By: Gopal Rayappa Kolekar
Author: Gopal Rayappa Kolekar
Under the Indian Copyright Act, all rights of the contents of this book are reserved with the author, Gopal Rayappa Kolekar. No part of this book, including the name, title, design or inside matter may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means, in full or in part, in any language. Breach of any of these conditions is liable to legal action.
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First Bookrix Edition: August 2013
Published by:
Gopal Rayappa Kolekar
Door No. 341,
Lane: Patil Galli, Post Kangrali B.K.,
Taluka and District: Belgaum 590 010
State: Karnataka, India
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This book is dedicated to my father (late) Rayappa Dada Kolekar
Begging is dangerous to one’s existence in all walks of life.
Hence none should indulge in begging in whatsoever a manner.
I was inspired to write this book by observing as to what is presently happening on the earth such as Global hunger, Child labor, Global warming, Corruption, Illiteracy and Poverty of the people in some countries and Terrorism and Guerilla warfare. I am paying very serious attention to this matter. It just amounts to unscientific administrative policy or a chaotic policy followed by a few countries and purposely some countries are indulging in terrorism tactics. Some governments pursue this policy resolutely with a view to terrorize the inhabitants of the earth. It can be seen that in a few countries the political leaders are following the present independent administrative policy of each country in a persistent manner.
I already have to my credit a book titled, “HOW SHOULD THE INDIAN EDUCATION SYSTEM BE?” This book was published in October 2009 and was well received among various quarters and I have also mentioned about the newly designed Green Plus symbol in the same book.
I had sent a copy of the book to the President of India and White House. However, I find that they are not following my instructions regarding educational policies which are mentioned in my book. I also noticed that for the purpose of money and status they are continuously misleading the citizens of a few countries in the world.
I have been a keen observer of this and have found that they are purposefully doing this, but I am a scientist in HRD study and one HRD scientist is equal to God in respect of knowledge and power also. I cannot tolerate any kind of inhuman /illegal activities on the earth. By seeing this I am changing the world’s Administrative Policy as per the directions mentioned in this book.
I appeal to the earth’s inhabitants to usher in this new Administrative Policy in the interest of the world with a view to have everlasting peace and the resulting satisfaction as to their lifespan on this planet.
August 15, 2013
Gopal Rayappa Kolekar
World’s leading scientist in HRD study
The author is a Mech. Engineer and is keenly interested in pursuing Research in Human Resource Development in various wellness activities throughout the world. He has already published a book on the subject - “How should the Indian Education System Be”, wherein he has mentioned about the education which needs to be given in those countries where English language is not the mother tongue - e.g. India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, etc. We hope that this book will be of great help in the field of education where English is a foreign language but used only for scientific purposes.
In this book – The Modern Administration of the Earth - the author wants to bring the new Administration Policy for governing the earth in the present modern age. He has highlighted the corruption in high offices and also terrorism activities which are detrimental to the whole world.
The author has let loose his imagination and writes with a feeling that as if he was the UN Secretary-General (World Leader) whereby he can easily give orders and instructions for administration of the earth. This book is written on Natural Principle.
The author insists that everyone should follow the orders and instructions outlined in this book for ushering in the Modern Administration of the Earth.
Author’s Address
Gopal Rayappa Kolekar
Door No. 341, Lane: Patil Galli, Post: Kangrali B.K.
Taluka and District: Belgaum 590 010 State: Karnataka, India.
Email: Phone No. 9886582742
1. World Administration Policy
2. Combating Terrorism in the Present World
3. Tackling Corruption in Today’s Scenario
4. The Mode of Education to be Adopted in the Current Set-up
5. World Hunger - A Very Serious Phenomenon
6. Red + Vs Green +
7. Impact: Right to Information Laws
8. Top 10 Super Power Countries of the World
9. Role of Media in Today’s World
10. Effects of Global Warming & Solutions to Overcome it
11. Child Labor – A Burning Issue
12. A Planet in Trouble
Role of Public Administration in the Modern State:
At the outset I would like to say that Public Administration is a serious subject which requires scientific attention. The critical role of public administration is governing the society. A government can exist without a legislature, even without a judiciary but never without administration. The government will become as dysfunctional as a lame horse in a derby race. Public administration as a part of Government has existed since the time of the monarchies. Ancient India’s most prominent political scientist and economist Chanakya (373-283 BC) in his treatise Arthashastra; dedicates substantial chapters to Statecraft or the public administration of a state.
Public administration provides numerous services to the public and serves their interests in many ways. The real core of administration is the basic service which is performed for the public. It is the administration which ensures the security and protection of life and property of the members of the society by maintaining proper law and order.
The economical, cultural and even spiritual progress for that matter; of a society depends on the public administration. The day-to-day functioning of the Government machinery, external affairs and the most important of all, the national defense are the other important functions performed by the public administration of the country.
In the modern state, the role and scope of public administration is ever expanding and all encompassing. We are way past the laissez-faire state which was responsible for maintaining law and order only. The modern state which expects government to provide much more has seen the role of public administration change dramatically, since those times.
The current role and functions adopted by public administration owes its origin to the changes which the human history has witnessed in the last couple of centuries. The first important change was the industrial revolution which resulted in the urbanization of the large cities of the world. Secondly, there was a change in the political philosophy from minimalist state intervention (or laissez-faire) and individualism to social welfare. The two World Wars combined with the changing international scenarios with new countries, alliances and organizations like the formation of United Nations, generated a need to reform the goals of administration in the society; not just of within a nation but also with respect to the world.
Lastly, the increasing population of the world means tremendous pressure on the available resources. The role of providing for basic amenities like food and shelter has therefore fallen into the lap of the Government.
There are three characteristics of an efficient public administration:
1.It needs to meet the functional aims for which it has been created
2.It must be able to meet the long term needs which might arise due to change in administrative techniques or the changes in social environment which are more important and influential
3.It needs to conform to a centralized plan but also accommodate the specific and special demand of particular department units
There is an increasing awareness amongst the citizens of a country regarding their rights and the duties of the Government. Thus, the role and functions of public administration has also become quite dynamic in nature and is constantly evolving in response to the changing needs and demands of the society. Technological interventions, incorporation of new management principles, taking into account the needs and aspirations of the end-customer are some of the new trends in the areas of public administration.
We have read about the famous Wilsonian dichotomy of politics and administration and after the Second World War the diminishing relevance of this dichotomy. The above reference is vital to be kept in mind to understand this topic which brings together the science of politics and economics together to gain a detailed understanding of the administration of the state and its resources.
After the New Public Administration theory of 1968, there was a new approach proposed in the 1970s which talked about economic approaches to analyze public administration called the Public Choice Theory. The important aspect of this theory was that to maximize the welfare through the means of distribution of national income. Now, we also need to understand a term called externality. It comes into action when an individual X affects Y in a reckless manner without taking Y’s gains or losses into account. This leads to a situation called externality. Therefore, in an economy, the Government intervention becomes important to address these externalities.
If a person is running the business of manufacturing alcohol, there is a specific and substantial social impact of this product. This can be, increase in crimes, increased cost of police staff and prisons, the long time and resources investment of the judiciary, etc., which exceeds the net private product, the alcohol. To counter this, the alcohol production will have to be increased by the manufacturer. To deal with this over-production the Government would have to impose a tax on the manufacturers. This tax would be to equate the private cost (of the manufacturer) and the social cost.
The above explanation was necessary to understand the Public Choice theory in a rather detailed manner. Before this theory was proposed, economists and other subject matter experts considered State or the Government to be an agent beyond the realms of economic theories. The state functioned on different drivers than economy and it was an accepted fact. However, the Public Choice Theory challenged this very fact and proposed the use of economic yardstick to evaluate the resource allocation in the public sector and economic analysis to identify the inefficiencies in the Government policy and decision making processes. It also makes a premise that the bureaucrats and politicians work on a model to increase their own power and influence and end up formulating policies which may be against the larger public interest. It got thumbs up from many authors and subject matter experts. This theory also brought in a more consumer centric approach in the formulation of policies and the manner in which the government machinery should function. There was a clear inclination towards democratic administration from bureaucracy and an important aspect was emphasized that the government action needs to be in sync with the values, needs and wants of the citizens.
In such a scenario the author would like to present his New World Administration Policy under one individual – the United Nations Secretary-General – also to be known as God of the Earth. The author is introducing this new concept about God in the present scientific world by seeing that the real God does not physically come to help the human beings. As a result, such physical problems continue to exist, such as food crisis, crime on social or international levels, corruption, terrorism and poverty without being controlled by any external energy (the real God). The author desires that these physical problems of human beings be solved by human beings only. Therefore the author hereby declares that the post of United Nations Secretary-General is God post on the Earth and he will be responsible for solving all problems of human beings which are essential for human life to survive on this earth.
In the following pages the author explains in detail how the administration of the world has to be structured. He is of the opinion that all political parties – both regional and national, all forms of government – Dictatorship, Monarchy, Autocracy, Communism, etc., have to be abolished from the Earth.
We, the people of the Earth, in order to form a more perfect Union, establish justice, ensure peace and provide for the common defence, promote the general welfare, to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Earth planet.
The New Administration Policy of the Earth
All legislative powers shall be vested with the United Nations Organization, which shall be headed by the UN Secretary-General. People of each and every state in all the countries of the world will elect a UN Secretary. This will be the main election held in all countries under the New Administration Policy for electing the UN Secretary. The number of UN Secretaries in a country will depend on its population, size and literacy and the number of UN Secretaries will be decided by the UN Organization. Further author advises that all these elected Secretaries will form the new UN Organization and they will broadly be divided into four categories.
The first is State Secretary who will see the function of a particular state only, the second is Country President Secretary who will see the function of a particular country only, the third is UNO Secretary who is working in the UN Organization and the fourth position will be of the UN Secretary-General. All these elected Secretaries will elect one person as UN Secretary-General by holding election in the UNO House and it is not dealt by the citizens of the world. After being elected, the UN Secretary-General will decide on the appointments of State Secretary, Country President Secretary and UNO Secretary.
Regarding of the appointments of UN Secretary, the author wants to clearly emphasize that a UN Secretary who is elected from a particular state / country may not be appointed for that particular place in case of terrorism prone countries. In such strife-torn countries, the State Secretary and Country President Secretary will belong to some other country. Which in effect means a UN Secretary can be appointed anywhere in the world irrespective of the place from which he was elected. Whereas in the case of developed and peaceful countries they may have their own country’s elected UN Secretaries for State Secretary and Country President Secretary.
Administration of New World Policy
In general all the Secretaries will be referred to as UN Secretary but later on based on their appointment they will be addressed as State Secretary, Country President Secretary, UNO Secretary and finally UN Secretary-General.
The State Secretary will handle the functions of State only.
The Country President Secretary shall handle the functions of the country as a whole. All the Country President Secretaries shall report to the UNO Secretary.
The UNO Secretary who is based at the UN Organization will report to the UN Secretary-General.
The UN Secretary-General who shall be considered as the God of the Earth shall oversee the functions of the UN Organization and Country President Secretaries. The appointments of State Secretary, Country President Secretary and UNO Secretaries will be decided by the UN Secretary-General.
The author re-emphasizes that he is changing only the political administrative structure of the present Democracy and not the present Government Officials’ Administrative structure. This will be retained in the New Administration Policy and the existing Government Officials will function under the supervision of the respective UN Secretary. They shall govern the whole world. Each of them will take up a territory and will be ably assisted by Government Official staff belonging to that particular territory and they will be governed by concerned UN Secretary. The Departmental heads will be responsible for the work which is going on under them and they in turn will report to the concerned UN Secretary. The Media will monitor this work as they have a very vital role to play in the New Administration Policy. This is absolutely essential for political liberty and proper functioning of democracy. We can say the Media is the basic fundamental structure of this New Administration Policy and the author is pleased with the current Information Technology and its progress in bringing to focus the real events as they unfold through direct telecast by News Channels, Internet Services, Mobile Telephony and Newspapers. The author is certain that these matters will function at an optimized level under the New Administration Policy.
Powers of the UN Secretaries
The UN Secretaries shall have power to levy and collect taxes, duties and provide for the common defence and general welfare of the inhabitants of the earth and it shall be uniform throughout the world. Some of their powers shall include: consider and make recommendations on the general principles of cooperation for maintaining international peace and security, including disarmament; investigate any dispute or situation which might lead to international friction; recommend methods of adjusting such disputes or the terms of settlement; determine the existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression and to recommend what action should be taken; call on Members to apply economic sanctions and other measures not involving the use of force to prevent or stop aggression; take military action against an aggressor; exercise the trusteeship functions of the UNO in “strategic areas”; discuss any question relating to international peace and security and, except where a dispute or situation is currently being discussed by the Security Council, make recommendations on it; initiate studies and make recommendations to promote international political cooperation, the development and codification of international law, the realization of human rights and fundamental freedom, and international collaboration in the economic, social, humanitarian, cultural, educational and health fields; and assisting in the realization of human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; make recommendations for the peaceful settlement of any situation that might impair friendly relations among nations;
11.for making administrative and other laws on a global scale; exercise the trusteeship functions of the UNO in natural disasters; recommend to the General Assembly the appointment of the Secretary-General and, together with the Assembly, to elect the Judges of the International Court of Justice; regulate commerce between all nations, and among the several states; establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of religion on the earth. Everyone is free to practice their own religion without affecting others; coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of exchange; provide for stringent punishment for counterfeiting the currency of any state or nation; promote the progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries;
Roles and Responsibilities of State Secretary
The State Secretary will be in charge of the overall functioning of the respective State and he will report to the designated Country President Secretary who will implement the policies which emanate from the UN Organization. The State Secretary shall implement these policies in a practical manner at the respective State level. Any laxity in enforcing the same shall be viewed very strictly by the UN Organization.
Roles and Responsibilities of Country President Secretary
The Country President Secretary will supervise the performance and functioning of the entire country and he will in turn report to the UN Organization. He shall continue to monitor the day-to-day affairs of all the State Secretaries who are reporting to him.
Roles and Responsibilities of UNO Secretary
The UNO Secretary will be based at the UN Organization and will be responsible for formulating the policies and laws on an international level. The UNO Secretary will be a senior level aide of the Secretary-General. The UNO Secretary is vested with the authority to act on behalf of the Secretary-General during his absence from headquarters or to represent the Secretary-General at conferences and functions. Accordingly, the UNO Secretary participates in public awareness and outreach efforts with different countries in order to elevate the UNO as a leading hub of development policy and development assistance.
The UN Secretary shall also manage the operations of the Secretariat, facilitate the coordination of activities across UN institutions / countries, harmonize the coherence between UN activities in the socio-economic and peace and security sectors and oversee UN reform periodically.
Roles and Responsibilities of the UN Secretary-General
The Secretary-General of the United Nations should play a unique and critical role in international relations. As the chief administrative officer of the world, the Secretary-General is responsible for a wide range of administrative, managerial and substantive tasks and serves as God in representing and upholding the organization’s principles and values. He is also responsible for carrying out functions in his capacity as envisaged by the Security Council, General Assembly, ECOSOC, and other UN organs. He is Numero Uno–No. 1.
One of the Secretary-General’s most important roles will be the ability to use his powers to serve as a mediator in conflicting situations. While the Security Council authorizes the peacekeeping missions and the General Assembly takes care of funds, the Secretary-General should play the essential role of engaging with and mediating between the conflicting parties.
The Secretary-General’s basic duties include attending sessions of UN bodies; consulting with UNO Secretaries, governments and others; and carrying out country visits to meet with Country President Secretaries, stay informed on issues and report on various conditions. The Secretary-General issues an annual report on the work of the UN which appraises its activities and outlines future priorities.
The Qualifications of UNO Secretaries
The candidate must have to his credit a scientific book published and it will be verified by the UN Organization and after their consent he can contest the election of UNO Secretary or he should be a Ph.D. holder in any scientific branch and further he should have worked to bring peace on Earth. Alternatively he may have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. He is then eligible for election to the post of UNO Secretary.
The only persons in the world who can sign in green color will be the UNO Secretary-General because green is natural leaf color and also Doctor’s Green Plus which means it helps all citizens of the Earth. Thereby the author has decided that only UNO Secretary-General can use green color signature in the world and all other UN Secretaries and Government officials should choose a different color after consideration of UNO. It is seen that presently class one officers use Green color for signing. This is entirely against the above mentioned principles. Therefore, the author has decided that it should be prohibited by law and necessary instructions be issued in this regard. The officers may use any other color for their signature except green.
It may be of interest to note here that the author was instrumental in implementing the Green Plus symbol in India through his silent but consistent efforts in following up with the government.
The term of office of the UN Secretary and UN Secretary-General
The UN Secretary-General will be ably assisted by the UN Secretaries and they will have several departments to help them in smoothly administering the world. The UNO Secretaries will have all facilities which are recommended by UNO. The duration of UNO Secretary is five years and he can become UN Secretary twice in his life if re-elected. The age of candidate should be above 45 years for contesting election.
The elected UNO Secretaries in turn will elect the UNO Secretary-General whose term of office will be five years. One person can be elected twice in his life time, that is for a ten year period only. He will be responsible for all activities going on around the Earth and he may be considered the God of the Earth because UNO Secretary-General post is God post in the world.
The General Election
All political posts, political parties and dictators of the present world should be abolished immediately and in place of it the UNO will give a certain quota of members to each country taking into account its population, size and literacy levels. With the above in mind, the author envisages that the general election will be held in all countries according to their given quota for electing the UNO Secretaries to form the new UN Organization in the present world.
Age for voting
All citizens who have reached the age of 21 years shall have the right to exercise their franchise regardless of nationality, race, sex, occupation, family background, religious belief, education, etc. The author is of the opinion that a person is biologically and mentally mature only after the age of 21 years. Only then will they be in a position to judge the leaders whom they are going to elect. Wherever the voting age is presently 18 years, it has to be increased to 21 years under the New Administration Policy.
At age 18, most young people are not mature enough to make informed decisions. Young people will not take voting seriously or will simply vote for or against candidates as a reflection of-or reaction against-their parents’ voting habits and political preferences.
Allowing young people to vote would only widen the pool of uninformed voters-and the current status quo protects against that.
United Nations and Human Rights
“Humanity faces grave challenges today. The threat of terror is real and immediate. Yet fear of terrorists can never justify adopting their methods. Nor can we be complacent about the broader prevalence of cruel and inhuman punishment, which in so many of our societies disproportionately affects the most vulnerable people: the imprisoned, the politically powerless and the economically deprived. Instead, we must respond to this evil wherever we find it by reaffirming humanity’s most basic values.”
Kofi Annan
Former UN Secretary-General
The present administration of the Earth is divided into different countries and each country has its own political position. Some have Democracy while others have an Autocratic rule, some even have a Communist form of government. Each of these forms has its own laws which vary greatly. The author strongly feels that this concept is a wrong one and outdated in the modern scenario. Each country has freedom for making its own rules and regulations. In such a context none of the countries are controlled by any organization which can have uniform rules and regulations. Under the present administration policy some country is involved in terrorism which is detrimental to human society at large and nobody controls or takes responsibility. This should be viewed very seriously to stop terrorist activities that are going on. Countless people are victims of this; they have lost their dear ones, some are injured or maimed for life by the warfare of terrorists. The following news report is self explanatory.
Sat, 10 Jul 2010
Peshawar, July 10, 2010
65 killed in Pak blast
At least 65 people were killed and 110 injured when two Taliban suicide bombers struck a government office at a busy market place in Pakistan’s restive tribal belt, the latest in a wave of terror bloodbath that has shaken the country. The attackers detonated their explosives outside the office of the assistant political agent at Yakaghund village in Mohmand Agency, 40 km north of Peshawar.
Hundreds of people, including members of an anti-Taliban militia, were present outside the office and in the nearby market, witnesses said.
The first bomber was on a motorcycle while the second was driving an explosives-laden vehicle, Khan said.
Taliban responsible
The Mohmand chapter of the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan claimed responsibility for the attack, one of the worst terrorist assaults in the tribal belt.
Taliban spokesman Ikramullah Mohmad told reporters that the bombers had targeted the political administration and the “peace committee” or anti-Taliban militia from Ambar area because they had organized a jirga against the militants.
A prison, some other government offices and over 70 shops were damaged by the blasts. Police said nearly 30 criminals held in the prison escaped during the chaos in the wake of the attack.
In view of the above it is felt that the Administration of the Earth should come under one organization called UNO (United Nations Organization) and this organization will be responsible for all activities going on in any country and also at the international level.
Now we are seeing that all countries are not coming under UNO. The author strongly suggests that henceforth all countries must voluntarily be under the control of the UNO. Nowadays we are seeing that in developing countries the political parties are indulging in criminal activities, corruption and terrorism on an appalling scale. This is a real fact and it is not the author’s assumption. The following news item says that a very senior minister in India is directly involved in a scam amounting to a whopping Rs 1.77 lakh crores. Another news item that follows says that elected representatives of the people pay cash to get votes and also once elected they change their loyalty to political parties and for this they take bribes running into crores of rupees.
November 12, 2010
Cong set to hang up on Raja
New Delhi: Communications Minister, A Raja has weathered one storm after another, thanks to the unwavering support of his DMK boss and Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi—but now, the wind’s really blowing against him.
The sensitivity to Karunanidhi’s wishes has now given way to concern among Congress managers that Raja’s continuance will bruise the party’s image and undo the repair job Sonia Gandhi undertook by axing tainted leaders Ashok Chavan and Suresh Kalmadi.
The concern has increased following the final report of the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG), which has been scathing about Raja’s role in the 2G spectrum allocation. As reported by The Times of India first, in its November 10 edition, CAG has claimed that Raja’s decisions resulted in revenue losses that could be as high as Rs 1.77 lakh crore.
‘Law minister’s advice brushed aside’
The department of telecommunications has added to A Raja’s woes by acknowledging in an affidavit before the Supreme Court that the law ministry’s suggestion to refer the procedure for allocation to an EGoM was brushed aside. This buttresses the allegation that the telecom ministry had disregarded suggestions by the law and finance ministries.
Ranchi, May 15, 2013
R.K. Agarwal held in cash-for-votes scam in Jharkhand
The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Tuesday arrested industrialist R.K. Agarwal, an independent candidate in the biennial Rajya Sabha elections from Jharkhand last year. He is one of the main accused in the cash-for-votes scam.
Mr. Agarwal had surrendered to the court on April 1. He was arrested on Tuesday after Special CBI court judge R.K. Choudhary rejected his bail plea, putting aside a lower court order that had granted him bail. Senior CBI officials said that Mr. Agarwal had been sent to 14-day judicial remand for interrogation.
The CBI is investigating a media sting where six MLAs were caught on tape in the 2010 Rajya Sabha biennial election, expressing willingness to accept money in exchange for voting for a particular candidate. The biennial election had been countermanded by the Election Commission after Rs. 2.15 crore had been seized from Mr. Agarwal’s aide in Namkum in Ranchi.
The scam was first investigated by the State vigilance department and handed over to the CBI this year. On April 4, the CBI had raided the premises of 13 persons, including nine MLAs — five MLAs of the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), three of the Congress, and one of the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) — and four private persons and seized investment documents and IT returns. It had conducted raids in more than 25 locations in Jharkhand and Assam.
On February 21 it had raided the premises of BJP’s Uma Shankar Akela, JMM’s Simon Marandi and Congress’ Yogendra Sao and Rajesh Ranjan.
So it is decided by the author that all political posts, political parties of the present world and dictators of some countries be abolished and the same may be taken over by UN Secretary-General to handle the administration of the earth. Considering this new policy of Administration, the UN Secretaries will effectively govern the world. Henceforth UNO will be responsible for administration of the earth.
As of now there are very limited rights with UNO but the author has decided that UNO should have all rights both at the national and international level. Without knowledge of UNO nothing should happen on the earth. For any national or international trade dealings, the UNO permission must be obtained. All rights should be vested with the UNO.
No country or state can fight on natural grounds such as natural land, natural language and natural culture.
It is seen from past that man fights on natural land, natural language and natural culture. This kind of fighting leads to death but everything remains the same on Earth. By seeing this natural phenomenon the author has decided that henceforth any country or any state cannot fight on natural ground. If somebody fights on natural ground its answer will be given only by air attack. The UN Secretary-General who is the head of the world will not see whether terrorists or some innocent people are dying in such an attack. God will pardon the UN Secretary-General. By enforcing this nobody will dare to fight on natural grounds at any time whatsoever.
India lashes out at Pakistan after deadly Kashmir encounter
JAMMU, India, Jan 9 (Reuters) - India slammed arch-rival Pakistan on Wednesday over a firefight in the disputed territory of Kashmir in which two of its soldiers were killed, and said the mutilation of one of the bodies was “inhuman”.
Officials said Pakistan’s envoy to New Delhi was likely to be summoned during the day to register a protest over Tuesday’s incident, in which Pakistani troops crossed the territory’s heavily militarized Line of Control (LoC) and fired at an Indian army patrol.
The body of one of the soldiers was found “badly mutilated” in a forested area on the side controlled by India, Rajesh K. Kalia, spokesman for the Indian army’s Northern Command, said.
However, he denied Indian media reports that one of the bodies had been decapitated and the throat of another had been slit.
“Pakistan Army’s action is highly provocative,” Indian Defence Minister A.K. Antony, told reporters in New Delhi. “The way they treated the dead body of the Indian soldier is inhuman. We will convey our protest to the Pakistan government.”
Firing and small skirmishes between the two countries are common along the 740-km (460-mile) LoC despite a ceasefire and slowly improving bilateral ties. The Indian army says eight of its soldiers were killed in 2012, in 75 incidents.
However, incursions by troops from either side are rare, and one Indian media report said Tuesday’s incident marked the “first major ingress” since the ceasefire was agreed in 2003. Pakistan has denied the latest Indian allegations. A Pakistani military spokesman said they were “propaganda” aimed at diverting attention away from a clash along the LoC two days earlier in which Pakistan had said one of its soldiers was killed after an Indian incursion.
India denies that its troops crossed over the line during last weekend’s incident. India considers the entire region of snow-capped mountains and fertile valleys an integral part of its territory. Pakistan contests that and demands implementation of a 1948 U.N. Security Council resolution for a plebiscite to determine the wishes of the Kashmiri people.
Antony in Beijing; China warns India against ‘new trouble’
PTI | Jul 4, 2013, 08.34 PM IST
BEIJING: Defence minister AK Antony arrived here on Thursday on a four-day visit for high-level talks with Chinese leadership on new confidence building measures to maintain peace at the disputed borders in the backdrop of incursion of PLA troops in the Ladakh region.
Accompanied by a high power defence delegation, Antony arrived in the eastern Chinese city of Shanghai by an Air India flight. He later flew to Beijing by a special flight arranged by the Chinese government.
Antony, the first defence minister to visit China in seven years, will formally hold talks with his Chinese counterpart General Chang Wanquan here on Friday.
He is expected to call on Premier Li Keqiang besides visiting a military installation and command centre.
It is not yet clear whether he could meet President Xi Jinping, who is the overall commander of the Chinese military by virtue of being the Chairman of the Military Commission, which controls the world’s largest army of 2.3 million.
Antony’s visit comes days after the 16th round of border talks between national security advisor Shivshankar Menon and his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi here during which the two sides had a threadbare discussion on mutual concerns, especially the incursion of China’s People’s Liberation Army troops into the Depsang Valley on April 15.
Border incursion, the finalization of the border defence coordination agreement (BDCA), a new mechanism suggested by China last year for improving security at the borders, pending the final settlement of the territorial dispute, top Antony’s agenda for talks here.
The BDCA was expected to set up mechanisms which will provide for consultations for communication between both sides to improve management at the border.
Officials said BDCA would come up for discussions during Antony’s talks but not expected to be signed.
The BDCA which has several facets has been discussed extensively between the two sides, including during the June 28-29 border talks between the two special representatives.
Besides BDCA, the two sides are expected to finalize the dates to resume bilateral military exercises which would focus on anti-terrorism drills.
PLA general warns India against provocation
Hours before the arrival of defence minister AK Antony here for high-level talks, a hawkish Chinese General today warned India against provoking “new trouble” by increasing its military deployment at the border.
“There is no denying that there are tensions and problems between China and India particularly at the border areas,” Major General Luo Yuan, executive vice-president and Secretary-General of China Strategy Culture Promotion Association, said.
“There is still problem of 90,000sqkm of territory still occupied by the Indian side. These are the problems left over from history and we should look at it with cool head,” he said while talking to foreign correspondents here.
He was replying to a question about People’s Liberation Army’s (PLA) views on India-China relations in the backdrop of Antony’s visit starting from Thursday.
“The Indian side should not provoke new problems and increase the military deployment at the border areas and start new trouble,” General Luo, known for his hawkish and extreme views on China’s strategic and military relations with its neighbours and the US, said.
India is the only country in the world which says it is developing military power due to China’s threat; he said adding that “India should be cautious about what it says and what it does”.
Luo’s 90,000 sq km remark referred to China’s claim to Arunachal Pradesh which it calls as Southern Tibet.
India asserts that the border dispute covered 4,000km along line actual control (LAC), while China states that the dispute was confined to 2,000km that is Arunachal Pradesh.
The two sides held their last boundary talks on June 28. Antony is the first Indian defence minister in seven years to visit China.
On Antony’s meeting with his Chinese counterpart on Friday, the defence ministry in a statement in Delhi said, “Both ministers are expected to discuss a number of issues, including those related to maintenance of peace and tranquility on the border ... and matters relating to regional and global security.”
Antony is expected to call on Premier Li Keqiang besides visiting a military unit and a command centre during the three-day visit, official sources told PTI here.
The Chinese general also attacked the US, saying that it is trying to take advantage of the military tensions in the South China Sea and termed the Philippines as the trouble maker for China by provoking Beijing with Washington’s help.
A serving General, Luo was known in China for his incisive comments over blog and this was first time he was invited to address the foreign media here by the state-run All China Journalists Association.
Luo, however, played down the Chinese incursion into Depsang valley in April, saying that “This issue is triggered by media and media sometime overstate the problem.”We hope both sides keep patience and cool mind to solve this problem.”
The incursion by the PLA troops who also pitched their tents figured in the just concluded talks between national security advisor Shivshankar Menon and his Chinese counterpart Yang Jiechi here.
The two sides are now discussing the BDCA to avert incidents of border incursions in future. It was expected to figure in Antony’s talks. In his comments, General Luo referred to the visits of Premier Li to India recently as well as Antony’s visit.
He said “generally speaking the whole situation is still under control particularly after the visit of Li to India. The political relationship has been enhanced. Now your defence minister is visiting here.” “I believe the situation generally speaking is within control and it is up to India not to start some new trouble,” he said.
“In spite of all these differences we do have a lot in common. As the two biggest developing countries in the world China and India have a lot of common interests,” he said. “So we should work actively to implement the outcomes of Premier Li’s visit and work to enhance our cooperation,” he said pointing that both countries initiated the idea of five principles of peaceful co-existence.
“Therefore we should effectively implement these principles,” he said. He also defended PLA’s close relationship with Pakistan’s military. “There is also no denying that China and Pakistan enjoy traditional friendship and we have with Pakistan the all weather comprehensive strategic partnership,” he said.
“We also have strategic partnership with India and we do hope that India and Pakistan will live together and coexist in peace just like what the five principles of coexistence say and so I hope India and Pakistan will solve their differences and problems through peaceful means,” he said.;-china-warns-india-87114.html
On a perusal of the above two news reports, the author is pained to note that human beings are still fighting amongst themselves on natural grounds. The author wonders as to why the people of the world are behaving like this – what do they attain by engaging in such war-fare. In the final outcome the earth will continue to remain as it is but we humans would have died unnecessarily without any substantial reason except on mere natural grounds.
Prior experience has proved time and again that man is unnecessarily involved in taking such natural matters as a valid reason for fighting. This results in death, injuries and handicaps to thousands of people. Therefore the author has finally decided that henceforth nobody will fight on natural grounds and he does not wish to change any international border lines of any country. He desires that a status quo be maintained on the same as presently being accepted by International Law.
The author reiterates that any country indulging in such warfare on natural grounds should
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.11.2014
ISBN: 978-3-7368-5737-7
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