
Chapter 1 - Sadness

Jessica’s P.O.V


Dear diary,

I’m happy. I don’t want anything else in my life, but my family and friends. It’ll sound weird but… that’s pretty enough for me. I’ll do everything for them, even if this means I’ll jump off a cliff or go live with the enemy.



“Alec! Please get out of my room!” I yelled and threw my pillow against my twin brother.

Even if your parents, one of the most strong couple ever in France… it’s still not easy. You know... wolves. It’s kind of disgusting you know? Your parents to be like this and you to be just a human, still a human. Sometimes I wish I can be a normal human like my Grandma. Well nothing you can do right? My parents tells me I smell of a wolf. I live with wolves, of course I smell of them… but then they told me that MY BODY smells on it. Permanent scent of my blood, not just for day or two.

My brother and I … are weird people. When we were kids we fought every minute, but after some time we were ok again. I thought when we grow up it’ll be better, well it is, but now we only fight for serious things.

“DAD!” I yelled. He showed up in the hall. Still so young. Sometimes I have the feel that’s not normal. Actually it’s not, you know. Your father to look like Greek God. Absolutely not normal. He’s immortal creature, who stopped growing up on 30 years old. He has, black hair and black eyes. I have seen his wolf. Black. My mother is with dirty blond hair and yellow eyes. I really love her eyes.

Alec is with my father’s back hair, and my mother’s yellow eyes. I always wanted those eyes, but oh well I am with my father’s. Alec is taller almost as dad. From what I’ve seen Alec have my mother’s character. Doesn’t give up easy and has her leaderships. Poor me… I have my mother’s hair and father’s eyes, I am short and yes Alec calls me Shorty with his best friend. I am getting mad fast, one thing from my mother, and creativity from my dad.

My mom showed up next to dad with her wolf form. I really like her wolf. It’s with snow white fur. She hid again and showed up with her human form. She’s the most beautiful woman in the world I’ve ever seen. In short, she’s my idol.

“Why do you fight for?” she asked

“He decide to mess in my personal life by reading my diary and phone. Won’t you transform into a wolf and get out of my life for a while?”

“Stop fighting. Alec the full moon is tonight. Go prepare. YOU” she pointed at me. “You come with us and you’ll stay in the Hall with your Grandmother.”

“Can’t I just stay in Brayan’s place?”

“And do you want not to go out of this house for 2 months?” I saw my dad waving at Alec to come to him, he sneaked around my mom.



“The trainings will start, she will come alone to you and seek for your attention” I heard dad

“Yeah, I know” Alec answered and smiled.

My mom entered and closed the door.

“Why don’t you let me do anything?”

“Hun, if you fall in love with a human, it’s going to be even more complicated, after your time come.”

“You expect my mate just to come from nowhere?”

“It’ll. We told you everything, dear. He will come alone and find you, it might be your biggest enemy…”

“Alec! Jess!” I heard Daniel outside, Daniel is Stefan’s and Maria’s son. He’s my brother’s best friend. He has black hair and brown eyes, tall same as my brother. The funny part us… We all are born on the same day. “Mr. Styles! Mrs. Cath!” my mom rolled his eyes. She opened my window.

“We come in a minute.” Then turned to me. “Get your things.” And left my room. I took my sack and putted some clothes in it. Took my diary and pen. I dressed up with jeans and white t-shirt, my leather jacket. I went downstairs.

Mate? Who needs a mate? Isn’t better just to fall in love with someone and spend your life with him? But on other hand… you and your mate will be immortal and you can spend centuries together. My problem is, what if I don’t fall in love with my ‘mate’?

I went outside and looked Daniel’s family. They were waiting in the car. Before five years, Maria got pregnant again. It’s a boy. Edward. Daniel is sitting on the ground waiting us with his father. Daniel was same as his father, I think he’s way younger twin. He looked me and I smiled, and gave my bag to my dad. I sat on the back seat of our car. I putted the seatbelt and leaned on my hand watching outside the car. Our house is the biggest if our neighborhood, but Maria and Stefan made theirs the same as ours. They both decided to connect them, by the terraces. It looks weird two big houses to be connected like that but I don’t think any of them care much. Do they wait something to happen to us, actually me? I am the only girl from their kids. My dad told me, that the pack protects the female wolves the most, and I have no idea why. But they didn’t protected my mother from the psychos right? They just took her, like a doll, after poising her with Lilac.

“Until when you have break?” my mom asked dad

“Week. But I don’t think Sebastian will handle all the 6 companies for a week. His age is making him a tricks.” My dad had 3 companies as I know, but he bought 3 more, making them successful.

“Who will heritage the companies, after your death I mean.” Alec asked.

“Nobody will die” I said still looking outside of the window.

Soon I fell asleep.


When we were there, I found myself on Alec’s back. He was carrying me. I looked around, the camp is way different than before. They made more shop’s bigger canteen and of course more bungalows. Everything is green, because of the trees. The air is fresh, and most importantly it’s quiet. At last I can sit somewhere and start writing my stories… who Alec use to read. I don’t know why he likes them so much. I write them for myself but… he said they are good enough to stay for myself.

Alec is my best friend. Yes I know he’s my brother, what he knows about girls, but he always understood me for everything. Doesn’t matter for what. Daniel is my best friend too, but I feel more talking to Alec. Probably because he’s my brother and we are connected somehow. I wrapped my hands around his neck and leaned on his shoulder.

“Morning.” He said, but I didn’t answered.

So he’s transformation will be tonight, which means, I’ll be all alone. Alone in the dark. Without him I feel lost. Don’t worry I am not in love in my brother. He’s just one of the most important person for me, and I’d like to keep it like that.

Daniel beside us looked me and returned on his look. He smiled and opened the door of our bungalow. Yes here we have our own bungalow. Every mate couple has their own bungalow. Like my father and mother. Maria and Stefan. Kody and Samantha, and a lot more. The wolves with humans counts too. Rest of the pack are with 3 people in a bungalow.

I stepped on the floor and stretched. I am still sleepy, but I am hungry also. I putted my sack on the bed.

“Let’s go to eat” Daniel said “I am starving.”

We left the bungalow, and went to the canteen and we took some food. I took spaghetti, fruit salad and some juice. The boys took some sandwiches and we sat with others. Rayon, Rachel, Kody and Samantha.

“Here they are! They youngest people here.” Kody said and laughed

“Yes, yes” I said and started eating.

“Sup with you young lady?” Rayon said and shrugged.

“I think she’s still pissed” Alec said

“What for?” Rachel said

“He thinks he can touch my PERSONAL and PRIVATE things.”

“Alec!” both Rachel and Samantha said angrily, but he just laughed.

Yes I said he’s my best friend, but however you look it… I am a girl. I want more privacy.


We stayed all day in the canteen talking. Few more people joined us, but our parents still. Around 7pm they decided to show up. They were smiling like idiots.

“Early birds.” Stefan said

“Dad, I am nervous and decide just to disappear?”

“We were… running” dad said and winked at him

“Yow, yow, yow, yow.” I said and frowned. “Keep your sexual things for yourself. I am eating goddammit.” They just laughed and sat. Dad took pizza from my tray

“After 2 hours is the full moon” mom said “Jess take Edward and go to you Grandma. We go now.”

When they left, I was alone with Edward. He sat next to me and took my hand. I looked him. He smiled at me, and I rubbed his head. I let him eat his dinner. When he did we went into the hall.

The Hall is still the same, since I was child. Big circle table with a lot of chairs. There’s a huge fireplace and couches around the fireplace. And a lot of bookshelves. Grandma was there, sitting front the fireplace and reading a book. My Grandpa was sitting on his chair looking at some letters, he looked me and smiled. My Grandpa, is young, and my Grandma… is old. I feel pain about it. He will just let her die? Won’t he try to turn her into a wolf... to stay with him for rest of his life? Seems like he has no plans to do… and I feel pain in my chest.

“Pick up a book, I’ll read it for you” I told to Ed and he went to the bookshelf. I went to my Grandpa and he raised his head. “May I ask you something?”

“Yes what it is?” he said leaving the letter on the table

“Won’t… you turn Grandma into a wolf?” I looked my hands. I don’t want my family to die.

“We have been talking about it Jess… Kate don’t want to be a wolf.”


“I don’t know. She doesn’t want to tell me.” I nodded. It’s still weird. Why Grandma don’t want to spend her life like us? Is she’s thinking how much she will hurt us?

My sleeve got pulled by Edward, and he gave me the book. We sat front the couch and I started reading. So cheerful kid, I like him. Never cries for stupid things, even when he falls while he’s playing.

I heard a howl somewhere in the distance.


Few days later


Dear diary,

I’m scared. I am depressed. I am all alone at home... I don’t know what to do. Nobody want to listen to me but you. Everybody are busy around my mother. She’s in hospital and... She might die. I am frightened but… in same time, I feel nothing. Am I such a bad person?

I can’t sleep. I have the same nightmare for days, since she was accepted into the hospital. I’m burying her body in the woods, and stay there. Protecting her from evil creatures not to take her.

I am scared and exhausted.




What now?

I keep walking around the classroom in school. The classroom fills 20 people in it. We have uniforms. They putted it after my parents graduated from here. Our uniform is pretty much, like anime’s one. White shirt. Green tie. The coat of uniform is black. Green skirt for girls in kilt style. Boys have black pants. Some girls were over taking this thing, and literally look like sluts.

Daniel, Alec and I are in same class. They are like my bodyguards, most of the time. It’s cute tho.

But most importantly… what now? Mother is not awake yet, I don’t what to do. I feel lost.

I can’t spent whole day at school, so I am going home. I can’t write my homework too because my hands are shaking. I’m always thinking what happened actually back this day. Nobody wants to tell me either. I have the right to know right? Since she’s my mother plus she’s a hospital again. Laying on a bed, being pale, can’t breathe on her own… and most importantly she doesn’t wake up.

I was keeping walking around the classroom. Alec and Daniel were on their desks staying in silence. I looked Alec, he… doesn’t even seem happy that he’s a wolf now. Who made this mess? I heard around Daniel’s father did something, but I doubt he did on purpose.

“What if she don’t wake up?” I said and my eyes filled with tears.

“She will.” Alec yelled over me. “She will. You’ll see.” Our classmates looked him

“But if still doesn’t? What are we going to do?”

“Grow up.”

“I go out for a while” my eyes followed Daniel. He feels guilty, if the rumors are true… his father almost killed my mother.

“Jess, stop crying” Alec pulled me and I stood front him

“How I won’t? That’s my mother! Nobody tells me what happened… and do you realize in what condition is she? Even once you didn’t go to see her.” I raised my voice

“Because I can’t handle the view.” We’ll fight again, but this time will be serious

“You think I can? I can’t write my homework, my legs doesn’t even keep me stand still… I am ruined.” I yelled, pissed.

“Me? Only thing what keeps me calm is running. I can’t watch her like this.” He returned with growl.

“Why do they fight?” our classmates in the room said

“I don’t know but Jessica is crying, should be something serious.”

“I don’t even have this. Nobody can calm me… Daniel… he feels guilty, I can see it.”

“You think I don’t see it?” he stood up “YOU think I can’t see the pain in my best friend? He lie into my eyes that he’s alright. She will wake up. SHE HAS TO. She won’t leave us alone. ”

“Hey Alec” one girl said, but he didn’t even notice her. His eyes was watching mine. “Alec”

“Get the fuck out of here” He yelled on her “We are her flesh and blood Jess”

“How you can be such an optimistic? For you everything is ‘sun and flowers?’ ”

“And you? Everything is ‘Dark and dead flowers?’ I want to be like this Jessica. You don’t know what thoughts I have in my mind. I have nightmares. How we buries our mother. ” He was yelling even louder

“My mind, can’t accept it Alec… it doesn’t allow me.”

“Like mine does it?” he said low and soft

“You are two in one.” I said loud again. One teacher showed up because of the noise. “You are stronger than before. You should be. Don’t hide. Go in the hospital and look the reality. You won’t do anything just with dreams.” I hit his chest. “She might not wake up.” I hit him again.

“What’s going on?”

“None of your business.” I caught his t-shirt and he hugged me tight. Since when I fall emotional front my brother…? “Come on Jess. She will be ok.”

“I want to go home. I want to see her smile again and saying her stupid jokes with dad.” Daniel came to us and got my bag and his. Alec took his

“Where you two go?”

“Home” and we left.



Chapter 2 - Lost memory

Jessica’s P.O.V


Dear diary,

Mom is not awake yet. I am in her hospital’s room.. Alex and Daniel left me here and went to run again.

I don’t know why but I can’t think positive.



I closed my diary and looked the room. Peach color of the walls and wooden floor. Big windows with curtains. I should cheer up. I can’t stay like this all day. I looked my mother. She was still pale, but I could see her face is getting her normal color. I sat on the chair next to her.

Her hair looks weak, same as her body. Even looks skinnier. She had tube in his throat, because she can’t breathe alone. Also had a bandage around her neck. So Daniel’s father bit her throat? Could be this? Why nobody wants to tell me what happened.

I took her hand in mine and squeezed it. Her eyes twitched, and opened.

“Mom..? Oh my god mom? DAD!” I yelled. My dad went into the room with the Doctor. “She.. She woke up.”

After few minutes, they removed the tube out of her throat. She looked confused.

“May I ask… who are you?” What?

“Mom.. Are you okay?” The doctor frowned, and checked her head for any injuries.

“What is your name?” he asked

“Catherina Dan”

“Okay, and do you know who I am?”

“Doctor I suppose. I know I fell from the pyramid at school, but it’s just a broken arm. It’s normal for cheerleader. And what am I doing in a hospital?”

“Do you know what year are we?”

“2011… I’m not sure if you are okay Doctor.”

“Cath we are 2037 year. What’s your name?” he asked again

“Catherina Dan. Where’s mom and dad, and who are they. What’s going on?”

“How old are you?”

“16” I looked dad with opened mouth.

“She thinks she’s 16, dad…”

“She does, but she’s not”

“I am 16” she said arguing back

“She lost 24 years from her memories.”

Grandma and Grandpa went into the room, and Erik was behind them.

“Dad… Mom why you are so old?”

“Old? God girl, I am not that old”

“What going on…” and she started to cry “Who are you all, I want my parents back…”

“You can take her home” Doctor told us. “She just need to return her memories. Please take care of her, she’s too weak, and don’t push her too much.”

“No, no, no, I am not going with those people, I want my parents, I don’t know anybody of you. I want home” Dad touched her hand. “Do not touch me.”


I packed my mother’s things in a sack and we had to push her in the car by force. She was fighting, and arguing, but at end she was in the car.

She’s awake. Alec was right. She was alright, if we don’t count the memory lost.

“Who are you?” mom said interrupting me from my thoughts.

“I am your husband Styles and that’s our daughter Jessica.”

“Yeah right, married with a kid. You can say this bullshits to my grandmother. I am 16, neither do I have husband nor kids”

“You are 40 and I’m 42.” She looked the side’s mirror of the car. She laughed and opened the door.

“Go talk this bullshits to somebody else.”

“No...” dad pulled her back in the car and locked the door. The rest of the ride was in silence.


We are home. Maria, Stefan, Uncle Erik, Ed, Alec and Daniel were here. They were sitting in the kitchen waiting us. The kitchen is… a lot brighter than before, actually from last I saw it.

“MOM!” Alec said and ran to her and hugged her tight. I saw the confusing in mom’s face. She seemed disgusted and confused a lot. She can’t accept she has a family? I don’t think it should be so complicated situation… but for a person who has an amnesia… probably it is. I don’t know.

“What? 2 kids?” she said and pushed him away “You want to tell me I was pregnant 2 times? That’s impossible. Absolutely impossible.”

“Is she okay?” Maria said worried.

“Memory lost. She takes everything for a joke. Cath. Look around. That’s our home and our family.” He pointed at people in the kitchen. “That’s your brother Erik. The boy with your eyes is Alec. Other too are our neighbors Maria and Stefan, and their sons Daniel and Edward”

“Wait, wait.. You are my husband? These two are my kids? Then brother? And this is my house?”

“Our house.” He corrected her.

I left them and went upstairs. Took fast shower and dressed up. Ok she’s ok. Nothing is wrong. Her memory is… confused. Let’s say it like that. From now on we are going to life like before, right? Well not exactly the same until she return her memories. She needs to rest and nothing more. Nothing complicated.

I heard a scream downstairs. I raised my eyebrows and went into the living room. Oh… Rayon and Rachel are here. I loved Rayon’s wolf. With brown fur and small red nuance.

“Ray!” I said and I literally jump on him. Did I said his fur is so soft..? I wish he could be my teddy bear! He whimpered and I rubbed his head. “Always so happy!” I looked mom. She was hiding behind dad, her fingers was thrusted in dad’s shirt and skin probably. So they are watching the albums?

“Rayon and Rachel” Alec said and rolled his eyes to me. Ugh I guess he’s not used to girl’s scream.

“Is that Rachel from school? Oh my god… PINKY!” Her mouth opened wide. “You are so old!” Rayon growled at her, and she screamed even more with a cry.

“What’s with her?”

“Memory lost” and I sat on Rayon’s back. Ok maybe I can make him officially my teddy bear! I looked Daniel smiling, and he was looking at me with narrowed eyes. I felt he made a hole in my head and body. My smile faded.

Daniel… he is the neighbor guy right? You’ll accept it pathetic but I like him and love him, but I can’t do it. I am not allowed to fall in love as my mom said. Even if he’s wolf… he might be not my mate. Then my love will be desperate and hopeless. I looked Rayon’s head and I thrusted my fingers in his neck. I am still a human, I still can have my first love. I’ll turn into a wolf after 2 years, for two years everything can change.

If I try to be with him, in every minute his mate can show up and I’ll be pushed away. My heart will be broken, so isn’t it better to not be with him and just live my life as his best friend? I think that’s the best way I can make for now.

I might try with Brayan. He’s a year older than me and study in my school. And we got closer after the gym classes we had. We had to pick up a partner from the upper class. We did well, we finished 2nd. Alec and Danial had a fight with the teacher and he let them be as partners. They finished 1st of course.

I looked Daniel again. Why does he watch me like that I don’t understand. Maybe he’s overtaking it. He does right?


Dear diary,

Mom is alright, just her memory is… erased. Everything is going to be alright. Right? I wish you could be a living person who will talk to me… and listen to me and never go against me and never judge me. It weird. You’ll ask, why not Alec? Well I don’t think he can help at all right now

Did I said that Daniel watches me weird? I know, I know. I told you I like him but, we can’t be together and it's hurting me.



Monday morning came really fast, and I dressed up fast in my uniform. Daniel and Alec won’t come to the school, because they should make their tattoo. Tattoo of the pack.

The tattoo is really cool. Theirs is going to be same as my fathers. I really liked it, I can’t wait to have it too, but they make it with burners. It creeps the fuck outta me.

I went downstairs. Dad was awake drinking his coffee, half naked. I rolled my eyes.

“Get a shirt?” I asked. And threw one who was at the chair. YES he’s body is pretty awesome, but yow it’s wrong. I don’t want to watch. It bothers me. “Soo you are stay at home?” I asked him getting an apple.

“I have to take care of your mother, who refuse to get up.”



“Dad, what exactly happened? You all hide it from me. ”

He sighed “She went to Daniel’s cave to give him a blanket and warm him up. Nights are pretty cold in the woods. I explained you why the females can’t help the males”

“The mother instinct” and ate from the apple

“Yes. They argued with Stefan, there goes the real father instinct over his child, because of other female next to him. They had a fight and he bit her throat. Both were affected by the moon and the instinct to protect their family.”

I nodded, I understand. So it’s true that Stefan… Daniel’s father did this. Shall I hate him? No why would I… wolves are weird creatures and moon affects them to do different things.

“I’ll go now. Take care. Love you” I said and left the house.

I walked to school. My mind is pretty empty. Its kind not of my business to mess into wolf things, and such, but after all she’s my mother, I have rights to ask.

If I really have to imagine the view of it… it creeps me out. My mother naked, staying under Stefan’s wolf, biting her neck. Everything in blood. Problem is… what they said to each other to make such drama?

I walked into the school, and changed my shoes. I walked to the halls, and I heard the whispers behind me. Woah, rumors are spreading so fast. Pathetic. I walked in our classroom and sat on my desk. I got my books on my desk.

“Yow! Jessica!” yelled my classmate. Ugh biggest prick ever. I looked him “Why did you cried like that last week? There’s a lot rumors, pregnant and...” he sat on the desk front me. We were 2 people in a desk, so Alec was sitting front me and Daniel beside me, so literally I pushed into the corner of the room. It like a shield.

“Personal problems” I said

“Hm... is that so? What kind of?”

“That’s why they are private” he touched my chin and raised my face to him, he caressed it.

“Tell me”

“Let me go” I said and moved back, my back hit the wall.

“You are not so brave when your bodyguards are not with you, right? Hey boys let’s have some fun.”

“Antony, what’s wrong with you?” Emilia said, I stood and walking far from him “That’s none of your business what happened”

“She’s mine, so it is?” I stopped at turned around

“Yours?” he nodded. Antony, the most ‘beautiful guy in the school’ as the girls were saying. He’s handsome, but I don’t like him. “I am not one of the toys for entertainment, I don’t find you handsome.”

“Jess..” I hear Emilia

“Ugly? This face?”

“Yes. How much time you straighten your hair? 3 hours?”

“Don’t be so brave.” He stood up. “Let’s see how brave you are now.”

He ran after me in the halls. I was running as fast as I could. Where are Daniel and Alec when you need them? I ran to the gym hall, but the door was locked. I turned around, he and two more of his were with him. He stopped front me heavy breathing. He stepped few more steps and grabbed my face with his hand.

“You are mine now. You two can go.” He waved to his friends and turned to me again and smiled. I looked in his eyes “So pretty black eyes. Weird for blond haired person, makes me even hornier when I look closer.”

Is he some kind of maniac over blond people? He leaned to me and I tried to move my face, he was holding me too tight. He stepped closer, his body was against mine. I could feel his erection against my lower belly. With his other hand he untied my tie. And unbuttoned my shirt few buttons. I tried to push him away. Man… since when I am so weak?

He pushed his lips again mine. Soft and tempting. I froze. My first kiss was stolen by the biggest prick. His hands moved on my hips. For my surprise… I returned on his kiss. He deepened the kiss by asking me to enter in my mouth, and without thinking I did. I caught his uniform coat and hold it, he moved my hands around his neck and when back to my waist.

That’s wrong. No… I won’t let this happen… I hit in between is legs and he pushed himself from me. He fell on knees, and I ran to the classroom, and packed my things. Girls were watching me weird. I was going to get out of the room when he came again.

“Tsk, tsk and no.” he said. There’s no 2nd door here, so… only way out is the window. I climbed on the window, and sat. He caught my leg. “Get down, you’ll fall.” I pushed his hand back and I fell down. “Jessica!” he yelled

I landed like cat. On my legs and hands. My bag landed heavily on the ground. From the 2nd floor. That’s quite amazing. I wish I could do it again

“JESSICA WHITE! WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE DOING JUMPING OF THE WINDOWS?” My class teacher said I smirked, and cleaned my hands “GO TO THE OFFICE. NOW.”

“FUCK YOU OLD WITCH.” I yelled back, I heard laugh behind me and I started walking home.

She hates me since i came into this school, and i dont even now why.

Stupid witch.



Chapter 3 - Pain

Styles’s P.O.V


Cath is still not awake. What are we going to do with this girl? Alec and Daniel were in the kitchen eating their breakfast. My phone rang. Probably Sebastian. I knew he can’t handle the companies.


“Am I talking with Mr. White? Jessica’s father”

“Yes, that’s me.”

“I want you to come to the school. We have to talk.” I put the phone on loudspeaker and kept eating my fruit.

“What for?”

“For your daughter. I thought Daniel and Alec are making her this rival plus uncontrollable, but it seems like she’s like that. ”

“What she did?” I asked frowning

“If the both boys were here, this wouldn’t be happened. Indecent behavior… in school halls… insult over Antony Gold and violence over him.” Alec giggled “Are you laughing right now Mr. White?”


"She jumped off the window from 2nd floor. Plus insult over a teacher.” I smiled.  “I want you or your Wife to come to the school as fast as possible.”

“I’m going to disappoint you but I can’t come. Our family has some problems right now. Nobody is available.”

“I want you to when you have free time.”

Jess opened the front door and shut it loud. I instantly smell a different scent. Her uniform was messy. She missed her tie and her shirt wasn’t buttoned like this morning. The hair was kind of messy, seems like she was running. The skirt was way more up than it has to be, plus one of her socks was till her ankle, while the other was on her knee. Her lips are puffy. Interesting situation.


Jessica’s P.O.V


“Jess you are amazing” Alec said “You hit up Antony Gold”

I am… pissed. Geez. I saw my father’s eyes on me, looking me from my head until my feet. He leaned his chin on his fist and raised his eyebrow.

“Come here.” I walked to him, he pulled me and sniffed me. Ugh, disgusting. “That’s not your smell Jessica.” It is now?

“What you mean?”

“Your lips are puffy. Your clothes doesn’t smell on your scent, I smell somebody else’s.” I looked the floor then my brother and Daniel. Alec was surprised. Literally and sniffed the air. Daniel looked annoyed and pissed. Why does he even care for me? It pissed me off even more.


“Doesn’t seems like” Daniel said kind of loud. “Did saw yourself into the mirror?”

“It’s none of your business” I said rudely over him “Stop watching me with your stupid pathetic eyes.”

“I’m trying..”

“Trying what? Mess in my personal life too? Whatever I do, is none of your business, got it?

Mom went into the kitchen yawning.

“Stop screaming for god sake.” She said. I stayed silent, and went pass her. “What’s with her?”



I shut my room door loud and locked it. Idiot, fucking idiots. I HATE THEM. Why should I be responsible for everything? This kiss with Antony, is my own business. No one has right to mess in it. That’s between me and him.


They tried to take with them at the camp, but I refused. I want to be alone. I sound, like a child who always complain for everything, but hey some things should stay hidden right?

Well they’ll try to get her memories back. They literally kidnapped her into the car, and went to there, leaving me alone. I feel pain in my chest, no idea why. I feel too lonely. Is it because Alec and Daniel are wolves now? I don’t know. We’ve been always together, but now suddenly… everything changed.

Laid on bed and closed my eyes and shrank, hugging my knees. Why this affects me? It never does, why now? Now?


Dear diary,

Now even Daniel started messing in my personal life, where he doesn’t belong to. I don’t know to do, I am pissed.

My first kiss was stolen by the biggest idiot ever, you can see on this world.



I woke up with a scream, falling off my bed. My back is burning. A lot. I can’t handle it, it hurts. It’s hurting me. I tried to stand up, raising on my hands on bed I couldn’t. Front my eyes showed up the camp. It’s foggy, the big picture was there… Daniel was front me holding my hands... Huge hands. That’s not my hands.

Somebody opened the door, returning back to the reality, I tasted my blood in my mouth.. Maria was with Edward. They stayed to guard me seems like.

“Ed go down” She said, I kept screaming. “Jess what it is… are you okay?”

“H-hurts. MY BACK IS BURNING.” I cried with a scream

“Your back?” I cried to remove my shirt, with the shirt hurts more. Maria teared up the shirt and went silent. “God Jess. What in the earth is this?”

“Hurts…” I cried and tried to stand up but I can’t.

“It’s moving, it’s like real burning. Who is doing this?” I smell burn flesh. Disgusting. “That’s the tattoo… what’s happening”

“MAKE IT STOP.” Maria took my phone and called somebody.

“Give me Alex. NOW.” She said

“Yes?” I heard on other side. The pain stopped. She touched the scars.

“What are you doing?” she said.

“Making Alec’s tattoo. Is it something wrong?”

“No, no, make one line please.” And I felt the pain again. “Ok, ok stop, STOP DAMMIT.” she yelled and muted the phone “Jess. They are making Alec tattoo. But I don’t why it effects on you. You have to handle all this. Okay” I nodded. “You can keep going Alex.” and hang up. “I am here. Scream as much as you want.”

The pain showed up again


Maria’s P.O.V


I took Jess in my house, and left her for a while. I started looking for a book. There’s should be an explanation. This can’t just happen like this. All those scar’s… and the smell of the cream, also the screams were… unbelievable strong.

Here should be written. I took the book “Wolves behavior” . I sat on the couch and opened the content. Normal wolf behavior. Wolf behavior at mating with their partner… Female wolves. Nowhere is it… Twin wolves page 156.

I opened the page and started reading.

Twin wolves [always male and female gender] are really special kind. They are accept and revered as gods. One of the most powerful partners. They are connected emotionally, physically and spiritually. NEVER doubt in them or their opinion. If you hurt or disrespect them, they’ll take it too deep.

The female twin, always is tougher of them both in emotional case, but also doubling the male’s physical pain in her body... example: If the male is in battle, he won’t feel anything BUT his twin sister will feel the pain doubled on the place where he got hit, plus the wound will show up on her body. Emotions is the most confusing part for her. She will also take emotions double again from the male wolf.

In short she is the engine in their relationship, even if the female twin got the hardest part in their existence. She feels all the pain or happiness in their life, but also thinking more positive and has the best ideas. Before her transformation, she will be confused with everything that goes around them. She will not know what happens. She might start seeing through her brothers eyes, because of the emotional tiredness and exhaustion. After her transformation everything will become clearer, the female twin will make difference between her brother’s emotions and her own. She will always know where he is, the distance doesn’t matter.

The male twin is always overprotective over his sister, no matter what. In some cases the male twin can go against his own mate, because his sister is in trouble. Male wolf also feels the pain of his sister but it’s not that powerful, mostly like a tickle or shiver. With is the emotions is the same.

In short he is the one who is good in battles, he also takes his sister’s powers when it comes to a fight, because she won’t be that strong in battles. He is the durable and strong person in physical situation from them both, but get exhausted fast. It recommended the female twin not to present in battles... and to stay near the male twin in battles. Before and after the transformation he won’t feel any difference between the physical or emotional pain. If he focus enough, he can start seeing through his sister’s eyes. He will always know where she is, the distance doesn’t matter.

With the whole exhaustion of power and emotions, the twin sister might transform earlier than usual. It's recommended the twins not to be separated.

She might not have a mate.


So this means… Jessica is the most exhausted from them both. I heard another scream of a pain and sighed. I should explain this to her.


 Jessica’s P.O.V


I screamed again with a pain and cried. This can’t be happening… why it lasts so long. I am exhausted. All in sweat and smell awful of burnt skin. I can't stop crying.

“Maria!?” I heard familiar voice

“Yes Erik” she said and wiped the sweat off my forehead and caressed my head.

“What’s with this screaming…? Jess are you okay?”

“It’s really complicated Erik. A lot. Jess can you listen to me?” I nodded and clenched my jaw. “Ok you both listen to me carefully. Erik do not tell anyone yet. We have to help her somehow.”

“With what exactly”

“She is connected with Alec. Physically and emotionally. She takes it double. That why she’s in this condition.”

“They make Alec’s tattoo right now.” Maria removed the towel from my back “That’s impossible.”

“It heals Erik, look… the shoulders are fine now. It’s like an old wound… it's almost not noticeable either.”

“How old it’ll heal? The whole burning place.”

“As I can see they tattoo is almost finished. Probably for maximum 2 hours it’ll be fully healed. Nobody has to see it yet. I want to talk with her first.”

“Got it. Ill try to keep them in camp.” And he left from the back door.

“Don’t think about it either” Maria yelled after him.




Erik’s P.O.V


He don’t feel pain. Is he such masochist? Daniel literally was screaming of pain. Alec didn’t said a word. It was like a feather over his back.

“Ok you are ready” dad said and stopped “You didn’t yelled. Your mother was literally screaming like her life depended on it.”

“Ha, ha. You are so funny Grandpa” He stood up and wore his shirt.

“Well, from now on your hormones will be doubled.” He told them“Be careful at school, and I’m serious. Now you can go training.” Sis and Styles came in the Hall “Ok we’ll postpone it, is everything alright here?”

“Yes. We went into the woods, she remembered everything but the accident. She has no memory for Stefan.”

“And again. Who is this person?” sister asked.

“Probably it’s the shock that he made on her?” I asked and everybody nodded.


I was sitting on the chair and I rubbed my eyes. How this is possible? For me it’s impossible, but since it’s written in the old books… should be true.

Jessica will go through of so much pain that will not be understandable for her. I hope Maria explain her everything, because she can’t be alone in this situation. Alec is too carefree to understand... Well he can but he won’t accept it fully. This is wrong.

My sweet Jess was screaming like she’s been in hell. I heard her at end of the road. I don’t want to know if any other person form the pack was there, but I didn’t feel anything. My phone rang and I took it.

“Excuse me” I said and I went out leaving them with empty looks. I never go out when I am talking on the phone. I lower the volume to maximum, I could hear it anyway. “What’s her condition?”

“Well it’s half healed, her scream stopped. She fell asleep. Poor kid is exhausted. That’s almost 4 hours pain.” I nodded

“So what now? We can’t hide for them any sooner”

“Yes we do.”

“How you can be so sure?”

“Because they won’t smell or hear anything.”

“Maria I’m worried about her. What’s the book you read?”

“’Wolves behavior’ I’m sure we have this book at the Hall. Better don’t go in wolf form, they might read your mind.” I nodded.

“Okay I’ll see what’s written there.” I went inside. They looked me again. “Stay with her”

“Always and forever” I hang up. And looked them.


“What was that?” Styles said.

“Nothing. Won’t you go to train already?” I told them and slowly they went outside leaving me.

I went to the bookshelf, and took the book out. And look in the content. I found it and started reading stand still.


Transform earlier, plus no mate, plus they shouldn’t be separated. The pain is getting bigger and bigger. I returned the book and went outside. And I took deep breath. So my nephews are special kind.

I followed them into the small field and sat on a tree’s crowns and leaned on it. It is sure Alec is strong and fast, but after 15 minutes he got tired. I don’t know what they were talking about, but seemed Styles wasn’t happy at all. They went on both sides of the field again. They ran to each other, but Alec stopped on half way and started coughing. Daniel was left alone with Styles and dad.

For sure he needs Jess. If they should be always together, it’s going to look different in other’s eyes. Like the Stanley's Family. They are really weird people. For centuries they are marring they own family. I short they incest. Their generation doesn’t have any diseases, in biological way… they should.

Alec shook his head and  came under the tree with Styles, leaving Daniel to train with dad. They transformed into human form.

“What’s going on Alec? There’s no improvement from last time.”

“I don’t know, okay?” he said annoyed “I feel alone and empty inside. It takes all my powers.”

“I understand.”

“Probably if Jess was here I won’t feel like this. When I’m with her, I feel happiness and the hole is filled up. She gives me powers, dad”

“You are in love with your sister?”

“What? Hell no. She’s always been here encouraging me, since I am a wolf she’s far away from me”

I smiled. So it’s true. Who to know the old dusty books will be in a use?


Jessica’s P.O.V


When I woke up everything was dark. I was laying on the couch, but not in our house. I don’t feel pain anymore. But I am exhausted a lot. I sat on couch and touched my head and sighed. My head hurts a lot. Like somebody hit me with a stick or a stone, my body is the same.

“Maria?” I said, I knew she will hear me, fast she came in the living room. “Where am I?”

“I have to talk with you, come outside.” We sat on backyards porch. There was a lemonade and cookies. Edward was playing with Erik outside. “How you feel?”

“Like truck came over me”

“And you look like that.” She laughed “We have to talk with you Jess.”

“What for?” she gave me a glass with a lemonade.

“Your parents are of the half way home with the kids. We have maximum 30 minutes. Listen to me carefully.” I nodded “You and Alec are connected. Physically, emotional and spiritually”

“What, you mean”

“All the pain you have felt just now on your back, is because of Alec. That’s the physical connection. He won’t feel anything in battles or trainings, but you going to feel all the exhaustion plus the pain of the wounds. In the past days when your mother was in hospital, you were suffering for two people. You take Alec’s emotions double. That’s why you were depressed, plus feeling such exhaust.”

“T-that’s insane. So literally I am living 2 lives? Actually feeling for two people.”

“Spiritually, when you feel full exhausted, you can see through your brother’s eyes. You should start making the different between the emotions, which are yours and your brother’s. After your transformation they will be clearer”

“2 years?!”

“You might transform earlier because you feel lonely and abandoned. You might not have a mate.”

No mate? That’s a relief… kind of...



Chapter 4 - Confusion with happiness

 Jessica's P.O.V


Dear diary,

You won’t believe what just happened to me… I was burning literally alive. I have weird powers with my brothers. He’s my best partner. We are connected.

If you knew what this means… you feel even more exhausted than me. He took all my powers on last trainings at our house, I was watching them from my window. I feel his emotions and the pain of every hit. I tried not to scream by the pain. He can be a killing machine, all the bruises and bites are on my body. I have few on my back plus hands. My hand is bitten on tree places. It’s still bleeding.

I am hiding in my room, locking the door. If I go outside, they will smell all the blood on me, from my wounds. Today I’ll sneak out of the house early and go to school. I hope nobody will hear me.

Since Maria explained to me everything, I feel a lot better. Now even after few hours I made the difference between my emotions and my brother’s.



I looked the clock 5:30 am. It’s time to get going, and I changed my bandages around my arms, my room has a smell of medicines. It burns my nose, so I opened the window. I dressed up my uniform, and took my back. I cracked my door a bit and listened. They are still sleeping. Good. 

I walked downstairs quietly and went in to the kitchen. Took one apple and ran to the front door and opened it slowly. I closed it behind me.

“Where you think you are going?” I heard a whisper in my ear. I turned around. Erik.

“Shhh” I said and ran down the road. He caught me up easy. “I haven’t told them yet. So I sneak out.”

“What’s with the bandages?”

“Those are bits plus scratches from my brothers training. Every wound he gets comes on my body.”

“It is healing?” I asked. “And you smelled on medicines awful”

“I know Erik… I just...”

“You are like mummy Jess, what about your classmates.”

“I’ll tell them I fell from a hill”

“You can’t even walk. Let me drive you to there?”

“Sure.” I waited him to get the car out. I sat on the passenger’s seat and placed my seatbelt. “They are going to kill me.”

“I am sure. Let’s make a small adventure with the car? Until it’s time for school? I’ll show you where the sunset and sunrising are amazing.” I nodded.

Erik is the future Alpha of the pack. He seemed pretty not interested in it. So I doubt he will take the position. He stopped at the beach. I left my bag and shoes in the car.

We started walking down the beach. He pointed on of the hills. We went there and sat on the sand, and we talked. I felt him as a lost friend and we met once again. The sunrise showed up from the sea and the sky went in amazing colors.

“It’s amazing” I said and I laid on the ground watching the sky.

“Yeah, usually I come here when I feel there’s something wrong. Now I do feel like this and took you with me.”

“Double weirdness and pain on a place” my phone rang and I looked the name. “It’s dad. Yes dad?” I answered.

“Where are you?”

“Outside. I’m with Erik don’t worry.”

“If you are with him, give the phone to him” I handed my phone to Erik

“Yes Styles?” he said “She’s fine. Just needed a friend to talk with. I’ll driver her to school don’t worry. ” He nodded “Yes. Bai”

I took the phone and looked him, and he rolled eyes.

“Fathers. Anyway it’s almost time for school.”

“Erik. Whatever happens, don’t go against me. Even as an Alpha”

“How come with these words”

“I feel like there’s a storm coming into our pack.”

That everything I told him and stood up cleaning my hair and uniform. He helped me cleaned and we walked to the car.


We parked on the school’s parking lot next to other student’s car.

“Alec and Daniel are here. What excuse you will make for this. Fell from a hill?” I nodded and left the car and went to his window.

“Thank Uncle Erik” I said and smiled. “I really needed this talk”

“Anytime sweetheart.” He kissed my cheek and winked at me “Somebody is mad. I hear a fast heartbeat. See ya later.”

I sighed and turned around. I saw a lot eyes on me. First person who I saw was Antony walking towards me. When he stopped he literally pushed me against the car next me.

“What’s all this? Who is he?” he hissed

“None of your business Antony” I said and pushed him away from… I gasped and shook my hands. Wounds are painful. I walked slowly to the school halls. He was walking behind me, like my shadow. I stopped and he stopped with me.

Alec was in the hall with Daniel, but their back were facing me. Confusion with happiness came into my chest. I gasped and stepped to the lockers and leaned my forehead to one of them, closing my eyes. I heard Antony asking me questions but the sudden feelings came like me as a wave.

Confusion with happiness and huge need of love. Hug or kiss or whatever it’s needed… I wanted that. I might just use Antony. That’s not my feelings but they effect on my too. I want male body against mine.

I walked into the classroom with Antony after me, and went to my desk. He sat front me.

“What with all those bandages?” he asked

“I fell from a hill yesterday at my family’s camp”

“You have to be more careful” I nodded.

The lesson started and Alec and Daniel took their seats. I leaned my head on the wall and closed my eyes. I’m tired. Why Alec have to so much energy.

“Class! SILENCE PLEASE.” Said the class teacher. Stupid old witch. “I have the honor to introduce you our new student. Her name is Fiona Stanley”

Stanley? Those Stanley? I felt happiness in my chest. No... Alec... you gotta be kidding me…

“No…” I whispered with closed eyes. My own pain raised. He have to be kidding me. Why Stanley. “Why?” I said.

“Jess are you okay?” I heard Daniel “What are those bandages?”

“She comes from Toulouse.” My teacher said. I opened my eyes. Focus on something else. I looked Antony. Think about him. Think how much you hate him. The horny feeling came.

Alec found his mate. WHY STANLEY? WHY? THOESE PEOPLE ARE INSANE FREAKS. I stood and hit the desk.

“No.”  Everybody looked me. My eyes pinned on Fiona. “You should leave.”

“E-excuse me?” she said and i laughed. Pain and madness showed up into me, coming from Alec. This little girl won’t replace me... She won’t take Alec from me. I won’t let this happen.

“Leave this town. Now.”

“Jessica!” the teacher said

“Shut up you bitch.” I don’t have respect to this woman. “She can’t stay here.” 

I guess the storm just came into our pack.

Little cute Stanley on our territory. 


Alec’s P.O.V


“No.”  Everybody looked Jess. Her eyes pinned on Fiona. “You should leave.”

What? Is she insane? She’s my mate, she has no rights to make her leave.

“E-excuse me?” she said and laughed. Now I’m mad and hurt. Yes... she doesn’t know she’s my mate yet but why she act like this? It’s impossible. I told just Daniel about this

“Leave this town. Now.”

“Jessica!” the teacher said

“Shut up you bitch. She can’t stay here.”

I looked Fiona. She’s so innocent. Not very tall. With red hair, nearly orange one. Ginger. With bright blue eyes and freckles. The uniform suits her perfectly. Since I met my mate, I doubt I’d need Jess anymore. The hole will be filled with Fiona’s happiness.

I felt like something hit my neck from behind and I looked behind. Nobody had hit me from behind. Jessica was watching me and from her nose few blood drops dropped. She covered her nose. With Daniel I stood up to help her but Antony was faster, he was already pulling her outside.

What with all of these bandages and bleedings? That’s normal and where she took them all? Impossible to show up all alone. Plus why she’s hanging out with this little idiot? Which reminds me... the scent is the same as yesterday.

Jess? What’s going on with you?


Jessica’s P.O.V


I felt his rejection. Insane brat. To reject me like I am computer program. To throw me like a toy.

I cleaned my nose in the girl’s bathroom and looked myself in the mirrors. My eyes are tired, I look pale also feeling weak. Some of my wounds are bleeding.

Stanley. They have fucked up mind. To incest with their family. Insane. What she’s doing here? She want battle of our packs? I doubt she even talked with our Alpha. Stupid little girl. If my brother dies because of her, I’ll kill her with my own hands.

“Jess are you okay?” I heard Antony outside “I’m coming in” he opened the door and looked me “You feel sick? I can drive you home”

“You are so cute and nice Antony. How come” he shrugged, I want male body against mine. I stepped closer to him. I don’t have a mate. I don’t feel in love with Daniel anymore. I am all alone, so let’s have some fun. I pushed the door with my leg and pulled Antony from his tie. “Let’s have some fun” I said smirking and bit his lip.


I stepped in the classroom with Antony, fixing my hair. Look till where I came to. Kissing with Antony Gold in girl’s bathroom. I am maybe even craziest than anybody else. Before I go out of the bathroom, I saw that I have hickey on my neck. It won’t heal any sooner, soo let it be! I don’t give a fuck.

With so many emotion, its better just to act heartless. I’ll do whatever I want because I don’t know on which feeling to express first. I felt Antony smirk behind me and I smiled on my place.

I am ruined. ALEC ruined me. I hope he’s happy now. I got my phone out and called Erik

“Erik “I said. “Remember the words about storm?”

“Yes hun, what about it.”

“Help me.”

“With?” I looked Fiona who was watching me

“We have to kidnap one little bitch. Get your car and come to our classroom. Now it’s lunch time. Alec and Daniel will be at the café.”

After 10 minutes Erik came to the classroom.

“Jess?” he asked and I went to him.

“Get her” I said I pointed at Friona. He sniffed the air

“Stanley” he said and growled. And went to her and pulled her out of the room. “What are you doing here Stanley? YOU have rights to be on this land. Come with me” He pulled her out of the school and I was following them. I am curious what will happen now. I smirked.


I pushed the Hall’s door. People who were there looked us. Erik pushed Stanley and she almost fell on the ground. I giggled

“GRANDPA!” I said “Look what pet I found in school”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” he stood up “You kidnapped Stanley? Are you insane? You want a fight?”

“Oh no” I said, why was it so funny! “Wait, wait, dear” I told Fiona “Don’t cry. You knew this would happen”

My parents Alec and Daniel came. After Maria and Stefan

“She was in our territory” I said to Grandpa. “So I felt right to bring her here.” They placed her front Grandpa and I stood next to him. Awee look even gave her a tea! “Well, why you escaped.”

“I can’t do it.”

“Do what?”

“They want to marry me to my brother. That’s, that’s disgusting”

“You escaped for that? Coward?” I laughed.

“I want to mate with my partner, not my brother.”

“Do you know who will be your partner?” dad asked her

“No… And I am not going home. My family is...”

“We know about your family Stanley. Everything becomes true whatever the Alpha says. Why you came here”

“I know about your pack’s reputation. I know you won’t hurt me, I want to be safe, also I know that my mate is from this pack” I raised and smirked.

“What coincidence!” I said and everybody looked me. I’m insane. I am crazy. All these feelings… makes me act like a bitch. I am messing them up together. “There’s two years until you know”

“But the boys feels it.” I snorted.

“Call all unmated guys” Mom said. Is she for real?


All guys stood up there. Erik, Tod, Scot, Isaac, Jack, Aidan, Jonathan, Alec, Daniel, many others who I don't know. I sat on Rayon’s knee and leaned my elbow on his shoulder. I smirked.

I looked Alec. Confusion and happiness again. Little idiot. I hate her. I take even more feelings from Alec’s side and makes me even more tired. I pinned my look in him and something pulled me, and now I was watching Fiona. She was literally glowing. Like she had an aura around her.

“Jess?” Rayon said, now I was watching myself. I looked even paler and my nose was bleeding. I blinked few times and I coughed returning into my body. I leaned forward and Ray caught me with one hand. “Are you okay?” he said and I nodded for yes. Maria handed me the box of tissues, and caressed my back

“Anybody of you… feel attraction to his girl?” dad came to me and raised my face to him. I pushed his hands and looked Alec “Move a step forward.” Silence. The little boy doesn’t have balls for this?

“So scared of Stanley huh?” I said “Pussies” Alec stepped forward looking at me and I raised my eyebrow.

“I do” he said and Fiona raised her head and looking at him

“Describe it” Kody said. “I am not talking about your sexual... things.”

“She pulls me to her. With a chain. I want to protect her…”

“PROTECT HER?” I laughed interrupting him “Oh wait, why didn’t you tell me. Let’s make a drama”

“I wanted to be sure… and you don’t understand.” His annoyance and madness flew into me.

“Excuse me? I am not a monster like you, as everybody else here… I don’t understand you? That’s disgusting, brother

“Jess nobody said that” tried to say Rayon

“This little idiot just did Ray. It’s officially a fact, and everybody shows it” I stood up from Ray’s leg and stood up front Alec

“Jessica, stop talking like this. You are part of us” Grandpa said.

“To talk how? Look their faces, they expression is the same. I don’t understand what Alec? May I ask you?”

“Everything that happens with me right now” my mouth opened and I looked Maria and Erik, I pointed him with my thumb snorting.

“You think, I don’t?”


“Then…” I looked my mother “Please Alec tell me, why did I felt the scared feeling in your body, depression, feelings for suiciding, when our mother was in hospital?”


“Why…” I looked Grandpa “I felt all the pain when your Alpha made the tattoo? Every line he did on your body? Why did I see everything front your eyes? Daniel smiling at you, holding your hands, talking about cars?”

“You… how…”

“TELL ME…” I looked my father “WHY I FELT ALL THE TIREDNESS INSTEAD OF YOU? Why I have all the wounds that SHOULD BE ON YOUR BODY?” Nobody said a word. “Why I felt your pathetic and miserable happiness while you look at this girl? Confusion mixed up with happiness plus the sexual stimulus you felt while watching her? ”

Maria and Erik moved away from Alec. I was going to hit him. I turned around. They started removing the bandages, slowly. I felt all the pain from the wounds.

“Explain to me, why do I accept all your feelings doubled in my chest and body? It hurts Alec. You little brat ruined me. And now your little bitch will ruin your pack, because of her stubbornness.”

“Your wounds are still not healed.” Maria said “Do you eat properly?” I shook my head

“Not it last 50-60 hours.” My dad came to me and pushed me on the chair. He kneed front me and started looking at my wounds.

“What’s all this Jessica. What you did to yourself?”

“What YOU and YOUR ALPHA did to me?” I asked him and he raised his head.

“What you mean, we did nothing to you.”

“Think twice father. The wounds never lie” mother came next to dad looking worried.

“What’s wrong with you Jess?”

I pinned my eyes one of the books on the bookshelf. I tilted my head a bit.  That’s the book. “Wolves behavior”, the book that says the truth about me. I smiled and laughed.

“If I stay here…” I looked her without blink “I’ll get even crazier. He rejected me. I feel lost now, which means… I should leave”

“Jessy…” Alec started

“I don’t know what to believe in. It’s like a dream for me.” I looked the book again. “Sorry, but I can’t handle it.”

I stood up and ran outside of the Hall.

I am going home.

I won't stay here.


Maria’s P.O.V


“I don’t know what to believe in. It’s like a dream for me.” She looked the book again. “Sorry, but I can’t handle it.”

Jessica stood up and ran outside of the Hall. I took deep breath and left the bandages on the table. It’s time to repeat it again. I went to the bookshelf and took the book.

“Everybody sit.” I said “Now.” Everybody sat slowly in their seats. I heavily placed the book front my place and opened it.

Poor child got crazier than usual. Hope she won’t do anything stupid.

“That’s the magic of the Twins.” I said loud, and everybody looked me. “The wolf twins are always female and male gender. Hurt or disrespect they will take it too deep” I read three sentences. “Connected physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

“You mean Alec and Jessica?” said Kody

“Yes. As it is said in this book, Jess is the engine of their relationship. Alec you hurt her, by expressing your feelings. She absorb your feelings and makes them double. She felt all your happiness, madness and pain, everything since you are a wolf. ”

“That’s why she… was with Antony?” Daniel asked himself.

“Probably yes. Emotions is the most confusing part for her” I read. “She made the difference between Alec’s and her own, but his feelings dominated over hers. So she had to express them somehow, so she went to Antony.”

“Physical situations” said Erik “I saw your training at the field here Alec. You were weak and distracted. Why? Because Jessica wasn’t here. You went back at your house and you felt immortal and strong. Jess fills you up, by giving her own powers to you. Styles and Alex. Every hit you did on Alec, effected on her. If Alec right now remove his shirt, he won’t have a scratch. All the pain of the tattoo was on her.”

“That’s insane” Alec said. “I...”

“She can see through your eyes, when she’s tired… literally exhausted. Nothing more you can be said. Whoever wants to read it personally, he’s welcomed.”

“How you both know this?” Styles said

“You were busy with Cath and Alec. I didn’t know anything I swear, but when you all left… I heard a scream. It was her. She looked terrible. Her screams were awful…”


Jessica’s P.O.V


You are little, you don’t understand. You are not a wolf, you are not this, you’re not this either. Unfair and stupid.

Now I am walking on the street, middle of the forest. I hope a wolf or vampire to come, attack me so I can die in peace. I’ll walk all the way home. I don’t care I want to be alone. I’ll burn them all. One by one.

I’ll start running until I fall unconscious.


Four hours later


It’s around 8pm, I looked my phone. 24 different missed calls. It started to rain.

If I stay under the rain, all those feelings will disappear. They are still inside me. Or he’s following me, or the distance is not long enough. No he’s not following me. He’s running somewhere near or training.

I started to cry and sat in middle of the road, I sat on the wet road and hugged my knees, crying.


I woke up still sitting in middle of the road. It’s raining heavily. I’m cold as a dead body. I stood up. Time to get going. Breathe and walk. You don’t need anything else.

Two hours later I went into the town. Its 8 am in the morning and it’s time for school.

What’s happening with me? I don’t like to be like this at all. I am emotional exhausted also physically and spiritually. To go somewhere and rest. It’s insane. I don’t want live like this. Now I don’t even recognize my own feelings because of his.

Too many emotions comes in to me. Pain, embarrassment, proudness, disappointment, enjoyment, happiness, curiosity and a lot more. It makes me cry even more. Since when I became so miserable? To be weak.

I walked into the school, the halls were full with students, everybody with dry uniforms. I went into the room and I saw my bag still on my desk, where I left it yesterday

“Where have you been? You are soaked wet.” Alec said

“What do you mean? It’s raining outside and I didn’t want any umbrella with me.”

“Answer me”

“You won’t understand. Normal people does.”

“Alec?” Stanley said

“Look your precious is here. Go to her and leave me alone.”

“Go home Jess.”

“I can take care of myself alone!” I raised my voice. “Get out of my sight.”

Daniel ran into the room wet too. His pants and shirt were wet.

“Jess why you disappeared like that”

“You were with her?” Alec said

“I was following her, but when I woke up she wasn’t there. Something might get you killed!”

“Just get out of my sight.”


I pulled Stanley and then pushed her into the wall

“You know what Stanley. You had to stay with your miserable family.”

Chapter 5 - Important decision

Jessica’s P.O.V


Dear diary,

I told them what happened with me. Everybody were shocked. I don’t know what’s going on really. If Stanley stay here… the whole Stanley Pack will come here. There will be a war. They count on every female wolf they have. I am not going to apologize because the feelings are real. SHE came and Alex hurt me bad by his rejections. It eats me inside.

Help me. What should I do, every feelings of his are hitting and hurting me badly and I am getting more and more crazy... I’m losing my mind. This power is a curse. I hope nobody feels like me. Even to me my biggest enemy…



Staying in the bathtub all day and thinking. Hot water and a lot of bubbles. I feel like an outsider, I’m not going to lie. It’s awful. Doubt anybody will feel so lost like me.

Alec is home. His worriedness is here. Hitting me again. I leaned my head back on the tub and closed my eyes. Was I too harsh to them? To the pack… I don’t think so. I went too far I suppose. Everything I do is wrong. What should I do then?

I think have an idea how to fix the situation. If I go to Stanley’s Alpha and talk to them, they might let Fiona to stay here. Talking to them, fixing all the mess that the love birds made and coming home. Should be fair enough. Alec is important person to me… and I am going to do such a stupid thing for him and his mate…

The stupid little ginger girl. She way too stupid, don’t you think? She disappeared from her home… because she don’t want to marry her brother? What a coward. She had to make a drama, to fight for her rights. Instead of that she escaped the prison, making other people to fix the mess for her. She’s a wolf. We are ree creatures but we don’t escape when we see challenge.

I got out of the bathtub and dried myself. I dressed up in my sport suit and went downstairs. Ugh feeling dizzy I went into the kitchen. Mom and dad were eating their dinner. Alec wasn’t there.

“Where’s Alec?” I said and opened the fridge “If he’s running again I’ll faint soon.”

“Jess” dad said and stood up. “Stop pushing yourself, and talk with us. We are here to help you” I looked their worried faces. True. Why should i lie to them anyway?

“What should I say dad?” I asked him, sitting on the chair. “Look at me. I’m getting insane, all those feelings Alec has… ruins me. It eats me from inside.”

“How we can help you” mom asked

“You can’t. I can’t block or ignore his feelings. I am weak, if it keeps going… I have the feel I’ll die soon or later” mom stood up and sighed. Took one plate and putted some food in it. Placed it front me.

In few days, I am leaving. I’ll meet this Alpha.


Dear diary,

Nobody is at home! This is the perfect time to pack my things. Tomorrow everybody will be at the camp for the week’s meetings. I’ll tell them I don’t feel good and just leave me alone.

I hope I can fix the things, plus to make up my mind. I don’t know if there’s distance for this feelings, or maybe I should say magic.



I am alone. My parents left before 30 minutes, and I hope there’s nobody outside guarding me.

I know everything about them. Yesterday I went to talk with my Grandpa.


Yesterday afternoon


“Don’t worry Jess”

“I want to ask you something Grandpa. I want to know about Stanley, if we are going to have one around us.”

“They are noble family, but they get their claws out easily, if you threaten their family. They take all the Toulouse territory.”

“Dad told me you had a fight with them… Almost everybody died”

“What you think it’s going to happen now?”

“The same thing.”

“Exactly, the case was the same but back then I wasn’t an Alpha. Their camp was on the north side. Everything was being there. Plans, attacks, talk… why do you even ask?”

“I’m curious. We have a Stanley here Grandpa. Alec choose her front me… I want to know that he won’t regret later.”

“Its worth it Jess…”

“With? Ginger hair?”

“People rare this kind of hair, dear. And if they do… this means they are close to the Stanley’s Family” I nodded

We kept talking a lot.



Back to the present


This is how it happened. When I came home and checked when there’s a train to Toulouse. It’s today at 1pm, so I am packing my sack with main things. I know I am doing stupid thing… but for me it’s kind of worth it.

I wore white skinny jeans and tank top and black thick sweatshirt with big hoodie. I wore my sneakers and took all my money I had. I putted on my hoodie and took the keys, I doubt ill really need them but... still. I opened the front door and closed it after me locking it.

Next destination... Toulouse!


Toulouse. Here I am. It’s going to be really interesting. The town is quite amazing but I don’t I have time to explore the damn city. I need Stanley. Now.

I started walking to north. I bought a map so I can orientate. It’s not that hard.

After an hour or so I went to the most north side of the town. Their camp is out of the own actually. There was a big field and at end of it there was a big house. They are not that… secretive people. Everything is in green and it’s quiet, well I get it why they are here. The air is fresh and clean and the green colors makes you feel relaxed, the noise of the town is not here, also the awful smells of cars.

I started walking through the field. I took deep breath and whistled as loud as I could. My dad taught me on that. When I am in camp and if I get scared to whistle so they came find me. I don’t know what's the point of it… Most animals will just get annoyed.

I looked some wolves running towards me and a person in human form. Since she, Fiona,  don’t want to come and to come back home, I will. There’s no other way, actually for who am I doing it? I keep saying for Alec… but I can’t understand why I would do it. Maybe I seek my own happiness.

They wolves stopped from me with growling and then the human stopped also heavy breathing.

“Who are you?” he asked and the wolves growled loud and I just snorted.

“I want to see the Stanley’s Alpha. If I don’t go in and talk with him, he will come to me. Pick up.”

“Follow me.”

I followed him through the green field and went into the big house. The house is huge. White and clean.

We walked a big in a hall then started walking downstairs and walking again. It was something like a big basement with a lot of tunnels. He went through a big door and I followed.

It’s kind of same Hall as ours in the camp. Big round table and a lot of chairs and fireplaces. There’s no big picture of them on the wall.

“Harry that's the person who interrupted us. Girl, that’s our Alpha.”

“Thanks” I said and nodded

I looked his Alpha. I saw him how he twitched under my look. He has ginger colored hair with brown eyes. Tall with scars on his hands, with huge body. Young.

“What are you doing here? You are not a human”

“So are you?” I asked and he raised his eyebrow “I don’t know too Stanley, but let me use the same words. I know about your pack’s reputation and I want to be safe. Actually, I know I’ll be safe.”

“What do you mean?” said the woman sitting next to him. Young with same ginger colored hair and blue eyes. She wasn’t that tall as I notice. “You are not newborn but the smell looks familiar.”

“Dan’s Pack.” I said and everybody growled at me. “Ok stop with this growling bullshits”

“Why are you here?” Harry asked again. “How old are you and why you came here all alone?”

“16 and I want to talk with you.”

“Sit down” I shook my head ad started walking around the room. He sighed. “For what you want to talk?”

“Fiona Stanley”


“Yes, your precious… daughter? Cousin? Niece? Or whatever it is. She has no work in our pack” I said and leaned my hands on the table looking him. “Her place is here. NOT there. NOT to look for her mate.”

“You are not even a wolf yet, what you know about mates.”

“Look I don’t want to be rude but, or let Fiona stay with us or just take her back”

“Excuse me?”

“Her mate is my brother… ” happiness came in to me. Why happiness? I looked the table confused, I can feel him from that long distance… I closed my eyes.

Bed? What’s this bed? Why do I see bed… with a girl body on it? It’s foggy. She smell amazing. She’s horny and ready. I want her and she’s glowing. I moved to the bed and leaned over her. And looked her. Blue eyes and ginger colored hair. No. “NO!” I said and looked the drops blood on the table and I touched my nose… “Impossible…”

“What’s with her?”  Said the woman and stood up and came to me “Hun are you okay?”

“No I am not. My brother is her mate.” I repeated. Disgusting. I am not going back to them. “Take me or prepare for a battle. Nobody wants dead bodies” I raised my voice. “Take me… we have Fiona…"

“Why should we do this? What happened? ”

I raised my head wiping the blood. 

“They went too far Harry.” I said and looked him in the eyes. “They just had sex” when I said it I felt… relaxed feeling and more happiness. Gentleness. “I told her to go home. She don’t want to. She don’t want to marry her brother.”  


“None of my business. I DON’T WANT A WAR. Sorry but… to make a war because of one idiot, who escaped from home? That’s nonsense. Why you are not even pissed?”

“We decided it long ago Dan.”

“I am White, not Dan.”

“We deiced it long ago White. Everybody is free to do whatever they want to. We are furious about that, but she didn’t even wanted to listen to us. Half of the pack is angry about my Father’s traditions. So I removed this law off the pack. Half of our people spread all around the country. She thought the law is still on.”

“What are you going to do now?” I asked. Ugh I feel dizzy.

“We are the oldest pack White..”

“I don’t care who are you. Or take her back or just leave her with us. It’s your choice.”

“You one of the small people who decide to fight and interrupt me”

“Let me explain the situation. I am not normal, but I am not a wolf either. I am not bowing down to anybody. Got it? I’m not hiding like a mouse.”

“What do you want me to do for you?”

“Let me… live… here.”

“Father?” I heard a voice before I faint on the ground.


Dear diary,

I am staying with Stanley. I don’t know why am I doing it, but I don’t want to go home. Not now, not tomorrow either.

They mated completely. Alec and Fiona. I don’t have words…

I don’t even think…. I don't know anything right now.

I want to rest and look forward with my decision.



Their house and big and… spacious. It’s like a castle. All Stanley live here, when I felt alright, they showed me around. Few living rooms... big kitchen and dining room. Every single bedroom... ‘Bedroom’ actually it’s like a mini apartment, with bathroom and a kitchen. For some big families they had 3-4 rooms for sleeping. They didn’t have a free room, so I have a roommate. And I don’t even know the gender. I am alone for few days or so.

I am sitting on my bed, trying to calm down because of Alec’s feelings. I catch them even here… that’s not normal.

I wore my shorts and sweatshirt with big hoodie and went downstairs. I’ll go to the library.

The room is big. With bookshelves are until the ceiling. There’re few lines with bookshelves. How am I supposed to get the book I need for myself? For my condition? My condition... what about my pack’s one? Shall I tell them I am okay? At least a voice message?

I took my phone. I removed all the tracking devices and called dad. Thank god it’s on a voicemail.

“Hey, dad. I know you are mad, also mom and the whole pack. I’m just sorry, but I had to do it. Everything is done with Stanley, she can stay with us… I’ll… fuck… you’ll want to know where I am…” I took deep breath. Make an excuse. “But I won’t tell you. There’s something important I have to finish before I come back. Sorry for all the troubles I made and don’t worry for me. I love you all and tell to Alec… NOT to pull me next time when he have sex with his girlfriend, because I’ll kill him when I see him.”

I hang up and looked around. Find the book you need.

Chapter 6 - Roommate

 Jessica’s P.O.V


I still don’t have a roommate. Actually he didn’t showed up. I looked around the other bedroom. It’s a guy…

Two weeks passed. My pack came here to look for me. Harry made them leave making an excuse that I came here for a while and left. So for sure, he will protect me. You know… today is the full moon and I am scared. I don’t know if I’ll transform or not. Stanley still don’t know my brother is my twin. I even read their generation book. They had twins few times, but they are all dead now.

I rolled on my other side in the bed. It’s middle of the night and I’m thinking about death. How pathetic am I to think this?

I stood up from bed and went to the kitchen. There’s mini cake still. I took it from the fridge and started eating when I sat on the countertop.

Now I feel my own depression… actually I still feel Alec’s feelings but… I make the difference better. His feelings are not that strong as before. I sighed. I have a lot of time, making up my mind. It’s good. But I still don’t know what to do, I have no ideas in my mind.

The good part is… Stanley removed the rule for incest. Everybody are free now and one by one some people are coming back to the pack… with or without a mate.

I placed the cake next to me and hugged my knees, putting my feet on them on the countertop. I leaned my forehead on my knees. With or without chocolate cake… I feel the same. I feel empty without Alec. This sucks. A lot. I want to go home but I don’t want to, because… I feel replaced and rejected. I closed my eyes.

“You are so tiny and cute sweetheart…” I heard a deep voice. Did I fall asleep?

“W-what?” I raised my head. Front me was staying... literally huge person. 6’5 tall with wide shoulders… and his arms and legs were in muscles. I could see the shirt was going to tear up soon... and his veins were going to explode in any minute.

“Cute” he raised his eyebrow “What are you doing in my room?” I looked him… long dark ginger colored hair mixed up with bright drown and dark blue eyes. 

“My room is over there…” I said pointing the door next to balcony one.

“And since when I have roommate? And who the fuck are you? You are not even a wolf.”

Why he has to be so rude… and huge… and… so fucking handsome?

“Yeah... excuse me for not being a wolf.” I jumped off the countertop. So my roommate has to be big badass? And here we go again for-not-being-a-wolf thing. Why people think I am too stupid to understand what they are doing? I don’t think it’s something different and difficult.

I passes him and went outside of the balcony. I leaned my elbows and looked the big field at backyard. There were some wolves training, I could hear their growling, isn’t it little too late for trainings? the weather is nice and warm, with just small wind.

I saw two hands leaning on my both sides and taking a deep breath.

“Not from our pack… but in parts smell of us. Who are you sweetheart?”

“Human and a girl as you can see.”

“With huge boobs, I understand that. You smell…” I heard a low growl near my ear. “Amazing…”

His hands moved on mine… and I felt something like electricity through my body. What’s with that? Another deep breath. He turned me around facing him.

“Who are you” he repeated again

“Jessica White” I said, I was literally tiny… against him. I couldn’t see up from his stomach with a normal look. He moved one more step closer. I placed my hands on his stomach.

“White… I remember this name, so his son has a kid. Axel Stanley on your service, my lady.”

“Nice to meet you Stanley, now can you please… move?” I said looking up to him. My neck will start hurting me like this... if we always have to do that.


“Thank you” I said and he moved away from me… now I could see his face normally.

“Let me take you out today? Show you around” I nodded “Sweet. Go take some rest.”

I nodded again and passed him going to my room. Geez. So cool and huge. I thought I’ll die. I shook my head and took my phone. And looked the messages. One from dad. Voicemail. I turned it on.

“Jess I talked with everybody… and they want to keep looking for you. Daniel is always pissed and I have no idea why. I know you both had feelings for each other, but now the situation is way different. Alec… yes they did it. They mated completely. He is blaming himself for everything that happened with you. Tattoo and all the feelings you felt…” Yeah… I still feel them… “Your mother is nervous all the time, can’t sleep and eat properly. Look Hun, come back when you want, and take care of yourself. And if you are still in Stanley’s territory, look around for dangerous people, mostly of the pack. We all love you.”

I placed my phone on the nightstand. Yes to do something good about your family you have to sacrifice something.


Dear diary,

You can’t imagine what just happened! My roommate… is huge, and fucking hot and handsome. I feel jelly already of his girlfriend, if he has one at all. Today we are going around the town. It’s good, now I have a ‘friend’ to talk with at least.



I got out of the shower and wrapped the towel around my body. I got one towel and for my hair. I looked myself in the mirror. I seemed different than before. I looked happy. Yeah, why not. I deserve some happiness too.

Axel opened the door and went in, and looked me confused.

“Oh excuse me… forgot there’s a woman living with me” he said

“I’m done, come in.” I said and passed him I heard the door closing quietly. I went into my room. Even sleepy he’s cool. Dammit. I can’t have such thoughts in my head.

I took matching panties and bra and wore them. Then the clothes came. What should I wear?

After few minutes I took black skinny jeans and white tank top. Why should I even think it so much for one meeting… come on? I wore them, and started drying my hair. Knock on my door came.

“Jessica are you ready?”

“Almost, come in” the door opened and I looked him. He had black jeans on, white shirt, and leather jacket on. It that coincidence?

“Nice clothes” and he bit his lip. Why I have the feel that’s not the proper way to say it? Only by his look I can say he want to have sex with me. I sat on the bed and took my white shoes on platform and putted them on.

“Thanks, you too” I said and took my black leather jacket “Where do we go?” I said following him outside of the apartment.

“Where do you want to?”

“Somewhere far?”

“Take these” he threw me a pair of leather female gloves. “Bought them for you.”

“Thank you, but why do I need them?”

“The only vehicle I have is a motorbike.” I gasped. “What? Scared?”

“Not really… I always wanted to be on a motorbike.” I smiled. He took deep breath looking at me


We walked down the stairs and we met Harry at the front door with his wife seems like. Is that his wife at all?

“Oh Axel I was looking for you.” He said “I have to ask you a favor.”

“I’m going out, as you can see.”

“I can see that. I want to look after her while she lives here.”

“What? You know I can’t do this… I’ll hurt her more than help her”

“I count on you” Harry said “If it’s needed you’ll take her with you on your missions.” He said only and went outside.

He sighed and looked at me. He shook his head unbelievable and walked outside. I am not that hard for protecting you know… I know some tricks too. I followed him outside. He went to his vehicle. Motorbike Yamaha 1000. Black colored, I don’t know much about, cars, motors or other vehicles but this one looked… kind of sexy.

I wore the leather gloves while walking to him. He sat on the motorbike and patted the place behind him.

“Thank god you are with jeans, not a skirt. I love the speed.” I sat behind him getting comfortable. “I don't know what you're thinking, sugar. So hold on tight.” I wrapped my hands around him. “Next destination, the beach.” He started the engine. I looked Harry and I saw him smirking and winking at me before Axel go.


Speed. I love the speed already. I want to feel the speed for rest of my life.

We are walking along the beach. I still feel the adrenaline in my blood and body. I could feel how Axel was smirking next to me. There was a lot of people on the beach. Not in swimsuits but clothes for spring. There was couples mostly.

“You love the speed” I said. “And what you do for a living?”

“I’m a racer.”

“I can feel that, you took all the turns so easy.” I said smiling. “What competitions actually?”

“With motorbike of course.” He said. “I wish I could try the one with a partner”


“Yes a partner”

“Take one then, what you are waiting for?”

“Inspiration. Dedication to the competitions. It’s hard to find one.”

“There’s guys all over the country Axel.”

“The 2nd partner has to be a woman. She’s the one who makes the cascades behind the guy.”

“I can’t understand you, rephrase everything” he laughed

“Rules are simple. For this competition, partners should be man and a woman. Usually the guy is driving the motor on high speed, and the woman is doing cascades behind, on and front him.”

“You mean like standing up behind him and other things?”

“Yes exactly.”

“And how like that you don’t have a woman until now, I bet you can find one.”

“It’s easy to be said from your mouth. She need to be strong physically and mentally. There should be a trust between the people. Without it it’s impossible. It’s dangerous you know. There’s no seatbelts sugar, if she falls… she might get hurt. If she falls front the motorbike… she might die.”

“Oh… that’s true.”

“She has to be tiny and small too” he stopped walking and looked at me “Something like you. You are not really tall but I am sure you are flexible enough for the cascades”

I nodded. I’ve always played safe because of my brother and Daniel, maybe now it’s time to break the ice.

“I can try” I said looking the sand.

“What? You are not even a wolf. I can’t put you in this kind of danger…”

“You know… I am little different than others. I can change anytime. The 18 years, doesn’t mean anything to me. And I know… my transformation will be tonight.”

“What? You don’t have 18 right?”

“No I don't.”

“Then it’s impossible, no wait… there’s only one way. You have a twin brother?” I nodded “Why you escaped from him!” he raised his voice. “You two can’t be separated!”

I stopped walking and took my leather jacket off. And looked him in his eyes.

“Look Axel… It’s hard a lot for me. I still absorb his feelings and I don’t know which one to express first. I thought I should fix this mess with Fiona and make up my mind, but it’s not happening.”

“All our twins died Jessica. First time one male died in a battle for territory, his sister suicided after him, not even 24 hours had passed from his death. 2nd twins… both suicided. 3rd twins… the female was killed. The male suicided. It’s connected… everything. He dies, you suicide. You die, he suicides. You both need each other”

“I know that Axel! He rejected me, because of his stupid mate Stanley… You don’t know what pain I have inside… I want to get distracted. I accept that everything is against me.”

“You’ll be good at the competition.” He said after few minutes “We should just train. And after your transformation… in which pack you gonna be? You are from Dan’s I heard that yesterday night… but you live here.”

“If my mate is here… I’m staying.” He nodded.

When we went far enough from the crowd I sat on the sand and he did next to me.

“When is the first competition?”

“After a month”

“Month?” he nodded “We’ll have enough time to practice guess”

“If your transformation is tomorrow… don’t you feel the attraction?”

“I might not have a mate Axel.” I smiled. “Let’s go eat something? There’s few cafes around.” He nodded “Since you know so much about the twins... how old are you?”

“I am really old.” He said. “756 years old.”

“Wow. And you are not dead yet?”

“Do I look dead?” he laughed

“Where’s your mate anyway?”

“She’s…” he made a pause “In weird situation. Fell in love with somebody… really bad person.”

“She did? From the wolf’s laws you can kill them both.”

“I’ve killed a lot of people, my hands are full of blood of other people, but I can’t kill her. For me it’s impossible.”

“I understand…”

“You are from Dan’s pack…” I nodded and stepped on the parking lot with bare feet. I sat on the ground and wore my shoes “Even in a small town, your pack is one of strongest here. You are White… and I have to tell you something.”

“What is it?” I said standing up, removing the sand off my jeans.

“I killed your Grandfather”


“Your father’s dad. White. He came here to look for his mate, but back then nobody let any person to come near us. I was one of the guards on our territory, it was my shift.”

“Why you are telling me this?”

“You should know. He had a son… I knew that, but still I killed him. I bet your dad is a good person Jess. And handsome.” He smirked “You are beautiful little creature. Your mate will be lucky.”

“I doubt that.” I said sitting behind him “Past stays there, not worth it looking behind, my dear Axel. Why should I suffer for person who I never met? ”


After lunch and few more hours spending time with him, it was time to go home. We are on the half way home, I’m sitting behind him and hugging him tight. Well I wonder why we shouldn’t try now.

I untied my hands around him and placed them on his shoulders. I raised myself a bit.

“What are you doing?” I heard him. I placed my both feet on the seat. I smirked. I raised my hands to keep balance. “Jessica!”

“Keep going” I said “Just keep going…” I laughed. The wind was amazing. I felt free and completely full of energy. If it's always like this I’ll want to do it every day… let it be. 

The drivers of the passing cars were watching me amazed, but I could care less. The adrenaline was making me doing weird things... for god sake I accepted to be his partner into this. Isn’t that insane!? Yes it is crazy and insane. I love it. Soon… I’ll be a wolf, which means I can do a lot more things and not to care about anything.

I sat down again when we came into the town. My smile was wide. Like I found my best friend who was hiding for centuries. When we stopped front the house, I felt my legs numb.

“ARE YOU CRAZY?”  He yelled, I laughed and saw his angry face fading away.

“No… but if I am going to feel this… every time… I am totally with you in this.”

“Yes one of the best feelings ever is the speed sweetheart. I love it, so I am using it as a hobby.”

“You can be my new hobby too!” I smiled. Why… did I said that? Oh yea… the horny feeling came into me earlier. I closed my eyes “Sorry about that… sounded wrong” I looked the sunset

“No.. It doesn’t at all.” He said and stepped closer to me, he lifted me and placed me on his motorbike. “You know you are the first girl who sits on this right?”

“No” I shook my shook my head “I thought you even have a mate or a girlfriend. Should I feel special?”

“Yes, you should.” He leaned down “You are lucky, little girl”

“I know” I said smiling. “Let’s go.”

We walked into the house. I wonder how many generations live here? They are quite a lot I suppose, plus their lands are huge. I even saw few more big houses far from this one. Well since you can make the houses, why not? It doesn’t bother me at all, if you ask me. I removed my gloves, and putted them in my pockets.

“Where were you two?” I heard Harry from the stairs.

“Beach… then went for a lunch. Something wrong?” Axel asked.

“No, but today we are waiting Ash to transform.” He nodded and looked me.

“Oh go…” I said “Don’t worry for me. I’ll be alright.”

“But you said…”

“I know what I said Axel. Go.”


After a shower and small snack… nothing left to do. I went outside of the balcony and sat on railing and leaned my back and head on the wall. And I am alone again. My depression is just keep going through me. I looked the backyard. Stanley has other methods for the first time shifters. They don’t hide in cave like our pack, they are staying outside. They are sitting in a circle… and just talk and wait.

I looked Axel. Why he has to be so good looking? And his muscles are… huge, let me not talk about his abs. Before an hour ago he was going to kiss me right? I felt that too… Like I felt his thoughts in me. He wants me. Badly. Half of the guys wants me most of the time… nothing new for me.

He raised his head and looked me. I kept his sight. I nodded at him and he smiled. He’s kind. Why he is kind with me? I am stranger after all, who came from nowhere. I am from the enemy’s pack. Seeking revenge? Or my own happiness?

I would never know.

Chapter 7 - Gold

Jessica’s P.O.V


I woke up with a pain again. It’s the same pain when my brother got his tattoo… but now it’s over my body. It’s hurting me a lot. Why I am the only person who has this kind of pain inside? Whatever happens I get most hurt from all people around me. This sucks. Am I that different from other people?

I am still at the railing on the balcony. One wrong move and I’ll fall down. I can get over the pain… it’s not that bad actually. Is this making me a masochist? Or maybe I just took so much pain, that I don’t realize it anymore?

I touched my forehead. Sweaty, as my whole body. I looked the field. This Ash was literally screaming by the pain. I stepped on balcony’s floor and I fell on my knees. Okay this is going to be bad I suppose?

After few minutes I was laying on the floor coughing. All my senses were getting better and better. I started to feel all the awful scents around me, also my sight, I can even see the concrete structure of the balcony. My hearing was getting better and better.

“Hey where did… new… go?” I can’t hear well. Fuck this. Focus goddammit “She was sitting over there before few minutes”

“Probably went to sleep Wilson” I heard Harry’s voice

“I am fucking not sleeping…” I whispered and closed my eyes. I heard popping and crackling and then felt bigger pain than before. I screamed and opened my eyes. My hands were shaking and the bones were moving under my skin. I could see them moving under my skin. How’s that even possible? I am sure it’s not possible.

“Is that a girl’s scream? I hear crackling”

“Her transformation started.” I heard Axel.

“What? She doesn’t have 18?”  Two stood up and started running. I shrank and tried not to scream. Why did you screamed… why...?

The front door of our apartment opened and I heard fast steps.

“Geez, sugar… what happened with you?” I heard Axel who was picking me up in sitting position. He leaned me on the wall of the balcony and looked me.

“So she started transforming. She has a twin” Harry stated. I nodded “Knew it. She had 2 scents in one.”

“Hurts” I said panting.

“Calm down okay?” Axel sat front me. “Let me give a hint… Think about the speed.” He smiled.

The electricity came through my body again. Why this is happening? Little by little he started to shine and glow. That’s the same feeling as Alec... when he looked Fiona. This can’t be possible… I thought I won’t have a mate… at least not one of the oldest people in the country.

“You start to shine…” I said he nodded.

“I know. You shine too in my eyes sweetheart.” Harry sighed. And he transformed into his wolf form. His color of the in bright brown color. His eyes were same blue colored. I felt like I want to bow down to him. He’s my true Alpha… not Grandpa. He jumped on the railing and howled as same time, my body exploded with a huge warmth. I was staying on 4 legs. My body wasn’t hurting me at all. Instead of Dan’s pack people in my mind… I heard different unknown voices, one of them was dominating than others.

Somebody hit gently my nose with his, I raised my head. The wolf was huge. Maybe few times bigger than me. I suddenly felt like a dwarf to him. His fur was in gold colored fur, but in darker shades. I stepped closer to him curious. He returned on my reactions with gentleness.

“ATTENTION EVERYBODY” I heard a voice in my head. Harry’s voice, I looked him how he jumped off the balcony. “We have an unexpected member of our pack. Jessica White.” The voices started getting louder and louder, amusing how a member of other pack came here. “SILENCE. It’s her choice if she will stay here or return to her old Pack. Axel and Jessica, please, come down here. ” Axel jumped off the balcony and I followed him down. I landed easily. We went to the circle of wolves. Everybody looked me with respect, and all bowed down. Harry moved front his pack looking at me. “Me, Harry, the Alpha of the Stanley’s pack, I give you a choice Jessica White. Where do you wish to stay? Here with this Stanley's pack or to go back to your Family’s pack? Pick up wisely.”

“I…” Where should I go? I told Axel I’ll stay here if my mate is here… and he is my mate… so… “I’m staying here in Stanley’s pack” I said and raised my head to Harry. He nodded with improving my decision.

“Good. Please welcome our newest members of the Pack. Jessica White and Ash Stanley.” Everybody raised a howl. I felt happy. “Let’s go for a run, shall we?”


After the race and running all around their territory, we came back in the house. They have served another dinner the big dining room. Everybody sat there. They were talking loud and they were laughing. Like nothing happened. Axel was sitting next to me, really close than usual. I could feel his warm heat touching my body. I wanted to do a lot of things to him…

The dining room was huge, mostly like a big Hall for prom or so. The floor was wooden, the walls were in bloody red, with different painting on the walls. Actually the paintings were all the Alphas who ruled the pack through the years. Everybody had ginger colored hair and different shades of blue eyes. It’s kind of beautiful to be honest. It caught my eye.

“Well…” Harry said. “Since you two are the new members. You need our sign that proves you are from the Stanley’s pack. We’ll make it tomorrow morning.” I nodded. Which means the same pain as before… but this time I hope to faint. “It’ll be on your back. Big circle on your whole back, with different lines in it. For you Jessica you’ll see a flower in it.”

“May I ask…?” I said

“Yes, what is it?”

“Why all females has a flower in their tattoo? My mother has it too…”

“Well it’s the female’s prefers most of the time. The male’s tattoo has just thick and thin lines, but you can see different pictures in it.”

“I don’t want a flower…”

“Good. As you wish”

I thanked and kept eating. Well I have new family. Good! Some change. But soon or later I should go to see my family. I bet they are worrying too much. Maybe I should go after the competition. Yeah I’ll do this.

After the dinner everybody went to their bedrooms. I felt… strange to be honest. And now I can recognize my own feelings. They are not messed up with Alec’s anymore, which is good. Actually awesome.

“I guess you’ll want to take a shower?” Axel said sitting on the sofa.

“Yeah” I said and went into the bathroom. I removed my clothes and threw them on the floor. Taking shower for 3rd time today. Who is taking showers so many times in one day?

I turned on the water and stayed under it. I am excited. I mean there’s a lot of things I want to do… and now I have the powers to do it. Mostly this with the competition things. Running as a wolf is fast too… but I don’t like it as the motorbikes. Shall I just ask him if he can buy one for me too? But I need a license too… I’ll take it easy I’m sure of it.

I stepped out of the shower. Ok let’s make a plan. Tomorrow I’ll get my tattoo… then the trainings will start, just as my brother’s. So I doubt we’ll have much time to practice for the competition. Ugh this is bad… I opened the door. Maybe I can be a racer too, I mean it’s not that hard right? I bet there’s female’s competitions!

“Ready?” he said and looked me

“Mmm.. yeah I suppose so.”

“Is there something wrong?”

“Not really, but now I don’t know how to act around you… if you know what I mean.”

“You are not alone in this, sugar. I never had mate, I waited you 756 years…” he stood up and came to me. “And you are so cute and adorable.” He touched my cheek then my chin and raised my head up. “And your body is so… tempting. I feel like doing so bad things to it. So better prepare yourself.” I felt excitement.

“Really?” I smirked.

“Of course. Tomorrow you’ll want this too, way too badly sweetheart”

“Doubling hormones.”  He winked at me.

“So smart. Are you really 16?”

“Are you really 756?”


“Here’s your answer, sugar.” I said. He untied my dressing gown and opened it. And stepped closer, until my back hit the wall.

“So soft” Axel whispered and hands moved on my waist and belly. “I can smell from here, you are horny…” His hand moved down to my pussy, I gasped. “See?”

“Got a problem?” I said and grabbing his shirt.

“You like it rough, don’t you?”

“I like a lot of things.” I smiled. “Now may I dress up?”

“Sure” He stepped back smirking at me.

I went into my room. My heart is beating… so fast… Geez. I took deep breathes few times. Calm down you stupid.


I laid in my bed under the sheets, and closed my eyes. Minutes were passing, but I couldn’t fall asleep. I feel double emptiness. I can’t sleep. I heard the TV turning on. Football match. I stood up from bed and opened the door.

“Can’t sleep” explained when he turned around.

“Same, don’t worry.” I went to the kitchen and opened the fridge. “Can you give me one beer?” I took the beer and juice for me. I sat next to him at the sofa and handed him the beer.  “Thank you, and how like that you can’t sleep? Scared of the tattoo?”

“I’ve been through it already Axel”

“What do you mean?”

“All the physical pain from my brother, comes on my body. I felt every line when Dan’s pack made my brother’s tattoo”

“You gotta be kidding me?”

“No at all” I said I turned my back facing him and raised my shirt. “Proof.” He grabbed the shirt and raised it even more

“It’s like a burnt scar.”

“Yeah I know.” I turned around to him, making him let my shirt go. And sighed. I putted my legs on the table front the sofa and looked the TV. I don’t like sports at all. “I’m not fan of sports.” I said later and he nodded

“What plans you have for yourself, and most importantly us?” I frowned I haven’t thought about that.

“I don’t know. Thinking to visit my family after the first competition.”

“That’s after a month.” I nodded “Well let’s make a plan then. Tomorrow you’ll have the tattoo and training after it. Then we’ll start practice at the morning with the motorbike and then with Ash in the afternoon.”

“Can I have a motorbike too?”

“Yea, sure, but I doubt you have a license for this”

“I’ll take it easy”

“I am sure of it. Then we’ll see for a suit. We have to match. You are skinny so…”

“And you are huge, as fuck dude. You are like a wall against me. I’ll hide in you when there’s a windy weather” I laughed loud

“Thanks for the compliment” he answered with laugh too “For sure I’ll protect you and like this.”

“You are welcome.”


Dear diary,

My transformation went good enough. Axel was there and he’s my mate. The book said I won’t have a mate so I didn’t expect anything about it. Every time he touches me I feel… electricity that comes through my body. I don’t know if that’s normal… but probably it is. Did I said he’s a racer? Yes fucking awesome and handsome man is my mate… and little too old than I expected him to be, but I don’t care much. Also… I’m going to be on a race with him and I’ll be his partner. I’m excited.

Now I make difference between my emotions and Alec’s. An instinct tells me which is mine and which is his. I haven’t been in his head for a while and I feel just happiness by his side. He’s happy and I am glad.

I accepted to be in Harry’s pack and tomorrow will have the tattoo, also we start trainings.

My life is getting better, don’t you think?

Because… I am happy right now.



I am sitting in Axel lap. I was kissing him and fucking him in same time on the sofa. Slow and tempting, heavy breathing. His warmth is the best thing in this world, also his hands tight around me. I could smell his scent of apple and cinnamon. My body felt awesome and wanting him more and more…

“Wake up sleepy head” somebody woke me up… “I like you being on me… but… ugh…” I opened my eyes and gasped. This position is not good for sleeping. I raised on my elbow and looked around. “Ow, ow, ow.” Said a voice again and a hand pulled my elbow down, and I fell. “You are tiny but you are sharp as a knife, sugar.”

Axel. I blinked few times and looked him. I fell asleep over him. I sat on him and he raised himself on his elbows. He’s eyes were still sleepy and his hair was messy

“You are good pillow Axel.”

“And you are good blanket Jess”

“Thank you” I said with a nod. “I’m sleepy. What time is it?”

“9:33 am”

“Can I sleep some more? And why you are awake… and fuck…” I said thrusting my fingers in my hair, the dream… he looked me with a smirk “We can share the same dream…”

“As you can feel also” he moved a bit and my body moved along with his, I felt something hard under me. I blushed and hid my face in my hands and he laughed. “No, no, no… don’t hide you are cute…”

“SHUT UP” I said and hit his chest “When we should be there?”

“Around 13pm… after lunch time” I nodded slowly few times. “Stop nodding…” I felt his erection was growing bigger. I smiled and prepared to stand up. He shook his head and sat fast, his lips are so close to mine. Centimeters, maybe even millimeters. I touched his lower lip with my thumb. Soft and tempting to be kissed. I took a deep breath. Why this has to take so much time. He licked my thumb and bit it gently watching me. I felt shiver of satisfaction. So I really like rough things? Perfect couple? “I felt that, sugar.”

I smiled and winked at him. We have enough time… maybe something might happen anyway. I caressed once again his lip with my thumb. And looked him in the eyes. I saw the desire in his eyes. He wants me as much as I want him.

“This… takes too much time don’t you think?” I whispered. He smiled.

“I want your first time to be special.” Axel answered.

“And I want it to be rough.” I said with some challenge in it. He raised his eyebrow.

“So you are little… pervy girl?” I shrugged. His arm wrapped around my waist. “You are not going anywhere.” I leaned to him and gave him a quick kiss.

“What are we going to do then?”

“Make you mine completely” he said and kissed me, with one pull he teared up my shirt. I gasped “Beautiful”

I moved towards him. He laid back on the sofa, his hands were on my ass keeping me raised over him. He trusted his tongue in my mouth.

So after all, we’ll mate completely, which means there’s no way back. He will be mine forever, as I am his. I met him yesterday, but I know he can be trusted him fully. He will protect me… I don’t want anything else…

His hands moved on my hips caressing them, I could reach end his shirt and grab it. I pulled it up and removed it. I kissed his jaw and moved down biting him. He gasped. Isn’t it funny… 16 years old to seduce a grown up man… my hands moved on his jeans unbuttoning them. He growled tightening the grab.

“You are mine, little.” He said

“I am sure you mine too, biggy...” I said when I moved my hand inside his jeans, under me. He groaned when I touched his dick. Like a beast asking to be released. “You like it don’t you?” I whispered when I move my finger over his length. He sat fast, removing his jeans under me

“You are evil”

“I bet I fit you the best.” I said while he was removing my shorts along with my panties, he kissed me once again.

I wrapped my hands around his neck, his hands moved on my pussy. Axel's middle finger moved on my clit rubbing and I groaned in his lips. He bit my lip until it bleed and moved down on my jaw and neck. I leaned my head back and groaned again. Axel started biting my neck, not painful but enough to make shivers to go through my body, making me even wet. His heavy breathing was like a caress to my body. His finger move on entrance and pushed it in. I panted and move from surprise towards him.

“Shhh…” he said and kissed my cleavage started kissing my boobs making my nipples harder than before. He came back on my neck and sucked on it and making a hickey. He added one more finger and started moving them in and out. I can’t take it any sooner… his fingers are just… magical. He moved with me on the couch sitting normally and leaned his back on it, spreading his legs. I raised his head to mine and kissed him. “Your moves, sounds and just your breathing drives me crazy Jess, I can’t keep it any sooner…”

“Then do it.” I whispered. He moved once again and I heard his boxers falling down on the floor. I started kissing his neck and chest. He moved his dick on my entrance, instantly my muscles tightened by his touch. I tried to relax my body and he pushed it fast in. I made a small scream near his neck “Hurts...”

“I know, sugar” he said and started moving slowly at first, but after few trusts he started moving faster and faster. His ahnds moved on my ass and trusted abit his fingers, my body leaned back but he held me with his hands around my waist trusting deeper and harder. He licked my neck and went until my ear “Will you believe… if I tell you I love you already?” he whispered

“Tell me something I don’t know, babe” I said and kissed him


My head is laying on his shoulder, and his dico was still inside me. His hands are still around my body, I am sweaty with him. I feel my body numb. And I feel some pain between my legs… why he had to be so huge and down there. Is this some kind of a joke? I feel and dizzy too… I sat up and looked his chest confused taking his cock deeper in me. I felt pain in my head and neck. I pinned my look in Axel’s bare chest. “Don’t move your eyes” I said to myself.

“Hun are you okay?” I heard Axel

“Alec is in my head.” I moved my finger on my lips, showing him to keep silence.

Yeah somebody is in my head.

Alec. He found a way. Fuck.


Alec’s P.O.V


Eating breakfast at school’s canteen with Daniel and Fiona…

I tried to go in Jessica’s head few times but it still can’t make it. I’m getting pissed. We can’t find her for near 3 weeks. We are running all over the country and cities looking for her, but nothing. She’s playing nasty. She always does. Hiding things and her thoughts… I’m her brother after all. Why this time I can’t find her?

Our pack is… worried about her. Dad got a message from her. She won’t say where she is, and of course she removed her tracking devices on phone. Why my little twin sister has to be so smart in everything? Am I missing something? There should be a key how to get in her mind and head.

She had a talk with our grandfather about the Stanley’s and he didn’t notice anything what happened with the conversation. How stupid you can be, not to notice it?! Now she’s good in lying to people too. She’s going to be in a bad band soon or in the Mafia, Full gangers. She would fit perfectly. I even imagine her, with short skirt and a sweater, long boots till her knees. All her face in piercings, with black hair and awful atittude, perfect moves in battles. I am sure, she will take all of her enemies down, no matter what.

“Do you feel any cold shivers...?” I said when I felt my body got a shiver. Actually it’s more like a tickle over my body.

“No, why?” Daniel asked.

“I feel strange. Horny and kind of… excited?” I closed my eyes and moved my shoulders.

I want to see where my sister is.

Everything went black. And then the feelings of her body showed up.

I am lying on something kind of wet, warm and comfortable. She opened her eyes, and looked the wall then the furniture. She’s in an apartment? She sat on up and I felt something thick between my legs… and it was growing. She pinned her look on a bare skin…

“Hun are you okay?” male deep voice.

“Alec is in my head” she said and moved her finger front her lips. Her heart started to beat fast after he spoke. She’s in love?

She’s… naked… also the man. This explain the thing between her legs, going deep and growing bigger. She had sex. My little is… tarnished by this man. This bastard. WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?

“Alec? ALEC, come back man, you are bleeding.” Voices were calling. No… I won’t move from here until I don’t understand where she is.

“Get away from my head Alec” I heard her voice, still the same cute and innocent but I felt something like hardness and rudeness in her voice. “Don’t look for me.” and she pushed me away.

I opened my eyes. Confused I looked around and my nose is bleeding. The table had a bloody spot, i had in my soup too, how many minutes I was there?

“You were in trance man” Daniel said “For 10 minutes…” I looked him and I took the paper wiping the blood.

“I was in her head. She wasn’t alone Daniel” I said looking him

“What do you mean?”

“She was with a guy, way older than her, from what I noticed from the voice. She was lying on him naked and…”

“She had sex with him? You want to tell me this?” he said getting pissed again and I nodded. He hit the table as he stood and a crackle showed up on the table “Impossible”

“What’s with you man?” I said “You are not her mate, and you know that. Her feelings for you… are not here anymore, stop it already.”

“She had to be my mate”

“You can’t have everything you want.” I said. “We have to find her first. She’s safe for now...”

“SAFE?” he yelled “How like that safe? That’s unknown man for us. For me. HE might hurt her. If he does, personally I’ll kill him”

“Calm down you both” Fiona said

“CALM DOWN? You little filthy bitch, tell me to calm down?” Daniel said “It’s all your fault isn’t it?”

“Don’t talk with her like this”

“Or what?”

“We’ll have a fight.”

“TWINS, can’t be separated Alec. She’s on a hundred kilometers from you. Soon or later, you both might suicide. You know that. Don’t play innocent to your Stanley. Jessica fixed this mess because she’s a little coward.”

“Yes that’s the truth, so what? You think if you yell over Fiona, Jessica will return?”

“No I don’t.”


“She has to take the responsibility, not your sister. Jessica somewhere all alone, escaping from here because of her” he pointed Fiona “That’s stupid. Also insane. Better teach her on some power and how to protect herself.” He took his bag and went outside slamming the door.

Daniel you are such an idiot.

Chapter 8 - Training

Jessica’s P.O.V


“Feeling alright?” Axel asked again.

“Perfectly.” I said, so my first time is in the Stanley’s house, with one of the Stanley. Funny but still… it’s still amazing, how the things for short time… changed. “We should go eat something.”

“After a shower.” He said and stood up raising me in bridal style.

“Shall I expect something when we go for a breakfast?”


“What?” what’s with that now…?

“The house, actually the wlls has ears sweetheart” he said letting my feet to touch the bathtub’s floor. “Everybody knows we mated completely already.”

“So… What should I expect?”

“Mating in this family means a lot to everybody. They’ll feel your scent immediately, they’ll start talking to you more and more, asking you to go out and such, because you are from the family now. Some crazy people will start preparing a wedding, even if we are not engaged.” I sighed and turned on the water. Weirdos.

After long shower and few games under the shower, we decided to go out. I wore matching bra and panties again with shorts and tunic. I got my flip flops and went out. He’s was waiting in the living room. He smiled and kept the door open for me.

“Thank you” I said and started walking down the hall. He caught my hand and I looked our hands. “Why? Never felt woman hands in yours?” he nodded “This explains everything…”

“Absolutely.” He caught my waist and turned me around and kissed me. Then lifted me placed me on his shoulder. I heard his laugh

“Ooo come on!” I said screaming to let me down “Axel!” I hit his back with my fists

“We are almost there, sweetheart” he started walking down the stairs. I relaxed my body. I GIVE UP. No point of fighting with him. This is bullshit. Of course he will win. He’s few times bigger in weight and height from me. “Hey guys” he said entering the dining room

“What you did to the poor girl Axel” I heard Harry “She smell… of Stanley’s now.”

“May I go down please? Some help here?!” I asked from his shoulder.

“Axel” a female voice said “Put her down. We know you have the strongest among us, but at least don’t hurt her. Use Harry for example!”

“Ha-ha-ha, sister” Harry said with fake laugh

“She’s tough person” he answer and patted my ass

“Put me down Axel” he moved and placed me on a chair and sat next to me. “Thank you! Wasn’t that hard, was it?”

“Don’t mind him, hun” the woman said again. And I looked her. Her hair was the brightest from all people on the table, but with brown eyes. She was taller than me obviously. “Emendate” she introduced herself “Axel’s sister, and ex-partner in the competitions” This caught my attention and I raised my eyebrows

“Why you gave up? The speed is awesome!”

“It’s not in my style anymore and I got pregnant. Motherhood after it. Since then he refused to attend the competitions.”

“Well now we’ll try.” I said

“I was surprised too, when I heard that, and I came to see the lucky girl.” The maids served the lunch front us “Who accidentally is his mate too.” She said sweet and looked him

“I doubt you came just for a visit.” Axel said

“I have to spend some time with the future member of Stanley’s. Also I can show her some tricks for the competition. Did you tell her, where the competition is?”

“Not yet. It’s in Toulon.” He said, looking at me “After the competition, we’ll go to see your parents.”

“Perfect.” I took my fork and started eating my lunch.

“When is the wedding?” Another woman said, who wasn’t young as other, I could she’s in her 60s.

“Not this again Emerald.” Axel said. “She’s too young for this. Old traditions are over now.” She nodded and started eating. Soo… His family still are looking at the old traditions. Cute story bro.

“Where’s Ash, Emend?” Harry asked “Don’t tell me, you don’t know where your son is”

“He’s a wolf, he’s free to do whatever he wants”

“He need his tattoo, you know this.”

“Who will be first?” Axel went into the conversation after drinking from the wine.

“You know our moto” Harry answered “Ladies first.”

“She’s too…” Emend started

“I’m okay with it.”

“Hun the pain is...”

“I’ve been through it... please…”


Alec’s P.O.V


“You want what?” Fiona asked me. God…

“The motorcycle competition, next month. You, me, Erik, Dad, Daniel.”

“Are you really into this?”

“Why not, it’s cool. I’ve been on these kind of competitions with my father. Our band will go.”

“God… okay. I might see, my cousin Ash there. He likes them too.”

“See, perfect!”

I smiled. Good, I bought 5 tickets already. So the last spot is filled up. I sat on the couch and looked the painting on the wall. So many new wolves, since I was little. Probably five or six? I don’t know. Right now… They are painting me and Daniel on the wall. The artist is on the ladder drawing with a pen. Well the only thing I want it… my sister to be on the painting too. It’s going to be awful if she goes in Stanley’s pack, leaving us. She did once, will she do it twice? That’s the big question in my mind.

Fiona sat on my leg and I wrapped my hand around her waist.

“What is it?”

“Will be awful if Jess, goes in Stanley’s pack, nothing personal but…”

“I know Alec. I don’t need excuses and apologizing.”

“She’s my sister, and I can’t get out the face of hers, when she said all those things, we did on her. Actually I did on her. She’s… She’s a wolf now Fiona.”

“From where you know?”

“I just do. We are twins after all. Maybe not identical twins, but still we are twins. I love her.” Fiona laid her head on my shoulder.

“Don’t think like that. You’ll see her. Everybody will. Can you tell me, how the voice sounded, again?” she asked me again. Why her curiosity is so …

“The man’s body is huge, literally. No single hair on his chest… well after all, wolves doesn’t have hair at all in human form… I could see his veins on his hands, which were pretty big. His muscles were huge enough too, like he uses drugs. His voice…. Deep and raucous.”

“Anything else?”

“From her body I could feel he’s really powerful and enduring? Probably fast too. His hug was strong too, around her body. Gentleness” I said looking at the painting. “Warmth and… love… she felt”

“Can you make the sound of his voice?” I raised my eyebrow and cough two times

“Some like… ‘Hun are you okay’, I can’t make his voice.” I said trying

“That’s Axel, Alec.”

“Who is he?” I said looking at her, while my father and mother came in the Hall with Grandpa.

“She’s with the Stanley’s.” she said again “Axel is the oldest wolf in our pack after my father… When my father died, Axel refused to be the Alpha, so Harry took the spot as third child.”

“For what are you talking about?” dad asked.

“Jessica is with my Family, Mr. White. Axel is the oldest and strongest in the pack. If he decide to battle Harry now, he will win easily. He is the second child of Stanley’s family, which means by laws, right now, should be the Alpha.”

“So what? I don’t understand what you mean.” Mother said and I sighed.

“Today I saw through Jessica’s eyes.” I explain and they looked me with raised eyebrows “She was with somebody in an apartment… and she had sex with him. The man spoke… and Fiona thinks that Axel Stanley.”

“How like that, she had sex with him Alec?” My mother said almost pissed.

“I don’t know mom. She just did.”

“We should bring her home” she said after

“Actually, it doesn’t really matter.” Fiona said “Harry is… not as tough as my father. He will let her live, and since she’s already feel free to do whatever she want, without injuries… You don’t have to worry”

“She’s a human” my mom said growling

“Not anymore, mom” I said “Her transformation was last night. I felt all the shivers… actually cold shivers, when I was sleeping. It was her.”

“If she’s still not here” Grandpa said. “Something is keeping her there, or maybe she just accepted to be in Harry’s pack” My back is itchy. I let Fiona to sit next to me and I touched my back.

“We have to take her here.” I said trying to reach my back. “Fiona scratch me here….” i pointed the place on my back

“No.” Grandpa said, while Fiona moved her hand under my shirt “You can’t. If you kidnap her from her pack… You’ll see the biggest war for centuries Alec. Do not joke with Stanley’s pack. I don’t want to threaten any member of my pack, but if you kidnap Jessica from there, I’ll throw out from the pack and let you fight alone against Stanley’s.”

I nodded. So in any case we cannot touch Jess.

“But she’s all alone there.”

“If she’s with Axel” Fiona stated “...this means she will be here too. Next month.” Everybody looked her and she sighed. “Axel’s hobby is motorcycles. Actually the speed. He loves it. He never miss a motorcycle competition. If everything is okay, you might see Jessica with him next month.”

Is this means… she can come back here with us?


Jessica’s P.O.V


Dear diary,

After all, after everything that happened, I am officially a member of Stanley’s pack. I decided to make the tattoo with flower, actually the female one.

Axel was right about his family. A lot women came to me, asking me to go for shopping. Emend, Axel and I decided to go out soon, to pick up our costumes for the competition. Actually I don’t want to waste any time around. I just want to train for the competition. Oh well, tomorrow we are going to do our main training as wolves, then we’ll train with the motorcycle.

Can’t wait!



“Concentrate. Nothing else is needed.” Harry and Axel said in my mind. “Everything you need is a speed. We’ll try few times with battles, if it’s not your thing, you’ll start running for speed. Got it?”

I nodded and made a position for an attack.

Well my tattoo is ready and they didn’t let us do anything, but lay in bed to get rest. So on the next day to have powers, for the trainings.

The plan is simple. Ash and I will attack Axel and Harry, so they can see our speed. They counted to three and we attacked. Ash lasted more than me in the battle. He was dodging Harry’s attacks easily, with flexible moves, while I was… on the ground on after 10 seconds. I can’t last more than that.

“You both have the speed, but Jessica stop using your mind, use your flexible movements and body.” Harry explained

“Sorry!” I said snorting

“It’s really simple.” Axel said “You need the speed for everything, attack and defense. Jess, you love the speed like me. Use it. Let it be your motivation.” I nodded “Ash you are alright, but you need more strength. You have more skills than her, because you were watching the trainings most of the time, which is advantage. Strenght and less thinking. Let’s try again.”

We ran to the end of the field and I looked Ash. He was taller than me, but still way smaller than Harry and mostly Axel. His wolf fur was skin colored, but some dark brown spots on his back and legs. My fur, was kind of different than Stanley’s pack. They always have the gold, brown or red nuance in their fur… while my fur is completely black, just my muzzle is white and it looks like a mask on my face. Okay, maybe it’s not kind of different. It’s completely not the same as theirs.

They counted to three again, and we ran to each other. I decided to use the speed more, and I ran faster than Ash and by instincts I attacked Axel. My battle lasted more than Harry’s and Ash’s, but in end I was under Axel, again.

“Very good, very good” Harry said “Let’s keep going like this.”


We were training from 8 am until 2pm, and we kept doing the same things. I was getting bored, already. We are sitting outside of the garden, with people who were taking late lunch. Eating hamburgers and cola, some guys and beer, we talked about the competition. I am complaining that, we won’t have enough time to practice, but you know guys… kept saying there’s time for everything. Is it my fault, I like to have plans for the future? Ugh… Which reminds me… I have to go to high school too.

“Axel… I have to attend high school too, you know?”

“Why? You don’t need it.”

“Maybe you don’t need it, but I do… I want career.”

“We’ll record you in Stanley’s High School. There’s not much weeks left anyway, probably you have to study more than usual for the exams.”

“I know everything, dear”

He smiled and kept eating. Emend coughed few times.

“I know, you don’t want to go out, so I decided to invite the designer here into the house.”

“Sure, it’ll be faster” Axel said. She nodded and looked at me.

“Anyway, I’m ready to start” I said and drank from the juice.

“We’ll go in a minute”

“Jessica are you sure about that?” Harry said

“Yes, why?”

“I don’t know… you look so tiny and… innocent. I can’t see you staying up there, on his motorcycle.”

“I’ve always played safe, plus I like the speed Harry.”

“If your family…”

“It’s my own decision isn’t it, Harry?”

“Yes it is, but you know you are not an adult? You don’t have 18 yet. Which means, somebody has to take responsibility over you.”

“Don’t be stupid…”

“I’m not even trying Jessica. I want you to be safe until you see your family. Try few times, if you don’t like it, OR if I see it’s too dangerous, you both are not going to participate. Am I clear?” he’s talking with his Alpha tone, well I guess I don’t have any choice, but to nod.

That’s why I escaped from my parents, kind of, right? I don’t want to be commanded around, or to be protected by a lot people, but I like it. A lot. If Fiona doesn’t like this life here… she’s insane. Everybody take care of you, as you are part of their family. Plus everybody are here for you, if you need any help. It doesn’t matter of the topic or situation. Pathetic little girl.

I sighed and stood up.

“I’ll walk a bit”

I went into the backyard to Axel’s motorcycle, I leaned myself on it and sighed again. Is this sport so bad? I used to go with Daniel, Alec and dad on these competitions when they were at our town, oh well, few times and in other towns… But it’s not a big deal. I know most of the positions, which the girls are doing. Staying stands still behind the guy, or sitting on his shoulders. Sometimes even she’s lying front him, with her legs on his shoulders. It’s cool but in same time hard. This speed is awful and you have just a two kilometers… to do all of your cascades behind him.

I had some ideas since I first time went on a competitions. I even talked with my father and mother about this. That I want to find a partner and go them, but I was brutal rejected by the excuse I was too innocent, small, not being a wolf and weak for this. Well now ladies and gentlemen, I am still innocent, small, kind of weak, but a wolf. This should be enough. The smaller you are, the better you are going to move behind your partner.

I sat on the vehicle, and laid back on it. Sky… so calm without clouds. Who am I lying? I am sure my family will there to the competition. Isn’t this the time, when I can show them what I can do?  I am sure of it they’ll be amazed.

“That’s not a bed, hun” I heard a female voice, and I turned around

“Yeah I know Emend. Was just thinking”

“For what?”

“Here… Everything actually”

“What about it.”

“Well I guess, if Fiona didn’t do that, I would be still in Toulon. And I’ll never meet Axel.”

“I doubt. You used to go on these kind of competitions right?”

“How’d you know?”

“By your look and enthusiasm. You’ll be better than me, I am sure of it. I am much taller than you, and didn’t had much time to do all of it.”

“Oh, and what’s his dream?”

“Hm… from what I know... to be first in all this kind of competitions. He want to be famous.” I nodded, raising my eyebrow “Okay, let’s start until he comes. Stretching before the serious part. Sit on the grass and touch your toes on each leg 50 times, then we’ll make 3 rounds of the whole garden.”

“Whole garden… That’s… ugh…” I looked the garden with narrowed eyes “5 kilometers!”

“Exactly.” I sighed heavily and sat on the grass.


“Aight. 10 minutes rest.”  Emend said “And we keep going” I sat on the grass and laid back. This woman will kill me. Literally. And she’s evil. I felt Axel scent and I looked him on right side. “Why you leave me with this evil woman?” He laughed happily

“I’m here, sweetheart. I was sent to the designer. He’s waiting you.”

“After the trainings.” He threw me a bottle of water

“I saw you from the room. You run fast for a little girl.”

“Thank you!” I opened the bottle and drank from it.

“Get up.” Emend said. “Let me show you the basics.” I sighed and nodded, she made some signs to Axel and he sat on the motorcycle keeping it standstill. She sat behind him. “First of all you need to focus, to have balance, and to know what you are doing. There’s no place for fear. You get it?” I nodded “There’s just 7 cascades. For the two kilometers. ”

“I’ll be watching” Harry said and sat on the grass behind me, I moved next to him again.

“One of the most used positions is called ‘Amateur’ and everybody are starting with it. The position is… the woman standstill behind the rider.” She stood up with feet together and hands stretched on her sides.

“She did that already, when we were coming home” Axel said she looked me and nodded.

“What?” I heard Harry beside me and I looked him shrugging.

“Second is called ‘For newbies’ most used one is… sitting on his shoulders” She moved her legs front him and sat on his shoulders. “Some people are staying standstill on the rider’s shoulders. That is the phase two of ‘For newbies’ cascades, also the third cascade.” She moved front him nimbly “fourth one is called ‘Butterfly’ ” She fast laid on her belly on the motorcycle and placed her feet on Axel’s shoulders. “You should be laying on the motor. You don’t have to hold anywhere or they take points... easiest way is to keep your hands behind your back.”

“So basically you are going to be really careful” I said

“You always have to be careful Jess. Last 4 are dangerous.”

“How do you get off this position, at all?”

“The rider helps” Axel said, he caught her feet, spread and placed them down on his sides, and she sat on the motorcycle front him, way too close that I wanted her to be. Immediately she stood up and went behind.

“I see”

“Fifth one is really difficult. You literally don’t have space to move.”

“What do you mean?” I saw some teens like me coming and sitting around us.

“For tall women this is the most hard part of the cascades, also for me. I am 5’7. I barely could move behind him. But you are 5’3 around, you can move flexible.”

“Show it, woman” Ash said sitting next to me and he smiled to me, I nodded for greeting and smiled too.

“Don’t call me a woman Ash. I am your mother, not your wife. Fifth cascade is called ‘The clown’” I raised my eyebrow. ‘The clown’? “Don’t make this face. You just have to do this.” Emend took deep breath and moved on end of the passage seat behind Axel. She placed her hand front her feet, and raised her feet in the air, so basically she was staying on one hand.. My mouth stayed wide open. “This is one of the most valuable cascades in the competition. Most girls don’t do it, because of their height.” She placed one of her feet next to her hand and then the other one and raised her head.

“Can you keep yourself on one hand” Axel said and everybody looked me. I smirked. Of course I can. I live among wolves after all. I stood up moving my shoulders, with velocity behind and placed my hand the grass and raised my feet in the air. “Okay she can” Axel said when I placed my feet on the ground

“Yes she does, but how much she can handle it? Each position should be around maximum 6-7 seconds, plus the high speed and the wind, they always pick the day with rain.” I looked her “We’ll work that out. The sixth cascade is called ‘Ballerina’. You are staying on the ride’s shoulder on one feet. Your hand should be staying on your foot or his shoulder to keep balance, while the other foot is in the air. Your legs should make a line, like the ballerina’s stretching before making a dance. You know it right?”  She climbed on the motorcycle again, she placed her left leg on Axel’s shoulder. First she raised just on her right leg in the air, then leaned forward and placed her hand on Axel’s “Here comes and the rider’s strength. If he doesn’t have it… everything is ruined.” She stepped on the back seat

“You are so flexible mom” Ash said next to me

“I know, we used to go… for about 4-5 years before you were born. I keep checking the news. 1 more cascade left. ”

“Okay” I said

“That’s the seventh cascade. It’s one of the rarest of all. Almost nobody is doing it. If they try there’s always accidents, because the rider lose control of his motor. We tried it once and we ended first. Ready Axel?”  He nodded. Emend stood up stand still on his shoulders. Axel raised his hand and kept it front his face. She caught his hand with her left one and locked their fingers. She leaned a bit and took few deep breathes, raised one of her legs, and then with small jump she raised and the other one. She stayed on his hand, with spread legs in the air. After few seconds she moved her right leg one of her right side then moved her right hand and touches her toes. Her legs made 3 o’clock shape.

“I have to do this?!” I said shocked

“It’s easier than you think… but everything depends from Axel, if he’s going to keep you stand still.” She placed both of her legs on the back seat “You’ll get used to it.”

“I’m sure of it…” I sighed

“Well, let’s keep going?!”


Chapter 9 - Red rose

 Jessica’s P.O.V

Dear diary,

Well, what can I say actually? We started the training, for the competition, everything is seriously complicated! In total, we have to make 7 cascades for 2 kilometers range and I have to keep myself on each cascade for 6 seconds. I tried everything and I think I did pretty well, but on the last two I made mistakes. If we have tried that while driving, it’s was going to be really bad.

After all, I tried all 5 cascades while Axel drives the motor. It’s not easy and I’m slow in moving, I have to increase my speed. But I made them without a mistake! I feel sad that I can’t learn the last two in time.

I started high school, which is good. I’ll graduate this year and I’ll think later what I’ll do. I and Ash are in same class, and we hang out around in school. We made kind of awful reputation to be honest. Of best duo of volleyball plus with some of our raging, we beat up few people. Harry was ready to kill us both.

Well, if there’s anything I’ll wrote more. Yes, my dear diary, I am too busy for you, but I can always make few minutes for you. Sorry!



I drank from my juice in the school canteen with Ash. This school is not really bad. Actually it’s the same as mine in Toulon, but the uniform is different. Instead of green colors, we are with yellow one, and here we have ribbon, yellow again, instead of green tie. The school canteen is on two floors. We are sitting on the 2nd floor on the balcony. I have good view of the first floor. My thoughts are all around the competitions. Mostly on the last two cascades. That I can’t make it.

“What is this bullshit?” I said and I hit the chair who was next to me, it hit the wall. Few people looked at us.

“For what?” he sighed, when I looked at him “Cascades again?”

“Man, this two… I can’t keep balance!” I smashed my juice and threw it into the trash can.

“Let’s train all the combinations today in gym class? I don’t see any other way to help you.”

“Sure. Sup with you? Not in mood today?”

“How is it possible... to feel attraction to a human?”

“Well, you are horny, its’ normal” I stated and looked down on first floor.

“Do you see the black haired girl with glasses over there?” he pointed the table in middle of the room. I nodded. Short girl, with black hair and green eyes. Wearing her skirt, longer than everybody else, and keep her hair in two braids, with classes. She wasn’t alone, she was with another guy and a girl. “I feel insane attracted by her.” I narrowed my eyes.

“Amy, the Stanley’s are watching you” a girl next to her said.

“Eeh?” I stood up and laid my elbows on the railing. Ash stood up next to me with his hands into his pockets. Amy looked up to us. She twitched under our look. “Why are they watching me…?”

“Have you done anything to them?” she shook her head

I sighed and looked Ash. His look was gentle, and with some sympathetic love. I raised my eyebrows. This boy is in love with a human. With long light browed hair and brown eyes, he looked amazing. Tall and full of energy. Might be perfect for her. Not too rude, not too cute and girlish. Getting pissed fast because of the hormones, but oh well… I am the same.

“Help me cascades, and I’ll help you with her”

“Really, you’ll do that?!” I nodded and looked my nails, then her again. Amy was looking at me, then Ash, then again me. I waved my hand and smiled. “Don’t be too harsh to her.”

“Depends on my mood.” I laughed and pushed my fist on his shoulders. “Let’s go to her?”

“Are you crazy?!” I shrugged and pulled his hand, I went down the stars and pulled to her table. Some kids were watching me. I pushed him on the chair and stood behind him

“You must be Amy?!” I said smiling, pointing at the girls with glasses “And your friends…” less enthusiasm. She nodded and looked Ash.

“May I help you with something?” Fast heartbeat… hands shaking and nervous.

“Oh, yea. You are good in Literature, right?” she nodded “May I ask for a favor?”

“W-what favor.” I placed my hand on Ash’s head, trusted my fingers in his hair

“This hurts woman”

“Shut up” I pulled his head down “He’s not good in Literature… and today I am busy and can’t help with for the test tomorrow. Can you help him?”

“Jess!” Ash complained, I smiled to him and patted his head. “That’s embarrassing.”

“Then have F on the test tomorrow.”

“No way! You know what Harry will say”

“Oh yea… 25 rounds of our field on the backyard.”

“Our backyard is 5 kilometers!” People around us looked us shocked. I shrugged

“Your problem, not mine.” I he sighed, pulled my by the waist and placed me on his knee. I leaned on the table front Amy “So? How do you think? Are you free, if you are not… I’ll make your schedule free”

“Ye… ye sure.”

“Ok good. After school in the Library.” I stood up and pulled Ash.

I heard behind me some giggles and chatting. Her friends were excited. I looked back to her, she was watching her food and her cheeks were little red, while Ash’s were red as a tomato. I laughed loud and went outside.

We had two hours gym, so we went into the changing rooms. I had a white tank top and dark blue shorts, while Ash had white tank top and shorts to his knees. I tied my hair on a pony tail, and went out of the changing rooms. I saw Ash doing the same for his hair.

“Alright everybody” The coach screamed “Three rounds of the whole field.”

We started running, most people did it on jogging but me and Ash did it on sprint. After 5 minutes we were done. I took bottle and drank from it.

“I want this competition to come” I said

“I love this kind of competitions, but my mother doesn’t let me to participate.” He said “Let’s train you. Last two.” I nodded and placed the bottle on the bench. He stood behind me and coughed my arms. “As my mom said you need to focus. Better ignore all the noises around and do your thing.” I nodded. “Okay let’s try. Bend over” I bended over front him.

“What those two are doing?” I heard “Yow you two! GET A ROOM”

“Ignore. Place your hand on the ground, remember, your legs should stay straighten.”  I nodded, I placed my hand on the ground “Raise one of your legs” he stepped back and I raised my right leg, He caught it and raised it.

“This hurts”

“Keep your left leg straighten!” he said with hard voice, he raised my right leg more, until it’s up in the air. “You should make a straighten line. NOT CURVED ONE. YOUR LEG, Jessica!”

“I’m trying!” I said, I moved my hand on my foot and straighten my left leg more. He placed his hand on my knee on the raised leg and pushed it a bit, while keeping his other hand on my right foot. “You almost did it. I thought you are flexible enough for this”

“I thought the same.”

“I’ll let you go now. Try to keep yourself on this position 10 seconds.”

“Are you crazy?” I said but he let off my legs. I could still see him behind me on the same place, but his hands weren’t on my legs.



“You are shaking. This is not helping you”

“My hips hurts. This position is hard.”

I looked the ground. Well anyway I have to keep myself like this for Alec. No other person. I want to win too, this was one of my dream when I was little… Now is the time.

“What are you two doing?” I heard the coach and I twitched, and I lost my balance, I leaned forward on my both hands. I felt Ash’s hand around my waist and other one on my right leg. In short, my legs were still in the same position, but Ash’s body was behind me, keeping me stand still, I could feel like dick pushing my pussy.

“Jess…” I gulped

“I’m alright”

“Answer my question” coach again

“Training for a competition.” Ash said. “She needs some practicing”

“Looks like she’s thinking about something else, than the training.” GOOD I BLUSHED EVEN MORE!

The couch looked us with narrowed eyes and nodded, turned around and went to others.

“You okay?” Ash asked behind me

“Not in this position.”

“Ah sorry” he stepped back and let me leg down. I sat on my knees, and took deep breath. “Wanna keep going?” I shook my head

“Let’s keep it at home, ye?”

“Sure, but you made me an appointment” I waved my hand to him and stood up

“Just go, make sure you are on first floor. I’ll be on 2nd” he nodded “Now let’s beat them on volleyball.” Ash laughed and pulled me.


One month later

Dear diary,

I thought I am okay, but I’m not. I have the feel I’m dying inside. I miss my brother, and from what I can see from his feelings, he does too. He is desperate to see me. I hope he’s at the competition so I can see him. Hope he can do it.

Wish me luck for the competition.. we leave tomorrow morning.




The day of the competition came so fast. I have the feel I just blinked and the day came. The saddest part is… I don’t think I am ready for it. Mostly for the last two cascades. It pisses me off. If I fail... this will ruin Axel, well at least I think so.

We are at one of the hotels, which the competitions reserved for the people who participate. We are exactly 10 couples. I suppose for few hours it’ll end, and I hope everything goes normally as the plans.

“Stop thinking Jess” Axel said behind me

“I’m nervious. What do you want me to do?”

“By the schedule we are.. 3rd” he said look one paper
“3rd? You kidding me? 3rd? Oh god..”

“Geez woman, calm down. Everything will be okay. Wear your costume, we need to be there in 30 minutes.”

Costumes… I thought I’ll be something more, you know sporty, but I guess I was blind about this one. My costume is… oh well, one full piece, made of black leather. Its all over my body, covering my curves perfectly. To be honest I felt like The Cat woman. No damn joke about it. I have a huge helmet and gloves, and obviously, not shoes.

“Ready?” Axel asks when I go out of bedroom.

“This thing is not comfortable.”

“You look sexy as fuck” he says and kisses me

“Still not comfortable.”

“Let’s go. Your family is waiting.” He said and pulled me out



Alec’s P.O.V

We sat on the rostra. There’s a lot of people here and they smell awful. Mostly on sweat, cheap perfumes and food. If Fiona is right, we’ll see Jess today! Believe it or not… I am excited, a lot!

Also I hope, her boyfriend, aka mate to be mature one and to treat her well… I know Daniel is mad as fuck, but right now I don’t want to deal with his bullshit feelings. I want to see my sister safe and sound, even with his big badass guy who Fiona described to us.

And of course, I hope she do well on this competition. I know as little she wanted to participate with me there, but oh well, our mother is little protective than she should be. But she did it for out good, I know that very well. Jess was mad a bit, but... nothing I can do right? Our mom is doing her job.

“Do you think she can make it?” Fiona asked beside me. I looked her with raised eyebrows.

“Of course she will do it. My sister is the best in everything and you know that perfectly!”

“Yeah, right”

I heard my dad’s sighs and I looked him. Nervous, well I am too. She has to success, we all know that.

“Hellow ladies and gentlemen! I am Buddy and today, I’ll comment on today’s participant’s moves. Will they fail? Will they success? Also, will be they make the last two cascades? Nobody knows!”  Loud applause and screams came from the crowd. “LET’S SEE TODAY’S PARTICIPANTS, SHALL WE?” Again loud screams. “LET THEM COME AT THE FLATFORM!”  

One by one the participants came as couples with same color clothes. Men were with motorcycle clothes by their own choice. I could see a lot of leather. Women were most with short hair, and leather costumes. Most had their whole body covered with this leather in their partner’s color.  

And my sister came… with this huge guy. 6’5 tall, with wide shoulders. I could smell from here that they are mated. Weird, actually not really. His hair was in dark gingered color, and blue eyes I assume here. His clothes were all in black, not even single color in them. My sister was in black leather costume, but not on whole body. She had something like shorts and short sleeves. And her zip was on front of the costume. Her hair was tied on high pony tail, with black make up and a lot of brocade.

Well this is too much. But I like the feel of our connection that appears again.

“SO Those are our participants! There will be 30 minutes to our first couple on the road! Couples are allowed to see their families!”

I was watching Jess and after his words she looked me right in my eyes and smiled.

“Shit. Sorry” I told dad and Fiona and ran down to the rostra’s stairs. I heard Fiona calling my name, but right now I wanted just to hug tight Jess. She’s been away for few months already! I miss her a lot. I don’t want her to go away again.

“Jess!” I screamed running down pushing people out of my way

“Alec?” I heard the familiar voice of hers. Sweet and tiny, full of love. Like really I am at home again… even if we are in middle of a road. “Where are you?”

In the end I saw her, near the guy named Axel.

“Jess” I said and I pulled her hand and hugged her tight.

“Alec!” She said almost crying. “Oh got I missed you.” I squeezed her hard, closing my yes inhaled her scent. Little different than before... but still the same. I burred my face in her neck.

“You left me Jess. All alone, lost.” I whispered

“Yeah I know, sorry”

“You are my second part, do not forget that. But still I learnt to recognize your feelings which is good. ”

“Yeah I know that too” I let her go and took deep breath. Then looked her mate. He was really huge, she looks like a tiny doll in his hands.

“Axel I assume?” He raised his eyebrow and smiled nodding, her wrapped her hands around Jess’s waist protectively

“Nice to meet you.” He said politely. My felt my father’s hand on my shoulder, and I looked him. His eyes were narrowed.

“I hope you’ll agree to stay at our home for a while?”  

“With pleasure Mr.White. How’s everybody?”

“Fine thanks.”

“Dad… I don’t how I should apologize…”

“Jess… I can’t forbid you how to live your life, you know that… I can’t even keep you away from him, your mate” Fiona came next to me and I held her hand, she nodded to Axel smiling “I want you happy, also your mom. But for now... win this competition and let’s go home, yea?”

“Where’s Daniel? I miss him” I heard Axel’s low growl and taking her front him, now keeping her to hands.

“I have no idea, he was around us, before few minutes” Fiona said “Sorry for all the problems.” Jess just smiled and trusted her fingers with Alec’s one.


 “You guys should get going.” Jess said

“Good luck okay?”  I nodded and kissed her cheek

We sat on our places, we got a lot of hotdogs and beer, and of course nuts. The crowd was loud, a lot. I love the screams about this competitions.


After an hour.

“SO LADIES AND GENTLEMEEEN, HERE ARE OUR 3RD PARTICIPANTS! JESSICA WHITE AND ALEC STANEY! Our legendary Axel Stanley is here again! After his break from the competitions, he’s here with a new Lady. You are lovely hun! So guys… want say few words?”

I saw Axel holding Jess’s hand and took the microphone.

“Yeah I took break, and I came back, I have no intention of falling down guys, not this time, when I got my girl mascot with me. And also I have something to ask you Jess” She looked up to him

“Yeah? What is it?” He put his hand in his pocket and took a mall black box.


“I met you… before few months and… ” he fell on his one knee. Loud screams came from the crowd “I love you, and I want to spend my time with you. This is unexpected for me too… mostly when your family is here in the crowd… but I just couldn’t wait until the end. Jessica White… will you marry me?”

She looked him confused, and stayed silent for a bit.

“Jessica?” Buddy the commenter said.

Jess smiled and nodded. “Yeah…” loud screams came out of the crowd. I looked my dad who didn’t move even an inch. His eyes were stuck on Jess and Axel.


With 10 minutes delay of their turn, the moment of truth came! They came on the start line and she sat behind Alec.

“Today I’ll fuck you so hard Jess, that you won’t even walk on next day.” I heard him saying. And she just giggled.

Axel started the engine. And waited the counting. On 3 he sped up.  



Jess’s P.O.V

Axel stared the engine and sped up. On each side of us we had cameras. Also a helicopter above us. I had to be fast. I knew that. Speed and no mistakes. Focus. I hold Alec’s shoulders and with a jump I stood up on is motor. I spread my hands and just let the wind through me.

“Amateur, made. Next” he said after counting 6 seconds.

I sat on his shoulders.

“You doing good...  For newbies, made. Next” he said

I took deep breath and placed my hand on his head and raised my leg on his shoulder, when I raised myself enough I placed and my other leg on his shoulder…

“Next.” I heard him.

But then… I heard the shot guns. 5 in total I counted. Every single one hit my body. Leg. Shoulder. Three in my stomach. I started falling down, but before I hit the ground I heard the breaks hitting hard the ground.

I fall.. and I see stars, my body hurts.

“Oh my god… Jess?” I heard Alec near me, I started coughing. “Jessica! Stay awake!” Axel took his belt out and wrapped it around my leg, then pushed my stomach with his hands. “Do not leave me! I just found you! I didn’t wait 756 years.. FOR NOTHING.”

I looked him, he’s crying… why this happened? Who did this? Why?

I heard familiar howl in the woods. Broken hearted howl. “Daniel…” I said then I felt more hands around me. “He did it..”



Alec’s P.O.V

“Daniel. He did it.” This bastard. Dare killing… my sister… this can’t be happening?

My heart is bleeding inside.

“Jess” I said and caressed her head “You have to live. You have to stay alive. He thought you are his mate... but you are not. He’s blind about that. ”

Ambulance came, and the medics started working on her.

“Kill him” dad said looking Alec. “Kill him.” Axel raised his head.

“My flesh is burning!” Jess screamed and cried.

“Kill him, and come back for her. You killed my father, if you want forgiveness, make this revenge.”

“I can’t leave her! Shh Jess… shh… everything will be okay.”

“Kill him” I said too. “I want to die with my sister knowing somebody did that for her.”



Few days later.


She’s pale, laying in this coffin, with her favorite white dress, with small make-up. My sister died. I am dying inside. One part of me died and will never be alive again. She’s my half. She’s my everything. How am I supposed to live without her? Make family? Be happy? How? Why? Why would I do it, since she’s not here? To who will I complain and play around… with who I will sleep like a baby?

My mother is crying since she went into the hospital.

Our mother giving us birth, raising us, yelling over us, teaching us manners… is crying. I’ve never seen my mother crying before in my life. And I don’t want to see her ever again.

My father is crying, and he never did before. Same as our mother he did a lot for us… still… it’s sad. A lot.

My whole pack is crying. Grandpa and grandma are crying. Everybody are crying quietly.

Nobody says a word.

Stanley’s pack is crying. I don’t know Stanley’s pack much. But since their whole pack is here, this proofs that Jess found her family.

Axel. Axel is crying. I’ve never seen such tough guy to cry. He has his rights, right? She is his mate after all. What he will do from now on? Kill himself? I will if I am on his place. Actually my life… don’t have any meaning anymore. My heart is bleeding and bleeding inside, nobody can’t fix this, even my mate.

Bonds? Bonds of twins. I read everything while waiting her to wake up. If one twin dies. The other one is just an empty shell… without him. And that’s how I feel right now.

I read the diary. She went through a lot of pain. I even felt it while reading, also what was going to happen if I really felt this, like her??

“I don’t want to live anymore.” Axel said looking at us after placing a lot of red roses in the coffin. “Not without her.” I saw him getting a gun out of suit. “I’m coming for you, Jessica Stanley.” and he shot himself in the head. Spraying us with his own blood. He fell over Jess, making her white dress in bloody red color.

Nobody moved. They kept crying. Why nobody did anything? Because that’s the wolf codex. It’s called respect. If your mate is dead, you are allowed to die with her or him. And nobody can stop you. Your decision. You are free to go with him or her in heaven.

I stepped forward and took his gun in my hand, and looked my parents.

“I am dead. Inside.” Everybody looked me. “I hate that. Sorry for the pain, I’ve made, and which I will make. I won’t live without her either.” I heard screaming before I shot myself


Respect. Your decision. You are free to go with him or her in heaven.

My decision, because I am free creature, and nothing else matters.



So close no matter how far

Couldn't be much more from the heart

Forever trusting who we are

And nothing else matters







The End






Jessica - Main character. Axel's mate. Alec's twin sister. Daughter of Catherina and Styles. Part of Stanley's pack

Axel - Main character. Jessica's mate. Part of Stanley's pack.

Alec - Main character. Jessica's twin brother. Son of Catherina and Styles. Part of Dan's Pack

Fiona - Alec's mate. Part of Dan's pack

Daniel - Friend of Alec and Jessica. Part of Dan's pack

Catherina - Mother os Jessica and Alec. Style's mate and wife. Daguhter of Kate and Alex

Styles - Father of Jessia and Alec. Catherina's mate and husband.

Alex - Alfa of Dan's pack. Father of Catherina

Kate - Alex's wife. Mother of Catherina

Erik - Future Alfa of Dan's pack. Son of Kate and Alex. Catherina's brother.

Maria - Mother of Daniel. Stefan's mate and wife. Part of Dan's pack

Stefan - Father of Daniel. Maria's mate and husband. Part of Dan's pack

Edward - Son of Maria and Stefan. Brother of Daniel. Part of Dan's pack.

Harry - Alfa of the Stabley's pack. 


*i short the list here, too tired to make moe chars. maybe some other day <3 *

Author's note



Hihi guys K.Green here!


Thaaat was huge delay though. Sorry for that! I just didn't had enough inspiration of finishing it. But now here it is! Finished!!

Hope you like it.

Thanks to the group Metalica that had been with me on the last chapter 



Sorry for all mistakes i've done, soon the editing will start.


xx K.Green <3




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.11.2015

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