
And So It Begins

It's not my fault. None of it is. Everything that's ever happened between us has always been his fault. HE'S the one who first slyly gripped my hand under a desk in social studies in 8th grade. He's the one who constantly tried talking to me when I moved schools. On my first day back starting my sophomore year, HE was the one who flirtatiously played with my fingers under our physics table. He's the one who'd randomly pop up at my house or invite himself over. He's also the one who went behind my back and asked out a freshman.


His words and actions lead me to my plan of attack. Had he just stayed with me, or at least informed me himself that he was moving on, this could've been avoided. But this is Cole Casey were talking about. Nothing he does is simple or unnoticed.


Yet, I'm the one being called an attention seeking liar. By him of course. Well that's what I was called for a moment. Then, he got a little wake up call and tried to get me back. One thing lead to another and now here I am, explaining the story of how my heart was broken before I patched it back up and closed it up for good. To Officer Darickson.


Now, no one died or anything, but this is gonna be a little difficult to explain. I suppose I should start off when I first got the idea...the idea to break Coles heart.



The pain I felt as my friends words played repeatedly in my head was overwhelming. What had I done to deserve this? Nothing. But now my eyes were opened to the truth. Every sweet word he'd ever said to me was a lie. The tears welled up but I blinked them back.


"I don't care." I snorted at Linn. She looked at me skeptically.


"But...I thought you liked him?"


"You thought wrong." I snapped, turning to my other friends.


Linn got on my nerves a lot. I didn't consider her a true friend. Every time something that could hurt me came up, she'd eagerly await my tears or anger. I learned to not give her the satisfaction of watch me hurt. After the third possible boyfriend of mine stopped talking to me because they liked her, I finally stopped thinking of her as a good friend. Now, as bad as this sounds, I use her for information only.


Anyway, Cole Casey was my dream guy. He was captain of the football and basketball team and played baseball. He had a car and his family was well off. He was relatively cute but not overly smart. I was stupid enough to think he'd actually cared for me at all.


"Did Linn just say Cole asked out Gina?" My friend Maria gasped.


I nodded my head and kept my eyes glued to my laptop. Maria was the only one that knew everything that had happened.


Just then, my phone vibrated. I glanced down to find a snapchat from Juan, Maria's twin brother.


It was a video of him twerking in the boys locker room. A grin snuck onto my face and Maria started cracking up when she looked over my shoulder.


Maria and Juan were more like best friends than brother and sister. I think it's like a Mexican thing because their whole family goes to school together and they're all around the same age.


"So what are you gonna do about Cole?" Maria asked, her laughter subsiding.


I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes for a moment.


Upon opening them again, I locked eyes with Maria.


"I think it's time Cole got a little taste of how I feel."




Maria was sprawled on my bed when I walked into my room after my shift at Pizza Hut.


"So...what's the plan?" She asked


"We're gonna hit him where it hurts him most."


She looked at me in confusion.


"We're gonna hit him in his balls?"


That had me cracking up.


"N-no. I wish! We're gonna hit him in his ego. We're gonna have him on his knees begging for me to take him back." I replied, still laughing.


"And please inform me how we're supposed to do that?"


I looked at her with a smirk.


"Step by step planning baby doll."



This is MOSTLY fiction. The back story though, is true. The fiction part is everything I wish I had the guts to do. Instead, I stew in my misery and pain from afar while he prances around with that little freshman. >-< no, I don't have anything against freshman...she didn't know any better. ANYWAY, I hope you like my imagination ^-^ played by Alex Pettyfer-Cole Casey is depicted at the top of the page!

Step One: Deprivation

"Detachment produces a peculiar state of mind. Maybe that's the worst sentence of all, to be deprived of feeling what a human being ought to be entitled to feel." 

- James Dickey


- Last Night -


"Maria, what is the saying about absence?" I asked her while pacing my room.


"It makes the heart grow fonder?"


"Exactly. Do you remember when I had that hand, foot, and mouth disease and I was out of school for three days?"


"Yeah...are we gonna make him sick or something?" She questioned, getting a little too excited.


"No! Remember how he started texting me nonstop about where I was? I'm in all of his classes so maybe I need to leave for a little bit. It'd be super noticeable." I explained


"Where would you go? And how long would you be away?"


"I figure, since he actually made a move with the freshman, it'll be harder for him to react to me being gone. So I was thinking like a week. I won't text him, I won't post of Facebook, I won't tweet, and I won't post on vine."


"Alright, but again. Where will you go? Especially with parent permission for a week?"


"Maybe I could go visit Bethany in Arizona."


"Would your mom be okay with that?" Maria questioned.


I shrugged my shoulders.


"Probably. She hasn't visited for a couple years and I haven't visited her at all. I'll pull the whole 'childhood best friend moved away but I need her now' thing. I have enough money and I haven't been sick since the fall. Plus my grades are up. There's no reason I can't."




"You can't."


"What do you mean I can't?! I need her! I looked up the prices and she asked her mom. I have enough, plus some, and Sarah's all for it. Come on mom! Please!" I begged.

"Why do you need her so bad?" She asked, raising an eyebrow speculatively

"Um...emotional support? I've been swamped with school work and they're finally slowing down a bit. I'll get all my school work and do it on the plane ride! Please mom." I begged.

I saw her resolve begin to waver and I knew I had to pull out the big gun. My lip stuck out a slight bit more than usual and I slowly widened my eyes a little bit. I tilted my head down slightly and looked up at her through my eye lashes.

I watched as her decision crumbled and her heart swell at my cuteness. At least SOMEONE thought I was cute.

Her eyes looked to the sky as if she was asking God to save her from my wrath of adorableness before she heaved a great sigh.

"I guess you can go. But I want you to get your school work tomorrow and I want most of it done before you go."

I fist pumped in excitement.

"I promise I will! Thank you so much mom!" I squealed hugging her.

I sprinted upstairs and sent Beth a text to tell her I'd be in Arizona on Saturday.


Monte is played by Sarah Butler! I've never seen any of her movies but she's pretty and she pretty much matches how I'd see Monte...

Deprivation: Part 2


I heaved my luggage off of the conveyer belt and made my way to the escalators. As I rode down them, I craned my neck, looking for Beth's familiar face. Finally seeing her hands, raised above her head and waving like the maniac she is, I sighed in relief. I struggled to get to her through the crowd but finally, we were reunited. Her squeals pierced my eardrums but I didn't care. Beth had been my best friend since birth. Her mom and my mom worked at a church daycare together as teenagers. We'd grown up playing volleyball and dancing together. In 7th grade, her stepdad got transferred to Phoenix, Arizona. Against all odds, we were still insanely close, if not closer than before she left. I think it helped that I was the only one who truly stayed in touch with her and there was no way for drama to be started.

Beth is an interesting character. She was the super popular one. I as the smart one. I guessed I would always be the sidekick. But now I had confidence, something I had been lacking the last time I saw her during the summer between freshman and sophomore year. Now I was a lot thinner, my hair had grown down to the middle of my back, and, thanks to my part time job, I had nice clothes to show off my volleyball toned body.

"Oh my goodness! I'm so excited Monte!" She giggled. She pulled me through the crowd and outside into the dry heat of Phoenix.

I looked around and I couldn't help but let the butterflies overflow my belly. This plan would kill two birds with one stone. I'd make Cole go crazy with my absence AND I'd be spending a week partying in the Arizona heat with my closest friend.

"So I figured tonight we could just go to Olive Garden here and then we'll head down to Gilbert. We don't have to party tonight. I know you're probably tired."

For clarification, Beth's stepdad-well now ex-stepdad- works in Phoenix. They lived in a city about 20 minutes south of there called Gilbert-Mesa. He had started drinking a lot so Sarah, Beth's mom, left him with Beth and her younger brother Connor. Sarah didn't want Beth and Connor to have to start all over again so they stayed in Arizona, much to my dismay.

We made our way to her red slug bug and immediately cranked the AC.

"You are gonna love it here." she gushed in excitement.

"I probably won't want to go back." I laughed.

She suddenly sobered up.

"So. Cole finally showed his true colors?" she asked.

I took a deep breath and explained to her how I had found out and the things I'd heard since I got the news.

"Well it's about time Linn finally had something truthful to say." Beth snorted, "But seriously. You and Maria are totally genius in coming up with this plan. It's about time girls got some retribution for the shit guys put us through."

I smiled sadly and looked out the window at the passing scenery of the city. I couldn't help but feel a little bit of guilt at what we were doing to Cole. It sounds stupid but he really was different when it was just me and him. We'd talk about everything together-our fears, our goals, and even past relationships. The last time we hung out had me trembling at the thought of it.

~3 weeks ago~

"Hey Monte. I just got out of baseball. Wanna go get some ice cream and hang out at the park?"

I smiled, the phone propped up against my ear.

"I guess that sounds okay." I said, trying to play it cool.

His low, nervous laugh rang through the phone.

"But this is just between me and you right? Not unt-"

I cut him off before he could finish.

"I know Cole. Not until summer. Pick me up in 10."

I sighed after quickly hanging up. I really liked him a lot. I didn't know what his reasons were for keeping us a secret but I wasn't going to complain...even if that meant he completely ignored me in school.

I heard a honk from outside 15 minutes later. He was always late even though I lived 2 minutes from the baseball diamonds.

Climbing into his Envoy, I leaned over to give him a kiss and like always, he turned his head enough to where I'd barely graze his lips and instead kissed his cheek.

"How about we go to the park first." he said, his eyes directly on the road.

I didn't reply because I knew that it wasn't up for discussion. It was a statement not a question and I knew just what he wanted.

Pulling behind a large shed so we couldn't be seen, even though his windows were tinted, he gave me a look that told me to get to the back.

He followed me back and put his legs on either side of me. Now I know that this may seem weird. Shouldn't I be the one straddling him? Nope. Cole didn't like the feeling of being trapped so instead it was like this.

He started to grind his hips into mine and I picked up on his idea. His lips were right there but all he did was graze them against mine. It was like he enjoyed teasing me.

When he had..."finished"...we climbed back into the front seat. He pulled up to McDonalds and he ordered my ice cream. Then we drove around for a while just talk about everything. This was my favorite part. Not the physical stuff or even the ice cream. Just seeing him act like a normal human being rather than a stuck up idiot. It was completely worth it to me. Until now of course


It was as if Beth read my mind because she dropped the subject of Cole all together as we pulled up to the Olive Garden.

"Come on!" she urged, practically shoving me through the front door.

"Surprise!" erupted from all directions.

"Beth. What the fuck is going on?" I whispered hurriedly, glancing around at the smiling group of people I had never met in my life.

"They're my friends, silly!" she giggled.

She pulled me into the mass of gorgeous people who were all yelling their names at me at once.

"This," she said pulling me over to a cute mixed burly guy, "is Logan. He has volunteered to be your chaperone when I'm to gone to keep and eye on you."

I took a deep breath, looked him in the eye, and gave a grin.

"I'm Monte. Nice to meet you Logan."

He returned the smile and stuck out his hand for me to shake.

"I'll just leave you two alone to get acquainted..." Beth trailed off as she walked away.



So far it was day 5 of step one and it was going amazing. Maria gave me daily updates on Coles reaction and I was having the time of my life with my new Arizona friends.

Beth took the week off from school but everyone else had to go. We'd sleep in till 11, get a quick breakfast, go to the gym, get lunch, and then tan or go shopping. By the time we were done, Logan, Daniel, Sam, and Kailyn were out of school. We'd go and just hang out at someone's house int he afternoon. But at night, we were wild. Like streaking through the streets and power boxing houses (a/n power boxing is more popular out west and in the south. It's when you turn off the electricity in someone's house using their power box located on the outside of their house.). Back in Michigan, I'd never dream of doing anything so daring.

"So what's todays update?" I asked Maria over Facetime

"That boy is regretting look at Gina already. According to my sources- Juan and Enrique -Gina doesn't make Cole as "happy" as he would like."

I shrugged my shoulders, "I already knew she was a prude. It's not like he was asking for a bj or anything. He's scared of real sex because he's scared of getting a girl pregnant."

"Hasn't he heard of condoms? Or birth control?" Maria cackled in laughter.

"He's really into the whole "no contraceptives" part of Catholicism." I replied, making her laugh even harder.

"My god that boy is loco. You know he won't keep it in his pants after he graduates. He'll have bebes running around right out of high school!"

"Has he done anything else? He's texted a couple times but all he's said is hey." I said, trying to get the conversation back on track.

"Lemme thiiiiiiinnnnnkkkkk..........oh! He asked me where you were a today in class."

"Nothing else?"

"Just that he'd still like to take you to the park. That boy is so stupid, thinking you'll go out on a date with him while he's with Gina. Or at all after what he's done to you!"

I let Maria ramble on about how pathetic Cole was but my mind was elsewhere. I knew what he meant. He didn't want to take me on a date. He wanted friends with benefits.

I felt an evil smirk forming on my face, my mind racing at the possibilities. Maria stopped talking mid sentence when she saw the look in my eye. I breathed out deeply and told her the next step in our plan.



All I'm asking for is 1 vote for the next chapter. I'd also love a comment! I don't continue writing stories that get no reads or votes.

Beth is played by Taylor Momsen (a.k.a. the little girl from The Grinch :o)

Step 2: Bait


One day she'll start sending you mixed signals, and you'll get mad because she finally learned how to play your game. ~ Unknown  

Coming back from Arizona seemed to have the desired effect. Walking into my chemistry class that next Monday morning, 20 minutes late I might add, had all eyes turned towards me. A smirk made its way onto my face and I lifted my chin a bit higher.

My normally slightly darker skin was glowing with a great tan. My natural red and light brown highlights were more pronounced and my legs looked great in this black pencil skirt that barely passed school dress code.

I looked all the cute guys right in the eye when I came in, excluding Cole of course. I even smiled confidently at Jake, a guy I had like back in middle school. He was still insanley good-looking and still a huge sweetheart. Unfortunatley for me, he was good friends with Cole.

"Hey Ms. Curben. I got in from my flight kind of late." I said sweetly, shooting her a charming smile. Not that I had to. She was my favorite teacher and I was one of her favorite students.

"It's okay Monte. I understand completely understand. When I got back from my trip to France........." and she began telling us in great detail about her jet lag.

I felt Cole's eyes on me but I ignored him and headed straight for Maria at the back of the class.

"Damn chica. You look like you just returned from a week of sex, not Arizona!" she whispered to me with a knowing smile on her face.

I laughed a little, glad that Beth had made me perfect a tinkly giggle before leaving Arizona.

"All we did was kiss. But trust me, it was the best kisses I've ever gotten in my life." I gushed to her, a blush reaching my cheeks.

"Is that so?" a tight voice from next to me asked.

I turned and was face to face with Cole. A very pissed Cole. He must've walked up when Maria had started talking to me.

"Yeah," I responded nonchalantly, "You know what they say about southern boys. Always the gentlemen!"

I giggled again, making eye contact with Maria.

"Arizona doesn't sound like much fun. It's land locked and its so dry." another voice said.

It was Sadie Volts. God damn. Why are people on me about this Arizona thing?

"Well to be honest, during the day the only good thing was the malls. But at night, they had the best parties and don't get me started on the guys." I told her, knowing that Cole was listening in.

"You got with a guy down there?" she asked doubtfully.

"Well I mean, we only made out. But yeah. I did. And he's gorgeous. He's mixed, tall, and very muscular."

"Prove it."

So I pulled out my phone and turned it to a picture of me and him in Beth's pool, his arm around my shoulder and the sun glistening on our caramel skin.

"So?" Sadie snorted, "That's probably just one of Beths friends that was in the pool."

I saw Cole smirk at me from the corner of my eye but I just shrugged my shoulders and changed the picture.

I literally heard the pop from Sadies mouth as she looked at the picture. It was of him in board shorts but shirtless and me in a bandeau, denim vest, and high waisted shorts. He was sitting on the hood of his car, a dark green Charger, and I was sitting behind him with my arms wrapped around his neck. My face was lit up with a smile. I had been laughing because Sam had said something funny. My nose was scrunched but in a cute way. What set off the picture was the fact that Logans head was turned and he was kissing my neck. We looked like a legit couple.

"Or maybe this picture is better?" I said, changing it again.

This one, I was wearing my bikini with black sofie shorts and Logan was in his swim trunks. Our hair was wet and dripping into our faces. He was sitting on a swing and I was sitting on his lap but facing him. I was basically straddling him. His arms were wrapped around my waist and my hands were resting on his toned chest. Our lips were locked in a passionate makeout session and it looked amazing. I was so glad Beth thought to take these pictures.

Sadie was shocked obviously but when I turned to look at Cole, he was staring at his desk, his hands clenching into fists. He almost knocked me off balance when he stood abruptly and stormed out of the room.

I glanced at Maria who had an evil grin on her face.



"You know what we need to do now don't you?" she asked me after class.

 I looked back at her blankly.

She sighed and face palmed herself.

"We have to make him jealous. No man is going to want a woman unless he can't have her."

"How are we supposed to find someone that will help us and will actually pose a threat to Cole? It's not like a bunch of Logan look alikes live around here."

She smiled evilly again and stared pointedly at something behind me.

Turning around, I caught sight of what she meant and my stomach churned instantly.

"Oh no Maria. Please God no." I begged as she grabbed for my hand.

"Come on Monte! He's not that bad! And he'd totally jump on the chance to take Cole down! Plus he's hot, which is just an added bonus."

After a moments hesitation, I relented and allowed myself to be pulled through the hallways towards someone I'd never thought I'd speak to, let alone ask a favor of.

Oliver Davis.



I was going to post a picture of Maria or Juan but Oliver is just too hot to handle! He is being played by Nicholas Hoult..the zombie from Warm Bodies (the only zombie movie I will ever enjoy haha).

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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.06.2013

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