
Chapter 1 - Going to the Club with a friend.

Elena couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness as she listened to Stella’s insistence. “Come on, Elena, you promised we’d hit the club and party all night. You’ve only got a few days left here before heading back to California. Let loose a little,” Stella urged with a sly wink, causing Elena to blush and hide her face with her hands.


“I don’t have anything to wear,” Elena protested weakly, her voice carrying a hint of reluctance.


Stella brushed off her concern with a confident wave. “No worries, leave it to me,” she assured, promptly whisking Elena away to her room. Clothes flew out of the closet as Stella rummaged through, determined to find the perfect outfit. “Aha, here it is!” Stella exclaimed triumphantly, holding up a dress that blocked Elena’s view.


Elena’s bed showcased a stunning red lace dress, revealing and tight-fitting, accompanied by matching lingerie, red killer heels that threatened her stability, and a pair of sparkling diamond earrings. Elena’s protest was swift, her voice laced with trepidation. “If I wear that, I might as well break my neck in those heels.”


Stella’s retort was equally swift, her tone teasing. “Well, if you’re aiming to make the most of tonight, that dress is your best bet. Otherwise, no guy will give you a second glance in your usual ‘revealing’ attire.”


Resignedly, Elena began preparing herself for the party. As she gazed at her reflection in the mirror, she couldn’t help but admire her appearance in the striking dress. Stella definitely has a knack for fashion, she mused, secretly pleased with how she looked.


Stella’s approving gaze confirmed Elena’s thoughts. “You look stunning, Elena. Every guy in the room will be vying for your attention,” Stella remarked, as she finished with Elena’s hairstyle and make-up, her eyes sweeping over Elena appreciatively.


Elena returned the compliment, admiring Stella’s appearance. “And you’re not looking too shabby yourself,” Elena replied, playfully checking her friend out.


“Thank you,” Stella grinned. “Ready to roll?”


Elena nodded, and the two friends linked arms as they made their way to the car, embarking on their journey to the club. After a short drive, they reached the bustling venue.


As Elena and Stella patiently stood in line, a sense of anticipation built within Elena. Her gaze wandered toward the club’s exterior, taking in the visual feast before her. The façade of the club was a vibrant display of contemporary artistry and pulsating vitality. Neon lights adorned the building’s surface, casting an enchanting radiance that painted the surrounding sidewalk with a mesmerizing palette of electric hues. The architectural design seemed to awaken under this kaleidoscope of colours – a harmonious blend of sleek lines and bold angles that hinted at the electrifying experiences concealed within its walls.


Through the towering glass windows, a seductive glimpse of the inner world beckoned, offering a tantalizing preview of the dance floor’s vibrant energy and the captivating ambience that awaited them. The distant yet persistent thump of the music reverberated through the club’s structure, akin to a rhythmic heartbeat that mirrored the excitement and energy that filled the air.


The line was dauntingly long, causing Elena to question her decision. She let out an internal groan, regretting her eagerness to come to this club.


Elena’s hopeful plea couldn’t sway Stella’s determination. “We’re staying here. This is one of the top clubs in America. Besides, there are rumours that the hottest guys, even gangsters and mafia, frequent this place,” Stella stated firmly.


Elena, however, had her concerns. “But what if we attract the wrong kind of attention? What if some mafia guy decides to kidnap us?”


Stella’s response was unwavering. “Sometimes, a little trouble brings about a refreshing change.”


Their wait in line dragged on, the chilly night air making it increasingly uncomfortable. Just as Elena was about to voice her dissatisfaction, a sleek black Lykan Hypersport glided past them, heading toward the VIP section. Though she couldn’t see inside, something about the car captivated her attention.


“What’s caught your eye?” Stella inquired, snapping Elena out of her reverie.


Elena shook her head, trying to refocus. “Nothing, just that car that went into the VIP section.”


Stella dismissed it, turning her attention back to the line. Almost thirty minutes had passed, and the cold was seeping into their bones. Just as Elena was about to speak again, two imposing figures in well-fitted suits approached them – bouncers, most likely, though they looked more like models than security personnel. They stood tall, exuding confidence and charm.


Elena was momentarily stunned by their presence. One had blond hair and stood at an impressive 6 feet, the second towered at 6 feet 2 inches, while the third measured a still-imposing 5 feet 9 inches. One of them addressed Elena, his voice commanding yet polite. “You may enter now, ma’am.”


Gathering her nerves, Elena inquired hesitantly, “Can my friend come with me?”


“Of course, if you’d both follow me,” the bouncer replied courteously, leading them toward the club entrance. The other two bouncers followed, their tall figures casting a protective shadow over the girls. The man who had guided them wasn’t just a bouncer; he held an air of authority. As they reached the entrance, a formidable figure greeted them, bowing his head deferentially and opening the door with a flourish.


Inside, the club was a sensory overload: thumping music, the scent of sweat and alcohol, flashing lights, and bodies moving in rhythm. The dance floor was a sea of movement, people were lost in the music. Elena felt a surge of discomfort; this wasn’t her scene. She sensed eyes on her, their gaze piercing through the crowd, leaving her unsettled and slightly paranoid.


As Elena and Stella navigated the pulsating atmosphere, Elena couldn’t shake the feeling that someone was following her, watching her every move.


Chapter 2 - The Allure of the Night


Oliver stood by the loft window, his gaze fixed on the city’s constellation of lights. Manson’s voice sliced through his contemplation, pulling him back to the present.


Dude, I’m getting bored. Let’s go to the club and have some fun, Manson, Oliver’s beta and best friend, suggested.


He was right Oliver; we were so busy in training the whole three months that we hardly got time to have some fun and now that we were done with it why didn’t we go to a club and have some fun maybe who knows we will find our mate there,Nick, Oliver’s gamma and another close friend, said to him.


Fine, then get ready for the club, Oliver said to them, and they jumped up and ran to their rooms to get ready.


God, they act like children sometimes. Anyway, I think the club will be a good idea to distract me because, for some days almost two months for some reason, my wolf Roy has been acting weird, pacing around in my mind and giving me a headache. And whenever I try to ask him what’s wrong with him he shuts me out. But today he is acting weirder than before giving me a huge headache and I think that the club will be a good distraction for me, with that thought Oliver goes to his room and gets ready to go to the club.


They get in the car and drive away to the club owned by Oliver’s father. The drive towards the club was 15 minutes from his home and in the whole drive, he feels Roy jumping around in his mind excitedly as a little child gets to eat ice cream after many long years.


When he asks him what’s the matter with him he says he will know with time and blocks him out, he just shrugs at him and concentrates on his emails. As soon as he gets out of the car a wonderful smell hits him like a wall. It smells like Honey, lemon, and Cinnamon three of his favourite smells.


He looks around his surroundings to find the bearer of the smell until his eyes meet with the most beautiful chocolate brown eyes and he’s immediately mesmerized by them.


Mate! Mate! his wolf said inside his head excitedly. He looks up to see a girl with dirty blonde hair, a pointed jaw, fully pulp pink lips, light chocolate brown eyes, and a perfect body. To say she was beautiful was the understatement of the year. He was enjoying looking or checking out his mate when suddenly he saw two hands come inside taking him out of his trance.


What? he and Manson shouted at the same time. The owner of the hands is Nick.


What’s up? You zone out on me, and who were you looking at? Nick asks, looking behind him to see what they are looking at.


Well, I found your Luna and my mate, he said with a smirk.


Congratulations dude, I also found my mate, Manson said with a wide grin on his face.


Who? Nick asks.


The girl with dirty blonde hair and a red dress, he said while looking at his mate lovingly.


And the girl with whom she is speaking in a black dress is my mate, Manson said while looking at her like she is his whole world.


So what are we waiting for let’s go and introduce all of us to our Luna and beta female, I can’t wait to meet them and spend some time with them, let’s go, Nick said and was about to go towards them but he stopped them.


Wait, they are here to enjoy. Let them enjoy themselves and after some time we will go to them and make them ours, they are here to have their time let them be, he said to them.


Fine, but I don’t want them to stay here and wait in line. They deserve the best of the world, Manson said while looking at his mate.


Don’t worry I will tell my bodyguards to take them in and guide them in the VIP section, they are our mates and they will get the best things in the world, with that said they all get inside the club and walk to their booth.


There were two blonde women in a red and black dress, they looked like they were guiding them here and their drinks were on us, they look like this, he said and showed them the picture he had taken of them when he was outside of the club. They nod at him and walk out to do as he tells them.


What are you doing? go to your mate! Need Mate! His wolf Roy whines at him.


I know Roy but just let her enjoy herself with her friend freely because after that she will be ours and only ours, he said to him and he calmed down when they saw their mate come inside the club with her friend and go to the bar.


She grabs some shots and drinks it in one shot. Then she goes to the dance floor and dances with her friend. He can’t able to take his eyes off his mate.


She is just gorgeous, isn’t she? Roy asks.


Yes, she is, and she is all ours, he said to him with a smirk.


You stay here if you want but I can’t stay away from my mate anymore, I am going there, Manson said to him and walked towards his mate.


Then suddenly a creepy-looking man comes towards Oliver's mate and says something in her ears making his wolf growl. He was about to walk towards her, but suddenly a woman came towards him and started clinging to him.


Hey, handsome want to have some fun with me? she slurred while clinging to his arms in a seductive voice which sounded like someone was running their nail on a blackboard.


Sorry but not interested, he said, removing his hand from her hands. He turns to look at the bar to see that she is not there. He tries to look at his surroundings to find her but to no avail, so he tries to heighten his senses and sniff the air for her particular scent.


Chapter 3 - Fateful encounter

Elena and Stella stepped into the vibrant nightclub, the thumping music and colourful lights immediately engulfing them. An eerie sensation crawled up Elena’s spine as unseen eyes seemed to bore into her. She glanced around nervously, trying to identify the source of the unsettling feeling.


Stella, undeterred by the atmosphere, grabbed Elena’s hand and pulled her towards the bar. “Come on, let’s get something to drink!” Stella yelled over the music, her excitement infectious. Elena followed, her unease temporarily masked by her friend’s enthusiasm.


At the bar, Stella leaned in close to Elena. “What do you want to drink?” she asked, raising her voice to be heard.


“Just a coke,” Elena replied, her voice barely audible amidst the surrounding cacophony. She couldn’t help but feel out of place, her reluctance to indulge in alcohol setting her apart.


Stella’s eyes widened, and she let out a boisterous laugh. “Oh no, we’re not having that! Tonight, we’re doing shots and getting properly drunk!” She signalled to the bartender and confidently ordered four shots.


Elena hesitated, her apprehension growing. She wasn’t accustomed to heavy drinking, and the thought of downing shots made her stomach churn. Reluctantly, she accepted the two shots Stella handed her. They raised their glasses and knocked back the shots in unison. The burning sensation down Elena’s throat was accompanied by a warm rush that quickly spread through her veins.


Stella grabbed Elena’s hand once more, and they ventured onto the dance floor. Amid the pulsating music and swirling lights, they moved together in rhythm, the alcohol adding a newfound sense of liberation to Elena’s movements. Unwanted attention from strangers soon became a nuisance, but she swatted them away with determined confidence.


“I want more drinks, let’s go!” Stella shouted into Elena’s ear. The alcohol had begun to blur Elena’s reservations, and she found herself nodding in agreement. Tomorrow was a distant concern, and for now, she was caught up in the excitement of the night.


As they pushed their way back to the bar, Stella ordered another round of shots. The drinks were downed quickly, and Elena could feel herself teetering on the edge of a pleasant haze. Stella’s laughter resonated in her ears as she danced away with a suitor, leaving Elena alone in the sea of bodies.


A man with a predatory aura approached Elena, his advances unsettling. “Hey there, sweet cheeks. You look lonely. Can I buy you a drink?” he slurred, his words oozing with insincerity.


Elena forced a giggly smile, feeling increasingly detached from herself. “Well, you may, sir,” she replied, her voice betraying her discomfort. The man’s hand slid possessively around her waist, and she tensed, her anxiety escalating.


Desperate to escape, Elena attempted to brush off his advances, but her efforts only seemed to embolden him. Panic surged through her as his grip tightened, and she could feel the effects of the alcohol dulling her senses. Her surroundings blurred as her attempts to break free grew more frantic.


A low, menacing growl resonated in the air, momentarily drowning out the music. Ignoring it as a product of her intoxicated mind, Elena’s struggles were abruptly halted as the man was violently thrown aside. She stumbled, her gaze meeting a pair of intense blue eyes that seemed to pierce her very soul.


Time seemed to stand still as a surge of electricity passed between them. Elena’s breath caught in her throat as she locked eyes with the stranger who had come to her rescue. The chaos around them faded into the background, leaving only the two of them in an inexplicable connection.


Dizziness overwhelmed Elena, and her eyelids grew heavy. The world spun around her, and she began to fall, her body betraying her. Just before her consciousness slipped away, strong arms caught her, cradling her against a broad chest. Despite the darkness that beckoned, she felt an overwhelming sense of security.


Oliver, an Alpha with a powerful presence, held Elena protectively in his arms.


Elena, even in her dazed state, sensed a spark of connection as Oliver’s firm grip enveloped her. It was as if their souls recognized each other, igniting a bond that transcended their fleeting encounter.


The primal instincts of his wolf, Roy, had guided him to her. He felt a surge of satisfaction as he witnessed how perfectly she fit against him as if she had been designed for his embrace.


As he carried her out of the club, Oliver’s mind buzzed with conflicting emotions. His wolf urged him to claim her, to mark her as his own. Yet, a deeper part of him, tempered by human restraint, wanted to ensure her safety above all else.


Oliver emerged from the dimly lit club, his steps slightly unsteady from a night filled with laughter, music, and a few too many drinks. He took his phone out and called his driver to come and pick him up from the club not wanting to separate from his mate to drive back home.


As he stood there, waiting for the car to arrive, he closed his eyes and reached out with his thoughts, tapping into the unique connection he shared with his friend. The bond they had formed allowed them to communicate without words, their minds intertwining like tendrils of mist.


“Hey, just wanted to let you know we’re on our way home. My mate got a bit carried away tonight. Please let her friend know that she is safe with me so that she won’t worry about her whereabouts,” Oliver informed his friends.


“Got it. Good night and have fun,” Nick said through mind link and Oliver chuckled at his friend’s playfulness knowing full well that was not going to happen. Even if he was dying to mate with her and mark her as his, he is not some pervert who takes advantage of a sleeping person.


The car pulled up to the curb, interrupting his reverie. The driver stepped out, holding the door open with a professional nod.


“Good evening, sir. Ready to head home?” the driver asked, his voice a soothing balm to Oliver’s slightly hazy mind.


Oliver helped his unconscious friend into the backseat of the sleek black car before sliding in beside him. As the door closed, he exchanged a knowing look with the driver.


“Thank you. Let’s get going,” Oliver replied, his voice carrying a mixture of gratitude and fatigue.


The car smoothly merged into the flow of traffic, the city’s bright lights gradually fading into the distance.


Arriving at his home, Oliver gently laid Elena on his bed, ensuring she was comfortable. He ordered one of the Omega to change her clothes while making sure she did not wake up. He debated briefly before leaving a glass of water and painkillers on the nightstand, a gesture of concern for her well-being.


As he stood by her bedside, watching over her sleeping form, a sense of contentment washed over Oliver. The enigmatic connection between them was undeniable, and he couldn’t help but feel a profound sense of rightness. Roy’s voice echoed in his mind, reassuring him that Elena was indeed their destined mate, carefully chosen by the Moon goddess herself.


He takes a last look at his mate and walks to his closet to change into comfortable clothes. He walks out of the changing room gets inside the bed and brings Elena closer to him and falls asleep with her in his arms.


Chapter 4 - Tangled Desire


Elena woke with a groan, her eyes squinting against the intrusion of sunlight that streamed through the open curtains. Her hand instinctively reached out, attempting to shield her face from the intrusive light. Slowly, her surroundings came into focus, and she blinked in astonishment. She was lying in a luxurious king-size bed, draped in fine sheets and plush pillows. This was a far cry from her usual sleeping arrangements.


“Where am I?” Elena murmured, her voice tinged with confusion. Her gaze drifted downward, and her heart skipped a beat as she realized she was clad in a man’s shirt. Her eyebrows furrowed as she tried to make sense of the situation. How had she ended up here?


Determination ignited within her, and she swung her legs over the edge of the bed. Her bare feet sank into the soft carpet as she stood up, her resolve solidifying. With cautious steps, she began to explore the room, her fingers grazing over the opulent fabrics that adorned every surface. It was a room fit for royalty, a stark contrast to her modest existence.


Elena’s curiosity led her to a walk-in closet, where her eyes widened at the sight of an array of suits and casual clothes. Confusion mingled with intrigue as she considered the implications of her surroundings. Who owned this place? And why was she here?


Driven by a need for answers, Elena descended the staircase, her senses heightened by the sound of laughter echoing from the kitchen. As she entered the room, her eyes narrowed, and she instinctively gripped a baseball bat she had spotted nearby. She was ready for confrontation, determined to assert herself in this bewildering scenario.


Before she could take another step, the bat was snatched from her grasp with astonishing speed. Startled, Elena’s gaze shot up to meet the intense blue eyes of a mysterious man. She was lifted off her feet and pressed against the wall, her heart pounding in her chest. Anger and attraction warred within her, her breath catching as she struggled against his hold.


“Well, well, what do we have here?” The man’s voice was laced with amusement, his lips quirking into a teasing smile.


Elena’s gaze locked with his, her eyes narrowing in defiance. “Who are you? And where am I?”


He released her, and she landed gracefully on her feet, her determination unwavering. Before she could react, he turned her around, his proximity sending a shiver down her spine. Conflicting emotions churned within her, a mixture of frustration and an inexplicable attraction.


“Easy there,” he murmured, his voice a seductive caress. “No need for hostility. We can have a civilized conversation.”


Elena’s lips curled into a defiant smirk. “I’ll decide when to be civilized.”


As they exchanged taunts, the tension in the room crackled, each word a challenge that hung between them. Elena demanded answers, her voice sharp and unwavering. The man, whom she now knew as Oliver, held his ground, his gaze locked onto hers.


“Oliver,” he introduced himself, his tone dripping with intrigue. “As for why you’re here, that’s a bit of a story.”


She arched an eyebrow, her curiosity piqued. “I’m listening.”


Oliver’s lips curved into a playful smile. “But first, how about we focus on something more immediate? Breakfast, perhaps?”


Elena’s guard remained firm. “I’m not here to indulge in your hospitality. I want to know the truth.”


With a fluid motion, Oliver took the bat from her, his movements graceful and controlled. Elena watched, a mix of curiosity and admiration stirring within her. His calm demeanour intrigued her, a stark contrast to her own turbulent emotions.


“Fine,” she conceded, her voice measured. “But I won’t be distracted for long.”


Oliver’s lips twitched into a half-smile. “Deal.”


Oliver’s fingers closed around Elena’s hand with a firm yet gentle grip, his touch sending a shiver down her spine. He led her through the threshold and into the cosy living room, their footsteps echoing softly on the polished wooden floor. With a subtle nod, he directed her towards a plush stool, its rich fabric inviting her to take a seat.


As Elena settled onto the stool, Oliver gracefully positioned himself on a nearby chair, pulling her onto his lap in a single fluid motion. His arms encircled her waist, creating a protective cocoon around her. Determination ignited in Elena’s eyes as she attempted to break free from his hold, a silent declaration of her desire for independence.


Elena’s struggles in Oliver’s lap seemed to awaken a dormant fire within him. Her unconscious movements, though unintentional, sent a surge of desire through his veins. Oliver’s grip tightened around her, his fingers pressing into her skin, a silent plea for her to cease her actions.


“Easy,” he uttered in a low, controlled voice, his gaze piercing into hers. “Be still, Elena.”


The warning in his tone was unmistakable. Oliver’s heart raced as the proximity between them seemed to amplify the effect of her every motion. He inhaled deeply, attempting to regain his composure, but the allure of her was overwhelming.


“If you continue,” his words were a low growl, laced with a mixture of desire and restraint, “I might lose control and do something we both regret.”


Elena’s movements gradually subsided, her gaze locked onto his. The charged atmosphere between them crackled with potent energy, the unspoken tension almost suffocating.


Oliver’s grip loosened slightly as he realized the impact of his warning. He shifted his weight, creating a bit of distance between their bodies, though the connection remained unbroken. His eyes bore into hers, a silent understanding passing between them.


Elena’s heart raced like a wild stallion, her senses electrified by the palpable tension that enveloped her and Oliver. The world seemed to have slowed down, every heartbeat echoing in her ears like a rhythmic drum. She never imagined that such intense physicality could exist between two people, much less herself and Oliver, who exuded a strength that seemed almost supernatural.


Clearing her throat, Elena pushed aside the overwhelming sensations that threatened to consume her. She needed answers, and clarity amidst the storm of emotions swirling around them. Her voice was steady, betraying none of the turmoil within her as she spoke, “Oliver, you haven’t answered my question yet. Stella must be freaking out, OMG what if she called the police. What if she called Brandon.” she rambles off.


As soon as she uttered the name “Brandon,” a low, rumbling growl reverberated within Oliver’s mind. His wolf, an instinctual and primal presence that dwelled deep within him, surged forth with a fierce possessiveness. It was a reaction beyond his conscious control, a visceral response to the mere mention of another male’s name in connection to Elena.


His grip on the armrest of the chair tightened, his knuckles turning white as his inner struggle intensified. The room seemed to close in around him, his senses honing in on the woman before him, her every word and expression magnified by the intense emotions that coursed through his veins.


His gaze bore into Elena, a storm of conflicting emotions churning within his eyes. Jealousy, anger, and a consuming need battled for dominance within him. He clenched his jaw, willing himself to maintain a facade of control, to suppress the feral urge to mark his territory and demand her undivided attention.


But he controlled himself, his years of discipline and self-mastery kicking in. In that charged moment, as his wolf growled its discontent within the recesses of his mind, Oliver took a deep, measured breath. His nostrils flared subtly as he inhaled, drawing in the combined scent of his mate intermingled with his own. It was a deliberate act, a grounding technique he had honed over time, a way to anchor himself in the face of overwhelming emotions.


He could feel the tension in his muscles slowly ebbing away, his heartbeat gradually steadying. The volatile mixture of possessiveness and jealousy began to recede, replaced by a sense of renewed clarity. The scent, a potent blend of familiarity and desire, had a calming effect, reminding him of the profound connection he shared with Elena.


His gaze remained fixed on Elena, though the intensity had softened, replaced by a more composed demeanour. He recognized the delicate nature of the situation, the fact that Elena was entirely unaware of the supernatural world he inhabited. Her confusion and fear could easily be ignited by his unchecked reactions, driving a wedge between them that he was not prepared to allow.


Gathering himself further, he offered her a reassuring half-smile, a gesture meant to convey understanding and control. “Elena,” he began, his voice steady and measured, “I understand your concern for your friend, Stella. It’s only natural. I actually informed my best friend to reach out to her and let her know you’re safe.”


He observed her closely, watching for any signs of apprehension or doubt. His words had a calming effect, he noted, her features relaxing just slightly. He continued, hoping to bridge the gap of understanding between them. “Stella and my best friend are dating. That’s why I asked him to reassure her. I want you to know that your safety and well-being are important to me.”


A subtle change in Elena’s expression suggested a mixture of relief and curiosity. Oliver decided to push a little further, though he trod cautiously. “Now, about Brandon—” he began, his voice trailing off as an unexpected interruption sliced through the air.


Chapter 5 - Comforts Of Sanctuary

“Sir,” she began, her tone deferential, “I took the liberty of procuring suitable clothes for the guest in your room. I’ve placed them on your bed.”


Oliver nodded, appreciating the maid’s thoughtfulness. “Thank you. I appreciate your assistance.”


The maid’s lips curved into a small smile. “Of course, Sir. If there’s anything else you or the guest require, please don’t hesitate to let me know.”


Oliver turned to Elena, his gaze gentle yet commanding. “It appears that suitable clothes have been provided for you. I trust you’ll find them to your liking.”


Elena nodded, gratitude evident in her expression. “Thank you, Sir. And thank you,” she added, directing a warm smile towards the maid.


The maid dipped her head in acknowledgement before excusing herself with a graceful step back. “You’re welcome, ma’am. If you need anything, please don’t hesitate to ask.”


Elena’s cheeks turned a rosy shade of pink as realization washed over her. She looked down and noticed that she was still wearing the man’s shirt from the previous night. Her embarrassment intensified as her mind conjured up various scenarios, each one more embarrassing than the last. A mixture of mortification and anxiety settled in, causing her to go pale.


Oliver, keenly attuned to the shift in her demeanour, tightened his hold around her waist, his touch a steady anchor amidst the whirlwind of her emotions. He had sensed her distress and knew that this was a moment that required his reassurance.


“What’s troubling you, Elena?” he inquired gently, his voice a soothing balm to her racing thoughts.


Elena’s gaze met his, a flicker of vulnerability dancing within her eyes. “I... I just realized I’m still wearing your shirt from last night,” she admitted, her voice barely above a whisper.


A small, knowing smile tugged at the corners of Oliver’s lips, though he fought the impulse to tease her mercilessly. Instead, he chose a path of reassurance. “There’s no need to be embarrassed,” he said, his tone calm and reassuring. “Your worries are unfounded.”


Elena’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Unfounded? But...”


Oliver’s fingers brushed a strand of hair away from her face, his touch gentle. “You were quite exhausted last night. After you fell asleep, a maid changed your clothes. Your modesty and well-being were her priority.”


Elena’s apprehension began to ebb away, replaced by a sense of relief. The weight of her imagination’s wild scenarios lifted, and she found herself breathing easier. “Oh,” she said softly, her embarrassment giving way to understanding.


Oliver’s thumb traced circles on her waist, his touch a reassuring cadence. “You need not worry about such things here, Elena. Your comfort and dignity are of utmost importance to me.”


A genuine smile tugged at the corners of Elena’s lips as she absorbed his words. She was grateful for his understanding and his efforts to quell her embarrassment.


*I didn’t mind if Oliver did the deed with me. I mean seriously who would reject the offer of spending the night with such a handsome man? Not only is he handsome but loaded/rich too.* Elena thought while looking at him.


With her worries now resolved, she turned her attention to exploring the magnificent kitchen. Her eyes widened in awe as she took in the vast expanse before her. Two kitchen islands dominated the space, surrounded by an array of stoves, sinks, and the hustle of maids preparing food. It was evident that the kitchen was rarely used by the guys. She couldn’t help but imagine herself cooking in such a luxurious environment, surrounded by the latest kitchen supplies.


While lost in her thoughts, she felt his gaze upon her—a curious stare that prompted her to look toward him. Raising an eyebrow in silent inquiry, she wordlessly sought an explanation.


“So, what am I supposed to do all day, since I’m not allowed to go away?” Her mind was already formulating plans to ensure she could sneak away in time to catch her flight the next day, just in time for the start of college on Monday.


“We can relax by the pool or go for a swim,” his eyes lingered suggestively, “or maybe watch a movie with some food.” He proposed.


“I don’t have suitable swimwear, so that’s out of the question. But soaking up some sun sounds great; I haven’t had the chance to do that since I arrived in NY.”


“Sounds like a plan. Let’s head outside, once I’ve had a shower and changed,” he suggested.


After breakfast, Oliver escorted her to her room. She collected her clothes and made her way to the washroom.


The washroom is expansive, exuding an air of luxury and comfort. Its generous dimensions create a sense of openness and freedom, allowing one to move around effortlessly. The opulent space is thoughtfully designed to cater to various needs, providing a seamless blend of functionality and indulgence.


The walls are adorned with large, gleaming tiles that reflect the ambient light, casting a luminous glow across the room. These tiles, with their pale, serene hue reminiscent of polished marble, create an atmosphere of tranquillity. The colour palette is a delicate blend of soft beige and pristine white, contributing to an ambience of purity and relaxation.


At one end of the washroom, a lavish shower room stands enclosed by a seamless glass partition. Its modern fixtures and sleek design offer a soothing haven for rejuvenation. The glass glistens with droplets of water, and the tiles beneath showcase a subtle gradient that adds a touch of visual interest.


Adjacent to the shower area, a spacious sink with elegant faucets rests atop a polished countertop. This area exudes sophistication and practicality, with ample room for personal grooming essentials. A medium-sized closet is discreetly integrated into the design, providing storage for linens, towels, and toiletries.


Dominating the centre of the washroom is a magnificent Jacuzzi, its grandeur emphasized by its ability to comfortably accommodate at least ten people. The Jacuzzi is a haven of relaxation, with its bubbling water and therapeutic jets inviting individuals to unwind and bask in its soothing embrace. The sides of the Jacuzzi are encased in mosaic tiles, creating a captivating display of patterns and colours that adds a touch of artistic flair to the room.


Overall, the washroom is a masterful blend of opulence, functionality, and aesthetics. Its spacious layout, luxurious amenities, and serene colour palette create an inviting retreat where one can escape the cares of the world and indulge in a moment of respite and rejuvenation.

Chapter 6 - Revelations Beneath The Rain

Elena carefully hung her clothes on the hook outside the lavish shower room, the soft fabric swaying gently in the air as she released them. With a sense of anticipation, she stepped inside the shower, her fingers deftly turning the faucets to the desired temperature. The sound of rushing water filled the air, a soothing symphony that enveloped her senses.


As the first droplets of water made contact with her skin, a shiver ran down her spine. The warmth quickly spread, cocooning her body in a comforting embrace. A sigh of contentment escaped her lips as the tension that had been coiled within her muscles began to unravel, melting away like ice under the sun.


Elena tilted her head back, allowing the cascading water to wash over her, the gentle pressure massaging her scalp and soothing her senses. Closing her eyes, she let her mind drift, the worries and uncertainties of the day slowly fading into the background.


With deliberate care, she reached for a bottle of shower gel, its delicate fragrance filling the air as she lathered it between her palms. She began to massage the soap into her skin, her fingers tracing the contours of her body with a newfound tenderness. Each touch was a reminder of the self-care she deserved, a gesture of kindness to herself in a world that often demanded so much.


Elena’s mind wandered as the water continued to cascade over her. She thought of the events that had led her to this point, the unexpected encounter with Oliver, the grandeur of his home, and the growing connection between them. Her thoughts were a tapestry of emotions, woven together by the threads of uncertainty and curiosity.


she dried herself with a towel provided by Oliver and changed into comfortable sweatpants and a shirt. The attire fit her perfectly, an observation she couldn’t help but note. Emerging from the washroom, she found Oliver seated on his bed with his laptop, engrossed in files.


“Ready? Did the clothes fit?” he inquired, his gaze appraising her.


“Yes, they fit perfectly. But how did you know my size?” She quirked an eyebrow, a hint of amusement in her voice.


“I have my ways,” he responded, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. Accepting his outstretched hand and they walk downstairs while holding hands.


Elena and Oliver descended the grand staircase, their footsteps echoing through the spacious foyer. As they reached the bottom step, their eyes fell upon an unexpected scene. A trio of boys perched on the living room sofa, entangled in a comical struggle over remote control. Laughter filled the air, and the tussle seemed more playful than competitive.


Oliver’s lips curled into an amused grin, and he quirked an eyebrow at the spirited spectacle. “Your guys are back from the run?” he inquired, his voice tinged with good-natured curiosity. Oliver had told them to take the whole pack for a run so that he could get some alone time with his mate. And also told them to hide in their rooms and not disturb them for the time being. He was not ready to introduce Elena to his world yet. He does not want to scare her away before he even gets the chance to win her heart.


“Then why just not claim her? That way she can’t able to run away from us,” his wolf Roy chimed in disrupting his thoughts. He dismissed him and blocked him so that he can’t bother him again.


The boys, their attention momentarily diverted from the remote, nodded affirmatively in response.


A wisp of chestnut hair fell across Elena’s forehead as she leaned slightly towards Oliver. He introduced them with an air of familiarity, their camaraderie evident. “Elena, they are my friends who stay with me,” Oliver introduced, a trace of fondness lacing his words. His gaze playfully shifted from one boy to the next, a subtle challenge in his glance. “Are you going to introduce yourself, or should I give them the pleasure?” he teased, a hint of mock sternness in his tone.


Nick, a tall and lanky figure with an easy grin, was the first to step forward. His raven-black hair framed his face, and his eyes held a glint of mischievous mirth. Michael, on the other hand, exuded an aura of quiet confidence. His sandy blond hair was neatly tousled, and his azure eyes held a thoughtful depth. Sky, with his vibrant red hair and freckled complexion, radiated an energetic charm. His laughter seemed to linger in the air even as he introduced himself.


Finally, Reece stepped into the spotlight. His muscular build was coupled with a gentle demeanour, a juxtaposition that intrigued Elena. His chocolate-brown eyes met hers, warm and inviting, as he extended his hand in greeting. She noticed a faint scar on his cheek, a mark that hinted at tales of adventure.


Elena’s lips curved into a friendly smile as she shook each boy’s hand in turn, noting the distinct qualities that Oliver cherished in his friends. She felt a sense of acceptance emanating from the group, a silent assurance that she was welcomed into their fold.


Oliver’s voice cut through the momentary silence. “My parents and sister are out of the city due to some family emergency. I’ll introduce her when they come back home,” he explained, a note of concern underlying his words. With a shared understanding, Elena and Oliver left the lively scene behind, their steps carrying them toward the glistening expanse of the pool.


Without warning, he scooped her up in his arms, bridal style. She made a half-hearted attempt to protest but found his hold unyielding. Resigned, she nestled into his strong chest, experiencing an unexpected sense of security, much like she did with her brother.


“I have perfectly functional legs, you know. I can walk.”


He chuckled. “Of course, but I rather like this arrangement.” Carrying her toward the garden, he gently placed her on a chair beside the pool. Sunlight kissed her skin, and warmth enveloped her.


As Oliver settled next to her, her attention was drawn back to him. He sat on a reclining bed, facing her. “Let’s play 21 Questions, shall we?” he proposed.


“Why?” she queried.


“Because I want to get to know you, and I’m sure you’d like to know more about me too,” he replied, a faint furrow in his brow.


“Alright, but I’ve never played before,” she admitted.


“Really?” he raised an eyebrow.




He explained the rules, and she agreed to play along. Their exchange of questions began, revealing snippets of their personalities and preferences. With each question, the atmosphere between them grew lighter and more comfortable.


Suddenly, a drop of rain interrupted their game. Looking up, she noticed the sky’s transformation from blue to grey-black.


And then the rain came pouring down.


In an instant, Oliver scooped her up and sprinted back to the house. They were drenched by the time they reached the shelter. Oliver’s concern for her safety was apparent, even though it was just rain.


“Let’s get you into the shower,” he suggested, lifting her once again.


“W-w-what about you?” she managed to ask through chattering teeth.


“I’ll take a shower in one of the guest bedrooms. Come on.”


Back in his room, he handed her a towel and disappeared into his closet. Emerging moments later, he had a sweatshirt and jogging pants in hand.


“You can leave your wet clothes outside the bathroom; a maid will collect them for cleaning,” he instructed before leaving her to shower.


Inside the bathroom, she turned on the shower, letting the warm water wash away the chill. After a quick shower, she emerged smelling like Oliver, having used his shampoo and body wash.


Entering the living room, she watched as Oliver and his friends horsed around, a carefree atmosphere enveloping them. She settled down beside Oliver, but he pulled her onto his lap. A low growl indicated his displeasure when she opted to sit next to him instead.


Amused, she scooted closer to another guy, Michael, whose arm she felt around her. A noticeable tension simmered between her and Oliver, adding a touch of excitement to the air.


“Movie?” Sky suggested, attempting to diffuse the situation.


Reece grabbed the remote and scrolled through movie options on Netflix. A title caught her eye, and a shared shout of excitement with Nick confirmed her choice.


“The Conjuring 2,” she exclaimed in unison with Nick. A feeling of camaraderie stirred between them.


“Looks like we have a winner,” Reece announced.


Before she knew it, Oliver had swept her out of Michael’s embrace and onto his lap. His possessive tone was hard to ignore, making her feel both uneasy and oddly protected.


As the movie played out, tension gave way to laughter and shared commentary. After the film’s conclusion, Oliver’s friends bid their farewells, leaving her alone with him.


Chapter 7 - Igniting Desires: Embrace of the Flames


After Oliver’s friends had bid their farewells and departed, leaving the living room wrapped in a tranquil hush, a flicker of intrigue ignited in Elena’s mind. The subtle shift in the atmosphere didn’t go unnoticed by her, and a spontaneous notion began to take shape. Her gaze, once following her friends out the door, now found its way back to Oliver, who was settling onto the couch with an air of contentment.


As if a secret pact had been formed between her thoughts and actions, a mischievous smile curved Elena’s lips. The glint in her eyes held a playful promise as she regarded Oliver. A hint of anticipation hung in the air, leaving her heart pounding in her chest. What if, just this once, she acted on her impulse? The thought lingered, daring her to seize the moment.


A mischievous smile tugged at the corners of her lips, a sudden idea taking hold in her mind. With a glance that held a promise, she met his eyes, and a spark seemed to pass between them. Oliver arched an eyebrow, his curiosity evident, silently asking the unspoken question of what was going on in her mind.


Without hesitating, Elena closed the distance between them, her heart pounding in her chest. Her mischievous smile evolved into a confident one as she stood before Oliver, her every move deliberate. In a heartbeat, she leaned in, capturing his lips in a fervent kiss that sent shockwaves through both of them.


For an instant, Oliver froze, his mind caught off guard by the unexpected intensity of the connection. His eyes widened in surprise, registering the electrifying sensation coursing through him. But as swiftly as surprise had taken hold, instinct and longing swept over him. His arms moved instinctively, encircling Elena, pulling her nearer as he reciprocated her fervour with a passion that matched her own.


The world around them seemed to fade into a distant hum as they lost themselves in the moment. The softness of Elena’s lips against his, the intoxicating mingling of their breaths, all-consuming. Any thoughts that had previously occupied Oliver’s mind now dissolved, replaced only by the fiery intensity of their kiss. Time became irrelevant, and the space they inhabited shrank to nothing more than the intimate bubble they had created.


As the kiss deepened, their connection grew stronger, a tangible thread of desire and emotion weaving between them. The dancing flames in the fireplace seemed to mirror the flames of their passion, casting ever-shifting patterns of light and shadow on the walls, like silent witnesses to this moment of unbridled affection.


Eventually, they reluctantly pulled away from the consuming intensity of their kiss, both breathing heavily, their chests rising and falling in unison. Their eyes remained locked, a silent exchange passing between them that spoke volumes of the passion that had been ignited.


Gazes heavy with lust and desire met, the intensity of their emotions creating an electric charge in the air. Oliver’s voice, low and resonant, cut through the charged atmosphere. “You’re playing with fire, Elena,” he warned, his words carrying a mixture of caution and longing. His forehead gently bumped against hers, their closeness creating an intimate connection that sent shivers down both their spines. The taste of her lips still lingered on his, a tantalizing reminder of what had just transpired.


Elena’s breath hitched at his words, her own desire mirrored in her eyes. She held his gaze with an unwavering intensity, her heart pounding in her chest. His warm breath mingled with hers as she whispered in a voice so low, it was almost a mere breath of sound. “But what if I wanted to burn in this fire?” Her words hung in the air, a declaration of her own daring intentions. “What if I want the same thing you want?”


The weight of her words settled between them, thick with implication. Oliver’s senses were heightened, his werewolf hearing capturing every nuance of her voice. Her confession resonated within him, awakening a desire that had been smouldering beneath the surface. It was as if her words had struck a chord deep within him, a chord that vibrated with the same fervour that coursed through her veins.


In that charged moment, the space around them seemed to compress, leaving only the two of them in their cocoon of desire and need. The crackling of the fireplace was the only sound that dared to intrude upon their shared vulnerability, their unspoken desires laid bare.


At first, Oliver was caught off guard by the depth of Elena’s boldness. His surprise flickered across his features, a mixture of desire and caution warring in his eyes. He swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple bobbing as he attempted to suppress the intensity of his own longing, a battle that seemed to rage within him. With a gulp, he mustered the strength to voice his concerns.


“Are you sure about this?” he murmured, his voice a mixture of longing and restraint. His eyes searched hers, seeking reassurance even amidst the storm of desire that raged between them. “I don’t want you to do something you might regret later.”


Elena’s response was immediate, her words infused with a certainty that brooked no doubt. “Yes,” she breathed, her voice a soft affirmation. “I am sure about it. I know I’m not going to regret it.”


The air between them seemed to shift, the weight of their unspoken desires hanging in the balance. It was a precipice they stood upon, their choices poised to alter the course of their relationship in ways they couldn’t fully comprehend. And then, in an instant, the thread that had held Oliver’s restraint snapped, giving way to an overwhelming surge of raw emotion.


As if all it took was her declaration, Oliver’s longing swept over him like a tidal wave. With a mixture of fervour and abandon, he captured her lips in a kiss that was equal parts passion and urgency. The world around them dissolved into a blur of sensation, the warmth of their bodies pressed close, the taste of each other’s lips a heady intoxication.


Their kiss deepened, becoming a reflection of the desires that had simmered beneath the surface for so long. Oliver’s movements were fueled by a hunger that could no longer be contained, a longing that had been set free. And then, as if guided by an unspoken understanding, he rose from the couch, his lips never leaving hers.


With a seamless transition, he lifted her in his arms, their kiss unbroken as he carried her across the room.


Chapter 8 - Tender Embrace: Unveiling Desires Beneath the Moonlight

Oliver’s room welcomed them with its familiar intimacy, a sanctuary where their desires could unfurl without the constraints of the outside world. The soft click of the door closing reverberated in the air, a symbol of the momentous choice they had made. As the latch engaged, a world of unspoken promises and shared secrets seemed to envelop them.


Their lips remained locked even as Oliver kicked the door shut with a deft movement of his leg, his focus entirely on the woman in his arms. Gently, he lowered Elena onto the bed, his kiss unbroken in its fervour. The taste of her, the warmth of her skin, ignited a wildfire within him, driving him to explore every inch of her presence.


Recognizing the need for air, Oliver broke the kiss, his lips leaving hers reluctantly. His breath mingled with hers, a ragged symphony of desire and anticipation. In a seamless transition, his lips found the curve of her neck, a vulnerable expanse that invited his attention. His kisses were a blend of tenderness and hunger, each press of his lips a testament to the emotions that surged through him.


He couldn’t deny the primal urges that stirred within him, instincts that were amplified by his wolf’s influence. A voice, deep and resonant, urged him to claim her, to mark her as his own. His inner wolf, Roy, urged him to give in to the ancient desires that had been woven into their kind for generations.


“Mark her, Oliver. She’s yours, claim her,” the wolf’s voice echoed within his mind, its intensity causing Oliver’s heart to race even faster.


But a rational part of Oliver fought back, reminding him that this was not the right time – that Elena deserved to know more about their world before such a significant step. “Wait, Roy. She needs to understand, to be ready,” Oliver thought back, his inner voice firm.


As he nibbled at her neck, leaving a trail of marks, Oliver’s inner conflict became palpable. His wolf’s voice grew stronger, the pull of instinct threatening to overpower his rational restraint. A silent battle raged within him, a tug of war for control over his actions. Oliver’s fingers clenched at the sheets, his internal struggle mirrored in his physical tension.


“You’re denying what’s natural, Oliver. The bond between mates is sacred and powerful. She’s the one,” Roy persisted, his words like a low growl reverberating through Oliver’s consciousness.


“I understand what you mean, Roy,” Oliver’s thoughts echoed in his mind, a mixture of determination and empathy. “I want this as much as you do, but please, let’s be patient. She needs time to understand our kind, and our world, and to accept us. If we force ourselves upon her, it will only scare her away, and that’s not what we want, is it?” His words were a gentle plea, a reminder of the consequences that could arise from impatience.


Within his consciousness, Oliver sensed Roy’s turmoil, the fierce desire to claim their mate clashing with the understanding that rushing things could result in losing her. A soft whimper resonated in the depths of his thoughts, a sign of the wolf’s inner conflict. “I don’t want to lose her, Oliver,” Roy’s voice echoed, his vulnerability laid bare.


Oliver’s response was infused with understanding and reassurance. “We won’t lose her, Roy. We’ll give her time, let her choose us willingly. That’s the kind of bond we want – one that’s built on trust and love, not on force.” His thoughts carried a soothing presence, a balm to ease the wolf’s concerns.


And then, as if acknowledging his wolf’s distress, Oliver’s mental voice turned more tender. “We’re in this together, Roy. We’ll do right by her, and give her the chance to see who we are, and what we feel. Trust me.”


Elena’s playful gesture pulled Oliver from his inner contemplation, her fingers dancing before his eyes. He blinked, a sheepish grin slowly spreading across his features as he refocused on the present. “Hey, earth to Oliver, where were you lost?” Her voice held a teasing note, her mischievous smile coaxing his own.


The playfulness shifted to a warning as she continued, her tone turning more serious. “You better not be thinking of another woman while making love to me,” Elena’s glare was met with a playful growl from Oliver, a response that carried both amusement and reassurance.


His nibbles along the spot he had been contemplating marking sent shivers of pleasure through her, a quiet moan escaping her lips. Elena’s fingers found his face, drawing him into a passionate kiss that eclipsed any lingering thoughts. The world seemed to dissolve around them as their desire consumed them, their lips moving in a synchrony of longing and need.


Time seemed to stretch and contract, a mere illusion as their kisses deepened and desires intensified. Clothing became an afterthought, forgotten in the fervour that bound them. In the midst of tangled limbs and a whirlwind of sensations, layers were shed, leaving them both gloriously exposed to each other’s gaze.


Oliver’s kisses trailed down her neck, the touch of his lips as intoxicating as the finest wine. Clothes were discarded, every layer a step toward deeper intimacy. Their union, born from both raw passion and an unspoken understanding, felt like a journey toward completeness.


The moon’s gentle light traced their contours, casting an ethereal glow over their entwined forms. Skin met skin, the tactile connection sparking flames that defied the darkness. Their love-making was a symphony of whispered promises, gasps of pleasure, and the symphony of two souls finding a rhythm that resonated in perfect harmony.


As the night unfurled, they became lost in each other, every touch and kiss igniting the fire that had been smouldering between them. The room bore witness to their shared ecstasy, the passage of time marked only by the ebb and flow of their desires.


As the night’s intensity ebbed into the gentle embrace of slumber, Elena’s exhaustion cradled her in its arms. She drifted into sleep, her body and heart still basking in the afterglow of their passionate union. Her breathing became steady, her features serene as dreams danced across her mind.


Oliver, his own weariness momentarily forgotten, gently disentangled himself from the sheets. His movements were careful, and deliberate, as he lifted Elena into his arms in a bridal carry. His strength cradled her delicate form, his touch infused with tenderness as he ensured that her rest remained undisturbed.


The journey to the washroom was silent, Oliver’s steps sure and steady. The warm, dimly lit space enveloped them as he lowered her into the inviting waters of the Jacuzzi. He watched her for a moment, the flickering candlelight casting dancing shadows on her features. Then, with a focused determination, he set about filling the tub with hot water, its comforting embrace enveloping both of them.


His skilled hands found the knots and tension that lingered in Elena’s shoulders. With practised ease, he began to massage her muscles, his touch a blend of firmness and gentleness. Each stroke seemed to coax the remnants of tension from her body, leaving behind only relaxation and contentment.


After they had both soaked in the soothing waters, Oliver led her out of the tub. As the water droplets glistened on their skin, he dressed her in soft, comfortable clothes that he had thoughtfully prepared. With a final glance, he made sure she was settled on the bed, her form a delicate silhouette against the moonlit room.


He nestled in beside her, his arms enfolding her in a protective cocoon. The rhythm of their breaths matched, a shared cadence that seemed to echo the depths of their connection. The weariness that had been momentarily cast aside now returned, a heavy but satisfying weight that beckoned them both into the realm of slumber.


Chapter 9 - Shadowed Departure

Elena’s attention was drawn to the gentle buzz of her phone, an interruption that she managed to address swiftly, careful not to disturb Oliver, whose slumber she found utterly endearing. In the soft glow of the room, she began the delicate task of untangling Oliver’s arm from around her, a task made tricky as he shifted slightly, his hold on her instinctively tightening. Nonetheless, his rest remained undisturbed, allowing her to free herself with patience and determination.


Leaving a pillow in her wake to preserve the illusion of her presence, Elena eased herself out of bed, her body offering a faint protest in response to the pleasant soreness she felt. With her purse retrieved from the nightstand, she extracted a pair of painkiller pills, and two emergency contraceptive pills, since they did it without protection and she was not ready to become the mother of the person she barely knew and chunk it down her throat with a glass of water.


Elena’s fingers wrapped around the sleek device, her grip steady and her eyes intent as they fixated on the screen. A swift touch brought the time into view, a reminder of the world’s unwavering march. Amid her tranquil enjoyment with Oliver, a sudden jolt of memory surged forth - she totally forgot that today she was supposed to go to the airport to take a flight to California to resume her college.


She seized the clothes from the ground with determination, swiftly beginning the process of getting dressed. Following this, she efficiently gathered her belongings and stowed them into a bag. Utilizing her mobile device, she promptly booked a taxi to her destination.


Stepping out of his grand mansion, an unsettling sensation washed over her – a feeling of being observed. However, she brushed aside the notion, attributing it to mere imagination, and forcefully pushed the disconcerting thoughts from her mind.


As the taxi pulled away from the Oliver Mansion, a pang of sadness welled up within Elena, akin to leaving a fragment of herself behind. Swiftly, she cast off the emotion, determined not to let it deepen, she redirected her focus onto something different.


Covering the distance to her friend’s apartment took a mere 10 minutes, thanks to the sparse traffic. After settling the fare with the driver, she trod softly to her apartment’s entrance, mindful not to disrupt her friend who was nestled in slumber with her newfound romantic interest. Elena snatched her clothes from the closet and discreetly slipped into the bathroom.


Having completed her attire, she emerged from the bathroom and directed her attention towards the wall-mounted clock. The sight of the time ticking away prompted her to realize the absence of sufficient time for breakfast. To address this, she promptly placed an order for breakfast through her mobile device, strategizing to consume it during her journey to the airport. Simultaneously, she resumed her packing efforts, ensuring her bags were well-prepared for the trip.


Just as the last item found its place in her bags, the chime of the doorbell echoed through her apartment. Acting swiftly, she crossed the room and swung the door open, greeted by a delivery person holding a package. Expressing her gratitude, she accepted the package and exchanged a polite thank you with the delivery individual. Afterwards, she retrieved her luggage from the bedroom, her belongings securely stowed within, and exited her apartment. With purposeful steps, she secured a taxi and started heading towards the airport.


As Elena completed the check-in process at the airport, she seamlessly proceeded to board her flight. Once settled in her seat and the plane took off, her focus drifted back to Oliver and the time they had shared together. Inevitably, her mind was flooded with questions – had Oliver enjoyed their night as much as she had? Had he read the note she left? Would he feel a sense of sadness upon discovering her departure after their brief encounter?


Despite trying to dismiss these uncertainties, they persisted. She contemplated whether Oliver might choose to follow her or if he would soon move on to someone else. Amidst these thoughts, a pang of jealousy arose, but she swiftly suppressed it. Opting for distraction, Elena inserted her earphones, hoping that music would drown out the thoughts of Oliver. She picked her favourite song from her playlist and attempted to lose herself in it.


Yet, no matter how hard she tried, Oliver’s memory remained stubbornly present. His image seemed to cling to her mind with an unwavering grip. Determined to push through, she allowed the music to envelop her. However, her efforts proved to be in vain, as her mind continued to be preoccupied with thoughts of Oliver. The tiredness from their previous night caught up to her and she felt herself drifting to sleep.


On the other side, Oliver wakes up as a ray of sunlight hits his face. An internal groan accompanied his awakening – who on Earth had dared to pull the curtains open? Memories of the previous night flooded his mind, filling him with a mix of satisfaction and contentment. It had been an unforgettable experience, especially knowing he was her first. The thought of any other man touching her had always been enough to stoke his primal instincts.


As he pondered his newfound mate, his limbs moved instinctively to reach out beside him, yearning to find her presence. However, his groping hands encountered nothing but empty space. Frowning, he sat up, extending his arm to where Elle should have been lying, only to make contact with a pillow.


“Perhaps she’s already awake and downstairs,” Roy, his wolf, offered insightfully.


Yet, the coldness of the spot next to him cast aside that hopeful notion. Swiftly rising from the bed, he surveyed the room, realizing her clothes were conspicuously absent. A sense of unease settled in the pit of his stomach.


“Mate, MATE left us. We should have marked her, that way she would have stayed with us,” Roy’s growl reverberated through his thoughts, laced with regret.


“Shut up,” Oliver growled inwardly towards Roy, his wolf. She couldn’t have left, could she? She wouldn’t have left without saying goodbye to us, would she?


He sprinted out of the room, his heart racing, and pounded on his Gamma’s bedroom door. Nick opened the door with a sleepy head, allowing Oliver to push past him and enter the room. To his dismay, there lay a woman in Nick’s bed, likely a result of a wild night – a reminder of his own past that he was now distanced from. Only Elena occupied his thoughts now.


“WHO LEFT US? Go find our mate!!!!!! DON’T JUST STAND THERE,” Oliver growled fiercely at Roy, his frustration demanding silence.


“Out,” he yelled towards the dishevelled redhead in Nick’s bed. Her makeup was smeared from the previous night’s escapades. She whimpered in response.


“What?” she managed to utter in a trembling voice.




Nick, his friend and Gamma, spoke up, curiosity in his tone. “How are you so sure she isn’t my mate?”


Oliver’s growl was a warning as he retorted, “Because you would have already ripped my throat out.”


“Somebody got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning,” Nick teased.


“Do I look like I’m in the mood to joke?” Oliver’s voice was edged with a growl.


“Sorry Alpha,” Nick apologized quickly, bowing respectfully before him.


“What’s wrong?” Recee inquired as he emerged from his room.


“Elena is missing,” Oliver stated, his tone laced with concern.


“What do you mean she is missing? Mates don’t just disappear into thin air.” Recce asked.


“Well, she’s gone,” Oliver confirmed, his worry deepening.


“Okay, let’s look at the camera images,” Nick suggested, and the two of them headed towards the monitoring room. Oliver had placed cameras throughout for security, particularly against rogues.


And there it was, around 6 in the morning on the screen. Elena stepped outside, her belongings with her, and climbed into a waiting taxi.


Oliver’s wolf whimpered in defeat, the reality setting in – “Mate must find a mate.”


Chapter 10 - Shattered Glass and Broken Hearts

And just like that, Oliver’s anger erupted, causing him to grab the nearest object, a chair, and hurl it out the window. The window shattered into a cascade of glass fragments, scattering around the room and cutting into his skin. Remarkably, the pain didn’t register; the overriding sensation was an overwhelming hurt as if his heart had been forcibly ripped from his chest, only to be trampled upon before being shoved back into its place, subjected to the process anew.


Fury consumed him. His mate had left him, abruptly and without explanation. Surveying the wreckage he had inadvertently caused, the room looked as chaotic as his emotions. Amid the disarray, Valerian appeared bewildered, uncertain of how to respond to the outburst.


Walking away from the chaos, Oliver retrieved a bottle of scotch from the cabinet. Despite the early hour, he sought solace in the numbing effects of alcohol, his anger demanding an outlet.


Recee entered the room, accompanied by their other friends. Concern etched their expressions. “Do you know her name? Perhaps we can research and find some leads,” Nick inquired.


“It was something like Elena Dawson or similar,” Oliver responded curtly.


“Does anyone know where Manson is?” Recee queried further.


“He was at his mate’s house last I spoke to him,” Sky informed them.


“Any idea what she studied?” Nick directed his question at Oliver.


“Civil engineering, I think. I’m not entirely sure about the college,” Oliver replied with a sense of detachment.


“Isn’t Manson’s mate a friend of our Luna?” Nick mused aloud.


“That’s right. Why didn’t I think of that earlier?” Recee remarked.


Recee initiated a call to Manson, relaying Oliver’s concern and instructing him to ascertain Elena’s whereabouts, especially if she wasn’t with Manson’s mate.


“He’s not picking up his phone; I think he’s still occupied with his mate,” Recee reported, prompting a frustrated growl from Oliver.


“Try to mind-link him,” Oliver suggested, his impatience palpable.


“I attempted, but it didn’t work,” Nick admitted with a tinge of disappointment.


“Keep calling him until he answers,” Oliver ordered, his sense of urgency pushing him to take every possible action. With his emotions running high, he decided to step away from the situation for a while. “I’m going for a run to blow off some steam,” he informed them before striding out of the pack house.


Oliver’s heart pounded as he ventured deeper into the forest, the familiar sounds of the wilderness surrounding him. He had barely taken a moment to process the whirlwind departure of Elena from his house, and the intensity of his emotions demanded an outlet. Without hesitation, he allowed his instincts to take over, and his transformation into his wolf form was swift.


As a wolf, Oliver’s senses sharpened, and his movements became fluid and instinctual. The forest was his sanctuary, a place where he could lose himself and let the primal side of him take control. Roy, his wolf, surged forward, racing through the underbrush, and the wind rushing past offered a fleeting respite from the chaos of his thoughts.


They ran, faster and faster, until the exertion left them utterly exhausted. Panting heavily, Roy finally came to a halt beneath the shade of a towering tree. Oliver’s human consciousness resurfaced, his thoughts returning to the turmoil that had driven him into the woods in the first place.


After a period of rest and a refreshing drink from a nearby river, Oliver knew it was time to return home. He approached a carefully chosen spot where he had hidden an emergency set of clothes earlier. With the clothes in hand, he retreated behind a dense bush, the transformation from wolf to human a seamless transition.


Oliver entered his office, the weight of recent events heavy on his shoulders. As he settled into his chair, Recee, one of his trusted pack members, followed closely behind. The urgency in Recee’s presence was palpable.


“I’ve mind-linked Mansion,” Recee began, his voice carrying a note of urgency. “I explained everything about the current situation and asked him to inquire with his mate about Luna Elena.” He paused for a moment, allowing the gravity of the situation to sink in. “He assured me that he’d do that and promised to inform us about Luna Elena, as soon as possible.”


A wave of relief washed over Oliver at Recee’s words. The prospect of reuniting with his mate, Elena, had been a source of constant worry, and now, it seemed there was hope on the horizon. He let out a long sigh, slumping further into his seat, the tension in his body finally beginning to ebb away. The prospect of being with Elena again filled him with renewed determination and a sense of longing that had never truly abated.


MeanwhileElena stirred from her slumber as the gentle hum of the aeroplane engines signalled their descent. With a yawn and a stretch, she glanced out of the window, her eyes widening in delight at the familiar sight that greeted her – the sprawling beauty of Los Angeles.


The captain’s voice crackled over the intercom, announcing their impending arrival. “Ladies and gentlemen, in 20 minutes, we will be landing in Los Angeles. Please ensure your seatbelts are fastened, and switch off all electronic devices. We hope you’ve enjoyed your flight, and the crew wishes you a pleasant day.”


Elena obediently secured her seatbelt, her anticipation building as the plane descended. As the wheels touched the ground, an unexpected weight lifted from her shoulders, one she hadn’t even realized was there. She was eager to return home, to her room, and most importantly, to her family.


Grateful that it was a Friday and college wouldn’t begin until Monday, she relished the thought of spending two precious days with her loved ones. Stepping out of the airport, she took in a deep breath of the familiar LA air, feeling a sense of homecoming wash over her.


Elena hailed a cab headed towards the city centre, her stomach reminding her of her need for sustenance. After booking the cab, she proceeded to collect her luggage and, with a plan forming in her mind, she carefully unpacked and repacked her bags, ensuring she had everything she’d need for her stay at her parents’ house.


Once her preparations were complete, she summoned a taxi and embarked on the journey to her childhood home, eager to reunite with her family and savour every moment of the precious time ahead.


Chapter 11 - Unexpected Reunion


As the days passed, the anxiety inside Oliver was festering. His patience was wearing thin as there was still no news from Reece, the trusted member of his command, tasked with finding information about Elena. The uncertainty was gnawing at him, leaving a restless unease in its wake.


His only source of information came from Elena’s friend, whom she had met during a year-long internship. Their friendship had grown, and Elena had shared bits of her family background: her mother, Sika Dawson, and her father, Robert Dawson, as well as her older brother, Brandon.


Initially, the knowledge that Brandon was Elena’s older brother had brought a measure of relief to Oliver. He had briefly entertained the notion that perhaps Elena had distanced herself because of a romantic involvement with a lover or a boyfriend. The constant uncertainty surrounding her location, emotions, and motives was slowly wearing down his composure.


The frustration and irritation building inside Oliver was palpable. The members of the pack house sensed his volatile emotions and walked on eggshells, doing their best not to provoke him, as the hours wore on and uncertainty continued to plague him. Oliver’s patience was running out, and he couldn’t help but feel the growing urgency of the situation.


Oliver sat on his luxurious leather chair, scrolling through Elena’s Instagram posts when a sharp knock disrupted his concentration.


“Come in,” he called, setting his phone aside.


Reece entered the room with a determined look in his eyes. “I tried to contact Manson, Alpha. He finally picked up the call and confirmed the college where she studied. He also conveyed his intentions to stay here with his mate and look after the pack, hoping to win her trust and reveal our existence,” Reece reported. Oliver nodded, appreciating Manson’s commitment. He mid-linked Nick and ordered him to get the plane ready.


“The plane is already ready. We are just waiting for you and Reece,” Nick said to him. Oliver walked out of his office and ran to his room to grab the emergency bag from his room, which he had packed and kept aside in case of an emergency like this.


They headed to the airport, and Oliver impatiently urged the chauffeur to drive faster.


After a 20-minute journey, they arrived in Los Angeles. While the others checked into a hotel, Oliver grabbed Elena’s college address and headed to her college.


Meanwhile, as Elena walked out of her college campus, a sense of unease gnawed at her. No matter how hard she tried to concentrate during her morning lecture, her thoughts kept drifting back to Oliver. It was an exasperating dilemma that she couldn’t seem to control. Her mind, as if on its own accord, conjured images of his mischievous smile and piercing eyes.


With every passing day, Elena couldn’t shake the strange discomfort that had nestled in her heart. It was as if a piece of her had gone missing, and she couldn’t fathom why. Yet today was different. The morning lecture had felt like an eternity, and she found herself eagerly anticipating the moment when it would conclude.


She stepped out of the college building into the crisp autumn air, her heart skipped a beat. Her breath caught in her throat when her eyes met a sight that sent shivers down her spine. Oliver stood near a sleek black BMW, his trademark smirk playing on his lips.


Elena couldn’t believe her eyes. Standing there in front of her was Oliver. She was excited and confused, her mind buzzing with questions. Why was he here? Had he followed her? How did he know where she lived? And why did she feel so elated to see him?


She watched him approach with caution, like a predator stalking its prey. But before he could reach her, her best friend, Daan, appeared.


“Hey,” Daan greeted her.


“Hey,” Elena replied.


“It’s been a while since I saw you,” Daan remarked.


“Indeed, I think we last saw each other at Arc’s party, right?” Elena asked, groaning. She knew Stella must have spilled the beans.


“Right. So, have you been up to anything?” Daan asked, smirking. Elena cursed Stella for revealing everything.


“She told you, didn’t she?” Elena sighed.


“Yup,” Daan said, emphasizing the ‘P’.


“Every single dirty detail.”


Elena blushed, feeling embarrassed. She mentally promised to give Stella a piece of her mind the next time they met.


“I’m going to kill her when I see her next time. Well, I have to go now. See you later,” Elena said as she noticed Oliver getting closer.


“Okay, we’ll meet sometime later, but I want to know every detail from you,” Daan said in teasing her while wiggling his eyebrows. Elena playfully slapped his arm, and they both burst out laughing.


“Okay, I’ll see you later,” Elena said. She kissed Dann on both of his cheeks as a greeting and heard Oliver growl, a genuine growl, which surprised her.


As Daan left, Elena felt strong arms wrap around her waist, and her back pressed against a rock-solid chest. She let out a small yelp and felt Oliver’s face nuzzle into the crook of her neck. He sniffed her scent, sending tingles through her body.


“I can’t breathe,” she managed to choke out, and Oliver released her, placing her back on the ground.


“Mine,” he growled into her hair. He spun her around and pulled her into his chest once more, resting his chin on top of hers and tracing patterns on her back with his fingers. Elena felt his fingers travel down toward her rear, and she quickly pulled away.


“Why are you running away from me?” Oliver lowly growled, his face now appearing sad. Elena stared at him incredulously.


“First, I don’t even know you, and second, are you stalking me?” she asked, her hands on her hips, tapping her foot impatiently as she waited for an answer. She was infuriated and wondered how he had found her when she had never disclosed her location.


Oliver took a deep breath and met Elena’s eyes with sincerity. “Elena, I didn’t stalk you. I found out about your location because I realized that I can’t stop thinking about you. After that night we spent together, something changed in me. I can’t explain it, but I think I have fallen in love with you. ”


Elena’s expression shifted to one of surprise. She wasn’t expecting such a confession. After a moment of silence, she finally responded, “I’m sorry; you were just a one-night stand. I needed to lose it to somebody I wouldn’t see again,” she explained. For a brief moment, his ocean-blue eyes darkened to black, but they quickly returned to their original colour, leaving Elena feeling like she might be going mad.

Chapter 12 - Turbulent Hearts


Oliver heard her words, but they barely registered in his mind. “I’m sorry; you were just a one-night stand,” that’s all he heard before he zoned out. He allowed Elena to finish her sentence to regain control over his inner wolf, Roy. But as soon as she stopped speaking, a loud growl erupted from him, drawing curious stares from those around them.


He noticed a guy approaching Elena, but he didn’t see him as a threat. In Oliver’s eyes, the man was far from handsome and couldn’t possibly compare to him.


“Is everything alright here?” the guy asked Elena while looking at Oliver. He was about to respond, but Elena beat him to it.


“No, everything’s okay. I just asked him to do something for me. It was a bet,” she said, smiling at the guy, who nodded and hugged her before walking away.


The stranger’s scent lingered on her, fueling Oliver’s jealousy.


Elena couldn’t know what was wrong with Oliver. She gripped his hand to prevent him from drawing any more attention to himself and started pulling him toward her dorm room. Once inside, she swiftly closed the door behind them.


“What the hell was that all about?” she hissed at him.


Oliver looked at her sheepishly, and Elena was on the verge of losing her temper.


"What is wrong with you, Oliver? Why are you acting like this?"


“You. I missed you. I need you.” Oliver simply stated.


Elena rolled her eyes in frustration. “Oh my God, when a girl sneaks out of your house in the morning without leaving a note, she doesn’t want to be contacted. We were just a one-night stand.”


Before she could react, Oliver pinned her against the wall. “Mine, and mine only,” he growled into her ear, causing her to panic. She struggled to break free from his hold, but he tightened his grip. She shoved at his chest with all her strength, and he finally let go.


“You need to back off. I’m not somebody’s possession,” Elena declared.


“If you really love someone, you have to let them go. If they’re meant for you, they’ll come back to you, no matter how far they are. Love is not about possession; love is about appreciation,” she added. With that, she wrote her number on a piece of paper and handed it to him. “If you understand that, call me.


Until then, please leave me alone.” And with those words, she walked out of her room, leaving him behind to contemplate her message.


Oliver’s internal struggle with Roy continued as he pondered what to do next, as he watched Elena walking out of her room. Roy urged him to go after her, but Oliver was afraid of pushing her away.


“What are you doing staring at that piece of trash?” Roy growled.


“Shut up, you stupid dog. If we keep nagging her, she’ll run away from us, and we’ll both lose her,” Oliver retorted.


“But what if she finds someone else, someone better for her?” Roy whined.


“We won’t let that happen. I promise,” Oliver vowed, trying to reassure himself as much as Roy. The internal argument continued as they left Elena’s room, desperate to find her.


Oliver searched everywhere for Elena but couldn’t locate her. Then, he remembered the phone number she had given him. He pulled out his phone and dialled her number, only to be greeted by her voicemail. “Hi, this is Elena. I’m busy attending my lecture. Please call me later. If it’s important, you can send me a message, and I’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible.”


Oliver left a voice message, hoping for a callback. “Hi Elena, call me as soon as you’re free from your class, please. I want to talk to you.” He hung up and slipped the phone back into his pocket, driving back to his hotel, anxious for her to return his call.


Meanwhile, after walking out of her dorm room, Elena made her way to her next lecture. Her footsteps felt heavy as she navigated through the bustling campus, her thoughts consumed by the recent encounter with Oliver. The encounter had left her with a swirling mix of emotions, both intimidating and bewildering.


As she settled into her seat in the lecture hall, Elena couldn’t help but replay the incident in her mind. The memory of Oliver’s intense possessiveness and the undeniable longing she felt towards him bothered her. She had never experienced such overpowering emotions for anyone before, and that frightened her. It was the reason she had pushed him away and tried to escape the situation.


“Ring Ring,” the professor’s bell interrupted her reverie, signalling the end of the lecture and the start of the lunch break. Elena mechanically packed her bags, her mind still preoccupied with the enigma that was Oliver. Lost in thought, she made her way to the cafeteria.


After grabbing her lunch, Elena chose a solitary table in a corner, away from the crowd, hoping for some solitude to sort through her emotions. She absently stirred her coffee, her gaze fixed on the swirling liquid. Her food lay untouched as she remained lost in her thoughts.


Unbeknownst to Elena, her friends, Milley and Cassie, approached her table, concern etched on their faces. “Elena,” Milley called her softly, trying to get her attention.


“Elena,” Cassie chimed in, her tone more insistent. They repeated her name a few more times, but Elena seemed oblivious to their attempts to reach her.


Growing increasingly worried and a bit frustrated, Cassie decided to take more direct action. She shook Elena’s shoulder and called out her name louder, startling her from her reverie. Elena’s eyes snapped up, and she looked around in confusion, only then realizing her friends’ presence.


“Elena, are you okay?” Milley asked with genuine concern, sharing an alarmed glance with Cassie. Elena’s distant and troubled demeanour was cause for worry, and they were determined to get to the bottom of it.

Chapter 13 - The Mate bond


Elena, still trying to shake off the fog of her thoughts, sighed and ran her hands over her face. “When did you come?” she inquired, acknowledging her friends’ presence.


“A few minutes ago,” Milley replied, her concern evident. “We tried to call you, but you were too lost in your thoughts to respond to our calls. Are you okay?” She looked at Elena with a mixture of care and worry.


Cassie, echoing the same concern, added in a gentle tone, “You know you can share your problems with us, Elena.” Her eyes held the warmth of a long-standing friendship, offering Elena a sense of trust and comfort.


“It’s a long story,” Elena said, a light smile gracing her lips, her friends, Cassie and Milley, leaned forward, clearly eager for the tale.


“We are all ears,” Cassie responded with a grin, taking a bite of her sandwich as she looked at Elena expectantly.


Elena took a deep breath before continuing, “Do you remember I went to America for a year-long internship?”


Cassie and Milley nodded in unison.


“When my internship was finished,” Elena began, “my friend and roommate, Stella, took me to a club. I got a little too carried away, had a bit too much to drink, and almost got harassed by a hooligan but someone came and saved me. ”


“Was the man who saved you handsome?” Cassie interrupted, her curiosity getting the better of her.


Elena chuckled, “Yes, Cassie, he was quite handsome.”


Cassie smirked and waggled her eyebrows, “Go on.”


Milley interjected, her concern evident, “Did he take advantage of your intoxicated state or something?”


Elena shook her head, “No,” and went on to recount the events that unfolded between her and Oliver.


Cassie couldn’t resist a playful remark, “Then I don’t understand what the problem is. He’s rich, tall, handsome, and clearly into you, if you know what I mean,” she added with a wink, causing Elena to blush.


Milley, thoughtful, joined the conversation, “He seems like the kind of man any girl would dream of having. Is he mistreating you? Is that why you’re pushing him away?”


Elena sighed, shaking her head once more, “He’s not the reason I’m pushing him away.”


Milley, now genuinely curious, leaned in closer, “Then what is it?”


“The problem is not him but me,” Elena admitted with a heavy sigh.


Cassie furrowed her brows, concern etched on her face, “What do you mean?”


Elena struggled to put her feelings into words, “The way I feel for him... After I ran away from him, I always felt like a piece of my heart was missing. It’s hard to describe the longing I feel for him. And the happiness I felt when he came here to chase after me. I’ve never felt something like this for anyone in my life, and it scared me. It’s as if...” she trailed off.


Milley finished her sentence, understanding dawning in her eyes, “As if you were fated to be with each other,” and Elena nodded in agreement.


Elena continued, “Not to talk about the tingles and delicious sparks I feel whenever he touches me. And God, don’t ask me how I feel when he kisses me. It’s as if...”


Cassie chimed in, “As if the fireworks go off all over your body,” and Elena nodded, her face flushed with the memory of those electrifying moments.


Cassie and Milley exchanged knowing glances, their smiles growing. Elena had changed since the last time they saw her, and now they understood why. They were both werewolves, Omegas of “The Serien Pack,” and they recognized the signs of a mate bond. It scared Elena because she didn’t know about their species, and she had run away the day after sleeping with Oliver.


“Maybe you feel like this because you two are meant to be,” Milley gently suggested.


Elena frowned, “Do you guys believe in that type of stuff?”


Cassie, blunt and unapologetic, replied, “You said you feel like you guys are meant to be.”


Elena groaned in annoyance.


“Okay, fine. Let’s leave it. Just answer my questions. Maybe I can find a solution to your problem in your answers.” Milley said offering a practical solution, and Elena nodded her head agreeing to go with her solution.


“Do you like him?”


Cassie, known for her candidness, couldn’t help but sneaker in an offbeat remark, earning her a glare from both Elena and Milley. She quickly murmured an apology and looked away.


“Do you like him?” Milley asked once more, and Elena nodded her head in response.


Milley continued, “Do you want to be with him like date him or something?” Again, Elena nodded her head in agreement.


“Then why are you pushing him away? Are you afraid that he doesn’t feel the same way you do?” Milley probed gently.


Elena whispered, “Yes,” her gaze fixed downward.


Milley offered comfort, “I doubt that, sweetheart. If he didn’t feel the same way about you, he wouldn’t have chased you here.”


Cassie chimed in, nodding in agreement as she took another bite of her sandwich, “I agree with her.”


Elena sighed, “That’s not the only reason I’m so reluctant. He’s also very dominant and possessive of me.”


Cassie assured her, “Of course he is. They all are. It’s in their nature. It’s up to us women to know how to handle them.”


Cassie put her hand over Elena’s, patting it gently as she added, “Be strong, girl, and be the boss in your relationship.”


Milley encouraged Elena, “Now, call him and patch things up.”


Elena hesitated, her fear bubbling to the surface, “But what if he hates me after I rejected him? I don’t think I could handle it.” Tears welled up in her eyes.


Milley reassured her, “He won’t.”


Elena raised an eyebrow, sceptical, “How do you know?”


Cassie responded with confidence, “We just know, trust me, girl. You can call it a girl instinct.”


Elena nodded in agreement and began searching her purse for her phone.


Casually, Cassie inquired, “By the way, who is the lucky guy?”


Elena’s reply took Cassie by surprise, causing her to cough in astonishment, “Oliver.”


“Oliver, the CEO of Matthew and Son Co.?” Milley sought confirmation once more.


Elena nodded, confirming, “Yes.”


As Elena handed a water bottle to Cassie, Cassie couldn’t help but express her amazement through their mind link, Wow, man, I didn’t think she was capable of catching such a big shot.


Milley responded through the mind link, Yeah, Oliver is not only famous in the business world, but his pack is the second strongest pack in the world.


Elena, meanwhile, was engrossed in her phone, counting the numerous missed calls from Oliver. “Wow, there were 20 missed calls from Oliver in such a short amount of time,” she remarked, her eyes fixed on her mobile.


Cassie, her coughing fit slowly subsiding, couldn’t resist a triumphant comment, “See, didn’t I tell you, girl, he won’t hate you,” a sly smirk playing on her lips.


Elena nodded in agreement and excused herself to call and have a much-needed conversation with Oliver.

Chapter 14 - Rekindling Shadows: Apologies and Transformations


After sending Elena a voice message, Oliver drives back to the hotel. He kept pacing around the room while checking his phone every five minutes, hoping to receive any message or call from Elena. When his phone rang, he picked up the phone hastily.


“Elena,” Oliver said on the phone breathlessly.


“Hey, Oliver,” Elena’s voice came through, breathless and nervous, creating a momentary awkward silence.


“Um... Oliver, I was wondering if you’re free tonight?” Elena broke the silence, her own voice tinged with uncertainty.


“Yes,” Oliver replied, a hint of hesitation giving way to joy in his once-dull eyes.


“Then would you like to meet me tonight at Spice Fusion Restaurant? It’ll be my treat,” Elena asked, fingers fiddling with the lace on her dress.


“Sure,” Oliver responded enthusiastically.


“Cool then, I’ll see you there,” Elena said, a huge grin evident in her voice as she hung up and returned to the cafeteria.


“How did it go?” Milley inquired as Elena approached their table.


“Good. We decided to meet at Spice Fusion Restaurant tonight,” Elena said, taking a seat and sipping her coffee.


“Cool, we’ll come to your dorm room to help you get ready for your date,” Milley suggested.


“But it’s not a date,” Elena protested.


“But it won’t hurt to look gorgeous to impress your man, right?” Also, it didn’t change the fact that you are going out with him,” Cassie teased with a smirk, causing Elena to blush and look away.


“In other words, it’s a date,” Miley said with a smirk on her face.


“Fine,” Elena conceded, clearing her throat to mask her embarrassment and prevent further blushing.


After attending the lecture, the trio, Cassie, Milley, and Elena, made their way to Elena’s dorm room. Once inside, Cassie immediately directed her attention towards Elena’s closet, determined to find the perfect dress for her friend’s upcoming date. With unwavering determination, she began to rampage through the clothing, searching for that ideal ensemble.


For a good fifteen minutes, the room echoed with the rustling of clothes as Cassie sifted through the wardrobe. Finally, with a triumphant exclamation, she emerged holding a dress she deemed perfect for Elena. She handed it to her friend, urging her towards the washroom for a quick change.


Elena emerged, transformed in the enchanting dress, and Cassie wasted no time in tending to her hair, while Milley focused on enhancing her features with makeup.


“Done,” Milley declared, admiring her handiwork in the mirror.


“You look so beautiful, babe,” Cassie beamed with pride at their collaborative effort.


Elena, standing before the full-length mirror, marvelled at her reflection framed by ornate gold edges. Her blonde hair, now styled in loose waves, caught the soft glow of the room’s dim lighting, giving it a radiant, honeyed glow.


The dress she wore seemed plucked from a fairytale, a delicate blend of chiffon and lace that embraced her figure with subtle grace. Intricate floral patterns adorned the bodice, and a gentle V-neckline revealed a hint of her collarbone. The dress flowed into a floor-length skirt, ethereal layers of fabric pooling around her feet like a cascade of moonlit mist.


Elena’s gaze met her reflection, a subtle smile playing on her lips. Her blue eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and appreciation for her friends’ hard work.


“Thank you so much, guys,” Elena expressed her gratitude, embracing them warmly.


“You’re welcome. Now, go and make him fall for you again,” Cassie teased, smirking.


“Don’t forget to share everything that happened between you guys when you come back from your date,” Milley added, hugging Elena before walking out of the room.


After sending her friends off, Elena grabbed her purse and mobile, locked her room, and hailed a cab to head to the restaurant.


Elena paid the cab driver and stepped out onto the bustling city sidewalk. The aroma of various cuisines wafted through the air as she made her way towards the elegant restaurant. The exterior was adorned with subtle, warm lighting, casting a welcoming glow onto the entrance. The sign above the door read “Café Lumière” in delicate script.


She entered the restaurant, and the atmosphere shifted from the urban hustle to a tranquil sophistication. Soft jazz music played in the background, and the dim lighting created an intimate ambience. Tables covered in crisp white tablecloths were adorned with simple yet elegant flower arrangements.


As Elena scanned the room, she spotted Oliver seated at their reserved table, his eyes lifting as he saw her. “I am sorry for being late, did I make you wait longer?” she asked, a hint of concern in her voice while taking a seat across from him. Oliver can not able to remove his eyes from her. Elena moved her hand in front of his eyes to get his attention.


“What?” Oliver asked gathering himself.


“Did I make you wait for a long time?” Elena asked pleased with his reaction when he saw her. She finds it worth sitting like a statue when her friends are doing her make-up.


Oliver, ever the gentleman, smiled warmly. “No, I just arrived a few minutes ago.”


The waiter approached, breaking the brief silence, and took their orders. The air between Elena and Oliver grew somewhat awkward as they waited. Sensing the tension, Elena decided to address it.


“I need to apologize, Oliver,” she began, her eyes sincere. “I realize I may have been rude and distant. It’s just that... well, you have to understand why I did it.”


Oliver’s expression remained open, encouraging her to continue.


Elena took a breath before continuing, “Imagine having a one-night stand with someone and then finding them waiting for you on your campus the next day, even though you hadn’t shared any personal information with them. They acted possessive after seeing you interact with the opposite gender and then confessed their love to you. How would you feel? Won’t you feel like some kind of stalker is stalking you and feel scared?”


Oliver sat back, absorbing Elena’s words, and a contemplative expression washed over his features. The sincerity in her eyes resonated with him, prompting a wave of self-reflection.


“You are right, I am sorry. I just freaked out when you left me without saying anything to me. And when I saw you with someone else I lost my mind. It didn’t occur to me that my behaviour would scare you,” Oliver said playing with the glass of wine


“It’s alright as long as you know what you have done,” Elena remarked her tone a mixture of understanding and caution.

Chapter 15 - Resonance of Desires

Oliver and Elena sat across from each other in the dimly lit restaurant, their conversation still lingering on their previous discussion in the dorm room. 


Elena, eager to change the subject, spoke up, "Anyways, did you think about what I told you? In the dorm room, I mean."


Oliver's eyes met hers, filled with remorse. "Yes, I have," he replied honestly. "And you were right. I shouldn't behave like that again, and I promise I won't. Can you give me another chance?"


A glimmer of hope sparkled in Oliver's eyes as he awaited Elena's response. She maintained a stern face, her voice steady as she spoke, "I will, but on one condition: a long-distance relationship."


Confusion clouded Oliver's face as he sought to understand. "Long distance relationship?" he repeated, trying to grasp the meaning behind her words.


Elena nodded solemnly, her expression unwavering. "Yes, Oliver. I like you very much, and I want to be with you. You make me feel things I've never felt before. However, I am an independent woman. You didn't expect me to quit my studies and job to go with you, did you?"


Just then, the waiter arrived with their food, placing it on the table between them. Oliver's attention momentarily diverted, he replied, "But I can support you, Elena. I can take care of everything."


Elena's pouty lips curled into a small smile of appreciation. "I know you can, Oliver. But I want to be independent. It's important for me to feel confident in myself. If I were to solely rely on you for support, I would feel like nothing more than a gold digger. I don't want that."


Realization dawned on Oliver's face as he processed her words. "But you're not that type of person, Elena. I know you."


Elena sighed softly, her gaze meeting his. "I know, Oliver. But these thoughts still linger in the back of my mind. I can't help it."


Silence settled between them for a moment as they both contemplated the situation. Finally, Elena spoke, her voice firm yet tinged with vulnerability. "So if you want to be with me, you need to be okay with a long-distance relationship. And you have to promise me that you won't act possessively and won't force me to do something I don't like."


Oliver's expression turned complicated as Elena finished speaking. It wasn't that he couldn't understand her perspective or didn't want to comply with her wishes. It was the fact that he knew his wolf, a part of him that couldn't be denied or ignored, would never allow him to entertain the idea of a long-distance relationship. And deep down, he knew he was right.


Almost immediately, as Elena's words settled in his mind, a voice reached out to Oliver from within. It was the voice of his wolf Roy, asserting its dominance. "Don't even think about it. There is no way I will allow you to do that," his wolf growled. "We have just found our mate, human. How can you even think about sending our mate away from us?"


Oliver felt a pang of frustration rising within him, clashing with his inner turmoil. "What makes you think I want to send her away from us?" he retorted, his voice laced with confusion and a hint of desperation. "Did you think I would do that if I had any other option left?"


A fierce argument erupted within Oliver's mind as he grappled with his wolf's protective instincts. "Then don't sit there like an idiot and talk her out of it," his wolf persisted, its tone unyielding. "And if she still doesn't change her mind, we can always...," his wolf's voice trailed off, hinting at a more aggressive solution.


But Oliver swiftly blocked out his wolf's words, knowing all too well what the suggestion would have been. He couldn't bring himself to do anything that might make Elena resent him or push her away. Their newly rekindled connection was too valuable to risk.


Lost in his internal struggle, Oliver failed to notice Elena waving her hand in front of her, endeavouring to recapture his attention. Her gentle gesture finally broke through his mental turmoil, and his focus shifted back to her.


Startled, Oliver blinked a few times, his eyes refocusing on Elena's face. He took a deep breath, attempting to push aside the war within him and meet her gaze. "I'm sorry, Elena," he apologized for his momentary distraction, his voice tinged with a mix of sadness and determination.


"I want to do it, Elena, but I'm afraid," Oliver confessed, his pout evident. "In a long-distance relationship, we won't be able to give each other the time we want, like going on dates. And while we're away from each other, you might find someone better than me."


Elena looked at Oliver, a small smile playing on her lips. "It's not going to happen," she reassured him. Intrigued, Oliver raised an eyebrow and asked, "How can you be so sure?"


With a contemplative expression, Elena began to explain, her voice filled with sincerity. "Ever since leaving your house, I couldn't stop thinking about you. No matter how I tried to remove you from my mind, my thoughts kept drifting back to you. The longing I felt for you was undeniable. It was one of the reasons I pushed you away - that feeling scared me."


Oliver couldn't help but smile, a mix of happiness and relief washing over him. Hearing Elena's words confirmed that she also felt the deep connection between them. The mate bond that pulled them together.


"You know, Oliver," Elena continued, her voice softening, "I even tried to date someone after coming here. I thought that maybe if I dated someone for a while, these feelings I have for you would fade away."


Oliver's eyes widened at Elena's admission, conflicted emotions raging within him. As Elena spoke about her failed attempts to pursue other connections, he felt a surge of possessiveness and jealousy. His wolf, Roy, yearned to assert his dominance, but Oliver fought to keep control, knowing that acting possessively would only push Elena away.


Elena shook her head, her expression filled with both frustration and longing. "But things only got worse," she admitted, her voice tinged with sadness. "No matter how wonderful the other person may be, I can't help but compare them to you. It's repulsive to me, and it only deepens my longing for you."


Hearing her honest confession, Oliver felt a mix of relief and guilt. The mate bond between them was stopping Elena from being attracted to others, which brought him some comfort. However, he couldn't ignore his reservations about a long-distance relationship.


Elena's voice softened as she continued, a small smile playing on her lips. "So, you don't have to worry about me getting attracted to anyone else anymore," she reassured him. "You've completely spoiled me for being with someone else."


Oliver felt a sense of relief flood through him, knowing that their bond was strong enough to deter any potential rivals. But the thought of being separated from his mate for an extended period didn't sit well with him. He feared the impact it could have on their bond and the unbearable ache that would accompany their physical separation.


Chapter 16 - A Year Apart: Terms of Endearment


“So what do you think about my suggestion?” Elena asked anxiously, pulling Oliver back from his thoughts.


Oliver hesitated, his mind racing to find an alternative solution. He didn’t want to give up on the idea of being together with Elena, not even for a single day. “Is there no other solution to this problem?” he questioned, his voice filled with hope. “Can’t we find another way?”


Confusion etched across Elena’s face as she tried to grasp his train of thought. “What do you mean?” she asked, genuinely perplexed.


Oliver took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before he continued. “Can’t you transfer to a college in New York? And what about your company?” he suggested eagerly, a glimmer of possibility in his eyes. “There are plenty of renowned colleges and entrepreneurship opportunities in New York. By transferring, you can continue pursuing your dreams while being by my side.”


A flicker of excitement crossed Oliver’s face as he awaited Elena’s response, hoping that she would consider his proposal.


Elena’s expression softened, touched by his optimism and willingness to find a solution. “You’re right, Oliver. There are indeed exceptional opportunities in New York,” she conceded.


“But it’s my last year in college, and transferring right now could greatly impact my studies. Besides, my family is here, and I want to spend as much time with them as I can before venturing out on my own.”


Oliver felt a pang of disappointment but understood the weight of her reasons. He couldn’t deny her the chance to cherish these moments with her loved ones. “I see,” he replied, a tinge of sadness lining his voice. “I didn’t consider the impact it would have on your studies and your family. And I understand how important they are to you. I just... I don’t want to be away from you, even if it’s just for a year.”


Elena’s eyes softened with understanding as she searched for a way to ease his concerns.


“Oliver, I know it’s not easy for you, and it’s not easy for me either,” she said gently. “But this is just for a year. Once my college is completed, I promise I’ll come to New York to pursue my career, to find you. Can’t you wait for me? Can’t we endure this temporary separation and reunite stronger than ever?”


Oliver couldn’t help but feel a pang of guilt as he watched Elena’s sorrowful expression and her puppy dog-like eyes pleading with him. He had never been able to resist her charms, and it seemed that even now, her manipulative tactics were working their magic on him.


Oliver’s heart ached at the thought of being apart from Elena for such a long time, but he also knew the importance of her education and the connection she shared with her family. He wanted to support her dreams, even if it meant temporarily sacrificing his desires.


Feeling dejected, he decided to go along with her suggestion, thinking that something was better than nothing.


“Okay, I am okay with a long-distance relationship, but I have some conditions too,” Oliver finally spoke, his voice betraying the struggle within himself. Beside him, his wolf, Roy, growled softly, upset with his decision. The primal creature within him urged him to take drastic measures - to kidnap Elena and keep her locked away so she couldn’t run away from them.


Elena, however, remained oblivious to the conflict within Oliver as she encouraged him to continue. “Which is,” she prompted, her eyes searching his face for any sign of hesitation.


Clearing his throat, Oliver began to outline his conditions. “My first condition is that while we are in a relationship, you will stay clear from other boys when I am not here,” he stated, his tone firm and unwavering.


Nodding in agreement, Elena assured him, “That goes without saying, next is...”


Oliver continued, determined to establish the terms of their arrangement. “You will call me every day, no matter what, and make sure you pick up my call every time I call you,” he requested, the concern for maintaining constant contact evident in his voice.


“That’s okay with me, but make sure you don’t call me while I am attending my lectures,” Elena replied, understanding the importance of her academic commitments.


Oliver’s gaze bore into Elena’s, his expression stern as he uttered his final condition. “And the last one is to promise me that you won’t go to pubs and clubs with your friends,” he said, his voice holding an edge of authority.


Elena’s brows furrowed in disagreement. “That is something I can’t promise you, and you also know why. It’s impractical, Oliver,” she whined, her frustration creeping into her voice.


Finding himself unwilling to compromise on this matter, Oliver’s reply was firm. “Fine, just promise me that you won’t wear revealing clothes, stay clear of boys, and don’t drink too much alcohol,” he said, his tone determined.


A mischievous smile played on Elena’s lips as she replied, “Now, that is something I can do.”


Seeing that smile on her face, Oliver couldn’t help but feel a mixture of amusement and worry. He knew deep down that Elena was not one to easily adhere to rules or restrictions. Yet, he didn’t argue with her, fearing that any resistance would drive her away from him once again. Instead, he resolved to find a way to make her stay without inciting her resentment.


As their conversation continued, Oliver and Elena found solace in each other’s company, savouring the delicious dinner at the restaurant. The clinking of cutlery and the harmonious symphony of their laughter filled the air, momentarily enveloping them in a bubble of tranquillity. After paying the bills and bidding farewell to their cosy corner table, they ventured out into the night, drawn to the allure of a leisurely walk in the park.


Parking their car near the park, their eyes were immediately captivated by the sight of an ice cream truck parked nearby. Oliver couldn’t resist the temptation and decided to treat himself to a scoop of creamy vanilla ice cream. Sensing Elena’s preference, he purchased a chocolate chip ice cream cone for her, a small yet thoughtful gesture to brighten her spirits.


With their frozen delights in hand, the couple strolled hand-in-hand through the park, their laughter mixing with the soft rustling of leaves under their feet. The cold breeze gently caressed their faces, a reminder of the changing seasons. They spoke fondly of their friends and family, sharing stories and anecdotes, their chatter juxtaposed against the serene backdrop of nature.


At that moment, their worries about the conditions they had discussed over dinner seemed to dissipate. Instead, they chose to focus on the precious time they had together, allowing the pure joy of the present moment to envelop them.


The leisurely walk eventually led them back to reality as they approached Elena’s dormitory. Oliver, not ready to part with her just yet, suggested that she stay with him at the hotel, longing for a few more stolen moments together. However, Elena gently declined, mentioning an urgent assignment that demanded her attention that evening. Nevertheless, she promised to spend weekends with him at the hotel, a spark of anticipation twinkling in her eyes.


With a lingering kiss on Oliver’s lips, Elena bid him farewell and swiftly made her way towards her room, her heart aflutter with thoughts of him. Oliver watched her go, a mix of longing and contentment swirling within him, already counting down the days until their next meeting.

Chapter 17 - Alpha's Dilemma

After bidding Oliver farewell, Elena retreated to her dorm room, anticipating a quiet evening ahead. However, her plans took an unexpected turn when she received a call from her friend Cassie. As the phone conversation unfolded, Cassie revealed an enticing proposition - her roommates had recently moved out, leaving their dorm room empty. Now, they could gather for a spontaneous pyjama party and enjoy an evening of fun and laughter.


Elena’s face lit up with excitement. The idea of being surrounded by friends and revelling in their camaraderie appealed to her adventurous spirit. She quickly changed into comfortable clothes and gathered her belongings, ready to embrace the night’s festivities.


Upon reaching Cassie’s dorm room, Elena was greeted by the cheerful faces of her friends. Cassie and Milley stood by Cassie’s side, while an unfamiliar girl stood beside them. Smiling warmly, Cassie introduced the girl as Piru, a fellow friend and their distant relative. Elena’s curiosity was piqued, eager to forge a connection with her newfound friend.


The trio wasted no time in whisking Elena away to their dorm room, their shared excitement and laughter filling the air. Settling onto plush cushions and strewn blankets, they enveloped Elena in a comfortable cocoon, eagerly asking about her date with Oliver.


Cassie, Piru, and Milley sat in awe as Elena recounted the details of her evening with Oliver. As werewolves themselves, they understood the intense bond between mates and the challenges of being separated for long periods. Their werewolf instincts whispered to them, prompting questions as to why a strong alpha like Oliver, the leader of the second-strongest pack in the world, would agree to such arbitrary conditions.


The notion seemed contradictory, considering the common understanding that stronger werewolves were often more possessive and fierce in their protection of their mates. Yet, they chose not to dwell on these thoughts for long.


Instead, they hypothesized that Oliver must have had a calculated plan or reasoning behind his agreement. Uncertainty lingered, but they trusted in Oliver’s strength and intelligence.


Meanwhile, Oliver struggled to contain his wolf within him. The powerful creature yearned to roam free, exert its alpha dominance and force his human to go with his plan or to take over his body to do what his human failed to do. That is to claim and mark his mate. Oliver knew he had to find a way to quell the restlessness before it consumed him.


Parking his car near the edge of the forest, he ventured into the dense foliage, ensuring that no prying eyes witnessed his transformation. Once he felt confident in his solitude, he shed his clothes and draped them over a nearby tree. Embracing the primal energy coursing through his veins, he shifted into his formidable wolf form, releasing his inner beast while retaining a firm grip on his control


Oliver’s senses heightened as he ran through the forest, the earth beneath his paws empowering each stride. The moon, a guiding beacon overhead, served as a reminder of his connection to his wolf lineage. He revelled in the freedom of his wolf form, the wind rustling through his fur as he navigated the familiar landscape. From the deepest recesses of his mind, Oliver summoned forth his iron will, firmly commanding his wolf to remain restrained, ensuring he didn’t succumb to any destructive impulses.


After confirming that his wolf was calm, Oliver shifted back to his human form. He glanced at his reflection in the river near the forest, silently assessing the damage. His eyes were bloodshot, evidence of the inner turmoil that had consumed him moments ago. As he dressed himself in his clothes, he mustered the courage to speak to his wolf, Roy.


“Have you calmed down now?” Oliver asked, his voice tinged with exhaustion.


Roy, still struggling to contain his anger, growled in response. “Why did you agree to a long-distance relationship with her, human? Did you forget the suffering we endured when she ran away?”


The remainder sliced through Oliver’s already frayed nerves, causing him to flinch. “No, I haven’t forgotten,” he replied, his voice laced with regret.


“Then, why did you do it?” Roy’s growl shook the air, nearly knocking Oliver off balance. They stood together in the forest, Oliver on the verge of collapsing as the weight of Roy’s displeasure bore down on him.


Desperate to defend his decision, Oliver found himself struggling to maintain his composure.


“What did you expect me to do? Kidnap her, forcefully mark her, and lock her up? Is that what you wanted? Do you think she would forgive us and love us if we did that? No, she would hate us. Is that what you want? For her to hate us?” His words poured out with fervour as he fought to reason with his wolf.


Roy fell silent, his growling subsiding. Oliver took a moment to catch his breath, the realization of his vulnerability hitting him like a punch to the gut. He stumbled forward as he walked out of the forest and toward his parked car.


As Oliver started the car, Roy’s question still hung unanswered in the air. “Then what do you think we should do now? Do you truly believe we can endure an entire year without her? It will drive us both to madness,” Roy huffed, pacing anxiously within Oliver’s mind.


Oliver sighed, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. “I know, Roy. Give me some time. I promise I will come up with a solution.” With that, he drove toward his hotel, the silence between them palpable.


After reaching his hotel room, Oliver walked towards his suite where his friends were waiting for him. They looked at him curiously, sensing that something was amiss. Oliver ignored their questioning gazes and made a beeline for the mini-fridge, grabbing a bottle of wine and pouring himself a glass.


“What happened Oliver you look stressed?” Reece inquired worry visible on his face.

Oliver took a deep breath and began recounting the events that had unfolded between him and Elena. As his friends listened intently, shock etched across their faces, they couldn’t help but express their own disbelief.


“How could you agree to her conditions?” Sky asked incredulously, his voice thick with concern.


“Don’t you understand how difficult it is for a werewolf, especially an alpha like you, to stay away from his mate?”


Oliver swallowed hard, the bitter taste of regret mingling with the wine in his mouth. “Do you think I don’t know that?” he replied, the frustration evident in his voice. He took another long sip from his glass, the wine providing a temporary solace.


The questions kept coming, another friend adding to the chorus. “How did you manage to convince your wolf to agree with you?” Nick asked, his brow furrowed with genuine curiosity.


Oliver set down his glass, running a hand through his hair. “He didn’t agree with me,” Oliver confessed, recounting the fierce battle of wills that had raged within him. “After dropping


Elena was off at her dorm, and he gave me a pounding headache the entire drive here. It was only when I finally let him out in a secluded forest that he settled down.”


Concern etched itself onto Reece’s face as he considered his alpha and best friend. “What are you going to do now?” he asked, his words heavy with worry.


Before Oliver could formulate a response, his phone abruptly interrupted the conversation with its persistent ring.


Oliver answered the phone with a hesitant “Hello,” his mind was already clouded with thoughts of Elena and the future ahead. As he listened to the voice on the other end, his concerns only amplified tenfold.


As the conversation carried on, Oliver couldn’t help but feel a twinge of apprehension snakes its way through him. It wasn’t long before he excused himself from the company of his friends, walking towards the balcony to continue his conversation in private.


Chapter 18 - The Weight of Responsibility


After what seemed like hours, Oliver finally concluded his conversation and returned to the suite, where his friends were still gathered, waiting for him.


"Well?" Reece asked as Oliver took his seat once more, his face inscrutable. "Who was it on the phone?"


Oliver let out a deep sigh, running a hand through his hair. "It was Alpha Brandon," he said, his voice heavy with fatigue. "He wants to meet with me tomorrow."


His friends looked at each other, their expressions filled with a mix of curiosity and concern. "Is it because we entered his territory without permission?" Nick questioned, his voice tense with worry.


Reece shook his head, assuring him that he had already informed the alpha of their arrival while driving to catch the helicopter. "Then what does he want to discuss with us?" Nick persisted, his wariness palpable.


Oliver shrugged, his attention already wandering. "I don't know," he admitted. "And honestly, I'm too tired to think about it right now. I need some sleep."


And with that, he finished his drink and bid his friends goodnight. He tossed the empty bottle into the trash and made his way into his room. His friends, too, bid him farewell and dispersed to their respective rooms, leaving Oliver to his thoughts.


As he approached the comfort of his bed, a familiar jingle interrupted the silence. Oliver retrieved his phone from his pocket and glanced at the screen, revealing his father's name, Jason.


"Yes, Dad," Oliver greeted his father as he picked up the call, his voice reflecting his weariness.


"Did you receive the call from Alpha Brandon?" Jason inquired, his tone laced with curiosity. Oliver confirmed, "Yes, he said he wanted to meet me, but I don't know why."


Jason's voice held a note of reassurance as he spoke, "Yesterday, I received a call from him as well. He mentioned an important project he wanted to discuss and asked for an appointment to meet both of us. I informed him that you were already in LA and suggested you meet him tomorrow. Can you handle the meeting?"


Oliver settled into his bed, feeling a wave of relief wash over him. "Yes, Father. I have already booked an appointment with him for tomorrow," he responded.


Upon hearing Oliver's affirmative reply, Jason audibly sighed, his worry dissipating. "Good. I was concerned you might decline due to your focus on finding your mate," he admitted a hint of amusement in his voice.


The conversation naturally shifted to Elena, and Oliver could sense his father's genuine interest. 


"Yes," Oliver answered, a yawn escaping him. "I have located her."


Recognizing his son's fatigue, Jason chuckled softly over the phone. "It seems you need some rest. Get some sleep, and we'll talk later," he suggested.


"Good night, Dad," Oliver bid his father farewell, the weariness apparent in his voice.


"Good night, Oliver," Jason replied with a gentle laugh before ending the call.


Settling deeper into his bed, Oliver allowed himself to succumb to exhaustion. The events of the day swirled in his mind, intermingling with the swirling emotions that surrounded his reunion with Elena.


The following day, Oliver rose feeling notably more rested and refreshed, a rarity since Elena's departure had left him unable to sleep or find respite. This lack of rest had taken a toll on his concentration. Yet, upon reconnecting with Elena, a sense of ease settled upon him, granting him a measure of much-needed rest, despite his lingering worries about their relationship


After freshening up, he decided to treat himself to brunch at a nearby cafe before heading to Alpha Brandon's office to discuss their project. The meetings with Alpha Brandon always lasted for hours, and today was no exception. They delved into the details of the project, but little did Oliver know that Alpha Brandon had grand plans in mind.


As they delved deeper into the discussion, Alpha Brandon revealed that he not only wanted his entire company building reconstructed but also the entire territory belonging to his pack. He explained that due to the increasing population and territory, it had become necessary to make significant changes. And he wanted Oliver to personally oversee the entire project, as he trusted him and his company implicitly.


"Are you sure you want to entrust the entire project, including the reconstruction of your entire territory, to me? Wouldn't it be safer to hand it to a company run by a human instead of a werewolf?" Oliver's voice quivered with surprise and a touch of overwhelm at the immense responsibility Alpha Brandon was placing on him. 


Entrusting such a project felt akin to giving weapons to an adversary—holding the blueprints of Alpha Brandon's territory could potentially be exploited if he sought to conquer it. Though Oliver knew he would never do such a thing, the risk still lingered. But what if the blueprints fall in the wrong person's hands?


"You understand the gravity of this, don't you?" Oliver pressed, seeking assurance.


"Yes, I'm aware," Alpha Brandon replied, a reassuring smile gracing his face.


"Alpha Brandon, your trust means a lot," Oliver acknowledged, his tone serious. "The history between our families and the bond our fathers shared strengthen that trust. I'll never betray it. I'll oversee this project personally. Your faith in my expertise and dedication means everything."


Oliver absorbed the weight of the responsibility, nodding in unwavering commitment. "I won't let you down. My company will ensure the project's success."


"That's what I wanted to hear," Alpha Brandon said with a huge grin on his face.


The conversation continued, filled with meticulous planning, strategic discussions, and the establishment of timelines. Throughout, the unwavering respect and trust between Alpha Brandon and Oliver remained palpable, unaffected by the geographical distance separating their territories.


As the meeting drew to a close, Alpha Brandon offered a firm handshake, solidifying their agreement. "Thank you, Oliver. I trust you."


Reciprocating the gesture with equal solemnity, Oliver affirmed, "I won't disappoint you, Alpha Brandon."


After bidding farewell to Alpha Brandon, Oliver stepped out of the office, his mind swiftly organizing a mental checklist. He deliberated on the safe placement of the blueprints, ensuring their security. He resolved to hire only human labour for the project, making a mental note of the suppliers whose contracts needed signing for necessary supplies. Calling his father to share the good news topped his to-do list. Additionally, he mentally catalogued the various tasks required for the reconstructions and compiled a list of trusted individuals for these specific jobs. As he settled into the car and drove back to the hotel, each mental note was a step toward executing Alpha Brandon's trust in him


Chapter 19 - Paths Intertwine

 Oliver's heart swelled with pride and joy as he accepted the responsibility. Not only did he relish the opportunity to showcase his expertise and lead such a transformative project, but more importantly, it meant he could be closer to his mate. The distance between them had always weighed heavily on Oliver's heart, and this project now offered a legitimate reason for him to spend more time with his beloved.


Eager to share his newfound happiness, Oliver returned to the hotel with his friends. Their surprise was evident upon seeing his radiant smile and the lightness in his step. They wasted no time in inquiring about the reason behind his exuberance. Oliver couldn't contain his excitement as he recounted the details of his meeting with Alpha Brandon.


"Looks like even the moon goddess is at your side huh, when you were worried about what to do about your long-distance relationship with Elena, she even provided you with the reason to stay here," Nick, ever the playful friend, teasingly remarked.


Reece, never one to miss an opportunity for playful banter, chimed in with a suggestion. "Why don't you build the headquarters of our company while you're at it?" he proposed a mischievous twinkle in his eyes.


Oliver's face lit up, mirroring the gleam in his friends' eyes. "I was thinking the same," he replied, reaching into the fridge for a cold beer, his mind already brimming with ideas and possibilities.


Nick couldn't contain his curiosity any longer and broke the silence. "So, what's your plan now?" he asked Oliver, genuinely interested in his friend's next steps. Oliver took a leisurely sip of his beer before responding. "Honestly, I haven't thought about it yet," he admitted with a contemplative look on his face.


Reece, always brimming with ideas, jumped in with a suggestion. "You know, it might be better for you to buy a mansion in LA instead of staying in a hotel if you're planning on being here for an extended period," he proposed, a knowing smirk playing on his lips. Oliver couldn't help but agree, recognizing the practicality and comfort of such a decision.


Sky, ever the peacemaker, offered a solution that satisfied everyone. "How about we use our free time to look for a suitable mansion while we're here for work?" he suggested, his eyes gleaming with excitement. Oliver's face lit up at the notion, appreciating the idea of involving his friends in the search for a new home. 


"Did you call your father and inform him about the meeting with Alpha Brandon?" Reece asked.


"Oh, I was so thrilled with the news that I nearly forgot!" Oliver chuckled, his expression is sheepish. He retrieved his mobile from his pocket and dialled his father, recounting every detail of the meeting with Alpha Brandon. It came as no surprise to Oliver's father, having previously assisted Alpha Brandon's father in establishing his pack territory in LA. Yet, he expressed joy in knowing that Alpha Brandon placed as much trust in Oliver as his father had in him.


"What are your plans now? How do you intend to proceed with this project?" Oliver's father inquired. Oliver shared his plans with him.


"Since Elena has decided to stay here for a year to complete her studies, I was thinking of purchasing a mansion in LA. I'll be here for an extended period. Would you help me manage the pack and office work?" Oliver asked his father.


"Of course, son. Just ensure you visit periodically, so the pack doesn't feel neglected by their Alpha due to work commitments," Jason advised.


"Absolutely. I also intend to establish a headquarters in LA while I'm here. I plan to stay for a while to tend to crucial tasks and then return home to oversee the pack. I'll visit here occasionally to check on the situation and spend time with my mate," Oliver explained.


"That sounds like a solid plan. Make sure not to push yourself too hard. If you ever need my assistance, don't hesitate to ask," Oliver's father reassured him. They conversed a bit more before Jason bid his son farewell over the phone.


Later, Oliver relayed the plans he'd discussed with his father to his friends. His friends also agreed with his plan and started discussing how to handle the projects in their hands.


As the group immersed themselves in the work details, Oliver's phone interrupted the discussion with an incoming call from Elena. He immediately picked it up, a hint of anticipation and a faint blush on his face. "Hey," he greeted her warmly, his voice betraying his happiness at hearing her.


Elena's voice came through, soft and filled with a mix of nerves and curiosity. "Hey, are you free right now?" she asked, her tone reflecting her slightly fidgety state.


With a grin spreading across his face, Oliver responded, "Yeah, I am. What's on your mind?"


Elena hesitated, playing with her fingernails before making her request. "I was wondering if my friends could also join us. They've expressed a desire to meet you and your friends since we're all here together," she explained, her words carrying a hint of uncertainty.


"It's okay if you don't want to," she hastily added, not wanting to bother him.

"No, it's okay. Let me ask my friends first," Oliver reassured her before putting the phone on hold. Elena glanced at her friends, who were eagerly waiting for her response, but she ignored them, focusing on the call.


"Hey, Elena's friend wants to come and spend the weekend with us. Is it okay with you?" Oliver inquired, addressing his friends once he had put the call on hold.


"Sure, why not?" Nick replied with a nonchalant shrug. He looked at the others, seeking their opinions, and they all agreed.


Oliver resumed the call and informed Elena that her friends were welcome to join them.


"Cool! Could you send me the address of the place you are staying at?" Elena asked.


"No need for that. I will personally come to pick you guys up," Oliver replied.


"Don't trouble yourself. We can just hire a cab to get there," Elena insisted.


"Fine, I will message you the address of the hotel I am staying at. Give me a call when you reach there," Oliver said.


"Okay," Elena said, giving a thumbs-up to her friend before continuing her conversation with Oliver. The bell rang, indicating the end of the break. Elena bid farewell to Oliver and headed back to her classes.



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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.05.2019

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