

My dear reader,

this is a short novel full of power and magic. The protagonists are two ladies named Soul Linda and Mirabella, as well as many wonderful creatures and the four elements, which are all around us and stimulate us, just in case we walk through this beautiful world with open eyes. A homage, if you want, to mother earth and with the desire that we will become aware of our own divinity that lays in our imagination power, because it is the imagination power that makes possible many impossible things. Let us allow our thoughts, our fantasy full bent, because in this way we will see again the little and big wonder and miracles and one thing comes back to the other. Especially now in these times I want to give my readers on their way a light fare to smile and something magic for a little while.

I wish much pleasure with the reading!


Sincerely yours

Romy van Mader




Soul Linda, a name which every time surprises and amazes and which I owe my parents. A name that I carried in the last 37 years with thankfulness. Soul like soul and Linda from the linden tree, a tree deep rooted in our big estate, planted in occasion of my birth. Between other trees and ornamental shrubs, a quantity of exotic plants grow in our very big greenhouse. A spring feeds the fountain and in a little waterfall the water satisfies the thirst of many animals, which feel really at home here. Everything here is magic. Clean, clear air, thanks to the forest around me, all trees have grown so much up in the sky, where they change the carbon, so important for them, CO2, into the oxygen so important for us, O2. A paradise on earth, which costs much time and energy, not so much in the park, but more the time-honoured country estate named THE HOUSE OF THE 4 ELEMENTS, anno 1777. For the sake of my parents I’m living here again for six months and I’m trying everything to help them to protect their paradise and keep it safe. To sell this estate is out of question for me, after all I carry the responsibility towards my ancestors, who have created so marvellous things for humans and animals and plants and many other creatures. Since the beginning we buried the ashes of our mothers and fathers in our garden, and with the help of mother earth and little seeds big and superb trees grew. A lively monument, so to say, and I wish, too, that when my soul has lost my body, the burned fine particles will be buried in the earth, so that new life can grow from it again. Absorbed in thought I walked with my grandfather on the sandy country ways, I crept is the better word, because to move without making noise helps us to discover magic on the edges of wildflower meadows and on high branches of trees and on a little creek.



My great-grandfather used to say: „My darling, in silence you will find the divine. Never in the noise. It is a misconception that loud sounds banish the evil. On the contrary, noise attracts darkness. The fine sounds, like the chirping of the crickets, the purring of a cat, the humming of a little song, all that keeps darkness away. Because in the silence, the light, your inner light, can shine optimally. It is not distracted, you know?“ I was only 8 years old, as he told me so, but I could feel the truth in his words, although I couldn’t understand entirely. “And what is with a loud laughter?“ I asked my great-grandfather Friedward, and then he laughed out loudly: “Yeees, my child, a loud laughter is the most beautiful thing and can be understood everywhere in the world and has to be powerful and loud. Hahaha! Such great acoustic waves, flowing from your belly, over the diaphragm, from your mouth out in the airwaves, the fifth element, where they form wonderful patterns, like beautifully braided star flakes. These are between 100 and 1000 Hertz and endow joy to our hearts! You cannot compare this with the noise I was talking about previously. With it I meant per example an


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Texte: Romy van Mader
Bildmaterialien: Romy van Mader, Creative Comm., Bild Schleife von kstudio auf freepik
Cover: Romy van Mader
Lektorat: S. Heisler, Angelika Hocke-Asam
Übersetzung: Angelika Hocke-Asam
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.08.2022
ISBN: 978-3-7554-1882-5

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I would especially like to thank Ms. Hocke-Asam for the translation. A big “Thank You” goes to Ms. Hofmann for the inspiring collaboration. I wish all readers a lot of joy, positive thoughts and elated feelings with this story.

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