
The baby

(Cole P.O.V)


I was sitting in my office doing my office work when suddenly my wolf started nagging me to let him out and to go for a run.


"What's wrong with you? Dude?" I ask him.


"Let me out, Cole," he said while growling at me.


"Okay, I will let you out but let me finish this file first. After that, I will let you out, and we will go for a run, okay?" I ask.


"No, let me out, you asshole, now I want to be out now," he demands while growling at me.


"Fine," I said with a sigh, walking out of my office to the forest and letting my wolf Roy take control of my body. We ran for an hour, and we were returning to the pack-house when an intoxicating smell of chocolate and strawberry hit us and stopped us on our way. Roy started jumping in excitement while wagging his tail furiously and following the smell which leads us to the end of the forest and the highway.


"What are you doing, Roy? We can't go there like this, we will expose our kind and put us all in danger," I said to him.


"Mate! Smell Mate! Want to go to mate" he said in excitement.


"Okay let's shift first and give me control then we will go there," I said and he gives me the control back. We walk behind the tree where we have kept our clothes and shift then get dressed. I inhale the smell and follow it to see a car was crashed with a tree and Roy whined seeming the scene in front of us.


"Hurt! Mate is Hurt!" Roy said whining.


"Calm down maybe moon goddess not be so cruel to us to take our mate whom we haven't even met," I said to him and we walk to the car and that is when we hear a baby cry. I open the door of the passenger side of the car to see a woman holding a baby girl in her arms and the baby was about to fall. I don't know why but I take her in my arms before she falls and that is when my black eyes met with her beautiful ocean blue eyes and I get lost in her eyes.


As soon as our eyes met she stopped crying and smile at me. She stretches her tiny hands and touches my face It feels like electricity flowing all over my body.


"Mate! We found our mate!" Roy said jumping up and down in my head and giving me a headache. I sigh.


*Realy moon goddess a baby. A fucking two-month baby is my mate,* I thought while looking up in the sky. And Roy growl at me.


"Don't think like that you stupid human, you should find yourself lucky you will her first in everything, you will be the first to see her walk, first to hear her talk, first to make her yours, first-" Roy was about to continue but I stopped him growling at him because I know very well where his thought was going.


I check the pulse of the woman who had carried my mate in her arms to find that she was dead. I walk another side of the car and check the pulse of the man who was driving the car to see if he was also dead.


I look down at her feeling sad for my mate that she lost her parents at such an early age. She smiled at me and I can't help but smile back at her. Suddenly she sneezes making me chuckle.


"Looks like someone is getting cold, let's go home and take a hot bath before you get a cold," I said to her making her giggle.


*I will send someone to collect the dead bodies and car from here later* I thought and kissed her head, held her close to my chest to keep her warm then walk back to the packhouse.


I was about to enter the pack, house when I heard a familiar voice and stop in my way.


"Hey, Cole where were you? I have looked all over the house for you and even tried to contact you through mind link but you also had blocked it," My best friend and beta of my pack Zane said to me and I turn to look at him.


"Is that a baby you are holding there? When did you find a luna and have a baby with her and where is she? why---" he was about to continue questioning me but I interrupted him.


"Shut up dude! She is my mate!" I said to him while looking at her with a smile.


"I don't know you were that desperate for a mate that you kidnapped a baby from somewhere, brother," I heard my sister Stella say with a smirk.


"I didn't kidnap her Stella and I am telling the truth, SHE IS MY MATE," I said to her while she was walking towards us in all sweat while glaring at her.


"Enough!" I heard my father Mike shout at us. The only person who can make me scared to the core is my father. I turn to look at my parents walking toward us.


"Go and drop her where you take her from," my father commanded me in his alpha voice.


"No, she is my mate and she is going to stay with us," I said to him looking down at the ground. My father was about to say something but was interrupted by one of our warriors Trevor.


"I am sorry to interrupt Alpha but Alpha Cole was saying the truth she is his mate. I can say that because I am her protector and she is in my charge, I sense her today and go to find her but failed. When I reach the place where she was before I can't find her and when I smell the scent of alpha Cole there, I know that she will be there with alpha Cole safe and sound and come back to the packhouse," One of our warrior Trevor said to my father and I take a sigh of relief.


"Okay then, it was fine with me, do you know anything about her like her family or anything else? What if her parents try to find her?" my father asked.


"You don't have to worry about that dad, her parents died today in a car accident and that is how we were able to find her," I said to my father and he looks at Trevor for confirmation and he nodded at him. I hate it when he doesn't believe me.


"But are you sure that she is our luna? She is a baby and a human," Stella asks him.


"Yes," he said and she looks at her father for a further explanation.


"It is very rare for us to have a human mate but not impossible, moon goddess checks the strength, intelligence, and loyalty of a pack while giving a human mate to the alpha for some special reason," dad explained.


"So what are you planning to do with her?" My mother Rose, ask.


"I would like to give her to a higher position couple to look after her like a warrior or something," I said to them.


"There is no need to do that, as her protector it was my duty to protect her and take care of her so I will do that as her uncle," Trevor said to us and I nodded at him with a smile on my face.


"Okay, then she is your responsibility from now but you will not give her a bath or change her clothes I don't want any other male to see her or touch her like that except me when she is still a small baby, tell a female omega to do that," I said to him and he nodded at me.


"Possessive much," Stella said and smirked at me and I glared at her.


"Let's go in it's getting cold here and she getting cold too," my mother said while looking at her with a warm smile and we walked inside. I ask Zara one of omega to give her a warm bath and go to the doctor to get her checked by doctor Megha our pack doctor to make sure she is fine and she gets all the important vaccines. She takes her from my arms and as soon as she takes her from my arms and walks out of the room with Trevor hot on her tail my wolf started whining at the loss of warmth and I sign.


*This is going to be a long journey* I thought and looked at Zane.


"Yes, I want to talk to you about something but not here let's go to your office," he said and we walked to my office.

The Charge

(Trevor P.O.V)

“Alright let’s start with twenty laps, after that we will do forty push-ups,” I shout towards all the teenager who was given to me to train. I was doing push-ups with them when I suddenly feel my wolf Leo pacing in my mind. He is behaving strangely from the morning for some reason.

“Now what?” I ask him, getting annoyed by his behavior.

“Hurt! Our Luna is hurt!” he said.

“We don’t have a Luna! Cole hasn’t found a mate yet?” I said sadly to him.

“I know but I also know who his mate is? and where we can find her and I have a feeling she is in danger,” he said.

“How?” I ask.

“I can only tell you that we are the protector of our Luna,” he said.

“How did you know? and how can you be so sure?” I ask.

“I will explain everything to you later but now let me take control of your body and lead you to our luna,” he said and I internally nod my head at him.

“Trevor, Trevor!” my training partner Jay called my name while shaking me.

“Yeah! What’s wrong?” I ask.

“You Zone out there for some time. are you okay?” he asks and I can hear the concern in his voice.

“Yeah! I was just talking to my wolf I don’t know why he was acting strangely for some reason and want to go for a run, can you handle it alone,” I ask.

“Yup, don’t worry go for a run I will handle it alone,” he said and I come out of the pack, house. As soon as I get out of the pack, house my wolf takes over my body and runs towards the forest.

“Now shift and take control from here and follow the smell of chocolate and strawberry,” he said to me and I follow. The smell led me to the highway where I saw a car was crashed with a tree and the passenger door of the car was opened. I walk towards the car and start sniffing.

“The smell of our Luna was very faint what should we do now,” I ask my wolf.

“Let me take control,” he said and take control of my body then start sniffing the car and its surrounding.

“I can also smell a faint smell of our alpha cole, I guess he found her before us and take her with him, let me contact his wolf,” he said and mind links his wolf.

“I was right she was with him and she was safe with him lets go,” he said and we run back to our packhouse in wolf form.

“So how did you found out about us being the protector of our Luna,” I ask my wolf.

“When yesterday we were sleeping moon goddess come to my dream and tell me that we are going to found our luna today and we are going to be her protector, it is going to be our duty to protect her in any circumstances, ” my wolf said to me and I nodded to him.

For those who don’t know protector is like a bodyguard who protects the luna and selected by the moon goddess to be the protector. They don’t have mates. They are like the second mate. They have a strong urge to protect their charge which is their luna even that means losing their life while protecting her. Their urge to protect their luna and to be near them was as strong as their alpha.

We were near the packhouse when I heard our ex-alpha Mike and alpha Cole arguing about something. I shift in my human form and walk towards one of a tree in which we hide our clothes. I take a shirt and a boxer from there and were it.

“No, she is my mate and she is going to stay with us,” alpha Cole said to him looking down at the ground. Ex-Alpha was about to say something but I cut him off.

“I am really sorry to interrupt Ex- Alpha but Alpha Cole was saying the truth she really is his mate. I can say that because I am her protector and she is my charge, I sense her today and go to find her but failed. When I reach the place where she was before I can’t find her and when I smell the scent of alpha Cole there, I know that she will be there with alpha Cole safe and sound and come back to the packhouse,” I said to Mike and I heard alpha Cole take a sigh of relief. I don’t blame him though Mike can be scary when he wants to be.

“Okay then, it was fine with me, do you know any information about her backgrounds like her family or anything else? What if her parents try to find her?” Mike ask.

“You don’t have to worry about that dad, her parents died today in a car accident and that is how we were able to find her,” Alpha cole said to his father and he looks at me for confirmation and I only nodded at him as an answer.

“But are you sure that she is our luna, she is a baby and a human,” Stella asked me. I said yes and she looks at her father for further explanation. And Mike explains to her.

“So what are you planning to do with her?” Luna Rose asks.

“I would like to give her to a higher position couple to look after her like a warrior or something,” Alpha cole said to them.

“There is no need to do that, as her protector, it was my duty to protect her and take care of her so I will do that as her uncle,” I said immediately becoming a little possessive over my little luna and charge.

“Okay, then she is your responsibility from now but you will not give her bath or change her clothes I don’t want any other male to see her or touch her like that except me when she still a small baby, tell a female omega to do that,” Alpha cole said to me sternly and I nodded at him while smiling from inside over his protectiveness and possessiveness over his mate.

When all the commotion is over we go inside the packhouse and alpha cole order Zara one of omega to give her a warm bath and go to the doctor to get her checked by the doctor Megha our pack doctor to make sure she is fine and she gets all the important vaccine. She takes little luna in her arms and walks her to the washroom to give her a bath with me on their tail.

When she started to give her bath I walk to the storage to brought all the things she is going to need after a bath. I also made a mental note to go shopping to buy everything she was going to need. After she is ready I take her in my arms from Zara and take my little Luna to the pack hospital to get her checked.

“Don’t worry Trevor she is perfectly fine and healthy, I have also given her, her vaccines, she is ready to leave now, ” doctor Riley said handing me her back.

“How many months old is she?” I ask her.

“She is 2 months old and her blood group is O+,” She said smiling at me and I raise a questioning eyebrow at her.

“I just check it out, just in case we need it,” she said and I nodded my head at her.

I get out of the pack hospital room and mind link alpha informing him about his mate welfare.

“Good, go to my room and wait for me there, I will be there in some time,” he said and I followed his orders.

Deciding the name

(Cole P.O.V)

“So what do you want to talk with me,” I ask while entering my office and taking my seat in the back of the desk.

“I have received the call from the blue moon pack, their alpha said that they are having a continues rogues attack and they need our help to deal with them for once and for all and they also need our help to train their warriors so that if they were attacked in future they can face it alone, ” Zane said to me while taking the seat in front of my desk.

“Okay, I think we should help them, and we can also form an alliance with them, just in case anything bad happens, what do you think about it?” I ask him.

“I think it was a good idea Alpha, maybe he would also like the form an alliance with us, after all, we are the strongest pack in new york, who wouldn’t like to form an alliance with us,” Zane said nodding his head in approval.

“Why wouldn’t you call them and talk to them about it?” Zane asks me.

“Good idea Zane,” I said to him and call the Alpha of blue moon pack. After two or three rings he picks up the call.

“Alpha Kaden, it’s Alpha Cole from Crescent moon pack,” I said on the phone.

“Hello Alpha cole, it’s good to hear from you,” he said on the phone.

“I heard about the rogue’s attack going on your pack and you want some help from my pack,” I said.

“Yes, it will be great to receive help from you, would you like to help us?” he asks.

“Sure, since when this attack started?” I ask him.

“It’s been a month, and this attacked happens every two days,” he said with a sigh.

“Okay, I will send my third in command with some warrior and a trannie to help you with attacks, they will be there in one or two days,” I said in the phone.

“Oh, thank you so much for your help, Alpha cole, it means a lot to us,” he said in the phone and I can hear the relief from his voice.

“Alpha Kaden, can I ask you something?” I ask him.

“Sure what is it?” he asks.

“Would you like to form an alliance with my pack?” I ask directly.

“Sure, it will be an honor for us,” he said and I can see him smiling at me on the phone.

“Okay, then I will also send my pack representative with them, to discuss everything with you,” I said while smiling on the phone.

“Okay, thank you once again, Alpha Cole,” he said.

“No problem, Alpha Kaden,” I said and hang upon him.

“Anything else,” I ask Zane.

“Yes, the werewolf council has held a meeting at their place after a month and it was mandatory for us to attend it,” he said with a sigh.

“Okay, I will do go there do you have an invitation card with you,” I ask him.

“Yes, it is in the second draw to your left,” he said to me.

“Okay., you can leave now, and send Liam and Luke to my office with the documents which are related to the accounts okay,” I ask him.

“Okay,” he said and walk out of my office. After some time I heard a knock on my doom.

“Come in,” I said while reading a file. The door of my office open and Luke and Liam enters my office.

“You call Alpha,” Liam asked.

“Yes, the blue moon pack needs help with rogues attack, Liam, I want you to take a warrior B pack with some of our trainers with you and go there to help them, as you are done with rogues I want you to help them to train their warriors with our trainers, Luke, I want you to prepare the alliance paper and go with Liam, we are also forming the alliance with them, you can leave after tomorrow, okay,” I said to them.

“Yes, Alpha,” they said bowing and walk out of my office. I was doing some alpha duties when Trevon’s mind linked me.

“Alpha, after giving a bath to my Luna, we take her to the doctor for her check-up to see if she was hurt in any way or not and to give her some vaccination, the doctor said there is nothing to worried about her, I have also asked about her age from the doctor she said, Luna is 2 months old,” Trevon said to me through the mind link.

“Good, go to my room and wait for me there, I will be there in some time,” I said to him in a mind link. I try to complete my work as soon as possible and walk towards my room to see my little mate.

I enter my room to see my mate crying and Trevor trying to calm her down.

“Hey, more why are you crying?” he cooed to her. But she didn’t stop crying, so I walk towards them and take her in my arms.

“What’s wrong baby why are you crying?” I ask her while taking her in my arms. She stopped crying for a minute then started crying again.

“I think she is hungry,” Trevor said to me.

“Me too,” I said and we walk out of our room towards the kitchen to feed her. Trevor heats up some milk and put it in the bottle and then put in her mouth.

“Trevor, have you send someone to find the information about my mate’s parents’ information? ” I ask him.

“Yes, Alpha, are you planning to give her to her relatives, if we find out any of her relatives?” Trevor asks me.

“No, I am afraid that they did not allow me to marry her when she grows up, in a fine woman, besides I want to see all her first, I wanted to be there when she takes first step to walk, I wanted to hear her say the first word, I want to be her very first time,” I said cooing at her while she was sucking on her bottle.

“I can understand, I will inform you when we find about any information about them,” Trevor said passing me a plate with steak and mashed potatoes on it and taking her from me so that I can eat my food.

“So have you decided her name yet,” Trevor ask me.

“No, what about you? do you have some name for her?” I ask him.

“Yes, what about Amorei?” he asks me and I shook my head at him.

“Amanda,” I shook my head again.

“Isabella,” he asks me.

“No,” I said to him.

“What about Nikki?” my mom asks while entering the kitchen.

“Nikki,” I like the sound of it.

“Then Nikki, it is?” Trevor asks and I nodded my head while smiling and looking at my mate. After Nikki was done with her bottle, Trevor patted her back until she blurp and makes her fall asleep.

“What about we throw a small, little name ceremony for her, with only VIP people,” mom asks taking Nikki from his arms so that he can eat his food.

“Nice idea Luna, we also have to go shopping to buy her things for her,” Trevor said devouring the food on his plate.

“Good idea,” I said taking her from my mother’s arms. I walk to my room, tuck her in the bed and get inside the bed beside her, and fall asleep.

Shopping and the name ceremony

(Cole P.O.V)

I wake up with the cry of my beloved mate. I hate it when she cried. I pick her up to see she has wet her clothes. I get out of my bed with her and change her diapers. After that, I walk down the stairs to see my mother was preparing breakfast with my sister and cock Heer.

“Good morning everyone,” I said as I take a seat next to my father.

“Good morning,” everyone wished to me in unison.

“So, when will you go shopping for Nikki?” My father asks while eating his breakfast.

“After we eat breakfast, where is Trevor by the way? ” I ask him.

“Right here,” Trevor said while coming down from upstairs.

“You are ready, already?” I ask him.

“Yup all ready to go,” he said taking a seat beside me. My mother serves food to us and takes Nikki in her arms and feed her so that we can have our breakfast peacefully. After breakfast, I go to my room to get ready and come downstairs.

“I will come with you, as you have no experience of having a child and their needs, ” my mom said while coming out of her room.

“Then who will prepare for the function?” I ask her.

“Your father and sister will do it, now let’s go we don’t have much time, I also have to get ready for the function,” she said and walk out of the room after kissing my father and we walk after her.

It only takes us half an hour to reach there. As we enter the baby store a human girl comes towards us.

“Hello, My name is Mira how can I help you?” she asks while blinking her eyelashes at me and Trevor flirtatiously and glaring at my mate. I was about to growl at her but stop by my mother.

“I want to buy some clothes for my granddaughter if you just do your work and stop flirting with my sons it would be wonderful,” my mother said while glaring at her.

“Follow me,” she said with a huff and we follow her.

“How dare she glares at our mate and talk to our mother like that, I want to break her neck with my jaw,” my wolf Roy said with a growl.

“I know dude, but we can’t do that here first because we here in the mall between humans and second because she is a human, if she was not I would have done that after finding her,” I said to him and he sits down in my mind with a huff.

We end up buying some onies, t-shirt, shoes, pajamas, dresses, hoodies for Nikki. After that we walk to the furniture store, there we brought a car seat, crib, baby walker and clothes changer for her. After that, we walk to the baby store where we but Jansen baby product, Tissue paper, bottle, and some diapers for Nikki.

My mom wanted to do the shopping for her so she goes to some stores to shop while me and Trevor go-to the food court with Nikki after keeping all the bags and things in the car and wait for her to come thereafter one and a half hour she comes back to us with a lot of bags.

*God why did girls do so much shopping, I wish my mate would not become shopping addicted like my mother and sister* I thought.

“Well, I highly doubted it,” my wolf Roy commented on it.

“And why did you think that?” I ask him.

“Because I am damn sure your mother and sister make her shopping addicted while taking her for shopping every chance they get,” he said and I sighed.

“Cole,” Trevor said while shaking my shoulder.

“What?” I ask startled.

“Where did you get lost in huh?” he asks.

“Probably thinking about what he would do in their bedroom when his mate grown up in a beautiful woman,” My mom said while wiggling her eyebrows up and down.

“Mom,” I said shocked and both of them burst out laughing.

“Anyway, what do you want Trevor?” I ask him.

“I was asking what would you like to order for lunch?” Trevor asks with a smirk.

“I would like to have a chicken wing,” I said to him and he goes to order our lunch.

“Do you find out any information about Nikki’s parents?” I ask him taking a sip of my drink.

“Not much, only that her mother Name Isha walker and father name is Elliot Walker and they own a small bakery in the city, that’s all,” Trevor informed me.

“Okay then let's wait for one more week and if still, we don’t find any more information about them then we will do there funeral and after a month later to that we will organize a small naming ceremony for her, is that okay with you mom?” I ask my mom.

“Yes, it will also give us time to prepare for the ceremony,” mom said smiling at me. We put all the things in the car and drive back home.

The week passes like a blur, and we go with our plan and buried Nikkie's parents' body where we buried the body of a high ranks werewolf. I called my lawyer to get the adoptions paper ready for Nikki, and made Trevor her father and Stella, her guardian if anything happens to Trevor. I also get the bakery at Nikki’s name, all the profit that bakery earns will go to Nikki’s account so that in future if she wants to start her own business with her own money then she can do it.

(One month later)

I hear my alarm goes off and shut it off. I get up from my bed and get ready for the function while Nikki was still sleeping peacefully. Then I change her to a nice dress that, I brought for her today. After that, both of us walk to the backyard where the function was held.

Not many people were invited in the function only important people like my beta, gamma, head worrier, and other people were only invited to the party. They come one by one and I introduced them to Nikki. All of them love her and I was very happy about that.

We dance, played games, eat and celebrate, some people tried to take her from me but when someone takes her from me or Trevor she started crying so we take her back. She was very tired and fallen asleep on my shoulder when the party was over so I take her to my room and change her into comfortable clothes and laid her in her crib, then goes to change my clothes. After that, I take her from her crib and goes to bed with her and fall asleep.

RED pen

(Cole P.O.V) 


2 year later 


I come out of the shower and get dressed when I heard her crying in the, I take her in my arms and started bouncing her in my lap. 


“My baby, why are you crying, are you hungry, are you hurt, do you want to sleep?” I ask her while bouncing my two-year-old mate on my lap and try to get her to calm down and make her fall asleep. I want her asleep since I have an important meeting to attain in 2 hours and I am getting late.  


“Cool, my tummy turts,” Nikki whines, her tears falling onto my neck. 


“Why does your tummy hurt princess?” I ask worriedly. 


“I eat a pair,” she tells me 


“YOU WHAT?!” I yell, 


“Who let you eat a marker?” She shakes in my arms, scared by my outburst, and started crying again. 


“Zane.” She says, meaning my beta, Zane, who I trusted to watch her while I showered. 


"Zane. Living Room. NOW!." I mind-link Zane as I look around in Nikki’s pen for the one she ate. Finding a red one with the tip bit off. 


"Nikki ate a red pen and now her stomach hurts. What should I do?" I ask my pack doctor while mind linking her. 


“Yes, Alpha Cole?” Zane asks, coming into the living room and knowing by my tone in the mind-link to call me Alpha. 


“You let Nikki eat a Pen!?” I scream at him. 


“NO! She ate it when I looked away to mind-link Bella,” he said to me. Bella is his mate. 


“Oh, I’m sorry baby, Nikki. And I’m sorry, Alpha, I swear it was an accident,” Zane says. 


“I don’t care! My mate’s in pain and it’s your fault! You were watching her!” 


"Give her a bottle of ice water and she should be fine." The pack doctor said the mind link. 


" I’m sorry Alpha!” he said again but I ignored his apology. 


“Just get out of my face, you’re banned from watching Nikki ever again,” I sigh and bounce Nikki in my arms as she cried in my arms and he walks away looking sad, but I don't care. He should be careful while looking after toddlers, otherwise, he will put them in danger due to his negligence. 


“Come on princess Nikki, let’s get you an ice water bottle.” I walk to the kitchen and prepare an ice water bottle for her. After that, I mind Link Trevor and give him Nikki to look after her and get her ready for the annual meeting while I get ready my self. 


It only takes an hour for us to reach there. I get out of my car with Nikki in my arms and goes to the Place where the council annual meeting was held every year. 


" Alpha Cole? You didn’t tell us you had a child, you didn’t tell us you even had a mate!” Alpha John exclaims. 


“I don’t have a child. This is Nikki, she’s my mate. That’s why I called this meeting,” I clarify. 


“Your mates a child!” He says,” That’s wrong! And unnatural! She’s a baby!” 


“YOU DON’T THINK I KNOW THAT! Most wolfs don’t find their mates till they’re both adults, but it’s not unheard of! I know Nikki just a baby, our relationship is strictly that of a father and daughter. I care for her, but not in a perverted way!” I shouted at them getting irritated with them. Why don't they mind their own business? My love life and personal life is none of their business, I wanted to say that on their face but I control myself. Not wanting to create any scene here. 


“Cone,” Nikki whines, struggling to get into a sitting position 


I make her sit on my lap, she rubs her eyes and looks around her surrounding. 


“hi! I Wala I two!” She announces, ever the friendly little baby. A few people wave at her and all the Alpha’s Luna’s coo at her. 


“Cone, I need the potty,” she says. 


" Okay princess, Trevor, take her,” I hand her off to Trevor. 


" Yes Alpha,” he addresses me formally in the company of other Alphas, he takes Nikki into his arms and she giggles happily to him and they walk out together. 


“Cole, you have to see the downside to this. You’ll have to wait till she’s at least 16 the mark her, there’s a huge age gap! Not only that she is human too,” Alpha Mike said making a disgusting face when he said the word human. 


“Human or wolf or another spice it’s doesn’t matter to me. It doesn’t even the age gap between us. SHE IS MY MATE AND I WILL ALWAYS LOVE HER NO MATTER WHAT!! Now that is can we know to discuss the problem for which we are gathered here? 


" I ask them to get annoyed with all this. I mind link Trevor and order him to wait for me in a waiting room until the meeting was over. The meeting was just as boring as usual nothing new was there just the same problem of Rogue breaking through the pack’s territories and all. 


After meeting I take Nikki to a park as I promised to do if she behaves like a good girl. After that we go home, eat our dinner and goes to sleep. 




Cole Jealosy


(Cole P.O.V)


"Nikki, stop squirming," I tell her. She's sitting on my lap playing on my phone while I'm working on Alpha stuff.
"Bu' I borrreeeeddddd," she whines, pouting up at me.
Roy-Mate's bored, time to stop working.
No, Roy. We have to finish this work. Nikki can wait 5 minutes.

Roy-But looks at that cute little face. She'll start crying if we tell her no and then she'll be in pain.
Well she has been really patient, maybe a short break won't hurt.
"Waaaacccckkk I ammmm boooorrrreeedddd," she whines louder, starting to cry.

"Okay, baby Nikki, let's go find the other pups? What do you say?"
"Wide wofie! Wide Wofie!" She stand-ups on my thighs and places her hands on my shoulders, "Plwease Weo?"
Roy fights for control the second she says his name, she knows Roy will give her anything she wants without a second thought.
Just be gentle with her Roy, I tell him, giving him control.


(Roy POV)

"Faster Faster!!" Nikki squeals, tugging on my fur as I run with her on my back.
I smile and speed up.
Careful with her Roy!
Cole tells me and I slow back down.

 stop right outside the park where the other pups are playing and let Nikki down before going behind a tree and shifting, still being in control of Cole's body.
"Okay Nikki, go play with the other pups," I tell her, sitting on the bench while Nikki runs off, intensely finding a group of kids to play with.
I smile at how happy and carefree my little mate is. I can't wait till she's older and we can have pups of our own.

I look back at Nikki to see her hugging another boy.

Nick, a five-year-old in my pack. I growl and march over to them, not liking how he's looking at our mate.
"Re tis is Nich! He go school wif me! He my fwiend!" Nikki tells us, which just makes me angrier. How dare another male to be friends with a mate!
"Hello Alpha Cole," he says, even his politeness pisses me off.

"Alpha Cole's not here, only Roy. And you better leave out mate alone!" Nikki whimpers at my tone and I try to calm down to not scare her, "Leave. Now."
"ye-yes alpha," Nick says, running off.
"That no nice ro! Nich my fwiend! He nice you meanie! I wad at you! Take me home!" Nikki yells, stomping her little foot and crossing her arms.

Cole takes control from me and I howl in pain, I hurt my little mate, how could I?!
"Nikki I'm sorry Roy yelled at Nicholas," Cole says, growling at me in anger, i retreat into his mind to get away from him.
"I wad at you both!" She screams," I wan Trevor!"
"o-okay Nikki," I lift her up and go into the woods nearby to shift.

She climbs on my back, crying, and I run her home.
"Weave me wone!" She cries running upstairs to her room.
"What did you do? You hurt Little Luna?!" Trevor yells at me.

"She's my charge! I'm her protector! I am just as protective of her as you are! And I would never hurt her! Unlike you obviously!" Trevor yells, stomping upstairs to comfort Nikki.
I flop on the Sofa and my hands over my face trying to think of the ways to make her forgive me, but can't able to find any way to do that. I sign and goes to my room.

'Mate, mate is angry don't something doesn't just sit there ' my wolf whine in my head.

'And whose' mistake is there for making her angry at us that she didn't even want to see us let alone talk to us' I ask him with gritted teeth.

''You can't blame me for that you know-how possessive alpha's wolf is don't you ?'  he ask.

'Yeah I know but that doesn't mean you have to burst out at him' I said to him. He was about to say something but before he can I block him.

I walk to the closet take a sweatshirt and pants and walk to the washroom to calm my nerves with a shower, maybe then I can come up to make it up to her. After a shower, I go down to the kitchen to prepare something to eat . I wonder did she had, eaten anything, I hope he did.

"Trevor, did Nikki have her dinner?" I ask him through the mind link

"Yes, I have made her favorite food and ice cream for her to eat,". he said to me.

"Is  she still angry with me?" I ask.

"Yes she is, I prefer you to give her some needed space and come out with an idea to make it up with her," he said making me a sign and walk back to my room not in the mood to eat something anymore. I climb up my bed and tried to sleep.

Note the keyword  Tried.

But failed miserably to do so. So I grab my pillow and blanket and goes to her room. I was about to enter her room but remember that she is still angry with me and will not be happy to see me in her room. I sign and lay mat and pillow at the floor near her room door and fall asleep there.




(Cole P.O.V)


"Nikki, baby I am sorry please forgive me," I pleaded to her.

"No," she said and look away from me while licking his lollipop.

"Come on princess, what about if I give you ice cream," I plead, trying to bribe a 2-year-old to stop being mad at me with ice cream. An all-time low for me.
"Trevor aweady give me ice cweam," she informs me, bouncing happily on Trevor lap," an' I wad at you Cole, an Ro too."
"Nikki please princess, I'll give you anything you want in the whole wide

She looks at me with a devious look on her little face, "Anything?..." and I look at her with shocked to evil for her age I thought.

"Anything.." I said with a sigh.

"Yay, I wan pat, now take me to a pet shop," she said to me. I hold my hands in front of her to come in my arms but she refuses it.

"No, I ll not come until you get me a pet," she said while hiding her face in Trevor's neck.

"Fine," I said and we walk to my car and I drive away to the p[et shop.

"tank you! tank you! tank you!" Nikki screams, cuddling her new kitten to her face.
"I said anything you wanted didn't I?" I say, blank-faced. I. HATE. CATS.
"Didn't think that something would be a cat did you?" Trevor smirks and I stare daggers at him.

"I name him Madol!" Nikki declares, petting the poor thing half to death.
"Be gentle with him Nikki, he's just a baby," I tell her, kissing her forehead, glad that she's forgiven me.
"He sweep in my woom?" she asks hopefully.
"Of course he can sleep in your room, he's your kitten."
"I gonna feed him, and give him bafs and wawk him!"

"He's a cat, not a dog," Trevor laughs and Nikki pouts at him.
"Cats pway outside too!"
"Of course they do little princess," I look at the clock, 9 pm, past Nikki's bedtime, "now come on, it's bath time," I set the kitten down and pick up Nikki, carrying her to her bathroom with the kitten following. I take my shirt away to bath her so that it didn't get wet due to her splashing water on me. After that, I remove her clothes and started to give her a bath.

"Why my bewwy button wook diffent?" Nikki asks, inspecting my belly button and then her own.

"Because you're a baby and babies have outies, it might change to look like mine when you're older," I tell her, rinsing her hair.
Roy-Imagine mate is naked as an adult.
Roy says, smirking in my mind.
Stop it Roy, she's just a baby. This is why we never give her baths. I should have just let Courtney do it like normal.

"Roy-No! I'll behave, I promise! I like being with a little mate.
"I no baby! I two! I use big kid potty now!" Nikki argues.
"Ok Nikki, then maybe you just have an outie," I sigh, there really is no arguing with a two-year-old, especially when it's a spoiled one like my adorable little mate.
"oh, where's Melow?" she asks, looking behind my back for the kitten.

"He's sleeping in your bed waiting for you princess. Let's join him," I lift her out of the tub and quickly dry her off, putting her in pink footie PJ's.
She runs out of the bathroom and into her toddler bed, covering up and cuddling with Bubbles.
"Do you need to go potty before bed?" I ask her, tucking her in.

"No, i went before baf," She says, patting my cheek so I lean down so she can kiss my cheek goodnight,"I wuv you cone. I no wad no more. Tank you for my kitty."
"anything for you more princess, now go to sleep," I kiss her forehead, turn on her night light and walk towards the door,"I love you, Nikki," I say before I close the door behind me.

After completing some work I go back to my room to go and sleep with my little mate. I take meadow and place Meadow beside me then fall asleep.

After some time I feel some wait on my face like someone was trying to suffocate me and kill me. I put my hand on my face to feel some hair and I know it was meadow on my face I pick it up on from my face then she scratches me on my face then goes to the couch and fall asleep on it.

I  get up from bed with a grown to wash my face to wipe some blood from my face. That's why I hate cats they are wild and unpredictable. When I go back to my bed I feel my face fully healed all thanks to my werewolf healing. I cradle Nikki in my arms and fall asleep peacefully with her in my arms.



Leaving Nikki

(Cole P.O.V)


"No Cone no weave!!" Nikki begs, clutching my leg for dear life, tears streaming fast down her face.
"I have to, princess, I have Alpha duties to do. Now go with Trevor, he'll take good care of you while I'm away," I try to pry her from my leg.
"NO CONE PWEASE NO WEAVE ME!" She pleads and I feel her heartbreak.

Roy howls in pain, mate's hurt, he says, we hurt mate!
I know Roy, I feel terrible but we have a pack to take care of too.
"Come here Nikki," Trevor pulls Nikki off my leg, causing her to scream and cry even more, and more of her pain floods my system.
I growl at Trevor for hurting Nikki and he looks at me in shock.

My gaze softens as I look at Nikki, "I'll only be gone a few days Nikki. You and Trevor are going to have lots of fun. he'll give you ice cream," I tell her, as my cab honks from outside.
"but what about nigh-nigh kisses?" she asks, her lower lip trembling.
Roy howls louder and fights me for control, wanting to give in to her puppy eyes.

"I'll be back in two days Nikki, and then you can have all the kisses you want," i promise her.
"And wides on wofie?" she asks, perking up.
"Yes, i'll let you ride my wolf."
"okay, I miss you Cone!"
"I'll miss you too Nikki," I hurry out of the house before I lose control of Roy.

As the cab drives away I see Nikki's little face peer out of the curtains, tear-streaked and wailing her poor little heart out.


(Trevor P.O.V)


"Nikki? Come on Little Luna, come eat your dinner. It's mac and cheese, your favorite," I tell her.

She sits at the window sill, waiting for Zack to get home, silently crying. My heart hurts just watching her, she may be only 2 years old but she's still my Luna and I still want to protect her. And IO will do anything to protect her even that means putting my life in line.

"Is Cone come home soon?" Nikki whimpers, still not looking away from the window.
I sigh, "Nikki, he's only been gone a couple hours, little Luna come eat dinner. Then Stella gonna come and give you your bath and tuck you into bed," Courtney's Zacks sister.
"I no wan 'ney! I wan Cone! I wuv Cone!" she cries out, barring her face in her arms.
I sigh, my poor little Luna.

"Hey what about Meadow, look she wants you, it's hurt her to see you cry," I said to her.

"No, I want a cone, only cone," she said still crying in my arms. I tried to calm her down but all in vail. After some time she feels tried of crying and falls asleep on my shoulder. I take her to Cole's room and tuck her in the bed.



(Cole P.O.V)


I'm taking a shower when it hits me. The extreme pain in my heart, Nikki. My mate's in pain, because of me, because I left her. I haven't left her side since I found out she was my mate 2 years ago, and now I left for three days. I bang my head against the shower wall, trying to get Roy to stop howling and pacing in my head.

 Roy- mate's in pain! We should go back, we can skype the meeting.

Cole-no we have to be here, we're signing the peace treaty with the Silvermoon pack.
Roy-But Nikki's in pain, she's at home crying her little heart out, she needs us. She's just a little baby.

Cole-She has her protector with her, she'll be fine for a few days. I'll push the meeting to tomorrow morning and get it wrapped up by Tuesday. We'll be home a day early. happy?
Cole-Good, now stops howling so loud, you're giving me a headache.

 After taking a shower I called the Alphas and told them to hold a meeting first thing tomorrow. I have to block my wolf because I cannot able to concentrate in the meeting because he was complaining and whining all-time in my head. And I don't blame him for that, after all, we have finally managed to find our mate after a long time and both of us did not want to get separate for her even for a second but we don't have any choice.

As soon as the meeting gets over I bid them goodbye and goes to my room to pack my things and go back to my mate. At first, they did not want me to this soon because they have decided to have a ball so that all the alpha, luna and beta can enjoy a day because they all were always busy in pack work to have a day off for themself but when I told them about Nikki they agreed to let me go.


When Cole's come back


Nikki P.O.V


Cone is gone! I miss Cone, he my best fwiend. He my wofie! I miss my Cone. But he caw Wason and say he be home to tuck me in nigh-nigh! An morrow he wet me wide he wofie! I so 'sited!! I cwied awot wast nigh an i no eat my dinner or bweakfast cause i so sad. I just wan my Cone back.


Trevor P.O.V


This three day was the hardest and painful days of my life. Nikki didn't eat anything, not even ice cream. She keeps crying and keeps looking at the door waiting for Cole to arrive and take her in his arms. Meadow also tried to distract her but all in vail. I really need to talk about this to cole if this keeps gets going then I will start having a panic attack when she gets separated from Cole for two or three days.


 Cole P.O.V


 " Hey princess,!!" Nikki comes running into the living room where I setting down my suitcase, and she jumps into my arms, "I miss you this much!" She holds her arms out wide to show me how much she missed me, and even that small action breaks my heart. My poor baby missed me.

"I missed you too Princess, so so much," I nuzzle her neck and breath in her chocolate and strawberry scent, mixed with the smell of her baby shampoo, "I missed you so much baby girl."


" I no want go nigh-nigh. I wan pway with you Cone," Nikki says, cuddling into my chest and yawning.

"No-no-no. You're going to bed, you've had your dinner, you've had your bath, you're in your jammies. It's time for bed. I rock her back and forth and feed her the bottle of ice water that James just handed me,


"Go to sleep little Nikki," she slowly starts to drift off.

"I wuv you, Cone," she murmurs just before she falls asleep.


" I love you too Nikki," I kiss her forehead and sigh in content.


"I want to talk with you Cole, meet me at the living room after tucking her in the bed," Trevor mind links me. I close the door softly and walk out of there.


" how was she when I was out for days?" he asks.

"She cried for days until I offered ice cream and The Lego Movie."

He looks down at him sadly, "I hope she stops crying every time i leave once she gets older."

"Some mates just have bad separation anxiety," I tell him.

"Yeah well if it's that then we're in trouble. It gets worse with age and can kill mates."

 "About that, I have to talk to you, we should talk to the doctor and do something about it,"

 "Yeah we should, I hope it's just a phase."

"Me too."

 "Well, I am tired I am going to sleep, goodnight,"

 "Goodnight," I said to him and we both go to our room and goes to sleep.

 The next day I woke up before Nikki and get showered then walk to my office. I want to complete all my work today so that I can have a day off tomorrow and can spend my whole day tomorrow with Nikki, and that's why I wake up so early top complete my work.

I sign when I saw the piles of files on my table. This gonna be a long day I thought and get to work. After some time I saw the clock to see it's 8:30 Trevor must have woken up by now. I kept my file on the desk and check my emails while mind linking her to look after Nikki for me. I know Nikki would not be happy knowing that I didn't want to spend time with her after staying away from her for two days but she has to go through it because I will be there with her all-time tomorrow and it will help to get used to my absences so she did not get panic attack when I was away from her for a long time.

I Mind link my Beta and gamma and told them to meet me at my office after they done with their breakfast and also bring mine with them so that I can discuss what happened in the meeting with them. When they come to the office with my breakfast I give them the important file to them to go through that while I eat my breakfast. Man, I was hungry. It feels good to put something in my stomach.

After that, we discuss business and the pack's matter with each other and I dismiss them after giving them their work. it looks like sunniwary branch of my office has no control over the expanses I have to do something before they get me on the straight. I thought while looking at the report of my all business branch. I take my phone out of my pocket and call my branch manager Zara.

Zara is 40's old who works with my father for 15 years and a very trustworthy employee of our company. That's why my father trusts her to handle all the branches of our Company. She is like another mother to me. If you guys wonder that dose she knows of our kind then yes she does, she is Trevor's mother and my mother's best friend. She has looked after me when my parents were busy in pack work and getting this business on the top. she picks up, at the second ring. 

"Hello Zara, it's me, Cole Williams," I said on the phone.

"Hello, Cole how are you, my child?" she asks with her soft voice.

"I am fine, what about you Zara?" I ask.

"I am just as usual self, how did you remember old me?" she teases me.

"Oh, I was looking at the branches report when I saw that one of it has no control over its expenses," I said to her nervously.

"Strick to the business I see huh?" she said in a teasing voice but I still manage to hear the disappointment in her voice.

"Are you upset because of me Zara?" I ask her.

"You were always busy, just like your father and don't have any time to spent with old little me," she said and I practically see her pouting at me.

"I am sorry Zara you know how hectic it is to handle both packs and business and after Nikki comes it becomes a lot harder, but I promise to meet you soon, " I said to her.

"Bring your parents and Nikki with you too," she demands and I nodded my head knowing she did not see me I said yes to her.

"And how said that you are old, if it's not for David to scared them away you will still have the young man running after you" I teased making her giggle.

"Now stop it and tell me what branch are you talking about?" she asks.

"It's true you can't disagree with it and it's Sunniwari branch," I told her.

"Okay, I will look at the matter, see you soon," she said I said my goodbyes and hang up and get back to work.




(Trevor P.O.V)

"Come on Nikki, you have to eat something otherwise you will fall sick," I said to her while trying to feed her. Cole was busy completing some important work and has told me to look after Nikki but now I am failing to do the same. Nikki was very upset and refused to eat and do anything and sitting near the window facing away from me with the pout on her face.

“No, I will not eat until Cole come and play with me, he has stayed away from me for 2 days and get back to work, he didn’t even eat breakfast with me,” she said still looking away from me.

“Baby if you did not eat anything then, Meadow will also refuse to eat anything, do you want him to stay hungry and fall sick?” I ask her and she shakes her head but still refused to look at us.

“So please eat something for me and Meadow,” I pleaded her while looking at Meadow and he goes to her and rubs his head on her tinny legs.

“Are you hungry, Meadow?” she ask him in her baby voice while patting him and he meowth at her and lick her face.

“Okay, I will eat if you promise to give me a ride on your wolf,” she said and turn to look at me.

“I will I promise, now let's go and eat lunch,” I said taking her in my arms then set her on the couch. I set his favorite cartoon show Ninja Hatori and feed her while also take some bite from my plate. She plays with her toy for some time and falls asleep.

As promised I take her to the jungle then transform in my wolf form. I walk closer to her and started licking her face making her giggle. I bent down a little for her to climb on me. She climbs on me and grabs my fur tightly. I let my wolf take over my body as it’s been a long time I have let him out after telling him to be cautious and run in normal speed so that Nikki didn’t get hurt.

(Leo Trevor wolf P.O.V)

After making sure that I would not hurt Nikki he let me take over the body. Men it feels nice to be out after such a long time. I didn’t even remember when he let me out last time. E has been so busy looking after Nikki and training the warriors that he didn’t get any time to let me out for a run.

After taking over I run at a normal speed for some time then turn the direction to go to the nearby lake which is mine and Trevor’s favorite place. It’s a very small lake but big enough for small children and one or two wolves to play in it. I stop near it and bend down a little bit down to let her climb down from me.

“Wow, its beautiful Trevor, can I go and play inside the lake?” she asks and nodded my head as a yes. She got inside the lake and play in the water while I sit there and watch her play. She tried to catch a fish every time but every time she tried it, fish manage to slip out of her small hands.

“Come on Leo, come and play with me,” she said to me, I bark and enter the lake while wagging my tail. I throw some water on her by using my legs lightly making her giggle we play for some time the move out of the lake. I walk to a tree where we generally put some clothes to change, I take one of my shirt and towel in my mouth for her to dry herself and change in dry clothes. After she got dressed and changed her clothes, I bend down to little for her to climb up on me and take off in normal face to the packhouse.

As I enter the packhouse I see Luna cooking food I walk closer to her and bow to her with respect. I told her to bath Nikki and tuck her in the bed after feeding her then let Trevor take over again.

(Nikki P.O.V)

It’s so much fun to spend time with Trevor only if Cole were with us it would be so much fun. After playing sometime in lake Trevor take me back home and hand me to Luna. She takes me to Cole's room and gives me a bath. Then we go back to the kitchen and do some cooking while she was the one who cocks while I play with the bowl and spoon.

After cocking she feeds me and tucked me in the bed. She was about to leave me but I stop her and request her to tell me a bedtime story. She walks to nearby bookshelves and grabs a book from there then come and sit beside my bed.

“All right today I will tell you a story of a sleeping beauty. Long ago there lived a King and Queen who said every day, "If only we had a child!"  But for a long time, they had none.

One day, as the Queen was bathing in a spring and dreaming of a child, a frog crept out of the water and said to her, "Your wish shall be fulfilled.  Before a year has passed you shall bring a daughter into the world."

And since frogs are such magical creatures, it was no surprise that before a year had passed the Queen had a baby girl.  The child was so beautiful and sweet that the King could....” she started telling the story and I don’t know how I fell asleep.


I was playing in the meadow near the packhouse with my toys and Cole when Cole’s phone started to ring. He sees the caller Id and picks up the call.

“Hello, Hello,” he said on the phone, he takes it away from his ear probably to see the person on the other side of the phone is there or not.

“Network is not working here,” he murmured to himself.

“I will be back after sometime okay, Love stays here and doesn’t go anywhere,” he said getting up from the ground, kissed my forehead and walk out of there. After some time I hear some noise and walk there to found it sources as I got near it, suddenly a black wolf with red-eye come running towards me. He lifts his claw to attack me...

*Dream ends*

I wake up screaming and sweat running over my face. Cole. He is the only thing, that comes to my mind. I push the duvet away from my body and run towards Cole’s study room.


(Cole P.O.V)   


I signed as I signed the 1500th file. Man today. Man have I made a record. As I was about to stand up from my seat and do some stretches before completing my left out work and goes to sleep, the door burst open and I and my wolf growl in an alert but the familiar smell of chocolate and strawberry calm me down. Then I saw Nikki standing and crying in front of me.

“Nikki, what happens? Why are you crying? Did someone hurt you? Did someone say something to you? Tell me I will make everything right,” I said while looking all over her to see any injuries on her but found nothing and signed in relief.

“I have a nightmare,” she said while hugging me and crying her heart out on me and tell me everything.

“Don’t worry it’s just a nightmare, I would not let anything happened to you,” I said wiping her tears away.

“Promise?” she asks in her baby voice.

“Yes. I promise, now let's go to sleep it’s late,” I said taking her in my arms and walking to my room. To the room, she said what if she has the same nightmare again and I said its nothing but the imagination and she will not see it again but little did I know it was a sign of upcoming troubles but she did not need to know this. I tuck her in the bed and slip inside the bed myself and fall asleep while holding her tightly in my arms. 


A day out with Nikki


(Cole P.O.V)

Today I woke up early and get ready for our day out so that we can spend some time with each other and also forget about her nightmare. After getting ready i walk out of washroom to see he was still sleeping peacefully so without making any noise I went towards his closet and pulled out a mini duffel bag where I put all his stuff clothes, toys, diapers and everything that she would need during the day out and I also picked a cute outfit for her to wear its plain white T-shirt with grey joggers and a cute grey knit cap. It would look cute on him when I completed my packing and came out Nikki was still sleeping so I kept the bag on the floor to prepare something to eat for us to see Trevor already sitting on the table and having his breakfast.

“You can have a day off today,” I said while making a sandwich for myself.

“Why?” he asks looking at me.

“I am having a day off with Nikki and I want to spend some alone time with her,” I said looking in the fridge.

“You guys were going alone?” he asks.

“Of course,” I said in a duh tone.

“Which area are you guys going to? Is it a neutral area,” he asked.

“It used to be Alpha Kai territory,” I said to him.

“Yes, it’s to be but know it’s a neutral territory now, it’s not safe for you guys to go there alone, I and some warriors will go with you,” He said standing up from his seat.

“I can protect my mate myself,” I said annoyed with his demand.

“Of course you can but what happened if the rogues attacked you, how will you able to protect her, you can’t protect and fight with them at the same time,” he said and I sign at the realization that his right.

Fine tell my bodyguards to be ready in half an hour and get my car ready by then I said finishing eating my food and go to my room to get her ready for our day out. I bath her and get her ready after that I feed her and get out of the pack house to see all of them out there with one of my sports cars.

"Okay Alpha where to?" He asked.

"Good, first we will be going to the aquarium, second to the children's museum, third Central Park, fourth we will walk around the place for a while and let's not forget food which is essential for all of us. Isn't it baby" I said looking her and she gave me his beautiful smile that I fell in love with.

As said we first arrived at the Aquarium. Dev went off the park the car while Trevor, Ethan, Nathan, Nikki and I went to buy tickets for all of us. After getting the tickets we waited for Dev to come so we all can go inside and all this time I was carrying Nikki in my hands the boys insisted on getting her trolley but I said no I wanted to carry Nikki and see her get excited when she likes something.

A few minutes later Dev came and we all went inside let me tell you the Aquarium was beautiful there were so many fishes, you just have to name it and it will be there. I think Nikki liked it too because she kept looking around and when she saw Dolphine he would jump in my hands up and down so let's say Dolphins are her favorite. Nice.

While going I saw a small store which was selling stuffed toys and some accessories we went there and looked around and I saw a small Dolphine chain in the store and brought it for Nikki and gift from there and brought a similar for me too. I put both the chains in the bag and left to look around. The entire time Nikki was either jumping or making a sound which would attract a lot of people and apart from that people would come or stop by when they see her.

"Do you still want to do the trail around the city?" Nathan asked for the first time

"Yes," I said looking into his eyes, but they were some mischief in his eyes which said you are in for this and he is going to enjoy it.

Finally, we were done with the aquarium and we were super hungry and went to a small diner which Dev said will sell some amazing food. I didn't want to know the name of the place until unless it sells proper food and okay with it. Soon we entered the diner and ordered our food and I got Nikki's food out and started feeding him till we get our food. Once we got our food we dived into it as if we weren't given food for a while now. After completing our food we went to our next destination Childers museum where they are all kinds of games for the kids of different ages and it was fun I wanted Nikki to have a different exposure so I put this palace on the list. When we went there Nikki got all excited and started jumping up and down. So we went to the mini slides, they were balls, Legos and different things he was enjoying and I was happy looking at him.

After that, we get to dinner to have some snacks and ice cream to feed our hungry stomach. Then we troll around the garden after playing sometime in the garden Nikki falls asleep so we decided to head back home. Reaching home I walk to my room to change her clothes and tuck her in my bed. After changing clothes and having dinner I climb my bed and fall sleep with her in my arms.



 Seven years later

Stella P.O.V

it was December the snow was quick to fall covering the ground in thick layers of white some spots harder than others and I smiled as I watched my Luna yet again get stuck in the snow that had malted slightly leaving her up to her waist in it.


Cole was off to the pack across the boarder needing to talk to the Alpha there about renewing a treaty of some sorts leaving his beta in charge of the pack and Trevor was busy in training the pack leaving me to watch my Luna giving me clear strict instructions to keep her safe, he was due home in a few minutes.

Nikki wanted no, pleaded to wait for him and to assure she kept warm I wrapped her up tightly in a scarf boots socks jacket and thick pants to put it all simply she looked like a marsh mellow. She made whining noises as a sign for help which got my wolf agitated as her Luna made the noise causing me to move quickly towards her for the hundredth time my boots making deep holes in the soft snow.


She held her arms up and I lifted her out of the snow setting her down in the shallower parts she smiled again then looked behind me and smiled wider I felt a body behind me power radiated from it and I smiled

"Alpha," I said teasingly bowing my head he nudged me aside and I stepped back and watched him greet his mate.


Cole P.O.V


My wolf Roy was more than just excited to go home even though we had only been away for a few hours that was a few hours too long for his liking he ran ahead of the warriors almost slipping on the harder snow and when he saw the packhouse he slowed to a trot his tail wagging. then it began to wag impossibly harder as he saw my sister and his mate.


He nudged Amy as he came up beside her handing control back to me. my sister bowed her head her voice teasing she knew what she was doing

"Alpha," she said

I huffed nudging her out of the way to greet my mate who looked more than warm in her jacket gloves beanie and boots I was obsessing so much over my little mate that I forgot to make sure that she was safe which was my first and last mistake. A growl cut through the silence that was once filled with her giggles and my happy whines I sniffed the air and smelt the stale and uncomfortable smell of Rouge's I growled back as the large wolf come out from the tree line along with three others

'where are the guards?' I growled to myself and at them standing in front of my mate mind linking my sister

"Take Nikki" inside I told her feNikking my mate's hands grab at my fur.

 "come to Luna" I heard Amy whisper as I growled again. The three smaller rouges back down a little but the wolf in the middle who was a few inches bigger growled giving back their purpose. I made sure to dispatch them quickly.


Nikki P.O.V


"Come on Luna," Sella said to me and dragged me inside the pack house with her.

 The last thing I wanted was for Amy to take me inside but the wolves were scaring me so I went with her willingly and now I was sitting on the couch tugging at my sleeves gently my coat and boots left at the door I felt a pang of pain on my chest and another in my leg I cried out in alarm it wasn't a hurtful pain more like when you cut yourself on a thorn that was when I heard the pack door open and Cole come limping his way inside the packhouse.

"Your bleeding," I said worried about him. He looks down at his wound and then at me and then smiled at me.

 " I'm fine" his voice croaked as he chuckled. He grabbed me gently lifting me  off the ground it looked painful for him as he limped forwards

"Are you sure?" I asked a worried.

 "Positive," he said smiling at me and kissed me on my cheek.

My heart warmed at the thought of her fussing over me I've never had anyone fuss over me nor had I seen anyone fuss over something so small I carried her upstairs to our room each second step sent pinches of pain up my body. placing her down on the floor I kissed her forehead

"After taking a shower we will eat dinner together, okay?" I told her and she nodded.
I moved to the closet grabbing some pants and moving to the shower. I take a quick shower and get dressed quickly and take her to the dining room to have some dinner."Alpha what do you planning to do with the rogues?" Trevor asks mind linking me."I will interrogate them, the first thing in the morning," I mind linked him.

"Why not now?" dad asks through the mind link.

"I was too tired to do that after my long journey and fight with rogues," I told him he just nodded his head towards me and walk out of the room after finishing his dinner. I take Nikki in my arms and limped to my room. I take her in her bed and slip inside the cover myself and fall in a peaceful sleep after a long time.




Cole P.O.V

I wake up when I hear my alarm goes off and I shut it down. I look beside me to see Nikki sleeping peacefully. I kissed her forehead and feel her stir in her sleep and stay still hoping that I didn’t wake her up. As soon as I realize she was still asleep I tucked her in the bed and get out of my bed.

‘Mate look so peaceful and beautiful, when she was asleep, I don’t want to leave her, I want to stay here and hold her in her sleep.’ My wolf Roy said to me with a whine.

‘I want to do the same, trust me, Roy, I want to but we have chores to run, didn’t you want to know why that rogue attacked our mate when where we have just returned from our important meeting?’ I ask him.

‘Trust me human if I found out that they were there to hurt our mate, I will give them the most painful death, no one has received,’ he said with a growl.

‘Me too, so let's get over with this and then we will spend some time with our mate,’ I said and walk to the washroom to get fresh. After that, I check on Nikki to see her still sleeping peacefully and walk down to the dungeon while mind linking Trevor and my beta Zane to come and meet me there. When I reach there I saw them already waiting for me.

They bow their heads when they saw me coming towards them and I just nod my head towards them to acknowledge them.

“Did they open their mouth and tell you guys something?” I ask them.

“No, alpha they were adamant to tell us nothing,” my beta said to me.

“Not even a single one said a word?” I ask them and they nodded their head.

“Give me the keys,” I order one of the guards.

“Go and get the other two rogues here,” I other them and enter in one of their prisons.

“Look, I don’t have time to waste on you, I have a lot more things to do than deal with you so we can do this in your ways or my way, so what do you choose?” I ask the rogue who was tied in the chair in front of me while holding his jaw tightly in my hands.

“No matter what you do Wilson, I will not going to say a word to you,” the rogue said to me.

“It’s my way then, too bad because everyone in this world knows that I don’t have mercy when it’s come to rogue, are you sure you don’t want to give information we want?” I ask while heating the silver rod.

“You are all bark and no bite Wilson,” the rogue said just as the guard and my beta come with the other two rogues.

“Tie them to the chair, after that you can leave expect Trevor and Zane,” I said while looking in the eye of a rogue.

“Last chance,” I said to the rogue and he laughs like a crazy person. I kept the burning silver rod on his arm and he screams in anguish. I take a syringe filled with silver liquid and wolfbane and saw him scream and struggle in pain.

“Now, would you like to suffer like your pale or would like to tell us everything,” I ask smirking at the trembling rogues in front of me.

“No, we are not going to tell you anything,” another rogue said while trying to hide his fear from me but fail miserably because I can smell fear oozing out of him.

“What about you, fellow?” I ask and he just keeps his mouth shut and tremble in front of me which only increases my anger and frustration. I punch the wall near his head.

“I am not going to ask again are you going to answer my question,” I ask and feel my eyes changing its color and I know I have to control Roy because if he takes over he will kill them and I am not able to get an answer from them. I saw him nodding his head and close my eyes to gain control over myself.

“You traitor, the alpha will go kill you if he knows you betrayed him,” another rogue said and I saw his eyes roll and I know he was trying to mind link his alpha, but before he can do it I killed him with my claws and smiled in satisfaction.

“Now tell me everything,” I order him.

“We are here to kidnap your mate,” he said and I let out a huge growl.

“You said what?” I ask him while grabbing his neck tightly and picking him up.

“Alpha, you need to calm down,” Trevor said trying to remove my hand from his neck.

“You have to calm down, Cole otherwise you will kill him and we did not able to get the information we need from him,”  Zane said trying to pull me away from him and that draw my attention and I closed my eyes in an attempt to calm myself.

“Who sent you here? Who is your leader? Why did you want my mate for? What did you guys know about my mate?” I ask him hardly able to keep my calm. Has he about to say something when we heard a gun shoots and saw blood coming out from the hole on his head.

I look up to see a bat flying away from the small window, with the gun in his paws. He looks back and shows his canines to us which look like a smirk, I lost it and run away from there to shift in my wolf form. I can’t bNikkieve it, they got an alliance with the vampires.

There is something about my mate that is very important and I have to found out about it before it’s too late. It was my last thought when Roy took control of my body.

Secrets - 2

Unknown P.O.V

I pace around back and front in the camp near the fire waiting for Ryan, to come back and tell us the good news.

“Those good for nothing warriors of mine can’t do a simple thing in this world, if this keeps continuing how in the world my mission will able to full field,” I thought while pacing around the Camp.

“Calm down, Steven I trust my man he is good in what he does,” Alok said sipping blood from his wine glass.

“Easy for you to say that Alok, because you have never encountered his pack, but I have, they are much stronger then you think they are,” I said running my hand in my hair frustrated with all the waiting.

“If you are so scared of them then why are you doing all this in the first place?” he asks with a chuckle while pointing at the warriors who are busy in training.

“First of all I am not scared of them okay, it might be a risk to mess with them but a little risk must be taken for a big reward,” I said scowling at him,  

“How much time he is your man goanna take anyway?” I ask him getting even more frustrated.

“patience my friend Patience, he would be here in any minute, look there he is,” he said pointing his finger at me, I turn back to see a bat flying towards us. He landed in the ground and shifted in his human form.

“Your highnesses,” he said bowing down in front of us.

“Did you complete the mission I give to you?” Alok asks him.

“Yes, your highness,” he said to us.

“Did he saw you??” I ask him.

“He saw me in my bat from not in my human form,” he said to us.

“What should we do now?” I ask Alok.

“Ryan goes and keep an eye on that pack in your bat form and also take some of our man there,” Alok said to him, he bows in front of us and flies away in his bat form.

“What do you have in your mind?” I ask him.

“Train your warriors for the attack, we going to attack them and when you and your men distract them in the war some of my men will enter inside his packhouse and kidnapped the girl,” he said to me.

“Okay I will make them ready to attack their packhouse,” I said and walk out of there, soon the girl will be with us and will become the immortal and invincible person in this world and not even that blood-sucking leach.

(Cole P.O.V)

After running wherever his heart continent my wolf finally give me control back to me and I run back to the packhouse. I shift and walk in the packhouse to see Nikki and others were waiting for me to have breakfast with them.

“Come, join us and have breakfast, Cole,” Nikki said while smiling her adorable smile at me.

“I will have breakfast after I have a shower,” I said returning her smile.  Her beautiful smile always lights up my day.

“You can have your shower, later, it has been a long time since we all have breakfast together,” my mother insists and I take a seat next to Nikki and she serves me. We all have breakfast while making small talks here and there.s

“Father I want to talk to you about something, can you meet me in my office, after some time?” I ask him and nodded his head. I completed my breakfast and walk to my room to get rid of all sweating but before kissing her forehead.

After a shower, I get dressed and goes to my office to see my father, Trevor and my beta was waiting for me.

“You want to talk to us?” my father asks me and I tell him everything that happened in the dungeon.

“Do you have any idea why would they go after my mate?” I ask my father.

“If they were alone and did not alliance with the vampires, I would say that they were after Nikki because she was your mate and she was your weakness too, so get our pack in their mercers they go after Nikki, because if anything happened to Nikki, your wolf will go crazy and destroy everything that comes to his way.

But since Nikki is a human and it’s very rare to have a human mate, let alone be a mate of the strongest alpha, and after what has to tell me, I think there is something we don’t know about her, I will go to elder and talk to them about it, you hold the pack meeting and increase the petrol of our pack boundaries, make sure you also look out for the bats, it will make it easy for them to cross our pack boundaries, okay, I will go and meet the elders and will inform you what they said to me,” My father said to me and walk out of my office. I mind link my gamma and head warrior and tell them to come and meet me in my office.

I take out the map of my territory and studied it until I heard the knock at the door and tell them to come in.

“You called alpha,” Jared my gamma ask me.              

“Yes, as you know, the rogues dared to enter our territory, and not only that they dare to go after my mate and your Luna when I was out for an important meeting,” I said and heard them growl at it. I chest fill with proud knowing how much they love and care for Nikki.

“That has never happened in the past before, knowing that they will never make out of our territory alive,” my gamma said to me.

“Looks like they forgot who they are messing with, we need to teach them a lesson alpha before they get on our nerves,” Albert, the head warrior of the pack said to me.

“That is why I called you here, Albert I want to triple the petrol of our borders, not even a fly should able to enter our territory without my permission, understand?” I ask him.

“Yes, alpha,” he said to me.

“I also want to arrange petrol near the packhouse, and I also want some of our people to guard every window and the back door of the packhouse,” I said to them.

“Don’t you think you are overdoing it?” my beta asks him and I feel my wolf stretching the wall of mind to take control over me.

“Do I have to remind you, that they are not alone, they also have a vampire at their side?” I ask him while glaring at me.

“I forgot, sorry alpha,” he said lowering his head at shame.

“Jared I want you to increase the training hours of the warriors in case they decided to attack us,” I said to my gamma.

“Yes alpha,” he said to me.

“Trevor, I want you to be there with Nikki every single minute and also keep some of my bodyguards with you,” I said to him and he nodded his head at me.

“Zane, I want you to check the safety house, making sure that all the things we need there will be there or repairing work are taken care of, after you were done with that you will help Jared with the training, understand?“ I ask him.

“Yes alpha,” he said not looking at me.

After that, we look at the map and discusses the petrol schedules and plan, then I dismissed them and get back to my remaining alpha work.



In heat

(Nikki P.O.V)

I wake up before Cole and go to the washroom to take a shower and get ready for the day. I was drying myself, with a soft puffy towel when I head a painful groan from inside the room, and sounded likes Cole, I get worried and wear my clothes as quickly as I can and walk out of the washroom only to see red face Cole curled up in a fatal Position, Turing and tossing in the bed. I walk toward him and when he saw me coming towards him, he growls at me.

“Stay away from me, Nikki,” he said to me with a growl and I jumped back and kept moving back until I was pressed against the wall I didn't know what to do so I did the only thing I could do, I shouted Trevor name for help and he came running towards me with Stella on his side.

“What’s wrong Nikki? Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Trevor asks checking me for any injuries and I signal him to look at Cole with my head telling him to look at Cole.

“Oh, shit, Stella what date it is?” Trevor asks Stella looking at Cole.

“December 1, crap he is in heat,” Stella said with wide eyes. A painful groan again leaves from his mouth and I walk closer to him and but stopped by his growl.

“What’s wrong with him, Stella?” I ask her still looking at him.

“He is in heat, Nikki?” she said to me and I saw Trevor face palm himself.

“What is the heat?” I ask turning to look at her.

“It is a phase, from which every werewolf has to go every year, in which a werewolf get a very high fever and his/her body burns from inside for few days,” Trevor said glaring at her.

“I will go to the meet the doctor to ask him is there anything we can do to help him,” Stella said to us and walk out of there.

“Is there anything I can do to help him, it’s hurt to see him like this,” I said wiping my eyes before a tear falls downs from it.

“Yes, there is but he will not let you get closer to you, to quell the pain for him scared to do something which he regrets later,” he said to me.

“Something, like hurting, me?” I ask and he nodded his head.

“And now that he's on heat, which he hasn't been on for a few years now, it's a whole heap worse,” he said to me and then an idea pop up in my mind.

“Did a cold shower or bath help him?” I ask him.

“Yes, it will do the trick for some time,” he said smiling at me and I walk out of the room to get some ice from the fridge and prepare a cold bath for Cole.

(Cole P.O.V)

After sometime Stella comes a bottle of pills and a glass of water on her hand.

“Here, take these pills it will help you to decrease the temperature of your body,” she said giving me pills and a glass of water. I take it from her and gulp down the pills with the water and give her the glass back.

“The pack doctor said you have to take these pills every two hours because it will only be going to work on us werewolf for two hours,” she said putting the glass and bottle of the pills on the table. Nikki enters with the heavy bucket of ice and Trevor helps her to carry it to the washroom. After that, I heard the noise of the shower and I take it that they are preparing a bath for me.

“There were lines and lines of the unmated she-wolf who was attracted by your smell, if it wasn’t for your bodyguards holding them they would have thrown themself on you,” Stella said to me making me groan.

“Well they better stay away from my mate or they will face the consequences,” Nikki said coming out of the washroom. 

“I know that’s what I have told them and they run away from there,” Stella said to her with a teasing smile on her face.

“Good,” Nikki said and walk out of there with a red face due to embarrassment and with a bucket in her hand.

“Mate looks so hot when she becomes jealous, you not what let’s grab her and make a lot of love with her,” my wolf said to me with a growl.

“Are you out of your mind? Do you even know what are you telling me to do? She was too young for all this,” I yelled at him.

“Why don’t you use one of those she-wolves to get ride of your heat?” Stella asks me and my wolf growl at her with just with the thought about it.

“Don’t ever mention that in front of me,” I said to her with a growl.

“Why/ It’s not that you have never done that?” she asks me.

“It was before I found Nikki, but now that I have finally found her, I would never look at any other she wolf-like that let alone have sex with them,” I said to her.

“Yeah, sorry,” she said with a nervous chuckle and Nikki enter my room with a bowl of ice cream and one of my bodyguards who as a bucket in his hand.

“Here, eat ice cream it will feel you better,” Nikki said passing the bowl to me. I sit up and eat it. After sometime Trevor comes of the washroom.

“Your bath is ready, come I will help you,” he said taking the bowl from my hand and help me to get up from the bed and walk me to the bathroom. I remove my clothes and get into the bathtub and it feels really nice to enter in


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.11.2019
ISBN: 978-3-7554-2800-8

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