
Heavenly Rollercoaster

His motorbike stalled and shuddered to a sudden stop. He somersaulted into mid air feeling as if the world had suddenly stopped, in what seemed like slow motion he tumbled over and over, first hitting a parked lorry, before landing in the middle of the road. There he lay unable to move, in excruciating pain, blood seeping from his wounds but unable to escape through his leather clothing. It was unfortunate that he had not done up his crash helmet and it had flown into the air, landing, bouncing and clattering along the pavement like a football. Blood was seeping from his ears and nose and the pain in his head was intense. He had never felt anything like it. Even the blood touching his head was unbearable. He just wanted it to stop. His body wanted to fall into unconsciousness but his mind wouldn’t let him.

He tried to scream but it came out in a gibberish rasping whisper and even that seemed to vibrate round the inside of his head, like piercing symbols bouncing deafeningly and echoing through every part of his being. He was in too much agony to cry. He laid still, eyes open but not focusing and unable to move from the head down.

His body shuddered as footsteps ran to him. A figure leant over him and talked gently and soothingly but he couldn’t understand what they were saying. It sounded like a muffled foreign language spoken in fast forward.

When he heard the sirens he thought his head would implode. He drifted into a thankful darkness from which he did not care to return. No more pain. Just perfect soothing peace.

The paramedics cut open his jacket and started working on the young man whose heart had stopped a few minutes before. Even if they got it started they knew he was in a bad way and would probably not survive. Blood gushed out and ran down the side of his body forming dark sticky pools underneath him.

There was much commotion in the thickening crowd that were gathering to watch. Police had arrived and were dispersing the onlookers but asking any witnesses to stay. One Officer examined the bike which was unnervingly intact and looking under the saddle found the young man’s papers and wallet and other personal items.

“We have a name,” the Officer told the paramedics. “Colin Jenkins and he has a blood donor’s card and an organ donation card. He is 20 years old.”

Colin was having the best time of his life. He was on a rollercoaster ride that had very bright lights with interchangeable colours; it reminded him of a giant kaleidoscope bursting in the sky. Colours fell like shooting stars in all directions taking with them any earthly worries or concerns and showering down peace and tranquillity and love. He felt giddy with happiness and there was a sensation of warmth enveloping his body.

He was sharing his seat with a young man. He felt a deep bond with him as if they had been best friends. Without speaking, he instantly knew everything about him. Even though he was in human form but transparent ,the whites of his sunken blue eyes were yellow and his skin was jaundiced. Visible in his body was a wizened liver.

Colin looked over his shoulder and there was a young girl and a middle aged woman in the seats behind. He smiled at them feeling the same closeness and knowledge of them.

The little girl was thin and pale but had an infectious smile that lightened up her face. Although her body was also transparent, the only organ that was visible was a large pulsating heart that was beating extremely slowly. Her breathing was shallow but there was hope in her dark eyes as she smiled at him.

The lady’s face was etched in pain and she also was struggling to breath, her face was gaunt and her cheeks sunken making her dark eyes as black as ebony. She had large shadowy circles round her eyes giving her the look of an elderly woman. Her lungs were visible but she writhed with discomfort each breath she took.

Colin felt the urgency of moving on.

The roller coaster was free falling through clouds but there was no worry or fear just pleasure and knowing they would be safe. They sped through clouds, rising and dipping over bright green fields, over waterfalls, woods, and bright flower gardens that spread colour for as far as the eye could see. Finally they came to a halt and Colin climbed off. A crowd of beings were there to meet Colin, this time he recognised some of his relatives and friends, long ago deceased. Although he knew who they were, they were not in human form but made up of transparent atoms unlike the other passengers in the rollercoaster. Colin’s grandfather came forward and gave him a hug.

“You know what you need to do, Colin. Look after them. See you soon.” He whispered as he held him close.

Colin nodded and climbed back into his seat. The rollercoaster sped off again, this time the ride was faster. As they rode along Colin was immersed by the knowledge of the others stories without them speaking.

The rollercoaster floated up and down through clouds and over beautiful meadows and rivers. This place was more beautiful than anywhere they had ever seen. Coloured flowers sprang up as they sped past and their sweet aroma filled their nostrils. Soon their journey was over and they were back to where they started. As they talked through thoughts, the little girl got off and giving Colin a hug seemed to disintegrate into a cloud and disappear. In a silent way, they had all connected. After a while the middle aged lady got off and blowing them both a kiss she disappeared in the same way as the little girl. Very soon after, the young man shook hands and left the same way. Not a word had been exchanged but Colin knew everything about them and they about him.

Off the rollercoaster went again, this time stopping on a long sandy beach, where the sun was shining and the sea was the bluest he had ever seen. His grandfather was waiting for him and they strolled along with arms round each other’s shoulders. Colin had never felt contentment, happiness or love like it.

The little girl woke after her kidney transplant. The first person she asked for was Colin.

“Who is Colin?” her mum asked. “The man on the rollercoaster, he was very kind.”

“I think the anaesthetic has affected her but she will be ok once it wears off.” Dr Hamilton said, examining his patient and scratching his head. But his thoughts were different.

It had been a busy day, three transplants in the one day, a little girl, a lady and a young lad.
The others were doing well too. But it was a strange thing. They all asked for Colin and talked about the rollercoaster when they came round after their transplants.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.02.2013

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