Fleas are unpleasant nightmare. But they can be dealt with quickly and efficiently, as long as you take rapid action and be prepared to spend time cleaning. Always remember that no one measure on its own is enough – you have to take a wide view of the situation. Cleaning, treatment and long term care are needed to make you and your pet feel much more comfortable.
Fleas are unpleasant, nasty things, which are impossible to eradicate. They spread like wildfire and your home can become infested within a matter of days. Whether you have pets or not, the chances are you are going to encounter fleas at some point in your life. The problem can be minimized, and dealt with easily – as long as you are aware that it has to be dealt with on a holistic basis - rather than just relying on one measure. No single type of treatment whether it is chemical or alternative medicine is enough on its own. Cleaning, combing and care of the outside environment are equally important. Be prepared for fleas and take action immediately. The result will be a much more comfortable life for you and your dog.
This book is an independent guide to dealing with fleas on dogs. It is based on personal experience of major infestations of fleas. When I researched the subject to find answers, I discovered that much of the advice out there is biased, as it is created by commercial firms eager to sell their product. This is a practical, straightforward guide offering suggestions as to ways of dealing with fleas, both on an emergency and on a long-term basis, whether you prefer chemicals or natural methods.
Bear in mind that there are no instant solutions. It takes time and a lot of hard work to deal with the problem. Careful, thorough cleaning of your dog, bedding and the entire house and garden is essential.
Fleas can be a nightmare. They have been around for centuries, and are impossible to eradicate. All too frequently, you do not realize they are in your home, and on your body, until it is too late. They can spread like wildfire, and become an infestation within days. Pet stores and vets are experiencing an ever-increasing demand for products and information on dealing with fleas. For many people, it is a shock to discover such things exist. Finding tiny crawling insects around the house, in your hair or on your pet leads to an immediate question – what are they? The answer is the dreaded word – fleas.
The good news is that such insects can be dealt with. But you do need to take action quickly. Otherwise it can make you and everyone around you very unhappy. Fleas can damage your health and that of your pets. The bites are unpleasant, itchy and extremely uncomfortable. The blood loss from fleabites can make animals seriously anemic, or even cause other illnesses.
The hardest part is trying to decide how to deal with such infestations. All too often, available information focuses on a particular chemical brand. The impression is often given that all you have to do is administer a flea control and that is all that is needed. Unfortunately, once fleas are in the house, it becomes much more difficult to control. A lot of work is needed.
Worse still is when your pet reacts badly to a chemical preparation. Finding out about alternatives and how to deal with fleas around the house can take a lot of time and effort – which you do not have when problems arise. Infestations have to be dealt with fast; otherwise they can quickly get out of control. This book sets out to provide a quick, easy way to understand the nature of the problem, and to highlight exactly how to deal with infestations. There are both chemical and natural alternative methods available. It is up to you to choose what is right for you and your pet.
Fleas are a major problem and it is getting worse. Pet stores and vets are encountering increasing demand for products to deal with fleas especially within the home.
Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.05.2014
ISBN: 978-3-7368-1065-5
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