
Chapter 1

My Eyes Are Yours,

My Love For You Is Forever More....

You're the person i see even when i close my eyes.....

What if i close my eyes Forever?

What if i cannot see you anymore?

Maybe you're my Happily Ever After...

But what if i cannot be with you Forever?

Will you still LOVE me Like BEFORE?


Minri's POV

They always say that i am selfish and self-centered.
that all i ever care is about myself.
they all say that i'm a cold hearted bitch. So what?
i never care about what people think of me.

By the way,
Kang Min Rin is the name but i prefer minri for short.
i am the only Doughter of the richest man in Korea.
He is Kang Jung Myun, the Chairman of Palace Corporation.

I am not only the daugter of the ritchest man in Korea but i'm also an actress and model known around the world.
the heck i'm Famous!
That is why people think i am so Perpect.....
and guess what?
Yes i am!

Many guys want me as their girlfriend but end up getting rejected.
Because i believed in my motto;
If i don't like something or someone, don't push it to me.
but my father always tell me that no man would ever love me truly because of my Atiitude.
well, it isn't my problem. they are not a loss for me.
but there is annoying brat who always follows me around like a Dog even if how many times i push him away.
that bastard in none other than Chio Sun Jong, the son of the rich Tycoon.
his father is one of the Shareholders in my Father's Company that's why he's always here.
GRRRRR..... i still remember that annoying moment with him earlier.

"Minri! Please! I'll give you everything including my life. Just please be with me. I beg you.", Sunjong keep begging like a worthless brat.


"Can you shut the fuck up?!", I answered coldly.


"Minri, I won't shut until you say yes. Please! I love you.", he said.


"But I don't. So please, GET LOST!!", I raised my voice because I'm totally pissed off.


And because I raised my voice, a lot of people is looking at us. Well, we are in the mall my father built for the company. And I'm just hereto supervise the mall, and this thing named Sunjong is here because following me around is his daily routine.


"Can you please shut up? Look! A lot of people is looking at us!", I told him.


"Tell me, what should I do for you to like me?", he asked me sincerely.


"Just leave me alone, okay?!", I shout at him, and after that i walked out.


I knew that if I leave the mall he'll just follow me home, so decided to go up to the 6th floor to where my dad's office is located.


"Ya! Kang Min Rin! I heard that you've made a scene in front of so many people. And you embarassed Mr. Choi 's son. Not only that, a lot of people is gossiping a bout you because of what happened earlier. Come on, daughter. Think of your image or just think about our company's image.", and that is dad's daily dose of lecture.


"I don't care about that image. Those people can think what they want to think, they have brains. If many people talks about me that means I'm one heck of a star. And about that Mr. Choi's son you speak about. Please just please, tell him to stay away from me before I cut him into pieces.", I said.


"Minri, you know that I can't remove Mr. Choi and his son in our company. They are a huge help to us.",dad said.


"if you can't make him leave then I'll do it!!", I said.


"Minri!", he shouted as I leave him alone.


Tsk. That old man! I hate him. This day sucks, I should just go home and lock myself inside my room.

And that's what I did.


"Can't they understand? I don't like Sunjong! I am the daughter of the richest man in Korea. I should get what I whatever I want!", I shouted.

"I HATE THEM ALL!!!!" I continued shouting while throwing everything that I can grasp.


"Lady Minri! Lady Minri!", Butler Lee said while knocking at my room's door.


"Arhhhhhg! I HATE THEM! I HATE MY LIFE!", I said.


Butler Lee opened the door with his spare key. It was a huge mess in my room.


"My lady, please calm down.", he said as he help me to get up. "Maids! Please get Lady Minri a glass of water."


Butler Lee gave me sleeping pills for e to calm down and rest.



That night......

"Kang Min Rin! You troubled child! You shouldn't do that!", dad shouted at me.


"You don't care! You never care! I just wish that mom is still alive!", I shouted back.


"Are you being like this because you miss your mom?", suddenly his voice became softer.


It hurts me a lot just thinking about that car accident that killed my mom. And I've seen that incident before my eyes.

As I think about it, I didn't realized that I was crying.

I don't have enough power and courage to talk back to my dad so I remain silent.


"I know what you feel. If you miss her so much then I do too. We should just accept that she's never coming back. My dear, acceptance is the key to be truly free. And always remember that I'm still here for you. I love you, my daughter.", he sincerely said.


What my dad said truly strucks me. Maybe he's right. I think I should just forget about what happened in the past and accept the present. i n that way I would be free from the anger I feel inside o me the whole time.

As dad said those words that made my mind clear, more tears suddenly falls from my eyes.


"Shhh. Stop crying, my dear daughter. By the way, the chairman of the Majesty mall will be coming tomorrow with his son. I want you to be nice to them. Please Minr. Be nice, even just for today.", he said. Then he kissed my forehead and left the room.

Chapter 2


Minri's POV

The next day.....

Dad said that a visitor will be coming.He said it's a high ranked businessman. So I dolled up to be pretty. I wore a beautiful white dress with a touch of red. I nee to be presentable so that old man won't get mad at me.

As I go down the staircase.I heard someone playing the piano in our living room. That melody is my favorite, Moonlight Sonata by Beethoven. As I enter the living room, I saw a guy wearing sunglasses playing it.must be the chairman's son.

"Oh! You're here, darling!", dad said.

"Yes. Good Morning, Mr.?", I said.

"Oh! This is Mr. Kim Jonh Hyun, he is the chairman of the Majesty Mall. And that young man playing the beautiful melody is his son Kim Min Hyung.", dad's introduction.

"Good morning, Mr. Kim. Kang Min Rin is the name.", I said.

"Same to you,young miss.",he said.

"Mr.Kim,let me talk to you for a second.And Minri, why don't you accompany Minhyung while we're away.", dad said.

"Okay.", I said smiling sweetly at them.

i walked to where Minhyung is playing the piano.

"Hello.",i said.

"hello.",he said but he didn't stop playing.

"Minri is the name. And you?", I said.

"I am Minhyung., he said. He's still concentrated in playing the piano piece and never looked at me.

"Do you know how to play the piano?", he asked.

"Yes. In fact this piece is my favorite.", i said while smiling brightly at him.

"can you play with me?", he said.

"Of course.", i said.

And we played Moonlight Sonata together.

Wow! He's an expert in playing the piano.

"You're quite good at this.", he said while smiling at me. he has the most beautiful smile.

"Thank you.", i said.

I keep staring at him. By this situation he should have stop playing the piano and look at me to make me stop staring at him. But he never looked at me, not even once. This situation is quite unusual for me. I expect other guys to look at me because it is just normal. But he wouldn't.

I wave my hands twice in front of his face.

"Can you see it?", I asked.

"Sorry, but I can't.", he said with a very sad smile.

So this means he's blind? Why didn't I noticed? With all this time that I've been talking to him. He's unfortunate and pitiful. He can't see but still, he learned to play the piano. He doesn't have the ability to see yet he still continue his life Unlike me, since the day I lost my mother. I never looked at the world the same way when I was a child.

My heart sank by the look at his face.He look so sad.I shouldn't have asked that.

Apart of my cold heart melted while looking at him. This is the firts time of my life to feel this feeling. It feels like I should comfort him with a hug.

"Are you still there?", he asked.

"Yes. I'm still here.", I said.

"I thought you already left.Usually when a girl found out about that, they'll just leave me all alone.", he said. "I'm glad you didn't."

This guy makes me feel that being selfish like what I always do is wrong. Back then, I always tell people to live me alone, but him, he always want someone to stay by his side.

"I really wish I could see you. The way you talk and laugh, you must be really beautiful. Your voice also sounds beautiful.", he said.

"Thank you.", I said.

Why is my heart beating so fast? Am I having a heart attack? What is this unusual feeling?

"Can you sing for me?", he said.

"Yes?", i said.

"Can you sing for me? I want to hear your voice.", he said.

I smiled hearing him say that.

"Okay. What song would you like me to sing?", i said.

"Your choice. I don't have any ideas about song titles.", he said.

"hahaha... okay. Remember this song for me. this song is entitled I'll be.", I said.

(play the music.)

* The strands in your eyes

That color them wonderful

Stop me and steal my breath. *

You may not be able to see me, but the person that you are is enough to be called perfect. This song was the first to come up in my mind when I see you. You have this ability to steal my breath.

The melodies he play and my voice sound perfectly in sync.

* And tell me that we belong together

Dress it up with the trappings of love

I'll be captivated

I'll hang from your lips

Instead of the gallows of heart ache

That hang from above. *

Yes! I mean it. I'm captivated by you, by all about you. As I look to your smiling face my heart melts. I know that this is the first time seeing you but I know what I am feeling now. I love you. love at first sight must be true.

* I'll be better when i'm older

I'll be the greatest fan of your life.*

You should never be sad. You should never be alone. You don't deserve that. From now on,I'll always be at your side.

* And rain falls angry on the thin roof

As we lie awake in my bed

And you're my survival

You're my living proof

My love is alive and not dead. *

This thing I'm feeling in my heart. Those melodies you make. With every note in the music sheets. You swept me off my feet. I wish you feel the same way too.

* I'll be captivated

I'll hang from your lips

Instead of the gallows of heart ache

That hang from above.

I'll be your crying shoulder,

I'll be love's suicide

I'll be better when I'm older,

I'll be the greatest fan of your life.

And I've dropped out,

I've burned up,

I've fought my way back from the dead.

I've tuned in,

turned on,

remembered the things that you said


I'll be your crying shoulder,

I'll be love's suicide

I'll be better when I'm older,

I'll be the greatest fan of your...

I'll be your crying shoulder,

I'll be love's suicide

I'll be better when I'm older,

I'll be the greatest fan of your life.

The greatest fan of your life.

...greatest fan of your life. *

"Wow! You have an angelic voice. I wish i could hear it everyday.",he said


"Well,you will have to visit here everyday for you to hear e sing.", I said.


"Okay. I will.", he said.


Wait? What? Is he really gonna do that?


"Hey!I'm just joking.", I said.


"i really want to hear your voice again. I will still come over here even if you didn't say that.", he said.


"hahaha.... Okay. i won't stop you", i said.


So he really mean it. That would make me happy. I looked at his handsome face and smile to myself. Well, I guess I will be seeing him everyday.

Today, I learned something important. Life itself is not perfect. Even if your the greatest person on earth, not all you wanted will be given.


"I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation, young miss. But we need to go.", Mr.Kim said.


"Of course, Mr. Kim.You may. And oh! Goodbye Minhyung.", I said as I wave my farewell.


"Bye.", he replied.


I looked at him one last time before he go. Love at first sight? Maybe that is what I'm feeling. I don't know why, but my heart beats so fast for him.

Chapter 3


Minri's POV

I used to make poems for my mother when I was a little girl. I only write poems when I have inspiration. Back then, my mom serves as an inspiration to me but she left me. But I finally found my new inspiration, and he is the guy who played the piano with me yesterday. This is the first ever poem that I will write for a guy.

"I met him in just a second,
I loved him for no reason"

These are the first sentences that popped into my mind. I continued writing my poem in my diary until I finished it.

"Lady Minri!", Butler Lee called me while knocking at the door.

"Why?", I asked.

"Young master Minhyung is waiting for you downstairs.", he said.

"Tell him I'm coming.", I said.

My Minhyung is here. I quickly get up in my bed and pick an elegant red dress. It' quite funny dressing up when you know that he can't see you. After dressing up I ran downstairs to meet him.

"Hey.", I said as I try to catch his attention.

He smiled brightly when he heard my voice. I sit beside him in the couch.

"I've got something for you. Listen to this.", I said.

"Okay. What is it?", he asked.

I grinned widely because I know that he is interested in what I'm about to say.

"Here it goes", I said.
"I met him in just a second
I loved him for no reason
He is my everything
My new beginning

From the way he is talking
Love strikes me like lightning
His smile makes me feel like smiling
While my heart is rapidly beating
My heart beats like crazy
Every second love struck me
He is my harmony,
And my beautiful melody."

"Wow! That's amazing.", he said.

"Really? It should be. This poem is for the guy I love, so it must be the best poem in the world.", I said.

"Oh, really?", suddenly his voice becomes low.

"Yes.", I said.

"When did you learn to make poems?", he asked me.

"I learned it when I was six. When my mom is still alive.", I said in sad tone.

"I'm sorry.", he said.

"Sorry for what?", I asked.

"I shouldn't have asked.", he said.

"No. Don't mind it. I already accepted the fact that she's gone and she'll never come back.", I said.

"That must be painful for you.", he said.

"*sigh* Yes it is.",I said in a sad tone.

"But losing someone doesn't mean that you'll be alone for the rest of your life. Remember that, when a person important to you leaves. Another person will come to be a part of your life and bring you happiness.", he said.

He's right. Even though mommy left me, someone like Minhyung came to my life and gave me a new found happiness.

"Can I tell you something?",he said.

"Of course. What is it?", - me.

"The truth is .........", - Minhyung.

"The truth is?", I asked.

"I .............", - Minhyung.

What is he going to say? What does he want to say? Could it be?

"I............ I love you.", - Minhyung.

I became speechless because of shock.

"Still there?", - Minhyung.

"Yeah. I'm just shocked.", - me.

"So I guess you don't feel the same way too. But it's okay with me.", - Minhyung said in a sad tone.

"No! Actually, I feel the same way too.", - me.

"Really? So does that mean you love me too?", he asked.

"Yeah.", I said while nodding.

I can see him blush. He's like a kid giving his kindergarten crush a letter. He's so cute. It's clear to me now. I don't have to stay up all night thinking if he likes me too. Right now, I'm the happiest person alive. I love him so much. And because we know what both of us feel, we can get to know more things about each other.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.09.2015

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

This book is Fiction story. I made this Story because i had enjoying making story, even if it's short or Book. Just only for Fun!

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