grapes just
for sun light
little bulbs
wind sim
waiting with home
sand kingdom
at sea shore waiting
lily flower
on night a smile
for moon
just shadows
missing rain
hut sun
clouds ready
4 rain trees
all happy
dew little
just play grass little
flower smile
a mountain
missing you and me
and moon
on sky
a clouds about
haiku art
just shadows
on the road
a little water catch
the sky
fire with earth
feel free make
cup of tea
i see
my face on inner
broken sun
dog face
missing with
moonless sky
green frog
jumping with
fucks again
nude dance
play with grass
jumping frogs
water dance
about with face
drink sea
lovers walk
shadow dance about
moon light
on the river
move with rain
jumping fishes
Texte: otteri selvakumar
Bildmaterialien: otteri selvakumar
Cover: otteri selvakumar
Lektorat: otteri selvakumar
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.11.2017
Alle Rechte vorbehalten
In this book i am write with haiku and drawing This drawing speaks about more then haiku so i am like to publish this book about haiku lovers Enjoy a my haiku art fun.