
the wakeaning

I knew the end was coming. I could tast the blood in my mouth. I couldn't move, as if i were being held down. " All will be well, child, all will be well." I heard th vioce, as clear as a bell, in my mind."who are you?what do you mean? i know there is no saveing being done for me." I spoke so clearly. It was like a walketalke or something. "yes there is. there is always a way to be saved. It is not your time to leave you're world." I could finaly wake up from the nightmare. There was a tall gracefull looking woman standing above me."welcome back to the world of the living."

the dragon

the jorney

the discovery

the faries

the stories

the first battle

the escape

the enconter

the loss

the tears

the lonely path

the past

"theres always a second choice"

the greatest wish

"you're wish has been granted"

the rebirth of an old friend

the second battle

the wining team

all of our hopes

to the world of life

the home of "death"

the happy ending

about "orangescar"

I am 16 years old. i have a vary active imagination for my age. the books i wright are all from my imagination. i hope to be a pro book wrighter some day. please help me progress further by letting meknow if i need any improvements an throw in some suggested additions if you want. i love fantisy books like this. i live in sagertown pa. i am still in high school. i am one year from graguation. i am in 11 grade. please enjoy the books.

sneakpeak at "the great void" of the "lost memories triligy"


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.11.2011

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