
The Power of Fire

Damon had no connection with Jeremy; he hated him. Whenever Jeremy called a funny remark to Damon, he was ready to throw a fist but he never did.. UNTIL .

"Damon the Dork! What;s up, man? Or should I say CHICKEN! Can you get me some eggs while your at it! Ha!" Jeremy teases and his buds laugh but Damon doesn't.

Damon got so furious somehow fire bursted out of his mouth and threw more than 1 fist at him!

"You seriously need to back off Jeremy! What's your problem, anyway? What did I----"

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH! HE'S A.....HE JUST BLEW FIRE! SOMEONE CALL THE POLICE!!!" Some girl yells, followed by the principal.

What? I just.... blew fire? I need to get out of here, fast! Damon said to himself and makes a run for it.

The only place he thought of was his home & a lake that had crocodiles but the crocodiles loved Damon and never hurt him. Nothing or no one there hated him like Jeremy...

Damon was running as fast ad he can making him only a mile away from the "Lake of the Lost" (as for what he have called it).

Gosh, why am I running? How did I blow fire? And why do I feel some sort of tail hanging..

Damon asked himself.

Damon ran even faster, he could hear sirens from the police cars. At least he was in a swamp he named "Nature of Dead", no one was there. No one but him.

Lake of the Lost was only a few seconds away, so he stopped and breathed.

"Gosh! I need to find my dungeon!" He whispered so no one nearby could hear him...

What he said "Dungeon" was a cave a bear guarded for him, it was "Dungeon of Croaks" for he called it. Food & water was there and for the best thing: he was the only human... but he wasn't so sure anymore. Is he human or a mythical creature?

"Shelly, shelly, don't come running home, I warned yah, warned yah, that man was too old....shelly..shelly..don't come to me, just to tell ya, you were born free...shelly..shelly...shelly...shelly....." Damon tuned when he was all alone.

Why am I singing...I should be wondering why in the world did I blow out fire?.... am I different?

Suddenly, a man or woman; face was covered in black, swooped down wearing all black.

"Y....muh.....cah...wih...muh..." No One (Damon called it) said.

Damon just stood there and was completely lost... what was No One saying?

"Y muh cah wih muh!" This time raising it's voice.

"You must come with me? Is that what you're saying?" Damon asked it.



, Damon thought, this thing doesn't speak very often or English, its an 'it'.

"H... how...?" Damon asks.

"Yah arh dragon..."

"I am a dragon.....?"

"Yah, yah, yah, huhhy! No muh time!"

Damon didn't know how to transform into a dragon; in fact he never knew he was

a dragon!

So Damon did this: think hard and he let out a , "UHHHHHHHH!" and poof, a dark purple dragon.


"Cuh ohn!"

Damon quickly held it's arm or whatever and disappeared with it.

Land of Eeralayn

"E-excuse me? Can you just tell me why I am in this land or world?" Damon asked It.

"Enough with questions, fellow dragon. Your name is Damon, right?"

"Yes," Damon answered looking a bit confused.

It was asking questions now.. and it spoke English!

"Well, young one, I am Aero. And I am the warrior of peace, an abstract, a myth. You are a dragon, indeed, and a warrior of wealthy & leadership. Young one, to be a true one, I must tell you the story of my journey of the real world to the wilderness of magic...are you ready?"

"Yes, yes, of course, Aero! I am ready for whatever story you've prepared to tell me..." Damon was using his proper vocabulary which he has not forgotten past these years.

Aero chuckles.

"In this story, I must tell you, most of these people are standing in Eralayn at the moment... but you must carefully listen. There comes a dragon, too & who it is might surprise you."


I didn't understand that line at all, of what it seemed as if it were a riddle told by Aero; this new thing or man I meet as a stranger or guide.

"Aero, well can you please first explain, again, what my role in this Eralayn is? And why is it so important?"

Aero smiled and pat his knee.

"May I start my story?"

He wasn't going to answer, was he? Just as I thought, these answers must be in the story of Aero's what so called 'journey'.

"Yes, yes, Aero."

Aero's & Caleb's Great Sight :::Chapter 3

Long ago in Ashfor, I lived in a hut with my one brother and sister. My brother was older than me and sister, was a brood, only 3. Caleb was the name of my brother he was 14, and Moon was the name of my sister. Leaving me as 12 year old Aero.

The moon was already out and I was deep in sleep just like Caleb & Moon. I was uncertain about Caleb, though. He seemed so interested in watching people at night & always waking me up saying "Look, Aero, this man is hanging to a pole!" or some other thing I wouldn't care about.

But tonight was different, he had woken me up but what he said was indeed engaging.

"Aero, do you see this? A man is pounding the Wilson's home with a hammer whilst magical lines or something flying out of it!"

I jumped off the bed and quickly peeked through the window, but first breathe.

"Caleb, are you positive that there is man outside doing as such?" I ask very annoyed by his usual act every night.

"Yes, yes! Aero, believe me, brother! This isn't no ordinary night!" Caleb had pleaded.

I was pleased that he was very certain and I didn't want to upset dear old Caleb even though he was nosy. I took a look and couldn't believe the sight.

"My oh my, Caleb. Your nosiness has actually paid up.... but perhaps it isn't magical. And maybe so that isn't a hammer..." I say, proving my best him wrong.

I didn't believe in magic, ever since mother and father abandoned us leaving us nothing; this hut was only 100 coins and it took us half our lives to pay up for it.

"Aero, you never believed in magic! But now is the time to believe it! What could that man be doing? And remember, this is Philip Wilson's house, one of our neighbors!" Caleb said raising his voice.

I was still peeking through the window and I hushed Caleb silently motioning my hand on my lips, then pointing towards the window ducking.

We said no words, this man was like a rabbit; his ears perked up and listening for preys, or at the point; people.

He continued his work, or what Caleb believed "magical mission".

I quietly whispered to Caleb, "Forgive me, brother. This man is obviously doing something unsafe or doing something he doesn't want anyone to know. I believe you, but not the magic part....."

We whispered back at each other.

"Oh, for our sake, Aero. We must call..."

"There's no one to call. We're poor, no one will help us!" I whispered, Caleb always seemed to forget.

He let out a sigh and I get up carefully and peek through the window, I jump back.

This man was looking through our window whilst on it.

"Oh, Caleb! Close that door and lock it! This man is some what suspicious! He's on our window looking through it!" I whisper- loud enough for Caleb to notice it twas an emergency - and close the window tightly and cover it.

"Whew....Caleb! You closed it, right?" I say, wiping sweat off my head.

"Yeah, lets wake up Moon in case we need to run." He said rocking Moon side to side and patting her head,

She wakes in such daft.

"Caleb, Aero, I'm hungry & why have you woken me?" Moon asked in the vocabulary in which Old Man Charles taught her , Caleb, & I.

"Moon, this is no time for hungriness to show! A man, well, is very dangerous & we must prepare; he's outside the hut! HUrry, Moon! Get your sack and we'll go down our, " I look around and sign language "secret passageway."

It twas an underground path that would lead us safely to Old Man Charles, the closest friend we ever had.

Moon, Caleb, and I grabbed our sacks, pull the secret lever under Moon's pillow, and safely exit the zone.

I double checked that the door on the ground was sealed and locked until we returned from under.

Caleb was already ahead of us, a few 15 feet away. I took a look at Moon, she was breathing heavily.

I quickly backed down, pick her up, and run towards Caleb saying no words.

The metal door was very close & I see that the door was open; Old Man Charles suspected the man, his suspiciousness grew, and figured it was best for him to leave the door open for us 3...

"Hurry on, hurry on!" Old Man Charles whispered.

Caleb was already at the door, and us, 2 feet away.

I take a breath and run to the door.

"Old Man Charles!" Caleb said panting.

"Old Man Charles, we have some very much bad news to tell you; I might even say dangerous!" Caleb finally explained.

He nodded and quickly motioned us to come in.

"Come & drink water, children. Its best for you to breathe," He chuckles.

We quickly took a seat on the lava red sofa, I eyed the cups of water and took one & sipped it.

I let out a 'mmmmm' and looked at Old Man Charles.

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot to explain! Caleb was doing his regularly spying and he spied a man pounding with a hammer and so called magic lines flew out. I looked out and, he was on our window, so I closed it and locked the door so it was sealed... thats when we came running here." I say, sipping some water.

"Boy, you've got quite a cup of tea there!" Old Man Charles said whilst laughing.

"Whats that suppose to mean?" It wasn't easy... but what was easy? I didn't understand.

"Child, this man is no ordinary man. He is Jackson Tea. One of the dark magic holders...."

"Magic holders? But... theres no such thing! No such thing as magic!"

He handed me a very old journal that were black on the sides.

"You, a disbeliever of magic, shall read and keep this journal. It was decended from the owner's family, soon you will know the owner's true name and history, and yes, it will surprise you!"

Journey to Mixboush Valleys

I didn't bother reading the journal so I packed in my sack.

"Caleb, you must have a map, is Old Man Charles right?" O.M.C. (a.k.a. Old Man Charles) asked Caleb.

"Yes, yes, I do... why must you ask?"

"You all, you 3, must all journey to Mixboush Valleys. Its the only place that Madame Natisha lives, I've already sent a message out to here and will receive it shortly. The reason why you must go to Madame Natisha is because she provides more information than me, and so will..."

"So will who?" Moon asked, jumping in on the conversation.

"So will others, Moon. So will others..."

"So will others...."

Those words ran down my tongue as if I were forced to.

"Others you will learn about & meet on your way! There's the way to explain it, eh."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.12.2011

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