

"HURRY UP MARY YOU'LL GET LATE FOR SCHOOL".said my mom "i'm coming" i said  i quickly packed my bag and said to myself another day another worry.As we left for school i was abit nervous i didn't know why it was so strange.Its maybe my first day, "Bye sweetheart enjoy your first day at school."said my mom "Bye mom" i said.While walking i bumped into this cute guy "sorry."i said "Hey watch where you're going."he said. When i looked at those blue dreamy eyes i was love struck. He looked like 6ft with brown hair .I couldn't stop staring until that stupid bell rang,when i looked at my schedule i had science OMG! i'm gonna reach late so i rushed to class.On entering the class everyone stared at me like i was a UFO that wanted to clone them .I wanted to fricking slap all of them,"Good moring class this is our new student Mary."said Mr.rubert the science teacher "Hi everyone my name is mary."  "Hi mary" said the class "mary i would like u to be lab partners with adam." said Mr.rubert 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.10.2014

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