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chapter one

I could not help the only fact, but to continue to breathe in the sweet smell of roses that blew in through the chill phantom breeze.

I was on top of a slick rooftop of some old abandon building.

  I continued to watch the man who I was supposed to kill walk down a dark street I leapt onto another building, and then another getting closer to the man. The only sound was the rushing of the wind. 

For a brief moment I saw him turn in my direction, and I could have sworn that he saw me. I let out a shaky breath of relief when he continued to walk along the engraved path. I continued to watch him as he walks underneath the street lamps, but that was an irrelevant factor.

He was completely unaware of my presents as the street lights flickered. He paused before going into a back alley of some old run-down street. With a sharp snap of my fingers, the light exploded. The shards of glass went flying out everywhere, and I had to duck and roll to prevent me from getting sliced.


I breathed out a long string of curse words, cursing, myself silently under my breath as the man took off in a sprint. I jumped down off of the ledge and onto the damp streets of Rome. I took off in a dash after the man who was still trying to scale the brick wall of a building as I met up with him. His breathing came out hard and fast as I slowed into a walk, a ghost of a smile playing on my lips as I watched him like a cat before a hunt.





He turned to face me only once. His eyes pleaded for me to leave him alone, but I can't bring myself to do so this man was a monster, and I did not have to remind myself of that. I drew my sword clean and swift I reminded myself, but then again, what fun would that be. Days later I found myself at the bottom of my manor cleaning and then shaping my blades. I let out a huff of air that was simply out of irritation.

Hades leaned over me, watching my every move. I was bonded to him since I was only seven years old. My mom is The goddess of The Hunt Artemis was her name "Nice work," he said, smiling over at me. I glance at Hades and at His comfortable position on the leather sofa.

I noticed that his eyes were upon me, and I gulped down my words, my throat bobbing in the process. I nodded in agreement, " I killed before, so it was nothing," I muttered underneath my breath. He stared at me, and I pretended that I did not notice the look


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.10.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-6220-1

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To my friends and to my family

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