
Out of the box

Table of contents

                                            Table of contents





Chapter 1: Branding and Design Evolution


Chapter 2: Look the Talk


Chapter 3: That Little Idea


Chapter 4: The Power of details


Chapter 5: Let it Pierce


Chapter 6: Don't be bound by Principles


Chapter 7: Dealing with Clients.


Chapter 8: Be Original


Chapter 9: The Future of Branding




About the author







Myriads of definitions exist that clearly explains branding as a practice in very detailed and often confusing manner, where some terms and definitions are almost interchangeable yet distinct.


But I personally take a different approach in communicating knowledge. Communicating a complex subject matter in simplicity is my Genius approach.

 I believe strongly that every complex concept can be explained in the simplest of forms and this in itself shows absolute mastery.

I have decided to capture different high and low points through the course of my career as a Brand Identity Designer in a simple way.


This is a unique book on brand management ,it provides a depth of insight in the most simplified manner and can also serve as a guide for brand Identity design professionals ..


Chapter 1: Brand and Design Evolution

                                                 Chapter 1

                                   Brand Design Evolution




In ancient Norse,a scandavian language, the word "brandr" means to burn". Originally,a brand was a burning piece of wood and later described a torch.By the 1500's ,It became common to brand cattle in order to show ownership.At this time the primary purpose of branding was for identification.


The art of branding has evolved way beyond the marking of livestock's,but the concept is retained,According to Business dictionary a brand is a unique design, sign, symbol, words, or a combination of these, employed in creating an image that identifies a product and differentiates it from its competitors.The basic purpose of branding is for identification.


In the 18th and 19th Century, the implementation of technology in the manufacturing industry sparked up a new process of manufacturing, Industries became more efficient and products were now manufactured in mass quantities. The market was flooded with variety of products,More products brought about more choices for consumers. The rise in competition in the manufacturing industry 



 As the world began to embrace modern civilization,and the manufacturing industries began to expand, the implementation of certain socio-political structures became a necessity, the art of merely ascribing a unique design,mark or art work to a product was not credible enough to guarantee ownership.A brand needed to have a legal backing to authenticate ownership.



  In he 1870s, registered trademarks became famous and the U.S. Congress passed its first Trademark  Act in 1881. This was the first instance of branding, as intellectual property, this made it possible for companies to officially claim their products as their own and put a restriction on imitators and rivals.


Branding is a craft that has been continually improved upon over the years,It is amazing the degree of creativity,strategy


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Gideon Joshua
Bildmaterialien: Helispace Agency
Cover: Gideon Joshua
Lektorat: Tolulope Fawale
Übersetzung: Gideon Joshua
Satz: Gideon Joshua
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.01.2021
ISBN: 978-3-7487-7124-1

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to my Late Mother Mrs Elsie Joshua,an unusually strong woman,she gave her best to raising myself and my brother.She did an amazing work in our life though we lost our Father at a very early age.I learnt resilience,tenacity and perseverance by carefully watching how she managed situations of life. To a man who I would love to refer to as my adopted father,he is a mentor, coach, brother and friend,Mr Adebayo Akinrinola your wisdom, oversight, persistent tutorship, tough discipline, brutal honesty and kind encouragement is making me the man I am becoming. I honour you deeply. To my ever-loving, lovely partner and best friend, Tolulope Fawale: your support, love and care is my ever-burning inspiration. I cherish you dearly. I want to specially dedicate this book to every young aspiring Identity designer,i hope this book will propel you towards your goal and inspire to persevere in the process of building your career.

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