
Chapter 1 ...... Introduction

Hi, my name is Justine Campbell and I’m 14 years old and in grade 8. I have brown hair which is shoulder length and layered, I have hazel eyes with black outlines on it and I’m tall I don’t know how tall but I know I’m tall. My mom’s name is Annabeth and se is the most hard-working person in my family, my dad’s name is Zack and I have 2 sisters the middle one is Ruby and the smallest sister is Natasha. We’re a big family and honestly sometimes I just wish I’m the only child but anyway this is my love story. It might sound so clichéd and so movie like but I think that’s what every girl wants in a love life, a hot guy who is popular that falls in love with you (a nobody btw) and live happily ever after (with a few heartbreaks along the way) I think that is what makes life so interesting and unpredictable. So anyway I fell in love with…. Wait if you’re gonna understand my story I’m gonna have to tell it from the beginning so to the next chapter we go.

Chapter 2 ....... Love at first sight

Monday morning 2 days before school and I are not enrolled in even one. I have been doing home-schooling since I was in grade 4 and never really made contact with new people so this was gonna be a challenge for me. I was really nervous about this decision but my mom had to put me in school she said" You have to go to school because you have become unsocial and you don’t wanna make friends. “But she wants to put me in a school because I’ve become lazy and very moody (apparently). But today was my interviews with the different schools my mom had made an application to so I woke got ready and bathed, had breakfast and got in the car. When I got in the car Ruby was fighting with Natasha about how she should sit in the car (I swear sometimes they fight over so small things I just wanna rip my head off). Ruby started yelling at Natasha so I jumped in by saying “Don’t shout her like that you aren’t her mother!” She replied by saying “Don’t interfere in our fight we you weren’t here when she got in the car so SHUT UP!” that’s what made my head spin but luckily my mom walked in just in time otherwise I would’ve slapped her silly. We got to the first school but I wasn’t applied there because only my sister was able to get in so we went to the second school and applied there (I had taken an IQ test to test my skills) I was waiting for the results of my test while my mother was discussing my past grades with the vice principal (btw since grade four I’ve gotten A’s in all my subjects). While I was waiting on the couch in the waiting room, there he was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. He had these dark brown eyes with fair skin and pitch black hair that was so effortless yet it look like it took so much effort. I saw him as he entered the waiting room and he was here to pick up a new uniform (he was in the school for 3 years know this because I was eavesdropping on their conversation doesn’t judge). He only noticed me sitting there after his mother went to go and meet another mother outside. I was looking down at my iPhone when he noticed and when I looked up he was staring at me I asked “Hey” and he kept staring so I waved my hand in front of him and he snapped out of it. My mother had just walked out of the office and called to go so I went and that’s the last I saw of him that day (of course).

Chapter 3 ........ First day at school

 “Tring, Tring, Tring” my alarm clock goes off and I press the buzzer to off the sound when reality hits me today is the first day of school (mentally I scream on top of my lungs) I get up get dressed in my uniform have breakfast and get in the car we get to school just as the bell rings I get off the car and hurry to my class room. When I get inside I notice the teacher giving specific places to people and when I go in my teacher assigns me to the guy in the waiting room I saw the other day. Then the teacher makes all the new kids introduce themselves (I thought they stopped doing that since corporal punishment I mean it has the same effect as punishment). So it’s my turn I stand up and begin “hi, my name is Justine Campbell” and with that I sit down and when everyone’s done the guy next to me (yes the hottie from the waiting room AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!) says “ hi, my names Rick” and he blushes omg he blushed making his fair skin look tomato red he looks so cute when his blushing while all these thoughts I going through my mind I force myself to say “hi, nice to meet you” then at lunch after I make new friends (which wasn’t as hard as thought it was) he and his friends come over and sit with us first Rick sits next to my friend Nina  and she starts flirting with him but he ignores her slutty questions and tells me “Hey Justine “ I reply with a “hey” and when I saw Nina’s face in her eye’s you could see the jealousy and anger building in her (oh and did I mention Rick is my partner in every single class every day). At lunch Nina tried every trick to distract Rick from asking me questions but none of them worked and the whole lunch break Rick asked me questions about myself and I was over the moon.

Hey guys I’m still thinking of ideas to put in my next chapter so it  would be great if you gave your feedback and I would really appreciate it too so thanx 4 reading so far and I hope I can come up with a book J.


Chapter 4 ......... School Witches

You’d think that your girls would stay with you forever that’s why they have the saying bff (best friend forever), but not in my case after Rick had ignored Nina at lunch Nina was trying to make me feel the same way as she did. I guess it kinda worked since she left at the table in second lunch break, and it would’ve made me feel lonely if Rick wasn’t there to back me up. Rick came up to me and asked “Hey where’s Nina?” “She didn’t want to sit with me” “Why?” Rick asked you could sense the pity in his voice and I did enjoy it for a while since it made Nina look bad for ditching me, then out of nowhere Nina comes behind Rick and ask me” Hey there you are we’ve been looking all over for you” Now I was confused but figured what she was trying to do so she could turn the tables. I just replied by saying” but I’ve been sitting here since the start of break and you walked past me like three times” She had a smirk on her face before but I quickly wiped it of clean. “You ditched the new girl on her first day?” one of Ricks friends remarked (I didn’t any of their names as yet) Nina replied with a hint of annoyance in her voice “No didn’t I just didn’t see her” and that’s the best back up line she could come up with! Boy is it gonna be easy to diss her in the future. I just left it at that because I wasn’t gonna make school enemies on my first day at school but it seemed that even without dissing Nina I was on her ‘I’m gonna kill you’ list. By the end of our conversation the bell had already rang and we all scooted to class except Rick who was kind enough to show me the way to my class.

Chapter 5 ........ After School

I realized the only reason Rick walked me to class was because we were in the same class (oh man how stupid can I be). In Geometry class we were doing the circumference of circles and the surface area of 3D objects. (Which btw I did before) I fully understood it but it seemed like Rick didn’t, so I asked him if he needed help and he replied “Was it that obvious? I mean who needs to know this shit if you ain’t gonna do it when you’re bigger” I did agree with his point but didn’t bother to answer him and just carried on explaining to him. After a while I realized he wasn’t even listening to me and he was day dreaming and then I asked “Is there something more important I’m missing out on that you aren’t listening to me?” “Oh! Uhh... no I’m so sorry you know what how about if I come to your house after school it’ll be easier to concentrate” “ I doubt it but yeah its cool you can come to my house after school “. Very big mistake as i got into the car I told mom about Rick and she said its fine but I noticed dad and her hadn’t talked the whole ride home it was as clear as daylight THEY HAD A FIGHT. To top it off Ruby and Natasha were still fighting with each other on how to sit in the car. I was so embarrassed and I think Rick noticed and whispered in my ear “ Its ok I get embarrassed when a pretty girl like you comes to my house” and I made a small smile. WAIT! Did he just call me pretty after a second of processing that thought in my head I was blushing and my face was a shade darker than a tomato and I hid my face in my hair? The tutoring carried on for the first semester and after the mid-year exams I was so relieved it was finally spring break.

Chapter 6 ........ Spring Break

It was the first day of spring break when I was in my room doing nothing. My mom and dad went on a weekend get-away because my mom won two spa treatment tickets and decided to go this weekend, so obviously I was stuck babysitting my sisters luckily for me they only begin waking up at 12 pm and it was only 8 am right now. I was starving so I went downstairs and had breakfast took a shower and went to go and watch television. I was flipping through the channels when there was a knock on my door and it was Rick and his friends (whose names are Kevin and James) I invited them in and Rick refused but asked “Do you want to come to the mall with us?” “Oh, sorry I’m babysitting my sisters” I replied “No it’s cool” he turned around and walked away “let’s go guys come on hurry up”. Spring break went by faster than I expected and before I even got to have fun it was over. My days were mostly spent like my first day but who cares at least there wasn’t any school.

Chapter 7 ........ After Spring Break

It was the first day of school after spring break and after the first period before I left the classroom someone pulled me aside and crashed their lips on mind I wanted to open my eyes and see who it was but I couldn’t because it was so enjoyable, I mean every girl would say that but this guy’s lips were heavenly. I forced myself to push away and saw that it was James and when I noticed someone in the side of my eye I turned around and saw Rick. You could that there was sadness, anger, frustration, jealousy and a lot of other emotions boiling in side of him. I didn’t know what to say or what to do but James ran after him to see what was wrong.


After class I see Justine being pulled back in class so went to go and what was wrong and when I saw James kissing Justine and Justine enjoying his kiss I was shocked slowly the anger, jealousy and all emotions I hadn’t felt before were boiling in me and then they stop and Justine notices me. She looks shocked to see me but I just walk away then I hear James running after me and calling my name so I stop and look at him.” What’s wrong? Why are so pissed?” “Because Justine is mine I told you I liked her from the first day I saw her” and after I said that I didn’t what got into me but I just punched him. Everyone was staring at me and James and then I got so frustrated I just walked out.

Chapter 8 ........ The truth comes out

Justine’s POV

After Rick came out of the principal’s office I asked him “what’s wrong?” he sighed then started explaining “remember the first day I saw in the office I couldn’t keep my eyes off you, you were so beautiful and then when the teacher assigned you next to me I couldn’t help but hate the teacher for doing it because I knew I was going to be so nervous around you but after I got to know you better it just seemed like everything is the way it’s supposed to be. Now when I saw you with James my heart just dropped and I got really but I didn’t know why and then I realized that I had fallen for you.” We were quiet while I was processing these thoughts and then I smile and hug Rick as tightly as possible. Oh man I’ve only dreamt of him saying that now he was here and he liked Me.” finally I was really scared to tell you how I feel but now that said it first I feel the same way.” Then Nina comes up to me from behind Rick and smacks me across the face she only came a second ago so she didn’t hear what Rick had said and after she slapped me she said” how dare you steal my man away from me!” before I could even open my mouth Rick turned around and said “ how dare you hit her and when was I ever yours I never liked you I’ve always liked Justine not you haven’t you noticed!?” now you could see the tears building up in her eyes and she just ran towards the bathroom with her friends trying to console her by saying mean nasty stuff about me. I looked at Rick and all of a sudden Rick kisses me in front of everybody and we only stop because the teacher pulls us apart when she came out to see what the commotion was.

Chapter 9 ........ Mine Only

The next day when I got to school I went to my locker to put my books away and suddenly someone grabs me by the waist and turns me around obviously its Rick “hey babe looking gorgeous today” a blush little and he notices so he whispers in my ear “you don’t have to blush anymore and act shy around me “and he kisses me on the cheek than kisses me on the than the bell rings he pulls away and we walk to class together, holding hands. Every time I walked past Nina she always sneered at me but only when Rick wasn’t there, when he was there she always tried to persuade him to leave me and go out with her. One day she came in front of Rick and me and told Rick “Why are you even going out with this whore all she does is flirt with guys” I got so angry I retaliated “ the only whore here is you and you’re just pissed at me because you weren’t Ricks type and he chose me instead of you!” when she heard that she smacked me and to my advantage the teacher came in the hall at that time and saw her smack me and took her straight to the principal’s office. She looked back at me and I mouthed to her “mines only” while holding Rick with a smirk on my face and she just burst in to a fit with tears and disappeared around the halls corner with the teacher.


Chapter 10 ......... The Date

The next day Rick came up to me “hey babe, you doing anything tonight?” “No” I said while wondering what he was planning that night “ great can I pick you up at 7, and dress in a formal manner” (Formal wear is evening wear) then he pushed against my locker and started kissing me then I snaked my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me I just couldn’t get enough of his kissing, his lips were so soft and his grip on my waist just made me want him more then we both’d stopped for some air and walked to the class and we were the only ones in the class before the bell rang and Rick whispered in my ear “ I love you” in a sweet tone and started kissing my neck it was so much nice but then the bell rang and ruined our moment, I guess it had to ring some time. When I got home I greeted my mother and told her about the date and she was so happy for me so ran upstairs to take out my favourite dress it was a dress my mother bought for me for my first date ever it was really beautiful it was a royal blue satin with a lot of silver stone work on the bust and skirt and it made all my good features stand out and hides my ugly features. So I lay it on the bed and took a bath put a bath robe on did my hair I left it loose but made lose flowing curls at the bottom, did my make up a silver liquid eyeliner and a deep bright red lipstick and put on my dress and I bought recently a beautiful stiletto in a metal grey shade and put it on just in time I grabbed my clutch which was like my dress and walked down the stairs and everyone looked up at me including Rick who had just walked in and Rick said “Wow, Justine you look stunning.” I blushed and walked down got in the car, which Ricks brother was driving and we drove. When the car eventually stopped and Rick opened the door for me and when I got out I gasped it was beautiful we were in a park with moon shining down and in the middle was a table for two with candles it was amazing I just managed to say “ You did this for me?” “Of course otherwise I can bring my secret girlfriend and she can have dinner with me” he replied sarcastically. He then took my hand and brought me to the table pulled a seat out for me and then sat himself in his seat. We first had starters which was croutons with some tomato topping, then for the main course we had fettuccini with bolognaise with water/juice as our drinks and we had chocolate mousse for dinner. The night was amazing and I was speechless, so after we had dinner we took a long walk in the park and it was really cold so I was shivering, Ricks hands were wrapped around me and he noticed I was shivering so he took of his tux jacket and put it over my shoulders I was so happy all I could do was smile at him and snuggle up to him. After our walk we got in the car and I was driven home and before I got out of the car I kissed Rick goodnight and went into my house, and that was the end to the most beautiful and romantic date I’ve ever been on.

Chapter 11 ......... Betrayal

The next two days I didn’t hear from Rick and that got me worried so in school I saw him at his locker and went to go and talk to him “Why didn’t you call me after the date?” “It’s over I don’t want be with you anymore” he said in a harsh tone and Nina comes over and wraps herself around and they share a kiss. I was so hurt I didn’t know what to do and ran to the bathroom crying, how could he do this to me after everything we’ve trough. I get to the classroom, sit down and never even looked at Rick for the rest of the day. At the end of school I’m waiting outside and Rick walks up to me “Can you help me with equations today?” “NO! Why don’t you ask Nina” and I walk to the car get in and my mom drives away.

While my mom was driving she noticed how quiet I was “Honey, how school today?” remembering what happened earlier that day I burst into tears “Rick broke up with me for that bitch of a whore Nina!” “Oh1 honey I’m so sorry don’t you worry there will be many other guys much better than Rick that will see your true worth and will treat you for who you are and not whether your slut.” I got home ran up to my room, took a bath to calm myself down, had dinner and went to sleep straight away.

(What will happen to Rick and Justines relationship, why Did Rick break up with Justine and who will comfort Justine when she is so vulnerable? All these questions will be answerd in the next chapter if i write one, So if want to see whats going to happen PLZ comment, like my book and become my friends to get notification of new books, THANX:))



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.07.2014

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This book is dedicated to my supporting and annoying cousins who are always there for me.

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