
chapter 1


What the fuck……? I never knew how love would find me. I didn’t know I was even lucky enough to be his forever. Your lover is like your other half. Love is the paradise you get to go to when you find the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. Its like the chocolate you eat when your on your period its great. You may say with you till the end, but true love never ends. My lover has a mysterious secret that may make or brake our forever.

So here is the story of my life to find the happiness of love itself.

Chapter 1: (Sarah)

Going to Rome was not my idea, it was a pitiful mistake that is going to ruin our lives if we go on with it.
But my friend Paige who is a preppy girl with red hair and green eyes that could get any guys attention, who also came up with the brilliant idea disagrees with every and everything I say.
So as a positive plus she even called the cab, she wanted us to go because our relationship statuses were not to her liking. Some would think it would be easy for us because we're 'beautiful', and I can't disagree with that because I have long brown hair, blue eyes that could consume a mans soul.
I see the yellow car pull up to my apartment in downtown New York and I instinctually think.
'Look at it smile at me just hoping I will get in and ruin my life'
“ Sarah do you want to be late for the airport?” said Paige. Why did she even ask me, she already knew the answer.
“I don’t want to and look who's talking, are you even dressed yet?” I said
“ Was your intention of that comment to make me go change so you can spend a few more minutes in New York and girl you know we couldn’t have stayed in New York City for much longer anyhow”. she said and went on to say. “Have you forgotten the reason we have to keep moving, or do you not want to remember.”
Of course how could I could forget, I will never forget it, yet I start to do a flashback when Paige hits me with a pillow and giggles.
“ Cabs here, so get your melancholy ass off that chair and out the door.” she says.
We get into the cab after packing all of our stuff in the back. Our driver was a weird man who reminded me of some one, so I pondered on who it could be when he tells us we're at our destination, and num to kindly tells us.
“ Get your shit and get out.” he spat, I would have but the beat down on his ass when Paige says its not worth it, you'll brake a nail. I give her a questioning look that signals her to shut it.

..Thirty minutes later..

God I hate airport security, this guy in front of us had to take off his shoes. His feet smelled so bad and to make it worse there was a big hairy mole on his left pinky toe.
“ ewwwwww…” everyone said in the line, god skunks probably would puke if they smelled it.

chapter 2

Chapter 2: ( Alexander) In my wolf form I was scary as hell, as a result no other alphas like me wanted even be in the town or area let alone the same country. In my human form women whistled and winked, and also gave phone numbers. But I wasn’t interested the only one I would ever want is my female.

“ What are you looking at.” says one of my pack to another. God sometimes I wanted kill them, i mean how they talk to each other but I needed my pack to help me in securing the lives of the people in Antonio. Vampires were not our main concern because other packs are always trying to get into our territory but the blood suckers were a close second.

“ Ok guys brake it up” I growl.  They all fall back from they’re chairs, and crashed to the floor. 

“ Ok god we will.” said Bob, and they all agreed I didn’t have to be so mean. But I was the boss of the pack , and they need to know who was pack leader. So in other words they better understand who’s boss now since I’ve been alpha for five years since my dad died. I’ve lead a few missions, killed a lot of vampires.

  “ So what do we do today?” asked Bob. My pack members names are Gregory, Philip, Harry, Bruno, and Trevor. Philip is already mated with a female named jess and are already expecting a child. Gregory, Harry, Bruno, and Trevor don’t want to be mated to anyone, or to find their females because they thought it was bullshit. I want a female, and it starts out with an attraction, then the male will want to protect her. The only way to find out if she is your true female is if you can get her impregnated, because she is the only one you can draw sperm for.  Philip says that when he is with Jess all he wants to do is kiss the ground she walks on. He also says that when he first meet her all of the grief, loss, and sadness in his heart was pushed out by the very sight of her. I think that when I find my mate things will be different from what he says. Not even the sight her will lift the pain I have from causing the sorrow of others because of the events of that infernal mission. 

“ I don’t know I might go check out our newest hit on those two vampires that were poking their heads into our history.” I say.

“ Do you want us to come with you?” one of them asks.

“ No I can do this alone, and its my job and mine alone.” I say.

“ Before u go, can u tell us what happened with that mission we did before”. says Gregory. They all look at me, these were not the men I took with me on the mission it was there fathers, they were only pups at the time not ready to fight. 

“ Well me and my old pack heard that their was an uprising coven of vampires rising in numbers. We went to go check it out and take care of the problem. Their were at least twenty of them. We were out numbered, by at least ten and we started fighting to destroy them but they’re were just so many of them.” I try not to get to emotional so I swallow the pain, inclosing it in my throat and try to finish.  “ The pack and I were about finished with them when I noticed two of the last remaining was escaping. So I looked at the others and they said they could finish off the last one, who was blocking the exit, so the other two could make it out. I went outside and was pursuing on them, sniffing them out, and suddenly I heard the crackling off wood, and smelled smoke.  I went back and saw that the church they were staying in was on fire. I heard howling, I tried to get in but it was to late the building was collapsing on top of them. I went home ashamed and had to tell you and your mothers that I was the stupid young alpha that got their fathers or husbands killed.” I say.

“ Its not your fault, if I was you I would have done the same thing, but I wouldn’t be hung up on it as much. I would have forgiven myself by now, because we, and our mothers have forgiven you.” said Philip. It seems they all agree so I leave with a little less sadness in my heart. 

“ Well I got to go check out that lead”. I say.

chapter 3

Chapter 3: (Sarah) As soon as we got off the plane, waiting in the lobby Paige immediately started flirting with a guy named Stephan. I go outside so my mind wouldn’t be imprinted with picture of Paige with some guy.  So I walk outside for some air, and well I didn’t really get any because this dumb cracker was smoking right next to me so I snapped his neck and hid the body where he belongs… in hell.  God I hate smokers, they just make me mad. I’ve been around a long, long time and I wont die because the world ends due to some stupid fuck is sad so need a puff.  I start to think of ways to dismember his body, when a person with a lot of strength puts a blindfold on me, and pulls me into a car.  Something hits me over the head and I blank out. ..Sometime in the future.. I wake up with a pounding in my head, I try to take in where I am. Its some kind of vacant factory because there is nothing around me but a table and a tape recorder on it.  I use my exquisite hearing to try but fail to hear the hushed conversation above me by my captors.  My abductors consisted of a male and female, they had to be vampires, in sure as hell they are. Your probably asking yourself how in hell would this bitch know?  Well first of all I don’t like being called a bitch, second I would know because I am one. I do a flashback first looking around to make sure Paige isn’t here to interrupt me with her pillow ninja skills. 

**FLASHBACK** 1989

“ Paige where are you going.” I asked her.

“ There’s a sale on jelly bracelets, and skinny jeans.” said Paige

“ groovy!!!!”. I said pumping my fist in the air like John Bender in the breakfast club, but his was about getting the girl, mine was about getting jelly bracelets.  We were headed for the most retro place, with everything groovy when we abducted and hit on the head.  We woke up hours later with probably a concussion or some shit. First one to go hostile is Paige.

“ What the Hell do you want from us.” She screamed. We look around to see that were in like some cell but the building is vacant. It doesn’t look good for us. Faint laughter fills our ears and it keeps getting louder and louder until its right in front of us. We see at least twenty men, they are looking at us with a certain gaze that makes me feel like food all of a sudden. Paige repeats what she had said earlier. They never answer, some of them came in at a time and would beat, rape and drink from us. It was unbearable but only two of them wouldn’t do it. I guessed it was the head of these creatures I assumed were vampires and his second in command. It was like this for many weeks, until I guess they began to trust us, and had exchanged blood with us. The change would only take place if we had vampire blood in our system while we die. The change from human to almost full vampires took at least a day then we wake and need to feed off human blood or else we would have died. So we feed off some girl scouts, I guess we didn’t just want their thin mints. We were entrusted into their clan. We were happy with them, I even found my own happiness with the second in command who wouldn’t do those horrible things to us in the beginning. His name was Wes and he was at least ninety years old (he still looked 25), and had a wife and a son, he told me he tragically lost then in the fire. We learned that vampire females and males were able to have children but it was very rare cause the person would have to be your destined mate. I was hoping that Wes would be my mate, cause before I died I wanted children of my own. I wanted to be a grandma with my husband sitting next to me while we watch our grandchildren and everything would be perfect. I guess you could say I was really naïve back then. But I never really had that connection with Wes but we did care each other. Wes told me that he, Paige, and I were going to escape one of these days. Everything was going great until suddenly we were being attacked by a vicious pack of werewolves. Our numbers were falling very steadily. Wes was determined to protect Paige and I even if it cost him his life, I guess it didn’t matter to him anymore. Paige and I were trying to escape, while a huge were was seeing past Wes’s hero act and saw that we were escaping and the wolf was right on our legwarmers. We had to escape so we ran with our unnatural speed, he was gaining on us. We unknowingly sped from watching Wes and the evil were’s get burned to death. We like the wolf trailing after us was looking at the unbearable seen behind us with a tear in our eyes.  Poor Wes and the other now burned, smoldered corpses. The wolf for some reason went back maybe asking god himself if he could be like the fallen others. For some reason back then I felt sorry for the wolf that murdered my new family. If I had the powers I would have had them then things would have ended differently.


I’m back to reality, I don’t like this one being kidnapped it reminds of the other time. They to be right in front of me sitting there staring at me. The female starts this weird fucked up interrogation. 

“ Well ,well, well look what satin brought in.” I say. Well I don’t know just want to be scared I know them. It has seemed to work the male had a worried face on but the female wasn’t buying into my lie. 

“ Who are you.” I ask.

“ That’s none of your bees wax bitch.” The psycho fucking bitch of a mofo should have never said that. As a result of her calling that my powers were not in my control anymore.  The ground started to shake, water was exploding out of the drains. They didn’t know who the fuck they were messing with, guess who fucking me. 

“w-what the hell.” she stammered. I don’t know why I just couldn’t stop.  I wake up, not knowing what happened. Looking around I guess I happened to this place. 

“ What the fuck did you do?” said the man.

“ Well maybe you fuck jobs shouldn’t piss me the fuck off and this wouldn’t happen. So I suggest you keep that bitch on a leash.” I say. The bitch really didn’t like that, so she was about to hit in the face when there was a ear piercing growl from behind me.  What the fuck was that…….. I can tell its moving closer cause the bitch and the dude are backing away like a guy who just found out the girl he brought home has something bigger than his under that skirt of hers. I can also smell that the thing that creeping slowly closer was a were. I try to look to behind me but the damn cuffs were not allowing me to. Then the dog was in front of me growling at my captors who were scared shitless. If I didn’t know better I would think he was protecting me. HAHAHA LOL that’s bullshit why the fuck would one of them things try and help me. They are the whole entire reason why my Wes isn’t here with me. The thing looks at me with a questioning gaze like I’ve fucking meet him before. Maybe a one night stand but who ever remembers those anymore.  He starts attacking them and they are screaming. The bastard must of hit me on the head, and got damn it I’m tired off being fucking knocked on the head, that shit hurts like hell.

chapter 4

Chapter 4 : (Alexander) Why the fuck am I acting this way, the bitch will probably try to bite my fucking head off. But I have this urge to protect her, what the fuck is wrong with me.  She is just so beautiful, I look at her through the rear view mirror its like she’s an angel. She whimpers in her sleep, all I want to do is go into her dreams and slay the dragon and capture her heart.  God she probably is going to be pissed when she wakes up, probably shouldn’t have hit her on the head with a fire extinguisher.  She stirs awake, and looks at me, I feel like the luckiest guy on earth but I cant feel so I try to act cool.  But I try to talk to her and all I sound like is a jerk. 

“ Who are you?” she asks.

“ That is for me to know and for you to find out.” I say. She really doesn’t look happy with that answer.

“ Well that’s a bullshit answer.” She says. I cant help but agree with her.

“ What’s your name.” I ask. She gets sarcastic with me and says: “ that’s for me to know and you to find out asshole”. she says. 

“Well If this is going to work we at least need to know each others name”. I say. She seems to frown at this. 

“ Whatever fine my name is Sarah.” she says. So my beautiful new obsession is names Sarah which means princess, for some reason I can barely breathe.

  “ My name is Alexander, you can call me Alex for short.”  The car ride is quiet for a long time then she says.

“ You know you didn’t have to save me.”

“ Why not?” I ask. Did she really think she could take two of them all by herself.

“ I may not look it but I am very power vampire.” she says very blunt but effective, I for one want to know what she means by that.  “ And if your wondering, which you probably are I guess I will have to explain.” she says, and continues. “ I am unique kind of vampire, I have a gift that would make you shit your pants. When I’m angry or an emotion I am feeling is powerful, I don’t know what happens but I am conscience for some of it so I know what I can do.” she inquires.  Then she looks into my eyes and says…… “ I can control the elements, I discovered this gift I had a little while after I was reborn or created. At first I just thought all vampires did this but I found out it was pretty rare for a vampire so young to have.”  This girl either is really convincing or I’m so in love I’ll believe anything that comes out of her pretty little mouth that I have the urge to kiss and nibble on. God I feel like a dog begging for scraps, how pathetic no wonder she barley acknowledges me presence and I’m the only person in this car.  I guess I’m going to have to charm her. But how is that going to work if she like burns me to a crisp like bacon that’s been on the stove for to long and they don’t eat but give it to the dog.  Why would she want a guy like me, I mean other girls hey but that’s only cause they don’t know what I am, and she has everything going for her. Except for the fact that she would probably suck your blood, but other than that she’s golden.  She’s beautiful like they should have a temple dedicated to her not the other gods and goddess’s. Aphrodite has nothing on my Sarah, maybe she should be the goddess of love, I don’t think anyone would mind but the goddess herself. I shake my head to stop what I was thinking.  Why am I focusing only my deeply disturbed thoughts only on her, I have other things to think about. Like the fact that two vampires are in the territory. What should I tell the pack.  I cant just come in there and be like ‘ hey this is Sarah, she’s a vampire and you guys cant murderously kill her. We have to baby-sit her until the two other vampires that are trying to get her. Are you guys cool with that?’. Damn it they are going to have to listen to me and do whatever I say.  We ride to where the pack is in utter but mostly silence.  I get out of the car, I make her stay in for her own protection. I don’t know what could go down. 

“ What the hell is that smell.” asked Gregory. I guess the cat is out of the bag for us, how could they already know.

“ Ummmm………. Okay guys don’t freak but the filthy vampires we got a lead on kidnapped her. I don’t know why, but neither does she. Sooo…. I want the pack to protect her until we know what they want.” I stat.

“ What the hell we need to protect our own, not one of them.” says Trevor. He was right but I need to get to know her.

chapter 5

Chapter 5: ( Sarah) What the hell are all those guys rambling on about. I guess it’s about me, cause well its obvious. They are pointing at me and I don’t think they are saying nice things. Guess the big man broke the news about me. I get out of the car doing what I do best, standing tall to men. They are not going to push me around. 

“ So I guess I’m going to have to see all of your faces for a little while so, I’m Sarah.” I say.

“ We haven’t decided if you will be even staying living so no introductions please.” states I’m-going-to-be-an-ass. I kind of like the name, suits him very well.

“ Well good thing you say that cause I got to go take care of some things so I got to be…….” I say before Alexander cuts in.

“ You will not be leaving… and she will be staying here.” 

“ Ummm no I will not be, who the fuck do you think you are?” I screech.

“ Well I think I’m the guy that saved your life, so what I say goes.” growls Alexander. This man/dog or whatever is getting on my last nerve and I have a short fuse so he better be wearing a seat-belt.

“ I told you I didn’t need your hero act, and you ruined my plan.” I say.

“ Yeah and what was that plan to get yourself killed.” said Alexander.

“ What the fuck do you care?” I growl.

“ Cause I just do.” he says another one of his bull-shit answers. 

“ My plan was to find out who sent them to capture me.” I say. God what the fuck does this bastard want with me. I mean he is hot and I wouldn’t mind if…… what the hell am I thinking. We fight for another twenty or thirty minutes, then the pack and I talk and everything cool. I stay with the pack for about a week and these guys are really cool, they seem to really like me. Alex is pretty cool but he seems sad about something and all I want to do is give him a hug. I need to go see Paige she is probably really worried about me.  So Alex and I hop into a cab while the pack is looking for more leads on the two vampires and guess who is driving us in the cab. Its that same asshole I wanted to murder viciously.  We get into Paige’s hotel room and we find her on the couch crying.

“ Paige are you okay.” I ask 

“ What the fuck do you mean if I’m okay, I thought some one killed you.” she screams then leaps on me giving me a very tight bear hug.

“ Well these two other vampires abducted me but Alex here saved me.” I said gesturing to Alex.

“ Stephan you can come out now.” says Paige and Stephan comes out of the bathroom.

“ Stephan can scan the body and see what’s wrong like pregnancy, cancer, broken limbs you name it and well he can detect it like off of Hellboy you know the character Abraham .” says Paige.

“ What is that smell, is he…..” says Stephan.

“ I thought you guys would since it by now Alex is a werewolf.” I say. Alex growls and so does Paige, she really doesn’t like then since…….. Well you know.

“ Why would one of then protect you.” says Paige. “ because it’s the right thing to do.” says Alex. “ and also I think Sarah is my mate.” he admitted.

“ What but we just meet each other.” I say trying to wrap my head around this. BRAINFART!!!!!! Well he is kind of cute, and I don’t like how close Paige is to him. What the hell……is wrong with me….???? I feel like I’m getting dizzy, my feet give out I fall into a complete sleep.

..Sometime later..

I’m in someone’s bed when I wake up, what happened.

“ Good morning sunshine.” says the man I met about a week ago and oh yeah who also claimed I was his mate.

“ What do you want?” I croak.

“ Well seeing how you might be might I need you to go on a date with me.” he says.

“ I need to go on a what with you?” I ask.

“ you, me go on date.” he said trying to dumb it up.

“ Why I don’t want to, and I’m not your mate.” I say.

“ You might be.” he says.

“ What the hell does that mean ‘I might be’?” I say with air quotes.

“Well you might and you might not.” he says. “ but I think you are.” 

“ Well I think I’m not.” I say. 

“ Well if you aren’t, I will leave you alone.” he says.

“ And how do we find out if I am.” I say. The topic of how didn’t look that promising because it looks like he was embarrassed.

“ Well that’s why we need to go on a date.” he says. 

chapter 6

   Chapter 6 : (Alexander)

I’ve decided I wouldn’t tell her the actual way to find out if the female is your true mate. There has never been a female werewolf except for the first werewolf ever, she was female but she quickly died but not before she made others to pass on the curse. Women don’t have the power to stay a werewolf, and we don’t know why.

“ So shouldn’t you be leaving?” Sarah asked.

“ Why would I be, I have the right because you might be my mate I am allowed to court you in any of these rooms.” I say. Wonder what she is going to say to that. 

“ Who said you had any of those rights?” she asks.

“ I do and since you are my mate you have to do as I say, so you have to go on a date with me cause I say so.” I say. Isn’t this how all relationships work.

“ Ummmmmm……… okay.” she says it doesn’t look like she will obey me. “ and there are rules when it comes to this relationship.” I say.

“ Well who says we have a relationship-?” she says. I ignore this and go on“ First you are not allowed to talk to any other males even if its Stephan. Second you will go on dates with me. Third if I tell you to do something you do it. Fourth if I want sex you will give it to me.” I say.

“ okay.” she says but she keeps her head down.. So I tilt her head up and kiss her on the lips.  She doesn’t seem to pull away, so I swirl my tongue in her mouth. She does it too, I lay down next to her. We do this for what seems like forever while Paige walk in and whistles.

“ So you guys like a thing or something now.” she inquires.  I answer yes when Sarah says no and Paige looks confused. I look at Sarah and growl, she is my woman she should say what I say.

“ Ummm no we are not a couple.” she says.

“ Ummm yeah we are cause I say we are.” I say, why is she not getting this.

“ Ummm actually I don’t take orders from anyone.” said Sarah.

“ Well I am the man in the relationship, so I wear the pants. You have to do as I say, and you have to follow my rules.” I state.

“ What honey you letting the dog wear the pants, thought they couldn’t get them past the hind legs.” says Paige. Sarah laughs and so do I but I don’t like the way she talks about me. Maybe I should do something about her, like charm her into liking me. For Sarah and I to get anywhere I need to make her mine forever. Not to sound weird but I’ve never felt this way. It just seems so right to want her for all eternity. I edge near her, I fingered a lock of her hair, and I didn’t even care that Paige was there. Then I moved toward her, my lips were searching endless to find the spot that stunned her with satisfaction and yearning.  I guess I reach the spot cause she gasps and whines for more.  I have to stop or I cant hold it in anymore, so all I do then is inhale the smell of her hair. I don’t want to fight with Paige so I sit on the edge of the bed. I growl at Paige to go away, I don’t want to fight but I need to talk to Sarah.

“ Ok, ok I’ll leave.” she says. Sarah hasn’t said anything in awhile and it is worrying me. 

“ Do you have anything to say?” I ask.

“ Well yeah, you will not be telling me what to do.” she says.

“ That’s what happens in relationships with werewolves, essentially with an alpha.” I say.

“ What is your mind stuck in the 1960’s, newsflash this is the 21st century. Not many girls like to be bossed around!” she says with expression.

“ Well you better get with it cause you’re my mate and you will be going on a date with me. Is that to much to ask?” I say.

“ Fine whatever I’ll go on a stupid fucking date with you, happy?” she says. She doesn’t look like she is happy with but I guess she figured out she has feelings for me but wouldn’t say anything. And yes I’m really very happy.

“ Immensely.” I say. We end up going on many dates and had fun on all of them. We really like each other, but we still need to go on many more so she can fall in as much love as I have. And let me tell you the sex is great, the best I ever had. Like when we were on our third date that week we went to a fancy restaurant and Sarah looked scrumptious in her dress. During the diner she wanted to know something.

“ Why did you pick me when there are other girls just panting over you?” she asked. What a stupid question she knows she is the only one for me.

“ Cause to your different, the rest of the rest of girls in the world are all the same to me. Same shit different day. When I date someone she has to stick out and I have to realize it.” ..- I blush here-..“And you and me are exactly alike, its like you’re the girl version of me and I love that about us. Your smart and beautiful and your smart and really nerdy and I can talk to you about anything. I think that’s the reason you were sent to me by the god.”..- I get down on one knee and Sarah gasps- “ I don’t care if you aren’t my real true mate, you make me happy. I will love you until my dying day, will you marry me?” I ask. 

“ I don’t know if I had to much wine or something but I would really love to marry you.” We go back to my place and I didn’t plan for us to have sex but…… I take off her dress, then well you get the rest……

.. A Few weeks Later..

Sarah has been acting weird for the past couple weeks like she her abilities are out of control, she cant eat or sleep. And to top it all off the scales she is being nice to everyone. Sarah, Paige, Stephan and I were at the pack hideout. Sarah and Stephan were talking and I couldn’t hear what they were saying but Sarah was awestricken at something. She was acting weird and distant to me.  I was trying to figure it out when the pack came in and was carrying a sack of something moving. It turns out to be the vampire that captured my woman. He looks at Sarah and says..

“ Do you even know who this hair ball with fleas is”- he pointes at me- “ He is the dog that got your old lover/ my father Wes killed. Father thought I was died but no I was turned into a vampire by my saviors, they were to late to save my mother/ his wife. So after that I went looking for my father but when people told me he was dead, I went looking for you and have been stalking you for the past two years. Did you know you should really close your drapes when your getting undressed.” he says and smirks at the last part. i growl at him and see red.Everyone is dumbfounded, Sarah goes white well whiter, and runs out of the room but not before giving me a glare full of betrayal.


Why cant I find Sarah? Where could she be? How long could she stay mad at me? These questions couldn’t escape my mind.

My pack and I find her at of all places my house with Paige and her boyfriend waiting for me.

“ How could you.” she said.

“ I didn’t know.’ I say trying to save my ass. I don’t think its going to be easy.

“ If you did know would you have told me?” she asked me. Paige gets into the conversation when she shouldn’t be.

“ I never liked him in the first place.” she says.

“ of course If I had known I would have told you.” I say ignoring Paige’s remark.

“ Sure you would have, before or after you married her. Maybe on your death bed, and what would you have said. Something like ' Oh hey honey I’m home. Did you know I killed Wes and his blood was all over my paws.'

"But really I think you would have never told her unless you had to.” says Paige.  Sarah looks overwhelmed by the last two sentences and collapses unconscious. Stephan walks over from the other side of the room to see the damage.

“ well I’m surprised she didn’t pass out earlier. Didn’t she tell you she was pregnant? Pregnant women shouldn’t be under this much stress in one day.” he says.

“ What she can't be pregnant, she would have to be Alex’s true female.” states Philip. I’m drawling a blank, it was like all my senses were cut off. Could this be true, am I going to be a father. I smile and look down at Sarah, thinking I’m the luckiest guy in the world cause she is my one true female. The one I get to have for eternity. 

chapter 7

Chapter 7: (Sarah)

… What the fuck happened.. There were voices coming from the hallway. All I could make out was that someone was pregnant but who could that be. Who’s pregnant could it be Paige?? Alex walks into the room, he looks at me.

“ Sarah why didn’t you tell me you were pregnant?” he asked. I look dumbfounded, oh jesus the prego chick was ME!!! WHAT!!!

“ But, but you used protection right?” I asked.

“ Well of course I didn’t I wanted you to get pregnant.” he says.

“ What the hell, why?’ I ask.

“ Well the only way to find out if you really were my true mate was to get you pregnant.” he said

“ I thougth you said that you would find out if I was your mate was if I went on a date with me.” I said.

“ Umm yeah I lied to get you to go on dates with me, so we could well you know.” he said.

“ What!!!?” I said not because I didn’t understand what he said, I just cant believe it.

“ I’m sorry” is all he said. Then he left, what am I going to do. All I do for the next few weeks is stay in my room and don’t let anyone come in and I’m getting huge. I go outside the door to the hall because no one is home and go into the living room and I stop dead in my tracks.

“ So how have you been.” says the supposed to be deceased Wes.  I walk over and trip but he caught me before I fall on my face.

“ Whoa there sorry about that.” says Wes. I cant believe it, how could he be there.

“ Ummm can you tell me how you survived.” I say.

“ Well I was right behind the werewolf that was trailing you guys. So I went the other way when I knew you guys would be okay.” he says. “ But why didn’t you come back for me or even us.” I say.

“ Cause a few days before the attack happened I left to see a sacred fortune teller in the supernatural world. To see if my son and wife were really dead. She told me my wife was dead but my son was alive well somewhat.”- he sighs here- “ and I would have come back for you but the fortune teller told me that you were destined for someone else and would bring forth the child that would end the fued between the vampires and werewolves.” he says while laying a hand on my huge abdomen.

“ oh.” is all I can say, and alex comes from where he had been hiding.

“ why didn’t you just tell us that in the first place.” said Alex putting an arm around my shoulder. I lay my head on his shoulder, we kiss, are about to deepen the kiss when we are interrupted by Wes choffing.

“ Way to ruin a moment.” says alex.

“ Alex this is Wes, Wes this is alex the love of my life but also who I am currently pissed as fuck at.” I say.

“ and don’t forget about the father of your baby.” says Wes chuckling.

“ Hopefully.” I say, and Alex gives me a grin and kisses me. Maybe I can forgive him, well I’m going to have to before this baby comes.



..1 year later..

Lying in our bed I dream and think about that has happened sense paige and I went to rome. A lot of things have changed, Paige is going to be getting married to Stephan.  I am mated, and married to a great man named Alex. The endless war between the vampires and werewolves have calmed down a lot since Alex and I have had our child. He is only a baby now but he is growing much swifter than a normal infant. We desided to name him Luke after my husbands father. Alex and I are truly and deeply in love, there arent scissors the can cut our bond. I start to think about what the rest of our life is going to be like when alex ninja’s his way in and suprises me.  Then we snuggle up close.

“ What have you been doing in here honey?” he asks.

“ Nothing just thinking that I got really lucky to get to have a guy like you forever.”I say. He talkes me into his arms and gives me a kiss of sweetness.

..It’s a simple kiss that starts our forever..



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.06.2011

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