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Summary of Mao's America


Summary of John Grisham’s book


A Survivor's Warning




Summary of Mao's America by Xi Van Fleet: A Survivor's Warning


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Other collaborators: GP SUMMARY



This is an unofficial summary & analysis of Xi Van Fleet’s “Mao's America: A Survivor's Warning” designed to enrich your reading experience.




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James Lindsay

March 2023

The author reflects on the current state of America, amidst the American cultural revolution, which has been a Maoist cultural revolution with American characteristics. They recall a book by Robert Jay Lifton, Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism, which explored the psychological impacts of "Brainwashing" in China. The author reflects on the immediate recognition and grief that are happening in America, as well as the diversity, equity, and inclusion training at work and in schools.

The author warns that the American cultural revolution is based on a new mutation of Marxist theory, and that it has progressed towards its goals of destroying America from within. They have spent the previous year studying critical race theory to understand the events happening in their country, especially since 2015.

The author has also met brave voices within Chinese American communities who are speaking out and raising the alarm about the American cultural revolution. Xi Van Fleet, a Chinese American author, shares her story of living through two cultural revolutions and drawing parallels between them. The author believes that America is a special nation, providing liberty and opportunity to people like Xi and millions of others who came to the country during their darkest need.

The author's foreword to this noble work is a crucial alarm that has ever rung in the world. They hope that readers find it as clarifying and encouraging as they did.


In 2020, the US faced a significant shift due to the outbreak of the pandemic and the death of George Floyd. Many Americans, focused on their work and family, realized they had lost their sense of identity and were forced to denounce their country's institutions, values, and foundation. This led to ostracization and demonization, with some being labeled racists or losing their livelihoods.

Many Americans became oppressors for being born white, while others felt hopelessly oppressed and incapable because they were born nonwhite. The government demanded submission to tyrannical orders, labeling parents who spoke out as domestic terrorists. The police became villains and criminals became victims, terrorizing citizens.

This situation is similar to the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution launched by Mao Zedong, which lasted ten years and lasted most of the author's school years. The term "counterrevolutionary" was applied to anyone not enthusiastically participating in the revolution, leading to a violent and violent response.

The Chinese Cultural Revolution destroyed artifacts, symbols, traditions, and customs of 3,000 years of Chinese civilization, and up to twenty million lives were lost. The death of Mao in 1976 marked the end of the Cultural Revolution and the beginning of a new reality in America.

In 2020, the author took action against the rising authoritarianism in America, recognizing that America could be similarly engulfed by China. They drew a parallel between critical race theory (CRT) and the Chinese Cultural Revolution, warning that CRT is Marxism. Loudoun County, Virginia, became known for the parent revolt against CRT and the tyrannical order of school COVID shutdowns. The author's speech went viral, and they realized that most Americans do not know much about the Chinese Cultural Revolution, Communist China, Communism, or cultural Marxism. They decided to write a book to share their story and demonstrate the similarities between the two cultural revolutions.

The book demonstrates that both revolutions use Marxist tactics, aim to destroy traditional culture, weaponize youth, achieve absolute power at the expense of the people, and lead to loss of freedom and totalitarian rule. The author's personal story, as a child growing up under Communist rule, as an immigrant who learned to understand American exceptionalism, and as a proud citizen fighting against authoritarianism, is also included. The book aims to alarm, enrage, push, and inspire action for the survival of America.

Leaving the Kitchen Table

In June 2021, the author, an Asian American, attended a school board meeting in Loudoun County, Virginia, to speak out against the promotion of critical race theory (CRT) in classrooms. CRT is a Marxist ideology that is pushed forward by organizations like Black Lives Matter (BLM) and cancel culture, working together to transform America into a Marxist state. The author, who witnessed Communism's tyranny and violence during the Mao Zedong-led Cultural Revolution, was heartbroken and terrified to see the signs of totalitarianism happening in America.


During the public comment portion of the meeting, the author was surprised to learn that the school board chairwoman, Brenda Sheridan, reduced the speakers' time from two minutes to just one minute. The author had carefully written and rehearsed their speech to get through it in under two minutes, but was nervous and unsure of how to cut their speech in half.


With the support of supportive parents, the author continued to edit their prepared statement before being called by Ms. Sheridan from the school board dais. The author's experience highlights the dangers of CRT and the need for a more inclusive and respectful education system.


The author delivered a speech at a school board meeting, addressing the growing alarm over the teachings of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in American schools. She compared CRT to Mao's Cultural Revolution, highlighting how students and teachers were taught to denounce their heritage and report on each other, similar to the student equity ambassador program and bias reporting system in Loudoun schools. The author argued that CRT has roots in cultural Marxism and should not be included in American schools.


The author's speech had a lasting effect on many people, as it highlighted the importance of CRT in fighting against American Marxism. The author's decision to speak in front of the boardroom was not an impulsive one, but rather a significant step towards addressing the issue. The author's transformation from a reclusive political observer to an outspoken activist occurred in the wake of George Floyd's death in Minneapolis, Minnesota, and the subsequent violent protests against police brutality.


The author emphasized the striking similarities between China's Cultural Revolution and what is happening in America, as far-left progressive forces are using weapons such as CRT, wokeism, BLM, and cancel culture to root out conservatives and any resistance to their radical agenda. Free speech now is only allowed for the loud progressive left, and our First Amendment rights, Second Amendment rights, freedom, and country are under attack.


The 2020 Floyd-inspired riots and the parallels to China's Cultural Revolution led the author to feel a personal urgency to get involved politically and help keep America from going over a cliff. This was particularly true for Chinese American parents with schoolaged children, who were being scorned by their sons and daughters for questioning their parents' attitudes about race and oppression. The author's interest in politics had been private until a Fox News segment featuring Dan Bongino spoke about the importance of getting involved politically.


The author joined the Loudoun County Republican Committee (LCRC) to focus on election integrity and stopping the spread of Communist ideology in the United States. They were appointed as a precinct captain and later joined the Loudoun County Republican Women's Club, where they were encouraged to share stories from their experiences in Mao's China.


Before making the decision to call out CRT in Loudoun County schools, conservatives and moderate Democrats had been joining together to stop tyrannical school board policies and indoctrination. In early 2021, a secret Facebook group called "Anti-Racist Parents of Loudoun County" was formed to combat anti-critical race theory advocates and websites. The group made a list of outspoken parents, labeling them


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.11.2023
ISBN: 978-3-7554-5978-1

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Xi Van Fleet, a Chinese Cultural Revolution survivor, warns of the Woke Revolution in America, revealing similarities between the two, using Marxist tactics, destroying culture, weaponizing youth, and achieving totalitarian rule. She aims to educate the American public on these similarities.

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