
i n t r o

this book and story does not belong to me

o n e

Meg O'Donnell was once the picture of sweetness and innocence. However, working in the cut-throat fashion industry for ten years does tend to tarnish one's halo a bit. Besides which, she came from a long line of witches. Surprisingly enough, the actual knack for witchery seems to be, to some extent, genetic, and in Meg's case actually skipped generations for the past several centuries.


But never was that talent evident in the men of her ancestry. Only the women had the gift, and only every other generation at that. Her mother and great-grandmother seemed to have neither the inclination nor the talent to cast spells, invoke spirits or even read fortunes. It was just never in them.


Her grandmother and great-great-grandmother, however, were proficient in the arts. Her great-great grandmother, Mary Boyne, even created her own coven, the members of which practiced the arts for decades under Mary's leadership until she took ill in her mid-eighties. It was only that illness which forced Mary to leave her beloved coven.


Had she remained healthy, she'd have never left her friends and co-worshippers. She loved her dabblings in the arcane arts that much.


Meg's grandmother, Caitlin Murphy, was yet another follower of those beliefs, even more powerful than her own grandmother had been. She often pored over ancient tomes, searching for new discoveries and more ways to assure her family's happiness and prosperity. She rarely cast spells of black magic, but would not hesitate to do so if circumstances called for it.


If her family was threatened in any way, the then matriarch would throw caution to the wind to protect those she loved. Thus, only rarely did she invoke dark forces, but most certainly did so without hesitation when she felt her family's well-being was in some sort of jeopardy. She, too, led a coven for decades.


And when the time came, Caitlin - sensing her daughter's disinterest in such things, and feeling the power seething just beneath Meg's innocent exterior - began teaching her granddaughter all that she'd learned in her many long years as a witch. And little Meg was a quick study; she soaked up the arcane arts like a mystical sponge.


When Meg's grandmother passed away at the ripe old age of ninety-seven, she bequeathed to her granddaughter all her books and scrolls and potions - which Meg's mother would've objected to had she believed in them and known of their true power. Meg missed her grandma dearly, but accepted the dozens of mystical gifts with her heart full of awe and wonder. \


Over the years, she read the books and scrolls, dabbled with the potions and spells, all the while remembering her grandmother's warnings and urgings for caution. Meg learned all that she could, eager to explore this strange new world... eager to make her grandmother proud.


Now approaching her third decade of life, the twenty-eight year old Megan O'Donnell was nearly as well-versed in the arts as her grandmother was at her age. And, in keeping with a seeming trend from generation to generation, Meg was at least as powerful as her mentor, and in many ways much more powerful.


But, alas, her choices of career and friendships and lovers had conspired to sour her on several aspects of life. Her years in the fashion field had indeed been cut-throat, and her most recent lover had secretly been laying his pipe in the loins of her supposedly best friend at work.


She could've dealt with the pressures at her job, but the dual treachery from ex-friend and ex-lover was more than she could bear. Despite her grandmother's leanings toward discretion and caution, Meg's feelings of betrayal led her down a path that there would be no turning back from once she'd begun. Still seething with bitterness, she embarked on a journey that would have very surprising repercussions.


This story takes place a few months after Meg's discovery of her lover, Rob, and her best friend, Terry, entwined in steamy embrace upon her own bed, naked and heaving against one another like mindless animals in heat. It was the age-old story of lust and deceit.


Almost as if playing out some badly written script, she arrived home unexpectedly one otherwise pleasant afternoon and opened her bedroom door to see their sweaty, rutting bodies pasted together in lust, and had nearly fainted from the shock and disbelief.


And to make matters even more unbelievable, they - those salivating, groping, sweating fornicators - had the temerity to glare at HER as if SHE was the one who was guilty of some offence... presumably that of having had the AUDACITY to interrupt their illicit coupling! The gall of those cheating bastards! How could she not have seen it in them all along? How could she be THAT blind?


After recovering from her near-collapse, Meg had screamed and ranted and threatened, but in the end could do nothing but throw them both out of her apartment... and out of her heart. Her once gallant lover and her no longer trusted friend simply fixed upon her a stare of utter contempt as they got dressed and left the building... probably to continue their brainless humping at their earliest possible convenience.


It took Meg days to get over that initial shock, and the deep feelings of betrayal. She'd lost both a lover and a best friend in one brief instant of time. It hurt - deeply. Only by diverting her mind to the dark arts could she ease that pain. Her magic gave her strength; it's dependable power gave her solace.


Her grandmother's use of the arts to protect her family gave her hope, inspiration. And it gave her focus. Slowly, the pain was pushed back, replaced by her mind's workings on a course of action. "Let her have that pencil-dick," she thought, "They deserve each other." She grinned, her eyes sparkled... and she mapped out her plan. Twisted, yes... but it gave her such joy just to consider the delicious possibilities.


Almost three months to the day from the shocking spectacle of hormones raging out of control on her very own bed, Meg was ready for her seventh conjuring. This would be the best yet. She'd researched her grandmother's dusty old books for yet another candidate, a demon she could depend on, a demon who would do exactly what she wanted done.


Her first summoning conjured a demon who had - under her direct orders - raped both her ex-lover and her ex-best friend, fucking them both repeatedly, and forcing them BOTH to blow him several times (Meg giggled at the mere thought of how embarrassing it must've been for the macho Rob to have demon penis erupting in his mouth in front of his skanky whore).


This resulted in both of them acquiring simply exquisite cases of genital herpes and clap..and some wonderfully irritating hemorrhoids for her ex-stud, which had him clenching his cheeks tightly almost 24/7 from that night on. Oh, how absolutely precious! And, the icing on this vengeful cake was that when they'd actually been stupid enough to try reporting to the authorities that they'd been accosted by a demon, they very nearly ended up being committed.


It was touch and go there for a few days until they recanted their true but unbelievable story. Meg had laughed hysterically when the demon reported back to her every detail of what he'd done to them. It was the first time she'd ever been proud of a demon. Oh, what perverse joy!


The second demon was even more fun, though not as far as Rob and Terry had been concerned. This second awful brute had again visited the now diseased couple at Meg's bidding, this time doing much more perverse things to them. Suffice it to say that it involved both of them being held captive, bound tightly together in their bathtub naked for hours... and copious amounts of the foulest of demonic bodily wastes.


Well, at least they were in the bathtub, where they could clean up afterwards! Meg had howled for a week over that one. Lying in bed alone at night, she'd picture the entire disgusting scenario and laugh until she snorted. And this time, she noted, Rob and Terry had had the good sense not to involve the police.


They'd have been put away for sure! That entire escapade had given Meg so much joy that she'd written down the demon's name for possible future use. Before sending him back home to the deep, dark depths of Hell, he'd agreed to "anoint" the treacherous duo anytime Meg called on him. A more amicable and cooperative fellow she could not have asked for, if a tad disgusting.


But that seemed ages ago. She'd enlisted the aid of four other demons since. Now she was on her seventh demonic summoning. She grinned widely at her expectations of how the evening might go. She couldn't wait to get started. All was in readiness. She experienced delicious tinglings as the time drew near. She was eager to begin.


As with her previous dabblings in demon conjuration, Meg moved all her bedroom furniture to the four walls. In the now open center of the room she drew a circle - exactly thirteen feet in diameter - with enchanted chalk that she'd spoken several mystical spells of power and protection over.


Inside the circle, the inverted pentagram, the doorway to chaos - access to Hell and all its despicable minions - was carefully drawn. After all was completed, she again chanted a spell of protection over the entire area. At each of the five tips of the pentagram she then lit and placed one candle, again speaking the spell of protection over each one individually. This latest demon was a particularly powerful one, and she was taking no chances.


She walked over to her bedside table, which had been placed gainst the far wall next to her bed, which was pushed into the corner. On that table was a large, brittle-paged book, the binding of which crackled dryly as she opened it. She flipped the dusty pages until she came to the page she wanted.


She read it several times to be sure it was exactly what she was looking for. Yes, this demon was perfect. Smiling, she licked her lips and made her final decision. Nodding to herself, her grin widened and she chuckled with anticipation. It was time. Everything was ready. Demon number seven, come on down! Meg lit two more candles, placing one on either side of the book of spells and incantations. She didn't bother to turn off the lights.


She knew they'd go out on their own when her "guest" arrived. It was one of the ways - along with that oh so distinctive sulfurous odor - that she knew of both a demon's arrival and his departure. So, not turning off the lights was something that was helpful in discerning the beginning and the end of a summoning session.


Especially so the end of a session. It told her that a demon had been properly and securely banished back to his dark domain. This she'd learned on her third summoning - or was it her fourth? It had proven very helpful indeed.


As a final precaution, Meg closed her eyes and cast a spell of protection over herself and her apartment. She clutched the amulet around her neck as she spoke the words. "May the gods of olde protect and shelter me against any and all harm this day. Likewise protect my living space and all my earthly possessions.


No matter what transpires, protect me from the forces of evil in all their incarnations. Protect me, both physically and mentally, from any and all repercussions as a result of contact with this demon. Let no evil of any kind threaten me or treat me in any way I do not wish. If I do not desire it to be, then it cannot be.


So do I request on this night of my seventh summoning. Praise be the gods of olde." Nearly word for word the way her grandmother had taught her. She instantly felt calm and safe. It was a strong spell, and she knew deep inside that nothing could now jeopardize her safety or well-being.


If she didn't want it to happen, it couldn't possibly happen. And that spell of protection was a very important thing. From experience, she knew that when you yanked a demon out of his little slice of Hell, he was usually very, very pissed off.


Now she was ready to bring a very unsavory character into her very own bedroom. She was quite calm, even more relaxed than last time. It seemed that she became stronger and more confident with each summoning. She was becoming a pro at transporting demons into her home.


She learned from each one, and by now she was so proficient at it that she knew nothing could possibly go wrong. Her fourth and fifth summonings had had little glitches, but she'd overcome the problems with ease and learned from them. And, to date, her grandmother's powerful spells of protection had kept her completely free from any major harm whatsoever. Her last summoning, in fact, was absolutely clean, devoid of even the tiniest mishap. This one would undoubtedly be the same. She was certain of it.


She again shivered with anticipation. She looked down at the yellowed page before her, feeling a surge of power at what she was about to do. According to her grandmother's book, this was a particularly vile demon, and her plans for him had her almost tittering with nervous glee. She couldn't wait to see if this particular demon was as despicable as his reputation made him out to be. She hoped he was. It would be much more delicious that way.

t w o

Raising one hand high over each candle, Meg kept her eyes on the grandfather clock in the corner. At exactly the first stroke of midnight, she lowered her eyes to the dusty tome on the desk before her, reading from it's brown-edged pages and raising her face toward the ceiling, chanting each line loudly toward the midnight sky:


Vin Scrotorum, et Zubinum Fral! Bal-Soggothum, Lustium banal!"


The flames of the candles on either side of the book sputtered and sparked, though those sparks that touched Meg's skin did not burn her. The flames of the candles at the five points of the pentagram fluttered and then rotated counterclockwise. The room lights flickered and dimmed slightly. Meg continued:


"I seek the foul demon called The Great Fornicus. He of Mount Priapus, beyond the Sea of Misery. Hear me and do my bidding. Come to me at once. Obey my command! You cannot refuse me! SHOW YOURSELF NOW!"


One by one the candles of the pentagram puffed out in sequence, then relit themselves in that same order, from that moment on burning ten times as brightly as before. The candles beneath Meg's hands burned a blood red color, made all the more eerie and foreboding when the room lights flickered rapidly and then finally winked out.


Yellow and red glowed throughout the room, and Meg held her breath. After waiting a few seconds, she sniffed the air. There it was. Sulfur. Pungent and clinging. The noxious smog of Hell.


She could feel resistance. This was indeed a strong demon. But he was no match for her. Gritting her teeth, she continued with the spell, again shouting at the ceiling:


"Do not try to resist me, spawn of Hell. To do so will have dire consequences for you. Come here at once or suffer my wrath!"


The sulfur smell increased. Glowing blue smoke rose from the pentagram, like a reeking marshland fog. Except for the candles and the glow of the underworld haze, the room was in darkness. An electrical charge permeated the air. Something should've happened inside the circle. But the demon was still resisting. Meg would have none of it.


"Bring your foul carcass to me, demon! Do not risk my anger further! VIN SCROTORUM, ET ZUBINUM FRAL! BAL-SOGGOTHUM, LUSTIUM BANAL! COME AT ONCE OR SUFFER!"


The blue fog roiled and swirled within the circle. Then it turned a blood red color, matching the two candles on the table. The stench of sulfur was almost palpable. An inhuman growl seemed to be rising from the wooden floorboards of Meg's room. She knew the demon was near.


The hideous bellow from below rose in volume. It snarled and spat and cursed. It was incoherent with rage, unintelligible and fearsomely ominous. The rantings and ravings of this obviously unhappy being heralded its imminent arrival. Meg wasn't worried. She'd seen it all before. Theatrics, nothing more.


Flames leapt up from the border of the protective circle. Foul black smoke billowed up to the ceiling, where it disappeared as if never having existed. The entire room smelled of sulfur and glowed an eerie yellow-brown hue. Meg heard the words from The Great Fornicus' lips long before she actually saw that foul, curse-belching mouth.


"What the FUCK do YOU want, BITCH!?!" The words boomed from the circle, causing the window panes to rattle in their frames.


The flames died, the smoke cleared, but the stench remained, as did the sickly mustard glow that filled the room. In the center of the pentagram stood The Great Fornicus. And he was not happy. He searched the room with blazing eyes, snarling when they located Meg.


"You little earth bitch, what do you want with Fornicus?" His snarl alone would've caused Meg to pass out had she not felt protected. Still, she did shiver a bit, even encased as she was in her silken, ceremonial robe.


Before answering him, she allowed her eyes to examine his naked form. He appeared pretty much human in physical structure - except for the tiny horns on his head, one just above each ear, and the tiny nub of a tail just above his granite-like buttocks. He towered over Meg at at least seven feet in height.


His brown body glistened with sweat. He was muscular in the extreme. That was a common theme among demons, it seemed. Life in Hell was hard, and its denizens invariably had finely sculpted bodies, in a rough, angry sort of way. His chest was massive and strong, even his large, dark nipples dripping demon sweat. His stomach stretched flat and hard from his rib cage to his pubic carpet.


His thighs were so muscled that Meg figured he must be able to leap large distances with ease... perhaps something that came in handy in the smoldering terrain of Hell. He had no hooves, but regular, human-appearing feet - something that, for some unknown reason, made Meg feel more at ease.


But it was the large slab of demon meat between his legs that wrested her wandering eyes from all else. At first, because of its formidable length, Meg thought Fornicus had a boner, but then she realized that it wasn't fully erect. But, even in its semi-flaccid state it was a good twelve inches in length.


Meg shuddered to think of it's total length and girth at full engorgement. A fearsome thought, yes... but, then, why did she get such a guilty tingling between her thighs? Why did she suddenly find it hard to breath? Why was her heart racing where it hadn't been before?


"Answer me, bitch," he groused, "why the fuck am I here? And talk fast, or I'll put that pretty mouth to a much more pleasant use instead."


"Don't you DARE threaten me, demon," she snapped, her voice cracking but trying to maintain an authoritative tone. "I have need of your services. I need you to do something for me." Her eyes met his, and didn't back down.


"You stupid cunt," he growled, "I was having my way with not one, not two, but THREE of Hell's finest sluts. How dare YOU interrupt my fuck time! If you don't send me back right this second, I'll fuck YOU as many times as I'd planned on fucking all three of them! Am I making myself clear?" He was, but Meg didn't even flinch. She had faith in her powers, and in the teachings of her grandmother.


"You are in no position to make demands, demon. You didn't have the power to resist my summoning, and you don't have any powers that can resist any other commands I give you, either. You are here to do MY bidding, as I see fit. So, stop your growling and posturing and prepare to do as you're told!"


This did not sit well with the irritated Fornicus. His skyward roar rattled more than just the windows. The very walls and floor vibrated with that bellowed anger. When he looked back down at Meg, his eyes were like burning coals.


"You fucking earth bitch. You simpy little spell-chanting slut. You're too young to have much power. I could step out of this puny circle and rip your heart out... and then laugh as I forced you to eat it. I could..."


"Do it then," she interrupted. "Go on, rip my heart out... if you can."


Another growl, even more rage. But, there was also a note of resignation in that howl. Old Fornicus was accepting his fate. He continued to fret and fume, posturing for effect, but he realized he was trapped. "All right," he sneered, "so what chore does the little earth slut want me to do?"


"That's better," she said, which rankled him even further. "now stop growling and listen. If you do this for me as soon as I finish giving you the order, then when you complete your task you can come back here and I'll send you right back to your three whores. Agreed?"


A long, slow growl rose from his gut. Clearly he didn't enjoy being ordered about. And he was looking at Meg in a way which suggested that he might get even greater pleasure from plundering HER charms than those of the willing concubines of Hell. Still, he relented, "All right, bitch... what do you need done?" Another guttural growl, this one lasting nearly a full minute, rolled from his throat.


"I need you to visit some people, some ex-friends of mine. Once you're there, I want you to get revenge on them for me."


"Revenge? In what way? Give me specifics, girl. I don't want to come back and then have you keep me in this rotten place just because you say I botched the job. What should I do to these poor, unlucky humans? Do give me details, please, my powerful Mistress." Sarcasm dripped from every snarled word, and his exaggerated, flamboyant bow of humility looked ludicrous in the extreme.


"Well," Meg sounded flustered, "whatever it is you demons do to people. I don't know... rip out their eyes, break their bones, use them as punching bags, take a leak on them, rip out their hearts - you seem fond of that one. Hang them up by their genitals, yank out their fingernails and toenails.


Whatever! Be creative. Just make them miserable. But don't kill them. I want to be able to torture them again and again and again."


Fornicus' eyes grew very wide. He stood up tall, even arching his back. His arms went out wide to his sides and he bent his neck back, aiming those wide eyes at the ceiling. It started out soft at first, but then grew in force. Fornicus was laughing. It reached a window-rattling crescendo as he bellowed his laughter to the sky.


His entire body shook with the force of it. To Meg, it sounded about as foul as anything she'd heard in years. And it grew louder by the second, it's cacophonous rumbling clawing savagely at her ear canals. Fornicus laughed long and hard before looking back down at the astonished Meg, his wide eyes now filled with tears of laughter.


"Are you fucking stupid?" he asked at length. "Don't you have a clue what kind of demon you've summoned?" He seemed amused beyond words.


"Why, a demon's a demon," she stammered, "You all rape and maim and kill, right?" Her bewildered look sent Fornicus into another bout of raucous laughter.


"You stupid, earthbound cunt," he said finally, "not all demons rip hearts out and gouge out eyeballs. There are different types of demons, you vacuous little harlot. You didn't know that? Well, maybe you should go back to your books and get some knowledge in that sieve-like brain of yours before you summon a demon again. Oh, you really are too much!" More laughter, escalating to the point where Fornicus doubled over, racked by peels of hideous laughter.


"Don't you DARE laugh at ME, demon! You're MY prisoner... and you do as you're TOLD! You obey MY commands!" Meg trembled with her anger.


"Listen to ME, you moronic bitch!" he hissed back at her, his laughter instantly gone, "I'm what's known as a LUST demon. I don't break bones or yank out fingernails. What I do is FUCK people to death. Yes, that's right. You see this incredible cock?" He fondled his huge member, which got Meg's attention immediately.


"This fat,.juicy dick can fuck someone to the point where they just curl up and die. THAT'S what I do. I can come a thousand times and never even get winded. Each orgasm just makes me want another. That's my curse. I'm never satisfied for more than a few minutes. So, if you want me to FUCK your ex-friends to death, I can do that.


But, the point is... I fuck them TO DEATH. I can't stop fucking until my partner is dead, or until I have a new partner. Sometimes I even keep fucking the dead carcass. But my fuck-buddies, be they male or female, never survive. And you seem to want to leave your victims still breathing. I'm not your demon, you brainless whore. So, send me back to my Hell bitches. They're the only ones who can survive carnal pleasures with me. C'mon, now, I'm tired of this stupidity. I'm hornier than Hell itself, and if I don't fuck something soon, I'm going to take it out on you."


"Oh, really? And just how do you plan on doing that, oh Great Fornicus?" Meg seemed irritated herself now, matching the demon's sarcasm with her own. "You talk a good story, but you actually expect me to believe that you FUCK people to death? Give me a break! You don't look so 'great' to me. 'Great' Fornicus, indeed! Your dick is only slightly bigger than my ex-boyfriend's was, and I called HIM pencil-dick! Of all the legitimate demons I could've conjured, how could I have picked such a goddam useless loser like you?"


Fornicus roared, his entire brown body trembling with rage and glowing a menacing amber color. His eyes again became red coals, fiery slits of hate. He snarled incoherently, crouching in an obvious attack stance, but, alas, he had nowhere to go. He was trapped within the protective circle.


Flames leapt up around him, foul smoke filled the room before dissipating as it had done before. And throughout the pyrotechnic display, Fornicus ranted and bellowed, snarled and raged. His eyes were lethal daggers, his body taut and ready to pounce as he paced about the tiny circle.


He was frustrated and angry, and he wanted so badly to get his hands on Megan. He glared at her vilely, his lips curled back in a malicious snarl. How he wanted to feel her soft, yielding flesh. How he wanted to do what he does best... fuck this insolent little bitch to an agonizingly orgasmic death.


Meg shivered when she saw what appeared to be a disturbing by-product of his demonic rage. His semi-flaccid penis was no more. In it's place was a screaming, throbbing demon hardon. His swollen demonhood was easily a foot and a half long and as thick as a cucumber, bobbing impatiently above a scrotal sack that looked like it housed twin baseballs.


As that angry penis enlarged by the second, so, too, did that hairy bag of testes. Clearly, his needs were urgent. It was imperative that Meg send his rotting, rutting soul back to Hell. But, her eyes couldn't force themselves from the sight of that oversized demon dick and the juicy danglers below it.


She eyed them almost with awe. Again her pulse quickened. Again her breathing apparatus nearly failed her. Again she marveled at Fornicus' formidable member.


And that delay proved to be her undoing.


Fornicus was like a caged animal, pacing and eyeing Meg as if she were his next meal. As he paced and drooled and tried desperately to think of some way to shove his cock into this meddling earth whore, his eyes searched the room vainly for something - anything - to help him break free of the damned circle and fuck Meg until she collapsed dead on the floor.


His raging cock bobbed up and down as he moved to and fro in the circle, it's lack of release irritating and angering him more by the second. He grabbed that throbbing muscle and began stroking it, such was the extent of his frustration. But it was when he actually looked down at his miserably neglected penis that his mind rejoiced.


He didn't believe his eyes at first, squinting them to get a closer look, hope rising within him ever so tentatively. But then he realized with a sick laugh that it was true. His torture was over! Freedom was just one quick move away.


Yes, there it was! His cock's salvation! His escape! His release from carnal torment! His means of getting his pounding erection into Meg's every orifice, over and over again, filling her to the point of bloating with his vile, demonic semen. His laughter again echoed throughout the room as he looked at the floor, at the fatal flaw in Meg's plan.


Drool dangled from his lower lip as he eyed the protective circle with astonished disbelief - followed by twisted joy. He leered at Meg, whose face was awash in curiosity - and then returned his ecstatic gaze back to the floor. With the back of his hand, he wiped that drool from the bottom of his malevolent grin. His lungs wheezed out a grotesque, barely audible, victorious chuckle.

t h r e e

Megan followed Fornicus' line of sight and saw what he was looking at. She looked back up into his smoldering eyes, and saw the victory that filled them. His depraved smile was beyond twisted, beyond sick. He smiled all the more wickedly, knowing that Meg could do nothing to stop him from escaping the circle.


His grin was so vile that it left a greasy feeling on every inch of Meg's suddenly prickling skin. She looked at him and shivered. She knew that she was about to find out just how strong her spells of protection would be in keeping her safe from permanent harm.


Because, at that very moment, the leering, lecherously drooling Fornicus was calmly and confidently stepping out of the protective circle... Before Meg could move an inch, Fornicus stabbed out a long, muscular arm, his strong fingers wrapping around her throat so fast that she never even saw them approaching.


The salivating demon growled from deep within his massive chest again, though this time it sounded more like a purr of satisfaction. The growl ebbed to a low gurgle in his throat as he took two more steps toward the now captive Meg, that gurgle rumbling out from between obscenely smiling lips.


"Hmmm... seems the little earth bitch fucked up, huh?" His fowl grin showed a mouthful of teeth, surprisingly straight and white for a demon.


Meg, of course, couldn't reply. She was barely able to get air into her lungs between the tightly clenched fingers of her captor, let alone use that air to form words.


"Poor little girl," the demon said softly and sarcastically, "seems you screwed up big time. Not very good at conjuring, are you, slut?"


Meg's eyes met his without flinching. But, inside, she was praying that her spell of protection would keep her from serious harm. Still, she refused to let this hulking beast from Hell know she was frightened out of her wits. That ruse was a very difficult one for her to manage, but, miraculously, she pulled it off.


"Let me show you something, you stupid cunt," Fornicus said in words that foreshadowed something ominous. By her throat, the bulky demon dragged Meg over to the encircled pentagram, in much the same manner as a child would carelessly drag a stuffed toy. She kicked and squirmed in his iron grip, clawing at his meaty paw as he pulled her easily across the wooden floor.


When he finally stopped, he pointed at the circle, a gurgling laugh rising from his diaphragm as he said with twisted glee, "The circle has to be complete, bitch, or the spell of entrapment won't work. Look here, my soon to be concubine, and see where you fucked up. See this missing spot right here, this tiny little break in the circle?


What happened, did your weak little above-world fingers get tired? Did they drop the chalk before you completed the circle? Or did you just stupidly walk across the chalk with your clumsy little witch feet and break the circle? Are you just a weakling, or some kinda gimp who can't walk worth a shit?" He laughed loudly.


"Doesn't matter to me, of course, because I'm free. But," he leered, lifting her off the floor so that her face was mere inches from his own, "it's gonna matter a LOT to you in a few minutes, sweet cheeks. Cuz ya see, I'm gonna fuck every hole you have until you're a quaking, drooling mess on the floor. I'm gonna rip you open with my cock and leave your cum-covered carcass for your friends or family to find. You, my sweet, are going to pay for dragging me away from my whores... and for every order you barked at me... and for the very INSULT of thinking yourself my better. You, you retarded bitch, are going to be fucked all the way to your grave I hope your little revenge gambit was worth it."


He opened his hand, releasing her reddened neck. Meg fell heavily to the floor. But before she could recover her wits, Fornicus again seized her, this time by her flowing red hair. He dragged her to him as if she were weightless.


When she was directly in front of him, he yanked her hair upward, lifting her grimacing face from the floor, but only by a few feet. He held her head at a most advantageous altitude, waiting for her to realize what was in store for her. What Meg's eyes saw throbbing before them made her shiver.


The leering Fornicus was stroking his huge, throbbing member. That already glistening helmet was less than a foot from Meg's face. She watched in fascination as the demon worked it into a pulsating frenzy before her eyes. Chuckling wickedly, the evil creature then wrapped Meg's long hair around his hand, thereby pulling her forward even more.


This brought Meg's flushed face within inches of that angry muscle. Her eyes widened. The slit in that bobbing helmet seemed to be close enough to tap the tip of her nose. Then, Fornicus again moved with the speed of light. Meg felt his free hand clamp tightly onto the back of her neck. It pulled her forward those last few centimeters. And she found that that swollen rod actually WAS tapping her nose.


"Smell good, bitch?" Fornicus chuckled softly. "Smell good enough to eat?" He laughed more wickedly still. "Because," he grinned maliciously, "that's exactly what you're gonna do." Pulling her head forward, he then braced her neck so that she couldn't move, circling long, vise-like fingers around her soft throat again, this time from behind.


He then let go of her hair. But only so he could use his freed hand to do something more vile to her. He grabbed the shaft of his pulsating penis just below the engorged head and began rubbing it in Meg's face.


He pushed the head and the underside of his shaft into the flesh of that sweet, young face and moved it all around, slowly, deliberately making sure every inch of her face was honored by its presence. Meg couldn't even squirm or wriggle her head into a slightly different position, so strong was his grip on her neck and head.


"Mmmm.... doesn't that feel nice? Oh, you like my cock in your face, I can tell. Bet you can't wait for me to shove it in your mouth, huh? Bet you're eager for a taste of it, right? Yeah, sweet demon cock. Wanna taste it, like the cock-sucking blow whore you are?"


Meg continued to feel that hot, sweaty rod massaging her face. It's scent was pungent, like a man sweating after a long day's work, but it wasn't the foul underworld stench she'd expected. Even so, as he dragged its rough, veiny surface over her cheeks, chin and lips, the demonic pre-cum dribbling from its slit coated parts of her face.


But she couldn't move to avoid any of it. Fornicus was toying with her, using her face as his personal cock toy. Astonishingly, Meg didn't close her eyes with revulsion. Rather, those mesmerized eyes continued to watch that huge penis as it had its way with her face. As the impudent dick dragged itself from cheek to chin to opposite cheek, the dribbling slit left a wet trail on her soft flesh. When Meg glanced up at the twisted Fornicus, she saw his eyes staring intently down at her, but his smiling lips were sighing loudly.


"Oh, yeah," the hell spawn grinned, "I can tell you want it in your mouth, don't you? Admit it, you want to give Fornicus a delicious blowjob, don't you? Well, go ahead, you can suck my cock. In fact," his grin became deadly, "I insist." He removed his cock from her face and aimed it directly at her lips. That guttural rumble rose from his insides again as he sneered, "C'mon, bitch... open up."


Meg clamped her lips tightly together, trying vainly to turn her head to one side. Fornicus mashed his dripping helmet against her pursed lips, trying to force it between them. Irritated at her resistance, he growled, "Suck my cock, bitch! Open your mouth NOW!"


When his verbal urgings had no effect on the trembling Meg, Fornicus decided a still more convincing approach was in order. Again like lightning, the hand that had been smearing his cock's pre-cum all over Meg's face let loose its grip on his penis and again grabbed fingers full of curly red hair.


With a vengeance, Fornicus yanked on that hair, hard enough to jerk Meg's head to one side. When Meg's mouth opened in a wail of pain, his other hand pushed her head forward from behind, unerringly forcing her open mouth around his thick, rock hard cock.


Instantly he let go of her tresses, using both hands to keep her head motionless as he thrust his throbbing member deep into her mouth. Meg's eyes widened like saucers. Fornicus sighed, licked his lips and began happily humping her face, his hips thrusting his cock ever deeper down her wide-stretched throat.


"Ahh, I KNEW you wanted to suck my cock," he laughed. "Admit it, whore, that's why you really summoned me, isn't it... so you could gobble up some fat, juicy demon dick!" He roared laughter, his strong thighs propelling his huge penis deep into Meg's face over and over again. His enormous sack slapped at her chin and neck, slamming into them like hairy twin sacks of potatoes.


"Oh, yeah, bitch... suck my cock. And don't bother trying to bite it. I won't feel a thing. Demon cock is pretty tough. If anything, the extra stimulation will make me come even more." Then, laughing, he added, "Damn, I'm glad you summoned me after all. You give better hummers than some of the cunts in Hell!"


Meg was helpless on her knees before this hulking demon, his huge hands holding her face still so he could fuck it. Her eyes were still wide, if only from the strain of sucking such a huge member. Fornicus' strong fingers dug into her scalp as he joyfully humped her stretched out mouth.


Even when Meg tried to pull back or roll onto her side, the thrusting demon had such a completely unbreakable hold on her head that even if her body changed position, her head wouldn't.


And so the demon continued to sink his formidable cock into her mouth and enjoy the feeling of his balls slapping her defenseless chin and neck. Meg could only remain there on her knees, lips surrounding his plunging organ, waiting for the beast's sticky load to flow into her captive mouth.


But simply fucking Meg's mouth was apparently not enough for this vile creature. Not missing a thrusting beat, Fornicus, continuing to hump like the animal he was, looked around the room quickly. Spying the bed, he dragged Meg over to it.


As he dragged her along the floor, he held her head in place in front of him and didn't stop thrusting his rod into her mouth for even a second. He maintained his dick's frenetic assault on her stuffed mouth all the while he dragged her to the bed, laughing as she slid along the floor, writhing and twisting and slapping uselessly at him.


Reaching the bed, he sat down on it heavily, sinking into the mattress. Meg was still on her scraped knees, her head between his legs, but now instead of thrusting his hips into her face, Fornicus was using his huge paws to force her head up and down on his penis, not even slowing the pace!


"Oh... this is... so good... slut... I find... fucking... your face... to be very... pleasant... I could... drill it... all night...Your mouth... was made... for fucking... Oh yeah... suck cock... bitch!"


What Fornicus did next took Meg by surprise. She'd simply assumed he'd fuck her mouth until he came. But obviously, this sick demon wanted more pleasure than just that. It seemed more than just his cock desired the warmth of Meg's mouth.


The removal of that huge, throat-clogging cock from her mouth came as a complete surprise to Meg, who thoroughly expected a cascade of demon cum down her throat at any moment. Instead, Fornicus, still holding her head firmly in his hands, said, "Lick my balls, bitch. Lick them good. The whole damn sack. Suck them, too. Pop them in your mouth and really enjoy them. Yeah, bitch... give my balls some lips and tongue. Yeah, there's a good little suck whore."


Removing his hands from Meg's scalp and neck, he then propped himself up on one elbow on the bed, his other momentarily free fingers twisting yet again into another handful of Meg's hair, yanking her head forward as he spread his legs, keeping one foot on the floor, but bringing the other up onto the mattress.


Spreading his large, muscled thighs, he thrust his sweating crotch forward at her as he pushed her face down into it. His entire genital area was spread out before Meg, like the three course dinner he thoroughly expected her to eat.


"Lick!" he repeated, twisting his fingers in her hair for emphasis. Meg howled again, but this time Fornicus' penis had no intention of filling that tempting opening. Instead, he thrust her face further down between his legs and pointed at his sack. He continued twisting her hair until her tongue came out of her mouth.


Then he loosened his grip on her locks, pending her tongue's cooperation. When the tongue was not forthcoming with its humble service, he again twisted her hair, and pulled hard on it. Meg thought she could HEAR the roots straining, shouting vehemently their threat to let loose of her scalp.


She whimpered, thought about resisting, but in the end extended her tongue and submissively brought it into contact with his waiting testicles. "Ahhhhhh... lovely," the demon sighed. "Give them a nice, wet bath. Lick them like a good little girl."


Slowly, her compliant tongue dragged itself across the hairy contours of his bloated sack. Lick after lick, Meg gave in to Fornicus' depraved demands.


She licked his balls while he alternately sighed and chuckled. All the way back she licked, to the very rear of his sweat moistened sack. He leaned back to give her access to every inch of his cum-filled testicles. He watched with vengeful joy as the woman who'd had the audacity to summon him and BELITTLE him was forced to lick his scrotum. Oh, how he was going to enjoy cumming in that bossy mouth.


"Suck them," he said, "take them in your mouth one at a time and suck them. Lick each one as you suck it." He tittered as she complied, sucking his balls humbly, knowing she had no choice. Fornicus felt compelled to berate her, as she had berated him. "That's right, you arrogant bitch, suck my balls.


Bet you can't get enough, huh? Fornicus' fat, juicy balls are tasty, no? Well, I'm a true gentleman, so I'll let you savor their flavor all night.. or, at least, until I need to cum in your mouth. I DO have to have my priorities." Laughing, he sat back and watched Meg's busy mouth between his legs, careful to keep a grip on those lovely red tresses.


It simply wouldn't do for that bossy mouth to stray too far from his genitals. That was one way to shut her up, he thought, by shoving his genitals directly into that smart mouth, thereby killing two birds with one stone... not only would he receive simply lovely orgasms, but the only sound that impudent mouth could possibly make was those simply musical slurping and sucking noises on his cock and balls.


After some thirty minutes of having his scrotum licked and sucked, Fornicus again wanted his cock in Meg's mouth. His orgasm was approaching, and he wanted to make sure he filled her stomach with it.


Yanking on Meg's hair again, he tugged her lapping mouth away from his spit-drenched testicles. Meg's face was sweating - some of it from extended exertion and some imparted to her flesh care of the demon's sweating crotch - and she was panting. "Time to suck cock again, bitch," he snarled. "Open up."


Exhausted and defeated, Meg opened her mouth. Fornicus quickly filled it with throbbing cock meat. But, not wanting to have to use his arms to move her face up and down his shaft, he shoved his cock into her mouth and then stood up again, this time turning Meg around so that her back was against the side of the bed.


Bracing the back of her head against the bed, he found he could hump her face as heartily as before, and yet save energy, thereby allowing for a longer face-humping marathon. So, that he did. Meg sat with her back forcibly pressed against the bed, accepting Fornicus' insistent cock down her throat and his hips' constant movements shoving it down ever deeper.


The demon growled with intense pleasure as his fat member repeatedly drilled into the witch's mouth like an oil drill seeking oil in the deepest depths of the Earth's crust - except that it would be his burrowing drill which erupted, and not Meg's yielding throat.


This time, Fornicus didn't stop thrusting his meat into her face until he came. It happened while he was thrusting madly against her, his jackhammer hips slamming into her face hard and fast as he grunted and snorted his foul desire.


All Meg could see was his muscled belly and his groin's thick, black mane as they slapped painfully into her sucking face repetitively, hard flesh and irritating pubes conspiring to maul her delicate nose and cheeks. Her mouth was stretched insanely wide to accommodate that enormous penis as it invaded all the way to her throat.


Her head slammed back over and over again, her neck screaming with each of Fornicus' bestial thrusts. All she could do was wait for his eruption... and hope she could swallow fast enough to keep from drowning.


Suddenly, she felt ten fingers stab into her scalp and lock in place. Fornicus snarled and shook and bellowed. His groin attacked Meg's face with a vengeance, slamming her back and back and back. Her breathing through her nose was erratic at best, as she awaited her liquid meal.


Fornicus growled over and over, loudly and from deep inside his heaving chest. His eyes alternately burned down at Meg and shut in ecstasy as his open-mouthed demon's face pivoted up and down, in almost the same rhythm as his pounding hips. He panted like a wild animal, snorting and grunting over and over.


His neck muscles became taut and he screamed at the ceiling. His crotch began slamming into Meg's face so hard that she thought she'd get whiplash. With each thrust she slammed back into the bed and her tender bottom lifted from the floor. But she was powerless to even push him back a few comforting inches, so she was trapped beneath that grunting, rutting, mouth-fucking animal.


At last the demon came. A hot rush of cum blasted into the back of Meg's throat. Volley after volley of hot demon juice pelted the soft flesh of the inside of her objectified mouth. It was indeed hot... hotter than any cum she'd ever tasted. A molten sperm dining experience. And it seemed unending.


Her mouth literally FILLED with cum. With wide, worried eyes, she swallowed as fast as she could. But still the cum kept blasting into her mouth. Fornicus' cock was stretching her mouth so far, so impossibly wide, that there wasn't even room for his semen to leak out around it. ALL of it... every single drop... accumulated in Meg's mouth, threatening to fill it to the point of suffocation. But Meg swallowed and swallowed, her neck muscles getting tired and sore from the unending workout.


Finally, long, long minutes later, the deluge ended. Fornicus' penis, though still incredibly engorged, stopped spurting. Growling again, this time with more contentment than need, his huge demon body slumped on top of the still swallowing Meg. His even then mostly erect muscle still filled her mouth, and his incredible bulk squashed her flat and unable to move beneath him, but at least his dribbling penis had ceased its incessant flooding of her mouth!


Meg lay there beneath the demon, gasping for air through flaring nostrils, while Fornicus simply rested on top of her, content to keep his cock in her mouth while he regained his strength for pleasures yet to come.


And though his body weighed down on her heavily and breathing came at a premium, Meg was happy to still be breathing at all, and she, likewise understandably exhausted, was also content to lay beneath Fornicus and rest, even if his suffocating, wetly dribbling penis was still wedged into her mouth, like some fat, fleshy feeding tube.


At length, Fornicus stirred atop the weary Meg. His sweat had drenched her skin almost as much as his semen had saturated the tissues of her mouth and throat.


She was dripping from head to foot when he finally removed his sated bulk from atop her. He took sick pleasure in slowly sliding his dribbling penis from that wide-stretched mouth, thoroughly enjoying the feeling of one last squeezing of his shaft by those stuffed, tightly encircling lips.


He sighed contentedly as the very act of removing his cock from her mouth squeezed out the last few drops of his orgasm. For her part, Meg ignored that last act of depravity, happy just to be gasping in as much air as her tortured lungs could stand. As the demon rose, she only had the strength to raise her head and look at him. Nothing more.


Fornicus stood tall, stretching, obviously satisfied. He posed arrogantly before Meg, grinning down at her. "You see," he said, "I knew you wanted to suck my cock. And you really licked my balls with gusto, slut. I've made a note to make sure I invade that mouth of yours a lot before you die. Oh," he tapped his chin with a long, chubby finger, pretending to contemplate something,


"I should think you could blow me another eight to ten times before you give out. What do you think, bitch? A dozen more blow jobs for the Great Fornicus before you twitch and die?" He laughed, and then bent down to bring his face close to Meg's.


"Wonder why you never gagged on my big cock, bitch?" His grin was foul and sick. It was almost as if he'd read her mind. Because, she had to admit, she did wonder at that.


Maybe if she'd gagged, Fornicus would've taken his cock out of her mouth much sooner... though she doubted it. Knowing how depraved Fornicus was, even if she'd begun retching, he wouldn't have removed his cock from her mouth until his balls had emptied themselves down her heaving throat.


Grinning, he answered his own question. "You see, slut, we lust demons have a special gift. We want to kill our victims with SEX, not with gagging and retching. This lovely, delicious cock," he fondled himself again, "has the lovely knack of anesthetizing whatever I stick it into, whether it be a mouth, a pussy or an asshole. How else could a lust demon's victim live long enough to get him off?"


He laughed again, looking at Meg with no pity whatsoever. "So," he continued, "if you were hoping to puke and turn me off, well... little cock-sucking bitch... it ain't gonna happen. I can fuck your mouth over and over again, and your throat will just keep swallowing and swallowing and swallowing for me, keep accepting anything I shove into it. Isn't that lovely?" He stood up and reared back his head, belting out another chorus of his demented laughter.


Finally, when his laughing fit ended, Fornicus leered down at Meg with renewed interest. She shuddered. Staring up at his salacious expression, she realized that her ordeal had only just begun.


The evil demon had much more in store for her. After all, if he was intending to fuck her to death, he had a long way to go. And that leering face, the slavering lips, the foul stench of lust all over him, said that he intended to do just that... no matter how long it took. Meg shivered again. He again brought his wicked face close to hers.


"Well, now," Fornicus drooled, "that certainly was a pleasant beginning to the festivities, wasn't it? Having my cock sucked by some arrogant little slut is always a good thing. But, you, whore, have so, so much more ahead of you. Ahh... where to begin? You have so much to atone for... so much delicious revenge pleasure to give your handsome Fornicus. Are you ready to begin?"


With flaring nostrils and supremely evil eyes, he added with a soft grunt, "Are you ready to dance with the demon of your dreams, you pathetic little fuck-whore?" Up until that moment, Meg had never realized that any pair of eyes could convey both lust and hatred simultaneously, but there it was, both emotions clearly lighting Fornicus' evil eyes from behind.


Shivering, Meg stiffened against the bed. Chills danced along her spine. Phase two had begun. Fornicus was horny again, and she was his plaything. She bit her lip and awaited his decision as to how he would next ravage and abuse her for his pleasure. She didn't have long to wait.


"I think," the looming demon said to her, whispering into her face, "that it's time you remove your annoying clothing, my dear. You have other openings that Fornicus wants to fill. My cock is hungry for them all. So, you don't mind removing that useless, flimsy little robe - and any underthings you may be wearing underneath - do you? After all, a slut can't please her Master if she's stubbornly covering up the very things he most covets, now, can she? Of course not. Whores and sluts are meant to be naked and available at all times."


Their eyes met for a time, Meg still refusing to show fear. But, Fornicus merely laughed. Then, more horny than amused, he glared at her menacingly and growled, "Get your fucking clothes off, earth tramp, or I'll rip them off for you."


Meg resisted for a moment, then realized it would do no good. Slowly, her fingers began to fiddle with the robe's belt still tied about her waist.


"Wait," Fornicus snickered, the phrase 'rip them off' suddenly striking a chord in his evil brain, "I think I'd rather do this myself, after all."

f o u r

Before Meg could react, the demon again had her around the neck. He lifted her off the floor, his eyes blazing with lust as he dangled her high in the air. His eyes scanned her helpless body, his mind trying to decide where to tear at her robe first.


Meg struggled and squirmed in his grasp, but her feet weren't even touching the floor. Even if she could've gotten such a foothold, what good could it possibly have done? She was no match for his strength and ferocity. For the moment, she was his sex toy, helpless to do anything but comply with his most disgusting wishes. She gritted her teeth for the inevitable.


And that was when The Great Fornicus reached out with one huge hand and began tearing the clothes from her trembling body. Holding Meg in the air effortlessly, the drooling demon grabbed her robe at the overlap which crossed over her breasts.


Knowing full well that he could've just as easily removed it by tugging at the belt tied loosely around her waist, he thought it would be much more fun - and make more of a statement - to grab that "v" at her cleavage and tear the robe free from there. It would impress upon the mouthy bitch just exactly how helpless she truly was.


Such a giggle it would be to watch her quake with fear during such a forced disrobement, her reeling mind realizing at last that she was about to be raped and sodomized repeatedly for hours on end. And, oh, how he would enjoy ogling those soft, jiggling tits as they bounced their way to freedom - that is, of course, until his mouth captured them and sucked them dry.


All of this convinced the demon that he did indeed need to rend that bothersome robe, so, chuckling obscenely, that's exactly what he did. His clawing fingers grasped the flimsy material at Meg's heaving cleavage and yanked with more force than was necessary to rip it from her soft, pink flesh - the better to set those fleshy globes to jiggling for his pleasure.


Meg jerked only once as he ripped the top half of her robe away from her body with just a single pull. She wore no bra beneath her robe, and Fornicus took great joy in watching her now naked breasts dance from the force of his tug, exactly as he'd imagined it would be. He licked his lips at the sight of those ripe, succulent melons and their oh, so tasty looking nipples.


But breasts alone would never be enough to satisfy a lust demon's hunger. Hence, Fornicus still eyed the shattered robe with displeasure. Though those lovely breasts were his for the taking, still Meg's lower half - which held the remaining two orifices he had yet to savage - was still coyly hidden beneath the stubborn remains of the robe. That would not do.


What remained of the destroyed top half of the robe drooped lazily over Meg's midsection, still held somewhat in place by the silk belt around her waist. It seemed Fornicus would have to remove the bothersome strip after all. But, he realized with a sly grin, that belt could most certainly have some lovely uses down the road.


So, while he ripped it out of its guides as a matter of necessity, he took care not to destroy the belt itself. Not so the rest of the robe. Once the belt was tossed aside for future use, the bottom half of that shredded robe was history. Even thought with the belt and its top half missing the bottom half would've easily fallen from Meg's body, Fornicus wanted to tear if off of her, just because.


This meddling trollop had interfered with a simply wonderful fornication marathon with three of Hell's premiere bitch-whores, not to mention ordering him about as if he were her private chattel. She needed to be taught a lesson. So, letting that robe simply fall was out of the question.


The message was everything. As was instilling fear in his prey. Frightened women were just so delicious to fuck. Fear always makes them so compliant, not that it would matter if they weren't. Ah, yes, that stink of fear... so titillating... so delightfully arousing.


Before that robe could slip off the trembling Meg of its own accord, Fornicus again snatched it up in one eager paw, this time ripping it free from the curve of her hips and her fine, tender bottom. He snarled with glee as the last of the robe atomized in his hand. Yet, still, his view of earth pussy was obstructed. Meg wasn't wearing a bra, but she had worn panties beneath her robe. No matter, they would not be there for long.


Just to make Meg squirm, the lecherous demon didn't yank off her panties right away. Instead, he slipped his hand into them, first fondling Meg's ass, squeezing her warm cheeks with impunity, slipping his fingers between her legs without fear of reprisal. In short, as Meg dangled in the air before him, he brazenly felt up her ass and pussy. Meg could do nothing to stop him, except try vainly to squeeze her thighs together. That only turned out to infuriate the proud witch when Fornicus laughed at her feeble attempts to keep his hand out of her most intimate parts.


Laughing, the vile creature, still with his hand in Meg's panties, carried her over to the wall farthest from her bed. He held her up against the thankfully smooth surface, still holding her throat tightly, and continued fingering her soft, yielding flower. Meg squirmed and tried to break free... to no avail.


Fornicus worked his fingers into her pussy, wiggling them inside her as he sneered and licked his lips, keeping direct eye contact with her the entire time, his powerful, in control eyes humbling and shaming her completely powerless ones. He shoved three fingers deep inside her, then drove them roughly up and down within the sweet, tight confines of that invaded cavern.


The captive witch squirmed around his plundering fingers, which only made him finger it all the more. Faster and faster he finger-fucked her vagina, his cruel eyes never letting go of hers. Still she squirmed and tried to kick him, but even her most telling blows were insignificant to him. He felt none of them. His eyes gleamed with sadistic joy.


He was letting her know in no uncertain terms that he'd begun the process of dehumanizing her, of humiliating her for sport, of taking sole possession of her body for his many and varied perverse pleasures. His eyes and actions conveyed this very clearly to Meg. She had ceased to be a human being anymore... and had instead become the demon's personal fuck toy.


"Oh, come now, slut," the demon gloated, "all I'm doing is loosening you up for my huge, lovely cock. You don't want me to fuck you and have you split in half now, do you? That would be so disappointing for BOTH of us, don't you think? You'd be dead much too quickly, and I'd miss out on a really good fuck.


So, relax, and let Fornicus stretch your pussy so his cock will fit more easily, and maybe it won't hurt you so much. Though, in truth, a little screaming on your part would add to the proceedings nicely." His laughter was crude beyond words, and it only became more disgusting as he inserted a fourth finger into her.


When that fourth finger entered and began probing with the others, the demon ended his eye contact and leaned forward, so that his mouth could finally enjoy those tempting tits. His domineering eyes had made their point. It was now time to give them their reward, and allow them to ogle and savor the squirming little slut.


Meg squirmed against the wall as Fornicus mouthed and lapped her breasts, biting and sucking her nipples with a vengeance, his tongue slobbering over every available inch of breast flesh. As he orally molested Meg's bosom, he growled and panted and made piggish slurping and sucking noises, along with equally vile sounds of gratuitous pleasure.


All the while his burrowing fingers invaded her deeper and faster. Meg felt an orgasm building within her. The demon's fingers were now well lubricated as he pistoned them up and down in her dribbling sex. Meg bit her lip, feeling the sexual tide rising in her. She squeezed her vaginal muscles as tightly as she could, trying to stave off orgasm as long as possible.


But, as hideous as the fingers inside her and the mouth on her breasts were, still they were fingers and a mouth, still they suckled and stimulated her most intimate places, and still they evoked a response. She felt herself shuddering, eruption not far off.


But, orgasm, it seemed, was not just yet in the cards for the trembling Meg as, suddenly, the world turned upside-down. Blood rushed to her head as if blasted there from a cannon, and she found her upper body rushing toward the floor, strong demon fingers no longer clamped around her much relieved throat.


But just as her head was mere inches from shattering on the floor, her descent halted. Dizzy, she waited for her vision to clear, as the blood within her body tried to equilibrate itself after having suddenly collected primarily in her upper body. She was indeed upside-down. Directly before her focusing eyes were Fornicus' two large, hairy calves. She looked upward, toward her feet, and saw what her scrambled brain, impressively, had already suspected.


The horny creature from Hell was now holding her upside-down by a single ankle. He'd somehow flipped her in mid-air, then caught her ankle as it flew by. She still dangled helplessly before him, with her back against the wall, but now his mouth was eager to taste something other than her breasts.


And, having every intention of tasting it, he pulled Meg up inch by inch with his two hands, until he was no longer holding her ankle, but had a firm grip on each of her thighs, which he immediately spread wide apart.


With a snort of annoyance, he grasped the crotch of her silky panties and ungraciously ripped them from her body, his demon eyes - much more pleased now that the bothersome panties no longer covered Meg's sweet, pink pussy - gazing wantonly at the place where his fingers had been diddling happily mere moments ago.


Smiling down at Meg, Fornicus then bent forward and began sniffing her pussy. His eyelids fluttered in rapture as his nostrils moved about her glistening slit, sucking in their fill of its arousing scent.


"Mmmm.... smells good enough to eat." Sticking out his long tongue, he lapped her slit slowly, from her soft triangle all the way back to the crack of her ass. "Oh, yeah, very tasty. Don't you think pussy should be on every menu in every restaurant? It should be a law... both on Earth and in Hell. Don't you agree?" He snickered, his nostrils still crudely sucking in her scent and his wet tongue having its way with her downy treasure.


Meg could only watch helplessly as Fornicus sniffed and licked between her legs. In moments, his animalistic licking was again accompanied by those piggish, gorging sounds as he slurped and sucked madly at her slit and every juicy fold around it. He snorted and huffed and slobbered in her drenched bush like a starving bum gobbling down his first real meal in weeks.


The tremblings she'd felt a few minutes ago when her breasts were being so devoured, and her pussy was being fingered savagely, were returning with a vengeance. Again, she bit her lip, but it was to no avail.


It only got worse as intrusive fingers - having released one captured thigh so they could barge between Meg's legs again - briefly joined his burrowing tongue in those tender, glistening folds. Fat, sausage-like fingers spread her petals wide, opening her up for his slithering tongue to savor.


As she shuddered and quaked, her glazing pupils saw something which made them dilate wide. Fornicus had chosen to instead brace her by wrapping one arm around her waist and holding her against the wall that way. This pulled her dripping crotch closer to his face without him having to bend much at all, facilitating much more comfortable nuzzling and lapping of his victim's sweet nectar.


He also reluctantly removed his fingers from her pussy so he could employ them elsewhere - to much more PERSONAL effect. Still with his face buried in her again dribbling sex, Fornicus now had another, more stimulating use yet for his previously pussy-teasing hand... the happy chore of stroking his mammoth cock.


And Meg had a front row seat for the occasion. She watched as his fist clenched around the shaft of that huge cock and worked maniacally to beat it off as he slobbered noisily between her legs. She realized with a shiver that the weeping helmet of that primed muscle was aimed directly at her helpless face!


Just as she calculated the trajectory that Fornicus' ejaculations would take, she also discovered that his tongue was easily as long as a normal man's penis. She found this out when he moaned and drooled, inserting his tongue into her opening at least six or seven inches, fucking her with his tongue as a mortal man would with his throbbing penis.


The sight of his primed, dribbling cock aimed directly at her face, and the sensation of his tongue invading her pussy to its very core, conspired to increase her erotic tremblings. Again she approached orgasm. And this time there would be no sudden mid-air cartwheeling to break the momentum of her hormones.


Fornicus was mouthing her pussy ferociously, licking and sucking it dry, fucking it with his long, thick, squirming tongue, snarling his bestial lust as the helpless Meg careened madly toward orgasm. His stroking hand worked feverishly on the throbbing shaft of his insatiable cock.


And when Meg finally came, moaning loudly even through her lip-biting, Fornicus seemed to enjoy her orgasm, slurping even more loudly as he lapped her geysering crotch. Through her own erotic haze, she saw Fornicus' hips moving now, back and forth, faster and faster, as if generating power for his impending climax. And sure enough, Meg's own juices washing over the demon's face seemed to be the very firing mechanism that his angry tool needed.


As she trembled in her own lustful release, Meg's mouth opened in one long, continuous sigh. It so happened that this coincided exactly with the demon's own orgasm, his second of the evening. A thick stream of demon cum shot rocket-like from his testicles to his cock and from there slammed into Meg's face, followed by another... and another.


Meg's open, sighing mouth received its second dose of Fornicus' sticky cream. She cut short her sigh and instantly clamped her mouth shut, thereby staving off a second battle with possible drowning, but her head was still in the line of fire.


And though she managed to protect her eyes by likewise slamming down her eyelids, the demon's milky stream slapped her face repeatedly with his frantic, orgasmic rhythm, splattering on her already tainted features with such ferocity that she could hear the wet, smacking sounds of the multiple impacts.


So frequent were the bursts, that they sounded like intermittent, windswept bursts of rain pelting a window pane. In the deepest recesses of her retreating brain, she felt that she understood how a poor, defenseless window must feel during a raging thunderstorm.


Fornicus moaned into Meg's pussy for long, lustful minutes. His tongue had long since left her canal, but he still lapped hungrily at her juices, licking them from her entire crotch area, even sucking them from her cum-drenched bush. And all the while his cock blasted volley after volley into her defenseless face.


His sticky juices clung to every inch of her facial flesh from her chin to her hair. She swallowed the cum that had made it into her mouth before she could close it. But her chin, lips, cheeks, nose, eyelids, forehead and even inside her nostrils (!) were coated with his again seemingly endless cum barrage.


Her face was dappled here and there with milky droplets, crisscrossed with long strings of sticky liquid and splotched with larger globs in several places. Her hair clung stickily to her scalp in matted clumps as if it had been greased with mouse or hair gel, but it was all courtesy of Fornicus' ongoing orgasmic discharge.


Meg's orgasm had ended much sooner than Fornicus' had. Spent, she dangled there before him, upside-down, eyes still tightly closed, the demon's greedy mouth still slurping loudly between her quaking legs.


Even with her arms waving and trying to shield her face, more ejaculatory blasts got through than were successfully blocked, and his spurts were so frequent and incessant that her arms eventually got tired and fell limply at her side, leaving her pretty face completely unprotected.


Dangling there before that firing cannon, all she could do was wait for his seemingly endless supply of spurting fluids to stop spattering her face and neck.


It seemed to take forever. And even when the face anointing sprays finally came to an end, Fornicus repeatedly squeezed his shaft, working still more cum out through the head, and gleefully wiped it on Meg's face, purely for the sick pleasure of doing so. Meg could only dangle there and endure his sticky cock rubbing its remaining juices onto her face.


Finally, Fornicus sighed and growled contentedly. He let go of Meg's waist and let her drop to the floor. She landed with a thud.


"Damn, that was great, wasn't it?" Fornicus asked with a twisted grin as Meg tried to sit up against the wall and let her blood flow back to her entire body again .


"I'm gonna ENJOY fucking that pussy all night. Your ass, too. Smells sweet enough to eat, too. Yeah, my cock is gonna feel good in all those tight, sweet holes of yours. Whoever put you together, sure made you fuckable. You should be a demon whore, bitch. I'd have a great time fucking YOUR brains out every night. Too bad you hafta die, though. But look at the bright side. Maybe you'll go to Hell and we can hook up again!" He laughed, shaking his still dribbling dick in her direction, spraying her with a few final drops of his sticky demon cream.


As she looked up at him with disgust, he chuckled and added, "But that was all good for starters, wasn't it? C'mon, bitch, smile... you'll see LOTS more of my sweet cum before you bite the big one. Cheer up!" His mocking laughter filled the room, and Meg knew this was going to be one very long night.


Meg lost track of the hulking brute for a moment as she tried to wipe his sticky discharge from her hair and off of her saturated face. Before she could manage even a small bit of more than likely useless grooming, she felt her hair once again being painfully yanked from her head.


As if reliving a nightmare over and over again, she found herself yet again being dragged carelessly across the floor, this time her nakedness sliding across the wooden planks, her sweaty flesh keeping her from sliding smoothly, thus making it a bit painful.


"On your knees, bitch!" Fornicus bellowed, pushing her head down into the floorboards. "I think you need a lesson in doggie style, like all whores do." He chortled sickly as he stepped down on the back of her neck, his eyes admiring her fine, tempting ass rising up in the air as her face - no doubt becoming sticky now as his cum became tacky on it - rudely met the floor.


"Nice ass," he said, "but I already told you that, didn't I? Well, what I SHOULD say, is that I think it's time to fuck it. What do you say, cunt? Mind if I fuck your ass for a while? I really need another cum, and your ass looks like it can hold gallons of demon jiz!"


Again he laughed, bending down to slap her ass - hard. "Yeah, I think I'll fill that up for you. It'll be good for you to fill up that caboose with some premium for a change, instead of the wimpy-ass crap your dickless upper world boys call cum. And I'VE got some REAL premium to fill you up with. Ready for your next fill up? Ready to take it up the ass, bitch?"


Meg expected to feel his hard member ramming itself into her anus, but, instead, Fornicus decided to amuse himself first. Taking his foot off of the back of her neck, he quickly straddled her, lowering himself down to unceremoniously sit his rock hard, naked demon's ass on her head, his grinning face aimed in the direction of her vulnerable bottom.


Then, laughing the disgusting chortle of a most venomous demon, he slapped her ass with both hands, repeatedly. Each slap was so forceful that Meg's entire body shook, even with him sitting on the back of her head. Fornicus laughed louder with each slap on her tender buttocks. As time went on, not only her raw, reddened cheeks wailed in pain, but her poor, sticky face ached as well, from the demon's weight forcing it ever more painfully down into the hard floorboards.


"One, two, three... " he counted each slap on her crying ass, "four... five... six..." Meg couldn't move, pinned by his considerable weight. He continued to spank her tender bottom for long minutes. When he reached "one hundred and ten" he finally grew tired of slapping her glowing red cheeks.


Instead, he leaned forward and began invading her sphincter with his fingers. He laughed happily as he used one hand to play with her pussy while three fingers of his other hand probed her anus, working tirelessly at the tight muscle.


Constant fingering of her anal opening with his persistent fingers was fun, but by itself wasn't loosening up that damned muscle much at all! Still, he kept at it, determined to make Meg's ass a fun, yet comfortable, place to shove his cock. Then, his demented brain conceived of something that would be helpful in his anus tenderizing endeavor.


"This'll loosen up that tight little asshole of yours, bitch. The better to get my fat cock into it. I don't give a shit if I hurt YOU at all, but an ass that's too tight and dry might hurt my cock. I can't have THAT. Hmmm... speaking of dry... " Fornicus leaned forward and bent low. Meg heard disgusting snorting sounds as the demon sniffed at her sphincter.


After a few moments of this, his strong fingers grabbed her cheeks and spread them wide. She felt his nose as it pressed more firmly against her opening and again sucked in its scent. Within just a few minutes his slithering tongue was lapping her hole, burrowing its way inside it, licking the rim of her sphincter muscle.


Again making fowl slurping sounds, he then forced his six inch tongue inside her, grunting happily as he ate out her virgin ass with animated enthusiasm. Not only did the demon seem to enjoy this anal lapping very much, but it did indeed apparently help to loosen up that orifice for his rampaging penis to enjoy momentarily. But, with a grunt of resignation, Fornicus realized that his saliva alone was not enough lubricant to do the job. Something more was needed to prepare this tight opening for HIS incredible cock! And he knew just the thing to help prepare that tight ass for his pleasure!

f i v e

The hellspawn leaned back again, reaching down to Meg's ass-pinned head, and wiped the fingers that had been in her ass along the side of her face and under her chin, scooping up a generous dollop of his earlier deposited greasy cum.


It was still nicely wet and slippery. He then returned his fingers to her sphincter and worked them in again, using his cum-slickened digits to relax and lubricate the unwilling muscle. Ahh, yes, it worked much better than his thinner, less greasy saliva.


"There, your face won't miss a little cum. It's got plenty on it," he laughed. "And it'll help lubricate your hole for my ramming cock. Isn't that nice of me? I've always been told I'm too considerate." Again he wheezed and cackled at his own sick humor.


His persistent, wet fingers continued to work into her opening, determined to make it a pleasant entryway for his mammoth tool. Gradually, he loosened the tense muscle. He chuckled with glee as the sphincter seemed to just give up under his prolonged phalangial assault and relax for him.


When it finally did, he made sure he worked his fingers twice as hard in and out, deliberately finger-fucking her hole. He did this with obvious joy for a long time, knowing how humiliating it must be for Meg. That was good. She needed to be taught a lesson... or two... or three... He even briefly thought about shoving his entire fist up there, but then thought better of it.


"Nah," he thought, "don't want her TOO loose. Then it won't feel as great around my cock. It's gotta be just right when I fuck it." He licked his lips in anticipation.


"Ahhh," Fornicus sighed at last, speaking loud enough so that Meg could hear him down there under his smothering ass, "that should do it. That hole should be nice and loose and lubricated. Should be able to handle even MY huge boner!" He laughed yet again, looking back and down at the helpless Meg.


"Now you just stay right in that position, cunt. I'm gonna get behind you and fuck that sweet ass of yours for a while. Gonna give it that premium fill-up I mentioned. If you're good, I'll let you lick my cock afterwards. Should be a lot of juicy, mixed flavors on it for you by then. It'll keep those taste buds of yours from getting bored with all the cum I'm feeding you." More twisted chortling.


When Fornicus finally got off of her head, Meg breathed a sigh of relief. That is, until he was behind her, and she felt him pressing his huge helmet against her virgin sphincter. She heard him grunt - with both effort and pleasure - as he worked it in. Didn't this demon's dick EVER get soft? she wondered.


With a final shove from behind, all thought fled from Meg's mind as physical sensation alone took over once again. Grimacing with discomfort, even after the preparatory stretching and lubricating of her sphincter by the "considerate" Fornicus, Meg braced herself for the merciless advance of that enormous slab of demon cock.


Her entire ass seemed to cringe as that foul, ruthless penis barged callously into her cum-smeared, finger-loosened sphincter. Fornicus snorted his evil pleasure at debasing this new orifice... and geared himself up for some supremely greedy ass-fucking. Subconsciously, Meg tried to bite her lip in anticipation, but her mouth was too smashed against the floor for that to be even remotely possible.


The crazed demon drooled on himself like a rabid dog as he pushed his pole deeper and deeper into Meg's red, blushing ass. At first he braced her hips with his hands so he could shove his enormous rod through her still resisting sphincter and up into her colon.


With each successful inch he chortled harder, gyrating and rotating his hips to force himself deeper into her. Even greased and loosened as it was, Meg's muscle clenched around the foul creature's fat cock. The end result was yet more pleasure for the ass-humping demon, who rammed harder and deeper in response to his increased arousal.


Six, seven, eight, ten... twelve full inches he shoved up her ass. Meg groaned, but could do nothing to stop the advancing anal invasion. Then, with a final grunt of victory, Fornicus slammed his cock into Meg's abused bottom all the way to his balls. His manic hip thrusting and gyrating caused his huge nuts to slap bloatedly over and over again against her ass and inner thighs. That was when the true ass-pummeling began.


"Oh, NICE ass for an above world bitch! Even better than I expected." Fornicus sobbered. "Now you just relax and let the Great Fornicus do all the work," the twisted demon cackled. "But, do brace yourself, because I'm going to give this sweet ass one helluva workout. Ha! No pun intended!"


Meg's sphincter was stretched to its limits as Fornicus' thick slab of demon meat moved back and forth within its confines. As her hole loosened up further, her abuser speeded up his indelicate tenderizing of her ass. In and out went that ferocious, insatiable cock, each thrust of his potent hips slamming Meg's face into the floor, her entire body racked with convulsions.


Second by second Fornicus got more and more into his anal ravaging, and his demonic, grunting thrusts seemed to increase exponentially in both speed and savagery. Meg's sphincter even started to heat up from the incredible friction. Meg had long since given up and surrendered to this perverse ass-pounding.


Being continuously slammed into the floor from behind as she was, she focused her efforts on keeping air in her lungs, and splinters out of her face!


"Oh, yes!" Fornicus howled, "This ass was MADE for fucking! Oh, yeah, bitch, this shit's gonna get torn up REAL good!"


Meg experienced a pang of unpleasant Deja vu when she felt determined fingers once again entwined in her cum-slickened tresses. Yanking mercilessly on those captured locks, Fornicus pulled back on Meg's head, controlling its whereabouts by what he did with her hair. He used that now sticky mane the way a jockey would use his reins to steer a horse.


Pain begot cooperation. And Meg's neck was indeed stretched back painfully as he continued to pull her hair throughout his ramming of her burning ass.


This led to yet another pleasure for the perverted hellspawn. With her head yanked back like that, and his constant pounding between her cheeks, Fornicus noted with prurient joy that Meg's breasts were bouncing and jiggling in a most tempting fashion.


And since his hungry cock was thrust so deeply into his helpless captive anyway, there was no longer any need to hold onto her ass as he fucked her, so his non-hair pulling hand was free to play elsewhere, hence he decided to put it to good use.


Yanking back ferociously on Meg's already tortured locks, the relentless demon bent the poor lass into almost a horseshoe shape, so that his hand could capture one of those bouncing globes and squeeze it with abandon. Meg was nearly howling from the pain in her scalp and in her lower back, but Fornicus only saw the object of his desire... that teasing, tempting tit.


If the howling strumpet was in pain, she was in pain. That was her problem. He was enjoying his ass fuck, and he was about to fondle that succulent tit. That was all that mattered. Meg's wails, if anything, were nothing more than gravy to the demon, a delicious side-effect.


Her screams of pain were music to his horned ears... and spurred him on to greater depths of extreme butt-fucking. Oh, what an exciting addition to the fun! Scream, baby, scream, he thought, and my dick'll just pound you harder!


Fornicus howled with glee when his mauling paw captured that bouncing breast, and he quickly began fingering the soft flesh, pinching the taut nipple. The pleasure of those acts caused his rectal hammering to again double in ferocity. Meg thought his enormous, pounding cock was going to invade her liver, or perhaps pound against even her heart!


She could barely breathe, because of the way her back was bent into a "u" shape... and because she was biting her lip from the screaming going on at her hair follicles. She wished Fornicus would hurry up and ejaculate, as her scalp, back and ass were becoming very sore indeed. And her left breast, mauled relentlessly by the obviously elated demon's clutching paw, was also beginning to feel bruised.


Yanking on Meg's hair, Fornicus bellowed, "BEG me to fuck your ass HARDER, bitch!"


Cum-drenched red curls threatened to vacate Meg's scalp. She wailed in agony, "Owwwwwwwwwwwwwohhhhhyes, please Great Fornicus, fuck my ass harder!" Her still sticky lips screamed the words at the ceiling.


Snickering and giggling a hideous, wheezing laugh, the demon said sarcastically, "As you wish, Milady." Ramming her harder still, he added, "Tell me your name, oh queen of witches."


Meg's entire body was convulsing with the demon's doubled vigor. Gasping, she tried to speak, but the increased activity at her bottom left her breathless. All she could manage was, "Me... Me... I'm Me..."


Fornicus squeezed her breast and yanked back on her hair again. "Your name, bitch... what's your name?"


"MEG!" she screamed, "Meg... I'm... Megan," she gasped at the distant sky.


"Ahh... pretty name... witch bitch... How deliciously... appropriate... Megan... BEGGIN' Megan..." he laughed, "How perfect!...Now... beg... Great Fornicus... to fuck you... still harder.... beggin' Megan..."


Another tug on her hair. "Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Oh, yes.... Great Fornicus... PLEASE... fuck my ass... harder... PLEASE!"


Fornicus again snarled his satisfaction. His slamming hips propelled her inch by inch across the floor, her aching knees scraping on the floorboards, his relentless thrusts bouncing them up and down, bruising them more each passing second. "Beg more, bitch! I LIKE it!" Again her follicles wailed in torment.


"Owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.... owwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! PLEASE... GREAT FORNICUS... FUCK YOUR... BITCH WHORE!... FUCK MY... ASS... UNTIL IT... SPLITS... IN TWO!... FUCK ME... HARDER... PLEASE!"


Meg's knees and elbows slammed repeatedly into the floor as Fornicus' battering ram molested her colon deeply, boring into her with insane need. The foul demon drooled onto Meg's back, and it slithered down into her sweating crack, adding to the lubrication that was being depleted with every insatiable thrust of demon cock.


Her entire body was in shock at the demon's powerful thrusting. Those unstoppable hips had already pushed her along the floor to almost the entire length of the room. And while she was exhausted, Fornicus seemed as fresh and rested as if he were lazily sipping tea on a poolside lounge chair.


"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," growled the rutting demon, "I SO... LOVE IT... WHEN THEY... BEG!!!" To Meg he replied, "Don't mind... if I do... fuck you harder... since you... asked so... sweetly... Now... MORE BEGGING!" Follicles howled in pain.




"Ahh... music... to my... ears," he sighed quietly - mainly to himself - the bulk of his energies required elsewhere at the moment, as orgasm became imminent. Though the demon then temporarily went silent, Meg could hear his disgusting grunts and gasps of pleasure, and knew it wouldn't be long before his fluids again invaded her body.


At long last, Meg's earlier wish was granted. Fornicus' ensuing ejaculation was as potent as his previous. He howled and screamed and snarled as his butt-slapping testicles emptied themselves, passing their cargo on to his cock, which delivered it immediately to Meg's ravaged colon.


His ass-humping became frenetic, almost desperate, as if he NEEDED to empty out every drop of semen into Meg's waiting bowel. Minutes passed, and Meg felt the liquid building up inside her, spurt after spurt of demon spum filling her. She could actually feel it squishing and sloshing around inside her.


Such unbelievable volume! She realized now just how lucky she'd been not to have drowned earlier when Fornicus had similarly filled her mouth. Even as her ass was violently assaulted and filled to overflowing, her mind credited that earlier survival to the power of her protective spells. Without them, she shuddered to think what condition she'd be in right now, if alive at all.


Finally, Fornicus let go of her hair. But, that was only so he could maul and pinch the other breast. He continued to fuck her ass - even after having already emptied his load into her - for nearly fifteen minutes more. And every second of that time he pinched and pulled her nipples, squeezing both breasts as if he were attempting to squirt milk from them.


He tugged her nipples until they stretched a solid inch from the areolas, squeezing them, pinching them, twisting them, all the while manically bombarding her from behind. Meg's scalp may have been breathing a sigh of relief, but her back was not, as the evil demon bent her back even further, so that both his brutish hands could continue to torment her soft, yielding breasts.


And then, astonishingly, he came inside her all over again! Heat and a sticky wetness filled her colon in renewed pulses of ejaculatory release. The volume of fluid was such that she felt as if she were receiving a hot, violent, colon-stretching enema.


Finally, suddenly, Fornicus again ceased ejaculating, almost immediately thereafter releasing Meg's beleaguered mammaries, moving his hands back to her hips, to assist him in rudely removing his drained crank from her ass. Meg, suddenly and unexpectedly released, slammed face-forward onto the floor.


The pain of her landing was little to bear in comparison to finally having the pain in her back, scalp and chest come to a long overdue end. One last instant of discomfort came when Fornicus carelessly ripped his nearly satisfied penis from her cum-filled backside. Meg lay there, exhausted and sore, trying to catch her breath, wondering what new tortures this twisted demon might have in store for her.


To her amazement, Fornicus' orgasm had still not actually completely ended yet! With perverse glee, the demon resumed spurting, the hot, sticky sprays landing all over the soft skin of her ass and lower back. A few stray droplets even made it as far as her shoulder blades. When the ejaculations finally stopped, Fornicus happily occupied himself by using his cock to smear his cum all over Meg's ravaged ass.


He took great glee in spreading it around on her skin, even using the dribbling head of his penis to squeeze some of it between her cheeks. By the time he was done, her entire ass, at least half of her back, and the upper half of the backs of her thighs were coated in his sticky demon cream. He looked down at his artistic handiwork and smiled, pleased with the overall appearance of his juices giving a fine, glistening coat to Meg's flesh.


"That was the best ass-fuck I've had in centuries, bitch. I'm gonna make a note to put my cock back in your ass a few more times tonight. Don't worry your pretty head, though... just like this time, all you have to do is lay there and let me fuck it. Isn't that kind of me?"


His sickly laugh again filled the room. Meg was too exhausted to get involved in a battle of wills with him this time. She could only gasp for air and shudder at what twisted perversions Fornicus would accost her with next. And she barely had energy for THAT!


"Ahh..." Fornicus mocked as he slowly stood up behind the cum-smeared witch, "was that as good for you as it was for me, little whore? Damn, I could use a ciggy right now. Don't suppose an uptight little earth bitch like you would have a stogie around or anything, would you? Nah, you're probably afraid I'd shove THAT up your ass, too!"


He laughed so hard he had to stagger over to the bed and sit on it. He convulsed with laughter, even his hard, muscled body quaking from the twisted mirth.


Meg took the opportunity to close her eyes and rest. She could feel his cum already drying on her buttocks and thighs - and yet still dripping wetly from her ravaged sphincter - even as it already had glazed to a crusty coating on her face. It's briney smell was beginning to become more potent by the minute. But, that was the least of her concerns at the moment.


Recuperation, however, was not in the cards for Meg this day. Another handful of twisted hair explained this to her with crystal clarity. With the screaming of hair follicles once again, Meg felt her limp body being easily lifted from the floor.


Quickly releasing those tortured locks, the tall hellspawn once again held her dangling before him by her slim, pretty neck. "Hey, cunt, you're not getting lazy on me, are you? I've got lots more cum for you. Where am I gonna put it, if not in you? No more rest for you, whore. It's time to fill you up again."


With that, Fornicus spun her in the air, this time twirling her horizontally instead of vertically. He spun her sharply, quickly catching her with her back to him. When he caught her, instead of again clutching her by the neck, he instead caught her by the hips. She was dizzy and disoriented as he held her in the air for a moment, calculating, gauging the correct angle and trajectory.


Slobbering, he then slammed her downward - onto his waiting erection. Her pussy twitched and involuntarily contracted, recoiling in shock at the sudden intrusion of demon cock into its deepest recesses Fornicus, shaking his hips and wiggling from side to side to help force his member deeper into Meg, laughed and drooled on his chin.


Meg's mouth and brain both screamed silently with the suddenness of the penetration, as already re-engorged demon cock tore past her glistening lips and sunk deeply into her vagina. Her eyes were wide with surprise, her mouth still opened wide but with no sound escaping it.


She was shocked by the unexpectedness of the move, and could only shudder from head to toe as Fornicus began to fuck her senseless. Snorting and gibbering, the hellspawn rammed his hungry penis into Meg's yielding pussy with complete lack of concern for his poor victim. Holding her hips grasped tightly in his grip, he forced her squirming body downward inch by inch, sliding her shocked pussy down around his greedy cock, stuffing it full of his hungry meat.


He pushed down on her hips, and thrust upward with his, until he was sure she was thoroughly and irreversibly impaled on his greedy member yet again. Only when his cock was completely inside her did he snort with satisfaction.


Her weight was nothing to him, and he strutted coolly about the room, with the dangling Meg impaled on his once again primed tool. His thrusting hips had her flopping in the air in front of him like a rag doll. He again snagged her breasts and tormented them with greedy fingers.


He might have thought of this as repetitive and unimaginative, but this time she WAS in an upright position instead of on her knees like a Chihuahua, and he WAS fucking her pussy, not her ass. So, he dismissed those negative thoughts and concentrated on the job at hand... that being emptying his cock and balls into this meddling strumpet one more time. A new, unspoiled and unfilled orifice - but to which he intended to do both.


Drooling, the lust demon carried Meg around the room, slamming his meat into her oh so soft pussy and again abusing those bouncing beauties. He only wished his hands had teeth, so he could bite those tender nipples... but time enough for that later. In the end, just walking around and fucking Meg - even though a new orifice was involved - really didn't seem to satisfy Fornicus' sicker instincts, so he searched for something else to inflict on this annoying - but fuckable - little earth bound cock whore.


Then he spied the bed. And his warped mind recalled the tossed aside robe belt. The two clicked and melded together in his fetid brain. He grinned. Oh, yes, that would be so lovely. THAT would be a much more imaginative fuck. Ahh, yes, he thought sickly, Fornicus' will be done!


He laughed. His rag doll humping of Meg's pussy didn't slow down a bit as he scanned the room for the discarded belt. With a wicked snicker he located it, then carried Meg over to its location, still slamming his hips upward into her. She flopped so deliciously. Her succulent tits - on those rare occasions when his greedy paws briefly set them free - bounced every so deliciously, and her ass cheeks rippled so sweetly against his ramming hips.


Her sticky mane nonetheless flew high off her shoulders with every needy thrust. She looked the way a naked woman would surely look while operating a jackhammer! Only HE was the jackhammer that caused her to bounce and flop so pleasantly. Fornicus approved of the overall fucked rag doll look. It seemed to mirror her hopeless predicament perfectly.


Keeping the captive witch impaled on his inhuman cattle prod, The Great Fornicus bent to retrieve the belt, holding Meg around the waist as he did so, saddened at even this brief interruption in his tit mauling. He picked up the belt, looked it over, smiled approvingly. Yes, it would do. He only needed a few feet of material to do the job he had in mind.


Still keeping Meg impaled and flopping humorously on his cock, Fornicus made his way to the bed. Again bracing Meg with his arm around her waist, he lifted the foot of the bed easily, standing the frame on end with the headboard on the floor. He inspected the metal crossbar of the bed's frame, grunting with evil satisfaction. This, too, would do.


"Put your hands over your head, bitch," Fornicus snarled into Meg's ear.


She complied, shuddering at the unknown.


Fornicus walked her over to the wall, pressing her against it, then leaned into her back. He didn't want to remove his cock from her pussy for even an instant if he didn't have to, so he used the wall to brace her as his eager hands tied her wrists together with the belt.


That task completed, he then moved back to the bed and flipped the remaining length of the belt over the crossbar, wrapping it around a couple of times and then tying it tightly to the bar. Now, sadly, he knew he'd have to vacate her dripping quim to complete the task. But, he knew that in just a few minutes, he'd be fucking her again with great gusto and a bit more panache. So, he'd just have to grin and bear the delay. It would be worth it. Oh, yes, indeed.

s i x

Yanking his reluctant tool from her crotch, Fornicus then twisted Meg around to face him. Her hands were tied to the crossbar, and she hung from it helplessly. But that most certainly wasn't enough. No, not NEARLY enough. The vile creature then grabbed both of Meg's ankles and held them together in one hand.


He lifted them up over her head and used the remaining length of material to tie her legs to her bound hands and the crossbar. Meg squirmed uselessly again. She will just never learn, Fornicus sighed to himself. He wondered if all above world bitches were this stupid.


When his job was complete, Fornicus stepped back to inspect the hapless, helpless Meg. He grinned lasciviously. He liked the look. Meg's face glared between her calves at him. Her hands and feet tied to the crossbar left her dangling and exposed. Though she glared at


Fornicus, he knew she could do absolutely nothing to stop him. She was helpless. Unfortunately, her breasts were hidden behind her legs, which was a cause for sadness in the demon's foul heart. And her lovely legs were held tightly together also, from ankles to crotch.


They should be spread wide and inviting, begging his hungry cock to enter between them. Tits hidden, pussy not as open and exposed as it should be? It just wasn't right... not at all as it should be. He sighed disapprovingly. If only he'd had another length of material he could much better expose her naked body for his carnal use. But, wait... an idea struck him. This could all be done MUCH better. All he needed was another piece of that flimsy robe, and his joy could be complete!


In seconds, Fornicus had found a big enough section of surviving robe to accommodate his perverted plan. His hands quickly tore at it, frenetically ripping free a length of material that could be used in the same manner as the belt had. Oh, what a genius he thought himself to be!


Laughing giddily, he ran over to the bound witch and quickly untied her legs, then tied both of them to the crossbar again, this time separately. Before securing them, he spread her legs as wide apart as he could, the severity of the distance involved even eliciting a wince of pain from the bound lass. Ahh, yes, much better. Now he could see and ravage those succulent tits without any hindrance whatsoever, and her pussy was much more properly exposed for his personal use. Problem solved! Oh, yes, how slick and clever he was!


Leering, Fornicus got down on one knee and examined Meg's dripping prize, up close, with an admiring, detail-inspecting eye. He fingered it, exposing all the layers of succulent flesh, probing both its external and internal features. Meg squirmed as his fingers and his leering face boldly had their fill of her pussy.


She watched as he sniffed it again, much the same as he had done earlier. She watched as his eyes closed in rapture. He sniffed her over and over again, nuzzling his face all around her mound.


"Ahh, the sweet smell of helpless pussy. That's the best kind, you know," he mocked, looking up into Meg's eyes, "trapped pussy. Tied up pussy always looks, smells and tastes sweeter. Don't know why that is... it just is." Drool was glistening at the corner of his mouth. "Mind if I have another taste, beggin' Megan?" he asked, grinning a vile grin.

Not waiting for a response, he began licking her pussy. Meg watched as that snakelike tongue slithered about her pubes and then worked its way into her slit. Brutish fingers then spread her open and she saw Fornicus' dicklike tongue probing about in the moist pink folds. She shuddered, pleasure radiating out from the tip of that demonic tongue.


She heard Fornicus laugh. "The little earth bitch likes Fornicus' excellent tongue, eh? Well, why not? You came once already, didn't you, you whore? Didn't want me to know that dirty little secret, did you? But Fornicus knows all. I have no problem with letting you come, too, since it's going to be the death of you anyway. Fornicus will give you many orgasms... before you die.


It is, after all, what I do. You'll have so many orgasms before I'm through with you, that you'll BEG me to kill you. So, that's okay,slut... you can come when I eat this delicious little pussy." Sarcastically, he added, "Your slave from Hell gives you permission to cum." The sarcasm glinted in his glowing demon's eyes.


Without wasting another word, the demon again buried his face between Meg's legs. Again he slurped and drooled and made vile, disgusting noises as he lapped her deep, hot core. He sucked her pussy, probed it with his long, energetic tongue.


Apparently, even as demons' cocks have some sort of anesthetizing effect to prevent the gag reflex from kicking in, so too do demons' tongues have some electrifying nature that makes whatever they lick literally twitch with pleasure. Meg's pussy was most definitely twitching like mad wherever that tongue even lightly grazed.


In fact, her entire body twitched and jerked spasmodically with every lick, every suck, every insertion of that unholy tongue anywhere on her responsive sex. Even her captor's grotesque sucking and slurping sounds couldn't keep her from reaching orgasm at the speed of light.. and to keep climaxing far longer than she ever had before... or even thought possible!


When Meg's orgasm washed over Fornicus' still lapping face, it was merely the tip of the iceberg. Laughing quietly, the knowing demon continued to lick at Meg's fountain, keeping her twitching and coming for an unbelievably long time.


Every time Meg thought her orgasm had finally subsided, Fornicus would lap or suck her clit or fuck her deeply with his tongue and the gushing would begin all over again. The pussy-licking demon seemed to enjoy that. It became such an exquisite torture for Meg that he so enjoyed inflicting upon her. Meg kept cumming and cumming. She couldn't stop.


Fornicus' hellborn tongue was in complete control of her ability to climax or not climax. And he gleefully kept her on the brink of orgasm - deciding how and when he'd allow her to come - for well over an hour. He took such twisted pleasure from watching her exhausted body twitching all over again in ever weakening release. The orgasms, once welcomed by the bound witch, became an actual burden after over an hour of release after release. But, still Fornicus licked.


Still he spitefully kept her gushing. Until, finally, she didn't even have the energy to twitch. Her orgasms became weak ghosts of their former glory. Meg hung limply by her bonds, unable to squirm - even with pleasure - and barely able to breathe, let alone achieve orgasm. Only then did Fornicus remove his mouth from her holiest of places.


Standing, wiping cum and drool from his chin, the demon chuckled, "See what Fornicus can do for a cooperative slut? You keep letting me fuck you any way I please - as if you had a choice anyway - and I'll be generous in giving YOU orgasms, too. Of course, you're not a lust demon, so at some point you'll be BEGGING me NOT to make you come any more." He laughed.


"Oh, and what beautiful music THAT will be to my little ears! But I WON'T stop. I'll make you cum until it HURTS! Eventually, it'll be both YOUR orgasms and MINE combined that will snuff out your worthless little life. But, unlike yourself, I still get to diddle the whores in Hell. You'll just be dead meat. Unless, of course, you end up in Hell... as my eternal plaything." He contemplated the thought, and smiled.


But, being the lust demon he IS, Fornicus, his mind - temporarily distracted by the urge to eat bound pussy - again returned to fucking... and Meg's bountiful breasts, which he could now see quite nicely thanks to tying her legs spread apart as opposed to together. He took a moment to again congratulate himself on that improvement in strategy. Then, self-congratulation accepted, he again needed to dip his cock into squirming, helpless, tightly bound pussy.


So, back into Meg went demon cock. She could only watch and vainly twist from side to side as he thrust that huge, indelicate instrument into her over and over and over. Her pussy, like her anus, was stretched to its limits. It was also extremely worn out from probably a dozen or more orgasms.


It therefore humbly accepted Fornicus' carnal advances, letting him pummel it with his eager, malicious tool. Oh, and how he fucked her raw. He felt that since he'd given her several orgasms, she OWED him a good pussy ride. Not that any of that mattered, anyway. She was nothing more than a tied up earth whore, and being fucked in every hole she owned was what she DESERVED.


Fornicus became nothing more than a rutting animal. He rammed Meg's opening with outright belligerence, as if punishing that hole simply for being. His hands again shot out and ravaged her bouncing breasts, but this time she faced him, so his hungry mouth was able to join in the fun.


Those already battered nipples received the biting that Fornicus had only fantasized about earlier. He sucked and licked her tits to the point of bruising, and then bit her nipples until they SCREAMED in agony. And yet, even in that agony, Fornicus' tongue's magical quality made them feel oh, so good at the same time.


Meg almost BEGGED him to keep biting them, to suck them right off her breasts! She would've let him literally chew and swallow them if he'd wanted to! She never knew that having her nipples bitten could be so... HOT!


Fornicus slurped and drooled and mouth-mauled her soft, sensitive breasts the entire time he shoved his animal cock into her pussy. Meg was again responding. Her vaginal muscles clamped hungrily around his marauding cock. Fornicus was again quickly reaching climax. He rammed into her angrily, cruelly, almost CHEWING her breasts as he fucked her so deep that she again thought her liver had become the true target of his angry thrusting.


With another growl, his teeth gritted together from the monumental strain, Fornicus came inside Meg's battered vagina. He rammed it and rammed it, grunting with the effort. Biting and lapping her chest, he again spurted his inexhaustible supply of demon jiz up into her. Meg twitched and jerked and flowed around his impaling implement, despite her already numerous, draining orgasms.


She thought it must be that same feeling that had taken place in her colon a short while ago that did it... that feeling of being filled with hot, squishing liquid. She could actually feel that fantastic amount of semen sloshing about inside her. And it was so, so hot. That, her sex-numbed brain thought hazily, must be the answer.


Before his orgasm was totally finished, Fornicus again withdrew from Meg's opening, this time continuing his spurting with his cock sweeping over her lower body. His sticky fluids anointed her from the knees up, bathing her almost completely all the way up to her rib cage. Cum dripped from her navel, her belly, her entire crotch area and her thighs.


But still Fornicus was not through. He continued to ambitiously stroke himself, spraying his cum all over the bound Meg. He took great glee in thus bathing her in his copious testicular discharge.


But then another vile idea struck him. With twisted expectation in his eyes, he reached up over Meg's head - his cock still spurting - and grabbed the foot of the bed, lowering it just enough to do what he had planned. By the time he had the still tied Meg lowered enough, her exposed, still dripping sex was dragging on the floor. But this move left her delectable tits exactly where he needed them.


With Meg hanging there helpless still, the perverted demon continued to hold the foot of the bed at about shoulder height. Meg's body swung toward him, and her soft breasts slammed into Fornicus' belly.


Grinning malevolently, the crazed hellspawn adjusted his stance, still holding the bed at the correct height, and shoved his still exploding penis between Meg's breasts. "Boob job!" he chortled, watching his dick hump happily within the warm confines of Meg's cleavage as the head again spurted his vile liquids into her face. "Open your mouth!" he screamed, annoyed that Meg hadn't thought to swallow his cum on her own. Meg complied, opening her mouth wide. Instantly, demon cum again glazed her lips and tongue.


Fornicus continued to buck his hips, feeling the luscious sensation of Meg's soft breasts stroking his heated shaft. Up and down his hips went, sliding his needy cock between those delectable mounds of flesh. Meg's face got creamed again and again, and Fornicus made a game of seeing how good his aim was, how many volleys of sperm he could send directly into that lovely, open mouth.


He watched with self approval as Meg was forced to swallow over and over again. The sight of his cum spraying into her open mouth from between those soft, cum-shiny tits, rolling around on her tongue, dripping off her lips, made him erupt all the more. Ah, it was magnificent... fucking Meg's tits while he shot the resulting bursts of his pleasure directly down her accepting throat. A tit fuck that was almost a blow job! Could it GET any better than that? Sometimes, it was just so damn good to be a lust demon!


True to his nature, Fornicus kept blasting spum into Meg's face, his netherworldly boob job climax lasting some thirty minutes, if not more. Again, Meg's face and hair were dripping with milky liquid. Before he was done with her, as he had before, he again anointed another part of her with his cum.


Removing his slightly less powerfully erupting penis from between her breasts, he instead held the bed upright with one hand and stroked himself again with the other until he shot his remaining load onto the breasts that had given him so much pleasure. He considered it their reward for services rendered. The nipples he'd sucked and bitten so deliciously now dripped with cloudy fluid. He liked how it looked. Yet another cum masterpiece he'd painted on this meddlesome bitch!


"My cum suits you," he said with a cruel grin as he watched his spurts splatter on her heaving chest and then rubbed the liquid into her flesh with his still erupting cock. "Very attractive on you. Compliments your skin tone nicely. You should wear my cum more often. Oh, but, silly me... you HAVE been wearing my cum, haven't you? And doing such a splendid job of it, too!"


He laughed so hard he inadvertently lowered the bed several inches and his weakly spurting penis slapped stickily against her chin and lower lip. This led him to laugh even harder.


Meg raised her dripping face and glared up at him. To Fornicus' glee, his sticky liquids still dribbled from her mouth. What a perfect picture, he thought. His cum dripping from her mouthy lips. Absolutely priceless - and fitting - that he should shut her up with the contents of his dick. Constantly swallowing his cum kept her from shooting off at the mouth every chance she got. What more could he ask for?


In response to that satisfying scene - the witch glaring up at him as if she could somehow get revenge, and yet her face laughably dripping his fluids onto the hard wooden floor - Fornicus lowered the bed further and took a step back, until Meg's face hovered before his dribbling penis.


"You should thank me," he said with oozing sarcasm, "for shooting my wad all over you. Go ahead. Thank my cock. Give it a big kiss. You might as well - you'll be sucking it again shortly anyway. In fact," he added with a grin, "I'll be shoving my cock in your mouth quite a bit in the near future... but I'm sure you already know that."


Meg hung there above that huge, insatiable, dripping cock, her mouth still wet with the very juices that smeared its head. Suddenly and vehemently - as if experiencing some sort of unexpected psychotic break - Fornicus raged, shaking the bed with both hands in both irritation and annoyance. "Kiss it! Kiss my cock NOW, bitch! It's done a lot for you, so THANK IT! It's the LEAST you should do!"

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Meg puckered her lips and kissed the still pulsating head.


"No, don't just kiss it. Say thank you, too." the demon persisted.


"Thank you," Meg said quietly. And when she did, that throbbing penis throbbed even more, and it rose again, firming and thickening before her face.


"Mmm," Fornicus mused, "you see how being nice to my cock can be a good thing? Well, at least for ME, anyway!" He roared with laughter again.


Meg felt herself rising in the air. Fornicus was raising the bed, lifting it to its former standing on end position. When it was fully raised, the demon stood before her, coming close, whispering in her ear. "I've got so much more for you to do," he said, licking her ear with that inhuman tongue.


"I'm going to untie you, now, so you can get on your knees and give my cock a really great blowjob. I want my balls licked really nicely again. Then I'm going to suck your pussy again while I fuck your mouth from above. It'll be fun. You'll love my balls slapping your face. The whores in Hell sure do. But, before I untie you, there's one last thing I want to do."


Fornicus marched over to the table on which the spell book rested. He ignored the book, as if not even realizing what it was. Instead, he reached for the two candles on either side of it. They had burned down to half their original length. He brought them both over to the bound witch.


"I just love to play with candles, don't you?" he leered. "They can be so stimulating on soft skin... so... energizing. Want to play with some candles, slut? Shall we play with them TOGETHER, perhaps?" His grin was evil personified.


Meg could only watch helplessly as he held one candle over her breasts, tilting it, letting the hot wax drip down onto her already overly tenderized flesh. It seared her skin, and she screamed. "Now, now," the creature said, "it can't be THAT bad. It's only a little hot wax. Don't be such a wimpy little bitch." He dipped the other candle over the other breast. More whimpers and screams arose from Meg's sticky lips.


Since her eyes were closed as she tried to come to grips with Fornicus' latest vile tortures, Meg didn't realize that the hot wax no longer dripping on her singed nipples was not a reprieve at all, but merely a change of venue. Hot wax almost immediately began dripping on her sensitive inner thighs. Then the melting candles moved toward her center, getting closer to her pussy by the second.


"Maybe if you BEG to suck my cock, I'll stop. What do you say, bitch? You horny to suck my cock again? Want another mouthful of Fornicus' fat, juicy dick? Hot to fill your belly with more of my cum?" Then he added in an even more merciless tone, "Of course you are. So, beg for it, bitch. Beg to suck my cock. Unless, of course, you'd rather feel excruciating pain on your pussy. Your choice, cunt."


"Yes, Great Fornicus," Meg whimpered, not wanting to feel on her sensitive flower anything remotely resembling the searing pain that dripped onto her thighs. "Please... PLEASE let me suck your cock," she entreated.


"My WHAT cock? Magnificent maybe? You wish to suck my MAGNIFICENT cock?" Sizzling droplets hissed at various points within her silky triangle of pubic hair.


"Yes, please, Great Fornicus," she flinched as still more droplets approached closer and closer to her soft pussy lips, "Please let me suck your MAGNIFICENT cock!"


"Now, that's better. And maybe you'd like to lick my ass for me?" Hot wax still approached that vulnerable slit.


"Yes.... YES!" Meg squirmed and tried to twist herself away from the dripping wax. "Please, Great Fornicus, allow me to lick your magnificent ass!"


"I'll bet when you say that, you mean my delicious asshole, right? You want to lick THAT more than anything, am I right?" Hot wax approached her lips from either side, and a particularly thick and painful dollop meandered lazily downward from the top of her pubic triangle, working its way directly toward her cringing clit.


She gnawed her lower lip until she tasted blood, and she'd closed her eyes so tightly that her eyelids actually HURT.


"Yes! Please! PLEASE, GREAT FORNICUS... your asshole would taste so sweet!" The stream of hot wax hardened and stopped its trek less than an inch from her clit, which did not go unnoticed by Fornicus.


"Oh, too bad," he sneered, "I missed your clit. Well, as always, time enough to rectify that later. Now, you were saying... you want to eat out my asshole for me? How sweet of you. Guess it's only fair. I ate out yours, after all. That IS what you're promising, isn't' it?" More drops of hot wax spattered around her pussy.


"Yes, of course, Great Fornicus. Mmmm... I can't wait to eat out your magnificent asshole! And suck your cock again! Oh, please, I'll do such a good job for you!" That sentence ended in a high-pitched squeal as a good amount of hot wax plopped onto her peri-vaginal area, making her squirm and grit her teeth.


"And whatever else I tell you to do, right? You can't wait to have my ass in your face, my cock in your mouth, and be fucked and licked and tormented until you can't stand it any more? You'll even DIE for Fornicus, won't you?" Several hot, searing droplets fell just around her clit, and directly alongside her lips. She squirmed again, moaning with both pain and dread.


"Anything you say, Great Fornicus! Fuck me to death! Let me be your bitch whore! I'll lick you, suck you... anything! Fuck every hole I have! It's all yours. Let me serve you, Great Fornicus!"


She felt no further hot drippings. For a few moments, there was silence, and a somehow unnerving lack of pain, as if it were waiting to pounce again. Slowly opening her eyes, Meg saw Fornicus leering back at her, a look of supreme satisfaction on his face. His hands, now empty, reached out and untied her.


As he undid her bonds, she looked about nervously for the candles, and saw them on either side of the book again. She breathed a sigh of relief. When her bonds had been completely untied, she heard Fornicus laugh as she fell to the floor like a stone. "Get up, little slut. You have promises to keep. No, wait, don't get up.


Just crawl over to the floor over there and lie down on your back. I'm going to straddle your face and fuck it for a bit. I'll try not to let my balls slapping your face bruise it too much. Then, when I'm done filling your lovely mouth again, I'm going to plop my hairy ass right down onto your pretty face and let you keep your promise of gobbling it up for me.


I do so love the feeling of a bitch's tongue up my ass. Go on, now, lie down and open your pretty mouth real wide. Fornicus is going to fill it up again."


Meg started to get up.


"I said CRAWL over there, didn't I? Are you fucking deaf?!"


Shuddering, she got back down on her hands and knees and complied. She crawled over to the approximate spot he'd indicated, and waited for him. He strode over to her with a completely disgusting, arrogant air, standing over her, straddling her head, facing her legs. He purposely let her gaze up at his immense boner and sweaty ass. "Good girl," he said, "now get that big mouth open nice and wide. OPEN WIDE FOR CHUNKY!"


He laughed long and loud, "Oh, I've always wanted to say that." As soon as her mouth crept open, he squatted over her face, still facing her legs, aiming his eager, throbbing tool down toward Meg's open mouth, his muscled ass ready to slide forward and get its licking as soon as his hummer was finished.


Meg's eyes looked up at that hairy sack and the equally hairy ass behind it as they descended toward her face. Far above the dangling testicles, throbbing penis and descending buttocks, Fornicus grinned down at her. He couldn't wait to sit on her face and feed her some cock and ass.


The feeding began almost immediately. Laughing his usual vile, sick laugh, Fornicus lowered himself down fully, shoving his cock into her mouth hard and fast. He let his full weight force his penis right down her throat and keep it there.


Wheezing gleeful laughter, the perverted demon danced happily on her face, hopping up and down playfully, squirming about energetically to get his cock all the way into her mouth. When he was satisfied she'd been properly humiliated, he raised himself off her face and began thrusting his hips downward, once again using Meg's mouth for his depraved needs.


As he thrust repeatedly downward, his huge sack slapped Meg's forehead, eye sockets and nose. After the shock of the first few, unexpected slaps of those hairy testicles into her face, she had the good sense to again close her eyes.


Fornicus alternately thrust downward into her mouth and then sat on her face and squirmed and gyrated on it, sighing as his cock occupied her hot mouth so deliciously. He also enjoyed squashing his nuts into her face. They seemed to fit quite nicely into her eye sockets.


He hoped her eyes were open so she could properly admire his balls as they ground into her face. He laughed inwardly, picturing himself sitting on her face with both his testicles wedged into her mouth as he squirmed with glee. It would give a whole new meaning to having his balls sucked!


Yes, that would be his next treat for the stupid bitch... a nice mouthful of his sweet testicles! And she'd better appreciate the honor! And then it would be time to shove his asshole into her face. Mmmmm... he couldn't wait to have her tongue in it. That always felt so good!


Fornicus came. Hopping madly on Meg's battered face, he once again shot his load down her throat. He could hear her swallowing hard and fast down there under his genitals. She could swallow pretty quickly, he had to give her that. She was one helluva cock sucker, no bones about it.


So, closing his eyes, dreaming of his upcoming rim job, he happily humped Meg's humbled face. The minutes ticked by as Fornicus emptied himself down her gullet, his ongoing eruption spurred on by his fantasy of Meg's tongue wiggling into his colon. This forced blow job lasted longer than even he expected.


He was just having so damn much fun with it! Sitting on the stupid cunt's face was the highlight of it all, even better than the blow job itself. That pretty face under his ass, being fed his potent sperm. Ahh... pure bliss. Even after his orgasm finally subsided, the demon still sat on Meg's face, just because he enjoyed humiliating her. He even squirmed his ass in her face, working his crack down over her nose, forcing it between his cheeks.


Oh, how he laughed at that. Hell, he thought, she might as well get used to having her face between his cheeks. She was going to be doing some heavy duty licking down there in a minute or two anyway. And when he finally removed his penis from her mouth, he again squeezed the last few drops of his cum onto her lips and tongue. Before he got off of her, he allowed his balls one last playful jaunt in her face. He rubbed them and pressed them into her eye sockets again and then down over her mouth. He made her kiss them, laughing as she complied.


Then the foul beast slid forward so that his dribbling penis again hovered over Meg's cleavage. Bending forward, he reached back with both hands and spread his cheeks wide. Grinning back at her, licking his lips lasciviously, he began inching his ass back toward her face. His brown opening loomed ever larger in Meg's field of vision. Fornicus began laughing. His anus was aimed directly at Meg's mouth, and getting closer to it by the second.


"Heh heh heh," Fornicus wheezed, "time for dinner, little bitch. Now, stick that tongue out nice and far for me."


Suddenly, unexpectedly, Meg began whimpering and begging. "Oh, please, Great Fornicus, no more! I can't take any more. I'm beaten. I'm exhausted. Please spare me! Please don't kill me with sex. I'm sorry I interrupted your tryst with the Hell sluts. Please, let me send you back to them. You can fuck all three of them again! I could never please you as much as they can. Please, Fornicus, I beg you to forgive me... to spare me!"


Fornicus was taken aback by this. He fully expected Meg to beg for mercy at some point, but it was far too early for that yet. Surely, even this weak little earth bitch had more stamina than THAT! "What?" he bellowed, still straddling her with his hands spreading his ass cheeks over her face, "are you fucking kidding me? You want me to stop fucking you NOW... and we're only, what, a few hours into the festivities?


Surely you're joking with me!" Angry almost beyond words, he stood, chest heaving, glaring down at her with disgust. "This is too soon even for an earth pussy like you! You have so much more to endure before I even BEGIN to get serous. Now open that mouth of yours and put your tongue in my ass!. Or do you want some hot wax INSIDE your pussy? That can be arranged." He was clearly not happy.


"Think about it, Great Fornicus," she entreated, "if you let me live, you can have me again tomorrow night, and the next, and every night thereafter. I can be your private slut on earth. You can come fuck me whenever you wish!"


"I'm a lust demon, slut. I fuck my victims TO DEATH! I can fuck all the whores I want in Hell. Why should I spare you just to come back and fuck you again? Make sense, bitch. Now, shut up and STICK OUT THAT TONGUE!!"


"But," Meg persisted, "you yourself said what a fine ass, delicious pussy and great tits I have. They can be yours night after night anytime you like if you spare me."


"I don't SPARE humans, bitch... I USE them and then move on. You brought this on yourself. YOU called me up from the dark regions. YOU are to blame for all of this! Now, for the last time, I'm telling you you have much suffering ahead of you... and much pleasure, too... but it all ends TONIGHT! There will be no tomorrows for you anymore. I fuck you until you stop breathing. End of story. NOW GET YOUR IGNORANT TONGUE UP MY ASS!"


"But, Great Fornicus," she tried one last ploy, "if you spare me tonight, I'll not only be your slut forever, but I'll even bring some of my female friends to you. You can have your own harem on Earth. Any time you grow tired of the Hell bitches, you can come up here for a little something different. You can fuck a dozen of my hot friends... any way you like. I'll GIVE them to you! They'll be your personal possessions... to use as you see fit."


As she said this, miraculously, she was able to shimmy out from under the startled, irritated demon. She scurried out from under him like a sand crab and scrabbled away on the floor a few feet, cowering behind him in fear.


Fornicus whirled to face her, quaking with rage, his eyes filled with blazing fury. He was not happy at having his butt-licking fantasy thus interrupted. His ass had been so close to Meg's face that he could FEEL her insolent tongue wiggling into his sphincter. And having that little dream put on hiatus did not sit well with him at all.


If Meg's tongue wasn't bathing his colon in just a few short seconds, he was going to shove her entire HEAD up his ass and keep it there until she suffocated! This bitch was going to eat out his ass... OR DIE!


While the enraged demon hissed and spat and howled before her, Meg quickly crawled forward and began desperately kissing his feet, wrapping her arms around his ankles, kissing over and over again. On the floor on her belly, she mouthed his feet obsequiously, fear overriding shame.


As she kissed his feet, Fornicus laughed down at her, wondering aloud and with some amazement, "You would sacrifice your own friends to spare yourself from dying in carnal bliss?" He appeared shocked, his face disbelieving. Even a stupid whore like this one would rather die in ecstasy as his sex slave than in the usual useless and boring manner that these above worlders do, no? Her actions made no sense to him.


"Yes," Meg assured him, "and still be your fuck-whore any time you need me. If you'll just spare me... let me live." She hugged him, sobbing, clinging to his legs, her arms wrapped around them. Kissing his thighs, she leaned against him with her full weight.


He staggered back a few steps, then stumbled back a few more still when she slid down his legs and again circled his ankles with her arms and kissed his feet passionately. He tripped again, stumbling back a few more steps before finally kicking her away. At first he was very much aggravated by her weak display, but then began to consider her words.

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"Hmmm... a dozen friends, you say?"


"Yes, and all of them beautiful. And you can fuck any of them any time you please, any way you please. I can see to that. I have powers."


He stood there for a few moments, deep in thought. "I've seen how feeble your powers really are, witch. You fucked up when you summoned me, didn't you? I don't hold much faith in your powers, slut."


"I made a mistake, that's all. I can deliver my friends to you, I swear."


"A tempting offer. But it's still against my nature. I'll be tempted to fuck them all to death, after all."


"Even if you do, you'll still have me. You can fuck me anytime you want to. Even if they're all dead, you still have me to fuck day and night, as you see fit."


"You mean you'd not only sell your friends into sexual slavery, but let me kill them just so you can be my eternal whore? Oh, how precious!" He laughed hard, his body again quaking with twisted mirth.


"Yes, Great Fornicus. And if you agree to these terms I'll suck your cock and lick your ass just like you want me to, every night if you like. I'll perform any depraved act you choose. You can even fuck me to the BRINK of death, as long as you let me live to be fucked by you again. I loved the orgasms you gave me tonight, and I want to experience more of them. Please, Great Fornicus, allow me to be your undeserving sex slave for all eternity. Please! I'll see to it that you don't regret your decision! PLEASE SPARE ME, OH, GREAT FORNICUS... AND I'LL BE YOUR PERSONAL BITCH WHORE FOREVER!"


Fornicus laughed so hard he cried. His body was shaking and he held his belly with such unbridled humor as he'd never experienced before. He stumbled backwards again, unable to control his fit of laughter. When his laughter finally ebbed, he sighed and wiped tears from his eyes. It was so good to have this earth bitch beg for her life... and even offer to sacrifice her earthly friends for his pleasure. But now it was time to end her little ploy and get down to the business of fucking her into an early grave.


But when he looked down at where the sniveling Meg had been kissing his feet... she was no longer there....


Still wiping tears from his eyes, Fornicus looked around him. Now where could his little fuck toy have gotten off to? Ah, there the little strumpet was, trying to crawl away from him.


So much for her phony attempt to wheedle her way into his good graces to spare her miserable life. But what was that she was doing? Clawing at the floor? Had her predicament driven her mad? Oh, this was too rich. The joy of breaking and using a woman was a hundredfold greater than usual with this one.


So strong and arrogant at first, now reduced to crawling and scrabbling at the floor. Still, he was horny and had a LOT more fucking to do. But first, he wanted her tongue in his ass... PRONTO!


"And where is it my personal whore is crawling off to before she's eaten some tasty ass?" He put his hands on his hips and watched her continue to claw at the floor. By the time he realized what she was up to, it was too late.


"Just one second, oh great and hairy Fornicus," Meg said, sarcasm oozing from every word.


"Is that sarcasm I detect coming from the mouth that should already be servicing my needs?" He scowled down at her, not pleased in the slightest with this turn of events. But, still, he watched her with interest... even then oblivious to what was about to happen.


Meg had counted on Fornicus' enormous netherworldly ego - counted on the fact that he was so sure of himself and his power over her, that he wouldn't panic and try to stop her until it was too late. So, when her tired, shaking fingers finally pried the pre-cut board from the floor, she was relieved that he still hadn't tried to stop her.


She reached into the opening strategically placed in the floor months ago, which had been hidden by the small square of wood that she'd just removed from the floor. She took out the object that had been hidden therein. Squeezing it in her palm, she rolled over quickly, praying that the stupefied demon would hesitate just a moment more.


By the time Fornicus saw that she held a piece of mystic chalk, she was already marking the floor with it, repairing the break in the protective circle.


He watched her with mixed confusion and amusement... until he realized he was standing inside the circle, on the inverted pentagram... and the pretty and vulnerable Meg was outside of its candle-lit perimeter. He howled in rage, reaching down for Meg with wide-spread, clawlike fingers. But those grasping fingers burst into searing flame as they got near the prone, barely able to move witch. And it was Meg's turn to laugh.


"Well, now, it seems the Great Fornicus isn't so great anymore, is he?" she laughed. In her triumph, she found the strength to crawl back from the circle and sit with her back against the wall, watching the demon try futilely to exit the summoning circle.


Every time he tried, an invisible force rejected him, and whatever part of him had broken the plane of the protective circle had burst into agonizing flame. Meg breathed a sigh of relief. Her protective circle was back in business. Fornicus was again trapped within it. Escape was once again impossible. She was safe... at last.


The flailing demon raged and spat and hissed within the circle, calling her "slut" and "whore" and "bitch" and every other name he'd used for her this night. But it was all in vain.


He was trapped - beaten. His rage gurgled in his chest and in his throat. He glared about the room, and at the very circle itself, hoping there might be even the tiniest chink somewhere. Meg had fucked up once, he thought, and might have done so again at another point in the circle. But wherever he tested its security, he was met with the experience of his flesh boiling and burning away. After a time, he merely snorted and glared his evil eyes down at the sitting, chuckling Meg.


"You fucking bitch," was all he said. The words uncoiled from his gut like a black, evil serpent.


"Bitch, maybe," she replied, "but not fucking YOU anymore. And as soon as I get a little strength back in my legs, I'm going to send you back to your precious, diseased whores in Hell. You'll be no more than a hairy, smelly memory." She smiled as she watched him fume, adding, "Maybe the Great Fornicus should've taken the poor little witch girl up on her offer. Maybe the great, stinking demon was... oh, I don't know... STUPID?"


Within the circle, Fornicus tried time and again to break the spell of containment. Each time his body burst into flame and parts of his flesh seared off, floating to the floor as just so much smoldering ash. He knew even if he broke through the circle, he'd be disintegrated, and be nothing more than soot for Meg to sweep away and toss into the trash. It was hopeless. But he certainly didn't have to like it.


Finally feeling like she had enough energy to move, Meg first taunted the demon. She spread her legs and brazenly played with her pussy. "Guess Fornicus the Stupid won't get to play with THIS any more, will he? Or THESE," she added, cupping her breasts and jiggling them at him.


"Or this," she fired at him, turning to wiggle her cum-drenched ass in his direction. "Or have THIS," she turned around again and opened her mouth wide, licking her lips slowly at him, "sucking his cock. Never even got my tongue up your ass, did you, big boy?" She laughed with such derision that even Fornicus was reluctantly proud of that evil laugh.


The Hellspawn nodded, knowing he was beaten. Meg laughed and pointed at his drooping penis, limp for the first time since she'd summoned him.


"Oh, my, it's a good thing I'm dismissing you, isn't it? Doesn't seem like that little dick can do me any good any more. That little thing isn't even good enough to hump my ex-boyfriend's ass with. Poor little not-so-great Fornicus." She laughed still more. "Fornicus the LIMP, I'd call you."


He snarled, glaring, wishing he could find some way out of his prison. But, it was useless. The spell of containment was at full power now that the circle had been repaired. He would have to suffer her taunts and jeers. But, he swore to himself that if he EVER made it back to the upper world, he'd look this bitch up again... and then she'd pay. Oh, she'd pay dearly.


"And now, limp dick Fornicus," Meg chided, "It's time to send you home. It's been fun, but you have some STD-filled whores to attend to in Hell, don't you? Maybe they're more your speed. Maybe THEY don't mind you going soft on them. Anyway, you've overstayed your welcome, and you need to leave. You're beginning to really stink up my apartment."


Meg stood, giving the fretting demon one last jiggle of her boobs and ass. She walked over to the table against the wall, where the demon had been kind enough to return the candles after singeing her skin with their melted wax.


She flipped the page in her musty book of incantations, from the page containing the conjuring spell to the page upon which was written the returning spell. She looked back at Fornicus one last time, grinning a grin easily as wicked as one of his own. "Bye, limp dick," she chuckled, "kill 'em in Hell, baby, 'cause you ain't killin' 'em here."


Turning back to the book she read: " Oh, Great Evil One, one of your slaves has strayed. He has come to this above world without your permission. Take him back where he belongs. In the name of Great Satan and his hierarchy of demons, Bring the Great Fornicus back to your realm, And keep him ever at your beck and call.


In the name of all that is unholy, never let him stray again! Vin Scrotorum, et Zubinum Fral! Bal-Soggothum, Lustium banal!" Fornicus howled and snarled and thrashed about within the circle, but in the end he was slowly and inexorably pulled back down to Hell. His screams of rage could be heard for long minutes afterward, slowly fading as he plummeted ever deeper into the depths of chaos and darkness.


The potent scent of sulfur dissipated, and Meg's bedroom lights slowly flickered back to brilliant life. And finally, she could breathe easier. With one last spell chanted over the circle and pentagram, she then mumbled a few quiet words over a pitcher of water and washed away both of them, destroying completely the connection between Hades and her bedroom.


Using several pieces of her torn robe, she scrubbed away every last vestige of the summoning circle and the pentagram doorway to Hell, making sure that not even a trace of either was left. And even after that was done, she cast two more spells of protection over the entire area. Fornicus would NOT be back. Of that, she was certain.


She looked about her room. It was a shambles, with the bed on end, and slick, oily cum stains all over her walls and floor. In some spots it was still wet, in others tacky, while in others it had dried to a yellowish gray stain. It would take some time to clean it all up, especially the spots that dribbled and streaked down her walls.


But, that was all work for tomorrow. Fornicus had shoved his cock and tongue into her for well over eight hours, and she was exhausted. And she needed one helluva thorough shower, and then a good, long, soaking bath. There was more cum on her body than all the puddles and streams spread around her bedroom combined!


She was coated nearly head to toe with demon cum, and it felt damned uncomfortable. Disgusting stuff, demon semen. She laughed at the unintentional rhyme.

Dragging her exhausted body to the bathroom, she turned on the shower full force, and waited only a few seconds before climbing beneath its refreshing spray.


She used nearly an entire bottle of liquid soap to wash away Fornicus' sticky residue. Her face, shoulders, neck, arms, breasts, belly, crotch and thighs were coated with it, not to mention her back and buttocks.


She was a walking testament to Fornicus' great ejaculating prowess... and the large volume he could both produce and store in his mammoth testicles. She needed to be rid of it from her aching body.


After showering for nearly forty-five minutes, and washing her hair repeatedly for another ten, Meg turned off the water and exited the shower. She then turned the bath spigot on full blast and began filling the tub, dropping some bubble flakes into it for a nice, sudsy soak. She needed to relax in some hot, soothing water for a bit before heading off to much needed sleep. The night had fled by and it was now light outside, and she fully intended to sleep until the next evening.


Going into the kitchen, she poured herself a glass of wine and sipped it until the water in the tub was ready. After ten minutes or so, she returned to the bathroom, and sighed at the sight of her waiting bath. Just seeing that lovely foam atop the warm water relaxed her a bit before she even stepped into the tub.


Sipping her wine, she then entered her own little slice of heaven, sighing deeper yet as she lowered herself into it's warm embrace. She placed the wine on the rim of the tub, within close reach, and lay back to relax. More sighs escaped her happy lips.


She smiled, reflecting on the events of the past evening. She shook her head, not believing she'd ever been foolish enough to waste her time with simple revenge demons in the past, when lust demons were so much more fun. After the first two conjurings, whereupon she'd had merely annoying lesser demons rape and humiliate Terry and Rob out of pure spite and revenge, she'd learned a valuable lesson.


Yes, it was fun to teach those traitorous sex-hounds a lesson, and she'd done so in spades. Between their various STD's and the other diseases they now had - and that's not even including their oh so humorous anointing with demon waste! - she long ago considered her revenge complete.


The desire to torment them had disappeared when she finally understood that their poor psyches would be scarred for life anyway. That would be punishment enough. But then a new plan had wriggled and wormed its sinister way into her brain. A plan that didn't even involve either of her exes. Revenge had been forgotten. That new plan had emerged from the darker recesses of her betrayed brain. A much more PERSONAL plan.


Why bother, she'd thought, concentrating on Terry and Rob, when they'd been punished enough - and would remain punished for the rest of their lives? Why waste valuable time on those losers? Why not, instead, do something to make HERSELF feel better? Instead of unleashing vengeful demons on those two lovebirds, why not instead concentrate on giving herself PLEASURE instead?


She'd go out and find men with bigger dicks than Rob to satisfy her needs, and then she could laugh at her ex's diminutive dong while she was being PROPERLY satisfied. And THEN, when she'd read about LUST DEMONS in her grandmother's diaries! It all instantly fell into place. She'd never have to trust a deceiving man again!


She could conjure up a demon to pleasure her any way she wished for as long as she wished... and then simply SEND IT BACK TO HELL! How delicious was that? All the frenetic fucking she could stand... and then pure, blissful freedom and privacy. She'd never need a mere mortal man again!


Sighing, she reached up past her right shoulder, her hand capturing a small diary - her own, this time, not grandma's - that had been sitting next to her drink. It's leather cover, protected from all the elements by a ridiculously simple spell, and its likewise tamper-protected contents, were now more dear to her than anything else in her life.


She opened it slowly, smiling deeply as she flipped ahead to a specific page and removed the small pen tucked inside. Before writing, she scanned the page, which had a list of six names on it. The first two were crossed out, as to her they were inconsequential. They had been the names of the aforementioned revenge demons... and no longer held any meaning for her.


She was beyond that, even though they HAD been fun. Besides, their names were written elsewhere, in the section where she'd gleefully chronicled the tortures inflicted on Terry and Rob by those pesky little netherworld visitors she'd surprised them with. Those names didn't really belong here, so she'd scribbled over them, so that only lust demons were represented here.


Beneath those scribbled over entries, In bold letters, four demon names were neatly printed in her own hand, with her own personal satisfaction ratings next to them in the form of stars, one being a sexual dud and five being a sexual dynamo. Needless to say, as lust demons, there were no ones or twos.


In chronological order, these personally rated lust demons were: #3) Fellatus Pox-mallorum: followed by three stars and the comment, "Great, but too much into having his cock sucked. Needs a lot more sexual variety to be worth the effort of summoning him. No imagination."


#4) Yog-penosum: followed by four stars and three exclamation points. No indication as to what that all meant. No specifics. To Meg, that meant he was a great fuck, nothing more.


#5) The Dark Impaler: four darkly and thickly scribed stars, followed by a dozen exclamation points. The comment, "Man, can this boy fuck! Great with technique and new positions, but still needs a bit of kink to complete the package," followed directly on the heels of the exclamation marks.


#6) Fuckubus Penetrus: four stars and a plethora of exclamation points. "Another great fuck, but I'm still looking for that supreme, nasty, kinky, perverse demon of my dreams. He's gotta be out there somewhere!" Meg sighed at the memories as her eyes scanned the page. Great lays, one and all, but each missing that special something. Then, closing her eyes, she lay back in the tub and thought about her latest demonic tryst. She wanted to write it down exactly as she felt about it. Finally, the words came to her. She wrote:


#7) The Great Fornicus: FIVE STARS... followed by: "The kinky pervert of my dreams. So fucking sick he even makes ME look tame! I would've liked more time with him, but I was afraid I wouldn't be able to send him back to Hell. Too bad. He was so deliciously sick! I can't call him back, either.


I think I pissed him off way too much to risk THAT. Just my luck. Finally, my twisted equal, and I can't risk bringing him back for another round. Story of my life. Great memories, though. I hope the next one's even HALF as good as THIS one. Thinking on it, it's a good thing I used my grandmother's potent spell of protection.


I'm sure THIS sick freak had all kinds of nasty diseases! All in all, a fantastic night. And this gives me hope that the demon of my dreams really is out there. I wonder if old Forny has a brother... one who's maybe a little less obsessed with killing folks. If so, I wanna meet him!"


To date, it was the most impressed she'd been by any of her lust demon encounters. She lamented that she'd never be able to experience him again, but was sure that discretion was the better part of valor. Still, she'd always remember ol' Fornicus and his delightfully sick streak.


She'd been growing weary of the sameness of the lust demons up until this point, but now she was encouraged to keep calling up demonic lovers. If she could find another demon like Fornicus, who'd be happy to visit her over and over again for outrageous perversion and lust - and not be so dead set on killing her after having his way with her - then that would be the demon of her dreams, her fantasy demon lover in the flesh.


Fornicus, as dangerous as his fixation on killing was, was an inspiration to Meg. Now she knew she was on the right path. She'd continue to call up demons until she found Mr. Demonic Right. So, while glad to be rid of the fixated lust demon, she had to thank him for reassuring her that her chosen path was the right one, after all.


The future looked bright, now. Revenge was an emotion she could now tuck neatly away in its proper little niche once and for all. In it's place, lust and perversion ruled the day. She couldn't wait for her next summoning. Hopefully, she'd find another truly sick bastard like the vile Fornicus and possibly strike up a cozy little fuck-buddy deal with him.


She squirmed in the bathtub just thinking about it. She stretched and sighed and smiled, purring like a contented kitten.


"Thank you, Fornicus, for showing me that I'm on the right track," she said to herself aloud. "Too bad you and I couldn't have been an item, you twisted little freak. It could've been AWESOME. But, hey, YOUR loss. Still, you exquisitely sick fuck, I do thank you for a delightful evening. You weren't half bad, Forny ol' boy. I tip my hat to you." She raised her wine glass and toasted the horny demon.


Then, stretching and sighing all over again, she replaced her diary on the tub's ledge and lay back to rest in the soothing, healing water for one last pristinely relaxing moment. Then, preparing to exit the tub and dry off for a nice, long, much needed sleep, Meg smiled up at the sky. Putting the tips of her first two fingers of her right hand to her lips and kissing them, she then blew that kiss up to the heavens.


"Thank you, too, grandma... for everything."


She imagined her grandmother must be winking back down at her.


The End


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.11.2018

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