

This book has violence and sex scenes. 

If you don't feel like reading any violence, skip until the second sign  ' ~ or * '



Please leave a comment below, with your opinion about the current story. There are going to be grammar mistakes, which I am aware of. Slowly i'll start editing. 

Hope you enjoy.

Chapter One


One of the problems of our society is… obey the laws or get punished and this is what happens in our community, but in a further way of ruthlessness.

They don't let you have any of the girls outside have. Pretty nails, shiny hair, freedom of speech. We're staying home, cleaning the house, keep the kids fed and clean, we homeschool them and do everything that the male needs and wants. Boys go help in the farms and train for being soldiers. 

It's been like this for decades. We're not allowed to go out of our grounds, otherwise we'll get brainwashed.

We're not allowed to go outside and look for a partner. You marry your cousins.

I've been in here since childbirth, though my father is an outsider. Some city boy or so my mother say. Kind of glad that I don't have any of these genes in me. I would pretty much feel disgusted.

I am only seventeen, and only thing I know is:

Don't talk unless you're asked to. Your only answer should be yes or no. When you reach eighteen, you'll be a breeding machine.

Not only that. I've seen shocking consequences if a female decides not to obey. She's being tied up on a pole, while men have their turns of throwing stones at her. Size? People get stones wherever they find them.


Our routine is the same everyday. Get up, clean yourself, eat breakfast and go to the pack house kitchen to prepare the males  food. There are only few of us there, five women, all between 18 and 25. Or so to say, the Alpha prefers having young women in the kitchen. I came here a month ago, to this job. Our Alpha is filthy rich, he pays good enough for a cook, but you cannot say that the money haven't blinded him.

He thinks the best option is to keep to keep the females ‘caged’. It's not hard to guess why he thinks that. You'd say luck, but I call it reading minds.

I haven't told anyone I have this ability, even my mom, but I know I am not the only one in this world who has that gift. I am pretty certain of that.

I walked to the pack house, the sun is not even out yet, but you could hear the small noises of people breathing or eventually snorting.

I went up the stairs to the back porch and opened the backdoor as quietly as I could. I got yelled once I had opened the door too harsh and closed it too loud. I went through the small hall and turned right to go in the kitchen. All of the girls were there whispering. I greeted them and we discussed what we'll be doing today. At least one of the freedom here. The kitchen menus is in our hands.

As we decided on pancakes and scrambled eggs with orange juice and coffee, we started making the preparations.

Everyone went to their stations and started doing their assigned jobs. Just as the clocked hit 7:00, our Luna came into the kitchen, while her precious mate was still sleeping.

Considering how fucked in the head he is, he actually took his own mate under his wing, though doesn't let us have ours. You're going to ask why. The leader needs good offspring. We can't have a weak leader now, can we?

Despite how every female hates the Alpha, we actually love the Luna, because basically she's in the same position as we are, though she doesn't cook or clean. She's here only for generation, and I guess do nothing.


As the minutes were passing slowly, half of us just wanted a break from the heat from the ovens. It was already near 8 o’clock, so people started slowly to wake up. While two of us left to do the rest of the food, other three left to fix the dining table. The people who were sitting there were, the Alpha, Luna, the Beta and his ‘mate’, the Gamma who is third in command and his ‘mate’, the parents of the Alpha, and the head warriors who are at least 15. Which, Thank God, none of them is my mate.

We placed the napkins and cutlery on the table and we pushed the chairs in. We took the orange and filled each glass with it. It's freshly squeezed.

One by one the people came into the pack house sitting on their spots, while we were still pouring the juice. By the time we finished the whole table, everything was done. There was fruits, cut in small pieces. Few cups of  steaming coffee, which were grinded manually through us every morning, were sitting in front of some people who had preferences about it. There were few jars of chocolate, white and black. Another few jars of jam, strawberries, cherry and plum. In middle of the table was sitting a vase with freshly cut flowers by the Luna.

While we were plating the food, he heard the usual bell sound, as if we were slaves or maids at this point, to get the food plated in front of everyone. Me and another girl took the plates in our hands and walked through the door, placing the food in front of them. One of the girls insisted that she would give the Alpha his food, so to me it didn’t matter, but seemed odd enough for everyone to look at her. When we served everyone, we stood by the wall and looked at the floor. We weren’t allowed to talk while any of them eat, what goes for looking at them doing that?

While they were doing their business of talking, laughing and what not, I looked at my nails as I usually do. It was time to cut them once again. The minutes were passing slowly for us, and the girl who served the Alpha looked nervous and eventually had sweat on her forehead.

I nudged her arm with my elbow and she looked at me. “Are you alright?” i mouthed to her without any sound and she just nodded. Is she shifting? Even though our pack is really old fashioned, they don’t force our wolves to shift with the medicine that was created centuries ago. By the law, by the age of 16, you were supposed to be able to shift, forced or not, well for us, that law doesn’t apply here.  

The girl shifted again on her legs, and I shot her a glare. Is she really shifting? Or she found her mate?

“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck” she kept thinking and I was frowned. what is she on about. “How could I let the Beta, make me do this, fucking mating bond.” So indeed she found her mate. I eye’d the Beta who was sitting normally at the left side of the Alpha, eating peacefully.

“If she failed to do her job, i’ll freaking beat her up myself.”

What is going on here? Just as I thought that, the Alpha started coughing. His mate and mother jumped to help him and hit him on the back because he choked. But that wasn’t the case.

“Give us water please” The Luna said without turning around and one of us flied to the kitchen and returned with a glass of water in her hands. She placed it on the table and returned to her spot.

The little did we know, what these two did. They assassinated the Alpha with poison. Alpha’s face turned blue, then purple because he couldn’t breathe.

Everything escalated from there. Chaos filled up the room. I couldn’t even realize what was happening until someone shouted.

“Put them in the dungeon and torture until they say who did this.” the Alpha’s mother said while the Beta smirked. This trash indeed is power hungry.

I felt arms being twisted as they turned me about while I was staring at the Beta.

“Move” I got snarled at together with the other females, we couldn’t do much about it, honestly, we just walked through the halls going to the basement and went through few metal doors with different codes on them. Each door closed behind us, loudly hurting our ears. We kept talking until we reached a door with bars. An old key was opening the door. The dungeon, was filled only with females, to tell you the truth, most of them looked shocked to see us here. They put is in different cages and left us. I sat on the floor and leaned my head on the wall, while waiting all the males to go out. While they did that I spoke “Great fucking job Crystal.” and the other girls looked at me weirdly but I eyed Crystal who was sitting in the cage in front of mine. She looked confused then she realized what I meant.

~ 1477 words~ 

Chapter Two


Sweet little humid dungeon. Not like I care at this point. Each cage had a toilet with metal seat, and what was it. Nothing special. The floor was dirt, instead of actual stone and because of the humid of the dungeon, the dirt was sticky, and the fact that you were coverer all in this made this situation even worse.

Only thing I was hearing was how the men were torturing all of us in the room next to my cage besides the thoughts of every single female in here.

It was day 5, I believe, which meant that it was my turn to go in that room of torture. I could hear every of the females screams in there, but no none of them knew what was happening until they explained that to them. That some of us, poisoned the Alpha. Everyone said no, even though they were it was Crystal, they were just scared that something worse will happen to them if they tell who it was. The Beta wasn’t part of the torturing. The Alpha’s dad did all of that, because he personally, enjoyed it. He was sadistic, but I guess that’s none of my business.  

The minutes were passing and we all heard of steps coming into the dungeon and I eye’d Crystal, she had black eye, a lot of cuts and bruises on her body and her nails were pulled out, her head was bleeding as well and right now she was still unconscious with faint heartbeat.

The door opened they stopped in front of mine. They opened my door, and pulled me out of it pushing me into the room of hell, or so I call it like that.  They sat me on the chair and tied my hands and legs with belts and extra tape, so it will be sure that i won’t be going anywhere. I took a deep breathe and looked at them in the eyes. It is considered that if you look someone in the eyes, you’re basically asking for a challenge, which probably you won’t win that easy.  I wanted to gag at the smell of this room, I prefer to be in the cage outside. This room is filled with new and old blood which just sat there, and sink into your clothes and probably few washings won’t let go of that smell. So I sat, recognizing the smells filling my nostrils. Blood, sweat, saliva and maybe some humid smell because of we were underground. The smell of dirt was the only smell which somewhat I enjoyed. It reminded me for the outside and the woods.


The Alpha took a deep breath to recognize my feelings right now. “No trace of fear, you’re either stupid or too brave.” I kept looking into his eyes and just shrugged. “So...” he said and turned around looking at the wall of torturing tools. He took a bat with razors tied around it. “I will you ask the same question. Who did that to my son, who is laying 10 feet under the ground right now.” he spinned the bat in his hands and looked at me. I smirked. He narrowed his glare at me.

“And, what will I get from that? You will torture me anyways.”

“Less time in this cage.” I smiled at him as I read his thoughts “More like, extended time in the dungeon because you fucking betrayed your pack by saying who it is.”

“Do you think, that I am actually that stupid to believe you?” with those words which flew out of mouth without me stopping them, he swinged the bat towards me and it hit my left arm, digging at least few of the razors in. Then he pulled the bat making the razors themselves to make deep cuts into my arm. I hissed at the pain and closing my eyes dealing with the pain.

He held my face in his hand made me look up to him. He was mad red. A vein on the side of his face pop up, I thought i’d explode anytime now and spray some of his nasty blood on me. When i thought of that, I was ready to vomit all over him. His face held rage, his eyes were shifting from his brown ones to black. Alphas’ wolves don’t consider Alphas’ son as his, but he feels somewhat connection to the son’s wolf.  

“And didn’t your parents teach you, how not to disrespect.” I stayed shut this time and he swinged again hitting me again making some flesh to actually be cut off by the bat, as if it was bacon. “Answer me” He yelled.  I did not bother to do so, and he threw the bar on the ground making it to rise some dirt into the air. This time he used his fist to hit me in the face, which was already throbbing, my mouth filled with blood and I hissed through my mouth making the blood drop onto me. Thank god there was no serious damage, such as broken jaw, only thing I felt was a bruise forming on my cheek n jaw.

I was staring at the wall, feeling how my blood falls down of my arm and mouth and makes its way to the ground by dropping in big quantity. Another sweet scent filling up the actual room smell.

“She won’t talk anytime soon, unlike others. They all said it was Crystal. But this tough cookie, probably I would be wasting my time in here. Though Crystal said it's her. Who to believe in this case.”

He turned around to the wall again and took a pliers, which already had blood on them. He’ will try to take off my nails like the rest of the girls.. As he placed them on my nails and was about to pull, a loud mental bang was heard outside of the room.


He threw the pliers on the ground and turned around opening this room’s metal door. By the time he reached it the door itself flew towards him breaking the door as a whole.. He fell backwards, on top me together with the door. I fell backwards with the chair, my head hit the ground hard making my eyes have black spots.

I think from this point, I can say, fuck my life.

~ 1057 words~ 

Chapter Three


I don’t mind laying on the ground with a heavy door on me, in my blood, while you two struggle around in the dirt. I couldn’t even turn my head around because I had a collar around my neck together with tape, but only thing I could hear was snarls a growls constantly next to me on my right. They were only two of them, some stranger and our Alpha, but I was mistaken. By the time I noticed they were only two, few other wolves ran into the room.

“Alpha everyone are dead in the village, some of the girls in the dungeon as well, but by the time we came here they were dead by their injuries.” I heard someone speak in their head.

“So the only survivor is this one, here?” He asked

“Yes alpha.”

He gave few commands and few people transformed into their human forms , removing the door from me which had a dent on it, and putting the chair on its normal position, though one of the legs was broken and my own leg wasn’t in the best position because it. I hissed by the pain in felt when the half of the metal leg of the chair trusted into my flesh. I felt the blood going down on my bare feet, then sinking into the dirt. The men removed everything from me and stood me up. I tried to keep my balance stepping on my leg, to see if I actually run away from this.

They said everyone in the village were dead, which means so is my family. But i had to check that with my own eyes.

“Don’t lose your eyes from her.” a voice said and i just ran towards the exit. Nobody stopped me but they chased after me. I knew it was nearly 9 pm, because of the sky, which meant my parents were at home together with my brother and his wife, but honestly, I had to see that with my own eyes. I ignored the pain in my leg and i just ran for it, i thank the adrenaline which filled my blood, otherwise i would have passed out long time ago. I stopped in front of my house heavy breathing, and walked up to the front door which was broken in half. I went inside the house and the smell of metal flooded my senses. There was blood everywhere. I saw my brother naked on the floor, dead, in a deadly wound on his throat. He bled from it until he died. His wife was in the corner dead as well with her throat ripped out, and few pieces were laying near her. My former dad, who was forced to marry my mother, was killed as well. He was naked on their bedroom floor with his chest open. Only small heartbeat I could hear was my mothers, who was lying in bed. I walked up to her and caressed her head.

“Look for…. Hellson. Adrian Hellson” I looked into her eyes as she moved her eyes to me. “Your father.” With that her heartbeat stopped as she looked into my eyes. I stared into her brown eyes and made a good picture of them in my mind, I closed her eyes and I took a deep breath.

One of the things this pack taught us, the females, don’t show your emotions to anyone. And that's what I did.


I was pushed into a minibus and I sat at the backseat. My hands were tied, so were my legs. So from another prison, I go to another. How cool the life is, not the sarcasm. I laid my head behind and closed my eyes, but I couldn’t get peace in my head, their thoughts kept flooding my mind like a truck.

“So what do we do with her?” a voice asked

“I don’t know, we’ll keep her around, we’ll find a good use for her.”

“Like what?”

“I don’t know honestly. But she doesn’t smell like them.”

“What do you mean?”

“She’s half blooded of that pack. You know that Low Lake pack, use incest to grow their pack.” silence “So by the looks of it, her father or mother, had a fling with someone. ”

“I see.”

I opened my eyes and looked at the ceiling of the car. I don’t like any of this. If you’re going to use me as a slave of some sort, they might as well kill me now. We were staying in the car for long time now, mayne whole night. When I looked through the front car window, the sun was getting up in the sky. We turned into a dirt road, and I saw quite large wolf running next to the car. It was almost as big as the Alpha. I was quite sure that won’t be his dad, nor the Beta or Gamma. Brother? I don’t think so either. I was just staring at him while he just nodded and disappeared into the woods.

After few minutes, the car stopped and I saw a lot of people waiting us in front of them. One by one everyone got off the car, and one of the soldiers pulled my arm to get off from the car. I stepped on the dirt and it felt unfamiliar to my legs. I prefered to walk bare feet, because I felt more connected to my wolf side, than wearing shoes, but the winter is coming, so I actually needed to wear shoes. I hate the winter and its cold weather. Well, you might have guessed right by now. I haven’t shifted yet, I am 18 years old. I am a dormant and I don’t want my wolf to be awaked by some shitty medicine. And since I haven’t shifted yet, I don’t have the high wolf temperature. I have the normal temperature for a human.

I moved my feet on the ground and I felt it unfamiliar. A mid aged man stepped, probably the Beta, forward and nodded at the Alpha, saddest part is that he reminded me of myself. He had same ginger flamed hair color as me. He had freckles on his face as well, only difference between were our eyes. He had blue eyes, I had my mother's green eyes. While i took some of his colors, such as skin and hair, I took my mother’s features. I was short and weak physically, because we did not train there. I have same dimples as her, which were sitting on my face even if I wasn’t smiling.

“Thank you Hellson.” I guess the Alpha said and I remembered my mother's words.

“As in Adrian Hellson?” I asked and everyone eye’d looking at me. My mind got flooded with their questions. But his question, stayed there. “Oh, god, Marina, what have you done.” I smiled at him in a bright smile, though it was a fake one.



~ 1154 words ~ 

Chapter Four


A soldier came to be and removed the ropes from my hands and I rubbed them because they hurt. Even though I was looking at my biological father, I could feel a wolf watching me behind the group of people. I turned my look to him and looked him straight into his eyes and he made a step backwards. Why is he watching me and why do I care about that. Nobody really explained to us, females how the bond of mates feel. So unless someone tells me straight in my face what's the feeling, I won’t understand it. I don’t even the process of mating and marking.

“Come on, follow me.” The Alpha said and I followed silently behind. The people made us a path to go through. Some looked at me disgusted, because of the pack i was in. We all know what Low Lake pack is called. In short: freaks. I don’t blame them, they’re disgusting. But however I look at that, my mother is half blood, so am I. So me, myself, I don’t feel that I am part of them.

We walked up the stairs and walked into the pack house, I believe. My leg was killing me right now, so I don’t think I will show them that. I am not a wolf just yet, so I don’t have the superfast healing like them, but i could hear small whispers, and mostly their thoughts. They walked me to the kitchen and made me sit on a high stool on the countertop, where I just sat silent, waiting.

The main people who lead the pack sat on the dining table behind me. They all turned around so they can have good look of me. I had at least 10 eyes on me. But one set of eyes weren’t here. Sand colored eyes with a bit hint of green in them.

“Am I imaging stuff” a female said like I was looking at my feet. “It looks to be good to be true.”

“That she looks like my husband?” I felt pain in my chest. Husband. So he did not marry his mate, but some random woman in the pack.

“Ana...” a deep voice spoke and I rose my eyes at him. So this is how he sounds.

“You want to tell me, you fucked some slut in that pack, and you have a kid.” I eye’d her.

“Shut up” I said watching as she eyed me, then few more after her. I am not in Low Lake pack anymore, so this means, I can speak freely. “Don’t talk to my mother this way, because I will personally slit your throat open.”

Few growls echod in the kitchen but I did not lose my eyes off her. She narrowed her eyes at me. And I had a good look at her. She was short, with dark hair and eyes, wasn’t fat, but chubby enough, I guess for my father.

“Do you know who are you talking to?” she asked

“To the sluts pack, who fucked like 5 male wolfs behind your current husband’s back?” I questioned and everyone fell in silence, even her. Her face turned red from rage. She lunged at me growling she reached to me and held my throat with her hand. Her canines extended n she was ready to bite me, but instead someone else twisted her hand, her hand made a breaking sound which mean that the man broke it. He stood in front of me stopping her to do anything else. He held her by the throat and she coughed trying to release herself. I could feel the heat from his back hitting me. He was large, with broad shoulders with muscles. I couldn’t see his face, but he had light brown hair, almost blonde, tied on a bun on top of his head. From my side I could see his face had beard. His scent was muddy and fresh air with a hint of a forest.

Considering all the events that were happening in the past two days, with no sleep, I was desperate just to close my eyes and fall asleep momentarily. And this scent of his, did that job of drugging me to go the sleep. But it wasn’t only that. I felt a sting into my healthy arm, the right one. I looked at it and I saw a small needle with a with plush on top of it. They just injected me with sedative. My mind became fogged and I tried to keep my eyes open but I couldn’t. From that moment, only thing I felt how I fell on my hurt arm and falling asleep.  


I woke up somewhere middle of the night. Do I know the date? No, far from that. I was laying a bed and my leg and arm was tied up tight in bandages. I could barely move it. I wasn’t in a hospital, I was in a small house in a cosy bedroom with fireplace. By the look of the sky outside the window it was dark, and far for the sun to wake up. I sniffed the air and the same forest scent filled my nostrils and I looked around the room. I could see the same man sitting in a chair next to the bed drown in his own mind and thoughts. I sat in bed moving my head around. My neck is stiff.

“Are you a dormant wolf?” he asked with his deep voice. I nodded in response looking at his features. “We will have to force her out.”

“No.” I said instantly after he stated that and he glared at me back. “Why” he asked only and I looked at my hands. “I’ll do everything you want, just don’t force her to get out.” I simply said.

“Anything?” He simply said, obviously knowing other way or another they’ll make my wolf to show herself. I nodded and I took a deep breath preparing of what he will say. Clean the pack house? Be his personal maid? “Let me mark you.” I tilted my head to the side processing of what he said. He looked at my expression of not knowing what this is. “I’ll be biting your neck.” my hands went straight to my neck. “You said anything.” I slowly nodded and removed my hands from my neck defeated. He stood up from the chair and sat onto the bed, next to me. He showed his teeth to me and i saw how his canines extended and I  jumped at the same time they showed up. Even though I was still a human, I felt how his dominance was just hitting me in waves, so just moved my head to the side and bowed my head to submission. He moved closer and I felt his teeth touching my skin gently, then he trusted them into my neck. I smelled blood going down soaking the t-shirt I had on. The pain was not that bad, but I felt how electricity went down my body to my toes which gave me goosebumps. When he was done, he moved away. I felt the same feeling rushed into my head, the fogginess, and I passed out once again.

~ 1207 words ~ 

Chapter Five


“You marked her?” a furious voice connected with my ears make me flinch waking me wake up. “What, you just gonna nod, and that's it? This is my daughter we’re talking about.” I opened my eyes and I saw the ceiling wondering what was going on. “Yeah, well, it's not your decision to make. ”

“What makes you think it's yours?” I sat in bed listening to the conversation.

“Yeah, some part of it, it is.” silence “If you weren’t the enforcer of this pack, I would have beaten you to death by now.”

“Yeah... nothing to do about that.” another voice said as I stood up from the bed. I was dressed in the same t-shirt with blood and shorts. I believe it was the next evening, because the sun was going to sleep. The fireplace wasn’t lit and the room was cold. I walked slowly following the voices.

“Come on now, calm down Adrian” I heard the Alphas voice. “Sit down. You can’t blame him for marking his mate.”

“Yeah, of course, he needs permission for that first. From me.”

“No, he doesn’t.” a familiar female voice said fiercely towards him.

I walked further and a living room appeared in front of my eyes. The man who bit me was standing up, with my biological father face to face. My father, well sperm donor, was furious, almost scarlet red, while the blond one was smirking in his face. My heart skipped a beat every time I looked at him, and the saddest part is that I don’t even know how his name.

“Both of you sit down.” The Alpha said with his alpha voice which rang in my ears hurting them. The tone of his voice made my legs weak, as if someone hit me behind my knees. They moved on their own hitting the flood loudly and my head was bowing down.

I sat on my legs with hands on sitting on top of my thighs, waiting for yelling, maybe hit or two or someone just to leave me sit there whole day, until I don’t feel my legs anymore.

“Oh, honey, we don’t do this in here” the female voice said and I could see her legs coming towards me and she helped me stand up. “Now tell me, how is your leg and arm?” I looked at her brown eyes, then the blonde dude’s eyes as if I was waiting a permission to speak. He was hesitating what to do so he just nodded. “Fine.” I answered only with one word looking at her then drifted my eyes somewhere else.

“Come sit.” she pulled me gently and I followed her sitting on the sofa. “I guess you heard what we were talking about?” she asked without me answering her while I was looking around the house. It was one floored house, with a living room, kitchen, two bathrooms and one bedroom. The living room was set up good enough for comfort. The couch was in dark brown color, almost black with two armchairs on the side. There were shelves on the sizes and a large TV. Flowers in pots were spread everywhere in the house. I heard a sigh next to me. “Seems like she’s not a talkative one. Do you know what we were talking about?” I nodded looking at my feet. “We were talking about mates. Do you know what mates are?” I nodded once more. “Good, do you know the process of that?” Why she’s asking me so many questions. It makes me confused. I looked the blonde man once again, he narrowed his eyes at me but nodded. “No.” I answered simply and clear.

“I guess that was obvious answer to you Grace” Adrian said.

“You’re annoying.” I blurted out to the ginger haired man and looked at my legs once again. Another thing they have been teaching us, is always tell the truth. Maybe i should just shut up.

“Marking is that mark you have on your neck right now.” the female, Grace said. “Basically you’re half way through it. Mating is when you two have sex.” she gulped and I read her. “Tell me that she knows at least about sex.

“Do you...” I nodded right away saving her from the sentence and she exhaled in relief. “At least they taught them that” but instead she said. “Basically, Deimos, is your mate. The man who bit you.” I lifted my eyes from my legs and looked up to him. I held his gaze for few moments and I drifted my eyes elsewhere. But not on him.

“Its almost 6pm, it's time for us to go.”

“I am not leaving her with him” the man said again.

“It's her decision to make, not yours.” The female said as she stood up. “Hun, do you want to come with us or stay here?”

“I have to stay behind mates’ side.” I said automatically like a robot

“Like this didn’t sound forced to you?” he raged again.

“Adrian! Out.” The Alpha growled and he didn’t say anything else but leave the house together with the couple. After the door was closed and cold air filled the air, I was left all alone with that unknown man for me.  He was sitting opposite from me on the other couch.

There was only one question which was filling our mind right now.

“What do we do?”


We kept staring at each other in silence as the minutes were passing.

“Um…” he started saying as he stood up from the sofa. “I'll go lit up the fireplace in the bedroom” with that he left me alone in the living room. My heart was pounding hard and fast in my chest. I could feel it hitting my ribcage. I took few deep breaths. This man is an unknown for me, which meant I shouldn't get close to him so fast. He's a stranger, who I met yesterday, and talked to him once, how am I getting my mind around him every time he leaves the room.

I didn't hear him walk into the room until he said “The fire is lit up.” I jumped but stayed in my place not moving an inch. I jumped once again when a knock on the front door escaped it. Deimos walked to it eyeing me and opened the door. Another wave if cold hit my bare flesh making me shiver. He then closed the door and turned around, with few bags in hands. He walked back into the bedroom and I could hear the faint noises of opening and closing drawers.

I don't feel like at home, I don't know anyone in here, but what goes about mates and relationships? Sometimes I curse myself why I didn't read enough books at home. Books are entertaining, and lets you pass the time quite fast.

“Grace sent some clothes for you. Go take a shower and get in bed. “ he said and left for the kitchen. I only nodded following the orders. I passed the kitchen and went into the bedroom’s bathroom together with some clothes on my hands. There was a note on the countertop.

Brush for your hair and a toothbrush. Towels are underneath the sink.

I left the clothes on the countertop and took two towels. I placed on the hanger next to the shower and I stripped down. The shower had a glass doors instead of curtains. I turned on the water so it warms a bit. When the water was ready  I stepped into the shower and closed the doors. The doors fogged up by the warm water enough to cover my body.

After I washed my hair with his shampoo, because I didn't find a female one, I opened my eyes, only to find a silhouette leaning on the countertop looking at me. I raised my hand and wiped the glass enough the see through. Deimos was there. His eyes locked on mine, and for the third time tonight, we kept staring at each other.

“Open the doors." he said with a raspy voice and I did what he told me. I opened the doors of the shower. The steam left the closed space and it spread through the room, meanwhile the cold air kissed my skin giving me goosebumps all over my body. I hurried and hid underneath the water. I liked to be warm. While the hot water kept hitting me, I did nothing, waiting for him but he simply said “Continue with the shower."

By the time I finished my shower, I could sense him that he was tired and wanted some sleep. So i left the shower cabin and hurriedly dried myself and put the clothes on me. This pajama was shorts and long sleeved top which had written the words

“it's never too late to sleep”.

He left the bathroom and sat on the bed. I liked how warm the bedroom was. It was end of the autumn season, so the whole forest was in warm colors and most of the animals were making last changed into their hidden holes. A week or two left until the winter have officially came.

He patted the bed and I went on top of it. He went underneath the sheets opening them for me. I didn't wait twice for an invitation and i just went inside the warm sheets.

I couldn't really fall asleep, while on the other hand, Deimos fell asleep momentarily, so I just stared into the flames until my eyes got tired.

~ 1591 words ~ 

Chapter Six


It was about 5;30 in the morning when I woke up. Deimos was still sleeping next to me in peace and I decided that it's time for me to get up from bed and start doing something more useful than staying in bed doing nothing. I stood up from bed feeling the cold air and I hurriedly dressed up in skinny jeans and jumper which was really soft, as if you were hugged by someone. I walked in the bathroom glancing behind me and closed the door.

I walked to the mirror and looked at myself. Everything could be so much better if I wasn’t living in there. I mean it makes you wonder what kind of character you would be, no? All females were doing what they were ordered to do, in specific timeline and period, if the term weren’t met, well there are consequences. In here, people did whatever they wanted to. Teens went to high school, elders worked if they wished but it had to be for something which could be used in the pack as well. Like doctors or a lawyer for example. Consider the good memory and physical strength wolves have, none of the studies or work could actually tire them.

I took the black brush from the countertop and started brushing my ginger hair. I was brushing it carefully, because I loved my hair, more than anything. It made me think that I have something on my own, something that I possess that nobody else can touch, but only see. While I was brushing it quietly staring at myself in the large mirror, I was also wondering what breakfast should I make him. Well, I don’t even know if he’s eating breakfast on first place.

I left the brush on the countertop and brushed my teeth fast and left the bathroom for the kitchen. I was looking around the fridge n knew that he don’t eat here, or cook at all. Only thing in here was raw meat, uncooked bacon, some fruits, milk, eggs and a chocolate bar.

I took everything out of the fridge and placed them on the countertop. I turned the oven on and put a pan on it. I placed the bacon in there, and while it was cooking i turned on the coffee machine and started cutting the oranges, apples and pineapple in a small bowl for cereal. The smell of bacon filled the whole house, and I then i knew it was ready to be taken off from the fire, so i just cracked the eggs in another pan and stirred them until they were cook. I found a tray in the one of the cupboards and took it out. I placed everything in there, cup of steaming coffee, together with eggs and bacon and fruits. I was balancing it in one hand opening the other two doors in the house on my way. Large double doors lead to the living room we were last night, and the other one was the other bathroom with another small room with a washing machine and dryer. I closed the bathroom door and walked into the bedroom. He was still sleeping and it was barely 6 am, so I just placed the tray to his nightstand and turned around. I saw some clothes on the floor so I put them in the already piled up laundry basket. So i just took the laundry basket with me.

After everything was in the washing machine I knew that I had to go to the grocery shop soon, plus clean a bit this house. It was in dust, most of it. I found a cloth and started cleaning up the dust after I lit up the fireplace.

It was already half past seven when he showed up in the living room with an empty tray, and I was sitting in the armchair scanning one book which caught my eye. By the time he woke up, I actually did everything in the housework.  The whole house had smell of chemicals with small hint of lemon.

I closed the book when he came into the living only with shorts and sleepy face, yet empty tray. I placed the book on its place and took the tray from him.

“Good morning, and thanks for the breakfast.”

“You’re welcome.” I said quietly and started washing the dishes. He sat at the countertop licking his lips. “I free’d up my schedule today for you.” he said as i stood silent placing the plates to dry. “Me and Grace will show you around the grounds.”

I nodded and turned round only to find him not to be there anymore. He went into the bedroom to dress up.

He showed up with jeans, light jumper and a leather jacket, he wore his boots near the door and then he looked at me. He sighed and went into the bedroom again, but gave me the same leather jacket but in white.

“Thank you.”

He opened the door and we left while we were walking  I noticed he wasn’t actually in the village. His cabin was isolated a little bit further, near a lake. Basically his backyard contained some open space and then a lake.

He walked few minutes then a large house appeared in front of us. It was two story house, white with flowers in front. Deimos knocked on the door, and after few seconds we saw the Luna, opening the door. Her hair was highly tied on her head and she had a jacket on. “Was expecting you in like 30 minutes.” she said panting and Deimos frowned disgusted. He turned around and stood next to me. He kept moving his nose. The Luna noticed his disgusted expression and mine which staring at him confused, then she blushed and closed the door fast. He sat on the stairs while I stood there in front of him. The silence felt, somewhat awkward, but in the same time comfortable. “You like to cook?” he asked looking at me and I just nodded. ‘You like to read’ he stated, did not ask, but I still nodded. “How old are you?” I looked his  bright eyes which were probably expecting some good answer. “ 17, birthday in 2 months..” he stayed silent. He was about to ask something else but Grace, the Luna opened the door leaving it and coming to us.

“Let's show her everything around, yes?” He she walked in front of us Deimos was walking next to me with his hands in the pockets look disinterested.

“So this is the infirmary” she spoke when we reached three floored building. It looking like a mansion, like any other building in here. She walked inside and we followed, but the building was quite noisy, but the brown colors made you feel as if you’re at home in front of the fireplace. I could hear some women screaming, some men as well as cursing, but besides that, only machines were working and quiet voices were heard around “This is Doctor James.” she spoke sa we walked into the emergency room pointing at a man who was stitching up a little kid with a bruise on his head. He smiled at us and then he looked at me and his eyebrows rose.

“If that's not Adrian’s sister, i don’t know how that is.” he spoke

“Daughter” Grace said

“Is Marina here too?” I glared at him, he was smiling widely. “I miss her, we didn’t talk in years. How is she?”

“Dead.” I spoke.

“What do you mean dead...” I shrugged

“Enough depressing stuff, lets go.” Grace said pulling me out of the infirmary. I glanced around i saw the doctor’s expression. It was pained. I could sense he has been hurt deep down… Which only led to the question, who is this person to her,

but on the other hand, the reaction of the Luna seems odd enough because she just shrugged it off and walked us out of the infirmary.

~ 1331 words ~ 


Texte: K. Green
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.07.2018

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