
Chapter one: GAIL

So there I was… still breathing, don’t worry you’ll be reading the part where I barely could in a while. This part is where all my gloominess spreads out, the part where I still haven’t known him yet. Anyway, I was on the passenger’s seat, quietly thinking I wanted to jump out of the car. Its true I really did want to. Summer just ended and were all back to misery because of boring usual activities like, I don’t know, STUDYING? Ugh. But No. Everything’s new, well at least for me. My mom the one driving me to the other side of my happiness has gone to the so called place a lot of times now. You see she’s a book writer and she travels a lot. Yeah. Without me. Like I said, its all fresh for me. So I said Yes. The biggest mistake of my life. Wrong. My mom needed fresh new ideas for the book she was writing so we had no choice but to move elsewhere. You see as hard it is to admit this I’m kind of a person who hates change, I don’t know maybe because I’m scared of what change has for me… “ oh honey, you look like you’re about to throw up” there it was. Those eyes like a dog’s trying to plea for something. “ I’m fine” I answered, of course that wasn’t true. Like I said I wanted to jump out of the car and just run back home. Sigh* home… it’s only been 4 hours and I'm missing it already, especially the people whom I shared good time’s with. I reached out for my bag, a backpack made entirely of cotton, its color was a faded baby blue. And yes it was almost plain as white because of the washing machine. Its zipper and buttons were black and I opened the one zipping the side pocket. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. there flashed a wallpaper of me and Jessica my best friend, her hair was always tied up so that it wont block her face in whatever crazy thing she does. She put a grin on my face again and of course mom noticed. “ Gail, I know you miss Jessica but im sure you’ll find other friendly people there” I didn’t think so. Jessica was the only one who stood up for me even in facing bullies in our old school. Which reminds me.. School. I swallowed loud enough for my mom to hear. “ you’ll be fine sweetheart” evading her statement “ are we near?” my mom looked like she could burst out with joy, ugh! Don’t she even think im enjoying this one bit. But anything to make my mom happy. “ we’ll be there in 5 minutes” I was the only thing she had left. she’d even lost her dignity. With that news I knew it was too late to jump out the car, replying “ oh”
* * *
My heart was beating so fast I could faint. The school was entirely built up of wood. Whoa. No way I know what you’re thinking.. its probably small but no. its as big as any other school though it looked more homey. And surrounding it looks like a giant garden. So that’s why my mom chose this place it already looked like Barbie’s fantasy world everything’s just so darn pretty. It was beautiful. I wonder how beautiful the people are living here too. “ well, here we are, your new school” I raised her an eyebrow, and she frowned at me along with a big hug “ please love it here” she whispered to my ear. She let go and I just smiled at her and carefully got 1 foot down the car. I was thinking if I run home now it wont even make a difference. “ honey, it took us an hour and 15 minutes to get here, d’ you really want to run back home now?” its like she can actually read my mind. I avoided eye contact “ I wasn’t thinking of that” she playfully replied an “ mmhmm” she made me smile and off I was to a new life.
The hallway was almost empty. There were probably 12 people and one of them was a hall monitor. Well that’s what it says on his badge. I’m probably late. And because of my clumsy slamming of the door all of their attention went straight to me. Except the hall monitor whom only threw quick glances fearing some of the people caught late for class would run away. They were all pretty normal to me. They were all probably filled with insecurities. A girl was writing down her name into the hall monitor’s note pad “ and who are you?” called the hall monitor, without entirely focusing on him I noticed the girl supposed to be writing her name smiled at me “ I’m Gail Simone and I’m new here” and ran away. “ Hey! Get back here!!!” and of course mr. hall monitor ran after her. People here would never care about people like me. As I bowed down my head I noticed a boy looked at me from a distance there weren’t 12 of them. There were 13. his shirt matched the locker’s metal and wore dark pants. his hair was blocking his eyes and you’d be thinking – Emo. Not at all no. in his case he’d probably be much more than emotional and besides they mostly wore black, and this guys hair wasn’t anything near black. it was rusty brown like it’d been burned. His skin was fair not really tan but fair. That’s it. I wanna find out who he is. But before I walked to his direction. Someone blocked me and his eyes weren’t very clear. Almost blurry. The number “ 6” was sewn into one side of his jacket. A jock. And he was smiling at me. An uncomfortable smile. His hair was blonde a dirty blond. Neatly styled like he was waxing it for hours “ hi, I’m the school’s football quarterback” I tried so hard not to roll my eyes. As if I cared. I wanted a name. I can’t help it “ oh yeah, my name is Brett” I forced a smile and got out of his way. He followed me. What is it with people here? “ wait a minute! You didn’t even tell me your name” the boy with the rusty hair coughed but it sounded like more of a choked in laugh to me. Before I could answer a girl wearing 4 inched heels approached us. And no it wasn’t a teacher. And by the way teachers don’t wear skirts so short that you might actually see what ever she’s hiding under there. She was a blonde of course. no brunette could strut her stuff like that, it was long and dead straight. “ baby, we should go before the hall monitor gets back” watching her linger her fingertips through his chest makes me sick. They were about to leave but there was still something missing and there it was the rolling of her eyes. I’m starting to hate her already. People around me started giggling and whispering to each other. I looked for the guy with rusty hair and he was gone. The sound of heels walking through wood echoed and I was hoping it wasn’t that blonde girl, I looked back and thank got it wasn’t “well, hello I’m Ms. Stanley, and you must be Abigail Simone” she reached out her hand to give me a handshake, but before I could take hers she quickly pulled it away “ now, we can have all that chit chat later you’re late” it was only then I’ve noticed the hallway was empty, Ms. Stanley’s eyes were sturdy “ I’m Sorry” she smiled at me but tried focusing on her duty “ come on, we’ll get you to your first class”

* * *

ok. This is kind of embarrassing in a very wrong way. I wasn’t supposed to be shy. Ms. Stanley introduced me to the class “class I’d like you to meet Ms. Abigail Simone” involuntarily, I protested : “Gail” *sigh “ Gail Simone” they all started whispering to one another. “ I – I mean, y-you guys can call me anything you want” Brett raised an eyebrow at me and his girlfriend was doing some kind of evil smile… whoa. Too much pressure. “but I’d prefer Gail” ugh. I hate myself. “ anyway let’s take you to your seat” Ms. Stanley added. She led the way and stupid Brett offered the seat next to his. No way, I don’t ever want to be next to that guy. “no, I don’t think so” Ms. Stanley mumbled. “ oh well, I guess ill just catch ‘ya later” Brett said confidently and winked at me. yeah right I thought sarcastically to myself. I was busy watching the Blonde girl trying to scold at Brett when suddenly Ms. Stanley mentioned a name and it seemed like everyone paused and turned to the rusty haired boy I just saw a while ago. “Mr. Flay, is it okay if we offer the seat next to you to Ms. Simone over here” then she pointed at me. The rusty haired guy didn’t even look up but answered “ sure, why not”
... we were sitting there in silence, pretending as if we were listening to ms. Stanley discussing something about this part of a heart. I managed to pull a quick glimpse on my seatmate. He caught me and playfully smiled at me "Hi I'm Danny" he wasn't so bad after all. "Gail." I reached out my hand to shake his. suddenly his smile faded. " I don't think so" he flexed his wrist and buried it again into his jacket's pockets..
Hmm… I wonder what’s bothering him. And I’m gonna’ find out.
The school bell just rang and everybody rushed outside. Like its going to kill them to be any second spotted in this school. Everybody except… my seatmate. He wasn’t even doing anything. At first I thought he was on his way to the door when he turned around and dusted the chalkboard. Weird. I thought janitors were supposed to be handling that. I guess not in this school. Time passed and I was still pretending to write notes in my notebook. Funny. He walks around like there was no one else inside the room. The school janitor arrived “uh..Thanks kid but ill handle it from here. you better head home” Danny put on the hood of his jacket on his head and silently walked out of the room. I don’t know why but it seemed like the room grew colder. I waited about 10 seconds and I ran to follow him. I passed by the door and drifted. I searched for him from left to right and My heart flipped. He was right there. Leaning by the door. Yes, the one I just came from. He was looking at me. Though he didn’t seem surprised like he was expecting me to rush out the door. Yeah rush. He was smug. That’s new. “looking for someone?” I guess my expression after what he just said was like I never knew people could speak because he chuckled. “my mom” I replied with my voice trembling. Stupid ability to speak…. Ugh. He raised me an eyebrow though he was still smiling. “sure you are” he turned and comfortably walked through the school’s hall. It’s so unfair.. the idea made me feel cold. No wait. It wasn’t the idea. It really was cold. a second ago I was getting all sweaty by the way he talked to me and I gotta admit that it was just like being in a hot seat. Just then my phone vibrated. It was mom. “mom?” “Gail!” her voice was so loud that you could actually hear it from the other side of the hall. I flinched. “ honey, I’m so sorry but I can’t pick you up” I noticed Danny stopped where he stood before he could swerve out of my sight. “But mom?” I tried my pleading voice. “I don’t even know where the house is” “we live at the old house in the middle of a field” wow. Sounds awesome. “oh great. How am I supposed to find that?” I mumbled “well, everyone probably knows the house. Maybe there’s someone there who could help you find it.” Uh-oh I looked at the rusty haired boy frozen in his place. “no way! I barely even know the people here.” I was shivering by the idea and the sudden drop of temperature. “sweetheart, please help yourself. You’re not walking home confused and alone are you?” well I did want to spend time with Danny… weird. “fine.” I disconnected our call. then turned around and made a fool of myself “hey, wait up”
* * *
We were about 10 inches apart. Not that I was counting or something…anyway, he was smiling at me but playfully this time. his teeth shined through. I felt like melting. I could actually feel blood running through my veins. Oh no. I blushed. Danny’s smile faded. “I thought your mom was picking you up” no eye contact. “well… she just called and told me she couldn’t” he didn’t say anything. So I decided to ask “ hey, uhmm… is it – “ he didn’t even let me finish. “I could come with you … if you want” now that surprised me.. I smiled. Gasp* take it back. Take it back. I bent my head and murmured “you don’t even know where I live” “actually. I do” I looked up. Disbelief all over my face. “it’s the one right in the middle of the field right?” he scratched his head. Darn cute… ookay. Awkward. “how’d you know?” “I- uh. Its the only vacant house left.” That makes sense I mean dude, it’s a house in the middle of a field. “right. Are you sure it’s okay? Its getting dark” “Its fine.” I tried flashing my teeth and see if it had the same effect as his. It didn’t. “Well. You better lead the way” …
“This sucks” Danny complained. I smiled. such proper language. Finally someone who could interpret mine. “What sucks?” it looks like he was dragging his feet past the rocky path. Kicking some once in a while. “walking.”Danny mumbled. I stopped. “You should’ve told me.” I protested with a very serious tone in my voice. I looked down and ran my hand through my hair. “you’re making me feel guilty” I whimpered. No, this isn’t right. Ugh. Why do men have to be such jerks? I lifted my head as far as it could and I swallowed my pride. He was frozen on the same spot he complained. Regret was showing. Was it really regret? Or was it something else? It was then I noticed there were no street lights. Just the crescent moon. The guy… the guy in front of me was shining… Danny looked like as if he had an aura of light. I gasped loud enough for him to hear. “I gotta go. Its getting too late” without waiting for my answer, he ran back… until I couldn’t see the trace of his light anymore. It was already so dark I could barely see anything… awesome. I’m lost. I grabbed my phone and called mom. “Gail?” “yeah. Hey mom… *sigh” I was trying so hard not to sound so depressed. “what are you doing outside honey? Come inside. I just made dinner” “what?” suddenly I heard something passing through the rows of wheat beside me. “Who’s there?”I managed to ask. my mom just disconnected our call. Great. The haunting sound was nearer. I was already having Goosebumps. Temperature dropped again. “Gail!” I screamed.. she covered my mouth “shh..”a group of birds flew out of one side of the field. I rubbed my eyes and it was just mom. I pushed her away “what the?” I’m hating her right now. “I’m so sorry honey” again with those pleading dog eyes. “how’d you- how’d you get here?” “I came from the house” she explained. “the house what’d you mean the house? Where?” mom took my hand and tried to pull me. I followed and she took me into the fields. We ran and ended up in front of this beautiful old house. There was a front porch a wind mill and absolutely everything unique farm houses have. There wasn’t much color, but like the school, it was pretty homey. I climbed the front porch steps and the wood just creaked, I wondered if one of those stairs could actually hold 3 people at the same time. I looked at the right and saw a chair. It wasn’t just any chair. I mean yeah its kind of old but it looks very comfortable and big enough to curl up in. I opened the screen door and went inside my new home…

Chapter two : DANNY

This day was very, very disappointing… for her. I’m 15 years old. I should already be giving “Romance” a chance. And today was the perfect opportunity to. See there’s this new girl at school whom was very eager to get to know me. Her name’s “Abigail”. “Gail” for short, she protested in front of the whole class. I’m all over this girl. She’s about my height. Tall but isn’t very tough as she seems. She’s outgoing, attractive and very moody. Just this night I heard her talking to her mom, her mom wouldn’t be able to pick her up. So I volunteered to take her home. She wondered how I was able to know where her house was, I told her that it wasn’t hard to know about. That it was the only house still available in this fragile town. We were on our way and thanks to my shyness I wasn’t even able to say anything to her. We passed through the lit part of town and into the wheat fields and the only thing I managed to tell her was that it sucked walking. Clearly she didn’t get my point. She frowned at me and I absorbed the type of energy she was feeling – Regret. She looked down and then came the guilt. I didn’t mean to make her mad… making her mad would probably be the last thing I’d be wanting to do in this boring life. She looked up and saw me. The other side of me. I looked at her and I saw the other side of the “ I got this” side of her. I was awestruck. Curiosity were in her eyes and they twinkled. A sign of light weren’t good news for me. Especially when that same light came from me. I couldn’t stay any longer. I ran without even saying goodbye. I went away without even kissing her on the cheek and letting her know that I felt like the luckiest guy in this world that I got to meet her. Well at least not by the way she introduced herself to stupid old ignorant Brett. Gail’s got every inch of life inside her. I’d do anything to be a part of her oh so… how do I describe this?... “ Beautiful” life. “misunderstanding” is all there is in mine. No one would take me seriously once they find out what I am. I’m a… loser. Yeah that’s what I am. I want to know what Gail thinks of me and what just happened this night might take away my opportunity to. See, I may be a hopeless unlighted candle outside but inside I’m actually a burning bush. It’s exactly 2 a.m. I’m inside my room doing nothing again, nobody in this deserted house cared about me. I took off my clothes till I was only wearing my boxers, opened the only window and finally decided to watch her sleep.
* * *
Gail was curled up in a comfy looking chair by the house’s front porch. She was looking so cold. I wanted to wrap her in my arms and get the chance to look at her up close. I did want to approach her but not in this form. I landed on the back of the windmill and went barefoot from there to the backyard. I was careful not to walk into the rows of wheat and to touch the walls made of wood. Damn why do all of the houses in this town have to be made of wood? I sneaked pass every corner of the house until I reached the closest to where Gail was sleeping. I peeked to see her and she wasn’t sleeping. She was wide awake. Her arms hugged her knees and she was looking up the sky. Her expression was blank but very irresistible. She looked like a lost puppy unaware of which this shelter belonged to. Her eyes twinkled brighter than the stars and I immediately looked at myself to make sure the light wasn’t coming from me. I looked back at her and she was crying. Head buried into her hands. I was happy to have her here and she wasn’t an inch happy to be here. Oh who am I kidding? Gail has a life. And me being in it would be probably putting all her innocence in flames. There was a creak of wood and the screen door slammed. It was Gail’s mom. time to leave. As if I was actually even invited to be here. I looked back and slowly walked to the windmill as I was thinking how nobody cared about me. Who am I compared to this amazing girl whom was loved by everyone else. She might even have a boyfriend waiting for her to come back to heaven.. where she came from.

Chapter three: Gail

It’s a cold, cold night… I changed my clothes from a tank top and jeans to a white long sleeved shirt and shorts. I feel sick. I don’t know why, but it seems like the sudden rising and dropping of temperature harmed me… I stared at the reflection of myself in the mirror. Ugh. Ugly… at the background was my bed built up of wood – of course. But I have to admit. It’s beautiful. its got pure white silk sheets. on the corner’s were the stands that supports the roof like top of the bed still made of linen. A type of bed where only princesses sleep in. on both opposite sides of the bed were counters with table lamps striped with the color of blue and white….. the room’s too plain. Wait till I add all my stuff here. The lamps were on and they were the only lights in the room. Which reminds me of Danny. I tried to avoid flash backs, concentrating on myself again. My eyesight were blurry. That light.. where’d it come from? Was he literally shining or were my feeling making it all up? in my reflection I looked paler my eye bags were showing as if I were as old as the background. I closed my eyes, breathed in and then out, grabbed my phone and called Jessica. “ Gail!!! OMG! OMG! OMG!” that sure did put a smile on my face. “ Jessie…”I said trying to calm her. “oh my god! I missed you so much! How is it there?” she said enthusiastically.. “ its… its… nothing compared to home.” I said. Careful not to say anything bad about this place. “ oh. Are there any hot guys?” I smiled and suddenly remembered Danny. I frowned and tried changing the subject. “the weather here’s weird. In times it’s so hot and then it turns dead cold” “ yeah, but are there any hot guys?” she demandingly questioned. “ oh Jessie… promise me you’ll never change” I hopelessly said. “Sure. Sure. but are there any?” “sigh* yes…” I wanted to tell her all about Danny. “Who? What’s his name” Jessie said giggling.. “ you wouldn’t like him” its true. She really wouldn’t . Jessie’s all about six packed abs and stuff. Danny was a lot more than that. “oh come on.. what’s his name” Jessie said pleading. “Da-.. Brett” I really wanted to tell her but my gut said no. “oh my! That’s such a hot name!” Jessie encouraged. “Jessie. You’re in a relationship..” I reminded her. “right” she then again realized “how are you guys by the way?” I asked. “oh were fine. Nothing much going on actually” she said sadly.. after a long silence Jessie started sobbing. “Jessie.. what happened?” I asked “ oh its got something to do with this other girl named Lisa” she said trembling. “oh” I had nothing else to say. “anyway, about Brett” Jessie said with sudden change of her voice. Same old Jessie… “hey I gotta go. My mom’s calling me” I said lying. Without waiting for her reply I disconnected our call. I wasn’t interested on the “Brett” subject. I left my room and marched to the front porch ignoring my mom while passing through the living room

* * *
I was careful not to slam the screen door so that mom wouldn’t sense anything wrong. I felt the wood of the wall on the tip of my fingers. They brushed until they reached the chair I saw earlier. I sat, curled up, hugged my legs, and rested my chin in between both of my knees. The breeze swept my hair back and I tried breathing calmer than I was used to. The crescent moon haunted me of the things that happened earlier. I looked up at the sky and out of nowhere appeared a shooting star. A beautiful ball of mixed yellow, white and blue light just lost its rightful part of the ever mysterious sky. A tear brushed down my cheek. A star was taken away from where SHE belonged. Suddenly I miss all my folks from home. Jessica, Nana my mentors and… Daddy. I can’t hold the pain anymore. Yes, mom really is a book writer. But that’s only half the reason we’re here right now. Mom and Dad just got divorced. And I was caught up in between both of them. I sniffled loud enough for mom to hear. I wiped my tears using the sleeve of my shirt. But I’ll never trust dad again. Not after what I’ve seen he could do. Everything flashbacked on my mind…
It was one afternoon and I just came home from school. Things were fine. Just the usual. But by the time I were only inches away from the house I suddenly heard sobs and I ran inside. I stood by my parent’s bedroom door. It was obvious that they’ve been trying to calm themselves and control their voices. I couldn’t hear anything, just murmurs.
“how?! How?!. You ask me how?!.. Beth?!.” Dad suddenly yelled. “ of course I have.” he added with the same amount of anger. Mom’s sobs grew louder. I had to peek. I peeped my eye on the very slightly opened door. And saw that dad walked closer to mom and was shaking her by grabbing her shoulders. “ I’m sick and tired of you Elizabeth” I was already so afraid and leaned on the door. It fell open and both of them were looking at me. Anger faded in Daddy’s eyes “Baby” he whimpered…

The screen door just slammed, mom came out. “Sweetie?” she called. “right here mom.” I responded. “You okay?” she asked. “I’m fine” of course I lied. She sat in one of the seat’s arm rests, hugged me by an arm. And tried resting her head on top of mine for seconds. “Isn’t it just beautiful here?” she protested. “Yeah, just like any other country movie” I agreed. “A movie indeed” she added. “The lighting’s all set already” she said. Which made me stare up at the sky, and focus on the crescent moon. Since I was a little girl, I’ve been imagining things that are in the same shape as the moon. Whether it’s full, quartered or Crescent. The crescent moon has always been reminding me of Daddy’s smile. But by its full glow, tonight … it’s Danny’s.

* * *

“Nikki Chilton and Brett Larkin together” the teacher announced. Then Brett and the blonde girl stepped forward. So that’s her ever popular identity. *pfft.. “ Elisha Ortega and Arvin Damon together” the girl who smiled at me and got away from the hall monitor stepped forward along with an emo looking boy .“ Ronina Davis and Logan Henderson together” the exotic looking foreign exchange student and hey, what do you know? The hall monitor stepped forward. “Abigail Simone and Danny Flay together” my heart just did a back flip. I tried calming myself down and reminding myself that this was a project. Even though we have to dance together, I’m probably blushing again. My hands were all sweaty and cold. I wiped my hands on my shirt, And he held my hand and his hand felt very warm on mine. This is so unfair. The assurance of him as confident as ever didn’t do me any good. All pairs held their positions and then played the music.

He pulled me in gasp* again with the melting. He placed his hand on my waist and we were gliding. My head was bent down staring at our feet. I hope he won’t realize that I’ve only been copying everything he has done. “keep your head up” he demanded. I looked up and noticed him pulling quick glimpses on the teacher observing us. Wait a minute… I looked back at him and his eyes were showing. I was trying to decide what color it were. A mixture of brown, red and orange. Beautiful.
He probably noticed me staring at them. Suddenly he bent his head and along came his hair. The kaleidoscope colors were no more. Why’s he trying to cover his eyes? Was he afraid I’d use them as windows to his soul? Well he’s wonderful. No doubt about that.
I stared blankly into space and listened. We probably were on the bridge of the song. Then Danny quickly declared “now spin” he raised his hand holding mine and I spun. He pulled me back and I voluntarily placed my free hand on his shoulder. As if it never wanted to leave him ever again. My arm wouldn’t allow space between our bodies. It pulled in Danny by the neck and in a second we were face to face. Whoa! Easy girl… the song slowed down as if it were to end. We circled once more and I let go.
“That’s it for today everybody tomorrow we’ll…” and that’s all I’ve heard. I’ve been concentrating on my breathing and staring at Danny at the same time. He’s acting all cool like the bonding between our bodies that happened to us earlier was something he was already used to. Uh-uh he’s not getting away this time. “you left me last night” I protested. “I guided you home didn’t I?” He corrected. He did have a point. Oh no, what am I going to say?. “you left me in the middle of the road” I complained. “Which is only about 10 paces away from the house.” He added. I couldn’t just tell him that I expected him to open the front doors of the house, escort me inside and kiss me goodnight. I hated this. I had nothing more to say. I can’t believe it. I’m actually speechless. Never in my life was I wrong. He left me a smug smile and walked out the gym. That’s the only time I’ve noticed that I was the only one left inside the room. I screamed to release my anger and muttered to myself how love could be so frustrating sometimes.
* * *
I went straight home and thankfully with a good mood. The flashback’s of me having that debate with Danny kept on playing and playing on my mind helped time pass. I kept on imagining the look on his face if I were able to answer him. And in a matter of time I’ve reached home. Keeping my cheerfulness I ran inside the house and hugged mom. Who looked pretty glum. “oh hey honey” she said glumly. “hey, you alright mom?” she let go of me and looked at me straight into the eyes. “ I don’t want to write books anymore honey” she declared. I held her by the shoulders guaranteeing her that it’s alright. As long as were staying here. “ that’s okay mom” I said smiling. “ I want to stay here though” she said looking away. “ that’s fine we’ll stay wherever you like” I said cheerfully. I turned and headed for my room and grabbed my shorts and cardigan. I skipped to the front porch and was just in time for a cold breeze. the ends of my cardigan flopped and I folded my arms. I proceeded and leaned on the fence. Another shooting star appeared though I didn’t worry about it this time. the flashback of me getting lost in Danny’s eyes played over and over again and involuntarily I raised my hands up and spun round and round like a ballerina.

Chapter four: Danny

Today was just unbelievable. But in a GOOD addicting way. I held Gail for the first time and for a second there I actually kind of thought she… liked me too. Pathetic.
Anyway, being with her hand in hand was just so amazing. I felt so powerful. as powerful as absorbing every amount of heat the sun can offer. Two bodies moving as one. Oh if only that song never ended. Then we didn’t have to part. Ever. “ I’m home!!!” I yelled,
Slamming the front door. As usual I get a grunt as a reply. I stormed up the stairs, took off my shirt and lied on my bed. I wandered for a while and made sure I was back to my senses. My room smells like ash. The sheets of my bed were supposed to be blue but now it’s looking more of coal. I ran my hand through my hair to clearly see how many burnt marks there were on the walls. But once my eyes were uncovered all I did see was an image of Gail staring blankly at them. The memory made me nervous but at the same time, stupid. Time will pass and Gail and I would get married, have children… Awkward.
Well… we couldn’t possibly pass through all that love without her realizing what I can really do. Maybe, maybe she should know. Yeah. I’m going to tell her. Right now… I paced back and forth and decided. I smiled at myself thinking how I could act like an immature boy. Oh well when you’re in love you’d actually do a lot of crazy things.
I opened my window, stood on the roof. Feeling like superman. Changed form and bam!
there went fantastic four’s human torch.

* * *
There she was. leaning on the front porch’s fence with a much more satisfied look on her face. the wind was softly pulling her hair out of her face. Beautiful. I lost control and crashed beside the wind mill. *whoosh!! Ugh. Oww.
I stood up and sneaked past the field and went to the same corner I was beside last night. I peeked and Gail was… dancing? Yes. She was. This made me smile. She started bowing as if her partner was in front of her. I wanted to approach her and sweep her off her feet. I leaned forward to get a closer view. But then there was a soft *hisssssss… as if it was getting fried. I stood erect and looked around if I burnt something. On the wooden wall was a mark of my arm in position of my support a while ago. Oh no. I’ve got to get out of here. I ran back to the wind mill and flew back home.
* * *

I left the house earlier than the usual because finally I had something to look forward to when I get to school. I busted the front doors and assumed I was the only one who’d be here this early. I was wrong. Down the hall was Ken and Barbie (Brett and Nikki) but for my surprise they weren’t making out. That’s new. There were rolling of eyes and useless excuses. Excuses? What for? I marched forward and saw Ronina Davis crying beside the lockers with Gail comforting her. at first I felt sorry for the jerk who made Ronina Davis, the most naïve and innocent girl here in school, cry. But then I saw Gail glare at Nikki. My hand balled up into a fist. I was absorbing a very exciting but the same time unexplainable energy. Anger. “ you” I said moving towards Nikki. “what’s your problem?. Freak.” She said trying her best to keep her chin up. oh she’s just so annoying. “you are.” I said flexing my wrist. I didn’t care if I was about to hit a girl. Suddenly Brett blocked Nikki. My aim. “why don’t you just stay out of this?” Brett anxiously said. I quickly gave Gail and Ronina the: “go now”, look. Ronina got up and ran to the ladies comfort room. Gail let her go and stayed. She looked at me confidently as if she had my back. I felt stronger and stronger by the second. We were about to start a fight. Brett had his Girlfriend and I had my… well, soon to be girlfriend. “same old Brett messing with someone else’s life. Aren’t you even satisfied with Nikki?” I said pointing. Barbie glared at me. Ooh naughty. “look Flay, I don’t think you’d want to get a piece of me” Brett said insecurely. “just beat the crap out of him already” Nikki demandingly said to her foolish boyfriend. Gail gasped. Brett put on an evil smile and swung his arm. If I was 2 seconds late my face would already be flat along with the lockers. Or would it?. Brett’s eyebrows were as high as they could. I stepped forward and was so enraged I could actually wither every living thing that gets in my way. suddenly someone got a hold of my arm. As I looked to my right there stood by me was Gail. Sweet, sweet Gail. Her eyes were begging me to stop and eventually I cooled down. I could actually find time between seconds. It was only me and Gail now. I wanted to give everything I could ever own to her. “POW!!!” Brett’s fist hit my face. My strength was already gathered now that I had Gail next to me. I didn’t fall flat on my face not even an inch moved. Ken and Barbie were speechless. They were near to doing their evil laughs awhile ago and now they’re motionless. I shoved Brett on his chest. And he immediately reacted like he was stung by a bee. He looked at me straight in the eyes and stepped back. He gulped and said “Don’t you ever touch me again” trying to sound like he was still so macho. Nikki was looking so pissed off but Brett grabbed her wrist and both of them just walked away about to start another argument. The school’s front doors slammed and came in Logan Henderson the hall monitor. He stopped and stared at me and Gail “ what the hell happened to you?” he said panicking. I looked at Gail and targeted her warm brown eyes. There my reflection showed a glowing boy who had a black, round circle framing his right eye.
* * *

“ It’s none of your business” I muttered letting go of Gail and walking out. I let go of her again. Ugh. I had to. Seems like every single person in this school thinks I’m weird. They actually already do since I started studying here. But now… oh, what now?! They’d be thinking im crazy. I’m loosening my guard too much. Everyone’s starting to find out that I’m… that I’m a monster. Just because of… “ Danny” a worried voice called from behind. Of course it was Gail. Who else could be so annoying? “I’d like to say thank you.” There was a long pause. She breathed in heavily then continued “you defended us”. “Maybe I shouldn’t have” I said without turning to face her. There was a silence then she protested “what’s the matter with you?” as usual her changing of moods. I faced her and yelled “you are” without looking at her straight in the eyes. “you shouldn’t have come here Gail.” I added. Cause if I did look at her straight in the eyes I couldn’t be able to convince her to leave me. “ I’m sorry…” she said suddenly sniffling. It made me stare at her now. Her eyes were all watery and formed teardrops. She turned her back and ran off. I stood there motionless. voices echoing in my mind saying – “ don’t let her slip through your fingers Danny”, “ stop pushing her away” and finally the phrase that encouraged me to run and follow her was – “ what if ?” I passed through the hallway, searched inside the classrooms and finally destiny brought me outside. I could already here Gail’s whimpers. And I absorbed the kind of energy that made me love her. Regret. I looked up the sky and saw her leaning and at the same time looking at the opposite side on a balcony. She was so beautiful. I climbed up the spiral staircase and was prepared to sweep her away. She faced me with eyes all swollen. I smiled at her and she started whimpering again. She stood there in one corner and I was approaching her. “what’s the matter with me?” I said chuckling. She looked up and we were face to face “I don’t know…” there was a long pause and we were staring at each other’s eyes. I was only a step away from her “I guess I’m falling in love” I finally admitted. I put away the space between us, leaned in and…

Chapter five: Gail
He kissed me. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach.Just a while ago I thought I was having the worst day of my life. But now, it’d probably be the best. I was in tears and now it feels like they just evaporated away. I knew giving this town a chance would bring me to a much more “magical” place. The kiss could’ve lasted forever but as things were heating up, to me it only lasted for about 3 seconds. This’d probably be my first kiss. The one with Kyle Miller on my 8th grade was nothing compared to this. For the fact that it was a dare and by the time we did kiss the flashback of him threatening to marry me when we were younger kept on replaying. Danny’s face was pulling away and I tried getting a hold of his shirt to pull him farther in. he held my hand but we were only face to face this time. “Wow” he said roughly breathing. I replied with a smile and a chuckle. There was a long pause. Finally he asked “so I guess that’s an I love you too, right?” gosh. I think so. Every inch of blood went to my face and I was blushing. “Cause if it isn’t I’d be happy to kiss you again.” He added. I shoved him playfully away, turned around and let the cool breeze sink in my face. I bent my head down and answered him “I love you too”. I felt very dizzy and took support on the balcony’s fence. “hey, you okay?” Danny asked. “Yeah, I’m fine.” I assured him. I lifted my head up and saw that the clouds were moving away from the sun. I turned to face Danny and at the exact moment, the sun shone through and... and… Danny was glowing. No, not just glowing he was shining. I rubbed my eyes and he still was. He shone brighter than the sun. as if there really was a light in him. I wondered if it would hurt to touch him again. “are you sure you’re alright?” he asked. “huh?... uh yeah I’m fine.” I wasn’t even that much focused on him. The light’s starting to blind me. “Danny… you’re…you’re…” he looked at himself and backed away. “I’m so sorry Gail” he said. “What? Wh-wh-what’s wrong?” I said confused. He looked down to himself again and then looked at me straight in the eyes. Kaleidoscope colors are just so hypnotizing. “I have to go” he finally said. What?! Not now. Not here. Not like this. He can’t just leave me undone. “But, but you just kissed me. And…and now…you’re leaving me?” this was unacceptable. “I’m sorry… see you tomorrow.” He turned around and went down the stairs. I stood there feeling like what my mom feels like when she tries her best to cook and I won’t even finish my meal. I watched Danny run inside. Great! Another Shakespeare story about Romeo and Juliet but this time Romeo ran away from Juliet, not with her. Sigh* I stood there for hours thinking about Romeo… I mean Danny. Wondering if he’d come back. He stole a kiss from me and runs away with it. No. he did not just steal a kiss from me. He stole my ever confused heart. By the time the sun went down, I too did as well from the balcony.

* * *
My arm couldn’t even close the screen door properly. So as usual it slammed behind me. “Sweetheart?” mom asked. I walked pass through the living room and went straight to my room. “Gail, you look so tired” mom added. I knew she was following me but I didn’t care. I fell into my bed with my backpack still hanging on my shoulder and closed my eyes. My dream was all blurry but I was sure about one thing: that it was about Danny. It showed me flashbacks of the time I attempted to shake his hand, that night he offered me an accompaniment on my way home, the time I felt like I was being swept off my feet, the time he defended me and Ronina and then kissed me. It made me realize something: that after something beautiful happens to me and Danny he’d always leave me disappointed. The dream turned into a nightmare as it showed me flashbacks of him leaving me unsatisfied. And finally it showed me something that didn’t come from the past. The view was focused on Danny and he was on top of a cliff and I came from under. He was walking towards the edge and looked back smiling as if he was showing off. Out of nowhere I showed up and hugged him pleading. Though I wasn’t sure of whatever I was pleading about. Danny put his hand on my cheek and said something but it looked like as if he were assuring me something. He kissed me and put my arms away. The view zoomed closer to Danny this time. He closed his eyes and jumped off the cliff. He was falling closer and closer to me and I just wanted to catch him. Suddenly everything went bright till it was dead white.
* * *
I found myself wincing every time I remember my dream… oh that strange dream. It was… it was… it was weird. I mean… who would want to jump off a cliff? Apparently Danny would. Well, it’s just a dream he’s not that stupid to jump off a cliff, right? He isn’t right? Sigh* well here I am in the classroom an hour early. No one else has arrived yet. I looked around and noticed that the lighting’s dimmer than before and it’s much colder. I didn’t think about bringing a jacket so there I was shivering to death. Taped to the ceiling was a beautiful little replica of a solar system made of round Styrofoam’s. There were nine planet’s each stringed to their orbits made of wire. The 3rd planet near the center was Earth. Yeah. My planet, the first word that popped out my mind was “boring”. “Oh, my, my planet earth, why’d you have to make life boring for me?” I asked the planet as if it would answer. After a few seconds I realized that I was talking to a painted Styrofoam. I quickly looked around and thanked God no one heard that. I tried blowing the Styrofoam ball to see if it’d move and it did. The Styrofoam painted green but mostly blue swung towards the Sun. now the Sun really did catch my attention. Its Styrofoam was bigger than the planets’ and it was wrapped with the sort of paper that’s shiny that you can almost see your reflection in it. I looked into my reflection further but you can hardly see it because of its orangey color. I decided to reach out to it and it only took me a slight touch and it swayed to the window and suddenly reflected the light coming from outside. It blinded my eyes and for a moment I couldn’t see. It reminded me of Danny although I didn’t know why. “Hey pretty lady” I jumped by surprise and quickly turned around to see who it was. It was Brett. Aww. I mean.. not that I was expecting Danny or something… “Uhmm, I just want to say sorry for what happened yesterday” Brett said with eyes fixed on a certain portion of the room. And yeah he was embarrassed. I don’t know why but because of that I also felt embarrassed of him being embarrassed because of what he’s done that’s very embarrassing to me. Get it? I don’t too. I gulped loud enough for him to hear. I guess him knowing that I thought its best not to talk about it is comforting cause now he looked straight into my eyes. His eyes… always so blurry, it’s like they’re hiding something. “I… I know this is nothing like Brett Stephen Larkin usual does, but you really are special to deserve something as honorable as this” he said smiling smugly. And I gave him a playful eyebrow up saying: “don’t push it”. Time passed and people gone inside the room sometimes in groups and sometimes individually but when Nikki Chilton gave me the glare it was only then I realized that I was sharing an interesting conversation with THE Brett Larkin and for once a jerk like him made me giggle. For the first time I felt wanted in this other world. Brett really does have a good sense of humor. I enjoyed too much that we didn’t even bother sitting down. We were at the exact spot he said sorry. The sun suddenly shone brighter outside disturbing our conversation so I had to put down the shutters of the window we were next to. And of course these good things don’t last cause Ms. Stanley just entered the room.we headed to our seats and it was only then that I realized my seatmate- Danny the guy whom I woke up early for just to confront this morning, wasn’t there. He was absent.

Chapter six: Danny

I spent approximately 13 hours pacing back and forth trying to recall the memories and digging deeper inside me. My house would probably look like a nuclear power plant by now. Its 9:30 and I’m really, really late for school… I ran down the stairs and burst out the door without even saying goodbye to Ben (my ever useless dad) put on the hood of my jacket. How dare I show my face to someone I left behind yesterday right after admitting that I love her… oh how I resemble a scared little boy who keeps running away from the truth. I’ve never felt this way before. This feeling of… being in love. In the middle of my journey towards facing the girl I unbearably adore, I turned around to run back. I ran and I ran… Headed where? Where was I really headed? I can’t be headed home. Home. Is it really worth calling home? Yeah, right. Its more of a hollowed place built of hatred, shame and disgrace. I finally settled at a rocky ground. Sat and remembered every single memory of the one thing that made that house as hollow as it is now. Mom…

Once upon a memory were two lovers. A couple that’s already got everything planned. Planned indeed. They were happy for they’ve got everything they needed and wanted, years passed and they found life, dull. So one stormy night the two insane lovers kept themselves in a room and decided to wish for one thing more. They prayed and prayed that the Lord would give them the gift of light. That no matter when they step into darkness, they would always find their inspiration and they’d be led safely back home. Nine months later they’ve been given what they asked for. Literally what they asked for.
That night the house became an unlimited source of light and that night the gift became a unique and one of a kind baby boy. For the mother couldn’t accept what she has given birth to, she passed the child to the father and went away. But she never came back.

If only I were able to cry. My mother left too soon. I couldn’t even remember what she looked like. I couldn’t take it anymore. I stood and swiftly drifted changing direction and ran to school. I ran as fast as I can as if leaving everything behind .that’s what I am … a runner I keep moving forward. I destine for change. “Prepare to be blinded by Awesomeness everyone… especially you Gail. Cause here I come”

* * *
Too late. The front doors are closed. Great. So much for dazzling everyone. I sneaked to the sides peeping from Ms. Stanley’s window. There I saw Gail smiling. Which also made me smile but next to her I saw… Brett. NO. This can’t be. My heart felt like it’s been ripped to pieces No. no. no. no. no… I shined too much that Gail was forced too bring down the shutters. No. no. oh no. anger flowed in my veins. I wanted to bathe Brett with cooking oil and burn him to death. No. no. no… Darn it what am I going to do now?! I was feeling so cheated and at the same time so helpless. No. I’m not losing her to a jerk like him. So he wants to play games huh.. Well Game on.
* * *

I waited outside providing sunlight for this cloudy day. The school bell rang and finally Gail came out. I held my pride and approached her. “Gail” I managed to say. “Danny. What?... what are you doing here?... I- I mean I thought you were absent” She said stuttering. I knew it. She was flirting with Brett when I was away. “Yeah, and you actually thought that’d be an excuse to flirt with Brett” I protested. “What?!, What are you talking about? I wasn’t flirting with Brett.” She said confused. “Yeah you were! I saw you earlier” that’s only when I noticed I was yelling and everyone was circled around the two of us wondering what was going on. “Wait. You saw us? But…how?” she questioned. Uh –oh I couldn’t tell her in front of everybody that I peeped from the window. Oh I sound so much of a stalker. “Fine I admit it I saw you from Ms. Stanley’s window” I said blushing. She choked a laugh “oh” she said trying hard not to laugh. Everyone around us started giggling and whispering to each other. “so you do admit you were flirting with Brett” I asked accusing. “No I wasn’t. and you’ve got exactly no right to feel like this… were not even together.” She said with a softer tone. Her words struck me like lightning… “You know what?... you’re right I’m sorry” I said walking away. The crowd of people split into two and gave way to me. But it didn’t stop me from smiling all the way. Silly me. I was actually in a good mood. “Congratulations Gail Simone for finally making me speechless” I murmured to myself. I wanted to go back there and protest: “ hang on to your seats everyone the show won’t end there”
* * *

I realized i was smiling for quite some time now. I've been acting so immature and I'm not planning on stopping to. 'I'm about to open Gail's eyes... even if it takes unbelievable heights. I really really like this girl and she's nowhere near her freedom. she should see what i usually see. which is... which is way beyond what normal people see down there'. i thought to myself increasing speed of my flight. the wind might harshly hit my whole body but I'd just keep on producing more flames. I'm no superman... i hope she likes me as i am. wait a minute... that's it.

Chapter seven: Gail

whoa. Ok. too much drama... I can't believe it. i just made Danny jealous. oh no. he's angry. oh no,oh no,oh no. well he did say sorry. and he really should. i mean.. he didn't have the right to yell at me like that. and why would he think that i was flirting with Brett? were just friends. man, I Shouldn't have humiliated him in front of all those people. but he did deserve it. now I'm just being so rude. Too much pressure! ugh. i looked to my right and checked the time 2 A.M.?! i have to go to sleep.

* * *

i drifted and ran back to the kitchen to kiss my mom who seems very busy talking to someone on the phone goodbye. Hmmm... i haven't seen her like this for years now. i wonder who she's talking to. but i'll save that for later I'm late for school. I ran through the corridors and went inside the classroom. all eyes fixed on me including Ms. Stanley's. "ah, Ms. Simone just in time." she said. "looks like Flay and Henderson are the ones late today" she added. I took my seat but still froze by hearing Danny's name. suddenly a student from the back raised her hand. black nail polish - Elisha Ortega. "yes, Elisha" ms.Stanley called. "Logan Henderson isn't late Ms. Stanley. he's in charge of the announcements every morning remember?" Elisha corrected. "oh, yes i remember" Ms. Stanley said. just then a sound from the speakers were heard. and Logan Henderson began announcing something about Physical Ed class next week. of course i didn't pay attention. I was staring at the empty seat next to me. where's Danny? is he planning on accusing me again later after dismissal?. "and now Danny Flay has something to say" my heart flipped by hearing his name. everyone suddenly looked at me. out of the blue we heard an instrument playing through the speakers. "Uhm. Ms. Stanley i thought it was forbidden to play music during announcements" Nikki protested. but Ms.Stanley didn't immediately reply just as curious as everyone else. suddenly someone sang along with the music and the sound grew nearer and nearer. there entered by the door was Danny... wearing a red cape playing the guitar singing. whoa. singing "Superman" by Joe Brooks. no wonder the song sounded so familiar. and as he sang he walked slowly towards me. as if he really was singing to me. it was confirmed that it really was for me when he started kneeling in front of me. this is too much. i started blushing. everybody around us started giggling. and as the song ended Danny put out a rose from his pocket and protested "Gail, I'm no Superman, i hope you like me as I am" I opened my mouth to reply... but nothing came out. "Impressive" Ms. Stanley said. i decided to just smile. i fear singing in return. oh boy. again with the melting...

* * *
Red cape? Ridiculous... oh my my my my. his eyes were locked into mine. he is so Beautiful. the costume was a little childish though. but I couldn't help but wonder if he could really carry me and take me to the stars... sigh*... stars. twinkling. no not just twinkling they're also shining... with the colors of brown, red and orange. and as Danny was blinking they also twinkled.
"hey,superman looks like you're overdressed. you're only supposed to be wearing tights, remember?" Brett said. Danny stood and glared at Brett. "Okay now. show's over" ms. Stanley said smiling at the two of us. but as i saw Danny's smile it didn't seem like it was.

* * *

We spent the whole class time sharing a conversation. is locking of eyes considered as a language? anyway... by the way his eyes sparkled... man, there was nothing more to say.
finally the school bell rang. he immediately got to his feet and grabbed my hand. i clutched my back pack and went along. we were running as fast as the wind. now i didn't know where he was taking me, but who cares? we passed through the football field and went into the woods. in the middle of nowhere we stopped and settled down. I almost hugged a tree just to catch my breath and he just kept on smiling as if running all those miles didn't tire him. "why'd you take me here?" i asked him. " well you know... privacy" he said looking away. i probably blushed cause it felt hotter. "that was... quite a show you did back there" i said ending the silence. "oh yeah?. it was for you." he said. "yeah. I've noticed" i said playfully. "so where did you get the rose?" i asked. "oh i planted it myself" he said triumphant. "really? how long did it take you?" i asked. "oh it was easy. i started planting it yesterday" he said. "yesterday?" a rose couldn't have bloomed that quick. "anyway... i guess you already forgave me.." he said changing the subject. "hey, I didn't say anything." i corrected. "oh come on... you know you weren't the only one humiliated" he said "yeah, but that wasn't my fault, you were the one who star-" and he didn't even let me finish. he pulled me in and well... you already know what comes next. "so now do you forgive me?" he asked. with no hesitation i answered "yes" since it was the only way to be able to kiss him again.....

as everything was heating up he suddenly pushed me away. "i have to go" What?! not again, no. "what?. what do you mean?" i asked very much confused. "I gotta go" he obviously answered. he put on the hood of his jacket. "Danny stop." i said. he turned around to look at me. and as usual he was shining like pretty lights. "why?" i asked. "what why?" he asked. "why do you have to go?" i asked. "I have things to handle, Gail" he said. "But why do you have to go every single time i want you near?" there i finally said it. "I'm sorry Gail" he said. "What's wrong Danny?" i asked hoping it wasn't me. he walked towards me and put my chin up. "something is... but i assure you it isn't you." he kissed me on the cheek and went away.

I HATE HIM. and at the same time I LOVE HIM too. Aww.. "I hate this". so, he left me in the middle of the forest. awesome. I grabbed my bag and went off. I feel so stupid. at the same time so... so... happy?! the corners of my lips started to curve. talk about falling in love. but this is so wrong. why would he make such a move and just leave me like that?.
I was dragging my feet and finally got home.
"hey sweetie" mom called approaching me wearing an apron. i smiled "oh. attempting to cook again?." i said pointing. "yeah. another failure." she said laughing. "Aww.. it's alright mom. you'll get better." i said patting her back. "I know. I know. but it looks like were gonna have frozen pizza for dinner." she said. "uhmm... I'm not actually hungry." i said. i yawned "I'll pass" i added and headed for my room. "Oh yeah, by the way sweetie. the truck's going to arrive tom. with all our thing from our old house" Mom said. I buried my face into my pillow and replied "okay." which would have probably sounded like "Mmmm!"

* * *
I dream t of the sky... changing colors. from pure white to dark, dark blue. my view was as if I was soaring into the clouds because I could actually see them part in front of me. the next scene was on the front porch and i was still looking up the sky with a certain look on my face... as if i was waiting for something. right then and there a shooting star just came from nowhere. just like the one that I see almost every night. the scene faded and Danny showed up. talking to me. we were somewhere underneath a tree and his head was resting on my lap while i was sitting down against the tree. I was running my fingers through Danny's hair and he was smiling back. out of nowhere i suddenly said "It must be so beautiful being able to see from such a view." he smiled and looked into my eyes. "you know what the best part is?" he asked. "what?" i said. "always keeping an eye over you" he said chuckling. that sure did make me blush. but i still didn't know what we were talking about. I pushed him playfully away. "stalker" i said accusing. he stood up and so did I. he grew nearer and held my waist to pull me in. I tried shoving him away again. but before i could even do anything... he kissed me and of course I kissed him back. my arms were resting on his shoulders now and we were face to face.
he pulled me in much closer and we were already hugging. I rested my head on his chest and told him I loved him. I felt safe, cozy and warm. I belonged with him.
* * *
the roaring engine woke me up. My stuff. I ran to the front porch while rubbing my eyes. Mom was standing by the truck talking to the driver. " thanks so much, Bill". she said. "naww, it's nothin'. madame should be thanking the boss." he said winking. they both shared a juicy conversation together but i didn't care. whoever "boss" might be that made my mom giggle. yuck. anyway my stuff are all here. i grabbed the first box i could carry and rushed inside. the box is Heavy. I opened it to see dozens of medals and a trophy. I breathed in and rubbed the trophy's glass to see what was written.

"2004 swimming competition's
2nd runner up"

oh yeah. I remember. I used to be good in swimming. well I still am but ever since this thing happened to me... i stopped. I was young and i just wanted to try everything. one stormy day i decided to swim from shore to wherever farthest i could get to. it was easy at first but then the waves got tougher. I was approximately about 6 miles away from shore. I didn't stop till all i could see was a faint line of sand that was supposed to be the shore. suddenly my foot got cramped up. it was so painful i couldn't even paddle. I freaked out and fainted. luckily not drowned. the waves came in like great big walls of pain. but sweep ed me to the shore.

I'm not afraid of water or anything. I just didn't want to remember what happened. not how but why. I was so stupid enough to pull up something like that.

suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"really?" i thought to myself. i walked to the living room. we just moved in. who could actually be... ? my heart just made a back flip. first my eyes were as wide as they can then i squinted. sunlight shone through the screen door. for a second there, i was blinded. but as i closed then opened my eyes again... Danny was standing in front of me.
"is it okay if i come in?" he asked. "huh. what?" i managed to say. great. he looked over his shoulder and muttered the word. "oh." i looked down ignoring what he said and felt my cheeks turn red. he stepped towards me, close enough to feel how hotter the room grew. I looked up and got to see his eyes again. "Wow" I said. He smiled at me. *sigh...
"hey, sweetie I..." mom managed to call out. not paying attention, I noticed Danny's smile fade and his eyes shut as if he were dissapointed. Ugh! I turned around faced my mom. "yeah, mom?". "nothing... I uhmm" she said staring at Danny. she walked to him and blinking her eyes oftentimes. Danny wasn't even looking at her. He was staring at his Black chucks. I wondered what it was my mom was thinking because I must admit, this really is getting awkward. Mom's face was curious. thinking of something deep again. I just knew it. she was thinking that Danny would be the perfect book character. she's been thinking of the ideal guy lately. We've actually been growing tired of impressive and supernatural men with dark auras. Danny's the opposite of what we're used to. He's not impressive but his presence is overwhelming. He doesn't have ice cold skin but you get tingly whenever you're with him at the same time you feel warm and safe. He's nowhere near suspicious and dark, he's bright but still a mystery...

Danny just decided to put a smile on his face to hide how shy he was."...I'm impressed, Gail. You've got a new friend." mom said. "Uh, yeah... mom, this is Danny." I said walking towards them. "Danny thi-..." I touched him on the back and it made me forget everything about the world as if it stung. "uhmm, you know who she is..." I managed to say. my mom kept on looking at Danny suspiciously. ugh! why is she making this harder? "anyway... I'll get to my reading" mom said walking away. "Gail, I have to tell you something." Danny said facing me.
"alright?... what is it?" Danny looked at my mom who was reading her book as if he knew she was listening. He had every right to be irritated, I was. "it's really private" he said looking straight into my eyes. The loss of balance shook me. I was about to fall straight towards him. "oh okay. come on I'll show you to my roo-..." was all I got to say because I saw my mom flashing the "nuh-uh" look. oh, man... The room literally got hotter. or was it just my blood rushing from my neck to my cheeks. I couldn't even look at Danny. this is so embarrassing. I mean, it's not like we were going to be doing something in there. hmmm... She's right. maybe we were.

"you know what?... how 'bout you just give me a minute. I'll just change and let's head outside." I said still avoiding eye contact. I walked to my room and locked the door.I jumped into my bed and buried my face into a pillow and tried losing heat from my cheeks.

Chapter eight: Danny

I went straight outside once Gail left.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.02.2011

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