

Audrey was 7 when her mother died in that horrible accident. She was left alone with only her father who could barely keep a job for more than a few weeks at a time. After her mother died, her father remarried within the month.  The woman as a beast to Audrey, always calling her names, hitting her, and this caused a rebellious streak in Audrey. By the time she reached her Sophomore year of high school, she had already served some time in Juvie for some small things. But what really got to Audrey’s stepmom was the fact that she was sneaking around with her boyfriend and she knew that they were having sex behind her back, and she didn't know how to stop it. So, on her 16 birthday, Audrey’s stepmom picked her up from school and said that they were going to a surprise birthday party for her. Audrey was a little skeptical of it, but she went along for the ride. If only she would have known...

Chapter 1

   “Mom, where are we going?”

   “God Audrey, why can't you just let anything be a surprise?”

   Audrey was an average 16-year-old girl. So, of course, she wanted everything here and now. “I need to know so I can text Jack and tell him to meet us there.”

   Now, as you can suspect, Audrey has a boyfriend. And as with any normal teenage relationship, they did it. But the only bad thing is that Audrey's mom walked in on them and they had to stop halfway through. “Audrey, you know how I feel about… Jack,” she stumbled over his name. “This is a private family affair. If your boyfriend shows up, we are leaving and that is a final young lady!”

   Audrey sat back in her seat and watched the scenery fly by. Her phone vibrated in her pocket and she reached into her pocket to get it. It was a text from Jack. It read “Hey baby! Can’t wait to see you. Where can we meet?” Audrey hid the phone from her mom and texted back. “My mom says you can’t come to meet us. But you can come over tonight. I’ll leave my window unlocked so you can get in.” The text message sent, and Audrey's mom saw out of the corner of her eye that she was texting. “Who are you texting dear?”

   Audrey thought for a few seconds before she responded. “It was just grandma. She was wishing me a happy birthday.”

   Audrey's mom smiled and went back to concentrating on the road again. They kept driving and driving until Audrey finally realized that they were nowhere near civilization. She turned to her mother and said “Where exactly are we going, mom? I know you said it was a surprise, but were in the middle of nowhere.”

   Audrey's mother turned to her and said, “Where we are going, no one is ever going to find you. Somewhere that even your stupid BOYFRIEND will never be able to find you!”

   Then she turned back towards the road and kept driving as nothing had ever happened. Audrey was in pure and utter shock. She tried to open the door in hopes that she would be able to escape the car, but it wouldn't budge. So she tried her cell phone hoping that she could call the police, but there was no service, and there wasn't for 30 miles in any direction. So Audrey was forced to sit there and hope for the best.


Chapter 2


Audrey and her mother kept driving for another 5 minutes until the car finally came to a stop in the middle of the road. Audrey had not seen another car for miles and knew that there wasn't going to be one. She was all alone out here with no hopes of being found. Her mother turned to her and said, in a very nonchalant voice, “Audrey, I am going to leave you here to die. I will not give you any food, water, or any kind of telecommunication device. I am leaving you out here to die and rot so that no one can have you. I will make up a story about how you thought that your life was so nonmeaningful that you jumped out of the car when we were going over a bridge, fell and drowned. Very believable, I know.”

   She casually turned back to the front of the car, and Audrey was hoping that she would make some kind of noise, meaning that she was kidding, something to signify that it was all a facade, getting revenge for all the times that she had put her parents through hell. But her mother just continued to sit there, staring ahead of her. Audrey started to sit something, but her mother got out of the car and walked around the front of the car. She lifted the hood, pulled her lighter out of her pocket, lit it, and threw it under the hood. She slammed to hoof down, looked at Audrey through the window, smiled an evil smile, and licked the doors. A car pulled up in front of her then, ad Audrey's mom climbed in, and they raced away. Audrey went into panic mode then. She tried to door’s, but they were locked. She tried unlocking them, but the fire had caused some kind of electrical short in the system and she was locked in. Smoke started filling the car, and she had no way to escape, no hope of a chance to see the sun again. The smoke was getting thicker by the minute, and it was getting harder and harder to breathe. Audrey started coughing, and she remembered something that they had taught her in school about fire safety. “The freshest air in a fire is near the floor. Get as low as you can if there is a fire, and you will be able to breathe.” She crawled down under the console, but the air was still thick with smog and smoke. Her head started feeling funny, and she started seeing things. She saw a man walk up to the car and break the window in, reach into her, and before she could think to pull away from him, he had her out of the car and they were running. She saw a black pickup truck off in the distance, but her lungs refused to work. She heard someone say her name before everything went black.

Chapter 3

 Audrey woke up to the sun shining through her curtains, the smell of her mom making pancakes down in the kitchen, and the nightmare still fresh on her mind. She sat up in bed but started looking around confused. This wasn't her room. The window was in the wrong spot, the bed on the wrong side of the room. Everything was off. maybe she was still dreaming. She tried to get out of bed, but she found that her feet were tied to the end of the bed. She reached down to test the strength of the restraints, but she found that she was zip-tied to the bed. There was no way that she was getting out of it by herself without a knife or something. Audrey kept pulling on the ties, and she hadn’t realized that someone was standing in the doorway until they chuckled. She was so startled that she screamed. The man just kept standing there, so Audrey started screaming louder, hoping that the neighbors or someone would hear her. But no one came to her rescue. She stopped screaming and took a better look at the man. The recognition hit her like a brick wall. “Damon” was the only thing that she said. He just started smiling wider like he was the happiest man on the planet. But he had just kidnapped her, why would he be smiling like that? Audrey kept staring at him, hoping that he would give her some kind of explanation, but nothing came. He just stood there smiling like he was proud of himself or something. Audrey opened my mouth to say something, but he started before she could get a word out. “Hello, Audrey. You remember me, don’t you?”
“Damon. How could I forget you? You are the one that asked me to go to prom with you last year, and when I told you that I had a boyfriend, you threatened to kill him.”
Damon started smiling evilly, and he took a few steps closer to her. Audrey tried to jump off of the bed to get away from him, but she forgot that she was tied down. The only thing that she managed to do was throw the blanket off of her that had been covering her up. Damon stopped where he was and just stared at her, mouth hanging slack. Audrey felt disgusted and reached to pull the blanket back over her, but Damon stopped her before she could. He grabbed her wrists and held them together in between their bodies, and that was the only space that he left panic was starting to set in, so Audrey did the only thing that she could think of. She started screaming again. Damon looked down at her and waited for her to stop to breath. In that brief pause, he said the most dispiriting thing in the world. “Audrey, you can scream all you want, but no one will ever hear you. We are miles away from civilization so when I fuck you so hard that your lugs will give out and you can't sit for weeks.” Audrey burst into tears, knowing that her hopes and dreams were being crushed.

Chapter 4

 Damon left Audrey then, but she was still tied to the bed. She couldn’t even form words to explain what was happening if someone were to ask her. She seriously had to pee though, so she thought about calling him back but then thought better of it. She was afraid if she did yell for him, he might try to stay there while she did her business. So she did the only sensible thing that she thought that anyone would do in her situation. She peed herself. The identity of her situation made her cry, but also very angry. This was all her stepmom’s fault! If she had just yelled at Audrey like a normal parent, she wouldn't be in this situation right now. She sat there and cried for what seemed like forever, but it could have only been a few minutes. Damon came back in and wrinkled his nose up at the smell. “God woman, did you pee your self? You stink. Well, I guess that I will just have to give you a bath then.”
     Audrey went into panic mode. She started kicking and fighting for her life, fearful of what Damon might try to do to her. Damon stood in the doorway and stared at her for a few minutes and let her try and fight her way out of this. Audrey finally went quiet but continued to glare daggers at Damon. He walked over to her very slowly, as one would approach a small, scared animal. He was standing right next to her when a knife appeared in his hand. Before Audrey could even open her mouth to scream, he started to speak. “Audrey, if I had wanted to kill you, I would have done it a while ago. I am just going to cut your ties to the bed so you can go get a shower. Don’t worry, I am going to let you do it alone… this time.” Audrey kept quiet but was still very fearful of Damon. After he had cut the ties, he walked over to a door that Audrey hadn't even noticed before. It must have been a closet, for there were many different choices of clothes. He reached in and pulled a chord that turned on the light. “Audrey, this will be your home from now on. It is clear to not only me, but you as well, that your stepmother does not want you, and apparently your father must agree. He let you go off alone with that vulgar woman. Thank god that I was following you, or you may have well been a burger by the time that the authorities found you. Or, what was left of you, that is. Now, the shower is out the door and to the left. Please, do not try and run away. I have the place locked down, and there are dogs that will kill anyone that is not accompanied by me outside. So please, make the best of your stay here, and try to enjoy the rest of your life, responsibility-free.” He smiled at Audrey then, and despite herself, she gave a small giggle. He had eggs in his hair, no doubt from cooking, and he needed a shave. She stood up then and looked into the closet. There were all types of clothes, and most of them were organized by dates. Today was Thursday if her memory wasn’t failing her, so she grabbed the Thursday outfit. It was a pair of not-to-ugly black skinny jeans with a hot pink halter top. She wasn't very into the shirt, but the pants were ok. She turned around, and Damon was back to standing in the doorway. He was giving her an approving look, and she felt proud, prouder than she should have been. He stepped out of the doorway, and let her pass, indicating the direction of the bathroom. She stepped out, and as she passed him, he thrust his hips out at her. She was thoroughly repulsed, and ran the rest of the way to the bathroom, fearing of what other things Damon might try to do to her.

Chapter 5


Audrey walked into the bathroom and was surprised that it was actually a very nice place. The walls were a pale blue, but the contrasting tile was a deep violet color. There were no windows though, so there was no way for her to escape. There were towels on the rack, but they were all a deep shade of green, much like the color of her eyes. There were also some soaps on the edge of the tub. They all were sentenced like different kind of flowers but they all smelled fake. She picked the most unscented one and got a very quick shower after she double-checked that the door was locked. After she was done, she put on the jeans and top and walked out of the bathroom. She had 2 options. She could either walk to the end of the hall, or she could go back to her room and pretend to be asleep. She decided that she would have to confront Damon eventually, so she walked out to where the smell was coming from. She walked into a cozy kitchen, which had much of the same decorations as the bathroom. The table was very small though, and it would be hard to sit there and not be touching Damon in some way. So she decided that the best option would to be just stand against the wall next to the fridge. Damon was standing in front of the stove, so she felt that she would be able to escape. Damon turned to Audrey and smiled. She didn’t like having this kind of attention from anyone, especially a person who just kidnapped her. Damon just stood there smiling at her, and finally pointed at the table. It was set for two, with pretty china plate, a vase of marigolds in the center, with a fork on one side of the polates. The forks were plastic though, so she figured that the plates were either stolen or they were at the house already when he got there. Audrey chose to stay in the same spot that she was already in, as ot not encourage rude behavior. Damon started frowning, and took measured steps towards Audrey. She went into panic node then, but there was nothing that she could do about it. Damon was much bigger than him, and she would be easily overpowered. When damon sensed the fear in her eyes, he instantly stopped walking and sat down, like he was some kind of an injured dog. Audrey was surprised at his actions, but she was even more surprised when he said “I am not here to hurt you. I am here to take care of you, keep you safe, and earn your trust. I hope that you like french toast! If it makes you to uncomfortable to sit in here with me and eat, you are more than welcome to take your food into your room. But please, bring the plate back out so we don’t get mice in the house.”

Audrey stood there for a few minutes, trying to ponder out what he actually meant by what he had just said. As if in response, her stomach growled. She hadn’t eaten anything since the day before at breakfast. She stood there for a few more minutes, but then she rushed over to the table, grabbed a plate, threw a piece of toast on it, and ran back to her room, slamming the door as hard as she could. She didn't even know if damon had tried to follow her to her room. She didn’t care. She nibbled on her toast as she was looking around her room. There as a bookshelf in the far corner, but the books look like they hadn’t been touched in years. There was a few layers of dust on them, and they had some really strange names. Some looked like they were in latin, but others were in a language that she didn't even know. She walked over to it, continuing to nibble on the piece of toast that she had grabbed. There was one book that at least looked like it was in english, but something was off about the title. There was a reason. It was english, but the title was backwards. “What kind of book has a title that is backwards?” She thought to herself. She grabbed the book off the shelf, blew the dust off of it, and sat down on the bed with it. She left the half eaten piece of toast on the plate, and opened the book. The inside title was correct, but why would the outside be wrong? Then, she realized. The outside wasn't backwards, it was in spanish, but she didn't know spanish. So why could she read this? “El arte del secuestro.” The art of kidnapping. Then, that's when the real panic set in…

Chapter 6

 ‘What does that mean, The Art Of Kidnapping? Has he been studying me for a while? Oh my god, how long has he been watching me?” Audrey threw the book away, trying to get it as far away from her as she could. Damon could hear the noise that was coming from Audrey’s room, but he didn't want her to freak out when he opened up the door. So, he did the responsible thing. He knocked on the door, and waited for her to answer. But the only response was he screaming “GO AWAY! I DON’T WANT ANYTHING FROM YOU!” The power behind her voice made Damon take a few steps back and rethink his situation. He had Audrey here, but she wasn't willing to work with him over anything. He just wanted to know what was wrong. It didn't look like Audrey was going to do very much talking, so he just opened up the door. He hadn’t installed locks for this purpose, and he wanted to make sure that she wasn't hurt. When he opened up the door, he found Audrey sitting on her bed, her head between her knees, and she was crying. He didn't move from the doorway as not to scare her, but he asked her “Audrey? Are you ok? I heard you crying and I wanted to make sure that you weren't hurt.” Audrey didn't look up from her sitting position, but he could hear her taking deep breaths to try and calm herself down. After about thirty seconds, Audrey looked up, but her eyes were still red and puffy from her crying. “How long have you been watching me?” Damon was taken aback by this, but he caught himself quickly and thought about what he wanted to say. “Audrey, I have been watching you since that first day that I saw you. I knew that you had a boyfriend, but I thought that I would always be better for you. I wanted to be the best that I could be for  you, but you never let me have that chance. All you ever did was watch him, be with him, never even thinking about trying to be mine. I deserved a chance to be something more to you than just a stalker, but you never gave me that chance.” Audrey didn't know what to do now. This was a huge confession, but there was nothing that Damon could do to make up the fact that he had been stalking her for a few years now. Damon stepped into the room, but never more than a few steps so he wouldn't startle her. Audrey put her head back between her knees, and he could hear her taking deep breaths. He walked over next to the be, and laid his hand on her back, trying to calm her down. The only thing that that accomplished was to make her angry. She threw his hand off of her back and started screaming at him. “GET AWAY FROM ME! I DON'T WANT YOU ANYWHERE NEAR ME! YOU ARE A CREEP AND ALL I WANT TO DO IS GO HOME! WHY WON'T YOU LET ME GO?” Damon was so taken aback by Audrey tirade that he walked backwards so fast, he tripped over his own feet. He fell hard on the floor with a thud, and Audrey looked up from her slumped state. She glanced down at the floor where Dazmon was laying, and she started laughing hysterically. Audrey was laughing like she had just witnessed one of the funniest things on the planet. Damon laid there like he didn't know where he even was. Her laugh was one of the most beautiful things that he had ever heard. It had been a while since he had heard her laugh like that. Once she stopped and composed herself, she stood up, offered Damon her hand, and pulled him up off of the floor. Damon stood up and leaned in close to Audrey. There was still crumbs on her lips from the toast, and he reached up to wipe them off. She slightly recoiled from his touch, but then she stopped. She was captivated by the look on his face, and it allowed Damon to touch her lips. He grazed his thumb across her bottom lip, Audrey closed her eyes and leaned into his touch. Damon felt something stir inside of him that he never thought he would feel.

Chapter 7

 The touch lasted for only a few seconds, but it felt like a lifetime to Audrey. The power she felt was too overwhelming. She lost all power, all control. She knew that there would be no going back now. Damon stepped back, but Audrey followed him. “No one has ever been that sweet to me... I… I kinda liked it.” Damon leaned back on his heels, taken aback by her comment. Was she really admitting that she was starting to like him? Or was the stress of the situation finally breaking her? He didn’t know, and he really didn’t care either. This is the most promising thing that he had gotten from her since he brought her here. Audrey sat down on the edge of her bed and put her head back between her knees. He could hear her taking deep breaths, and he wondered if she was going to be ok if he left the room. But then she did the most unexpected thing. She stood back up, met his eyes, and spoke. “Damon, I know that when you brought me here, you had the intention that I was going to fall for you instantly. Well, sir, let me tell you something. It is not going to be that easy. I still can not stand you for what you did, but I am hoping that I will someday be able to forgive you. You have been nicer to me than Jack ever was. All he wanted out of our relationship was sex. I thought that it was ok, but it actually hurt me, emotionally. If you are willing to make it about me than just my body, then I think that I will be able to forgive you. But it is going to take some time for me to warm up to you.” Damon smiled at her, and she returned the smile, but it still didn't quite reach her eyes. He frowned slightly, thinking about what might actually be the problem. “I know. All you ate for breakfast was a small piece of toast. Let's go out to the kitchen, and I can fix you whatever you want.” “But you have already made all of that french toast. I don't want to put you out of all of that good food. I guess that I will just suck it up and eat the food.” she smiled and a small laugh came out. She was actually laughing! How could she be laughing? She was just kidnapped by her crazy stalker that threatened her boyfriend, her stepmother tried to kill her, and she had no way of knowing if Jack even knew if she was alive. But Damon was just so funny… There was no way that she couldn't laugh at his jokes. She got up to exit the room, and Damon followed her.  She walked down the narrow hallway, and Damon tried to push past her. The hallway was so narrow though, that he got stuck pressed up against her. Their faces were inches apart, and she could smell his aftershave. It smelled like a fresh mountain stream. He was smiling, and she started laughing at how strange the situation was. He stopped smiling, looked down at her lips, and licked his own. Audrey stopped laughing then and went into another mild panic attack. She didn’t want this to happen yet! She wasn't ready! She still needed to earn his trust! She tried pushing away from him, but he slammed her head back against the wall. Stars danced in front of her eyes, and pain blossomed in the back of her head. This was it. He was going to force her. Damon dragged her back into her room and threw her against the bed. She started screaming, but he slammed his hand over her mouth. His brute strength was pressed against her, holding her to the bed. He reached over to the nightstand that stood next to the bed and opened the top drawer. He reached in and pulled out a roll of duct tape. Audrey’s eyes went wide with fear. This was it, she was going to get raped. He pulled a long piece off of the roll and placed it over her lips. He took another piece and wrapped it around her wrists, and a final piece around her ankles. He stepped back away from her then and smiled down at her. “I'm sorry my dear, but I have to keep you in here until tomorrow. Tonight is going to be dangerous for both of us, so I suggest that you stay here and try not to make any noise.” Audrey was extremely confused at this point. Dangerous for both of them? What the hell was that supposed to mean? The only thing that was dangerous for him right now was her furry when she got out of these restraints. He smiled at her and brushed the back of his hand down the length of her hair. He turned away from he then and left the room. She heard the unmistakable sound of a key turning in a lock, and she knew that she was going to be left alone. She decided that the best thing that she could do was to lay down and try to get some sleep.

Chapter 8

 Audrey woke up from a really amazing dream. Damon was sleeping next to her in her dream, and then they both woke up and things were just starting to get steamy. What had woken her up? She didn’t hear anything now, but something loud had to have woken her up from that deep of a sleep. She laid very still and listened again. There! It was a thumping noise as if someone was slamming something against a wall far away. She had to get up and see what was wrong, if it was Damon, if he was in trouble. She tried to stand up, but the duct tape was holding her back. She stopped and glanced wound the room to try and find anything that could help her escape. On the dresser across the room was a pair of scissors. Audrey knew that she had to get them. Damon might be in trouble. She tried to get up, but only managed to roll off f the bed. She sat up and faced away from the dresser. Pushing herself against the carpet, she managed to reach the dresser in only a few minutes. She used her bound hands to pull herself up using the knobs that stuck out of all the drawers. Her hands were just a few inches short of actually reaching the scissors, but she jumped and bent backward, managing to grab them with the hook of her pinky. She fell back down onto the floor and started trying to clip away at the duct tape. When she managed to get it enough that she could pull her hands apart, she stretched as hard as she could. The tap let loose with a snap, and she felt a sting from where the tape had pulled some of her hair out. She quickly pulled the remnants off of her wrists, then undid her legs. The last part to come off was the piece covering her mouth. That one hurt the most, tearing a piece of her lip off. She could taste the blood, but that was the least of her worries right now. What she needed to know was if Damon was OK and what that noise was. She stood up and rearranged her clothes after her strange scoot-fest across the floor. Reaching for the doorknob, there was a thud that shook the whole room. She recoiled and remembered that Damon had locked the door before he had left. She needed a way to get through this door. NOW. The strange thudding noises were growing louder, but they seemed to be coming from below her. Was there a basement to this place? She didn’t remember seeing a door anywhere that could have lead to a basement. Maybe the door was outside, like some kind of a storm door. She sat on her bed thinking for a while, trying to puzzle out her situation. Maybe she could ram into the door and bust it down… But that wasn't going to work very well. It was solid as a rock. She glanced over and saw that the bedposts were made of sturdy metal. If she could manage to get one of those off, she could break down the door. She stood up and walked to the end of the bees. There were three screws holding in each post. But just her luck, the one closest to the door was missing all but one! She started yanking on the post, trying to get it to break free. After a few hard pulls, it came loose. It was heavier than she expected. This was a good thing, right? If it was strong enough to break down a door, then it would be strong enough to knock out anyone who came after her. She started beating on the door with the post, but it was tiring. By what seemed like the one-hundredth swing, the door had a big enough hole that she could manage to squeeze through. She headed back towards the kitchen and the front door, thinking that the only door that could help her was there. She walked in and found the place a mess. It looked like a wild animal had come through here! The curtains and tablecloth were shredded, plates were lying on the floor, shattered into a million little pieces, and the fridge was laying on its side. What was behind the fridge was what surprised Audrey the most. A door! But that hadn't been there before… Why was it hidden from sight? What was Damon keeping down there? A bear?  It sure sounded like it. She walked gingerly over to the door, bedpost still in hand, ready to swing if needed. She reached out and opened the door.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.01.2019

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