



The short words are the best, and the old words best of all. (Winston Churchill)







Witty God


A question and answer game on Christian faith



by Thomas Klocke
















To understand the world in its depth is to understand its contradiction. (F.-W. Nietzsche)



Did God create the universe?


At least one.


Was it planned or accidental?


Accidentally planned.


And when did God create our world?


Does it really make any difference to you, whether he created it a few thousand or a few billion years ago? If so, then there is your answer: billions.


And what about the seven days of creation?


There is this old joke: ´Lord´, said a man in heaven, it is written that to you a minute is like eternity and eternity is like a minute. ´Yes, that´s right.´ ´Then a million is like a cent.´ ´Yes, that´s right.´ ´Please give me a cent.´ ´Wait a minute.´






Where is God?


Near and far.


Can I see him?


Depending on the view.


Can I hear him?


Sounds good.


Can I feel him?


With every pore or not at all.


And how do I get to God?


On a guided detour.






Is God male?


Too many women and men are rightly opposed to this.


Is God female?


Too many men and women were rightly opposed to that as well.


Has God male and female features?


God has created man in his own image, male or female (in a few cases male and female). So, admittedly this is something that has to be weighed up.


Maybe God is neuter.


There is something to be said for it and something against.


What is there to be said for it?




And against?


Too impersonal.






The Triune God. – What is it all about?


All about you: One and one and one is one


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.05.2015
ISBN: 978-3-7368-9365-8

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