lot of things going on and I had my flat did not won't to sell it so she left and I never seen her again we did write
But she must have met someone else

So back in the annex drugs was becoming a problem at night when walking round the building I could smell it very strong I did try to tell them
They would lose there jobs and accommodation in the annex a few did
The hotel stepped up security hotel security were always in the annex
Trying to catch the smokers after a time and a few incidents it died down
Things got back to normal well as near as can be

While on patrol I was on the second floor most of the rooms were empty
Getting done up so I would try the doors one of the larger rooms on the floor was in the corner of the building trying the door it swung open there
Was a boy twelve or thirteen in the room I asked him who he was oh James said he would be along in a minute or two James who I said
He's a manager in the hotel I thought what is manager of the hotel doing
On the second floor staff annex a lot of things were going through my
Head at this moment not right I thought who's on security in the hotel
To night right Molly just the job get on with Molly gets her on the radio
Could you meet me second floor annex met her told her what i thought
Was going on this kid was a rent boy I was sure Molly wasn't so sure
Manager of the hotel no ok let's go talk with this kid I will let you do the
Talking Molly we enter the room what's your name son Andrew who are you waiting for James the manager how did you get into this room James let me in what like is this James the boy tells Molly what he looks
Like ring any bells no Molly and I go outside well I think your right bill
Ok what now don't know what about the boy Molly said she would take
Him back to the office in the hotel got all sorts of files on prostitutes
Muggers photos police use them from time to time so it turns out he is
Rent boy new at the game never did find out who the manager was

Now and again I would come across people sleeping in the annex on
The floors in the toilets any place they found warm they would get into the annex in the day time no security on the door to easy so on patrol
Second floor checking toilets came across this drug addict he had been
Shooting up in the toilet there was blood everywhere on the ceiling walls
Floor did not know if he was a live or dead called hotel security get a
Ambulance quick explained the situation to them so over they came
Security did not know what do do don't touch him i said leave it to the
Ambulance people they arrived pretty quick anyway he was still alive
Lost a lot of blood how long had he been like that god only knows
I got the job of collecting the needles and shit he had left behind we
Had gear for this big rubber gloves apron goggles tongs that done the
Cleaners came in with steam hoses bleach cleaned the place up I
Was ordered to secure the toilet

Things got quiet for a while nothing happening in the annex I had to move from my office down stairs they were renovating the place so I
Got a new office on the third. Floor it was a old office used for stores
Until I took over so new office new stuff had a copy machine which was handy and I had my own cleaning lady nice she was black lady like a joke like to tease swell she would come In about six in the morning
Sometimes earlier one morning she came in Hoover going on I was
Doing my ledger reports for the night she came right up to the Desk
With the Hoover right in-between my legs oh you want to play i said
So I moved my chair back a bit she bent right over my legs her bum
Was in my face so I started to play with her running my hands up her
Legs ever her bum she was loving it still got the Hoover going I reached
Up with my hand to stroke her fanny her knickers were wet then the
Hoover stopped she turned and looked at me she said I want you
Inside me ok I got up turned her round facing the desk skirt up knickers
Down entered from behind we were shagging like two rabbits
She got moved on to another job two weeks later never saw her
Again what a woman

People leaving going back to there own country was regular
Two nice italian girls were leaving so they wanted to take some
Photos they had been in the annex well over a year or more
I knew them well one worked in the reception the other in the kitchen
The one in reception one day I was doing overtime helping out in the
Hotel I was in the reception area I took a photo of her with polaroid
Camera belonging to the hotel quick photos so there she was standing
One leg each side of a heater blows hot air upwards so I said to her
Are you feeling the cold no she said oh I said what about this it had the day date time showing her and the fire she was livid wanted the photo
No chance after I had shown it to the lads I made copies and put them up on her floor and on her door she said she would get me back she never did the other italian who worked in the kitchen she was very good
Making coffee she would invite us in when we were passing her room
So the two of them ended up in the office wanted to take some photos
Them with me ok no problem all going well the receptionist I think
Thought she would get her own back I let her carry on she had her
Hair all over my face her hands were all over me kissing she was
Getting carried away with herself are you finished I said she stopped I
Said to other girl taken the pictures got anymore film in that camera
Plenty she said ok get this one will you I got hold of the girl pulled
Her across my knee lifted her short skirt up pulled her white knickers
daIRDown gave her a playful slap on her bare bum did you get that yes she
Said she came running to my side she said put your hand on her bum
She was wriggling trying to get up by this time but I kept her there till
The photo was taken then I gave her another playful slap and let her up
Her face was as red as beetroot bastard she said me and the other girl
Were in fits of laughter I will have to extra large copies of that please you will not she said then she started to laugh to they were leaving Sunday
night I was of Friday and Saturday made arrangements to meet them
On the Saturday night went and had a meal Italian restaurant it was a good night they had the photos with them we had a good laugh at them

It was my turn to leave I had another job to go to with the same firm
The annex was to turned into a gym sports place I have great memories
Of that place The end


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.12.2010

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