

I always thought that my life was weird but never really considered how it would look to others. Sure I think my friend’s lives are so cool but I never let them see mine. Well assuming we stay around long enough for me to make any friends. My dad works at a law firm and we usually have to go place to place living in all kinds of locations. At one point in my life I thought a new school was my birthday present. Well as you can imagine it was really embarrassing when they asked why I was crying. The only thing I said was why is my birthday present early this year or why did I get two presents this year. My mother than told me that a new school wasn’t my present but that the only reason we had to move was because my dad had to move for work.
I was really hoping that this year we didn’t have to move so at least I’d have people to invite to my 16th birthday party. That obviously wasn’t the case when my mom told me we were moving. What she forgot to tell me was only we were moving and that dad was staying. So on my 16th birthday my present was that my parents divorce was final and we’d be going back to moms home town of San Antonio Texas. What she also forgot to tell me was that we were living on an Indian reservation but of course she would choose her old home, couldn’t have picked a better place.
I have to say mom’s old house doesn’t look that bad after all we both have our own rooms and we can repaint them if we want. It isn’t the brightest place in the world though it was always hot outside that’s a plus except at night then it is freezing cold. The house isn’t that big it’s the right for only two people. The only good part is that we wouldn’t have to move anymore hopefully. One flaw with this new move is my grandfather lives across the street not that we ever talked much. He told my mother when she left the reservation that he wouldn’t talk to her again until she moved back to the reservation but something doesn’t feel right here.

“Hey mom since when did we get a dog” I said as I stared at this cute little puppy who stared back so oblivious to the rest of the world.
“I didn’t know we had one why do you want one that will be a lot of responsibility for a girl your age” she replied which was the obvious answer for a parent.
“Hey you know the neighbors right do any of them have a puppy cause it wandered into my room actually how did it get into the house did you leave the door open” she obviously didn’t know what I was talking about.
“How am I supposed to know I haven’t been here for 18 years”. She replied I could tell she likes it as much as I do.
“Have you been listening at all there is a dog in the house and you aren’t going to do anything”. She obviously hadn’t heard the first time.
“Well what’s it look like. Take a picture so we can make posters later”. “It looks like a little wolf dog still a puppy with blondish fir almost the color of my hair”. It looked oddly familiar like I had seen it before. “Hey mom, when I was little did we have a puppy”. I didn’t think we did but I had to try. “No I don’t remember ever having a dog except was when I was a kid we had a husky”. Well now I know that there is something that she never told me about. I have to admit the dog looks really cute not to be vain but it kinda looks like me.
It felt like I was thinking forever, but the sound of the doorbell brought me out of my trance. I was curious about who was at the door people here don’t really know that we moved here yet and I didn’t think it would be this soon that they would find out. What would you know who was at the door so happened to be grandpa which explains why mom started screaming.
From the top of the steps I faintly heard “Why are you here you have no right to come near me after you exiled me for leaving after getting married!” He didn’t sound like the man she made him out to be he spoke really calmly. “I didn’t come here to see you I came to see my grandchild”. That’s when the screeching started. “I WANT YOU KNOWERE NEER MY CHILD YOU CAN STAY AWAY FROM HER AND ME”. She screeched with more anger than I ever heard her use before. “So it’s a girl I expected a boy like all the others this is going to change everything”. He whispered under his breath.
That’s when I decided that it had gone on long enough so I did what I knew how I confronted them. “Mom who are you talking to is that grandpa”. “Stay in your room mellony this doesn’t concern you”. “Well I heard my name so I think it does so let sit-down and talk”.
That was probably the longest sit down in my life. It started out with mom stating she hates him and ended with “I love you daddy”.
“Just remember your welcome anytime you want just come over”. Well I should take psychology when I get to college cause I fixed that pretty fast compared to what most people can do. “Can I see my granddaughter I want at least one look at her”. Of course with the new found love she left me alone with him.
“Listen melloney is it if you start feeling weird or start changing in ways tell me as soon as possible your about to go through something most teens don’t go through especially females”. Of course I was so freaked out that I said “sure” and that was it he said it was “Our little secret” and that we’d tell mom when it was over which just made the first day of school seem worst than its already going to be. Going to a reservation school was apparently the best thing for an Indian girl like me in her mind.
After my little talk with grandpa I had another concern what was I going to wear tomorrow.


Parents don’t understand how hard it is to find cloths for the first day of school. They don’t understand that first impressions mean everything in high school. I decided to wear my low cut v-neck top that shows my double D’s and my skirt that shows my perfectly angled legs. People notice when a new girl comes to school and there are only about 300 people in the school and 83% of them are guys. I went to the main office got my room and turns out we don’t change classes because there aren’t enough teachers. So we stay in 1 class all day and everyone notices when you walk in because everyone knows everyone and 1 person makes a difference.
I walk into my room and what do you know my whole room is full of guys. That made everything worst because when I walk in I’m the only girl so they all look at me. They all had the same tattoo so I’m thinking that this place has gangs and I should stay away. They seemed nice they had some manners besides the fact that they crowded my desk asking questions like why I had blond hair and Indians don’t usually have blond hair.
The teacher was pretty nice and of course it was a guy like almost everyone else in this school. I wasn’t the total center of attention just by most of the guys. That could also be because I have 1 brown-green eye and a blue eye which is really unusual.
The day went by pretty fast next thing you knew it was lunch which was fun I ended sitting with the guys from my class or at least 6 of them whose names I now knew was mike, James, Kory, Allen, Josh, and the oldest Paul. They seemed very nice they had more manners than the other boys who just stared at my boobs dumbfound they actually looked at my face but differently than the others. They stare like I’m one of them not like the others who stare like I’m an outsider. Kory was the most open he asked questions that the others didn’t like why was my eyes 2 different colors. I had to explain that my dad had blue eyes and mom had green-brown. He also told me that for a blond my thick blond hair and my 2 colored eyes make me look wild and exotic. Which under his breath he said how he likes the exotic girls. I have to admit he was really cute tall green eyes black hair muscular but not bulging about 6 foot 4. He had my eye and I caught his which wasn’t my intention.
Kory’s not the type of boy my mother would approve of but I didn’t care so it didn’t really matter.
“So Kory how long have you lived on this reservation”. Which I now realize was a stupid question.
“I’ve lived here my whole life I haven’t left much especially after……..” “Kory you need to learn when to shut your mouth she doesn’t need to know yet”. Paul sounded like he was about to rip off Kory’s head but I thought his rambling was cute.
“What do you mean yet what am I not supposed to know”. Of course Paul said
“We’ll tell you later after all you just got here”.
That just about ended that school day, we got back into class and Paul’s group surrounded me like I needed protection but that didn’t stop the rest of the boys from trying to shoot paper down my shirt 3 of them made it than Kory said to stop and they got scared and did.
I learned later that Paul’s groups were the big men on campus and I so happen to be with them and I felt in place. Going home was fun Kory and James were all too eager to see my house they all but ran till Paul told them to calm down. We got about half way there and I hadn’t realized that they were waiting for me to talk just like they do with Paul it was weird and kinda eerie.
“So Paul what was this stuff that you were talking about earlier is it important or something? When are you going to tell me it?” I said in a happy puppy voice like I was all too eager to know.
“I told you we’ll tell you later it will be important later but not know.” He replied in a polite tone.
We got to my house fairly quick it was only a 15 min walk from my house to school.
“Maloney who are these young friends you brought home” I hadn’t realized she was waiting in front of the house for me.
“This is Paul, Kory, James, Allen, Mike, and Josh they’re in my class.”
“Oh sweetie you made friends on the first day your really getting good at the whole new school thing.” Which I can’t believe she actually said.
“Mom you promised if I ever brought people home you wouldn’t say stupid embarrassing things.” Which was probably even stupider than what she said but they didn’t really seem to mind. I don’t know why but theirs something strange and inviting about them.
“Mom can you keep them busy for a few minutes I took gym in my cloths so they stay here and I’m going to take a shower.”
Of course mom being mom she didn’t pay attention to numbers just if she was a good enough hostesses, so of course she wouldn’t realize that one of them was missing. Boys being boys he was looking for the bathroom and happened to walk into my bathroom where I happened to be singing in the shower. I hadn’t realized that anyone was in there till I heard someone trip and almost fall into the shower.
“What the hell are you doing in here get out!!!!” of course it was Kory the peeping tom.
“What’s going on up there Maloney is something wrong.” Was the obvious answer she always used the obvious answer.
“Do you realize one of the boys down there is missing perhaps?”
“I think they’re all here how many are there 5?” “Mom there are 6 of them I know one of them is in the bathroom.”
“How did he get up there I swore all of them were down here.” “Well maybe you lost track of one of them like the one coming down stairs.” Of course she wouldn’t notice one boy missing to engrossed in all the others.
I was finally done it only took 10 minutes but it was the longest 10 minutes of my life, but I made it through somehow. I realized as I was coming down the stairs that I didn’t really know these boys that well but I didn’t really read into it. Then I realized something was following me? It was the dog who I had gotten around to name melody, because I had found out it was a girl like me. She looked so similar to me that I gave her a similar name.
I finally made it downstairs with my dog following me like the puppy she is who just goes prancing down the steps and jumps in Paul’s lap like his dog.
“Paul is that dog yours she seems to know you pretty well.” Obviously it wasn’t that simple.
“No I’ve never seen this dog in my life, dogs just really like me.” That made me madder than I already was its bad enough it won’t stop following me around but now it loves him to.
“Mom has anyone claimed the dog yet if they don’t by tomorrow I’m keeping it.”
“No honeys know one has claimed it yet but look at the bright side you always wanted a dog and you might actually get one.” She was always so predictable; it was so easy to tell what she was going to say next.
“Actually I was thinking that since I already named her we could stop looking.” She didn’t see that one coming. She just stood there with her mouth open, I’ve never been known to take responsibility for anything let alone an animal.
“Well what’s its name?” was all I heard from josh.
“I named her melody, because she looks so similar to me so I gave her a similar name.” I replied. I knew I probably just said the stupidest thing in the world.
“Well that’s really weird, but in a good way not in one of those creepy ways.” Was Kory’s answer which I was about to smack him for.
“Keep it up and I won’t go to the bon fire with you and I’ll just stay home.” That should shut him up for a little while. Of course he wanted me to go so bad that he stopped talking unless spoken to. It was very convenient, for me at least.

How I managed to get there without any uncalled for comments I don’t know. My mind kept wondering as we walked near the bon fire I never knew fire could be so pretty so I just stared stupidly, waiting for it to do something weird , but it felt like the fire was dancing its own ballet. It looked so graceful it made me just wanted to grab it but I realize what I was doing when Paul grabbed my hand and looked at me.
“What are you doing you could get burned” I never knew that he cared that much as to prevent me from doing something stupid. Most people I know would have just let me do it and made me pay for my mistake apparently I was a member of their group and the only girl which is going to be confusing I might add. I had a feeling that this day was only going to get weirder and weirder.
I was surrounded by my group around the fire not talking unless I or Paul talked to them. People would think it would be an unsettling moment but surrounded by them it was peaceful I didn’t want for it to end, but someone had to break the silence. Instead of me or Paul it was mike that had to break the silence bringing up the weirdest subjects for the next hour. He started off with “I wonder if a person can live without a heart and ended with “What do girls do when they aren’t with boys them do they drink blood.” It was getting very annoying.
I hadn’t really noticed how many people were there until I realized a group of boys had drifted towards me. That’s when the weird stuff started. All of a sudden out of know where Paul let out a growl to let them know that they were heading in the wrong direction, and looking at the wrong part. I never had anyone so protective of me not even my parents. What I really didn’t understand was why they were so protective I’m not that important, am I.
I had to admit he was really cute and he had this way of presenting himself which was so dominant. I was staring for what felt like forever when all of a sudden a striking pain when through my spine spearing me to the floor, I couldn’t stand it. Then I realized some one was carrying me I looked up, which seemed to be all I could muster and saw Paul’s strong, muscular, tan, and bare chest.
I hadn’t realized what he really looked like till now he was kind, compassionate, strong, hot, brave, and he was a leader. He was the type who didn’t take orders from anyone. I then got hit with another wave of pain this one more intense than the one before. I hadn’t realized until now that the only thing that let them know I was in pain was the expression on my face. I was surprised that I wasn’t flailing out of pain.
We were in his car I was laying in Paul’s lap across the back while mike drove. He refused to let anyone touch me at the bon fire. He looked like he was suffering while I was covered in sweat trying not to scream in pain. For some reason it hurt even more to see him in pain because of me. It was like being run over by a truck, burned alive, and ripped to shreds at the same time, I couldn’t help but spasm, my body started pulsating than when limp I couldn’t move but I was fully conscious with my eyes open. I could feel all the pain, see all their faces and I could see Paul’s face he could see the pain in my eyes. He knew something was wrong and told mike to speed up.
What felt like days later we were at a house I didn’t recognize. Maybe its Paul’s house. I saw grandpa at the house only to realize I was at grandpa’s house and not Paul’s. Paul told me it was going to be okay, he could see the pure terror in my eyes. Grandpa approached me like he would a normal person; he could also tell I was scared.
I’ve never felt such pain in my life and I don’t think I ever will. It felt like my whole body was being twisted and pulled from the inside out. I wanted to scream but I couldn’t make out the words. Then suddenly everything just went all woodsy. I couldn’t tell when it turned from the pain to this lovely dream of this beautiful forest.
I woke up with the realization that someone was watching me. I looked to my left and saw Paul in all his glory looking at me, he looked so tired. I had the sudden realization that he had watched me the whole time.
“What happened, I remember all the sudden pain and you carrying me but all I can remember after that is the pain.”
Then I suddenly realized I was completely naked with just a blanket for cover. When I realized this I blushed a scarlet red, and as I did he turned away and handed some clothes with the tag still on them.
“We realized you shifted out of your clothes when your grandfather cam out and wrapped a blanket around you so I sent Allen to go get some.”
“What exactly was that, I had this weird dream of a forest and running through it then to a house but then it went blank.”
“That wasn’t a dream what you experienced was real, and most people don’t remember as much as you did.”
“What happened, I saw paws and that’s basically it when I looked down besides the ground.”
“Those paws were your paws this may be hard for you to know but you are a werewolf and that pain was your first transformation.”
“Wait so you guys already knew what I was and neglected to tell me.” That’s when my whole body started to shake I didn’t know what was going on but their was a slight pain, but an enjoyable one.
Paul told me to take a deep breath and calm down but I was past that part I suddenly bursted into this beautiful blond wolf in my grandfathers backyard. Seeing I was in need of command Paul turned into this beautiful jet black wolf.I finally realized he was my alpha, he was the leader, I finally understand why they were all so obedient to him.
The others came out I think sensing his distress. They weren’t as big as him. I suddenly realized that I was the smallest out of all of them. It kinda made me feel short, but I really didn’t read into that too much I was just really happy that I was accepted in their pack. I didn’t notice this until now but I was looking at Paul and my tail was wagging a mile a minute. I felt really embarrassed so I dipped my head and hid my excitement with embarrassment, my tail tucking between my hind legs.
Everyone looked at me with curiosity, their heads tilting ever so slightly to the side. Someone out of know where someone approached me; my first instinct was to growl. I looked at the person for a minute and saw it was my mom. Instinctively I dipped my head and approached her. She looked at me for a minute and knew it was me.
“Even as a wolf you still have the same beautiful eyes.” She extended her arm and touched the side of my face. Instinctively I leaned into her hand. She didn’t feel the need to pull away. I heard the door open behind me jumped over my mom and went into a protective crouch right in front of her. I was searching for the intruder only to realize that it was my grandpa coming to say hi.
After my current out break everyone went into the house and I was still outside, I didn’t know how to change back. Suddenly Paul came out, taking off all his clothes and set them on the porch. Me, of course I looked away. As soon as he did this I got so excited but I didn’t know why. Some weird sense made me attracted to him and I didn’t mind.
He started to come over and I leaped playfully knowing he would follow. He saw I was excited and pranced up to me. Something in me told me what I already knew, that I was Paul’s mate and I didn’t mind. When he approached he gave me a hug (Or a dog version of a hug) and nipped me playfully. I whirled in a complete circle letting my tail pass his face and I smelt this wonderful floral scent.
I then realized that we were prancing around through the forest playing like two little puppies. Suddenly 2 dogs came out of know were I soon realized it was melody and a jet black dog running around like us. As soon as they realized that we were there they ran up to us.
“Who’s the black dog?” I suddenly barked out loud not realizing that Paul could understand me.
“That black dog is my dog sky.” That was weird because that dog looked like a mini him and mine looks like a mini me.
Suddenly when I didn’t realize I shifted back to my human form, leaving me stark naked in the middle of the forest. Paul who had averted his eyes hinted for me to get on his back and bury myself in his fur. That’s when I noticed that we weren’t normal sized wolves; we were the size of horses.
He ran back to the house and I was engrossed in his scent. It was the scent of pine and orange blossoms. Before I knew it we were there and he was walking past the house and over to mine (Probably to let me get more clothes) and covered the door so know one could see me naked besides him.
Some how I ended riding a black wolf through my grandfathers house. I had to admit it was really fun and he looked like he was having a really good time running around with him. He reminded me while we were at the house to get extra clothes. I, of course didn’t want to play as a human so I focused on what I felt when I changed the first time and it really worked.
He seemed really surprised that I came around back as a wolf instead of a human trying to sneak up on him. He gave me this look like he didn’t know how I did it. I didn’t really feel like explaining it to him so I flicked my tail for him to follow, and conveniently, he did. My first thought was that I really didn’t want the rest of the pack to ever come but they did, and they gave me a very pleasant welcome.
Next thing I knew I was between Kory and Paul. They were both snarling at each other. I had no clue what was going on but I didn’t like it. I let out a loud bark to get them to stop. They did as I said they immediately tucked their tails between their legs and glared at the ground.
If I thought Paul was the alpha I was wrong I was the alpha female and they all knew that and listened because of it. Even Paul listened to me and he was the alpha male. Everyone was looking at me in shock, they knew that I knew what was going on and they liked it.

CH. 3

I haven’t been part of the pack for very long but they already seemed to respect me as much as they do Paul. I’ve never had anyone follow me around before but Paul won’t let me go any where with out someone and usually it’s him. I really don’t mind he is really nice and does give me space even though we’re living in the same house. (Yah we sold mom’s house and moved in with grandpa since he had this huge house and all these rooms. The whole pack moved in!) I kinda liked the fact that he never left my side. People think we are engaged, which is basically true since we are mates and it is basically like being married.
We had this big date tonight it was our 3 month anniversary and he was taking me to this really nice restaurant, that he got reservation for from the money his parents left him. (He was technically considered rich but wouldn’t tell anyone but me.) He also bought me this really beautiful blue dress to go in.
Once we had got their I realized that he had reserved the most beautiful spot in the moonlight. He was so proper it was like he was the perfect gentleman. They were plating the most romantic song and he swept me away to dance with him. I was securely in his arms; it made me feel so safe and warm. I felt like he was the only one for me.
As soon as we were done with our dance we sat out in the moonlight looking at the lake that was running down the valley. He was in front of me kissing me tenderly when he pulled away all too soon. He got down on one knee on front of me and asked
“Melloney I’ve never felt this way about anyone and I’ve never been so sure in my life I want to make this official will you marry me?” I was awestruck for a moment and in a sure confident and tearful voice I replied “Yes I will marry you I love you more than anything in the world so yes.” As soon as I said that I was in his arms in a tender embrace, kissing each other so softly. As soon as I did this I knew I had made the right decision and he was the one person in the whole world I wanted to be with.
We made it home 2 hours later as wolves so elated we just had to howl. We stepped into the yard with the clothes we had worn that night strapped to our legs. As soon as we got into the yard the whole pack was sitting in the yard, waiting. They demanded the news and we hadn’t even changed yet.
We changed in the yard in no hurry behind the bushes that lead to the forest. When we got inside everyone was sitting on the couch waiting for our answer.
“Everyone we have some great news, we’re getting married, Paul just purposed.” The first thing I heard was my mom “say oh my god!” She was almost as happy as me the others were too except grandpa and Kory. I think Kory wasn’t too excited because he was jealous, and grandpa I could tell was pure concern.
For the past 3 months grandpa has acted like a dad. He was as protective of me as Paul was, but I didn’t mind unless the get into my personal space then I snap. I didn’t snap very often, I had learned how to control myself. It had only taken me 3 weeks to learn how to control my wolf, and finally learn how to stop bursting out of my clothes.
I had a fairly good idea of what grandpa was thinking when I told the group of our engagement. He had a gun in the closet closest to him and I think he really wanted to use it. I gave him a stern look knowing what he was thinking of doing.

For the next week I was bombarded by questions from my husband to be on where I wanted to go, what I liked best, and weather I get air sick or not. I told him my favorite flowers were cherry blossom, I don’t get air sick and that I always wanted to see Japan during the feudal era. He decided to tell me after that he had booked our honeymoon to Okinawa, Japan for their feudal era festival which lasted 2 weeks.
My mom had finally set a wedding date: 10-5-10 so we had 2 months to prepare a wedding. Considering the festival started on the 9th so we had a few days to prepare. She was trying to make this perfect; she didn’t ask were the money was coming from to fund it, and she didn’t care.
Paul and I finally got to share a room, because we were engaged and he swore not to do anything until the honeymoon. We were laying in this nice king sized bed that all the rooms seemed to have. We were snuggled in each others arms not even hot or cold just there. He pulled his lips to mine. He started tender and gentle, but then got more urgent. I had felt his tender kisses before but he had never kissed me like this before and I liked it, a lot. I wanted it to go on and I think he knew that, we were intertwined on the big bed getting closer and closer together. Next thing I knew he was positioning me on top of him still his kisses got more urgent. He started to take off my clothes. (There wasn’t much to take off I was wearing a silk short night gown.) Then he pulled away abruptly, I didn’t know why.
“We can’t do this now, not yet; I want it to be special. I promised we would wait for the honey moon and I will stick to that promise.” He responded noticing the confusion on my face.
“Why this is special to me, just being with you is special to me.” Was all I could say to his comment. He looked distressed so I pressed my lips to his to stop his worrying. He kissed me tenderly till I fell asleep, them he watched me peacefully until he was in the same calm place I was. Which happened to be in his arms.
I woke up the next morning and smelt the odd scent of breakfast. (Usually I never eat in the morning.) It smelt really good and I realized that today I was supposed to be the only one home because everyone had work except me. (I of course got fired for taking off the day Paul purposed.) I thought that I was the only one home at least. I scurried down the steps as quietly as possible; who knows it could be a robber who thought know one was home. Of course it would be my luck I had a gun in my hand and I almost killed my fiancé.
I looked at him surprised; I thought he was at work. He was setting a plate on the table. He saw me with the gun and quickly backed away. I looked at him in surprise. He walked up to me, very calmly and took the gun. He could tell I was surprised and he knew he had to explain. He took me into the living room so we could talk.
He quickly explained that his boss gave him a 3 months vacation with pay because he was such a hard worker. (We had moved the date to august 5th because we were ahead of schedule.) The wedding was 2 weeks away and he finally has a vacation.
His boss has perfect timing. I didn’t think that he would get a vacation so easily. I was prepared to have to fight for his vacation. Its times like now I thank that he is such a hard worker. I’ve only met his boss once and he is a very sensible man. He can get pretty dumbfounded at times though. He also looked like the type of guy who would fight for what he wants.
I started to eat this lovely breakfast that Paul made when I started to feel funny. I had this shock running through my body and it wouldn’t let up. Paul looked at me like he knew what was going on. I gave him a glare of pain and anger. If I wasn’t so distracted by this pain I would have added a new scar to his collection.
I felt my body shift but the pain didn’t cease, but intensify 1000 fold.
I wasn’t aware of what was happening, but I was screaming a faint but tortured scream. I was being lifted and set on the couch right behind the table. I could hear Paul talking and I could only faintly hear the words. It sounded like don’t panic and fight the pain it will be over in a few minutes. The wolf is trying to dominate and take control. Just fight and you will make it through.
It was only a few minutes but it felt like a millennium. The whole pack was surrounding me when I was at ease enough to focus. They looked at me like the most prized possession in the world almost broke in front of them. I tried to sit up but I couldn’t muster the strength. Paul was next to me, helping to support me.
Those next few days were like chaos. Everyone thought I couldn’t take care of myself, and to be honest it was really starting to piss me off. My temper seemed to get worse as the week went on but not toward Paul but toward the rest of the pack. They got this stupid notion that I needed a pack nanny. I figured out that if you snap at them enough they will back off and leave you alone, eventually.
The boys figured out the closer that it got to the wedding the more short tempered I got. For them they knew that it was a bad thing. They gave me some space after the first about 6 times. I didn’t mind after a while, I just felt kind of awkward being with them so much. They were really getting on my nerves now, especially since it was 2 days before the wedding and we were doing dress fittings.

This gave me more time to spend with him, fortunately.
He forgot to tell me that he had invited his boss to the wedding. I didn’t like having thinks told to me last minute. So I had the privilege of rearranging everything last minute which was soooooo fun. I had to reset the tables so that his boss and his family could all sit together. Half of the people we invited have to sit with specific people because they don’t like each other. Let alone put them at a table together.
I don’t like the fact that I have to redo the whole seating arrangement last minute but it’s worth it. 2 days until the wedding of my dreams with the man of my dreams. If only my dad could be their to walk me down the isle instead my grandfather is going to in his place. I had told myself that he was simply to busy but, I was really trying to cover up the fact that he was actually avoiding me and my mother because he didn’t want his new family to get caught up in our so called chaos.
Even though he was my father I decided to cut him from my life all together. He wants the best for his new family and I want the best for mine. He’s been calling, texting, and leaving messages and all of them I have ignored. He keeps saying he’s sorry and that he has work but he doesn’t because he has that whole week off, but instead he’s taking his new wife and son that he’s always wanted on vacation to get away from me and my mom as far as possible.
I hadn’t realized while I pondered these thoughts during my fitting that I had fallen asleep after spending all night redoing the seating arrangement. The rest of my day went quick as can be we finished decorations or mom did I wasn’t allowed to see and finalized everything. I was soon as tired as I was when I fell asleep during the fitting and swiftly fell asleep in my Paul’s arms nice and secure.

CH. 4
I awoke to my mom basically jumping on the bed screaming it’s the wedding day and I was wondering were Paul went. I spent the whole time while getting prepared asking my mom were Paul is, and the response was always the same it was her saying I wasn’t allowed to know. He was my fiancé and I wasn’t allowed to know where he was.
Everything was going so smoothly with all the essentials my dress was perfect and the guests were here. Even though I was aware that I would be walking down the aisle in less than a half an hour I was still worried because I didn’t know were Paul was and I was starting to get worried. All the brides’ maids and the best man was already in place they had no problem telling me that but they won’t tell me where my husband to be is.
My mother was trying to console me telling me that I’m going to love my wedding but I knew I couldn’t if I didn’t even know where the groom was. I was sure that it was just about time to go and walk down the aisle and I knew that because grandpa came in the room looking nice and handsome with his tux on. Before I went down the aisle I did a rain check on everything something old, new, borrowed, and blue.
I suddenly realized something was missing
“Mom I need something blue I don’t know where the sapphire necklace went.”
Was the first thing that popped out my mouth without me even thinking.
We were heading out the back doors that lead to the most beautiful forest I have ever seen. The sight of it with lights and beautiful decorations with all the wild flowers was breath taking. I had finally realized why my mom wouldn’t tell me where Paul was. It was so that the moment I see him it would be more special and a relief.
There he stood in his white tuxedo he was the most beautiful thing in the world to me at that moment. He gave me the most glorious and looked at me like i was the most beautiful thing in the world. the smell of the outdoors made it all the more special. We would be joined in holy matrimony in the eyes of nature beauty. I suddenly realized that someone was walking me towards him.
I stood there near him my heart racing i didnt hear the cerimony all i heard was the pasture asking me if i will be his lawfully wedded wife i could barely say anything all i could mutter was a tearful yes.
The evening went by like a flash of lightning. We stood in the middle of the canopy that was set for our after party. We were passed along the guests dancing until we found eachother again. We danced safely in the middle of the canopy. We werent the best dancers but it was enough to get us out of dancing lessons.
We cut the most elaborate cake i had ever seen. I thought it was the end of the wedding but we forgot about the wedding presents. I had hoped after the 20th present it was over but there were still 6 left and knowone would tell me who they were from they didnt have names on them so i was clueless.
We were rudely inturupted by josh saying if we didnt hurry we would miss our flight. Paul hadnt given any hints to me as to were we were going for our honeymoon. He only told me that it was going to be the most romantic night of my life.
I was deeply wrapped up in my thoughts when i realized that i was on the last present and it felt different from the restit was nt an appliance like the rest. As i opened it i realized it was langerie. when i realized this i started blushing redder than a tomato as everone else starting to crack up seeing my reaction. As i looked to paul i realized i wasnt the only one blushing.
I was interupted from my blush by kory saying he hopes we enjoy the present and as he said that i was planning ways to take my revenge. as soon as we get back i'm gunna give that boy a hard bit to his legs and neck so he wont be able to run or talk properly for awhile.
I was interupted from this thought by my mom telling me i had to change. I didnt want to go so i held onto paul for dear life but she was stubborn and forced me away. I guess now i know were i get it from.
Once i was away from my lover she pulled me into her room and pulled out a beautiful emerald dress apparently courtesy of my new husband. Apparently it was his idea of a wedding present which was a $300 dress and he was the stupid one who forgot to take off the tag. I felt relieved once my hair was out and the dress was on it was suprisingly comfortable.
Once she was done i looked in the mirror and wondered how he found such a beautiful dress and also realized that green was a good color on me. As i went down the stairs i realized that the party had moved inside. as soon as i hit the top all eyes were on me.
As we made our way out the door with everybody saying goodbye and telling us to have fun we were hit with a barrage of rice making our way to this beautiful escalade rental car that had just married painted on the back window with streamers on the back bumper.

The wait for the flight was long to me but that was probably because I'm very impatient. we went through the scans and the security which felt like hour we were on the plane within a half an hour of arriving at the airport we flew first class. it was very comfortable i fell asleep in my new husbands lap. When i woke up i realized i was being carried off the plane and into the terminal. I felt like getting up but he didn't want to put me down and i wasn't protesting it was less walking for me to do.
I wanted to offer to get the bags but they were already gone. I was about to ask were they went but he told me he had someone pick them up. I am still curious though i don't know were we are because the terminal doesn't tell me. As we left the terminal i realized we are in japan during there feudal era festival. It was beautiful, the men and women were in beautiful kimonos, the taxi's were rickshaws, and they had kabuki theater and hiku's going on. It was like a dream come true.
"Do you like it." Paul said. "I love it. it's perfect." I whispered.

For the past month he hadnt given any hints this was where we were going. He kept hinting that we were going to paris and europe, but not japan the land of my dreams. I had never thought in my wildest dreams that the feudal festival would look so beautiful even in such an industrial country.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.09.2010

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