
The Leap of Faith

The cement walls of my cell echoed my thoughts. Nothingness surrounded me and nothingness filled my mind. Solitary confinement was the best thing they could have done for me honestly. They told everyone I was crazy, too crazy to put in the woman's prison. They sent me to the local psychiatric hospital where I was deemed sane. So instead of putting me with the other rejects, they stuck me in here. At least I don't have to share a room with the men up stairs though. I have my own little room in the basement of Los Angelas Maximum Security Prison.
Banging awoke me from my day dream. Warden Craft swung my iron door open and was followed by a tall cold looking man.
“Charlotte Alexandra Marigold Gray?” the warden asked me. When I nodded he preceded in introducing the man, “This is Dr. Arnold Parson. He would like to speak to you.”
The warden was always vicious in a sly, manipulative way but even he looked inviting compared to this “doctor”.
“Hello Miss. Gray.” he greeted me in a chilling voice. He turned to the warden and nodded his head towards the door. The warden turned and left without question.
“I have a proposition for you.” Dr. Parson said.
“Hurry up. I have a schedule to keep up with.” I smirked
His face remained cold and passive.
“You have been chosen along with twenty-four women and twenty-five men to go on a pilgrimage to Titans Run.” he said.
“What the hell is Titans Run and why are you sending people there?” I inquired.
“Titans Run is a new colony formed by the US government to lower our population.”
“There are no other places to be colonized. They're all populated to their limits. I may be a felon but I'm not retarded.”
A corner of Dr. Parsons mouth turned up at this statement and I decided that I liked him better when he looked dead.
“Titans Run is in the past, the way past. It's before humans, before the ice age, and before anything except the necessities for a human to live. It's a paradise with a few dangers but nothing that cannot be avoided,” he began, “You have been paired with a man that has already agreed to go. If you agree, you will each get more information about the other."
"What about my...history?" I inquired
"You'll be the only one who knows it. You can reinvent yourself in an image you're proud of. You can have a great career as one of the first to make the pilgrimage! The next group would arrive and you and the others could lead the colony to prosperity."
"What if I say no?" I questioned
"Then you die."

Baby Steps

I was brought to a place called Kingdoms House. It was a mansion out side of Las Vegas. Vegas used to be a beautiful place I heard, but after World War III began, most of the large cities ended up like this. The buildings had been ransacked and either burned down or used as crack houses. The roads had pot holes in them the size of watermelons and could get up to six inches deep.
When we finally arrived at the house, I was in shock. The huge home looked like the poverty and population build up hadn't touched it. The architecture was intricate and showed small signs of age but over all the home was amazing.
I slowly climbed out of the car, partly because of being in awe and partly because of my aching back. A pebble made its way through a hole in my shoe and I was bending over to shake it it out when a pair of immaculate Doc Martens appeared in my vision. I stood straight up when I recognized the doctors shoes.
"Good afternoon Miss. Gray. I hope your ride was enjoyable."
I mumbled an acceptable answer and let him lead me inside. The entrance was beautiful. There were intricate drawings on the walls of angels and demons. The whole thing was slightly overwhelming but I was forced forward by two 6' 5" guards that appeard virtually out of no where.

“When will I get the information about my mate.” I inquired.
“You should have asked on the way here. There isn't any point now. You'll be meeting him in a few minutes.”
I was lead into a small study off of the main hall. The walls were made of dark paneling except for one wall which was covered in books. The doctor silently walked to the corner of the room. I was pushed forward by the brawny men that were flanking me. I realized the doctor was feeling the wall in different places, pushing in some parts and leaving others be. I suddenly heard a sighing noise and then a low hissing. A small portion of wall on the other side of the room opened slowly. Doctor Parson shooed the guards and ushered me into the whiteness on the other side of the door. The cramped room abruptly shot down wards. It was only a few seconds but it was enough to make me want to pee myself. We stepped out of what I guess you could call an elevator into a large room that resembled a cafeteria. There were a group of people sat down at tables in the center of the room and large stage with a podium on it in front of the tables. There were more armed guards stationed at the edges of the room.
“You may pick a seat. I must go and address the pilgrims of your arrival.” Dr. Parson said turning to me.
“Why does it matter that I'm here? Can't you just send us to Titans Run since we're all here?” I asked skeptically.
He put a hand on my shoulder and sighed, “You are the key to this whole experiment. Life is about survival of the fittest. You and your mate have been found to be the fittest in the whole country. You have been chosen to lead the colony when you arrive in Titans Run.”
“W-what? I'm definitely not the fittest female in the country. I've seen women that could bench ten of me with one hand!”
“Survival of the fittest is not only based on strength. It is mainly based on the balance of your strength to your intelligence. After much observation and tests, you were the one female that can not only out run and stab one of our best decoys, but you can keep a calm mind in the face of danger or anything else that could drive a normal human crazy.
“You can figure out situations faster than most humans and can be defending yourself while doing it. You have the perfect attitude for a leader...or co-leader because of your mate being the fittest male.”
I remembered the “decoy” he was talking about. Three years ago, before I was...incarcerated, I had been walking down an ally. I was taking a short cut to the bridge I lived under with my best friend Danny. I had started noticing a man that was following me. He had a slight swagger that identified him as a Tomber, a group of thugs that had free reign ever since the apocalypse. I began to walk faster and I could hear him gaining on me. I broke out into a sprint. I had a little less than two miles till I got to the bridge. I knew I could do it if he didn't catch up.
I was just getting a good space between us when I stepped into one of the many pot holes and twisted my ankle. He came up behind me breathing heavy from the chase. He reached down to grab me and I pulled out the small dagger that I carried with me. I shot out my hand and before I knew it, the man fell over with a thud. Of course at that moment, one of the very few police officers pulled up. That was the beginning of my life as a convict/murderer.
Without another word, I walked over to an empty seat and sat down. Only me and a man sat there. He looked to be in his mid-thirties and had a very receding hair line. His hair was an ashy blond with a few gray hairs here and there. A goatee slightly hid his pale lips. He didn't meet my eyes but from what I could tell, they were a soft hazel. He was a little plump and over all, he looked nerdy. Hopefully this wasn't my mate.
My thought pattern was interrupted when Dr. Parson cleared his throat and began speaking.
“You have all been informed of why you are here. You all have been chosen for a higher purpose. You have been chosen to give the human species a second chance. You are the first of many that will make the permanent pilgrimage to Titans Run. You all shall lead the human species to redemption. Without you, we could become extinct.”
He stood there a moment to let his words sink in. I looked round at the faces in search of any reaction. Most of their faces told me that they had also been threatened with death and held this man at no regard.
“Every person on earth has been affected by the continuous catastrophes,” he continued, “and you have been given the chance at new life. Each of you has been given a mate based on your age, intelligence, and education. Your mate shall be with you for your whole life. There are no divorces in Titans Run. Any violence towards your mate or anyone else shall not be tolerated along with adultery. Leaders for the colony have also been chosen. They shall have complete authority over the colony and will lead with the intention of grooming and nurturing the colony and its people above all else. Your leaders are mates and shall be an example for you all and future Titans.”
I took a deep breath knowing that I shall meet my mate in a few moments. I hoped he was kind. Violence wasn't tolerated in Titans Run but did verbal abuse count as violence? I also secretly hoped that he was cute. It'd be a great bonus to have a good looking husband.
“Would the male leader come up to the stage to introduce yourself?” Dr. Parson said into the microphone.
I searched for someone to stand up, for someone to make the claim of leader. The room was dead silent as I realized that there was a man walking up to the stage, he was just far enough away to where I couldn't make out his features. My mouth dropped open in an “o” shape when he stood on stage and faced us.
His deep sultry voice radiated throughout he room, “I am Tate Marcus Crofter. I am 22 and I have been chosen to be your male leader. I hope that in time, you come to trust me and consider me not only your leader but as a friend.”
He stepped away from the podium as the people around me began to clap. His speech was short and sweet but very effective from the looks of the people around me.
“Will the female leader please come forward and introduce herself.” Dr. Parson said into the mike.
I stood on wobbly legs and walked up to the stage. I had no idea what to say to these people. I only just found out that I was going to lead them. Not only that but I just found out that my mate could be compared to gods. As I approached the stage, I felt his eyes on me, but I knew that I would faint if I made contact with those navy blue eyes.
I finally stood before the eyes of the colony, my colony. I knew what I had to say.
“My name is Charlotte Alexandra Marigold Gray. I am 16 years old. I may seem young to become one of the leaders of our colony, but as leaders we are only here to guide and protect you. All of us are part of one big picture. We have been given a chance at a second life and a new beginning and we must make the best of it. I hope that in the future, or past I suppose, we shall become a united community.”
And with that I stepped away from the podium and stood on the opposite side from where Tate was standing. In all actuality, he intimidated me. He was probably 6' 4” or maybe a little taller. His body was obviously all muscle, although he was more lean than built. His skin showed signs of wear from the sun, giving him a slight tan. His hair was ebony black and was cut short, making it look naturally spiky. His eyes were his best feature. They were intense and they had a color of blue that I had never seen in anyone’s eyes before in my whole life.
I looked so plain in comparison to him. My father was Japanese and Philippine and my mother was English and Nigerian. I had a very exotic look but I thought it was a bit over done. My skin resembles the color of an acorn and my eyes are such a dark brown that they look almost black. I'm tall for my age standing at 5' 11” and my build is average, if not a little skinny. My hair is probably my best feature. I grew it out during my time in solitary confinement. It went all the way down to my butt and was the color of milk chocolate (My mother used to tell me this. I have never actually seen the sweet delicacy.) and felt like silk (Again, I was told by my mother.)
“As you can see, we have gone through a great deal to chose your leaders. You are all expected to treat them both as equal leaders, neither of them better than the other,” he began, “Now we shall begin pairing you with your mates. After, you shall be sent to Titans Run where there are materials waiting for you to begin building the colony. When your name is called, please approach the left stage to meet your mate and be given your certificate of marriage. These are to be handled with great care. They are going to be the first records kept at Titans Run for future generations to examine.”
“Tate Marcus Crofter and Charlotte Alexandra Marigold Gray.”
I nervously stepped off the stage and walked over to a man in a black suit holding a manilla file folder. I realized that Tate had joined me as I approached the man. He gave me our folder and we went over to sit down at a table. I refused to make eye contact once again with the man that is now officially my husband. Instead, while I blocked out the doctor calling off couples names, I opened the folder.
The first page I saw was our official marriage certificate. I hurriedly put it at the bottom of the pile and moved my attention to our records. They had everything about me put onto this piece of paper. Birth place: San Francisco, CA., D.O.B.: May 29th, 2304, Parents: Michael Joseph Gray and Alexandra Grace Smith-Gray, Siblings: Andrew Tyler Gray and Marshall Julian Gray. My school records were also included. They even had Andy and Marshall's wives and children on here. I was glad to see that there weren't any deaths that I didn't know about on here. After my parents died during the Siege of Golden Gate when I was ten, I ran away to Los Angelas. The government was killing orphans under the age of 12 in one of their earlier attempts to lower the population. My parents were the only deaths shown on this sheet.
I flipped the paper over to my new husbands records. I knew he was watching me, and I didn't care. Birth place: Springfield, IL., D.O.B.: October 17th, 2298, Parents: Thomas Zander Crofter and Carla Marie Greenland-Crofter, Siblings: Trisha Paige Crofter. There were no deaths on this sheet. His whole immediate family was still alive. I felt tears come to my eyes as I realized that if my parents hadn't have died, I wouldn't have had to learn survival skills, therefore I would not be here.
A hush fell over the crowd as the last couple walked back to a table.
“Everything you shall need to start your community has been sent to Titans Run,” Dr. Parson boomed into the microphone, “Your leaders shall go through the portal first, followed by everyone else. Please make your way through two at a time. I shall not hesitate to have one of my guards shoot you if necessary.”
The doctor finished his last words to the group and walked over to a smaller table next to the podium. He began typing something into a small contraption and suddenly there was what looked to be a circle of purple light coming from the machine. It was about 8 feet tall and warmth radiated from it. I stood immediately, file in hand, and began making my way towards the pulsating light. I felt Tate come up next to me and take my open hand. I didn't even know this guy but I was glad he did.
I took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and stepped through the portal and into a world very unlike my own.

New Beginnings

I blinked a few times and let my new home come into focus. I released Tates hand and took a few steps away from him. There was at least 5 miles of cleared land laid out in front of me. There were stacks of wood and other building materials to my left and a two-story building to my right. Everywhere else was covered in a couple inches of healthy looking grass. Around the edges of the land, there were tall trees and strange, but beautiful, flowers and plants. I took a deep breath of the clean, fresh air and sighed with joy.
I turned around when I heard another couple walk onto the grassy plane from the portal. Tears silently made their way down the woman's cheek and even the man looked like he was going to cry.
“Ahem,” came a voice beside me, “Hello. I didn't exactly introduce myself earlier. I'm Tate.”
I turned to look at him. This time I could appraise him up close. I could tell he knew he was good looking. His ego was practically bursting from inside of him.
“Hey, I'm Charlotte but everyone calls me Charlie.” I answered sticking out my hand.
“We should probably discuss how we're going to begin construction.” He said lightly while shaking my hand. His grip was strong and he held my hand a bit longer than necessary.
“Sure. I was thinking that we should ask everyone who had experience with carpentry and assign each of them to a group. We could have 10 groups of five. Each group has to build five houses. Those of us whose houses aren't done yet can live in whatever that building over there is.” I said pointing to the only building standing.
“How would we decide who gets their house first?” He asked cockily
I thought for a second and then said, “We could ask for couples to volunteer to be one of the last to get their houses. If not enough people volunteer, then we will choose for them.”
He considered my idea for a few moments and then nodded, “We need to set authority. You are the youngest girl and I am one of the youngest men here. There may be some older couples who think they should be in charge. If not enough volunteer and we must choose, make the older wait. They will understand that our word is law. If our law is not followed, we will make examples of them.”
Jeez, this guy is off his rocker. I understand wanting to make sure there was no treachery but he was kind of going over board. At least we went with my idea. I seriously hoped no one got on Tates bad side on our first day here.
When everyone arrived, we instructed them to sit down in the grass. We gathered everyone's files and I stood to address them.
“Tate and I have decided that building our homes is the most crucial thing at the moment. Because we want to build homes quickly, only ten homes will be built at a time. During construction, everybody will live in Titan Hall, which is that big building over there. After your home is built you shall move in but you have to continue helping the colony build the other homes.
“We will need couples to volunteer to be one of the last to get their homes. Tate and I will not have our home built until every other couple is housed. If not enough people volunteer, Tate and I shall choose and those we had to choose will come after those who volunteered. Will the husband of the couple raise their hand if you and your wife are willing to wait.”
Slowly but surely, men began to raise their hands. After counting, I realized that we had one too many volunteers. I spotted the man who first put up his hand and I turned to Tate and whispered my request in his ear. He gave a slight nod in agreement.
“You,” I said pointing to the man, “Come up here with your wife.”
The man who I sat with at Kingdom House and his wife, a chubby, happy looking woman, stood and walked forward until they were standing a foot away from Tate and I.
“Because you were the first willing to give up having your own home for who knows how long and we have one couple too many, you two will be the first to receive a home.”
The woman gasped and the man smiled a large smile. I couldn't help but smile back. I knew this was the beginning of a life long friendship.
After instructing the group on what they were to do next, Tate and I went to our separate groups. We wanted the colony to feel that we were going to work just as hard as them. Work supplies were distributed throughout each group. Each person was given a certain job they were expected to complete. The house plans were simple. Each home was one floor. The front door walked into an open area that would be half living room and half kitchen and dining room. Straight ahead would be two doors, one to a medium sized bedroom and one to a slightly smaller bedroom. Behind the house, there's going to be an out house for each house.
Construction began immediately. No one argued with the plans and no one argued with each other. When the sun began to set, I went to find Tate. Everyone was obviously tired and hungry. I needed the okay from him to send the colonists inside. He agreed and as I made my way to Titan Hall, he called everyone in.
Inside what Tate and I had decided would become our town hall, there were the necessities of the average home. In the far back corner, there were tables, chairs, mattresses, blankets, and pillows. To the right of me, there were jars of food, wooden plates and cutlery, and a huge bag with thousands of seeds in it. To my left was the miscellaneous; medical supplies, books, among other things. There was enough to keep us alive until we began farming and exploring the new land.
Food was distributed and everyone began eating. As we sat there longer, people began talking to each other, interacting. By the time the sun had almost set and a few candles had been lit, laughter and joyfulness was heard in every corner.
Tate and I went up stairs to check out what was up there. He lead me up the stairs, candle in hand. We looked around when we made it to the landing. From what we could see, there was just extra building materials, more bags of seed, and piles and piles of cloth.
“We need to keep this stuff safe. It should only be used when we really need it.” Tate said.
“Wow, way to state the obvious,” I snorted.
He gave me a glare and turned around to go back down stairs. I followed him and was slightly irritated to see that he was staring at some blond bimbo sitting a few feet away from the stairs. She looked a little older than me but not as old as him. I know that we were forced to be husband and wife but couldn't he show a little bit of control?
I pushed him aside as I went to go help a few couples unstack mattresses. Each couple was given two pillows and one blanket. Tate and I were the last to get ours. Our bed was set away from the others I guess because of our superiority. While everyone began getting ready for bed, I began going through everyone's files. I stopped dead at the third file I read. It was the file of Daniel Morse. Daniel as in Danny. Danny as in my best friend.
I looked around and began searching the faces. At last I saw him. I don't know how I could have missed him. He looked exactly the same. His hair was the same beach blond and his eyes were the same light blue. He looked a little older but that was to be expected since he was 26 years old. I had never told him my last name so that made sense of why he hadn't approached me. I had changed in the last three years and I didn't look anything like I had when I was 13.
I walked over and grabbed him by his wrist. He jerked up immediately in confusion. He still didn't recognize me.
“Danny! It's me! Charlie!” I said eagerly
He looked lost for a second and then he began to put the pieces together in his brain. Tears came to his eyes and he grabbed me around my waist in a big hug.
“Charlie! What happened to you! I haven't seen you in years!” He laughed as he let me go.
“Got picked up on my way back to the bridge. I was in solitary till a couple days ago.” I replied.
The bimbo from earlier walked up. Her eyes were filled with confusion at first and then when she saw our smiles, annoyance.
“Hey Danny. Who do we have here?” She asked stupidly, like she didn't know who I was.
“Dianna, this is Charlie. Her and I were living together a few years ago and got separated. She was like a baby sister to me.”
“Hello Charlie, it is very nice to meet our female leader. I hope you don't mind if Danny and I lie down now. We're very tired from everything going on.” She said with the fakest smile I've ever seen on a persons face.
“Please, call me Charlotte,” I answered with just a small smile, “And of course you may go to bed. Danny and I will have plenty of time to catch up.”
I said goodbye to Danny and went back to my bed. Tate was already unfolding the blanket and and laying it out onto the bed. I laid down and closed my eyes. When I felt Tate lie down next to me, I became confused. Then I remembered that we were now married, which meant we shared a bed. Wonderful.
I was just about to fall asleep when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned over to look at Tate. Though my eyes were barley staying open, his eyes were wide and expectant.
“What do you want Tate?” I whispered
“Do you find me attractive?” He asked straight out.
That made me wake up very quickly.
“What?” I asked a bit too loudly.
“Shhhh! I asked do you find me attractive?”
“Why do you care?” I asked
“Well,” he began, glancing away, “We have to make an example for the colony to follow. One of our goals is to populate Titans Run. I know we don't love each other yet, we barely even know each other, but I think we should be the first to have a kid. If we find each other attractive, that should be enough for a little while, right? I find you attractive so I will ask again. Do you find me attractive?”
I was speechless for a second. When I managed to find my voice, I whispered back, “Honestly you're probably the hottest guy I know. If I didn't think you were kind of a douche and we weren't sleeping in a room with 48 other people, I'd probably be all over you right now. But considering I DO think you're kind of a douche and we ARE sleeping in a room with 48 other people, I'm not gonna be all over you.”
He looked surprised at my truthfulness. He didn't understand that I really didn't care what he thought of me and that I'd tell him the truth about anything he asked. Well, almost anything...
I turned back over and closed my eyes, hoping to fall asleep before sunrise. I heard Tate sigh and shift. Whether he shifted closer to me or onto his side I didn't know till I woke up and found his arm wrapped protectively around me. The sun was just barely above the skyline. I tried to lift up his am slowly, as not to make him or anyone else. I had just thought I was in the clear when he let out a small snort and his arm pulled me closer than before. Figured.
I sat there for a few more minutes contemplating whether I should try again when I was saved...slightly.
He heaved a sigh into the back of my neck. I felt him yawn into my hair. I was glad we had slept in our clothes otherwise I wouldn't be able to control myself. I turned my head the slightest bit to let him know I was awake so he wouldn't try anything.
“Good morning,” he whispered seductively into my ear, “Did you sleep well?”
“I slept fine.” I answered lifting his arm off of me and standing up.
We had work to do and we didn't need any distractions.
Everyone was woken up and fed breakfast. We worked through the day with only one break for lunch. We were working efficiently and fast. By the end of the day, the first set of houses were finished and we were half way done with the second set. Ten couples had guaranteed homes already. By the time we were ready for bed, everyone was too tired to move furniture into the houses so it was agreed that we would stop construction early the next day so we could help the couples.
Tate and I sat outside after we were done eating. Neither of us said anything although I knew he was thinking about what I said the night before.
“Do you really think I'm a douche?” He asked sounding kind of pitiful
I hesitated before answering, “Not really. You just have a big ego I guess.”
“I do not!” He denied
“You asked. You just have this air about you. You make sure everyone knows you're the boss and you expect me to want to sleep with you the first day that I meet you.”
He sighed and nodded, “I guess you're right. It's just what I'm used to. I'm not gonna lie. Your the first girl who hasn't wanted to sleep with me.”
I couldn't help but giggle a little bit, “Actually I do. I just don't think it's the right time for all that mess. The colony needs to be more established before we bring new little lives into it.”
He nodded again and stood up.
“Well at least I know I haven't lost my touch.”
I laughed at this and followed him inside. We made the announcement that we wanted everyone in the colony to have a home before we increased the population. Dianna the Bimbo made a pouty face when she figured out what that meant but everybody else agreed with our decision. Silence filled the room except for a few occasional snores once everyone laid down. I closed my eyes in blissful peace, knowing that I had finally found my niche.

Settling In

It had been two weeks since we arrived here in Titans Run. Everyone except Tate and I had a house of their own. We were sitting alone in Titan Hall. We had just distributed the last jar of food (other than ours) and were getting ready for bed. I had been thinking about what Tate had said, about how we should make an example for the rest of the colony to follow. As much as I'd hate to admit to the cocky bastard, he was right. As leaders of this community, we needed to be the first to have a child.
As I slid into the bed, him barely noticing, I knew I was doing the right thing. All I had on was my under shirt and underwear. His eyes were already closed but I knew he wasn't asleep yet. His hair had already grown out a little bit since we got here. It gave him a rugged look that only made him more attractive. I slid under the covers, not sure how to make the first move. That's when I realized that I wasn't using instincts. I was using my brain. My instincts told me to jump his bones while my brain told me to be cautious. I let my instincts take over and suddenly I was fearless.
I slid my hand up his chest and kissed his neck lightly. He didn't respond at all. I did it again, this time letting my lips linger on his skin. His eyes opened quickly and his face looked disbelieving. I smiled slightly and reached up and kissed him on the lips. It was like heaven. His lips felt like feathers on mine. I felt his tongue lightly touch my bottom lip and I complied with his silent request. Our tongues fought for power, only coming up for air when it was really needed. The night went on and on and kissing escalated into touching.
He rolled on top of me, pinning my hands down onto the mattress. He began rubbing against me. I felt pleasure rise up between my legs and I moaned quietly. I felt him smile against my mouth. He pulled off his clothes in a desperate attempt to get closer to me. Taking his idea, I did the same. We were completely naked now and I felt him on my leg. He eased my thighs apart and starting grinding harder. I was still using my brain. I could feel it. I hadn't given myself completely over to my instincts. When I REALLY let go, I felt the adrenaline rush come onto me. I flipped him over and took complete control. I could tell he was surprised. I lifted my face away from his and copied the movements he had done when he had been on top of me. I felt my back arch in pleasure. This wasn't enough though. I tried to guide him into me and gasped in pain. Holy shit. He flipped me over again and sat up, not doing anything except looking at me.
“You're a virgin still?” he asked sounding confused.
I felt my face grow warm and was glad my skin was dark enough to to show the pink that was surely there. I nodded in response.
“We can...we can wait. If you want.” He suggested, although I could tell it was hard for him to keep from grinding into me.
I shook my head, “We should be the first with children. Plus putting it off will just make it harder for me to deal with. It'll only hurt for a little bit.”
He sighed but I could tell he agreed. So for the rest of the night, we did what we knew was right. And I had been correct. It had only hurt for the first part. After the initial pain, it was amazing. I'm glad too. It would've sucked to have to make a baby with pain and then give birth to a baby in pain. Haha. I'm so funny.

Being a Leader

Our house was finished the next day. Tate and I couldn't look each other in the eye all day. It was just so awkward. Our house had 3 bedrooms rather than just 2. It was also set away from the others, being closer to Titans Hall than the rest. Tate and I decided that he would lead the men in plowing land to plant the seeds our government. We also decided that I would lead the women in trying to find a fresh water source close by and finding edible plants in the woods. Our food and water supply was dwindling quickly and it would be a few months before any food we planted would be mature enough to eat.
"Women come with me please!" I called them over by the houses, out of the way of the men building plows and whatnot.
"While the guys are dealing with the farming, we're gonna look for edible plants and a water source. There will be 5 groups of 5. We will stay within yelling distance of each other." I said to the group, "May I please have Mary, Claudia, Rain, and Penny please come here. Everyone else, go grab cutting supplies."
The women dispersed and the girls names I called made their way to me.
"You will be the leaders of each group. Here are the lists of your girls. Please be responsible." I told them
They nodded respectfully. Each group made their way to a different part of the jungle with strict instructions to break branches and leave cuts on trees so they could find their way back easily.
We were out in the dense tropical forest for a couple hours before we found a good water source. Along the way, we found different species of fruits and vegetables. Not knowing if they were edible or not, we stuck them is separate nap sacks and brought them with us. We finally found a large freshwater spring with cool, clear water and fish we'd only ever seen in the very few books we had.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.11.2011

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