
Chapter 1

There is this girl named Victoria. She is really likes guy named Grayson. He is the most popular guy in the school. His girlfriend, Chloe is like the mean girl who likes to make other girls jealous. So… Victoria is trying to get Grayson to tutor her so she can spend time with him as much as possible. Chloe doesn't like Victoria and bullies Victoria. Well,they are at school and Victoria smiles at Grayson and the girlfriend goes to kiss Grayson. Victoria walks out of the classroom and starts crying.

Chapter 2

The next day, Victoria see’s Grayson in the hallway, and she ask “Hey Grayson, I was wondering if maybe we could get a drink sometime and you could tutor me for algebra class, so what do you say?” Grayson is like “sure meet me at Starbucks at 7 and we will head to my house and study there?” Victoria say’s “okay meet you there!” with a smile on her face. So Chloe walks by and say’s “Grayson, don't talk to her, she is weird and I heard that she watches you all the time so…” Grayson is like I” don't know she isn't that weird, she actually pretty cool.” Chloe is like “Ok just walk with me”.

Chapter 3

The next day Chloe knows about Grayson and Victoria meeting up for the tutoring for algebra. So… Chloe plans a party that night. (Everyone comes to her party’s)She tells Grayson to come to the party. So he says ok, he said. So when Grayson gets to the party about 15 minutes into the party, Grayson remembers to be at Starbucks at 7. So he ran out to his car and drove to Starbucks.  Victoria wasn't there and Grayson feels bad. And he drives to Victoria’s house. He knocks on her front door and her parents come to the door. Her parents say “Hey Grayson, if you’re here to see Victoria she in her room.” He asked if he could come in and Her parents said yes. He ran up the stairs to her bedroom door. The door was locked. Grayson could hear Victoria crying. He said “Victoria I'm sorry let me in please I forgot i was at chloe’s party and then I thought of you.  When Grayson said chloe’s name Victoria said That attention W*^#E! Grayson said “calm down I don't even like her like that just please let me in Victoria! She let him in and He said thank you. She said welcome and walked to her bed. They sat down and apologized to each other. 

Chapter 4

That night they watched a movie. They were laughing and having a great time. They were watching The Breakfast Club. And Grayson looked at Victoria. She smiled and He looked at her lips and they kissed. He didn't break the kiss and she pulled away say’s “I cant”. He say’s “Since I respect you ill stop. He slept over. On her couch in her room. The next morning they rode the bus to  school together. Chloe saw Grayson and Victoria walking in the school together and Chloe was mad, so when she saw him in the hallways and she yelled at Grayson. Grayson say’s “I don't even like you like that, I just like you as a friend, But you can’t understand that and I'm not trying to be mean but it’s the truth” Chloe say’s “GRAYSON that is not how its supposed to go, you are supposed to be with me, not that FREAK! Grayson say’s  “Chloe what ever this is, Its over. I love Victoria she is nice, sweet, caring, generous,  gorgeous and more than you'll ever be”! Chloe runs away crying and everyone around is like ohh!

Chapter 5


The next morning Victoria is starting to be popular. People are asking her to sit at lunch with them. Chloe is still mad about Grayson and Victoria. In algebra the teacher assigned partners and Chloe ran over to Grayson. Grayson said I'm sorry Chloe but I'm working with Victoria. Chloe walked away talking trash about Victoria and Grayson. Victoria and Grayson laughed as Chloe walked away. After class Grayson and Victoria had lunch together at Chick-Fil-A. They came back to the school. After school was over Grayson and Victoria drove to Victoria’s house to study for the SAT’s. They laughed and played around then Grayson started to get serious about college and not being able to see each other. Grayson said I “just don't wanna have to miss you every single day while I'm in class trying to stay on task but cant cause I'm thinking of a beautiful young lady”. Victoria say’s  “Thank you and please don’t think like that we can always just be friends, And I can meet up with you for the weekends and we can have lunch and hang out together”. Grayson say’s  “Lets just get back to work. We can think about it as time gets closer”. Grayson went home that night and went to sleep thinking about Victoria.

Chapter 6

That morning Grayson came to pick  up Victoria to go to school. They head to the school and chloe is outside handing papers out for her Hawaiian summer party. She hands one to Grayson but not Victoria. Victoria rolled her eyes at Chloe. And Chloe whispered “Whatever B*^#h…” Grayson was like “Victoria do you want to go?” Victoria replied “no but you can go if you want” Grayson was like “You don't mind if I go do you?” Victoria was like “No, I don’t care if you go or not, it’s your decision” So… That night grayson drove Victoria home. She said bye, and walked in her house, She went up to her room. She went to take a shower and when she got out she went in her room to get dressed. After words she went down to the kitchen to eat some cereal for dinner. She took up to her room and ate in there. She heard something down stairs and say’s “Hello?” She heard someone walking upstair and went to get a knife out of her dad’s bed stand. The man ran upstairs and put Chloroform on her mouth. She passed out and dropped the knife… 

Chapter 7

That night Victoria wakes up in a chair with her arms and legs wrapped in duct tape to the chair. Her mouth was ducted taped shut. She was crying and trying to get loose. The guy that kidnapped her was talking in a creepy way. He was asking her full name, what school she went to. He brushed his hand against he face. He ripped the duct tape off her face. He said if you yell I will shoot you in the foot. She say’s “ok, I wont I promise,” while crying. She say’s “I’ll do anything just please let me go, I’ll never speak a word of this, I promise!” He say’s “You are really cute when your scared you know that?” Victoria didn't reply. Meanwhile, Grayson was worried about Victoria because she  hasn't texted him all night. The next morning Grayson is worried and ask everyone he knows if they have seen Victoria. After a day or so, Grayson makes missing signs and hang them up in the school and every where he can think of. Victoria’s mom say’s “Thank you so much Grayson this means the world to me!” He say’s “Don’t worry about it, I love her just as much as you do”. That night they called Grayson, Victoria’s Parents And some of her other relatives. The cop say’s “Mrs and Mr.Downs, We found your daughter, but she might have hypothermia, you need to come to the hospital, We will be there in about 10 or 15 minutes. Grayson and her parents arrive at the hospital. The ambulance had just arrived also. He had to put on oxygen for a few days. Grayson and Victoria’s parents walk in. Victoria is asleep and cant hear a word they say. Her parents are like “Can we have a moment”? Grayson is like “Yes, if you need me ill be outside” They said “ok”.

Chapter 8


After Grayson walks outside so Victoria’s parents asked for a moment. Grayson called his church and asked them to pray for Victoria. The church say’s  “Yes, hun we will pray for Victoria, we will keep her in our prayers”. Grayson is like “Thank you so much, I love y’all, I gotta go bye” Her parents walk out and are like “You can go now, if you like”.   Grayson is like “I just called the church and asked them if they would pray for Victoria, They said yes, so…” Her parents are like “I cant tell you how much I wanna thank you”. Grayson is like “Its fine you don't have to do anything, I wanted to do all this”. Grayson walks in the hospital room and Victoria is asleep. He sits down in one of the chairs, He says to Victoria “Victoria, I love you more than any other women on this earth, I hope you get better, and please if you can hear me please don't leave this world, you have so much that other kids would love to have, you have like the whole school and the church and most of the community praying for you to get better, I hope you really can hear me, I love you more than I will anyone else on this earth. Just, please stay strong for me.” Grayson starts crying trying not to. Everyone one that came to see her started singing . The people from the church started singing 10,000 reasons. Every one started crying and praying.  That night Grayson fell asleep on the couch next to the hospital bed.  She woke up and saw grayson on the couch next to her. She tried to say grayson but her throat was dry. He woke up and said Victoria! He say’s “Do you need anything, I will do anything for you princess”. She tries to say yes, she say’s “I need some water.”

Chapter 9


After She gets some water. Grayson asked her is she was feeling fine. She said yea, its just I'm so tired and feel like I cant move anything. He say’s “The doctor said that is normal, But I think you leave tomorrow and I’ve done all your schoolwork so don't worry about catching up on any of your classes.” Victoria say’s “Thank you grayson, I swear you are the sweetest person on earth.” Victoria asked him how many more weeks before school ends. He said about 5 or 6 weeks left. He asked Scarlet what had happened the night she went missing. She said “I was eating some cereal when I heard something downstairs and then I went to get a knife out of my dad’s bed stand, Then he ran upstairs and put Chloroform I think on my face and made me pass out, that is all I remember Grayson, I'm sorry.” Grayson said “Its fine but they are hunting for the man that kidnapped you, you do know that right?” She said “yes, I just hope I don't have to talk to any cops or go to court for anything.” Grayson said if you do have to go to court I’ll be there the whole way through, i promise, I love you.”

Chapter 10

The next 2 weeks Victoria was feeling better and back to school. Her and Grayson walked into the school together. Grayson’s arm was around Victoria’s neck and she was smiling really big and her face was red. “What is so funny, is it because we are an official couple now?” Grayson said laughing. Victoria said “No, but what am I supposed to do about Chloe?” Grayson said “Don't worry about her. I told Jason her boyfriend to not bother you anymore, me and her boyfriend are on the football team together.” Victoria said “Grayson?” “Are you ready to go get some breakfast from the cafeteria” Grayson said interrupting Victoria. Victoria whispered “never mind then.” Victoria said “well, I'm gonna go ahead to class.” “ok” Grayson said winking at Victoria. Victoria walked off smiling. A couple hours later in 4th period Victoria was told to stay in the class room while everybody went to the auditorium. Then the office made an announcement “Victoria Downs, please report to the auditorium.” Victoria was getting jittery and nervous. So… she walked to the auditorium by herself. When she got to the auditorium doors The principal said “Close your eyes and follow me.” “Ok” Victoria said nervously. When she walked into the auditorium, she sat in a chair and the principal took of the blind fold. Grayson was standing in front of her with a dozen roses in his hand. Everyone else was cheering him on in the bleachers. Victoria said “grayson…” Grayson was saying “Victoria Downs, I love you and I am honored to be with you, I hope you will love me as much as I do you, I run out of words to say when I’m around you, Nothing makes sense without you. Victoria Downs, Will you go to Prom With me?” Victoria was crying and laughing “Yes, I will go to prom with you Grayson” she got up and kissed him. They were laughing while kissing. Everybody in the bleachers said “Awww,  GRAYSON, GRAYSON, GRAYSON!”

Chapter 11

The next week the prom was that week. Grayson went to buy a tux. Grayson gave some money to Victoria to buy a dress for prom. Grayson came back with a Black Formal Traditional Tuxedo. Victoria came home with a Long Strapless Empire Pink Waist Dress. Victoria wouldn't let Grayson see it until Prom Night. That night Grayson came over to eat dinner with Victoria’s family. He stayed the night at Victoria’s house. That morning Victoria woke up before Grayson did. She took a shower and got dresses and then woke Grayson up. He got ready and Drove to the school. When they got there Victoria’s friends pulled her away from Grayson. “Grayson i’ll see you in 3rd period bye love you.” Victoria said yelling. Grayson said “ok, bye love you to!” They saw each other during Study hall. Grayson was like “prom is tonight, you ready babe, I cant wait to see you tonight!” Im going to get ready at my house and then I’m going to pick you up at 7 ok?.” Victoria said “ok babe i’ll be ready I promise” “Ok see you tonight.” Grayson said looking into Victoria’s eyes.

Chapter 12

That night Victoria was getting ready. She put on her dress, her makeup and did her hair in a curly ponytail. Grayson was getting ready at his house. He put on his tuxedo and fixed his hair spiked. He got in his 2017 Chevrolet Camaro. He went to the store to get a corsage for Victoria. When he got to Victoria’s house she was inside in her room putting on makeup and putting her stuff in her purse. She walked down the stairs smiling. “How do I look?” Victoria said blushing and laughing. “You look amazingly beautiful” Grayson said. Victoria walked down the stairs and said “Thank you babe” and kissed him on the cheek. Victoria’s mom said “Wait before you leave I want some pictures please.” “I have to put on Victoria’s corsage before we leave.” Grayson said. “Mrs.Downs time to go I’ll take care of her I promise, well bye” Grayson said. When they got to the Prom, they went to take their prom pictures. They went to the ball room and danced for about an hour. Then Grayson said “Im going to get some punch. Do you want some?” “Yeah sure, thanks.”  Victoria and Grayson and their punch and waited for prom king and queen. The Principal said “Everyone listen up for Prom King and Prom Queen. Prom Queen is…. Victoria Downs! Chloe was mad and stomped off like a little child. Then Victoria walked on the stage and got the crown for prom queen. Everyone yelled Victoria Victoria Victoria. Then the principal said “Prom King is… Grayson Dolan! Grayson walked up to the stage and got the prom king crown.  Everyone yelled KISS, KISS, KISS! They kissed and walked off stage to dance. Victoria said “Grayson, I will never love you more than anyone else on this earth, you have been there for me through ups and downs, I could never tell you how much I will always Love you Grayson Dolan…” Grayson said “Victoria Downs, this is the most amazing moment in my entire life, I love you more than words can explain, I cant explain how much I love you. Victoria I will always Love you more than any living soul on this earth.” He leaned Victoria back and kissed her. The whole crown said “Aww!” Grayson and Victoria went  to Grayson’s house that night and celebrated with cake and ice cream and watched Adventure-land together and laughed and played around. Grayson Looked at Victoria and said “ Victoria I Love you…” Victoria kissed him with passion and love. Grayson took Victoria home. Before Victoria got of the car she said “So that means me and you are official?”  And Then Grayson kissed Victoria and said yes laughing. She got out of the car and walked in the house.

To be continued…


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.05.2016

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