
Let's start over, Yeah?

Well, Hello. For the start, i won't be saying much. I will tell you a story of myself. But, to be start with, i'm going to tell you about me.


Hair= Blonde


Skin=White/a little tand.


Tallness=Not too tall, Not too short.

Clothes=Usually Bellytop, sometimes baggy tops.

trouses=skinny jeans/skirts.


~No glasses~

~Nose peirced, Ears, top lip, belly button~

~No freckles~ 


                Now, let's get on with my story. I hope you enjoy it... Good luck :3 



Torn from the heart



"MOVE OVER!" he would scream, barging straight into me. i let out a large scream of pain, my body smashing against the table before i stumbled over it, falling. Everyone laughed. 

      Why must this happen? And why is it always Me?!


"Aww, i'm sorry." jake, the boy who pushed me, said gently. He slowly reached out his hand, offering himself as he -TRIED- to help me up... Or as it seemed. Me, being dumb enough to believe it, slowly reached out. Our fingers gently touched, before he shouted "FIRECRACKER, too slow!" he gave a blow to my face, once again sending me flying. I shrieked a little in pain, the slap he gave was to hard that it was enough to make a little blood drip from both my mouth and nose, yet it wasn't that bad, since i have had worse... But no sympathy for me whatsoever, as usual. I sat there, feeling embarrassed from all the laughter and mocking, yet also from the pain i was feeling, and was unable to do anything about it. All because i was a little stupid girl. It's always funny if its got something to do with me



He clenched his fist, leaning forward as he put his face close to mine, doing a small hiss "What? No 'thank you, sir', for knocking some sense into that stupid head of yours? Or should i say that potato you have?" he laughed a little at his own stupid -joke-. I leaned back a little, unsure weather or not i should say it. 


      -Just say it.- my mind screamed

      -Say it!- my heart pounded.

      -SAY IT!- my guts bursted. 


"No." i simply said, standing up. Everyone stopped talking and laughing, facing me and jack. "What did... you just say?" he said, giving me the //Oh your dead// Look. "I said, No." within seconds, i felt my jaw being smashed against his knuckled, tumbling to the side as the floor sat there, patiently, waiting to break against my body. I slammed against the ground, letting out an agonising scream. The mocking, the laughter, it had all stopped.            What happened to 'Lassie basher?!'


Blood squirted out of me as he started to brutally kick me in the chest. Nobody moved. "STOP!!" Nobody laughed. "PLEASE, STOP!" nobody. said. anything. "AARRGGHHH!!" i kept screaming in pain, tears streaming down my face. He kept hitting my ribs mercilessly, i could feel my ribs slowly penetrating against me, slowly stopping my air. A girl stepped forward, pushing him back firmly "Jack! Enough..." And to my surprise, it was his girlfriend. The one i despise most.. The one she hates. She looked at me and scoffed, but i could see in her eyes the sadness she felt for me, the sympothy. 

Slowly, everyone started to walk off as if nothing had ever happened. Finally, jake and his ~Girlfriend~ Both left. Only a bunch of girls were standing there, a little off them sniggering. Blood was dripping from my mouth and nose, forming a small waterfall. I gave a small cough, but all that escaped was more blood, making out a large wheezy breath as i gasped for the air.


One of the girls bent over, offering her hand. "Are you~" Before she could finish, one of her friends pulled her back "Eww, don't touch her! You don't want to end up like that stupid girl, do you?" It's true. I am a stupid girl. She huffed, dragging the other girl off as she walked away. The girl looked behind her, making contact with me as she mouthed 'I'm sorry..' And i slowly reached my hand out, muttering out 'Help... Me...' 


              Everything stopped. Even time. i couldn't take it anymore. I slowly curled up on the ground, sobbing. I rapidly coughed, sending out a violent sound. "When will it all end? The pain, the torturing, the brutallity, the merciless beating... The murdering of the souls." I have a gasp of the air, turning my head to the side, breathing quickly. It had to end... It just had to. My eyes slowly closed, and within only a second, i had fainted. This all had took me by shock.. By horror, By pain. It was too much for both my body and mind to handle. My mind would think to it's self...


                I hope it ends. Now. On this spot. I hope i never return. They would be happy...


Broken hearted


Where it began once again.

I woke up, a soft cusion under my head. I was lying on... Some kind of bed? No... I wasn't, was i? I slowly opened my eyes, letting out a painful, yet annoyed groan. I was. I was lying in the medical room. Unfortunately, i had been there for... I looked at the clock, my eyes instantly shooting open "FIVE H-" She instantly stopped, clamping her hand around her throat as she clenched her jaw, gasping at the air. 


"Shhh.." a voice whispered, a hand getting placed against my Knee. I turned to the boy that sat at the end of the bed, my eyes widened. "Y..You brung me here..?" I couldn't believe my eyes. It.. It was mark. The most popular boy in school. "You alright?" His voice whispered once again "And yes, i did." I tried getting up, doing a small squeal "Ow.. My.. Wait.. where IS the pain coming from..." I muttered under my breath. It came from all of my body, but I couldn't figure out which exactly. I looked at him, and he slowly done a small smile "Hey. Name is Mark, as you know, right?" I went a little pink at his words and gave a small nod "Y..Yeah.."


"Uh.. Anyways, Mark, why help me... Why not be with JACK." I said his name in a little tone of disgust. After all, i should hate him, after what he done to me! He looked at me, giving a small snigger. //What the HECK is so funny?!// my mind screeched. Jake was good friends with mark.. Like, who DIDN'T know that? --I know you guys ddn't but... in general. Anyways...-- "I've always wanted to know why you hate jake so much. He messin' with your mind?" 

I gave a small hiss, muttering "Maybe because he is the one who-" Beofre i could finish, he interuptied with a harsh tone that even frightened me! "Anyways, Who done that to you? Ooh, when i find out, I'm going to hit them so hard, They're going to forget there name." Well, Uh, probably the first thing that came into your mind was -That isn't possible...- But infact, he is tough. like REALLY tough... and he can scare you so much, that would will hesitate to even walk NEXT to him. 


But oh F... Flip. now, a choice. 


1: I tell mark jake beat me up.

2: I tell him that i tripped over.


Bad (1): Jake and mark could have a fight, and if mark tells jake i told him, then lights out for me. Again.

Bad (2):  If i don't tell mark, then he finds out... He won't ever talk to me again. This might be my shot.


"N-Nobody..." I finally say, turning my head away to make sure i didn't make any contact with him. "Wow, Come on, I'm Dumb, but not THAT dumb. It's pretty obvious someone must have done this to you..."


"Your not dumb!" i turn to him, making a firm hiss. He looks at me, his eyes softening a little. "I don't want to talk about it." I mutter shyly. 

"Come on, It m-" 

"Please." I whisper, turning my head to him slowly. Oh great. Everything started to turn into a blur again. No, i wasn't getting Dizzy... But worse. I... I started to cry. RIGHT INFRONT OF MARK. He looked at me, a gentle softness in his eyes. He got a thumb, sliding it gently against my cheek. I looked at him, and just burst into tears. Oh crud. Even mark got a shock at my Hidious look...


He leaned forward, shuffling next to me "Shhh.." He whispered, putting his warm hand behind my head and pulled me against his chest. I raised an arm, gripping tightly onto him despite the fact i couldn't see his face, i could feel him smiling. His gentle pulse finally calmed me down. About 10 minutes later, i was still against him before the door shot open. Oh. F...Fadoodlecakes. 


It was miss day. She hated me and mark. Let me explain to you why... It was a few days back and mark had put his hand up. 


Miss day: Yes, Mark? 

Mark: Miss, do you have a son?

Miss day: Yes... I do.

Mark: So i guess its SONday. 


                          I screamed with laughter, falling straight off my chair 


- The next day - 


Miss day: Alright, so for today... -Blah Blah Blah- 

Mark and jake were talking, while i was listening to their conversation... (As usual)

Miss day: WHY do i hear talking?



Me, being a good child, wasn't meant to say that... But i had to tell her the truth! 


She put me, jake and mark in detention. Since that day... She hated us both so much, it was unbelievable to explain how much. 


                    now do you know why she hates us both, and jake? :O

                                       Anyways.. back to the story.



When it begins once again... Continued.

"WHAT happened here?!" she boomed, causing an earthquake on the other side of the world. 


"I..." Before i could answer, she barged between my words. Like she usually does.

"Detention, Both of you."

WHAT?! What the heck did we even do?! So not fair... last time i got a detention, mam and dad were so upset with me, and i hated seeing them like that. "Why?!" I whined. It was too unfair, to be honest.


"I'm reporting you, Miss." Mark hissed. By the look of her face, she didn't really care. He leaned towards me, whispering "I'll get you out of the detention..." Gosh, Why was he so nice!!

    "You know the school rules. No sexual buisness." "WHAT THE ACTUAL FU-" Before i could finish, she hissed "Stop right there, missy, before i report BOTH of you."


"What did we even do... Were not even doing anything~"


"So your lying.. To me, infront of my face?" She hissed. Like, come on people! I'm here in the medical room, which is clearly showing i'm in pain! And what is the worse that could happen!? 




"Oh, and by the way you too. On friday, after detention. My office." She turned around, slamming the door shut. You know, I'm never in my entire life EVER going to say 'Could this get any worse', Wanna know why? Because it always does! -sigh-...


     Mark would gently tap my back, doing a small smile "Hey uh, anyways... You sure your Okay?" i would do a small nod, sliding my hair gently behind my ear in anxiety "Yeah... Posotive." He would nod, getting up. Wait, was he going to leave? My mind quickly bursted out "AAUURRRGGGHHH!!!" He turned to me, his eyes wide with shock "WHAT?! WHAT IS IT?!" i turned to him, doing a small smile "My mind doesn't want you to leave." He laughed, then gently slid his hand over my head "Don't be such a naughty girl~" He whispered, before walking to the door, slowly opening it as he shut it behind him. Well i guess it's true, right? Love heals... But i guess it's better to sometimes leave a broken heart shattered, then hurting yourself trying to repair it.


                       I slowly got up, doing a small groan as i placed my hand against my chest. I walked towards the door, opening it... and look who was there. Jake. Oh, my gosh. He firmly pushed me back, my eyes quickly scrambling around as i try to find someone who will save me. His girlfriend... His friend, Mark! Anyone! //Help me!// my mind would scream, despite my knowing that nobody could hear. //Please!// 


          "Such beautiful eyes..." He would smirk. He wasn't teasing me, i knew that... But what scared me, was if he poked both my eyes!



He done it before, and he could do it again. He would lean forward, whispering in my ear "Tell Mark about what happened." Wait, was he serious? He started to walk away, before turning around, smiling "I dare you..." He instantly slammed his foot against the door, sending the door flinging open as it wacked against me face. I fell to the ground, letting out a large scream. I put my hand over my head as he towered over me, afraid of what he will do next. He whispered again "... And you won't see daylight." He turned around, and disappeared, walking through another door. 


I sighed, getting up, finally exiting the school. Nobody cared about me. No teacher liked me. Nobody to trust. Nobody to tell. Nobody. To. Love. Well, apart from my pet. Oohhh, how rude of me, i forgot to introduce my pet! Hehe, I'll tell you when i get home.


        I would walk onto a bus, slowly walking up it. The bus moved forward, and i fell forward. Everyone laughed. Even in public, i can't keep my damn feet together. My knees would gently tremble, doing another small whine "I'm Sorry..." One of the males would turn to me, scoffing. Another would mutter "You better be." I flinched as i walked to the back of the bus, slowly curling up on a seat.




I shoved my face against my knees and sobbed... 


                                       When i had the chance to die... Why didn't i.




        Why must it always continue, if it's funny for the audience, But not funny for the victim.

   If i left... I'd probably be forgotten about. Probably be shoved in the attic, and left for a decorating doll.                                       Well, I'm just a toy that everyone plays with, Right? 


Death... Is it popular?

Too many words, hmm?

 Alright, instead of me blabbing on and on about how i always got bullied, and make your life stressful, there is also some good news to it. I made friends with Mark, it took about a month, but we hang out alot together, we talk alot, he walks with me in the corridor to make sure nobody done anything to me. He was becoming a sweetheart... And he changed. Maybe it was time for me to change..

Alright, Alright, Deal.

 I slammed the door of my house open, calling "COCO!" five seconds didn't even pass by, before a large husky would zoom towards me. I would open my arms, laughing "COCO!" i called again, him jumping straight onto me. Despite the fact i had been punched and kicked so many times, the pain had disappeared as i fell on my back. He repeatedly licked me, laughing a little as i shut my eyes "Hello, Hello!" It took me about 5 minutes to push that big boy off. I giggled, gently scratching behind his left ear "Hello.. You miss me?" He would bark, raising his rump in the air as he got into a playful position. I giggled "Speak!" He would firmly Bark, before i got my fingers, making a  -pistol- in my fingers. He would instantly stand on his hind legs, swaying his paws gently into the air. 


                                        "BANG!" i screamed, and in that second, he fell backwards, falling onto his back, his paws twitching slightly. I laughed "Wow, your improving!" I slid my hand against my pocket, sending out some treats as he leaned forward, eating them from my hand. I smiled. What a world he was. Without him, i wouldn't be alive. He was there for me... Even when my parents left me. I would lean forward, kissing his cheek before whispering "Were going to make a difference, yeah?" He looked pretty confused. 


Obviously, you all are thinking "This girl is crazy, talking to a goddamn dog." Well, infact, he knows exactly what i'm saying. After all, i had him since i was 3. I leaned forward, kissing his muzzle gently before getting up, zooming upstrairs. I got in my waredrobe, tearing everything out. I reached the back, slowly holding something up. I would smirk, giggling "Time to make a difference." I ran downstairs, making some food as i ate it quickly. I ran myself to the bathroom, before stopping infront of it "Urgh, i need my beauty sleep..." She muttered once again "I'll take a bath and shower tomorrow.." She ran to her bed, shut her door, turned the lights off, snuggled herself next to her Dog, and shut her eyes, while repeatedly muttering 



                                         "Tomorrow... I will exist again."


It's what i wear~


It will begin... For real.











"OH FOR GODS SAKE, SHUT UP!" i screamed at my alarm, aiming my hand at it. My eyes were shut, so instead of wacking my alarm, i wacked my phone. I sat up, screaming "MY PHONE!" i would groan, slowly bending down as i picked up my phone, looking at it. Only a small piece of it had been chipped away, But it looked alot like me. Small pieced being chipped away slowly...


            Until i would eventually break.


Anyways, enough of that talk. Point. I'm going to be a new me. I'm going to change. A new life, a new me, a new start. 


I wore a brown top, with a dark peach-like skirt. I wore some other accessories, and a bag. I done my hair, straightened it, and let it fall over my shoulders.





My blue eyes matching them perfectly. I smiled gently as i looked in the mirror "I look... Beautiful." For once, i had complimented myself. I turned my head to Coco, setting down his food and his water. I walked towards the door, taking a deep breath. 




I walked onto the bus, getting alot of stares. after all, it was the school bus. When we arrived, i walked through the corridor. I got alot of 'Is she new?' Or 'No way, that isn't Lucy... Is it?' And i sat today at the bench.


       One of the boys came up to me, sitting next to me. I turned to him, about to say Hi, before i spotted the girls in the background looking at me. They wanted to see what i would do... What i would say. Unfortunately, he was one of the -geeky- boys. The boys like me. 


I got up, despite feeling terrible, and hissing "Eww... What the heck do you want?" I groaned, turning my head away as i walked off. The girls sniggered. I was amusing them... In a good way.


                                       The next day came, and you won't believe what happened...

Strong, hmm?


I got invited!!

 "Hey... Lucy." The girl smiled. Her name was Emma. She was the leader of the group.. They called themselves the 'wolf pack'. I turned to her, doing a small smirk "Hey..." She would reach her hand out, grabbing me by the arm as she forced me to my legs, giving me an uncomfortable feeling. I could see in their eyes they wanted to see what i was going to do, so my instincts kicked out. I leaned forward, giving her a shove "Don't even lay i finger on me~" i snapped. 


"She's leaning.." Katie would say. She was the best friend of Emma. Emma leaned forward, sniggering "I got an offer for you. Take it, and join us... Or leave it, and become in hell." 


.. Wait wait a second...

         Were they inviting me... To join... Their group... The wolf pack?!


"Your inviting me?!" I squealed, before quickly changing my tone "I mean, Yeah sure.. Not much of a big deal but, you guys seem nice." They would turn to me, smirking "Nice?" they echoed, before me raising a brow. "Nice." i repeated. They all squealed and giggled, wrapping their arms around me "She's perfect!" They were like them girly pink girls... 


                    What a change in my life already, and it's only been a day!


Uh oh... Mark was approaching. The wolf pack and mark didn't get along, but he just came to see me... "Hey, Lucy." He would smile, warmingly. That smile always got me in the feelings... He looked so cute! Emma groaned and Katie huffed. I whined a little, unsure what to do. I quickly grabbed him by the arm, dragging him away, now knowing that Emma and Katie were questioning my 'Friendship'. 


"What, can't you see i'm hanging with my girlfriends?!" i snapped. "Woah, what?!" He glared at me, his look quickly changing "Listen, I'm going with a party tonight with my girlfriends, i need you to take care of Coco." Mark looked shocked, and so was i. What the heck was i blabbing about... "But... Lucy, It's only been one day.."


"MARK! Please! This is my chance to join their group.." He looked at me, a little disappointed "Can i have your keys then..." He looked to the ground, sending an uncomforable chill down my spine. Why was i treating him like this... "Here." i reached in my bag, giving it to him. I done a smile, but the only thing i got back from him was a nod "I'll stay over at your house, if that's fine... Or are you doing the party at your house?" i noticed that the end part he said it as if i was his mistress. "No.. It's in the club." He sighed, and nodded "Alright." Why... Why did i have to be in the middle of everything? Why is Mark now getting tortured... Why do i have to be the one who makes him suffer?


                                     Please, someone... Help me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 22.02.2016

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Lucy, an average school girl. She is always bullied by a boy called Jake... She despises his girlfriend and his girlfriend hates her.. Yet she saved her. Mark, the most popular boy in the school, helps her, and they become friends. Her pet, Coco, has always been there for her. However, when she leaves Coco with Mark, and ditches them both for her friends... Will they ever forgive her for everything she put them through? For lying? For teasing? For changing? What will happen for the prom dance? If he forgives her... Will he still trust her?

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