

Bleed, bleed my Sweet Angel bleed
Bleed into my mouth your monthly pure
The cork I’ll pull from your heavenly mound
The string in my teeth as your blood pours forth
The taste of copper and sex
That quenches my thirst
And sates my hunger
The aroma that warms my nose
And excites my desire to taste you
To taste you and lick you clean
Cum in my mouth
Your red velvet rum
Intoxicates my senses
And hardens my resolve to fill you
To fill you with me
When you’ve trembled and cried
The lustful cry of orgasms release
Into you I will drive
As deep as can be
Till the head of my shaft
Raises the pressure inside
To unbearable highs
And your thighs grasp me round
And your heels drive me in
Deeper and deeper again
Scream my Sweet Angel
Scream in my ear
Fill the room with your lust
Draw the blood from my back
Dig your nails to the bone
Sink your teeth in my flesh
Draw the groan from my lungs
That releases my will
That erupts inside
Mixing together the rum and the milk
Embrace the coma that captures conscious
Accept my collapse into your arms
Trembling bodies that cling for assurance
Of acceptance and love
Eyes that fall shut as lungs gasp for air
Drift away with me into mournful sleep
And blissful dreams of fulfillment of want
Till the morning sun warms the stains on the sheets
The heady smell of sex and blood
That drifts in the air and excites us again.

Dark Ally

How I would like to press you against a wall in the corner of a dark ally. Footfalls and mottled conversations passing just out of sight, dangerously close. Lift your dress and kneel in front of you. Place a leg over my shoulder, your soft white thigh against my cheek. Pulling your panties aside, caressing your warm moist flower as I push one, two, three fingers inside you, my thumb deftly pressing your bud. My other arm wrapped around your waist holding you against the wall. I can feel you trembling and hear your breath gasping with anticipation and fear. The heady smell of you is intoxicating. My nose is just inches away. My tongue darting out for a taste and a teas. Wrap your fingers through my hair and forcefully pull me into you. Arching your hips pushing the wet folds of your flower into my face as my tongue finds your rising bud and sucks it into my mouth. Softly groaning into your hand, biting the palm to muffle your cries as I lick the folds and suckle their moist lips. Time seems to have stopped in our little hiding spot. The minuets are passing unnoticed as the pleasure builds inside you. Your trembling leg barely able to hold you anymore. The noises of the sidewalk, just feet away have all but been forgotten. Till a car turns the corner and headlights briefly flash into the ally – did they see us!? They slowed but they didn’t stop. Urgency rushes through us. The voices seem louder and more frequent; easily discerned. Have we been caught!? The fear only drives us on. Panic is exhilarating. The sudden rush of adrenaline ignites our skin and every touch, every lick is that much more intense. Four fingers inside you now. My tongue pressing back and forth against your bud. Mouth open as wide as I can stretch my lips trying to take all of you into me. Greedily anticipating the release when your warm nectar fills me and covers my face. Cum! Cum for me my sweet! Cum in my mouth. Feed me your sweet nectar. Let your moans escape and ring off the darkened walls. Who cares if someone hears? Feel the release. Let your body crumble onto mine. Onto the cold hard cement, your trembling body in my arms. Taste your juices on my lips as we bath in the incrementing light of the dull street lamp that now gives us away. Its light glistens off my cheeks covered in your sweat and cum. The voices and footfalls have stopped. Everyone knows what we have been doing as we exit the ally and make a break for the bar. Will the evidence on my face and the look in your eyes give us away? The bartender smiles knowingly and hands us our drinks – let’s do it again!


Soft lips touching, I can taste the urgency in your kiss, starring wantonly into your eyes as I push into you, your legs wrapped around me pulling me in, deeper and deeper. With each thrust I drive into you and fill you. The pressure building inside you as I grind against you, crushing the delicate folds of your flower and pushing the air from your lungs when that magic moment comes strong and fast and you stop breathing, your body stiffens and you thrust you chin up tilting your head back into the pillows, eyes clinched shut as the moment overtakes you. Your whole body is trembling and shaking as the animal inside you takes control. The primal groan in your throat pushes past your teeth as you sink them into my flesh pushing me over the edge. My painful growl fills the room and I drive into you with all that I have, hard and strong the heat fusing us together, as inseparable as time and space that seems to have stopped or left us behind. For one ecstatic moment we are not human. Instinct and passion have control till the fire subsides and we collapse into each other’s arms. Holding each other closely, the smell of sex still in the air as we fall asleep with our arms and legs entwined. Desperately trying to crawl into each other’s body.

We sleep through the night.

The greatest feeling is to wake up still holding you. Our naked bodies sticky with sweat and sex, wrapped in the sheets not wanting to let go for anything in the world. Just lie there forever listening to you breath running my finger tips through your hair and over the beautiful curves of your face and neck till my touches and kisses raise the fire inside you ounce again and you climb on top of me starring into my eyes as you slide down onto me. The morning sun burning through the curtains like fire in your hair it’s light glistening off the sweat that covers us. Slowly and passionately riding me. Hips rocking in and out, arching back on your arms with your head swaying to the rhythm. The vision of you is too much for me to handle and I wrap my hands around you waist and thrust up into you. We finish together both of us trembling and gasping for breath. My arms around you crushing you into my chest as we try to catch our breath while kissing with burning lips, our tongues dancing together as our pulses slow and we drift off back to sleep. Rest my sweet, sleep softly and dream lightly I will wake you soon with fresh fruit, berries and Champagne.

Sweet Torture

In silence I stand
Tormented in my heart
Beside you there
Yet not further apart
A tempting flower to pick
Yet I dare not
The danger is there
To take you in my arms
Lift that skirt that teases
Show your womanly charms
Bend you at the waist
Bend you and take you
In a public place


In it creeps
Insidious mist
That fills the room
Through cracks of doubt
In sanctuary walls
Pervasive fog
Spreads the spores
That decays the will
And brings the giant to his knees
Lets loose the pity
That snuffs the breath
And floods the eyes
With repulsive bile
That scars the cheek
Burdens shoulders
Of Atlas endeavor’s
Crushing weight
All consuming
Disparity of life
Listen now
The Reaper’s call
A song so sweet
As lullaby of Mom’s “goodnight”

Fair Warning

Descendants of Luna,
Beware the shell of a man
That has lost his heart
For he has nothing to loose
And nothing to gain
A notch and a trophy
That cannot fill the void
Left in his chest
By a creature so vile
As to hollow his soul
Your very flesh he desires
Without thought of remorse
Or concern for the heart
That warms the body he craves
Like a ghost that drinks
From the bottle of wine
Trying to remember
What he savored before
But left empty and guessing
What he was drinking for…

My Angel of Death

How I wish that you were vampire
Vampire with clawed fingers and pointed teeth
Tear the flesh from my bone
Sink your fangs to my throat
Drink the blood from my vein
Drain my heart of life
So that you may grow stronger
Stronger and more powerful
Than the will of the heart
That binds me to you

My sweet angel of death
That haunts the halls of my heart
Wanders its dusty corridors
Like a vagrant specter
Lost and unsure
A killer without malice
Whose very presence
Crumbles the foundation of my soul
Nulls my defenses
And leaves me bare

If only you could see
The heartache in your wake
The pain under the mask that covers my face
Or hear the truth in my words
Unfiltered and raw
Behold the silver in my love
In all its luster
Hammered into shape
On the jeweler’s anvil
And place it on your finger

Good night My Angel of Death
The walls have all fallen
And the moat has run dry
The well has turned sour
And the ground frozen solid
No more left to give
Of a love that was true
From a heart gave to you
I bid you farewell
I bid you adieu

My Dream Girl

As Luna herself
Pulled from the gentle waters
An angel of light

A luminous ray
So graceful and beautiful
That seraphs should cry

Fair ivory skin
As touched by Aphrodite,
Pygmalion’s dream

With ebony locks
Woven of the softest silk
Red rose petal lips

Her voice like magic
A lullaby to my heart
That tickles my ear

The truth in her eyes
Of a spirit so lively
Infectious with glee

A guidon for all
The very essence of life
Beauty and grace

Dream Girl?

It’s a sad night
A sad night for me
A night of dreams
Dreams of a girl
That haunts my heart
Haunts my heart
With a magical voice
That echoes all my hopes
All my hopes and all my dreams
Of love fulfilled
Through a lifetime
Hand in hand
A lifetime with her
My Sweet Angel
The angel of my dreams
My Dream Girl
That makes me cry
That fills my eyes with that putrid bile
That chokes the voice of my heart
That cries to be heard
The voice that burns inside my chest
Muffled by fear
Of answers unknown
Answers to questions
I’m afraid to ask
Truths, I don’t want to face
Truths of want and love
That are not mine
Not meant to be
Not meant for me

For Want of Love

The heart cries out
Amongst the screams of doubt
From the head that shouts
She is only going to hurt you.”

To which replies
The heart that cries
With longing sigh
“Better to dance and go home alone
Than sit against the wall all night.”

Yet warnings of pain
The head maintains
With relentless reign
“A friend is she, open you eyes and see;
That is all you will ever be.”

But like an idiot savant
The heart wants
What the heart wants
“For Sweet Angels song and one more dance
I’ll brave the pain, come what may.”

With logic’s stance
Hurt, not worth the chance
For hopeful romance
“She plays with you like a toy
And hides her heart for a love not yours.”

But the rhythmic drone
Of the heart’s intone
Drowns the cries that groan
“In the end, if it comes to that, I’ll not regret a single step.
For the dance with her and a chance for love
Is worth what hurt I may endure.”

Aye Veros

Aye Veros
My old friend
My old love
My beautiful China Doll
My beautiful Spanish Lady of legend and lore’
Your grace and charisma trembled me to my core
I feel the chains of guilt pelting me
Tearing at my flesh
Gnarled barbs ripping at my bones
Spilling my blood and exposing the coward inside
I am so sorry My Love
So sorry I could not save you
Our brittle, wrinkled grasp we will never know
Flashes of smiles and happy times
Are torments now
Daggers of pain
Of could have been
A chapter of my life
Half as long, now closed forever
In her eyes I will always see you
In her smile I will always feel you
In my heart I will always have you
I promised to always take care of you
To always be there for you
And to that end I dearly tried
Goodbye Doll
You always were, My Love

The Rage Inside

The rage inside
The man that hides
Behind the mask
He dawns each day
To live with those
That need to see
Its gilded façade
To let him be

The anger inside
My guilty soul
That wants to flee
From all that hold
A bind to me
With silver chains
I can’t set free

When fire dances
In the sky
Engulfs the clouds
Behind my eyes
Boils the rage
In a cauldron of doubt
Surfaces guilt
Of moments not sought

What can you say?
I don’t already know;
The hurt will pass?
The guilt not warranted?
These are mine
For me to feel
My demons to banish,
Not yours to steel


It seems the sand has swollen, wet with worry
It won’t fall through to the chamber below
Seven bells on the middle watch
And I can’t hear myself breath over the rambling’s of my mind
In my chamber of nightmares I hide
The door is locked
The curtains are drawn
Trapped with the Beast that haunts the quietude of hours alone
The subject of its madness is the plight of a soul of my flesh and blood
A little one caught in the middle of a struggle not wanted or chosen
Opposing sides held by an innocent heart
Ruled by an immature mind of willful doubt
For her my heart bleeds
Painful spasms hemorrhaging my will
Drowning my soul with worry and fear
That the demons scream in my head in the middle of the night
They attack when I am vulnerable
When my guards are down
Their art of war so precise and unfair
That I dread the night’s fall
And the pillows toll


Sometimes I just think about you…your eyes looking up in wonderment with that little mischievous smirk on you face and your hips and body gently swaying to the music and I just smile…you feel so good in my arms

Sometimes I just stare at you….your eyes so bright and hopeful, even in dismay they seem to shine like the flicker of sunlight on crystal baubles…and you give flight to my heart

Sometimes I just listen to you…I hear your song above the waves crashing on the rocks, over the sounding gale it carries to my heart and crumbles the turrets standing guard…you make me dream again

Sometimes I desire you…the soft touch of your skin, creamy alabaster silk that draws the fire in my soul and trembles my core to the very foundation of who I am…you incarnate my revenant soul

But always, just being with you…you make me happy


Tonight my heart is heavy
Tied down with stress
Sick with worry

I feel the weight on my shoulders
Alone, it seems, for me to bear
Why can’t I just set it down

The pressure I feel
Behind the sills
Of the windows that hide my soul

The empty solitude that fills my head
Oppressively crushing, suffocating
Unbearably there

I feel it in every fiber of my being
Dissolving me
Drawing me down, deeper and deeper

Adrift it seems in the doldrums expanse
No wind in my sails
The horizon cast to chance

Lost in myself, in my head I wander
With rum for a crutch and the gypsy’s prayer
No safe harbor to find, from way out here

Goodbye My Friend

A dear friend I lost this night

This sad and lonely night

The tarnished silver chain

I hadn’t the heart to break

Lies scattered all about

No casket for the wake

My heart so sad and heavy

Laden with doubt and guilt

At a loss so devastating

At ties now left to wilt

A friendship that was crushed

By love’s unpredictable hand

When new loves tempt to fate

Old ties not beard to stand

Our Light

From the ashes we grasped hands and rose above
We brought with us our light
And it shown above the unhappy valley
Illuminated the pass to climb
And guided the innocent followers
That meander in our wake
Though the path is treacherous
And riddled with memories of hurt
Disappointment and loss
Our light glimmers on it
Reflects off the stones
That span the crevices of fear and doubt
And together we can climb out of this valley
To the crest and beyond
To whatever truth that lies before us
And to the beautiful ending our hearts have sought


Ahhhhh! How the heart screams!
Screams in longing
Screams in angst
Angst for the Reason
The Reason in the head
The head that denies the longing
The longing to hold her
To hold her in my arms
To hold her and take her!
Take her and drive into her!
Into her with all the passion the heart can burn….
Cry dear heart
Let the tears flow
The blood that pours over the soul
Cools the desire
Tempers the drive
Allows the Reason
- Cursed reason

Just Friends

Damn-It Girl!
I want you here
I want me there
The cling of you arms
The smell of your hair
I can’t stand the wait
The anxiety boils
Uncertainty taunts
Do you want me to
Do you feel the draw
That I feel for you
Is it there inside
Your heart you hide
Behind the walls
So buttressed high
Here I stand
I’m just outside
Be Damned! The guard
His foolish pride
That little boy
Who shackles you
Here I stand
Please look my way
Into my eyes
The truth to say
The song of my heart
True Love is there
Hear not my words
They are not fair
Lie down inside
My arms with me
Rest your heart
Breath deep, you’ll see
The love is there
To fill our lungs
To quench our thirst
And sate the soul
But a word from thee
Is all I need
A wink or a nod
To set me free
Free to lose
The mask I wear
That filters words
I cannot share
I hate the ruse
Your friend to be
I long so much
Your love for me
Dear sweet angel
Please come to me

Forbidden Love

Oh sweet love of God
And tears of Heaven
Fall to the Earth
To quench my soul
And calm my heart
That burns so bright
On cliff so high
Where the Goddess of doom
Sings her song so sweet
Over jagged rocks
And crashing waves

Sweet Angel mine
Her song to me
Carries over the gale
To ring in my heart
That cries so deep in my chest
That I feel I should drown
With each breath I take
A song so sweet
Sung just for me
A song of love
That should not be

For gossamer voice
And devilish smile
I step with care
On treacherous path
For want of love
And Sweet Angel’s touch
I brave the rocks
I’ve dared not climb
For one sweet smile
Place me on High
For my love to her
I would surly die.


I hurt today
I hurt so bad
It drives me down
It drives me mad
A friend I am
A friend in deed
A friend with benefits
I do not need
In my head
The truth is there
No love for me
For her to share
A void
I fill
No room for heart
A whole in her life
With, she will not part
A heart I have
A heart that cries
For Sweet Angel’s love
Is filled with lies.

The Broken Heart

Oh how strong the will of the heart that wants what it cannot have….

Damn you heart
Your strength of want
Want what you cannot have
Longful moan
Deep in my chest
Insidious welling up inside
That drowns the reason
With its logic stance
That tries to hide
From want of hurt
And pain that’s love
That burns the cheeks
With acid tears
And stains the face with age

My Heart

I hate you so!
Why won’t you die??
This ever empty whole inside
You drive my will
And push me on
In search of love
Not to be found
Why must I be
Forever bound
With shackles
On a silver chain
Chained to a heart
That yearns so strong
For love not there
Or love that’s wrong
I’d cast you aside
Into the deep
And leave you there
No soul to reap
No conscious heart
To steer me clear
Free to plunder
No love to fear

The First Day...

These last years have been hard

These last two or five

These last years of death and Hell

These years I've fought alive

To hold the child that holds my heart

To cry the life that wrings my soul

That drives my will and craves my heart

Ohhhhh loose heart that climbs the swells

And claims the waves that crest the night

I love you so

Ye demons of the deep

Ye Davies best

Beneath my heel

Ye tread shall reap

My heart shall rise

To the heights of her

Her song that cry’s to the balconies above life

Arica, my Love

My Empress

My Queen

Quench the longing in my heart

Slow the vagabond in his tracks

And fill my death with memories of life lived and enjoyed


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.12.2011

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