
Fuck Off Justin Bieber (Preface)

No matter what ever happens, just know that I love you more than you know. I'm not sure if you can forgive me for keeping something like this from you so here it goes. Your father's missing. No one's talked to him in the last four months and it is highly unlikely that he's alive. As you know, I'm not the most reliable person. That's why I have to leave. I can't be a single mom or a single grandma when you have kids. I've always needed someone to lean on while your father was away. Now you're gonna be gone soon so I won't have anyone. I put the deed to house in your name so you still have a place to stay these last few months of school. After that, you can keep it, sell it, rent it, or whatever else. I don't really care. It's paid off and your father has all the bills paid till the end of the year. Please take care of yourself. I'll find you in a few years, after I can get over your fathers disappearance. I love you so much and don't ever think that I did this just for myself. We both know you were the more adult person in the household.

I couldn't help but let a few tears fall down my face as I read her letter a few more times.

“Thanks a fucking lot mom.” I muttered to myself.

I went out to my VW bug, my dog Lillie barking at the door for me to stay, getting ready to head over to my friend Leanns house, when that “One Less Lonely Girl” song by Justin Bieber came on.

“You need to get a fucking life you fucking asshole! Go find my fucking mom while you're fucking at it! She'll probably be in fucking hell! Fuck you too fucking Justin Fucking Bieber!”

And guess what was going through my mind as I slammed the off button on my radio.
“Fuck fucking fuckity fuck fuck.”

First off, I'd like to say I don't hate Justin Bieber. His song "Boyfriend" just happened to come onto the Music Choice channel when I started writing this and it gave me the idea to do the "One Less Lonely Girl" thing. Second: Just a little taste of an idea of mine (:

ALSO! That is Ireland at the top! Played by my beautiful best friend Ari!


Butterfly Kisses

“Who does she think she is Leann?! What kind of mother does this to her own daughter?” I ranted to my best friend.

“I don't know Land. You just need to calm down and look at the big picture,” she said, trying to keep me cooled down.

“What?” I asked confused.

“Well, you're an 18 year old single girl, you have a three bedroom house to yourself that's completely paid off, your senior year is almost over, you have a good part – time job at a daycare, and you have no parental supervision. You actually have it made.” she said, counting the facts on each of her fingers.

“You're right I guess. I mean, it's not like she actually did much. And I do have a pretty great job...speaking of that great job, I should probably get going. My shift starts in an hour and we have a new baby coming.” I said standing up and grabbing my purse.

“Alright girl. If you need me, just call or text. You know me. I never have anything to do anyway.” she said hugging me.

I tossed my purse into my work locker and walked back out into the daycare. I walked to the hall and made my way to the 3 to 6 months room. Working this room was the best. I mean, if one of the babies cried, more started, but most of them couldn't roll around much, they didn't fight each other, and it was a set job of feed, burp, change, lay down. We were each in charge of certain babies. Everyone else had two, but since I'm the newest, I only have one. Or HAD one. There's a new 3 month old starting today who'll be my second baby. It's her and Cole, the 5 month old I'm in charge of.

“Thank goodness you're here on time Ireland!” my boss, Bess, squealed, “I always want to make sure new babies parents meet their caregiver before they leave.”

“I know Bess. That's why I'm here.” I laughed.

“Well Cole just showed up. He's in his playpen. He was just changed and fed before he got here so you shouldn't have much trouble from him.”

“Thanks. I'll go check on him.” I said, walking away.

I went over to my section of the room. Now, instead of the one brown and blue playpen, there was a second one except brown and pink. The name sign on the end read “Penelope”.

“Abababababababa!” I heard coming from Coles playpen.

“Why hello there Cole! How's my little man doing today?” I cooed to him.

His floppy black hair was stuck up in random places and his big eyes stared up at me. He was such a cutie!
Cole giggled at me and started playing with my hair as I got the other playpen around for our new arrival.

“ I was told to find Ireland Montague back here? Does she watch your son?” A voice behind me asked.
I turned to see a gorgeous shaggy brown haired, happy eyed guy that looked to be maybe 17. Oh my gracious. I swear my mouth popped open and I almost dropped Cole.

“Uh no. He's a little boy I watch. I'm Ireland. You must be Penelope's father.” I said, putting Cole on my hip and putting my hand out.

“Oh. Sorry about that. I guess I just expect parents to be as young as me,” He laughed, shaking my hand, “My name's Liam Chance and this is my daughter Penelope.”

I looked down at the baby girl in the hot pink and white carrier. She looked at me with large gray blue eyes that matched her dads. A wisp of brown hair was on her head and her cheeks were cute and chubby.

I set Cole down in his playpen and bent over to unbuckle Penelope for her carrier.

“Good morning Penelope! How nice it is to meet you!” I said in a baby voice, “We're gonna have a lot of fun and you can meet your new friend Cole!”

I turned to Liam and started asking questions about Penelope.

“Does she have a colic?”


“Does she like to be away from people or around people?”

“Away unless she knows you.”

“Does she eat, go to the bathroom, or burp in a different way than normal?”

“Nope. She's a good baby.”

I nodded, “Alright. We'll see you at 5:30?”

“See you then,” he said to me before taking Penelope back into his arms, “She likes to be called Penny.”
I nodded again.

“Bye bye baby girl.” he whispered to his daughter before fluttering his eyelashes against her cheek. The funny thing is, she did it right back, as if it was a ritual that she knew well.

He handed her back to me and walked out quickly. I just now realized that I just saw a teenage boy give butterfly kisses to his 3 month old daughter. This little girl had more of a bond with her young father than I ever had with either of my parents. And it was probably the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.


Leann at the top my people!

Surprise Surprise!

"She did great." I told Liam, as he packed her up in her car seat.

"I'm glad. She's usually a pretty good baby for the most part." He replied turning to me.

I took a deep breath and went for it, "Here's my number and my address if you ever need any help with Penny or anything. I like to make myself available for parents if they need anything."

Wow, aren't I nice person...using a child as a way to get her dad to talk to me. I pity myself sometimes.

I held my breath and waited for him to answer. He smiled and took the piece of paper out of my hand.

"Thanks. I might take you up on that." He said.

We walked outside together, Penny sucking on a bottle as her dad put her in the back of his 99' Camry. I walked a couple spaces over to my car and began to climb in when I hear Liam call out to me.

"I'll see you later?" He yelled.

"Yeah. I'll talk to you then!" I called back.

I couldn't help but smile at him as I drove past. I wonder how old he is. I could probably find out from Penny's record but it's to late to do that now. I just want to go home and relax. Maybe watch a movie and curl up with some Chocolate Moose Tracks.

I can hear the bass pounding a whole mile away from my house. No one around me would ever blast music that loud. But then who would be?

I stifle a gasp as I pull up to my house. Instead of the flower garden with the little bird bath up front with all the lights in my house turned off, I see teenagers everywhere. There's even a couple guys yelling from the roof. Music is pounding so loud that I can feel the hairs on my arms vibrate. I see a keg on the shoulders of Tommy, our star baseball player and I don't think twice.

Jumping out of my car and running inside, I look for the obvious culprit of this terrible thing that's happening to my home. Just then I spot Leann making her way through the crowd. I'm pushed away from her direction but I push back and finally make it to her.

"What have you done Leann?!" I holler over the music.

"Well, I couldn't let a good party space go to waste! People were complaining about having nothing to do on Facebook so I told them if they bring everything, your house was open for business." She replied.

"I just got back from an 8 hour work shift! I don't want to be up at 6 a.m. just to have time to clean this shit up!"

"Whatever Land. You need to let loose a little bit! You're parentless! Live for once!" she said, sloppily trying to drink the beer in her cup.

Great. She's drunk. There's no reasoning with Leann when she's shitfaced. I might as well just bring in some meth and tell everyone to go at it.

I went upstairs and into my room where I sat for about an hour on my laptop, trying to tune out the chaos from downstairs. Finally I couldn't hold it anymore and had to head to the bathroom. When I got there though, I opened the door to find a naked Trish Monroe, the school slut, on her hands and knees with Tommy's dick in her mouth and his friend Jake doing her doggy style.

I barely kept the bile in my throat when Tommy said, "Hey Ireland. Sweet party! Wanna join us?" I shook my head quickly and went to the half bath in my parents bedroom. Thank goodness no one was in there.

I was just washing my hands when I heard the bedroom door open and giggling. I was about to walk out the door before anything happened, when I heard Leann's voice.

"Come on one will bother us in here." she purred.

Ray? Ray?! As in Ray Jefferson? The only guy I ever dated. We went out freshman year until this last fall when we broke up because we weren't "feeling it" for each other anymore. She knew I'd always loved him. Even after we broke up. We were each others first time. We were each others first love. We were each others first everything. And now that traitor ass bitch was trying to fuck him.

"Okay babe. Just lay down and let me do everything." I heard him say back.

I waited until I heard them get under the covers before sneaking out of the bedroom, trying not to look at them. I couldn't believe she would do this to me! Drunk or not, getting with your best friends ex is just nasty, dirty, and despicable. If she wanted to play that game, I could play it too.

I walked past the bathroom where the threesome had been going on and stopped. Leann had been like in love with Tommy since 1st grade when she moved here. Pay backs a bitch though ain't it though?

I opened the door and saw Trish and Jake passed out on the floor and Tommy putting on his clothes.

"You still up for something?" I said seductively with a smile.

He grinned at me and followed me to my room. Now I've never REALLY liked him, but even I couldn't deny he was hot. He was 6' 4", built, with dark brown, slightly shaggy with big blue eyes. Plus he had a baseball players ass.
The minute he closed the door, I pulled him down on my full sized bed and started kissing him. His lips were hungry and I couldn't help but think how great of a kisser he was. He was only in jeans, having tossed his shirt on my night stand. I began unzipping his pants and he helped me pull them off, revealing his bulging boxers. I tore off my shirt, not even thinking about how the only reason I was doing this was to get back at Leann. He pulled off my pants expertly and suddenly my bra and panties were off too. He nuzzled my neck, slowing down a bit.

"Tommy..." I groaned in his ear softly. I heard his breath hitch and the roped muscles of his back contract under my nails that were digging into his back.

He slipped off his boxers and pushed me all the way onto my back. He suddenly stopped though.

"Ireland...are you sure you wanna do this? I mean, you don't really seem like the never acted like you ever liked me..." Tommy said looking down at me.

"Look Tommy. I haven't had sex since Homecoming. I just need a no strings attached night..." I said, trying to get him to hurry up before I got out of the mood.

He nodded and suddenly began pushing himself all the way into me on the first thrusts. I gasped and moaned in pleasure. He picked up his speed pushing in me all the way harder. My hips arched into him to get him in more. He sucked on my breasts as my fingers knotted in his hair. My screams got louder and my head board banged against the wall with each thrust. I felt myself start to reach my high and I couldn't control myself.
I flipped him over and he grabbed my hips to keep my position. I pushed myself around him and finally got there. I went on about 10 seconds more before he reached his.

We laid next to each other in silence for a good 20 minutes, the only sound being the pounding music and people laughing, running, or puking.

"That was amazing." Tommy finally breathed, sounding shocked.

"You sound...surprised." I chuckled.

"Well," He began, turning on his side to face me, "Most people know you as that quiet chick in the back of the class, not some freaking crazy sex goddess."

I laughed, "I try not to be a slut but I was in a bad mood and need some pick-me-up sex."

"Did it help?" he inquired

"Very much." I winked.

Just then, the door slammed open to show a drunk and pissed Leann.

"You SLUT!" she yelled at me.

I covered myself and Tommy quickly.

"What the fuck Leann! Get out!" Tommy yelled.

"You knew I liked him!" she screamed.

"I figured you liked Ray." I said calmly.

She stopped dead before saying, "How did you find out?" she asked.

"I was in the bathroom hunny. Tommy had already offered before I knew about your backstabbing ass. I just took him up on his offer. Not my fault he wanted to fuck me and not you."

She stared blankly at me before turning on her heel and leaving. Well bye bye "best friend".


Liam at the top!!

Ain't You Cool


I groaned in annoyance. My head was pounding and the light spilling in from my window was not helping my headache. And now this fucking douche is pounding on my front door. I peeled my eyes open and realized Tommy was still laying butt naked in my bed, as was I. I heaved a sigh and slipped on his shirt that went all the way to my knees. Stomping down the stairs, I didn't dare look in the mirror to see what kind of sex hair I had going on. I threw the door open, about to cuss out whoever it was on the other side when I came face to face with Liam.

"Oh...hi. What are you doing here?" I asked before a thought came to me, "Oh my goodness! Is Penny okay? Is she in the hospital? What's wrong?"

He held up his hands chuckling.

"Penny is fine! I just got scheduled to work today at the last second so I was wondering if you could-"

"Baby! Do you know what happened to my shirt?" Tommy called, walking down the stairs in only his boxers. He faltered slightly upon seeing Liam in the doorway.
"Oh...there it is." he said, wrapping his arms around my waist and kissing my neck gently, "And who's this?"

"This," I began, elbowing my way out of his embrace, " is Liam. His daughter goes to the daycare I work at. He was going to ask me a favor before you interrupted."

Liam gave Tommy a wary glance before meeting my gaze once more.

"It's fine if you're busy Ireland. I know if I was him, I wouldn't want someone asking my girlfriend to watch their baby while we're...hanging out."

"No Liam! It's fine! I'll just be cleaning up the house all day anyway. I told you I would help you whenever you needed and I'm holding myself to that. Bring her on in while I get changed."

He nodded slowly, giving Tommy a suspicious look as I turned and walked upstairs.

I heard Tommy jog up the stairs behind me.

"I love how you didn't correct him when he called you my girlfriend." he said softly in my ear. I shivered slightly but pushed the tingly feelings I was getting away and walked to my closet while stripping his shirt off and throwing it to him.

"I think it's best if you just leave." I mumbled, clipping a bra into place.

"Come on Ireland. I know it was just supposed to be a one night thing but-"

"EXACTLY. It was a ONE NIGHT THING. Mainly to get back at my now ex best friend for sleeping with the only guy I've ever liked." I snapped, glaring at him.

His gaze was full of confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

I looked back at him in disbelief.

"Leann? She's like loved you forever. She practically throws herself at you when we hang out."

Tommy's face was pure shock.

"But I told her

that I liked you. I actually told her that like last year. Right before you and dipshit hooked up."

"Well she must not've gotten the picture because SHE'S the one who hooked me and Ray up."

He went to go reply but I suddenly heard the gurgling of a baby from downstairs.

"Shit. Look, I'll call you after Liam picks Penny up tonight."

He nodded and we walked downstairs together. He gave a small wave while walking out the door.

"I'm so sorry to interrupt your weekend. I just didn't have anyone else." Liam explained.

"It's fine. I have school during the week though from 7:30-2:30 so make sure if you need me, it's after 2:45." I told him, taking Penny's carrier.

He was holding her in his arms and did their butterfly kiss and then handing her to me. It was still the cutest thing I'd ever seen in my life.

"Well you have my number if you need anything. Don't hesitate to call." He said, turning to walk out, "Bye baby girl." he murmured before exiting.

That guy...seriously. He was amazing. I was brought out of my day dreaming by a weird noise coming from the living room. Slowly walking in there, I see Lillie rolling on the floor making playful growling noises. My dog is insane.

Please recheck the blurb thingy because I posted a picture of Tommy..he's so yummy!! I'm not sure where I'm gonna go with this. I think we should play Teams! Tommy WILL play a prominent role in this book! I've decided to throw in a twist! So let's get those Team Tommy and Team Liam things going! (: Comment! Message! Heart! And Tell your friends!


ALSO!!!!!!! Penny is at the top ^-^



My back was paying the price, along with my head, but it was done. My house had turned from a complete bomb site to the pristine condition I had left it in the prior morning. I glanced out into my living room to see Penny still occupied with the ceiling fan. That's one of my many secrets. If a baby gets bored, lay them down under a ceiling fan and they're hypnotized.

I rubbed my head in frustration. I didn't know what I was supposed to do about Tommy...or even Liam for that matter. Not that I was really considering talking to Liam. He was a dad. He's probably too busy for a girlfriend. Actually, he's probably still with Penny's mom.

Tommy was funny and actually pretty book smart. He had to be to keep his grades good for football, basketball, baseball, and lacrosse. I seriously had no idea how the kid did it. He was like a machine. I even heard that someone from the University of Michigan came to watch him play football last season. He'd be the first person to play division one football from Medford, Oregon.

But then again, there was stunts like last night he pulled...having a threesome in a bathroom. But then this morning he was sweet as could be. He acted like it was a normal thing to wrap his arms around my kiss me like I was the only girl he wanted to kiss.

And what's with this about Leann knowing that he liked me? If she would've told me, I would've done everything in my power to get him off of me and into her. The lies and decite just kept stacking up against her. She was like a compulsive liar or something. What else has she lied to me about? Was there ever any truth to the words that'd come out of her mouth?

She wasn't the only one to blame though. Even if she had slept with Ray, I should've have gotten with Tommy. Was I a terrible friend for doing that? Or was it justified? Or am I worse than her because I wasn't drunk? But she knew Tommy had feelings for me and never told me...

I couldn't stand anymore of this hard thinking. I started making hamburgers for dinner in a daze. I hadn't even been paying attention so I ended up with three times as much as I'd eat.

Hearing Penny start to get aggitated in the living room, I made a bottle and was feeding her a few minutes later. I'd just gotten her to go to sleep and was sitting down to eat my food before it got cold when a knock came at the door. I looked at the clock and realized it was time for Liam to pick Penny up. It took me longer than I had thought to clean up my house.

I jogged to the door and opened it, revealing a worn out looking Liam.

"Hey. Sorry if I'm a little late. The weather's crazy." he said, steppiung over the threshold. I glanced behind him and saw that it was raining like mad and the wind was whipping tree back and forth.

"It's fine. She's been good and I hadn't even realized the time."

We made our way to the living room where Penny was sleeping in the floor, her arm flung across her eyes. We both chuckled at her pose.

"You's not really safe for you guys to be out on the road...and I just made some hamburgers for dinner. Do you want to stay a little? At least until the storm dies down?" I asked, looking at him through the corner of my eye.

He looked at Pennys sleeping form and then turned to smile at me.

"If it wouldn't be too much. I mean, I know you're probably tired..." he said, obviously refering to Tommys prescence early this morning.

"It's no trouble." I blushed, leading him to the kitchen where I had the plate of extra hamburgers cooling on the bar next to my plate.

All of a sudden, he started laughing.

"What?" I asked in confusin, "Are you a vegetarian or something?"

"No...I was just wondering...were you expecting me to eat dinner with you?" he chuckled.

I started laughing when I realized what he meant.

"No. I just spaced out when I was making them. I was just planning on eating them the next few nights."

We got Liams food around and we were currently practically breathing the food down.

"So...if you don't mind me old are you?" I questioned, glancing at him in curiosity.

He cleared his thoat a little before he replied.

"I'm 16."

"Woah. Props to you for sticking with Penny and her mom." I said, my eyebrows raised.

"Well...actually it's just me and Penny." he replied, looking at his empty plate.

"Where's Pennys mom?"

He looked up into my eyes and all I saw was pain. It actually broke my heart a little. whatever happened wasn't good at all.

"Never mind. That was very personal. You don't have to answer that." I mumbled looking away.

He was quiet for a moment before replying.

"Jessica, Pennys mom, is dead."



COME ON PEOPLE! Give me some teams! I LOVE teams! I wanna see what you all think of the guys!

His Varsity Jacket

It got really awkward after that and Liam and Penny left soon after. I cleaned up the kitchen and then flopped onto my couch.

Penny's mom was dead? She wasn't that old so this Jessica girl must've died very recently. Maybe it was childbirth. Liam did look like the type that'd be with a tiny cheerleader. Maybe her body couldn't handle the pregnancy.

Just then, there was a loud knocking at the door. Lillie started going wild, barking at the visitor. I shushed her and pushed her away from the door before opening it.

"Tommy? What are you doing here? I told you I'd call you?"

He looked at me sheepishly.

"Yeah, I know but I figured it'd be better if we talked in person. I won't stay late." he said giving me those big blue eyes.

God damn it.

"I guess." I replied and moved out of the way so he could come in.

I saw him studying the pictures in our, I mean MY, main hallway. There were photos of my parents and I in places like Rio and Cancun. There was a couple from when we toured Europe my sophomore year.

"Wow. You're very...worldly?" he said in awe

I chuckled.

"My dad travelled a lot for his job. I got to go along a few times."

We went into my livingroom and sat down.

What is up with all these guys trying to make me feel awkward today? Can't I have a nice, peaceful Sunday evening?

"Look. I know I went about this all wrong. Having sex with you was not the best idea to do before telling you that I've practically been in love with you since freshman year. But I figure that if we don't do it again until we actually feel ready to, maybe we can make it work." he suddenly said.

I was actually surprised at the last part. He wanted us to wait until we were ready. As in like a couple? Or just like friend with benifits who liked each other? What am I saying? Am I saying I like him? I feel like it's more like I'm attracted to him. But I've a;lways been attracted to him. Just like looks wise. But so is every other girl in school.

"Why didn't you try to talk to me after me and Ray broke up?" I asked.

"Because you were about ready to kill anyone except Emma and Leann that came near you. I wanted to wait till you were ready to move on from him. I guess it wasn't till last night that you finally realized you were better than he ever deserved."

I guess that's true. I was an absolute mess after Ray and I broke up. he was the schools 'bad boy' and I was the only thing that kept him from going off the seep end. We were complete opposites but he  knew everything about me. He was my dark night and I was his saving grace. I'm almost positive the only reason his parents never sent him to military school was because of me.

"I know I'm supposed to ask you out on a date and all that jazz but I can't risk losing you again. Would my...I mean...would you..wear my varisty jacket?" he stuttered, the tips of his ears red.

I looked at him with confusion.

"Only players girlfriends wear their jackets." I told him.

He looked at me and nodded.

My eyes widened in realization. Tommy Hills was asking me to be his girlfriend. THE Tommy Hills. Like he said after our amazing sex, I'm the quiet girl. I'm not unpopular by any means. I just don't talk to a lot of people. But I'm cool with pretty much everyone. Tommy was very popular. He wasn't the most, but he was awfully close. And he was asking me out. I'm not shallow or anything but HELL YEAH. damn it Ireland! stop! Think this through!

"And it'll be a way to show Leann that you know about how she lied to you." he added.

That did it. My decision was made.

I leaned close to him with a smile and kissed him. This kiss was soft and he put his hand on my cheek.

"I promise you Ireland. I will treat you like the queen you are." he said after we pulled away from each other.

"When do i get your jacket?" I grinned.




Okay everyone! I figured out how to put the pictures IN the book :D so since a few people have already read the last chapters, this is just to inform them that there are pictures in ever chapter except "Hamburgers". That's only because I felt like Tommy (Played by Sean O'Donnell) played a more prominite role in this cahpter so his picture should be in this one! Good god that boy is HOT. YUM!!

COMMENT FAVORITE AND SPREAD THE WORD! I think maybe I'll post this book on Wattpad also...




Bildmaterialien: For cover photo: Karin McQuillan, Picture of Ireland: She's my best friend so no copyright! :D Liams Picture: Cuteguys on Penny's Picture: Danielle Sara Photography website and the little girl's parents (: Coles Picture: Leanns picture: Deposit photos
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.05.2012

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