
Author's Note



Hey guys K.Green here!

Just saying that's my new story I am working on. It happen to appear when I was really pissed, so this 'masterpiece of mine' appeared! 

Plus just letting you know... there's switching between the characters! So stay alert!

Hope you enjoy it! 


xx K.Green <3




I am evil.

I am cruel.

I am everything you wish to be dead.

I am lonely…



I am one of the most ‘scary’ person is our school. That’s what the students say. Well, I know I beat some kids who deserve it… but come on… scary?

I have my squad with me. We wear black, we love weed, we love challenges, we are selfish like no tomorrow, and we also love motors and speed. We are not good in making friends, who are not like us. We don’t like some conservative people. We don’t like boredom either.

In short… we do whatever we want.

We are not bad people, like rest of the people say. But because of my father’s reputation, ‘we are’. He is a leader of a Motorcycle club. “Hell’s Heaven”. Everybody knows the club. Since he got married again, the reputation became better than before. We do a lot of charity for sick people, also the old one. We build new buildings for homeless people, also finding them jobs. A lot more things. But still young’s reputation is bad.

I said he got married again, and I dislike this woman. I blame my father, letting my mother dying in one of his club’s wars. Since my mother died, I have anger problems. Everything pisses me off. Even one small look of somebody. I can’t handle this anymore. I never felt this in my life. To be lonely.

Feelings. What are those? My mother died, for fuck sakes. I had stayed on her grave for whole week, no shower, no bathroom, still with the same black short dress. Crying, sleeping and talking to her and nothing else. Even my father’s guys couldn’t get me up from her just filled hole. But they were there. Sitting on trees or under them, guarding me with guns. Numerous of times they came giving me water and food, but in the end, they were eating it the food instead of me. After a week, I buried my feelings with my mother. And I swore to God, I won’t let anybody near me. Only one feeling left in me…

The anger.

I started shooting with guns and I am pretty good in this. I started to train boxing with my father’s boys. I always have bruises and wounds on my lips or hands. Numerous of times I broke the walls, doors, vases, glasses, plates, every possession had been broken in our house, leaving bloody spots on the walls and floors, which cannot be removed easily. My fights with my father never stop, also with my stepmother and stepbrother. I hate everyone, but you know, everybody with their own problems.

Chapter 1

Liese's P.O.V


Monday morning. My alarm beeps. Another day in hell? We'll see that. I turn off my alarm and sit in bed, rubbing my eyes.

"Liese! Breakfast is ready!" the witch decides to yell from the kitchen. My feet touch the floor and I stand up yawning. I go to bathroom for my morning's needs, plus a shower.

I wear my black jeans and tank top, I tie my red shirt around me waist. And look myself into the mirror. Cute. Cute little angel, but also an asshole. I take my mother's wedding rings and place it on my fingers, also her necklace which she gave me when I made 16. I put some make up. Black eyeliner and red lipstick. I make one last look I the mirror. Gorgeous.

Skinny with black long hair till my waist. Green eyes. High cheekbones, full pink lips. Milky color skin, 5'4 feet tall, with awful attitude. I am a dream!

I wear my shoes on platforms, and of course I know that this pisses this bitch off, so I am doing it on purpose. I look my patch on the bed and I wear it. Club's patch, means you are part of the club and you'll be never left alone. Usually girls don't have one, they wear patch of their husband's nickname. The picture on my leather jacket has the name of the club and a bleeding angel. On top of the picture I have my nickname. Anger.

"Liese!" I roll my eyes. I take my bag and open the door and 'happily' I run downstairs and go into the kitchen. This brunette bitch is on the table, eating my father and stepbrother, forming the ideal family morning. "Morning" she says happily. I ignore her and I take the orange juice from fridge and drink from the bottle.

As I said she's brunette with brown eyes. Her name is Abby, short and curvy. Doesn't wear much makeup. She's always been here when I was in those anger moods. I even hit her few times, because she decided she's strong enough to fight me. At end she went into the hospital unconscious, with broken rib. I want my father to be happy, but I won't be part of this. I admit it, she's nice to him. Maybe he deserves it... still I am not accepting neither of them.

"Take a glass, for fuck sakes." My father says and I just look at him. He's 6'0 tall. Huge guy, muscular, to be honest I have no idea how much time he spent in the gym, but I am proud of that. I have a badass father. His hair is blond and has green eyes. To be honest I am like him. Took after him. Eyes, hair, yes my hair dyed, attitude also.

"Morning to you too, father." I say and take my plate n leans on the countertop, and start eating.

"You can also sit." He adds.

"I won't play happy family with you. I told you that and I thought it was clear."

"Liese..." he warns

"Father?" but he stays silent.

"Want me to drive you to school?" my stepbrother asks and I look him, I raise my eyebrow. He never offers me to drive me to school. This is weird. His name is Bran, with his mother eyes and hair, 5'7 feet tall. Not fat, but neither way too skinny. Cool guy in my opinion. Polite and nice, always helpful. Still... I am not accepting neither of them.

"No thanks." Loud beep comes from outside. I put my plate next to me and I take my bag, leaving without saying a word to  them.

I leave the house and I see Wesley, more known is Boner in the club, leaning on his motor. He's my age, also he's my best friend. Black hair and brown eyes. 5'8 feet tall. Cool, fucking awesome guy. Always understanding me, never judging me, never questioning me. He's in black, wearing his patch.

"Hey, sweetheart!" he greets me, and I smile.

"Morning." I kiss his cheek, leaving lipstick mark on it.

"Ugh... fucking bitch" he said and started rubbing his cheek, I laugh loud. "Come on, let's go. Emilyn is waiting. You're late... again."


He sits on his Harley and I sit behind him. Usually guy's motors are something special to them. They never let girls sit on them, unless they are special in any way in their life. My father for example, let just my mother and Abby sit on it... but now just Abby. Because, of course, my mother is dead.

Wes, parks at the school's parking lots and turns off the engine. Emilyn is waiting one of the benches, reading book. She's not really part of our squad, but she hang out with us... She love reading books, she also wear a lot of bright colors, while me n Wes wear darker. Blond, blue eyes, skinny, tall, big boobs. What more you can want from a girl?

"Hey! Guess what I heard" She said early in the morning.


"There's a new guy coming." She looks me cheerfully. "Your type girl. Half Korean, half British. He's not ugly, just the opposite! Blue eyes, shaved hair on his sides, dyed blond on top. Tall with, a lot of muscles, I heard he's in the football team!"

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because, woman, you need something new in your life. You can't be stuck into your hole of loneliness for rest of your life!" Did I say she's straightforward, also always saying truth, plus dating Wes? I think I didn't.

"Shut up, yes?" I say and she rolls her eyes.

"Not in mood?" my turn to roll my eyes

"Happy family. Yay!" I say unenthusiastic sitting next to her.


Nether of their families play as happy one front rest, but they are always there for each other. Making meetings and such things. I am kind of jealous of Emilyn. She's close as fuck to her mother, maybe even more than me.

"So what do we do today?"

"Nothing" Wes said placing Emilyn in his lap.

I take my box of cigarettes n open it. I take one n light it up. I offer them and they agree. I straight my legs and cross my ankles.

What a beautiful day... for happy people. Some of the students are still arriving with cars or bikes. There are thirty minutes more for the first lesson. You have no idea how much I want to leave this crap.

I pull from the cigarette and exhale. I look a couple front me sitting on the bench, laughing cute and such. Lucky people. Funniest part of my life that... my father's people always follow me. Right now, Dante is leaning on his Harley watching me. He's one of the youngest people who just joined the club, so they give him shitty crap like this. Keeping an eye on me.

I've got several boyfriends, yet I am still virgin. Guess why? Because my father is a overprotective bitch. Rooms, cafés, parks. His people follow me.

He nods to me and I show him my middle finger, with long nails with red nail polish. He smiles, then I nod him with annoyance and grimace.

"That's him! That's his car." Emilyn says and I look at her. He shows with a nod to the brand new white Audi car.

"This car looks familiar to me" I say and pull from my cig.

"You've seen her?" Wes asks.

"I guess so. Not many people have this kind of car in this shitty city of ours."

Door opens and one business woman leaves the car. She has a dark costume of a lawyer or some agent in the police. Her hair is short and straight. Tall and skinny. She removes her sunglasses and then I see her face.

"SHIT!" I say, almost yelled, few people around me saw me, but thank god they didn't

"What?!" Em says

"Man... that's our ex club's lawyer. Miranda. My father used to fuck her. Her husband doesn't even know. I caught them before a year."


"Yes fucking way! Shit, shit, shit! FUCK!"

"Chill out!" Wes said

"Chill out?! Man you know nothing about this woman. There's a reason why she's here, even with her family. Or she wants the D back, or she wants her job. My father paid her well."

"That's messy."

Oh yes it is messy. The loud speaker came on, with women's voice.

"Please Liese Amberley Jackson to come at the Director's office. Please Liese Amberley Jackson to come at the Director's office. "

I look Em and Wes, then Dante. I made him a sign with my head to come with me.

"Let's go." I said to my friends and stood up.

I make my way through halls to the Director's office, followed by Wes, Em and Dante. What this old cunt wants from me now. We never understood each other, always fighting. But he never expelled me from school. Outside of his office Miranda and her son were waiting on the chairs. She lifts her head of the documents she were filling up and looked at me. Her son who was listening to music fully ignoring us.

"Miranda" I say.

"Liese! What surprise." She says. We shake ours hands and I notice her son's frowning face in confusion.

"I study here after all. Why would it be a surprise? How is your..." I look her son removing his earphones, then her again "Husband?" I said raising my eyebrow.

"Very well, thanks for asking."

Director's secretary came out of her desk and said we can go in. I went into his office. Miranda and her son sat on the chairs, and I stayed stand still.

"Why am I here?" I asked interrupting their conversation about Miranda's son "Don't waste my time."

"It's rude to interrupt" the guy said and I roll my eyes.

"AND also, it's rude to talk about bullshits, while I am waiting. What do you want from me?!"

"Your behavior at school is awful" the director said. I raise my eyebrow. He bit his lips. "The teachers made a decision. You'll be his tutor, for 5 months."

"WHAT? No! I won't babysit some grown guy."

"Accept this, or you'll be expelled Liese! You've made me a lot of troubles the past year, caused of your mother's death."

I step forward "Don't talk about her, you cunt"

"Fact is a fact! Your mother was a great woman, Liese, everybody know that.."

I hit his desk sagging it. "Do I have to repeat myself?" he jump a bit because of the unexpected hit

"You are threating the whole school!" he raised his voice and stood up. "You are beating others, smoking weed, making gravities in the halls, not respecting anybody here!" Clench fists and lean forward.

"Do not tell me what to do. I do whatever I want, and you cannot stop me. I won't tutor him."

"Let me add and something else! You have anger problems! Your mother's death ruined you Liese, and your father did not do anything about that." Yes my father didn't do anything, because he doesn't know how to handle the situaions.. but he just passed the line. I make a step backward in shock. 

"Excuse me? What did you say?" I grab his metal plate with his name and hit his face. "Repeat it!" I yell

I step on his desk and throw myself over him. We fall on the ground, and I start hitting him as hard as I can. He tries to defend himself.

"Liese!" I heard Miranda yelling


I keep hitting and hitting, and I don't stop. I think he fainted... but I keep hitting until strong hands pulls me and clenched me hard far from him.

"Let me go! I AM NOT DONE!"

"Yes you are done for today" I hear Dante's voice in my ear. "We go home. Ambulance is coming"

Yea... one normal day in my life, after my mother's death.

Chapter 2

Liese's P.O.V


I hear ambulance sirens outside the school, while Dante is literally pushing me to go outside.

I warned him, didn't I? Do not talk about my mother, but he kept doing that. He did knew I have anger problems, didn't he? So I am completely excused in this situation. Keep talking bullshits and I'll show you one. In your face. Simple as fuck, isn't it?

"What happened?" Dante asked when we went to his bike.

"What happened? This son of a bitch kept talking about my mother, and I did warn him! His own fucking fault!" he rolls his eyes annoyed and get his phone and makes a call.

"Boss?" AWESOME. JUST PERFECT. "We got a problem here." Pause "Your princess's Director got beaten up." Pause "Yes, her. He's will be in hospital for almost 2 weeks as I assume by his bloody motherfucking ugly face. Yea, got it." He closes the call and looks at me "We goin' home to meet your father, get on sweetie." I go on his bike, behind him. "Don't go hero mode, wrap your hands around me, princess."  We left.

Princess? Sweetie? Who in the fucking hell he is to call me like that? I am neither of those. I am just a person with anger problems! Not my fault I cannot calm myself down. I lean my forehead on his back. Shit.

Now when I think about it, I don't even know why I did that! Why on earth I did it? This poor man doesn't deserve this. Maybe I really need help with the anger. But I doubt something will help me. I tried everything to be honest. Still nothing. I can't excuse myself with hormones anymore, everybody knows it's not that. Everything is way too obvious. I am one depressed little bitch, who is still suffering about her mother's death.

And the only person I blame for my mother's death is my father. His fault that he let her die. He did this, he is responsible for my actions and suffering. Everything is his fault. He moves on, marrying again. And I am still stuck on the same place, wandering on the same ground on same problem... my mother's death.

When she died, she took a piece of my heart with her. I feel a hole in my chest, which I cannot fill. I wish I could get a glue, so I can stick the pieces back together. Fucking bullshit. Why can't I just suicide, why do I keep doing this? Doing the same mistakes, just because I can't move on? This is lame.

We stop outside of the warehouse. There are bikes and cars parked outside. He makes one of his stupid meetings again. Shit.

I walk to the door with Dante behind me, closer than needed but fuck it. Right now I don't give a shit. We go in and straight we go into his office. When I opened the door the people, who were sitting around a circle table looked at me.

"Heard of knockin'?" my father said

"What do you want?" I ask and Dante goes out and after few seconds he comes back with first aid kit box. My father shows me the chair and I sit, like nice puppy. I hate to be ordered around. Not anymore. Dante sits next to me and opens the box, and takes my hands and starts cleaning the blood off.

"Did you lose your mind or somethin' Liese?" he asked calmly.

I lean back and look at him shrugging "I warned him. He didn't listen to me" I feel pain in my hand and I clench it a bit, without saying a word.

"What happened. Explain."

"I was outside, sitting peacefully, talking to my friends, when this fucktard called me into his office"


"And... I saw your friend. Miranda!" I chuckled, when he blinked few times in confusion. "Seems like she's in town again, probably moved. She was signing in her son in school. Aaaand then the principal called us in, talking bullshits with her..."

"Then?" he asked

"Theeen I interrupted them, so tell me what he wants cuz I was getting bored there. He asked me to be Miranda's son tutor and I refused. Then he said that's teacher's decision and you pretty know, I don't give a fuck about that either. He told me all the shits I've made on the school after... my mother's death" I slow down on last words. I look the table then him again "Warned him not to talk about her. He kept going." Dante took my other hand and start cleaning it too. "Want to know when he passed the line? His words are still in my head. Plus at some point he is blaming you about my attitude."

"What did he say?" One of his brothers asked. I looked him with raised eyebrow. Sky. He's one of the people who loved my mother.

"'Your mother's death ruined you Liese, and your father did not do anything about that.' Sad... " I said "Then I took his thing where his name was written and hit him. Then everything went black, I don't remember."

"You were beating the shit out of him Liese." Dante said next to me bandaging my hand. "She was on top of him screaming and hitting at the same time."

My father rubbed his eyes with his hands tired and looked me in silence, for a bit. We keep watching each other for few minutes.

"Why do you keep doin' this?" he said and I raise my eyebrow. "Why? What did I do?"

"You killed my mother?" I say and the room goes silent. "Moving so fast like she was nothing for you. Marrying after a year?" I laugh bitter. "This shows you what ass you are"

"You know the story, she tried to protect me Liese." He said.

"I am stuck here!" I said loud "She's dead because of you, and nobody else. You could tell her to go somewhere else... but you didn't. "


"How dare you?" I say with my small tremble voice "How dare you, not protecting her. How dare you making me feel like that?"


"I hate you!" Do not let them see you are weak. "You and your fucking whore and bastard." I hiss towards him.

"Watch your words"

"Or what? You know I am right. You know I am stuck, that I can't get over with it, while you are playing on happy family with some whore here? Is this bitch is more important than your own daughter? You did fucking not come to me, asking me how I feel! I didn't move from her grave for whole week, looking for you. Wanting my own father to come and comfort me, not those people here." I point the people sitting on the table

"Stop talking, while you can!" he yelled

"You can't accept the truth. Admit it!" I yell "You are nothing, but one selfish bitch."

"Take her home." He said "And don't let her go out."

"For that I am talking about!" I said and take the first aid box, throwing it towards him. I miss. "I don't want to see you, ever again." I go out, being followed by Dante. Motherfucker. Yet still not caring about me, and this still digs deeper hole.


I unlock the front door and I go straight to my room. Dante of course makes himself like home in the living room.

I lay on my bed and look at the ceiling. Not exactly a ceiling. I have a window over my bed, so I can watch the sky. It kind of makes me think about alot of things. My room is in darker colors. Grey colored walls, and floor. Messy as fuck. There are clothes everywhere and shoes. My bag for gym is open in one of the corners, with my boxing gloves and sport suit out. The other corner of the room are my guns. A lot of music posters on the walls, of bands and pictures of me and my friends. My bed is king sized one with blue sheets. I have my own bathroom and room for my clothes. And thank god I don't share anything with this idiot Bran, if we did, he would stay outside of the bathroom for years! Which is good idea actually.

I did a lot of pranks on him. I glued his shower bathtub, he couldn't get out, he needed ambulance, and even they called special company for this kind of problems. I never laughed so much in my life.

I change my clothes with my black pajama pants and a tank top. I tie my hair. So what do we do now!? I take my box with cigarettes open my door and close it loud. With energy steps I go downstairs. It sounds like happy or something.

I look Dante on the sofa who was watching some movie, with beer in his hand. He turns around.

"What you are up to?" he says and I shrug. I open the shelf behind the sofa and the whiskey. Let's drink a bit yea?

I sit next to him Dante and open the bottle. And take a sip. I pass him the bottle and he takes it.

"What are you watching?" I ask and light up one cigarette.

"No idea, just found it." I nod slowly.

"Why are you even here?" I pull from the cig.


"I mean the club. This shit is useless. And hell. Yet I love it"

"You got your own problem, I have my own too, which brought me here?" I nod again and take the bottle.

"This place is hell. At least this house... If I kill this those assholes here, would I feel better?"

I think of my guns in my room. One AK-47 rifle, Barrett M82 rifle, two M16 rifles, and two AutoMag pistols. Two huge sacks of bullets for each of the guns, few holsters and my camouflage suit. Yeah, I love guns and shooting with them. So I don't think there will be any problem, if shoot some motherfuckers, yeah? Numerous of times I've been on our shooting areas, also into the woods. Still I love the Barrett the most. You stay low for hours, hiding and waiting the perfect moment to shoot. Maybe I have just to hide near our house, and wait with my precious Barrett. Then just shoot them both one by one. I like this plan.

I smile evil and take a sip from the bottle.

"Bran and Abby?" I nod "I don't think so, this won't your mother back to life. But you can make a revenge."

"What do you mean?" I look him and he returns on my look.

"Kill your mother's killer. I wasn't here when everything happened. You might find awful secrets, while digging for the killer. But I would do it if I was on your place. If you gonna feel better, I don't know but you make his family to feel the same."

"Help me then." I pull from the cig and exhale looking at the TV.

"They'll throw me out of the club if I do it"

"You won't fuck me either because of the orders, so you can do something useful."

This is pretty awesome idea. Seems like my father's puppies aren't useless after all. If I look at everything properly, I'll need to sneak into his office and look the documents or his computer diary. I know he writes everything in it. Every meeting or problems that happens. I just need to dig deep into his folders and files in the past year. Only problem will be guys who are into the warehouse.

"You know I won't do neither of them."

"Or you help me, or I can do something nasty so they throw you out."

"Don't threaten me." Dante hisses

"I wonder" the door opens and Abby goes in. "How the leader of the club will act..." I look Abby "If he get know you fuck his wife?" let's make a small bluff!

"What?" Abby says and looks Dante, shocked. So they really did it? Jesus Christ, I was just bluffing and guessing! I giggled. So many secrets which are hidden so deep...

"Unfaithful bitch" I say narrowing my eyes towards her.

"You won't" Dante says

"Just watch me." I take last pull from my cig and stand up. "I can do it even now. Let me change." I start walk to the stairs

"Wait!" Both of them said and turn around chuckling.


"I'll do it." Dante said.

I look at Abby, who was all red. "You... divorce my father and get out of here."

"You know I cannot do that."

"Don't piss me off. You went in a hospital last time, as far as I know."


"You are gold digger aren't you? Get your filthy bitch ass and get the fuck out of our lives. I won't repeat myself. Pack your things before I set them on fire in our backyard."

I turn around and go to my room. Plans are made. Dante will help me for more information and finding this bitch. I'll have just to sneak into my father's office and look around his files. But I'll need distraction, because of the big bad guys, who live in the warehouse.

Wait... there's party in few days. I hope it gets wild enough so I can go there without anybody to notice me.


Early in the morning I hear screams in our house. I sit in bed and rub my eyes. Now what? I sneak out of my room and see Bran in the hall. He heard it too, seems like.

"You did what?!" my father yelled "I gave you everything! I gave you my heart, and you betray me?! FUCKING CUNT!"

I smile and I lean on the railing.

"Morning Bran" I say smiling

"Why are you smiling, they are fighting."

"Because hun... this is the end. You both will get out of our lives."

"Liese did! She has a plan for something!" Abby scream

"Do not involve her into this! She didn't make you to fuck with rest of the club. You fucking whore. Get out of my house!"

I sneeze, but still smile. This will be so good! Awesome day! Let's go to school! I got rid of them two, which means my father will be alone again. No idiots around him. He will be mine again. Well I guess it'll be like that. I go in my bathroom and do the same routines. I wear my red skirt, and tank top, and tie my black shirt around waist. Always the same style, but who cares? I wear my leather patch jacket and shoes.

Downstairs is quiet. Ah! I gotta love that! My dad is leaning in the countertop drinking coffee.

"Morning!" I say smiling and open the fridge

"Good mood?"

"Of course. You got rid of a whore and her parasite. How I won't be?!"

"So you heard us."

"Ops." I take a granola bar and open it.

"Behave at school."

"Always." Wes's motorbike beeped outside. "Bye!" I said and kissed his cheek.

"Bye" he said amazed.


We arrive at school and of course, there are already rumors for me that I killed the principle. Why would i kill somebody without a reason pfft..

"You are in good mood today Liese" Em said

"Everything goes awesome, why?"

"You still have to tutor him, tho." Wes said

"Sure!" both looks at me amazed.

"What happened with you?!"

"A lot of things." I say and "Come on let's go."

We walk through the halls, and I hear whispers around me. Nothing new you know, but some greeted me, smiling. Maybe I am not the only one who hates the director after all?

We go in our classroom, and looks again. Isn't that weird? I am not bad! Oh wait... I just beat the shit out of our director... maybe I am. I chukle and, sit on my desk.

First lesson Biology! With my home teacher. He came in and placed the books on his desk.

"I guess you all heard what happened yesterday morning." He looks at me, then everybody does. "Your classmate sent the principal into hospital."

"I warned him!" I said

"Yes, yes, whatever. But still you have to tutor Alex Fold. Also you'll be sent to the school's psychotherapist."


"You know you have anger problems Liese, stop denying it."

"Well if people stop annoying me, everything would be nice."

"End of topic Liese." He said and started the lesson.

Let the boredom to start. 


Chapter 3

Alex's P.O.V


"Remind why did we come here?" I asked my mother

"Because of my job. And we had to move Alex."


"We are divorcing Alex, for now you have to stay with me."

My mother's words are keep repeating over and over again in my head.

Yeah my parents are divorcing because my father cheated on my mother. I never seen her so pissed in my life. And that's a lot of years.

She's a lawyer and she used to work for the Hell's Heaven motorcycle club, and now they hired her again. And of course here I am. Sitting next to the psych girl who sent the director into the hospital. Hell's Heaven's princess. As I heard from the football team, she has anger problems, and since a year she has been acting like a full bitch, just fighting, and doing whatever she wants. Ignoring everything and everyone. They also said she wasn't like that before. She was head cheerleader of the team, talking with everybody, being helpful. I saw one of the team's picture. She was a beauty, well she still is, and I admit that. Her hair used to be bright brown color, almost blond. With pink cheekbones and huge smile on face. But after her mother died she didn't show herself for 2 weeks. When she came back, her hair was black, black make-up, and red lips. Dark clothes. Also she was full of wounds and bruises. Nobody knows what happened in those two weeks but only the club and her. She's interesting, but talking with her is like, walking on minefield.

She leans back on her chair, drawing wings in her notebook. I look at her. Long legs, skinny, obviously training, boobs are huge enough for my taste, and gentle bandaged hands. I lean on my hand on the desk and keep looking at her. Soft milky skin, bright green eyes. With this eyeliner she looks like a cat. Long black hair. Yea, definitely a cat.

"What?!" she said noticing my look and I shrug "Then stop watching me, you piss me off" I snort and lean on my chair.

"Is there any problem there?" the teacher said looking at me cautious. I shake my head for a no. "You can change your seat if it's needed" I roll my eyes.

"She's innocent like fuck, stop overreacting" he doesn't answer and keeps talking.

"You know nothing about me Fold." She said and I shrug again.

One thing I can say. Challenge accepted. She will be mine. I smirk and I raise my eyebrow and keep writing notes. This would be fun, acually alot of. She is a mystery. Dark, obviously lonely. I gotta dig in alot. 

Only one thing that bothers me is that she's in a MC club. I don't have good memories from there... neither I want to go back to this world. There's nothing but danger, guns and threatens, which can cost your life.



I walk into the canteen and I see my football teammates one of the tables, they wave at me to go there, and I make my way.

"Hey stranger!" one of the cheerleaders said, I nod for a 'Hi'. "How is first day so far?"

"Fine. Sitting to Jackson in all lessons."

"Ouch." Glen said. "How is it, did she hit you or something?!"

"Mm... we have an art project together, she's harmless tho."

"She used to be harmless Alex" Stacey said.

"It can't be that bad." I defend her, why am I even doing this

"It is. Nobody knows how her mother died, but the club. Don't mess with them."

"I am kind of involved in it. My mother is working for them."

"Oh... well don't mess with her" do I smell jealousy here?

"My plan is the opposite" I say and I look on second floor on the canteen. She was sitting next to the railing, with her friends. And she's looking at me through the glass. "Angel."

"Angel? Her?" Glen said laughing and I nod "Oo come on, we all told you she used to be one, now she's not."

"She's hiding guys, and you know it. If you all were good friends would chase her and be next to her."

"Today we have match, so you have to miss all lessons. So we can show you the things we've planned." He says ignoring me and I just nod.



Liese's P.O.V


"Look at him" Em says and I look at Alex "He's cute as fuck, admit it!" I roll my eyes.

"Tell me something I don't know." I answer

"They have match today, so he has to miss all lessons after breakfast." Wes says "Seems like you are interested in him Liese. Want to watch the game?"

I smirk "I'll watch it." I look Wes.

"Don't eat him. Also after lessons you have to visit the psychotherapist. " I roll my eyes.

"I'll go now. Fuck it." I stand up and start walking down the stairs

"I wonder to who he will give his jersey!" Em yells from the top. I don't even look at her and I just show her my middle finger. I hear her laugh from the 2nd floor.

Her and jerseys. Fucking books made her day dreaming all day, nothing else. But I can say she's funny like that.

Another two minutes walk to the psychotherapist's office. Halls are empty, there's some couples hiding, taking few moments together. Who cares, who fucks with who? To be honest I don't give a shit about that. It's annoying to listen their gossips also. Like seriously people, don't you have another work to do, but just stalk people on halls and mind their business?

When I arrive I look at the door, Dr. Joes. Psychotherapist. I knock and I go in. His office is small, with different brown colors and a lot of flowers. Behind the desk he has big window watching to be backyard's field for the football matches. Did I say really quiet? Well it's on same part of the school as the nurse's office, and library, so I guess it should be quiet. Who knows, maybe they are doing something while they are free.

"Ms. Jackson I expected you after lessons" he said

"Can we just do it now?"

"Yeah sure, come in. Take a sit." He stands up and sits on the armchair while I sit on the big soft sofa. And I thought our school is poor as fuck. "Do you know why you are here?" he asks.

"Anger problems. People think I am dangerous."

"And are you dangerous?"

"If I am pissed, yes, I am."

"What makes you angry?" I raise my eyebrow

"I think, you know."

"I don't, you tell me." I roll my eyes, are you seriously going to play like that, all day?

"When people talk about my mother. They know nothing about her, but they keep talking and talking, or just annoying me and passes the line."

"I see" he says and writes something in his notebook. "How did you try to deal with the anger?"

"Talking, sports... guns, pain... everything."

"You barely can stay calm by yourself" I nod "Your friends? Family?"

"They tried also, but after a while they just let me be, till I get all my anger out." His turn to nod.

"I understand." He took one ball, large as my palm, from a bowl. He throws it against me. And I raise my eyebrows sarcastically "Yes, you'll try with the ball, plus counting to 10. If this doesn't work, we have to dig deeper, about your problems. You are free to go."

"Is that it? You ask me few questions?" I say "Do you even do your work? Or you prefer to chill in your quiet office, while fucking the nurse?" He takes a deep breath and exhales.

"You know the nurse is a guy right?"

"As far as I can see you are too. You'll make great couple. Adopt one Chinese kid." I stand up. He writes something else in his notebook and smiles.

"You can go." He said.

I open the door and closes it loud. Is this bitch serious?



I'm sitting with Wes and Em on the small rostra, with some food and drinks. Sun is high into the sky and no single cloud. The grass under the football team is fresh mowed, and the water sprayers are on watering the grass. So basically while the water is around them they won't feel as dying pigs like the coach on the bench, who is sitting under one umbrella watching how the team's moves. He's sweating as fuck, even under the shadows of the umbrella. From here I could see his bottle of water with ice cubs in it.

On the other side of the field the cheerleaders were half wet, because of the water sprayers, but still training. I could see Stacy is educating new cheerleader. Short with brown hair, and skinny enough to be on top of the pyramids, but not fast enough for the group moves. And of course Stacy is teaching wrong. She's yelling and getting pissed and that's not how you educate a cheerleader. It's not easy job either, but to do the new girl... I used to be in the cheerleader's group, and I was the leader who was mainly learning the girls. Stacy knows all the moves from me.

"One, two three, jump, raise, spin!" she yelled, but the poor girl fell. "Not like that!"

"Stop yelling you bitch!" I yelled from my place "That's not how you educate a cheerleader, also you bother the football team!"

She turns around looking at me, and I put fake smile on my face and drink from my cold juice.

"Jackson go in class" coach said

"Na, sun is good today." I say and I lean backwards and pull from my cigarette.

Em and Wes were next to me, kissing and hugging and giggling, making me to throw up soon.

"Could you fucking not?" I say and look at them, they return in confusion.

"What?" they said laughing.

"Everything else but no moans you fuckatards, aight?" they laugh even louder. "Get a fucking room."

"I give you a week, sweetie." Em said "You'll wear this guy's Jersey!"

"Maybe, maybe not, but this bitch over there pissed me off. Cannot educate but doing it."

"Show her how to do it?" Wes said "And leave us alone for a bit." I nod





Alex's P.O.V


"One, two three, jump, raise, spin!" Stacy yelled, distracting me, and the girl fell. "Not like that!"

"Stop yelling you bitch!" Liese yelled from her place "That's not how you educate a cheerleader, also you bother the football team!"

Stacy turns around and looks at her, but she smiled and drinks from her bottle. I have no idea why they should train with us, on same field. They are distraction for us, but with this water sprayers on. I could even see few of the team mates looking at them. I won't even be surprised if they injure themselves today. The ground is slippery enough to fall and make awful injury. 

Loud laugh from the rostra's. Then Liese stood up while walking towards the cheerleaders, she tied her hair on high pony tail.

"10 minutes break" coach yelled and most of the guys sat on the grass in circle, watching the cheerleaders. I sit with them also. They all sigh at the same time when they look at them. 

"Look those legs. and short skirts.." Glen. 

"Look their asses man! Delicious!" Cody speak next to me

"What Liese is doing?" I ask watching her wet legs. Shit they are sexy..

"She used to be the cheerleader's leader as we told you. She was educated everything girl from the team. Stacy suck in this."

We could hear their arguing. But god, it's hard to concentrate... the view is way too good...

"You're not the leader anymore" Stacy said

"I'm not but you sucks as fuck in this crap." Liese answers "Maybe I should educate you, HOW TO teach the new members, if you even want to have this club."


"STOP yelling to the members" she cuts her. "Stay calm, show her how to do it. From almost an hour I am watching you yelling and doing nothing else"

I look her again, smirking. She obviously has fire in her veins and won't let it go any sooner. I wonder how she will be in the bed? Gonna get wild...

"Is that a fucking ball in Liese's hand?" Glen said interrupting my thoughts.

"Was asking myself the same" Jack said "Hey Em!" he yelled and I look behind us. She turned around and looked at him. He made her a sign to come to us, she stood up from her boyfriend and came at us with him.

"Yeah, what's up." She said

"Why does Liese have a ball in her hand?" he asks

"The psychotherapist made her to bring it everywhere with her, if she's getting annoyed just squeeze it and count to 10"

"This shit won't work" he said

"Shut up!" she screamed "You suck as a leader Stacy!" she squeezed the ball, I even saw her nails trusting into the ball. "Want me to go back in to the team and educate every new member who comes in?!"

"You had your time to educate. They are mine now"

"Yours?!" Liese laugh bitterly. I could feel that she's so close to hit Stacy in the face. "Then don't expect good teammates." Liese hissed in her face. She turned around and start walking back...

She raises her head and throws the ball towards the school. We all followed the ball, which flew to the psychotherapist's officer window. We all see how on the window appeared a crack, the ball stayed between the glass... after 2 seconds we saw the glass falling on the ground, with loud craash.  What in the fuckin hell this ball has in it? Stones?

"Fuck this shit" I hear her and her untying her hair and walking to her possessions. She didn't touch anybody today, with fists and everything... which is good. If she didn't try that hard not to hit anyone I am sure Staci wouldn't be able to cheer tonight. I wonder how much time she would stay in hospital. Oh there's another idea! I want to see a girl fight between Stacy and Liese... this would be so interesting! Stacy would be lucky if she stays alive... 

Chapter 4

Liese's P.O.V


It's raining outside. A lazy day for most people. You have to just to lay down in bed and read a book. Or just sleep. The raining noise really makes me sleepy, and stupid me n instead of being in bed, I am sitting in a café with my babysitter Dante.

We are inside the café, next to the large French windows. Everything outside is wet and hidden. The streets are flooded with water, making rivers. The stray animals are hiding in front of the doors of the shops or any dry dirty hole. The rain is falling hard on the crowns of the green trees and grass. I even see some dead flowers already in the small gardens. No people outside either and if there are any they will be just walking fast or running, so they can go somewhere on dry and warm.

Me n Dante are sitting inside at warm n dry place smoking. I am wearing the same clothes as today at school, and of course I am missing the match, because this bitch here decided to call me at the most inappropriate time! 

"Got something or not?" I said pulling from my cigarette "If not, don't call me here just to hang out." I narrow my eyes to his tattooed face.

"The most amazing thing is, that barely someone talks about the accident" And of course he had no information for me. Why I have to do everything alone?

"What do you mean by that?"

"Everything is in secret, nobody talks. That's what I mean"

"Did you even try?"

"Yes I did. As far as I heard around, they had a war with the neighbor MC. Black Knight's Hell."

"Big information. I have the whole story now!" I roll my eyes

"Well I looked around about it. Seems like they have new leader of the MC."

"New leader?"

"Yeah, really young, around 15-16? He has no experience, so he's not doing anything. Other people control it."

"This is interesting. Names?" I pull from the cigarette

"Yeah I know. None. They are hiding everything."

"Location? Old name of the leader?"

"Nick, no surname known, nickname Jacker. North from here, next town."

I nod, that's something. It's going to be interesting trip, if I even make one.

"That's all I know, and I should get going. See you later"


It's time to go back to the school, and see the match, hope I am not late..



Alex's P.O.V


"So you're interested in anybody?" Stacy asked me.

"Yea kind of" I say

"So there's a girl?"


"Who is it?" I roll my eyes and I look around.

Liese still not here. This is disappointing.

And also, the fucking rain. The whole field is flooded like a pool, and we are slipping awful on it. The huge flashlights are making the dark and rainy field bright. Making the rest of the nature to look creepy as hell. I have the feel that somebody is hiding in the bushes and shoot us all.. well yeah i have big imagination. Most of us are all wet, covered with mud. Two of my teammates are already sneezing, which means they will be sick. Rain or not, the schools didn't want to postpone the match for tomorrow or any other day. The crowd on the rostra are with umbrellas, hitting each other, a lot of complaining and yelling at each other.

On very front bench are sitting all the girlfriends of the team, wearing their jerseys. Only one spot is empty, and that's mine. And meanwhile Stacy is pushing herself into me which pisses me off.

"Hey what I missed?" I hear familiar voice behind me

"1-1 so far. The rain is awful!" another one complained "My hair!" she cried

I turn around and see Liese on 2 benches above me. She was all wet. She's still with her skirt and leather jackets. Her hair is all wet and sticky. And she has no umbrella with her.

"Why they play under the rain?" she asked looking around

"Fuck me if I know. Aren't you cold like that?" Em said

"Kind of, but I am fine. Soon going home. "

"Where's your puppy."

"Sent him to do his job." Liese looks at me and I keep her look. She smirks

She's even cuter when she does that, and that dimple on her cheeck, oh shit. If I keep watching her soon i'll get boner which won't be a pretty view. And what is this warm feeling inside my chest? Shit. "Where's Wes?" she adds still looking at me.

"Went for drinks" she nods again.

I turn around and I sit on place and drink my water.

I don't know what is worse. To watch her all getting soaking wet under the rain, or that I can't place get myself between her thighs. I want to taste that cold and salty skin of hers, and her scent of sea is just... intoxicant. I thought today at class, I'll get high or something. I got dizzy.

Only problem is, if I should really should go after her... if she get to know me, she would hate me. My family is one of the worst.

My father didn't bring anything good in our lives, but death and threatens. He was part of a gang. I remember when we had shit loud of motorbikes waiting outside of our house. They followed us everywhere we went. I don't know if it was stalking or just protecting.I was scared, they had guns, knives, always wearing black... My mom was always getting pissed about it. They had a lot of fights, which at least eighty percent of them finished with hitting each other. When she gave birth to me, my mother was afraid of him , because she was young... around nineteen- twenty. And of course things got complicated each month.

Real scary fights followed. Few times we were sleeping in hotels, or friends. It was hard for my mother because she was working and studying in the same time, add and taking care of me. After she graduated, she started to work for Hell's Heaven MC for a lot of years. Everything became really good. Everything was balanced, until my mother said that my father cheating on her with some whore in our home. That passed the limit. And once again, we left the house, and now they are divorcing. Not like my father was part of my life either. I won't feel the difference.

"What do you mean by no?" I heard Liese around again. I have the feel her voice is chasing me. Like it wants to drag me to her and protect her. How can this tiny little voice to be scary at the same time!?

"Why would we do it, they are fine"

"Will you be fine if I cut your dick off?" she hissed "Postpone the match for other day."

"Who do you think you are? And why you do think, just because your father has money, you can do whatever you want?"

"Well if you want to send your people into a hospital, doesn't mean I want mine there. So fuck off."

"She has a point!" Glen yelled behind me. "I'm freezing here! Also all the people here."

"Postpone it!" Em yelled "Postpone it! Postpone it!"

"Postpone it!" the crowd started shouting. "Postpone it! Postpone it!"

The blond man looked Liese with narrowed eyes.

"We are leaving" he said.

All players from the other team started packing their things. One by one they started following their coach to the bus. People on the rostra started to leave also.

Take my water and towel and put it in my bag.

"Let's go Em" Liese said looking at me. I chuckle and start walking

"Thanks" I say when I pass her.


That's something new. I didn't thought she would do that. I mean come on, all know her with the bad attitude. Fighting for small things, spit into people's faces, and nobody even expect her to do something for others. Oh well, maybe she did it for herself because she don't want to stay under the rain. But on the other hand... she could just stay at home. Or maybe the third thing is that she wanted to fight with somebody!

However, in all ways... she always gets something in her advantage.



Liese's P.O.V


Am I stupid or something? Oh God, please tell me I am. Why did I do this? The view was awesome, and instead of enjoying it... I did something stupid again. Fuck.

His hair is wet, tied on small pony tail on his head. His sport suit is soaked, I could see ever muscle in his body. Every time he drinks water and I could see his Adam's apple move. It gives me goosebumps, and want me to kiss it so bad...

"Thanks" he said passing me


I look after him. Shit, somebody slap me.

"Sup with you?!" Em says


"You did it for him, or what?"

"I suppose" I say and shrug then turns around and leave her behind.


I walk along the empty road in the rain. I don't need a ride to home. I just need to think a bit, for my further steps. Is it still worth it to get my mother's killer? I suppose yes? Everything is in the past, I can't bring her back from the dead. I'd like one sweet revenge like bombing their MC, but would I feel how I want to? Now when I think about it, I won't. I should get back to myself again. But the problem is I can't... it feels like I'm dancing with the devils.

The anger is always here, the annoyance too.

I look up from the ground to my house. There's two cars. Military one. Why are they here on first place? I run towards it and stop. USA Military Special Forces. There's a driver in the car looking at me on the small side window. Two soldiers on the door too. I go to the door and they stop my way to enter

"You can't go in" One of them say, looking straight in the nowhere and one hand front me.

"In my own house?"


"By?" no answer followed.

I turn around and go down the porch's stairs. I put my hoodie on my head and go down the road. When I pass few houses and I go around one of them and go in the backyard. I jump over their fence and run through the small field, then jump again the over fence. And like that until I don't reach my own house's backyard. I climb the tree next to the house. I move on the huge and thick branch front my room. I open the window and go in quietly.

The water and the mud instantly goes on my black carpet... I should clean my room later. I go my gun's corner, I get my double holster with my AutoMag pistols and few bullets. I take the AK-47 rifle in hands and another bullets. I open the AK's fuse and I take deep breath. I have no idea why am I doing that, but since some strangers are in my house, and not letting me in. It's time for a fight? I won't let this thing go. I open my door quietly listening. They are down in the living room, I can hear them talking. I make my way down the stairs, leaving wet spots from my shoes and clothes.


Author's Note



Hihi guys, K.Green here!


Edit 25/05/2016

I edited abit the story when I reread it. There's some changes, I added Prologue, plus there's some dialogue changes. That's for now.

Soon there will be an update. 


xx K.Green <3



Chapter 5

Liese P.O.V


 I open my door quietly listening. They are down in the living room, I can hear them talking. I make my way down the stairs, leaving wet spots from my shoes and clothes..

“I am not needed” my father’s says. “I retired from that”

“We need you out there again.” One more step down. 3 more to go.

“I said I won’t!” my father raises his voice “I won’t repeat myself” 2 steps down, 1 more to go.

“Listen to me… John.” 1 step down. I am on first floor. “Don’t make me threaten you.”

I show myself into the living room, raising my rifle to this bastard’s head. All the soldiers inside raised their guns towards me.

“I think he was clear enough to you” I hiss I make a slow step forward

“Stay back!” One of the soldiers says.

“Liese?” my father says and turns around “Put that thing down”

“They don’t let me go in my own house. Threatening my father… and you want me to drop my weapon down? No. Fucking. Way.”

“Liese.” He said with hard voice

“Father. I won’t back up. You’re not going anywhere.” I look the other guy. “You can leave. Don’t make me shoot you.”

“Is that your daughter John?”

“Apparently she is.”

“Why she has 4 guns with her?”

“Because I can defend myself you asshole. Get out of my house.” I say “I won’t repeat myself, again.”

“Same passion as you it seems?”

“My gun is open and I suggest you to stop playing with my patient. My finger is itchy. Door is over there” I tilt my head towards it

I hear our back door opens and two pairs of shoes walks in. I get one of my pistols and I point in that direction, without watching who went it.

“Get your gun down, darling.” The unknown guy said front me.

“Yow Prez? I hear our Vice President say. “Wowow, what’s going on?!” he said when he stepped inside the living room. I low down my pistol, knowing that’s our VP

“Don’t tell me what to do, if I want to shoot you I’ll do it, I’m just giving you time to leave.” I say

“You can’t shoot me.” He says

I point the wall over his head and shoot, my bullet pin his military hat on the wall. “Excuse me?”

The old guy narrowed his eyes on me, and stood up. His military uniform looked like a bag on his body. His eyes are brown, with same color of hair, but with some white hairs growing. And who the fuck he is to ask my father to go back to the field? He even decide to threaten him. How more pathetic the person should go, when he wants something.

Normal people gives the offers and a deadline so the person can decide what to do. To clear their mind, and talk to their family for final decision. Not threatening like a fuck around. “Let’s go.” He said to the other two people. They left the house and I heard the rumble of their car, which sped down the road.

I lowered my gun down taking a deep breath to chill out. For fucking fuck sakes, this guy annoyed the shit out of me.

“Dare to explain?” our VP said to me

“They’re in my house, not letting me in. I have all the rights to protect my home.” I answer looking the hole into the wall.

“And… scare the shit out of Miranda?” he said and I spin around quickly. Both flinched when my rain drops from my clothes fell on them, when I turned around.

Miranda was next to the door with her son. She was with a white costume and blue shirt under it. And blue high heels, holding two suitcases. Her son, Alex, was next to her still with his sports uniform, and backpack on his shoulder, and a sack in his hand.

“What they are doing here?” I asked

“They will be staying here for a while” my father says I turn my head to look him. He had his lips tightened, trying to not rage on me, with hands in his pockets.

“So you can’t keep your friend in your pants? Am I going to listen her moans and screaming all night again?” I asked raising my eyebrow. “You’ve got to be kidding me”

“Liese…” he started

“One year you fuck our lawyer, later you marry again to a bitch, firing her. Now she’s back?” I raised my voice.

“What she means?” Alex asks confused.

“Liese.. -” Miranda started “Even with our past with your father, we are still good friends”

“Fuck friends you mean?” I correct her. “You cheated on your husband, because you can’t resist mine? You’re pathetic.” 

And when you think you have your father for yourself again, another woman comes and ruin everything. That’s probably for the million time now. I’ve heard enough of my father’s adventures here. With different kind of prostitutes and club whores. I have the feel he have done it everywhere in the house. Sofa, chair, table, door, wall, shower, backyard, basement, roof… everywhere.

“I’ll be in my room.” I said passing them both and climb the stairs to my room.

I go into the shower and take hot bath.

Not like I am complaining for his personal life, but this life includes me. Alright I admit it, he’s selfish. This side comes on front way too much, in last two years. It’s annoying.


I go downstairs just to find my father, Miranda and Alex sitting in the dining room next to the kitchen, eating pizza. Both were in more comfortable clothes, both showered, with wet hairs. And my black pajama shorts and my short tank top… doesn’t help much to Alex, I suppose. But why would I care anyways. I am in my house, I’ll walk naked if I want. I frown with disgust. Are we going to act like happy family again? Hope not.

I open the fridge, taking the orange juice and vodka. I mix the both drinks and sit on counter top, lighting a cigarette. Three of them look at me and I just stay silent here in silence, smoking peacefully.

I look around the kitchen. So many memories I have here. My look stopped in the corner of the room, where now a flower was placed, hiding the blood on the wall. Not really original, but nobody wanted to bother repainting the room, because it's too big. Sometimes my heart aches when I think about it. When my mother died and I finally decided to go out of my room. I came here to eat. At the end of the day my father found me, sitting in the corner of the room with bloody hands and knife in my hand, crying uncontrollably. I tried to suicide. I have cut my veins. Pain did not help, neither the crying. Now on my forearms I have tattoos hiding the scars. On my right hand I have the name of the club. On my left one I got big eagle head with Harley Davidson motorbike.

I frown looking at the flower and my father follows my sight.

“Liese…” he said when his looked returned on me.

“Sup” I said exhaling the smoke.

“Come eat. I’m sure you haven’t ate anything today” I just shrug. “And we have to make a talk” I look him back and cross my legs. “Ok, so… I have some business to deal with for next 2 weeks, so I’ll be out of the town with Miranda” wow… I raise my both eyebrows “So you both gonna stay alone.” I look Alex who was looking at me, then I return my look on my father.

Ok, hell nah. Why do I have to stay alone, with a guy, in my house?

“Meanwhile, Alex will take care of you”

“Take care of me?” I said unbelievable. I look at Alex who was smirking towards me

“Yes.” I was going to answer me, but he cut me off “Your anger Liese. You need somebody near you.”

“You can’t be serious?!” I raised my voice “I don’t need anything.” I leaned forward to him.

“Liese!” Miranda said

“You, fucking bitch, don’t dare to raise voice to me. As far as I know, I sent one in the hospital for doing it.”

“Don’t yell on my mother” Alex said on his place

“Or? You’ll spank me because I am little bad kid? To be honest father, why you don’t just take him with you. And please while you’re on your happy family vacation, tell him what you both with Miranda did. He will love it.”

I jumped off the countertop, leaving them in the kitchen.


Next morning, the buzzing of my phone woke me up. I reach for my phone, answering without looking the name.

“What for fuck sakes” I groan

“Easy girl… ” I heard male voice “Main training today at 8. Get up and go to the warehouse.”

“What time is it?”

“7am” I groan sitting in my bed.

“I’ll be there.” I hung up. With fast steps I went into the bathroom for my morning needs.

I return into my room and I take my black Nike sport suit. I wear short socks and my short pants, then my sport bra and just the sweater over it. I wear and my black Nike sneakers. I take my iPhone putting it on my pocket. I take my iPod putting the music on in ears with Hollywood Undead Coming in hot song and bag with boxing necessities.

I went noisy downstairs opening the fridge. I notice with the corner of my eye Miranda on the dining table drinking her coffee with newspaper in hand. I drink juice from bottle.

I keep nodding my head with the tact of the music, while I swallow the juice.

And girl get down you can have more, I sing and make some dance moves “And you can shake your hips around on my man's sword.” I turn around licking my lips from my juice “You're gonna have to rock this house I'm your landlord.” Miranda drops her newspaper on the table looking at me with raised eyebrows and keep singing and dancing “So let your sweat drip down on the dance floor.” I keep sing ignoring her, not caring if it’s loud or not. I take one apple from the bowl.

Then after a while I start sing the chorus.

I'm gonna chase this whiskey with Pátron,

I want a girl on my lap and a Jägerbomb.


And I'mma make it rain on the girl who serves me.

I'll drink a fifth of Vodka till it's gone, 

And if it feels so good then it can't be wrong.

I'm coming in hot you heard me,

And we be taking shots and if not you're nerdy.” I scream loud

I close the front door behind my back. Well that went good enough! I should keep doing it. It’s fun as fuck! I walk down the road, to the warehouse is just twenty minutes normal walk. The actual club warehouse is out of the town, near two kilometer or so. It’s not that far. I start to jog a bit to get warm up for the training.

My training are usually once a week, sometimes more than a week, depending how pissed I am or the pressure I am on. But I am not complaining, I always can get my anger on somebody, it’s not a problem for me. Only problem here for me us who will stop me, from beating the bastard up. Alex? He looks so weak to me. How is he even supposed to stop me? If he tries to do it, probably if his calming shit doesn’t work, he will be with bruises and something more even. Nobody knows.



“Yolow!” I yell after go into the warehouse. My father’s brothers nods to me, smiles and greets me.

“Princess!” Jack, my couch, says who was sitting on the couch with beer in his hand. I nod walking to him. He’s tall almost as my father, with long blondish hair and blue eyes. Wide shoulders with his patch in his back. His hands are full with tattoos, from naked women to dragons and names. He wears black jeans and black t-shirt. He has and a cloth on his head.

“Did you had to wake me up so early?” he looked his clock on his wrist.

“It’s only 8;02 am!”

“Only!” I roll my eyes. “Why you need me so early?”

“New boy in town, he wants to learn boxing. You’re going to train with him. He will be sign in the school, next Monday.”

“Fine… where is he?”

“Out, sent him to do some rounds behind the house. Go do it too.”

I signed, removing my bag and sweater throwing it against Jack. “Fucker” I say walking to the backdoor. I go out to the porch with my hands on my hips. There’s a guy running in the distance in circles. He had no shirt on, just sport pants. His hair is dyed in blue. His wide shoulders and muscled arms were in some tattoos and he’s all in sweat.

“Like the view?” Jack asks

“Who wouldn’t?” I laugh poking him with elbow.

“Go run a bit with him” he hits my back encouraging me.

“I’ll tell to your old lady you’re hitting me!” I laugh jogging to the guy. He turns his face to me. I smile when I reach him and he stops. “Liese and your partner in boxing”
“Alec. Nice to see my partner” He smiles back, then we both start running in circle, getting ready for the boxing later.

Chapter 6



Well hellow ma friends! K.Green here! 

I found some time, actually few hours to write. And to all people who follows the story... here it is... one big Chapter!!

Guess what? Party time!! But don't get excited, beacuse first... we should see what's going on with this new guy and Liese!

She made her mind on a plan... but would she have a success with her secretive mission? 

Let's wait and see! 


xx K.Green <3














Alex’s P.O.V


I couldn’t believe my on eyes. Liese is kissing a guy in the kitchen, and obviously she enjoy that. Her body is pushed on maximum to the kitchen countertop. Two sweaty bodies against each other. Rubbing at each other. I can see the guy is aroused. Liese hands her on his bare chest with nails trusted in.

That was not the thing I expected to see early in the morning, when I need coffee. Now I think I’ll pass the coffee and be ready to vomit. Anyways why do I feel like I am lost and hurt? She’s means nothing to me, but seeing her innocent body against this guy, just pisses me off. I want to kill him.

I take deep breath and cough loud. Both got surprised and then look at me. I put fake smile towards them moving into the kitchen. I could feel Liese’s eyes on my body checking out.

“Too early for this kind of things, don’t you think?” I ask opening the fridge.

“Its 1pm” the guy says smirking and gave quick kiss on Liese. She giggled.

“Whatever” I murmur taking the juice and drink from the bottle. “What you’re doing here anyway, and did your father leave?” I really expected her to be around the club and doing illegal stuff, but I guess I was wrong.

Liese just shrug not caring at all, if he left or not. Does she even care for her family, or something? Her mother’s death, doesn’t make the excuse not caring at least for her father. But seems like, she trust him enough not to care and bother what’s going on with him. Plus she needs to make an explanation for her attitude towards my mother yesterday night. She said she had cheated on my father with hers. This seems impossible to me, most of the time she spend her time in the other town, not here.

But when I think of it… it’s just thirty minutes to come here! Oh my God, what if she really spend most of her time here!?

“Did you realize something Alex?” Liese said smirking. I look at her swallowing the juice.

“You need to explain me some things. Such as your attitude towards my mother.”

“She deserve it. She’s a whore.”

“Watch your words”

“Or what?” he other guy said

“Seems like nothing” Two versus one ain’t fun yo! “Have some respect.” I say

“I won’t have respect to a woman, who goes into my father’s bed, because she’s desperate from her life” she states shrugging again. “You know Alex… I am not fan of people who comes into my father’s life just to hurt him again... Your mother did it once. His 2nd wife ‘the whore’ did it too… ” I narrow my eyes towards her. “Now your precious mother came here again!” this time she raised her voice towards me.

The guy hugged from the shoulders pulled her towards his chest.

“This is what pisses me off…” she continued hissing “I don’t care if I am going to be happy, but I want my father to be, and your mother can’t give that happiness to him. So better tell her, to stop her games.”

“Liese calm down…” the guy said caressing her shoulder

“I don’t know your past, neither I want to know your miserable future, but stay away from us.”

The guy rolled his eyes, obviously not liking being ignored, he took her hand and pulled her outside of the backyard. And I stay like… statue.

Well on that I can say raging and defense. She doesn’t care if she’s happy, but why?? Everybody deserve to be happy after all, the past doesn’t even matter.

I make my way outside of the backyard. I sat on the porch’s stairs watching them both.

And how the fuck they got together!? I mean I’ve never seen him around the town, neither when I was kid nor now, which means he’s new in town. Old friend?


It’s almost midnight when I made my own upstairs after the party. I heard silent sobbing from Liese’s room. Should I go, or just let her be?

I knock on her door and the sobs instant stops. Heavy steps came towards the door and the door opened fast.

“What?” she snapped. Her hair is wet, only with one of her father t-shirts with Hell’s Heaven logo. Her Eyes are puffy and red. The nose is red from all the rubbing. She seemed tired as fuck. I made a small smile, she just rolled her eyes and intended to close the door but I pushed it. The door hit the wall. “What do you want?” she asked once again. Her room is messy with a laptop on her bed and a lot of papers.

“Come here” I said as I walked towards her. I closed the door with my foot. I pulled her by the hand hugging her tight

“Let me go” she said struggling.

“Stop fighting and let it out Liese.” I said tightening the hug.

“No…” she said sobbing

“Hush… sweetheart” she hugged me slightly around my waist and starts sobbing uncontrollably.


Liese’s P.O.V 

*12 hours earlier*


I admit it, he’s fast and has control and power in his fists. He’s not hitting uncontrollably like most people, but waiting for the perfect time for it. I really admire that, people who can have control over themselves. But oh well, does that mean I don’t admire myself, because you know I just explode like a bomb.

“End it for today…” Jack said who was sitting on one of the benches watching us while drinking a beer. “You both did good, Alec for a newbie you are pretty good in this”

“I’m trying” he smirked.

“From now training after school. Everyday.” Jack smirking to me “Come on boys, go to your houses.” He told us standing up and leaving the small gym. I removed my boxing gloves while leaving the ring. For one thing I hoped the most right now. My dad and this bitch to be gone. He didn’t say exactly when he will leave, which is annoying, but I hope he will do well.

And this Miranda… why she’s even back? I heard the talk between Jack and Dante that her husband cheated on her, but didn’t she do that before him? Is that some kind of a joke here? And why she prefers to come here, instead of running in another state?!

Well there’s two options here! She want our MC protection, because she’s scared of him or just want to be around my father ‘pretending’ she’s doing her job and lie to my father? DISGUSTING. In either way she gets whatever she wants. But most important question here is… what about her son? Does he even have a word to say whatever he wants? I doubt that. He’s quiet as fuck and polite, and not raging. But what’s the fun of that?! I was like him before my mother died, ugh… was fun again sometimes, though but not anymore!

I took my bag and sweater and started walking to front door.

“See you later at the party tonight Anger” Dante said, I look at him smirking and nod.

I left the house. My father’s mechanics were here working in the shop, next to gym. There was one school bus, one white Lamborghini, and one motorcycle, which is not a Harley. We rare see this kind of motorcycles here. I made my own way to the bike interested. Jess was working on it. I touched the leather seat when bowed down to the engine.

“Hey Anger” Jess said “Like it?”

“Harleys all the way Jess” I smiled standing up “Engine isn’t it?”

“Yeah” he said wiping his hands in a dirty towel. “The owner left before few minutes.” I rose my eyebrows. “He will come tomorrow to get it, but he didn’t say when. ‘Busy man’”

“I can deliver it.” I suggest

“That would be good. Anyways I should finish it.”

“See you later”

I left the big property and started walking down the street. The sun is high in the sky, without any clouds, no living human being around the street, just few cars had passed me. Everything around is dead just… wilderness. Plus why don’t they plant some trees here… people could die if they walk 10 minutes under the strong sun! Why it has be so hot too for fuck sakes!? I should move to some colder country, like Sweden or maybe even Finland! England is a good choice too, because of the rain… At least in the cold weather you can always go somewhere to warm up… but when it’s hot… nothing helps against it unless you are under the cold shower, or in a pool and sea.

When I said pool, this reminds me of a pool party… and from that to our party tonight. The long day I was waiting for. I just needed to sneak into my father’s office and look around the PC. Only problem is how I’ll be supposed to sneak in, without anybody to notice me. If I disappear they will see it soon or later… or maybe I should let them see me doing it! There’s plenty of bedrooms in the house anyways. Problem is with who. I just need a victim.

“Hey Liese!” I frown and turn around and when we talk about boys, here is the perfect one. Alec. I nod for greet “Going home?” I nod again and start walking again when he reaches me. “Good training, and you are good in that.”

“Not really, just the anger helps me, otherwise I’ll be just easy target.”

“Anger? What do you mean?” Geez, fuck sakes are you stupid or some kind of shit?

“I have anger problems” I said annoyed.

“Doubt it.”

“Why do you think I am lying to you?”

“You seem innocent.”

I snorted loud, smiling bitterly “Doubt innocent girl will fucking send the Principle in hospital.” He looked with shocked expression. “Anyways, I need the help of yours.”


“There’s party tonight at the club, and I need them to see me going upstairs with somebody.” He looked with me surprised “I got some shit to deal with.”

“Yea sure.”

“Thanks!” I said smiling, he smirked and pulled me by the shoulders towards his body.

“What’s the friends for!?”

“I wonder too”


I unlocked the front door leaving it open. I go straight into the kitchen, I open fridge.

The house is quiet, nobody’s home. Yay!

“Want something cold?”

“Water” I take the water from the fridge and I throw the bottle against him. He opens it and drinks from it and leans on the countertop front me. I lean on the sink’s side towards him

“Why you need my help anyways?”

“Long story, and it’s complicated.”

“How we should do that anyways?”

“Party starts at 7pm, which means around 9 pm people will be tipsy enough not to pay attention to anybody, so this will be our time to do it.”

“Can’t you just sneak upstairs?”

“Problem are Prospects around, who are not allowed to get drunk at parties, plus always somebody is after me.” I saw his questioning face and I answered before he asks “Because I’m President’s daughter.” Rumble of a bike stopped front the house “As you can see”

He nods and drink from the bottle again. “Sucks to be you” he says and I laugh quietly. “Nothing you can do though” I nod biting my lips. “Nervous?”

“Everything can fuck up, you know. Plus I got just few minutes to do that.”

“We’ll do it don’t worry.” He stepped forward closing the space between us until he was completely front me. “Plus…” he leans towards me and I move back “We’ll convince them, that we have another thing in our heads. Don’t you think?” he whispered looking down to my lips. I look him into his eyes then his lips

“I am sure of that.”

He leaned more and placed his lips on mine. They are soft and warm, literally welcoming mine. I feel like I need them the most right now. I return on his kiss without hesitation, my lips moved towards his accepting him. He deepened the kiss, with one hand he removed the hair tie from my head and trusted his fingers in my hair. I gasped and he took the advantage to take control over me. He trusted his tongue in my mouth. I hate people to take control, or to act as a dominant over me, but right now I couldn’t care less. In this case I liked that. My hands moved on his bare chest, making my shiver under my hands. We are both heavy breathing, but not stopping, doubt any of us want to. My nails trust in his chest, while my tongue played with his. Ours sweat bodies are against each other, like puzzle pieces, which need each other to finish the picture. I could feel and his males parts towards my lower belly. Shit, this just make feel horny and aroused.

Loud cough came from the door and our lips ripped apart from each other.

“Too early for this kind of things, don’t you think?” I heard somebody saying. I look at Alec’s eyes while he is looking at mine. It’s a long second. I turned my head towards the door. Alex was staying here with surprised sleepy face. He was half naked. Well I can admit his body is good. Then he made a fake smile. Then he walked inside with disgusted look opening the fridge.

“Its 1pm” Alec said smirking and gave me quick kiss on my lips. I giggled. Oh shit did I just giggled sweetly? Ew!

“Whatever” He murmur taking the juice and drinking from the bottle. “What you’re doing here anyway and did your father leave?” I shrugged not caring. Why would I care where he is anyways? He’s a big man he knows what he’s doing.

Alex frowned thinking about something, then he looked surprised. Oh hun don’t tell me you just realized something really nasty… truth hurts!

“Did you realize something Alex?” I asked smirking, he looked at me swallowing the juice.

“You need to explain me some things. Such as your attitude towards my mother.”

“She deserve it. She’s a whore.”

“Watch your words”

“Or what?” Alec other guy said

“Seems like nothing. Have some respect.” Alex said later         

“I won’t have respect to a woman, who goes into my father’s bed, because she’s desperate from her life” I said shrugging again. “You know Alex… I am not fan of people who comes into my father’s life just to hurt him again...” Now I am getting annoyed, why don’t this bastard realize already that his mother is just one of the sweet butts aka club whores in the club? Lawyer or not she’s just hanging around the club doing nothing? Not like I care, but for million times I say that she’s around my father and I don’t like that. He went through enough pain in past 2 years, I don’t need another breakdown of his. “Your mother did it once. His 2nd wife ‘the whore’ did it too… ” He narrowed his yes towards me. “Now your precious mother came here again!” I raised my voice against him.

Alec hugged me gently from the shoulders. It doesn’t work for me. I need to hit something.

“This is what pisses me off” I said hissing towards him “I don’t care if I am going to be happy, but I want my father to be, and your mother can’t give that happiness to him. So better tell her, to stop her games.” I will dig down. I’ll dig deep down, until I don’t ruin his bitch’s reputation as a lawyer. I promise you that.

“Liese calm down…”

“I don’t know your past, neither I want to know your miserable future, but stay away from us.”

So naïve people, thinking just because I am young, I can’t use my own brain. Most of all, I won’t let those trashes go near my father. He had enough trashes in his life, he doesn’t need more of those.


After I chilled my nerves with another battle with Alec in the backyard everyone left, but Dante in the living room as usual. He haven’t found anything useful for me yet, which really plays with my patient. Maybe he just don’t want to do it, so I guess I should remove him from the whole picture. Disgusting pig.

It was 5pm and it’s time to call Wesley and Emilyn, to come by. I haven’t spoken to them since few days, and I really need some fun around me. Not some emo bitches ruining my mood with the same topic over and over again.

After fifteen minutes they walked into the house without to knock, they never did. Too much walking to the front door you know… I am lazy person. They opened my bedroom door and walked in. Wesley as usual is with back clothes, while Emilyn, with white dress and big bag on her shoulder. Why they have to be so different in appearance?

“Going to party tonight?” Em said throwing her bag on my bed, I raised one of my eyebrow with the expression ‘Are you serious right now?’ “Okay stupid question” she laughed

“What’s new with you?” Wes said “and why the whole house smell of a boy’s perfume”

“Miranda and her son are staying in the house. My father and the bitch left this morning leaving me alone with him for two weeks.”


“Plus another thing. I got plan of finding my mother’s killed.” They both looked at me amazed “I’ll need you as helpers.”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because they are hiding way too much of their ‘club business’. She’s my mother, dead or not. I need to know the truth. I’m not a kid anymore” I leaned back on my elbows on the bed

“What’s your plan then?” Emilyn said without hesitation. On that I call awesome friend.

“That’s what she said” Wes said after her sitting leaning on the desk.

“As far as I know, or at least what Dante told me, we had a club war with the Black Knight’s Hell.”

“We know that, what else he said to you?”

“There’s new leader, young, around 15-16 years old. He’s not controling the club because he’s too young. The old club leader was his father. Nick aka Jacker. He’s dead.”

“He was the one killing your mother, right? If he’s dead why…”

“That’s not the full story. I need to dig Wes.”

“What are you going to do then?” Em asked making a circle on the spinning chair.

“New guy in town will help me.” she stopped spinning looking at me confused.

“New guy?”

“Alec Shawn” I said “He’s in our MC gym training boxing, I am forced to train with him. He will help me sneak upstairs so I can go into my father’s office and take everything I need from his PC.”

“You know that’s hard to be done”

“That’s where your part comes Em. I want you to stay around the stairs. After me and Alec go upstairs, I want you to stop the Prospect who will follow me. This will give me at least 5 minutes”

“You sure this would work?”

“Yes. And Wes, you should distract Alex. He’s looking after me.”

“This weak gigolo? Easy as fuck.”

I nod satisfied. “After I go downstairs, we all leave. That’s the plan for now, at least for tonight”

“Sure thing! Let’s get ready for the party!” Em said happily clapping her hands in excitement.


After two hour of preparations we were ready to go into action. It was 7;30 pm when Alec came with his car. Me,Emilyn, Wesley and Alex sat inside the car.

We were in black. Emilyn borrowed my black dress. The top had a heart shaped corset made from satin, the bottom part is a small balloon made from few layers the lace. Her hair is on top of her head tied on a pony tail. Her make wasn’t that… dark. Just an eyeliner and red lipstick. She had her vest of the MC.

I am in my ripped dark skinny jeans and my usual red shirt tied around my waist. Red tank top and my vest too. My hair is tied on a pony tail too, same make up as Abby.

Not big difference from the boys on the front seats. Black jeans, and shirts. With a chains on their sides and sneakers. Just Wes had his vest on his back.

I have no idea but I was really enjoying that… or maybe just call it excitement.

We left the car.

The night was hot and dense to breathe. The moon is high in the sky, same as the stars. I could see some airplanes flying over us. Big flashlights placed on the high walls are making the area bright. A lot of cars and Harleys were parked outside. The music is loud the bass… amazingly loud, I could even feel into my chest. There’s a lot of tables outside the bar, filled with people. Most of the MC members were sitting on chairs with their old ladies or just some whores in their laps. Of course neither of the old ladies are going to do something in sexual content front all those people but just kissing and maybe just dirty talks in their men’s ears. They are really serious about their men, and they are ready to make a scenes, dramas even fights to protect them from the whores. The whores? Oh well they are kissing, touching, some even made it to blowjobs to some members. Some are hiding around the buildings, against the walls. Giggling on the dirty stuff and poking each other.

With my peripheral vision I could see Alex is stepping nervously on his feet. Poor guy, already too much? What will happen if we go inside?

“Come on” I told them and we started walking towards the bar. I heard Dante parking his Harley next to others, then following us.

In side is… just worse. The black walls are making the room kind of creepy, but the red lights around were making it better for the eyes. The music is louder than outside, I doubt you could even hear your friend’s words. The air is filled with cigarettes smoke, sweat and food. Maybe some experienced person will say it even smells of sex, but I don’t know about that! Prospect and a girl are on the bar, serving on the clients. The tables are already full. Filled with empty beer bottles and full ashtrays. The half-naked waitresses are running around fast taking them. Some were even getting slaps on their asses, but instead of being angry they just giggle. In middle of the room, is placed a pole. Why pole? Well, I doubt it is going to be a MC bar without a stripper dancing around a pole.

With some signs of my hands I told my friends that we should get in action. Everybody separated around the crowd.

I made my way to the bar with Alec. I showed two fingers to the prospect and he instant gave us two opened beers. I took mine and drank from it, I lean on the bar, looking around. Alec was front me drinking from his. He placed his beer next to me, then lifted me on the bar. I saw his smirk on his face with ‘Let’s do this shit’ expression. I winked towards him and gave him a quick kiss on his lips.

Chapter 7

Liese’s P.O.V

*9;30 PM*


I am tipsy, fuck! I shouldn’t be but I don’t care, it’s a party after all!! The music echoing in my ears. My body is moving with the tact of the music. I knew some members were watching me, but come on, I won’t stay at home doing nothing since there’s MC party!!

I am dancing around Alec, maybe not in a proper way front all those guy’s eyes, but they should know why I will go upstairs with him. I slowed down, stopping front Alec, I raised on my toes hugging him around neck then I pulled him down and bit his lower lip. His hands came around my waist, he smirks then kisses my lips. His hands moved on my ass lifting me up and I wrapped my legs around him. I thrust my fingers in his hair. My lips moved on his jaw to his ear “Go upstairs.” He made a small nod and I bit his ear playfully. He made his way towards the stairs kissing me.


 Wesley’s P.O.V

*9;33 PM*


I am keeping an eye on Liese, she’s tipsy. ‘Good job girl’ I told myself sarcastically, I doubt she can do anything when she’s tipsy as fuck. If she fucks everything up, she won’t have another chance. Unbelievable girl. She’s dancing like crazy around his guy. I think his name was Alec? I look around, well a lot of club members are watching her. They have never seen her doing this crap, because her father usually is here stopping her. But since he’s not here right now, nobody even make any efforts of stopping the President’s daughter from doing the things she would regret later. I can stop her, but this will just complicate the plan, which we have to finish right now. And now they kiss, the guy moved his hands on Liese’s ass. Why do I feel like I want to cut his fucking hands off? I mean come on, kiss is enough distraction for the other people, but going that far? She seems like she has nothing against it. Or she enjoys it way too much, or it’s just part of the plan. I really hope it’s the second option.

I see Alex walking towards them, in annoyed expression. Well, well, well what do we have here? He already fell for her!? Ridiculous! I walked forward and pulled him back

“Yow boy” I say he tunes around looking at me “Follow me” I yell over the music

I pull him front me and push in towards the front door. I look one last time over my shoulder. Liese is in guy’s arms her legs wrapped around him kissing him. Then he made his own way towards the stairs.

I found Emilyn’s eyes looking on me, and we both nodded at the same time.


I walk outside after Alex. He’s leaning on the railing for the underground parking, looking annoyed as fuck. I smirked.

“Sup with you” I ask

“What do you want?”

“Just a small talk”


“Liese” he narrowed his eyes. I crossed my on my chest standing front him “What do you want from her?”

“That’s none of your business”

“It is, and since I am her best friend, you pretty know you won’t even touch her when I am around. So what are your fucking intentions towards her?”

He shrugged “I don’t know” he said smirking “Maybe making her mine, since… obviously you can’t do it yourself.”

“I don’t like Liese like that”

“Keep saying that to yourself. Maybe your bright and colorful girlfriend doesn’t see it, but as a guy I can notice that. Back inside you wanted to cut his hands off right?” I raise my eyebrow “But you’re a pussy.”

“I have a girlfriend who I love. I am here for Liese, not to piss her off like I am, I don’t know, like a fly around sweets? I can’t even make a proper explanation about… “I looked him from his head to his toes and back “… you? But let me tell you something. Hurt her, and your heart won’t be in your chest anymore, if you know what I mean... ”

I smirked nasty. He moved towards me, hitting my face, with his fist.

‘Hope this is worth it Liese!’

I hit him back.





 Emilyn’s P.O.V

9;33 PM


Fucking smell. Why don’t they put some windows here, so they leave it open!? This smell disgusts me. Ugh! Yeah I am ‘candy’ person so what? I hate things such as snakes, frogs, spiders and vomit also. And I love pink, kittens, puppies and stuff like that. I am original girly girl, who loves everything cute.

I look around, leaning on the stair’s railing and nodding head with the tact of the music. So many people are already drunk. I can even see my father over there with my mom in his lap. Aren’t they little old for this public crap? I think it’s enough that I can hear them at night. Rest of the club members are just hanging around with the club whores. Why this thing doesn’t even surprise me?

I look over Liese. She kiss Alec. I think they are cute. Really, really cute, but oh well, I change my mind. I want Liese with Alec not Alex. Those two look like two missing pieces looking for each other.

They make their way to stairs. I find Wesley’s look, which was after Liese, then it came on me. We nod at the same time.

Liese and Alec go pass me and went upstairs. Few seconds pass, then I see Dante moving towards me. I look at my watch for the hour. 9;35 PM

“Hey Dante!” I screamed over the music and ran towards him. His face, head and arms are full of tattoos, he is wearing black like most of the people here. He stops front me when I stood front him.

“What darling?”

“I was looking for you. Can we talk?!” I smiled, he looked the stairs then me.

“Sure.” He placed his hand on my shoulder and pushing me towards the back door. We went outside. “What? I’m busy.” I knew he won’t reject talking to me, after all President’s and Vice President’s orders should be obeyed, but when it comes to their kids… we always come on first place. Which is cool as fuck and big advantage right now.

“I wanted to make a tattoo.” He raised his eyebrows. He had his own shop for tattoos in the downtown. “And I need your advice about it.”

“Yeah, right”

“I’m saying the truth. I wanted to make wings on my back. I mean like… Big angelic wings.”

“This would be near 7-8 hours maybe more of work, if you’re going to do it at the same day. Plus pain is awful on the back”

“Or…” I said frowning “Something on my thigh.” I said lifting a bit my skirt. “Like from my knee to my upper thigh.” I showed him with my finger’s nail trusting a bit, but not too hard to leave a red mark. I look at him back. He bit his lips. Young fresh skin… huh? “Maybe the MC’s logo and picture plus some roses around it. What do you think?”

“Does the VP even allows you to do that?”

“Hey I am 18, he can’t order me around”

“Oh… wanna bet?” he challenged me and I roll my eyes “Thought the same thing. Stop wasting my time with your bullshits.”

“Is it that bad if I want a tattoo? And also is it that bad to ask the MC to do it? I have enough trust in you to do it, even if you are Prospect.”

“Emilyn, you are the VP’s daughter, you are not Liese to do whatever you want. You know that.”

“Liese is crazy, she’s always been. After… maybe her mother died, because she doesn’t give a shit what her father will say, but that’s not the point of our talk!” I said stopping myself of talking about Liese. Distraction Emilyn! “I want a tattoo.” I said back into the tattoo topic

“If you want a tattoo, find one which will have meaning for you. Don’t do something so ridiculous, without thinking.”

“Did you see yourself in the mirror lately?!” I asked smirking, looking him from head to toe, crossing my hands on my chest.


Liese’s P.O.V

*9;36 PM*


“Last door on right” I say. Alec walk few seconds more and he opens the door, when we are in he lets me go down. I turn around and go to my father’s PC. I turn it on. I wrote the password, which is my mother’s name. He needs to change that. When was needed and started looking around the PC. So many separated folders. In each year, there were more and more folders for each month.

I find the one I needed.

Holy shit. So many things in it for the whole month! I thrust my hand in my pocket and take a USB. I bow down and plug it in the PC. I copy every single thing from it. Plus the month before and the month after my mother’s death. This can’t happen just for a month.

I look the clock on the wall 9;40 PM.  And this crap is on 66%. My father needs faster computer I swear to god.

“There’s footsteps.” Alec said peeking from the door. “Never mind, just a club whore entering a room.” I nod, but he doesn’t see it anyways. 9;42 PM and this crap not ready. 82%. “There’s some tattoo guy opening every door.”

“Dante” I whisper “Shit. We are in trouble. Emilyn couldn’t distract him long enough.”

He closes the door and steps towards.

“Get up”

“What?” he pulled me by the hand and sat on the chair. Oh, that’s what he wanted to do? I sat in his lap facing him. He lifted my tank top a bit and kisses me again. Alright so many kisses tonight, but like I am complaining anyways! The door opens and I raise my head looking at Dante.

“What’s going on here?” he grumbled. I shrugged

“Do you need anything?”

“His hands off you”

“Get out.”

“You ain’t fucking with him”

“And I said to get out.” I smirked when Alec bit gently my neck. Dante narrowed his eyes.

“Dante!!!” I heard Emilyn to scream “Help me!”

He leaned back into the hall “What!?”

“Alec and Alex are fighting. Come help me for fuck sakes!”

They fight? What for? Well right now I doubt I care much, I need to get the USB back. It’s ready. Everything is copied.

“Don’t bullshit me kid, go ask somebody else.”

“Everybody are drunk you asshole.”

Dante looked at me then Emilyn then back me “I’m coming after a minute. Do not move.” 9;55 PM. He closed the door loud and got off Alec’s lap. I leaned down to take the USB and turn off the PC off.

“Mission completed?” he asked standing up I nod and go towards the door. We go downstairs. The party is still going on, but there were less people. Probably left into the bedrooms upstairs and or just left to fuck in their own houses. Either way they are fucking.

We go outside, just to find Dante ripping the both boys apart. So they were really fighting? Tsk. I said distract, not fucking fighting and ripping each other’s faces.

“What’s going on?” I ask

“Stupid fight, nothing to worry about” Wes heavy breathing said.

“Tell her the truth asshole” Alex said.

“Which from all? That you are the jealous pussy here?” I take a deep sign putting my hands in my pockets. 

“Let’s go home. Seems like none of you have fun here.”

“Yeah, better do it. I guess Emilyn you’re staying at my place tonight?” Wes asked and she nodded.


I unlock the front door and lock it again when Alex is inside. All lights are off, with no life inside the house. Just the noise of the passing cars. I walk towards the stairs.

“First aid kit is in the your bathroom” I said without looking back

“What’s going on with you and this guy?”

“Nothing.” I say and go inside my room, closing the door loud.

I turn on my laptop and plug in the USB, then I leave it on the bed. I take long hot shower. When I’m done I wear my father’s shirt which I took today. I wear and my long knee socks. My feet are sensitive after shower, don’t blame me!

I sit on bed leaning myself on the bed’s table and I pull the laptop in my lap. I open the month before my mother’s death. 01.05.2014.

There’s nothing interesting in there. Just the profits from the clubs, we had in town. Which was quite big amount of money. There’s nothing else in here, but the profits. Nothing about the other MC Club. What the heck?

I opened same month as my mother’s death. 01.06.2014.

There’s again a lot of stuff about the club’s profits, but there’s was another folder, with no name on it. I went in.

A lot of pictures, voice records, videos.

4 pictures of threatening notes. Whichever I opened, was a threatening note, and with small cassette on each one was written the number with the note... What the fuck? I went back to the first one. There was some hand written words note and a picture under it. That was me. I was laughing brightly. My hair was still blond and I was with my cheerleading uniform, I was carrying my Math’s book. On my both sides were two other cheerleaders. With red marker I was enclosed. Above my picture there was the note.


Look what we have here!

I doubt you’ll want this… precious daughter of yours

to be all in blood yea?

Her laugh that day made my cock so hard…


That’s disgusting… what the actual fuck? I went to the next one. There I was again, at the school’s football field. I was on the top of the pyramid. My hair was tied in a ponytail, my face stayed focused. My hands spread to keep balanced, while I was staying on one leg.


Oh my! Look at those legs!!!

I’m just letting you know… the scream of her sweet mouth

 when she fell… was just amazing!

I had goosebumps. How’s her ankle?


This guy was stalking me? Like serious stalk? He had some kind of dirty fetish over young girls. Pedophile.

On the third picture, was me again. Ok this really starts to freak me out. This time I was at other city, for the cheerleader’s competition. We won 2nd place. Back then as far as I could remember, there was a gunshots when we were leaving the building, I was shot in the shoulder. On the picture I was front everybody smiling. On the picture just below my body was his gun pointing at me. I could see what kind of gun he was using, and his tattoo on his hand. Dragon spinning from his thumb, and it ended on top of his wrist.


Congratulations, My dear Liese!

Your performance was amazing, so sad that your

father wasn’t there to watch you. Poor girl.

Shall I shoot her? Look at her pretty smiling face John!

Isn’t it lovely? Want to bet that her face would look

amazing in some red colors on it and some holes?

What about her other holes, she’s going to be so tight…

Give me what I want John, and you know what is it.

Or your cute daughter, will be buried in your town’s cemetery.


What is all this, this is just… I got no words. My father let me go all around the country for my competitions, without telling me that a psycho was stalking and chasing me like a horny teenager? What for the fucking fuck sakes!? This freaks me out, more than it should. If he’s dead, why do I feel scared? That’s not normal.

On fourth and last picture with a note, this guy was behind me. Literally on three meters behind me. I was with my dark blue skirt, white tank top and my vest on my back, my hair was tied on low two pony tails. Next to me was Wesley and on the other side was Emilyn, wearing their own vests.


Best trio ever! Don’t you think?!

Those three looks amazing together… would it be awesome…

 if I make this little boy rape them both?

Wait, why would I bereave myself of two warm pussies?

Their screams will just turn me on more.


Wednesday. At 3pm. You know the place.


What place! Where this should be! Oh my god… this start to piss me off. ‘Chill Liese, chill. You haven’t even looked in other things.’ Yes I should do that, it better this way.

I went to the video’s folders. I turned on the first video. 30 minutes long? What the fuck is in this video?

I recognized that was one of our cameras as the gym, mechanics and bar area. From there I could see everything. Another camera turned on, so it’s collage of all cameras around? I suppose.

My mother’s car stopped and parked near the bar’s entrance. She was with Miranda. There was no Harleys neither other cars around. Everything was empty. They left the car, and went into the bar. For fifteen minutes everything was empty. Then a lot of Harleys started arriving. They were our people. Five minutes had passed. My mother left the bar seemed mad about something. Miranda follows her outside. Another camera turned on behind Miranda’s back. Is that… is that a fucking gun in her jeans?! They fight for few minutes, then Miranda grabbed the gun, but didn’t show it. She just held it.

Oh dear lawyer, you want to shoot my mother now? Are you that jealous over her? Pathetic cunt! I shook my head in disbelieve.

I jumped when my mother’s head exploded when her head turned to the gate and her body fell on the ground.

“Wait, wait, wait! What happened!? Oh god…” I covered my mouth and my eyes watered. Another camera turned on. There was a guy on the gate of our club area.

The guy had big body, not fat, but in muscles. He was sitting on a Harley, he had ripped jeans with a holster on with another gun and a knife. His shirt is white, and he had a vest on. I’ve seen every guy in our club, he’s not one of ours. He raised his gun again towards Miranda and he shoot her twice, then she fell next to my mother’s dead body, with her mouth opened, obviously screaming. I could see small black spot on his hand. So that’s the same guy from the picture?

“Shit...” I whispered my tears were falling down uncontrollably on my cheeks. The guy turned around leaving. His vest had ‘Black Knight’s Hell’ name on it.

I pushed my laptop of my lap. Oh god. I leaned my chin on my knees and crying. She wasn’t protecting my father… another lie… of his. But he lied to me to protect me from awful thing that happened. Oh my god… I look the laptop again, her blood is everywhere in the area, even with her brain. Her blood is all over Miranda too. All the members, who were there went out of the bar. They moved Miranda away pushing wounds in her stomach to stop bleeding leaving my mother there dead. President’s Old Lady, what a joke, after all this bitch took all the fame she wanted!? There he is, my father, showing from the gate with the VP and two more people. He stopped as fast as he could off the Harley, and leaving his bike to fall down. He was the only one running towards my mother. He fell on his knees cupping her face crying and screaming

And video ended.

This can’t be true, my mother shouldn’t have this kind of death! It’s impossible. She’s been always nice and cheerful. Always helped rest of the club’s women. No matter cooking or looking after their kids! She kept the peace between women in the club. Between the all club whores, outsider women, and rest of the old ladies of the club members.

Her hair was in bright brown with some blond shades in it. Her eyes were blue in small shades of silver in them. She wasn’t really tall, but every cloth looked amazing on her body. She wasn’t skinny, neither fat, but she had her own curves on her body. I remember she always had sweet scent of roses. Her hair smelled of them also. Even now I could smell it… so much memories… She’s a Goddess, she doesn’t deserve that!

My sobbing is getting worse, and I’ve never felt so lonely in my life, even after when my father told me my mom died. I sniff and rub my nose, I closed my eyes.

“Mom I am sorry, I am so, so, so sorry…” I said, hugging my knees.

This pain and hole in my heart, is raising up. Why do I have to experience that? From all other people in this world… the worse things came on me. Does God hates me that much!?

Quiet knock came from my door, and looked at it. Now what does he wants? Won’t he just piss off somewhere? I wiped my tears from my cheeks and stood up from bed. I opened the door. Alex was staying there again half naked only with this pajama pants. His face has bruises. One of the eyebrow, his has a black eyes and wound on his lip.

“What?” I snap. He smile at me shyly, I roll my eyes. I don’t have time for this bullshits. I was closing my door when he pushed it. The door hit the wall. “What do you want?” I asked once again.

“Come here” he said and he walked towards me, with his leg closed the door. He caught my hand and pulled me against his chest.

“Let me go!” I tried I escaped from him, but I don’t have powers for this either.

“Stop fighting and let it out Liese” he said tightening the hug.

“No…” my tears fell again.

“Hush sweetheart.” I hugged him weak around his waist and my tears just fell, down without stopping. I felt my knees weak. I was going to fall soon.

“H-help me…” I said between the sobs “T-take this p-pain a-away… it hurts.” My knees betrayed me, before they could hit the floor, he had already took me in his hands. He placed me in middle of the bed, then moved me under the sheets. He closed the laptop without even looking what’s on it and moved it on the desk. Then he laid next to me.

Why is he even doing that…? I thought he hates me, at least he should hate me. Why…?

I turned around snuggling in his chest. He hugs me tight and doesn’t let me go.

After an hour of crying the sleep overtook me.

It was about time.

Chapter 8


Liese’s P.O.V


I am sleeping on my bed, peacefully. But I woke up with a scream when somebody pulled me by the leg. I fell on the ground hitting my head on the floor. Ouch…

“Oh dear, sorry…” deep voice said over me. I focused my sleepy eyes above me.

That was the guy from the video. He was kneeling above with nasty smirk on his face. Now this shit sucks.

He took his knife from the holster and ripped my t-shirt, hitting my chin and cutting it.

“Oh sorry about that too, I really meant doing that… you know.” This guy is perverted. He gets turned on from people’s pain? Fucking freak…

His knife moved from my chin down to my cleavage, leaving bloody trail all over my body. My lower lip moved and my eyes watered.

“Hush sweetheart, is going to be fast.” He raised his knife above me. And with fast move, he thrusted his knife between my breasts, like I was doll “Told you…”

Dark red blood escaped from my mouth, I was choking on my own blood.

The last thing before I die, was him unbuttoning his belt.


I woke up, with a screaming escaping from my mouth. I sat at the same time when my bedroom’s door opened. Dante was staying there confused. This guy really has no experience of people’s feelings neither expressions? Jesus.


“Just a bad dream” I say touching my sweaty forehead.

“You’ve been crying? Your eyes are puffy”

“Get lost” I say standing up from bed.

And everything from last night came into my mind. ‘Oh shit’. I take my t-shirt take a sniff, I smell of him! ‘Oh fucking shit. Why!?’

That’s not right! I don’t want anything from him. Well, not at this state of my life. I should keep looking around, for this guy with the dragon tattoo. I suppose it won’t be that hard. I should just make a trip to the north’s city.

I make my way down, running fingers through my hair. I pass the mirror on the stairs. And again, fucking holy shit. My eyes are red and puffy, hair is messy, looking tired. My lips are puffy probably from yesterday’s kissing and stuff. I smell of Alex, whose is perfume is amazing. I remove my hair from my neck. Hickey. Great.

I go in the kitchen. Alex is sitting with his school friend’s on the dining table. Glen, Stacy and Jack. Not my couch Jack at the MC. They look at me with amazed eyes but Alex. I rub my eye and ‘tsk’ with my tongue. Great. Give me some more bullshits in the morning. Not like I don’t have enough for one night.

Fake boyfriend. A lot of flirts. Fucking stealing my father’s stuff. Murderous video. Then sleeping with Alex, and now this?!

“What?!” I snap loud “Never seen sleepy person walking in a fucking kitchen?!”

“N-No” Glen said

“Then stop watching me with your small Chinese eyes, yes?” I shake my head in disbelieve and open the fridge. I take the milk from it, then the cereal from the shelf next to me. Open the next one for the bowls, and they are on top of the shelf. Great. I think I made clear enough to the maid not to put the bowls there. I turn around looking at Alex and I wave at the shelf, narrowing m eyes against the bright light in the kitchen

“Take a bowl.”

“You can get a chair” Stacy said

“And obviously I am not slutty enough to do it, front those… kids?” I waved at Alex’s friends. Alex stood up smirking and took the bowl giving it to me “Thanks.” I say when I took it.


Alex’s P.O.V


“What’s all that about?” Jack asks when Liese left upstirs with her breakfast

“Hard night.” I say “She’s hiding something, but I don’t know what neither why. Something made her upset yesterday night.”

“Liese? Upset? Stop joking” Stacy said laughing

“And what’s your problem?” I snap

“You live here from not even 2 days, and you already protect her?”

Okay she starts to piss me off. What’s her problem with Liese? Is she that jealous I’m living with Liese and non her? Pathetic.

Plus I’ve seen those nasty bitches everywhere in my father’s MC. It’s been a lot of time since I’ve remembered that. Back then whoever had this kind of attitude towards a woman, even a slut, they get punished. I’ve done it myself, even I was doing this crap... well who wasn’t? Yes I’ve hit women who show disrespect to the members of the MC. The view is not good at all.

Why I did that? Because I had the vest of Prospect there, plus a Harley. I was forced to go in against my will. All sons of the members should join, wanting or not. Fucking rules of theirs. Prospects always do the dirty work, and believe me, in my father’s MC, Black Knight’s Hell, they will do everything just to ruin your life.

No matter if they make you look like a rat, who deliver information. Kill you, looking like a suicide or that just you took overdose of strong drugs. Beat you with bare hands or kill you with bat. The worse things is… just to kill you with one bullet in your head.

I’ve seen all of it. And the view is not good at all, but right now I just want to hit Stacy so bad in the face that she would need surgery after it.

I shrug on her words. She stood up from the chair and made her way upstairs

“Not good idea.” I told her crossing my hands on my chest when I leaned back on the chair

“Don’t tell me what to do.”

“You’ve been warned.”

“So my friend…” Glen said “Sup with all this” he waved to the house “and is that blood on the wall over there?” he pointed a flower.

“My mother’s decision until we find a house.”

“You know that this MC is scary and has power all over the city?” Jack said “You should leave for your own safety Alex.”

“Believe me, this is nothing against what I’ve seen.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was part of one, worse than this one. But I don’t want to go back into this world. But this shit is coming in my face alone.”

“Lucky you!” Jack said sarcastically

“Tell me about it.”

“But it looks fun” Glen said. “I think I’ll join as a Prospect” I raise my eyes.

“Why would you do that?”

“Man, MC is brotherhood. They are always there for you, no matter if you’re angry, sad, insane, or you did a murder. They are family, and I don’t have one. And their women are just…”

“I TOLD YOU, GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM!” Liese yelled, and after a second Stacy showed on top of the stairs. Liese pushed her hard. Stacy stumbled while walking backwards and fell down on the stairs, spinning down. “Do not touch me, ever again.” Liese said from top of the stairs.

“… Are just amazingly strong and sexy as fuck when they are angry” Glen finished smirking, when Jack stood up and ran to Stacy. I smiled myself.

Yes, they are fucking sexy.




Liese’s P.O.V


Fucking bitch I swear to God. How dare coming here, without a fucking knock, and start talking me bullshit for Alex which I don’t give a fuck about? Is she crazy or something.

Also why does she think she can come around, pretend being my friend again?. I don’t call this a fucking friend, when you leave him in one of the most critical state of their life.

We have a past with this girl. When my mother died, she didn’t even look for me. Just ignored me, like I was air. Millions of calls from me to her, she hung them up, without even a blink of her eye.

So I decided on my own. I dyed my hair, I changed my wardrobe and I started fighting and shooting with guns. Since one miserable human being, can’t help another… one of them two should just disappear, and as you can see, that was me. And now when she doesn’t mean anything to me, she comes back, thinking she can help and beg me? BEG ME, to help her with her unborn baby? Pathetic, seriously pathetic little bitch.

I cross my hands looking her from the stairs. She’s falling down spinning.

“Do not touch me ever again.”

“… Are just amazingly strong and sexy as fuck when they are angry” Glen finished his sentence, of their talk. I smirk narrowing my eyes towards Stacy.

“Good luck, with your baby, sweetheart. Now, leave my house. Come once again, and you won’t get out of here alive. Do you get me? Or I should repeat myself?”

See for what I am talking about? Unbelievable. I don’t know what I want to do now. Kill her, or let her live her miserable life.


I place big bouquet from red roses on top of my mother’s grave.

“Hey Mom…” I say sitting down “How are you?”

Everything is quiet around. Town’s cemetery looks lonely, I don’t see any people around either. I feel like I was the only one here, if I don’t count Dante and Alex, who are sitting under a tree’s shadows.

“I saw how you died, and I don’t like it.” I say “You don’t deserve that… and we all know it. This asshole should have been on your place. I can’t talk even with my father, your husband, because he’s just too… heartbroken to talk about it.” I look over my shoulder, and I catch Alex’s look on me. “See this guy? That’s Miranda’s son. He’s cute and nice but… I can’t open my heart mom. What do I do?”

I caress the gravestone. All the memories I had here. Sitting whole week here without moving and crying. I want to turn the time back, but I can’t.

“What should I do? Follow my ripped sweet heart and go around him… or just follow the other side of my heart which is seeking revenge? At this time, the right thing for now is to find this guy. That’s what I want the most. Help me mom…”

I lean myself on the gravestone and I open my laptop. Oh shit… I forgot my headphones. Doesn’t matter anyway… I turn on one of them.

Congratulations, My dear Liese!” the voice is deep and husky. “Your performance was amazing, so sad that your father wasn’t there to watch you. Poor girl.” I frown. He reads the notes? Why? I shadow fell on me. I look up.

“Why are you listening to my father’s voice?”


“Shall I shoot her? Look at her pretty smiling face John!” the voice kept going. Alex’s eyes narrowed against mine. “Isn’t it lovely? Want to bet that her face would look amazing in some red colors on it and some holes?

“That’s your father’s voice..?” I ask

What about her other holes, she’s going to be so tight…

“What is this Liese?!” he hissed

Give me what I want John, and you know what is it. Or your cute daughter, will be buried in your town’s cemetery.” Voice’s message ended.

“How like that is your father?!” I say.

“I think I pretty know my father’s voice. What is this? And why he’s speaking like that!”

“You… your father is in Black Knight’s Hell MC?”

“He’s the VP, and from where you think I come from?” he was talking with disgust. “From white little house with a lot of flowers?” I closed my laptop and I stood up.

No way, this guy is going be around me. I make few steps back. I slept with the enemy, I live with the enemy. No way, I am staying near him.

“No… this can’t be true.”

“Hell yea it is.” Why is he pissed…? I should be the one pissed, but right now I feel confused and way calmer. Jesus Christ, this can’t be true, please tell me that’s not it! I close my eyes “ANSWER ME!” he yelled. “WHY YOU HAVE THIS?”

He’s really, really mad… as I said I should be the mad one, not him. My brain blocked. I shook my head making steps backwards. I bite my lower lip and turn around. I want to be alone right now.


I called Wesley and Em to come at the gym. Before they come I changed into my sport suit. Now I was fighting Jack, my couch in the ring. I was just hitting, without focusing or thinking. Chaotic hits. I miss too much, and I get too much hits on my body and face. We fight bare handed, which means the hit are more painful.

I hit him in the head and fast he dodge it, and while his bended down he hit me in the stomach. I fell on my knees and hands struggling for air.

“FUCK!” I yell, look the ring’s floor. Sweat mixed with blood were dropping off my face.

“What’s going on Liese?” Jack asked when Wes and Em entered the gym.

“Oh my god… Liese!” Emilyn said worried “What happened?”

I sit on the ring they both leaned on it “I took the files” I look them and right now I couldn’t care less if Jack is listening “And I saw most of them. There’s 4 pictures with me. Threatening my father with my death”

“Liese what have you done?” Jack asked

“I looked each of them. He was stalking me taking pictures of me. Threatening with rape, killing me and stuff like that. Then I decided to look one video”

“Oh god…” Em said

“I saw how my mother died. Being shot in the head like a fucking target. And do you know the best part of all, the top of the cake? There’s voice records. With my stalker voice on it.”

“So what?” Wes said and he took a hit from Emilyn in the ribs

He’s Alexander Amer Fold’s father.”

“No way”

“Yes. Fucking. Way.”

“How do you know all that?” Jack said sitting next to me.

“I stole the files from my father’s PC. And I looked it yesterday night.”

“So all those kissing and dancing is all fake? Even Alec?”

“I enjoyed every minute of it, I won’t lie. But this shit… just hit me in the face so hard. Alexander recognized the voice at the cemetery. He’s father is the VP of the Black Knight’s Hell”

Everybody stayed silent waiting me to continue.

“I will kill this bastard.” I said at the end “I don’t care if he’s Alexander’s father. And none of you can stop me.”

“We should wait your father to come back.” Jack said

“No, until the end of the week I will have plan in my head.” I stood up.

“What are you going to do with Alex?”

“He can go suck a dick” I say leaving the ring, going female’s bathrooms



Alex’s P.O.V

*Two hours earlier*


After my friends left the house, Liese decided to go to the cemetery. She’s wearing black, again, which is nothing new for me. My thoughts are mainly on the MC’s.

Glen wants to join the MC. This might be over a year being a Prospect. If this MC is just like my father’s one, the poor guy will have awful scars inside him, from the view and experience. Just like me.

I’ve killed and beaten innocent people, I’ve sold drugs and guns illegally. Every time when there’s was something wrong, they blamed me and the other Prospects. At end of the day I was fighting my father. I was sick of him. I wanted him dead, I still do, for all the pain he caused to me and my mother. Every fight… ended one of us unconscious.

When I was little I couldn’t defend myself from him. He had given me drugs on young age. I was his Guinea pig for experiments, if the drugs were strong enough. I am thankful to God that I am not addicted to them. It was really hard time for me. When I grew up, fast enough I learnt how to defend myself and my mother.

I hate every MC in the world. I am sure there are a lot of them.

And then, when my mother told me we are staying at one of his old friends, I agreed, until I saw the vests. My mother’s friend sitting on the couch with vest on, the guy leading us through the house, again with a vest and … the vest of the soaked wet girl with pointed gun towards a military guy. She had wet thick locks of hair, long until her waist, her shoes and legs were in mud, probably she was freezing, but as far as I know the leather keeps you warm. The leather vest, caught my attention. There were the Motorcycle club’s name, their logo, beautiful female angel who was bleeding. Under it is the state they are in… California. Probably from her request was and her nickname. Anger.

Then she turned around. That was the crazy Liese from school, who sent the principle in hospital. And right now was sitting at her mother’s grave talking to her. I had fight with my mother about this ridiculous situation. She didn’t want to listen to me.

We escape from one MC, just to come to another one? Is this some kind of joke?

“Congratulations, My dear Liese!” the voice is deep and husky pulled me out of my thoughts. I could recognized the voice. That was my father’s. For a second I thought he’s here, I stood up “Your performance was amazing, so sad that your father wasn’t there to watch you. Poor girl.” I frown. Then look at Liese. My father was watching her…? She was looking at her laptop. I made my way to her.

“Why are you listening to my father’s voice?” I ask. First of all, why she has his voice on her laptop. Why does he has to come in the fucking cemetery, even just with a voice?


“Shall I shoot her? Look at her pretty smiling face John!” the voice kept going. I narrowed my eyes against her. She has contact with him, is that what she wants to show me right now? That she will call him and tell him where are we? “Isn’t it lovely? Want to bet that her face would look amazing in some red colors on it and some holes? ” But this doesn’t sound like normal message for her, it’s for her father.

“That’s your father’s voice..?” she asks

“What about her other holes, she’s going to be so tight… ” he’s threatening her to rape her? Impossible. He won’t touch her. Just over my dead body.

“What is this Liese?!” I hissed

“Give me what I want John, and you know what is it. Or your cute daughter, will be buried in your town’s cemetery.” Voice’s message ended.

“How like that is your father?!” she say in disbelieve

“I think I pretty know my father’s voice. What is this? And why he’s speaking like that!” I raged

“You… your father is in Black Knight’s Hell MC?”

“He’s the VP, and from where you think I come from?” now was talking with disgust. “From white little house with a lot of flowers?” she closed her laptop and stood up.

“No… this can’t be true.”

“Hell yea it is.” She closes her eyes “ANSWER ME!” I yelled. “WHY YOU HAVE THIS?”

She didn’t answer. She just left, leaving me alone.

Author's Note



Hihi guys K.Green here!


Well those were really long chapter's don't you think? I am amazed that when I started writing i couldn't stop doing it. On this I call 'when the inspriration hits you' lmao. 

Long weekend full of writing this story, but I admit it, I like how it is going in it.

What about your opinion?


Sorry for all mistakes, I'll try edit it as fast as I can!



xx K.Green <3



Chapter 9



Hihi guys K.Green here!


Update! Chapter 9 is here <3

This chapter might be a little slower than others, but not everything should be in a rush right?

I already started Chapter 10!

So I hope I can update it tomorrow.


That's for now! Sorry for all mistakes I've made.

Enjoy and if you like it don't forget to add in favorites <3


xx K.Green <3














Liese’s P.O.V


After fast shower, I made my way to the mechanics shop next to the gym. Jess was sitting outside smoking with the rest of the members. I nod for a Hi to him and he nods again. He’s tall, and has bright brown hair long till his shoulders. He always wear a hat on his head, and his beard… oh my god I love that beard of his. His eyes are brown, with a lot of life in them, he is around thirties and has 2 kids. Dream man. I swear to God… if he didn’t have old lady, for sure he was going to be mine. I won’t let him go.

“Sup” I say putting my hands in my pockets.

“Just small break. Here for the motor?” I nod and picks his can of beer and get a sip. He chuckles and stands up. I follow him into the garage. “Here it is. Engine had a broken part.” He handed me the keys for it. “Take this backpack. There’s the documents for all repaired parts in it. Plus there’s some stuff he has to use on the engine time to time. Understood?” I nod “He’s lives on this address” he hands me and a small paper.

“That’s the other side of the city.”

“True. Enjoy the motor while you can” he laughs when I hit him. “Thanks also.”

“Anytime Jess.” I say moody.

“You alright?”

“You seen the VP?” I ask “And have you seen Jack to talk with him?”

“I saw them few minutes ago to talk outside the bar.”

I ‘tsk’ with my tongue “Anyways thanks” I say and kiss him on the cheek

I put the backpack on my back and go to the motor. I sit on it and turn on the engine, and while I was rev the engine and nodding with approval, I saw our VP, Emilyn’s father, Sam to go out of the bar with Jack. His eyes finds mine as the same time Jack nods his head to me. Jess hands me a helmet with the same color as the motor. “Liese!” he yelled. Oh shit. I rev the engine one more time and speed off. Leaving him behind.

Well perfect, Jack couldn’t keep his mouth shut and here I am, getting annoyed. Well why should I get pissed, Jack is part of the MC, and everything that includes me, the President’s daughter, should be reported or the President or to the VP, which sometime is… fucked up? Fuck that crap. I am sure I am going to be in trouble.

I stop at the lighting waiting for the green to come, when I hear few rumbles behind me. I look behind me. Harleys. Well shit. Now we gotta race? I shook my head unbelievable. They stop next to me and I look on my right. Not our people. My MC’s vests are raven dark, and those are kind of… brown? Another MC. I narrow my eyes, I lean back a bit until I see the name.  “Silver Bastards”. Well, what are they doing here?

“Something interesting darling?” I hear a yell behind me and I turn around. The man behind me was sitting on his dark blue Harley. He has blue shirt and t-shirt under the vest. He has black jeans with chain on the side with a knife and a gun. I could feel and other’s sight on my back. Like they were digging a hole. Now that creeps me out.

I shrug and turn around, looking at the light. I rev the engine for the millions of the time. I just love it. Then the lights hit green I speed off forward. Not just my engine I am hearing right now. They were following me. I turn back my head. Holy shit. They are 5 now. I raise the speed and turn right to the destination I need to go.

I enter in the poorest part of the city. Why would he live here? This makes no sense. But right now that’s not my problem.

My problem is that our VP will tell my father for the things I did. Stealing the files from his computer, using a boy for my own advantage, but come on, when I set something in my head, I don’t let go until I do it. And right now the only thing I want is to escape those people chasing me. They chase me probably because I have my vest on… well you know men’s logic. What can a girl do to me? Well I am not innocent either.

I check the paper again. Street Valley 2, House 112. Clay Rose. After few minutes I find the house and I park in the driveway. The Harleys stop behind me on the street turning off the engines. I remove my helmet and I run my fingers through my hair. I get off the bike and fast walk to the house’s front door. I look back once again. I see them laid on their Harleys watching me. Ok that’s their problem?

“Problem?” I yell I frown, I get my phone out to write to Sam, and meanwhile I ring on the door.

L: Come pick me up. Street Valley 2, house 112. Silver Bastard’s MC are here.

S: We are coming, do not move from there

L: Got no other choice. The door opens and young boy stays on the door. He’s with dark skin, around my age, with black hair and green eyes. Tall, yet his body needs more training.

“Like the view?” he asks and smirks

“I’m looking for…” I look the paper again “Clay Rose?”

“One moment.” He goes in the house and after few minutes silent a guy came on the door. Awesome he’s just with jeans. He is in his thirties, with dark skin tall, same messy black hair and eyes as the boy “You’re looking for me? Morning boys” he says to the men behind me. They nod when I look behind and make their way to the doorway

“Yes” I say when I turn around to him. I hear rumbles of my people. Thank god.  “Delivery for your motorbike. It’s parked over there” I feel shivers when the other people walk behind me. I take my backpack off “There’s some things you should keep use for the engine. Take him out for a ‘walk’ at least few times in the week. Other documents are here too”

“Thanks… um… ”


“Liese.” He narrows his eyes to me, and look my vest. “Oh the small Hell’s Heaven Princess? So sweet, wanna come for a drink?”

“No thanks” I say when my people come front the house. I turn around and sneak under one of the guy’s hand, but he catch my wrist.

“I suggest you, to let her go” I hear Sam, and he does it. I run to Sam. “What are you doing here?” he asks me quiet and catch my hand when I reach

“Was delivering it”

“No more delivers for you, little princess. Go on my bike”

“What they are doing here?”

“They don’t mean harm, they wanted to talk for some problems in north California” I nod I make my way to his bike, while he goes to them.


It was already night when I got home. When Sam dropped me front my house I saw my father’s Harley and Miranda’s car here. Shit... don’t tell me they called my father. Before I could ask Sam sped off down the road. Faggot. Alright I admit it, I am in trouble. If my father comes back so fast, this means the only reason was me. I take deep breath and make my own way to the front door. FUCKING CRAP. WHY?!

I unlock the door and I see my father staying in middle of the living room walking. Miranda and Alex are sitting on the couch in silence. Even with them three the house look dead. Fuck this silence.

“Welcome back” my father says and looks at me “Sit. Down.” With a nod I sit on the armchair crossing my legs. “You, went on one of parties, sneaking into my office and stealing stuff from my PC. Do you know in what trouble you are?”

“Excuse me?” I say

“Trouble. A big trouble. Why did you do that!?” he raised his voice “Do you know how hard is it for me Liese? Can’t you understand that I can’t be everywhere? I can’t be the perfect father neither the perfect president. ”


“Listen to me for once! You keep doing stuff on your own. I get it, you want the truth. You got it, now do you like it?”


“Did you like how you mother died?! DID YOU ENJOY THE VIDEO? You didn’t, want to how I know that?! I received a call from Alex, who is being worried not knowing what to do with you crying.” I look Alex trying to avoid my look. Fucking idiot. “Then today I get a call from my VP that you stole a lot of stuff and doing inappropriate things on that party…”


“Silence! You have been hurt, because of her death. I understand that. But do you understand that, I can’t keep up with your rhythm of actions?! Do you understand my feelings of your mother’s death?!”

I see Miranda whispering something to Alex and then both left the room. Yeah leave, nobody should watch our drama… probably for million time.

“The only woman who I loved, and the only woman who ripped my heart apart?”

“Dad, I had to know…”

“Why? Why you wanted to see your mother getting shot like a doll in the head? Why would you want that?! What do you want Liese, and this time do not lie to me!”

“You are always hiding things from me!” I say quiet “I am still hurt…”

He sits on the sofa table front me and leans forward placing his elbows on his knees “Seeing stuff like these won’t make you feel better.”

“Dad I… I am just ruined” I say even quieter. “You never speak to me for this. I guess its part to get your attention…”

“Now you got it Liese. What do you want from me, I’m serious kid?”

“I want you back as my father. I know you can’t hop around in the MC and me…”

“But I’m doing it.”

“But you’re getting tired, If I just disappear you’ll be better” I whispered with my eyes watered

“Liese” he caught my hands and caressed them “I know you miss your mother… but you look just like her, I don’t know what would happen if I lose you too… I miss your mother everyday…”

“You don’t even show it!”

“Nobody needs a weak president neither a father.”

“She was your wife… did you at least found the killer?”

“We did, but he’s tricky…”

“Do you know who is it?”


“Who is it dad?”

“Their VP.” I raise my head to my dad. So the killer is Alex’s father? You serious? I thought it’s just threatens towards me… not the killer of my mother…

“You keep his family in our house?” I raise my voice, I pull my hands from my dad’s “Are you serious?”

“They have nothing to do with that, Miranda was shot from him too”

“She might have done it for a purpose!!”


“You’re insane!” I hissed standing up and running to my room.

This is seriously insane. My mother’s killer is Alex’s father? The guy who I thought is innocent as fuck, but seems like family is not. Miranda got shot from him so what? So fucking what? This doesn’t mean… she has nothing to do with it. From where he knows, those both didn’t make a plan, towards him.

I shut my door load, locking it. That’s too much for me. For one week this is incredibly way too much. And this crap with the principle is not even solved yet. Dammit.


I wake up from a nightmare again. Since this video I get nightmares every time I go to sleep. It makes me tired, than relaxed. I guess I am mentally exhausted.

I look the clock. 6;30am. Well awesome…

After my bathroom needs I dress up fast and I go downstairs to make a coffee. Miranda was already sitting there with her son, and my father is nowhere to be seen. I take my coffee and I sit on the countertop.

“Did you had normal talk with your father?” why do you even ask? You heard half of it. Pfft.

“Doubt that’s your business”

“Say that to your nightmares. Your voice is loud.”

“None of your business once again.” She drops the newspaper and look at me.

“Liese, you know that the principle is so close to send you somewhere else?” I shrug “You don’t care?” I shrug again “Do you even care about something?”

“Yes, myself and my father.” I take a sip from and I move my legs forward and backwards. She shook her head and left the kitchen leaving me with Alex alone. I keep drinking my coffee.

“So…” he started. “I guess now I understood why you had my father’s voice record with you.”

“He’s been threatening my father with me.”

“Typical for him” I look him “He’s been an asshole all of my life. My childhood wasn’t dreamy like yours here. Mine was hell.”

“Why you even tell me this?”

“You think wrong for us. I am not dreamy guy, you know. I’ve been through hell because of him” he stood up from the chair and came to come, he leaned his hands on each side of me. “The thing that pisses me off is that my father is still alive… and I want him dead.”

“For once, our mind is thinking the same” He leaned forward, now he’s way too close to me. I move backwards

“But you know… if you want my help… you have to do some stuff for me”

Is he serious right now? Of course I need his help if I want this bitch to be dead, and since we are thinking the same, why would he want to make conditions in his advantage? Isn’t he hurt one too here? He seriously know how to kill people’s willing to do something good, once in a while in their life.

“You know how to keep you possessions safe, right?” I nod surprised “I’ll be your possession if you get rid of your friend off my ass”

Say what? Get rid of a friend? Wesley and Emily? Impossible to do that. I frown.

“Who is it?” really you fucking mouth? Really? Did you seriously had to say that? And since when I want him as my possession… oh… he offers himself as my boyfriend? “You offer yourself for my boyfriend?” he looks my lips then my eyes again.

“Is that a yes?” he asks

“Why would you do that?”

“I want this Korean asshole to be dead.” He said then he lowered his voice to whisper “And the only way is through you.”

So in same time he want to use me for his advantage? Wow. Doubt it’s going to be that hard.

“Who is the person and I’ll think about it.” I take a sip from my coffee

“Stacy” I choke on it

“You know she’s pregnant right?” he shrugs

“Her problem. She’s been on my ass since I’m here”

“So if I help, you help me to find your father, and you’ll be my boyfriend?” he nods smiling. “And how am I supposed to do that?” he grabbed my thigh and pulled me, leaning more towards me

“We’ll just provoke her.”

Not this again. So many dramas and performances around. Give me a break!

So let’s see what’s going on here. I get rid of Stacy. I have him as a boyfriend, which I am not looking forward. I find his father, and I do my little revenge. Sounds sweet enough for me. And the things he gets are no annoying bitch after his ass, a girlfriend, and a dead father. Pretty much equal isn’t it? I sigh and I shook my head with disbelief.

Look what I go through for you Mother. Thank you!

I push him and I jump off the countertop. I run my fingers through my hair and lick my lips.

“So?” he asked I nod. “Good.”

I take my bag from the floor and go towards the door. He follows me. Man, if anything of this, fucks up, and if he tells me lies, I’ll kill him together with his father. Even my eye won’t blink.


After all I couldn’t escape from my psychotherapist. Right I am waiting outside of his cabinet. Some other kid was there, only God knows who. But I should focus on my problems right now. How am I supposed to find Alex’s father easy and fast, without him to notice me, neither recognize me. If I could do the both of them, how am I supposed to ambush him? A lot of things can go wrong. Like taking me with him in their MC, or kill me on place. Let’s add he can torture me for some bullshits I don’t know. Awesome future for me, but I never said it’ll be easy. Shit…

The door opens and a kid leaves crying.

“Liese?” Dr. Joes said walking out “Come in”

I stand up and walking. I sit on the couch. Oh look, new window.

“You seem tired” he said sitting “How you’ve been this weekend” I shrug “Not feeling like talking?”

“I have a lot of things on my mind.” He doesn’t say anything just looking at me “I just saw my mother getting killed, you happy now you asshole? That’s what you want to hear?”

“Not really, I am really sorry you saw such thing.”


“How did she die? How did you feel and most importantly did you feel anger?” Don’t tell me this idiot really asked me those questions.

“You serious?” he nods

“You should talk Liese, in my opinion that’s what you are missing in your family. Connection”

“No shit Sherlock, you are genius!”

“Leave the sarcasm Liese. Answer the questions. How did she die?”

“Shot in the head” his eyes widened “Only thing felt” I lean forward “Was anger towards his asshole, who was on the fucking camera.”

“You saw your mother’s death and killer on a camera. That’s unusual. Do you have bad dreams?”

“The black circles under my eyes says enough, don’t you think?” I knew what he was going to ask, so I rub my eyes defeated. “It’s my mother’s killer. He kill me then rape my dead body.”


By this psychotherapist I was excused from next two lessons. We talked way too much, and to be honest, I feel better. Maybe I really needed that. To talk. The problem is with who to talk in my world? Everybody are busy doing their own stuff. Wesley is busy with his girlfriend and my father has work to do, for all the charities and stuff that has to be done. Miranda and Alex? Hell no I am showing my feeling towards them. VP and Jack? They has their own stuff to do.

So I am literally kind of alone, dealing with my shit. That’s how I have survived for two years, I doubt I need some help from outsider. What’s the shittiest part? When I talked to this fucking outsider, I felt… normal. Well I admit it some of the anger returned but wasn’t in that big amount.

That’s a progress.


On the lunch break I sat alone on one table on second floor. Em and Wes are not at school, for obvious reasons. Fuck their sexual life early in the morning. Everybody in the canteen are laughing making annoying noises. Or just buzzing around, doing nothing. Some are studying from what I can see. School life, what can I say.. Too normal for me. I need and I want my MC bastards. This… this thing is not for me. I need my own people.

“You seem tired” a hand caught my shoulder and I raise my head up. Alex. I turn around and I look downstairs. His friends are sitting on the table in middle, some looking at me, including Stacy. I return my look on him. Now he’s sitting next to me.

“Kind of” I smile tiredly

“What’s going on?”

“Just the nightmares.” I shrug. “Gave me a lot of information to go through.” I run my fingers through my hair and I lean back on my chair. With the other hand I just poke the food in the plate. He caught my chair and pulls me towards him until my legs hit his.

“That’s really bad” I notice looks from other tables. I nod “Want to talk about it?”

“About what? My nightmares?” he nods smiling. “Already did with the Dr. Joes, he thinks we have a small progress.”

“That’s good. Oh and… we have match today, you coming?” I sigh and nod “You’re so quiet, people might think you feel uncomfortable right now”

“Fuck what they think” I murmur


So after all Emilyn was right. I am sitting on Alexander’s spot at the match wearing his jersey. Its few sizes higher so I feel tiny as fuck. All girlfriends are sitting on the same bench. Talking to each other and I am staying there quietly. My eyes are locked on Alex. Possession Liese, just a possession. Use it then throw it away.

“Look what we have here” I heard Stacy on my left side. I look that way. She’s with her white with green stripes cheerleader’s suit. Her hair is tied high on her hair with a green ribbon.

“What do you want?” I say looking back at Alex

“The jersey.”

“Too bad for you.” I say she snorts and stands front me.

“Well, guess what, I lost the baby, thanks.” I shrug. Why does she think I care for her baby? Like seriously man. I don’t care for selfish bitches anymore.


“Why you’re sad? Something reminds you of your mother?” I look her face and I narrow my eyes. “I mean come on Liese you look like her, why did you dye your hair black?”

“What do you want?” I ask one more time “I don’t have time for your bullshits.”

“Just stating facts. Your poor mother, probably she would be disappointed by you”

Ok let’s see this situation. If she passes the limits I won’t be responsible for my actions. I raise my eyebrow and stand up. “Better to be disappointed… than to hide things from her.” She looked me shocked “You’re playing innocent Stacy, and we all know you’re the biggest bitch here.”

“What?” she placed her hand on her waist. I shrug putting my hands in my pockets. Alright guys we all know how this would end.

“You heard me”

“Well, better alive mother than dead one.” She answers and I smile

I step towards her “Better dead mother, than a fucking whore” I say in her face. Her hand flied to my face slapping it. “You. Did. Fucking. Not. ” I say removing my vest and jersey. There’s some murmurs around us.

“Don’t talk for my mother like that!” she screamed, so she wants a drama?

“Well I suggest you…” I slapped her so hard that her lip got cut from my nail. “Not talking about mine also.”

She stepped towards me grabbing my ponytail, pulling me down.. She’s serious going to fight me with the hair? Sure then.

While I was bended over I hit her stomach with my fist and she lets me go, falling on the ground. So weak and pathetic.

“Get off me!”

“We all know how this would end, dear.” I hiss in her face hitting her face. There’s a lot of screams, mainly from the other cheerleaders. They are screaming in horror. While most of the guys are cheering up, than separate us. Her hands come up to my face scratching my eye and cheek, this makes me lean backwards. This hurts. She sneaks fast from me and hits me with her knee in the chin. Trail of blood came down to neck. I close my eyes because of the pain and stand up. Now this shit is getting serious.

This bitch is dead.


Alex’s P.O.V


“Don’t talk for my mother like that!” a girl screamed and most of the players turned around

“Well I suggest you…” Liese said then I see her hand slapping Stacy in the mouth. A laugh tried to escape from my mouth. “Not talking about mine also.”

Stacy step forward to Liese grabbing her ponytail, pulling her down... She’s serious going to fight like cats? That’s boring.

While I Liese bended over she hit her stomach with her fist and Stacy lets her go, falling on the ground. Everybody make their own way to them.

“Get off me!”

“We all know how this would end, dear.” Liese hisses in her face loud, then she hits Stacy hard in the chin with her palm. The crown is murmuring worried but nobody is doing anything. Maybe because of Liese. Well she’s good fighter and most of the people see and know that. Stacy’s hands fly towards Liese face and they scratch her face and eye. Liese leans back because of the pain. That’s the eye man. Stacy is playing dirty. Then she sneaks underneath Liese and hitting her in the chin with her knee. I see the blood coming from Liese’s chin making its own way on her neck down. She leans back on her hand touching her chin. She stands up. Now this is serious.

I make my own way forward to the crowd. Everybody made a big circle, leaving them to fight. Well I said once I want to say how those two fight, but not anymore. Not with those eyes of Liese’s. They have no life in them, thunderously dead. No emotion. She’s pissed. Furious. Real fighter of rage. Just like in the Principal’s Office.

She moves towards Stacy which looks scared. I am sure soon she will pee herself. Liese hit her face with her fist and blood goes down Stacy’s nose. She grabs her shoulders and hit her in the stomach once again but with her knee. Stacy falls down on her side, struggling for air. She’s terrified. Her eyes are full of panic and terror. Actually there’s no word describe Stacy’s fear. She would remember this for rest of her life. Liese slowly makes her way to her and knees down. Why nobody is stopping them? Are they that scared of Liese?

Then Liese grabs Stacy’s hair and look her into the eyes. “You didn’t learn your lessons, huh dear?” Stacy tried to answer but nothing left from her mouth. She tightens the grip of her hair and hits Stacy’s head in the ground “Answer me!”

Well this passes then limits. I walk to Liese. I grab her hand, but she doesn’t let me go and hits me in the knee. Ouch! For fuck sakes. She returns on Stacy who was trying to escape from her, but Liese once again hit her head on the ground. “I don’t hear answer” she screamed.

“Glenn, Jack” I say when I stand up. And they nod.

We made our way to them both again. I catch Liese hands fast and twist them behind her back. I pull her back on the ground. She was hitting with her legs towards Stacy, she got few hits.


“Yes you are”


“She learnt her lesson” I say


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.05.2016

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