
Chapter 1 - It's All The Beginning

Breathe, please I'm begging you to breathe. I don't sense any air reaching my lungs. Breathe goddammit. I finally gasp a huge amount of air, and can finally feel myself inhaling and exhaling calmly. I stare at the person in front of me. His brown long textured hair falling down on his bright green eyes. His pointed small nose that was covered in tiny freckles until his high-pointed cheekbones. He peered consciously at me, confused whether I was still breathing, or was I finally dead. "Are you okay?" He asked gently, I felt my brain lag for a couple minutes before answering, "Y-Yes...What happened?" I slowly got up with his help. "You sort of drowned in the sea, let's be glad you didn't float away." I widened my eyes in shock to hear that, I've been a swimmer for thirteen years. It can't be possible, but either ways I wasn't in a state to argue about what happened, so I responded with a simple nod. I finally got up along with him, "Thank you for helping me. Could've died back there." I chuckled nervously. He gave me a simple smile, his one-sided dimple visible on his right cheek, "No problem, the world still needs girls as beautiful as you." I instantly blushed by his comment. I wouldn't really call myself beautiful while I was on the verge of dying, but I guess that's acceptable. "Do you need a ride home?" I looked around to notice an empty beach, it seemed like it was dawn and I was just brought back to life. So, I don't think I can really go back by myself. I glanced at him and kindly accepted the generous offer. He smiled then showed me the way to his car. As we got in I felt myself shiver, it was really cold although I had a shirt covered over my body suit. "Are you cold?" He asked in concern, his eyes narrowing. I nodded, my lips shaking onward with my hands, and goosebumps all over my skin. He hurriedly turned the heater on and took his jacket off, placing it on top of my shoulders, covering me with the warmth of his fur. "Thank you, I owe you so much." I embarrassedly said, "Don't even mention it, please it's my pleasure." He replied while starting the car, and soon was driving away from the ghosted beach.

We soon pulled over to a pizza place close to my house, leaving me dazed, "Come on, let's go get some pizza before I drop you off." He excitedly claimed, I shook my head in denial then looked down at my half-naked body. He noticed then excused himself for a couple minutes. I spent those minutes listening to his playlist in the car, and I have to admit. We sort of have the same taste in music. I'm pretty sure 90% of his songs are from my playlist, that's one reason why I felt more comfortable around him. After minutes of singing along with the music, he came up to me with a box of pepperoni pizza along with two cups of cola. I gasped in surprised, "Oh my God, I love pepperoni!!" My lips formed a broad smile, as my stomach growled, demanding for the pizza that looked mouth-watering. "Come on, who doesn't like pepperoni." He sassed, and I directly grabbed a piece and put half of it in my mouth which made him chuckle. "There's also a fun way of eating pizza." He snatched a slice of the pepperoni pizza and rolled it into a smaller piece, and put it all in his mouth which overflowed, he attempted to talk, but his voice was all muffled. I laughed loudly, "I still prefer the traditional way. It makes you taste the pizza more you know?" He nodded while struggling to swallow the big piece. "Savor the flavor." He claimed, I smiled, "Exactly!" 

After finishing our pizzas, he started to drive again. Throughout it, we would constantly discuss about random things that would come up to our head. Or we would rather just turn the songs up and jam to them. Either way, it was fun.

"Well, I guess here's my stop." I sighed in relief as I stared at the two-floored house in front of us. "I can't thank you enough for all you've done." 

"Oh don't worry, I didn't do much." He waved it off with his hand, "Didn't do much? You saved my life, AND treated me for pizza. That's a lot to me." He chuckled in reply and pulled out his phone motioning it towards me, signaling me indirectly that he wants my number. Of course, I gave it to him. Why shouldn't I? He's drop-dead hot, and gorgeous. Plus, he saved my life so I kind of owe him a little. I dialed my number and called myself, then hung up as soon as it started to ring. "I don't have my phone, so I'll save your number when I get home." He nodded in understanding. "Again, thank you so much." I gave him a quick hug, and on my way out I handed his jacket back. "Good luck!" He yelled before I soon faded away to the house.

I ran up to my room without greeting my family, and shut the door closed. I sprinted to the bathroom and stared at my reflection. My eyes looked swollen, my skin pale, and it seemed like I had some scratches on the sides of my face. It was really weird for me to go through this accident today. It was more unusual than weird now that I think about it. How come the beach was so empty, but when I went there it was as crowded as it usually is? I tried not to think too much about it, but it constantly roared the inside of my head. I turned the showers on and took a quick hot shower before I could overthink any further.

After my shower, I constantly walked around my room. It felt like I was too lost or confused to understand what I was doing. I couldn't stop thinking about the incident earlier. Why did someone like him save me anyway? Did he feel like it was his duty to do that? Or maybe he was just simply interested in me, but whatever it was. It was bothering me a bit too much. I tried not to occupy my head about that, but it just wasn't in my control. I finally dried my hair and tied it in a bun, and wore some comfortable clothes. I later threw myself on my bed and unlocked my phone, noticing a recent unknown message. I opened it to find myself smiling a bit.



Can you believe how stupid I was to save your life but not ask for your name?



Trust me, you're not the only stupid one here...cause I haven't asked for your name either!


I chuckled at how foolish we both seemed, then while waiting for him to reply back, I went through my Instagram and noticed a new follow request. 'brucejones_' That must be the same guy from today, but wasn't it a little odd about how he found my instagram without even knowing my name? I shrugged it off and changed his contact name to 'Bruce' while still waiting for his reply. I requested after I accepted, and noticed from his profile photo it really is the same guy from today. I was kind of relieved that I didn't accept a stranger. 



Well now I know your name's Rebecca Williams. 



That is definitely not weird, how'd you find me on Instagram anyways?




You were on my recommended, since I already have your number.



Jesus, you're right. I'm so stupid.



Haha, did you by any chance think I was a stalker? ;)



No no no!! Trust me, I didn't.



Sure, I totally believe you.



Okay fine, maybe I did, but you can't blame me come on!!



Hahahaha, don't worry. It's all cool.



I hate that word.



What? Cool?






Is there a specific reason?



Nah it's just in my genes. Anyways, I still owe you a lot. How can I make it up to you?



You could let me take you out on a decent date, and not an indoor car-pizza date or whatever that was.



Ahahaha, okay then. How about tomorrow at 6-ish?



I'll be by your house at around 6-ish.



Good :)


I felt like screaming, because not only was he really good-looking, but he actually had a decent sense of humor. And thank the lord for that, I couldn't go through all those tinder dates again. Let's just see if he's really the one I've been looking for, and maybe the one who can support me enough as a woman. And God, let's hope he's not a serial killer or something. 




"Do you have another tinder date, Rebecca?" My mom barged in out of nowhere, catching me putting my makeup on. "Not a tinder one, but an actual date." I replied restlessly. "Well, I guess I'll go start praying." She sighs, I furrow my eyebrows in turbulence, "Pray for what?"

"Pray that he'll like you and take your hand in marriage so you can finally start your own life, Rebecca." She calmly interpreted. "Mom, don't you think that's a bit harsh to your own daughter?" I stared at her from the reflection on my mirror while focusing on doing my eyeliner. "Harsh? Rebecca Williams you're a 24-year old woman with no job, no boyfriend. You live with your parents while even your 18-year old sister has gone off to Europe for college. Respect yourself a little. If this man takes your hand in marriage you can finally leave, and start your own life and family!" She strictly speaks in a high voice. I roll my eyes secretly then finally confront to her, "Mom, I've been training to be a professional swimmer for thirteen years! Don't you think I deserve even a little respect around here?"

"Respect? Since when have you ever respected us?! Your father works day and night just to cover up your expenses and debts! Maybe you could use your swimming skills to participate in competitions and achieve something out of it! But you won't! All you do is stay up late on that phone, and do nothing but eat and sleep! Not to forget that you make as much mess as a goddamn pig. So, grow up, cause if you don't I'm kicking you out myself!" She yelled straight at me before storming out of my room, leaving me speechless.

I took a deep breath and started to go through an anxiety attack. She wasn't wrong, but I didn't want her to be right either, because she's the one who always wins these things, and I can't allow that. Not now, not ever. I've gone through so much in my teenage years with this family, and I definitely can't go through it again with my adulthood. I take another deep breath, and low-key hope tonight will turn out like I expect it to turn out. 

I got a quick call from Bruce asking me to come downstairs. While making my way down there I knew I looked decent. I was wearing a short skirt, knee-high boots, a crop-top with a leather jacket, and light makeup with my hair straightened down. The moment I opened the door of his car I found a bouquet of flowers laying on the passenger seat. I gasp in surprise and grab the flowers and sit in, shutting the door. Breathing in the scented lilies I sensed myself go calm instantly. "How did you know I like lilies?" I glared at him in a questionable look, "Lucky guess?" He shrugged with a grin. He played his radio and clicked on my favorite playlist. I opened the car's sunroof and hung my hand out, feeling the wind hit my arm. A wide smile was placed across my lips. Who knew I would actually enjoy this? And the thing was that the date hadn't even started yet. God knows how better it'll get. "By the way, I forgot to mention. You look breath-taking." He complimented. I blushed yet again, and mumbled a small thank you. I started to scream the lyrics of the song that was playing goofily, and in a short amount of time Bruce joined along as we both started to yell out the lyrics, people staring at us as if we were crazy, but it didn't matter because me and Bruce were in our own world. It was hard to not feel happy while being with him, because I, personally, was.  After a couple songs, we finally pulled her at the place's parking.

"I've never been here." I claimed as we walked through the entrance of the open, chic, and classy restaurant. "Well, you'll love it. Me and my sister visited this place once a week whenever our parents were on a business trip to France." He gestured towards the reserved seat, pulling the chair out for me like a gentleman and then taking a seat after me. "That's nice, what do your parents do?" I asked in curiosity while looking through the high-priced menu. "My dad's an oral and maxillofacial surgeon, while my mom's an orthodontist. My sister's studying to be a lawyer." My eyebrows got raised in surprise, as far as I know his parents have the highest paying jobs in...well, ever. I cleared my throat uncomfortably, "What's your job anyways, Bruce Jones." My lips formed a smirk, I'm expecting him to be those type of kids who just go around using their parents' money and not really having a job of their own, considering the fact that his parent's are really rich. But yet again, my conscious was wrong for thinking that. "For your information Miss Rebecca, I work as an Oral Surgeon in one of my dad's hospital." He winked as I enlarged my eyes instead. "Jesus, you guys have more knowledge and skills than I'll ever have in a lifetime." A giggle escaped my mouth, and the new thing I felt was something warm cover my hand, I looked to find his on mine. My eyes peered into his beautiful sparkling green ones, and felt my heart smile. "Have you ordered yet?" The waiter showed up, scaring us both into pulling our hands away from each other. Bruce nodded, "I'll have the steak, what about you, Rebecca?" He looked at me, waiting for an answer. "I'll have the pork." The waiter wrote it down, "And drinks?" Bruce ordered some coke for the both of us. When our food arrived we both passed the time by finishing it and talking about our most embarrassing moments that we've gone through in our young-adulthood years.

"You can't be serious!" I laughed out loudly as Bruce did as well, "I swear, it was the most disturbing scene of my life." He covered his face with his hands, "I'm pretty sure I can envision it, I feel so bad for you." I giggled. "How did your grandma throw up on you anyway?" I couldn't stop myself from chuckling as I talked about it. Poor thing, imagine hosting a high-class party, and the moment you hug your grandma she winds up throwing up on you. "I'm pretty sure it was the fish she ate from earlier." I returned an appalled expression, but still laughed cause it was too mortifying not to do so. "What about you? What was your most embarrassing moment?" He asked while taking a sip from his drink. My head went in thought for a while then I simply shrugged in response. "Come on, that's not even possible. You've got to have a moment." I shook my head in denial, letting him know that I've never really had that sort of experience, because my life wasn't really interesting. He gawked at me with an astonished look, then muttered a small oh. Can't really blame him. I'm a pretty boring girl, and it's not in my hands. My life wasn't just as engaging as other's. "Well, how about we have a special drink, and some deserts?" He smiled. "Pudding please!" I squeaked in excitement. I'm always enthusiastic when it comes to pudding. After he ordered our drinks and deserts we continued to small-talk to pass the awkward stage, but it went well.

"Are you done with your pudding?" He asked impatiently, "Yeah, why?" He then got up and raised his hand out for me to take it. I accepted it, and we both ran up to the car. "Where are we going?" I asked, not knowing where he was driving to. "You'll see." He smirked. He later blasted my favorite song on. We both started to sing out the lyrics again, feeling the bond grow more and more every second. But that's when I felt my eyes go shut, and everything went black in less than a second.

Wait...what happened? Why can't I feel anything? Why does everything feel so...empty?

What in the world happened...


Chapter 2 - Everything’s lost


"Rebecca?" I gently open my eyes to find myself in an odd room. "Where in the world am I..." I stare at the person in front of me to find- "Bruce?" I ask with shock. He sighs in relief then grabs my hand, squeezing it, "I'm so happy to see you're okay." He smiles. "What happened? Where am I?" 

"You're in my house." I looked around to find a large master-bedroom, the ceilings looked like they were spent 10 years on just for designing, the floor was made out of wood, but still managed to stay shiny, and the wall was filled with expensive paintings. The bed I was on was probably worth thousands, it made me feel kind of uncomfortable to be in a room like this, uninvited, and made me feeling like I was a sort of bother. "Bruce, what happened to me?" 

"We were on our one year anniversary, you decided to take a swim in the pool with me. Then you completely blacked out-" I instantly cut him off before he could even get the chance to continue.

"Wait, what anniversary?!" I freaked out, not even remembering any of this happening. "Us being boyfriend and girlfriend?" I felt my body freeze. Since when? The last thing I recall was me and him going on a ride, and I totally blacked out. How is any of this even possible? Did I time travel one year ahead or something? "Now come on, your parents are downstairs bonding with mine. They were waiting for you, I didn't tell them you blacked out, so don't mention it." I got up, feeling like I was in a whole other dimension, but I managed to nod my head and just follow him. What I noticed was a change in my style, I was wearing an expensive short red dress. This didn't seem like something I'd be able to put on, but I don't even have a clue on what's going on so I guess I just have to go along with it.

"Oh dear Rebecca, we're happy to have you here." A lady in white said with a blazing smile whom I assumed was Bruce's mom. I nodded with a smile as I shook her hand sophisticatedly. I greeted Mr. Jones, and sat next to my parents who looked like they were really enthusiastic. My mom nudged me with a wide smirk, and winked at me. I exchanged a confused look, wanting to know why was she so happy. She leaned close to me and lifted my hand, showing me the huge-sized diamond ring that was on my marriage finger. I broadened my eyes and started to choke on my spit. "Oh lord, are you okay?" Mr. Jones asked in concern, then ordered the maid to go get me some water. I excused myself for a minute, then got up and dragged Bruce to an empty hallway.

I lifted my hand up and showed him the finger, "Bruce what in the world is this?!" I asked in disbelief. He stared at me as if I was crazy, "Honey, right after our anniversary dinner I proposed to you. You accepted. Don't you remember?" He stared at me, waiting for an answer which I was unable to provide. I tried to go deep into my thoughts, but it felt like I was going to suffocate. I couldn't think straight, my mind was whistling, and I felt myself get sick. "Y-Yes of course I remember, sorry I'm just still in shock..." I lied, I had no other choice. I didn't want to seem wacky to the only man who can afford a stable life for me, when I myself didn't have the credibility to do that.

We headed back to the living room to find the parents already planning the wedding. "Jesus Christ, isn't this going a bit too fast? We still haven't had an engagement party yet..." I exclaimed, my mother glanced at me then rolled her eyes in disgrace. I released a sigh of exhaustion and felt myself feel dizzy. That's when the maid brought me a glass of water, I sat down and immediately drank it as fast as I could. I felt so dry and thirsty, as if I hadn't drank any liquid in days. Bruce glared at me in concern, and I could notice that. I'm pretty sure everyone observed how strange I was acting, but it wasn't in my hands. How could I accept the fact that my own time skipped ahead of me? I grabbed my phone and checked the date. No is this even possible. I swear me and Bruce were friends for less than 48 hours, how did we pass those hours into 365 days? There was definitely something wrong. Maybe it was me. Maybe I was getting Alzheimer's or something. Maybe I'm dying, and I'm just going through a brain tumor. Or maybe that day when I drowned, it must've messed with my mind. Whatever it was, it was driving me crazy. I can't think straight, I need to straighten myself out or I'm never going to find out what this all is leading to.

"Excuse me, I don't feel good. I'm going to head to bed..." I excused myself, the Jones nodded their heads formally, accepting my excuse which resulted into me walking away and laying down on the same bed I came from.

I shut my eyes and felt myself drown away in my dreams. Oh if only this would all start to make sense, maybe then I would find myself some peace in my mind. Being engaged to Bruce didn't really bother me, but what constantly did is the fact that I don't have a single clue of what is happening. Am I dreaming all of this? It feels like I'm in a coma. My thoughts get interrupted when I notice Bruce walk in the room with a concerned look. The same look that was bothering me back in the living room. "What's wrong, Rebecca? You know you can talk to me right?" He claimed, furrowing his eyebrows. I smiled then nodded. He leaned and placed a small peck on my forehead. "Rebecca, you have no idea how much I love you. How much I've been waiting for this day to come ever since I saved you from drowning that day. I always wanted you to be mine, but're really mine." I felt myself tear up, nobody has been so loving and honest to me. And believe it or not, it makes me really emotional, because now I know what to really feels like to be adored from someone who cares so much about you, sometimes even more than themselves. He squeezed my hand in a reassuring way. I studied his green eyes then exhaled my breath, "Thank you, Bruce. For everything." He smiled then leaned in and finally kissed me. Trust me, it felt like I was kissing him for the first time. The kiss was so passionate and soft. Lord, I could kiss him for years.





"This tastes- wow." I savored the flavor on my buds, enjoying the pleasant taste that roamed around my mouth. "Who knew someone could make such delicious pancakes in such an effortless way." I asked myself. Bruce giggled then walked towards me, wrapping his arms around my waist and planting a kiss on my forehead, "Only for my queen."

"Let's just hope your queen doesn't get fat from all this treating you've been giving me lately." He rolled his eyes playfully then placed two more pancakes on my plate. "Get ready, we're going to head to this new villa my dad bought, it's around town. Only about 2 hours away." I hummed, barely paying any attention to what he said, because all my attention was focused on those heavenly-made pancakes. "Is it going to be just us two?" I asked, he shook his head in denial, letting me know that some of his friends will also be coming along. 

After breakfast, I dashed upstairs to pack all our stuff. That's when I found my 'closet' in the back door of our room. I sensed my body grow goosebumps everywhere, which was really discomforting due to the fact I had just shaved. I gulped a lump in my throat and glorified the sets of clothes, all from different brands, and different styles. I was dumbstruck if I want to be honest. Never in my life have I felt so luxurious. It made me feel special, but not in a way for me to take advantage of it, and completely change myself like many people do. I found myself wandering around the big room for hours, trying to decide between what looks good on me and what doesn't. At this point, even Bruce started to help me out since I was taking too long. But, we finally managed to pack up all our stuff, and put them in the car. That's when we lastly began our 2-hour journey.

"This place looks really good." I declared, turning my head around constantly, finding new borders of the villa with every inch of turn I took. "Oh! Looks like our friends are here." Bruce smiled, I stared at the route where he pointed and saw a beautiful man and woman heading our way. They looked about our age, so that's what made it even more- ecstatic. But if I want to be sincere, I couldn't keep my eyes off of the man who was approaching us. His body structure looked marvelous, his hair flowed in the wind, and his eyes sparkled in the light. Not to forget his style. Oh god he looked like a Calvin Klein model, I'm not complaining. In fact, I had to stop myself from drooling. But, Bruce noticed, and the moment those two reached us I sensed him burn in anger, he squeezed his hand around my waist harshly making me hiss slightly, but that cut my attention off of that guy. So, I'm guessing that's what Bruce was intending to do. 

"Rebecca, meet Sasha and her boyfriend, Johnathan." Bruce introduced with a bright smile, trying to hide his jealousy behind those burning eyes. I smiled, and greeted the girl with a hug. "You can call me John." John mentioned, his girlfriend eyed him badly then shrugged the feeling off. "Nice to meet you, John." I smiled and shook his hand. Bruce gritted his teeth then grabbed my wrist harshly and dragged me away, motioning for them to follow us. He then drew us to the pool, "Who's in the mood for a swim?" That's when it hit me. I can't swim, I shouldn't swim. Every time I attempted to swim, something bad always happened to me, last time it was a close-to-death experience, and this time it was complete amnesia. I couldn't risk it. I whispered for Bruce to come to the corner, I later told him I didn't want to swim. He frowned then asked for the reason. "I haven't swam for a while, and I think it's better if I just tan myself." I replied. He nodded then gave me a quick kiss on the lips before running up to John and taking his shirt off.

I fixed my bathing suit, put sunscreen on and laid down on the tanning chair, I tried to look away from the swimming pool, but John caught my eye as his muscular figure started to climb back up, water dripping from his beautiful bronze body, his auburn hair all wet. I shook my head back to reality and continued to read the book in my hands. He came up and sat on the tanning chair beside mine. He leaned in, peaking at the book I was reading then chuckled lightly. "Who reads a book on a small vacation?" He jokes. I beamed a small smile then put the book aside, "I'm guessing me." I shrug. 

"Well, are you sure you don't wanna swim?" He asked, staring at me with a questioning look, as if he really wanted me to swim. I then gulped and shook my head, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure." 

"I've heard you're a good swimmer." I glanced at him then back at the sun, "Who told you that?" 

"I have my own sources." I next saw Bruce making his way towards us, sitting on the corner of my tanning chair, me moving away a bit to give him some space. "What are you doing here, John?" Bruce asked a little harshly, as if the other's presence was bothering him a lot. Maybe it was the fact that John was just as gorgeous as Bruce, or maybe because he only had a girlfriend. If he had a wife, then that'd be a whole different situation. "Oh nothing, Bruce. Just bonding with your beautiful wife here." Bruce got up and dragged John's collar, pulling him up to face him eye-to-eye. "Listen here, I don't want you coming around and complimenting my wife! So watch the fuck out." Bruce threatened him, glaring into his eyes as if they were generations of enemies, but that was definitely not the case. "Bruce! Stop!" I commanded, with a raging expression, staring at him as if he was a child who did something wrong. Bruce let go of John, but still eyed him very evilly, and soon enough returned to the pool. I turned to my left to notice how Sasha was watching the whole thing with her arms crossed against her chest. We made eye contact, and that's when she decided to take off her shirt and jump in the pool with her bathing suit that was hidden underneath.

John looked at me in an apologetic way, I waved my hand then sighed, "Don't worry about it. It's just how Bruce is. Anger issues, and being overprotective. I'm sorry if he hurt you." He chuckled then looked at me, "Meet me tonight beside the pool when Bruce is sleeping. I need to tell you something." He seemed serious. And by serious I mean way beyond serious, it looked like the thing he wanted to say depended on his own life. This made me shiver, I was too nervous to know what he was going to say. Could it be something about Bruce? Is he a bad man? Has he cheated on me? What could possibly be so important to tell me secretly in person?


Chapter 3 - Clearing Things Up

I checked the time again, for reassurance. It was it. It's a good thing that Bruce was fast asleep. I put on my jacket that dangled from the hanger and quietly made my way out of the room. I hurriedly ran towards the pool, I sat on the same tanning chair and repeatedly checked around myself to see if I could find him anywhere. "Thanks for coming." I gasped, jumping up in surprise. I glared at him then cursed under my breath, "You scared the shit out of me." I rolled my eyes. He lowly laughed then sat on the chair next to me. "What did you want to tell me? You better hurry up, because I'm afraid Bruce will realize I'm not there-" He soon cut me off before I could finish my sentence, "Rebecca, calm down. He's a heavy sleeper." He laughed. I relieved my shoulders then stared at the night sky. Oh how beautiful the stars were, it reminded me of so many things, and always managed to make me peaceful no matter what the situation was.

"What I wanted to tell you concerns Bruce." That's what caught my instant attention, I looked into his honey eyes and waited for him to continue. "Bruce...he gets easily obsessed with a girl that he starts to fall for. Not any normal type of obsessed. A concerning amount of obsessed." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, not really understanding what he meant. "Look, I cannot tell you what he'll do, because he has a new plan for every girl-" This time, I was the one who cut him off before any word was spoken out of his mouth. "What do you mean new plan for every girl?!" I asked angrily, couldn't believe a word he was telling me, because it shocked me. It really did. Bruce doesn't seem like he's the type of guy to even try to lay a hand on an innocent girl, what could lead me to even thinking that he could be some kind of- psychopath?! "Listen, Rebecca! Bruce is different, okay? He has a history with these types of girls, he makes them fall in love with them, and if they betray him in any way, he'll fill out his anger by planning out a whole revenge plan for the girl." I shook my head in denial, refusing to even glance at John 'cause of the words he was speaking to me right now. "How can you even prove all of this? Do you really expect me to believe all the lies you're spilling to me right now?" I hissed, clearly upset for the move he was trying to pull.

He looks down, his mood suddenly changes completely, it looks like he just remembered a bad memory. Oh no, I hope I didn't say anything triggering. "Because my sister was one of them." Well shit... "When me and Bruce first became friends, he didn't really have a girlfriend before that, except in middle school where the girlfriend broke up with him. Anyways, me and him were the closest, but that one day arose when my sister came to visit me and my dad with my mom. The moment Bruce laid eyes on her, he immediately fell in love. It might sound stupid, but trust me it was. The way he peered at her, and he would continuously ask about her, how she was, what she liked. He would deliver gifts to her front door every single day. I didn't mind really, because what could be better than having your sister be treated good by your own best-friend. I was beyond cheerful, and mostly for her. I knew she was going to get treated well, and I was aware of the fact that she deserved it..." There was a short silent, I'm guessing that's where the bad part will finally arrive. "But...?" I continued, looking into his eyes that just stared at the floor, I held his hand and squeezed it in reassurance. He lifted his head up and decided to speak while keeping eye-contact. "But when they started dating...things changed. I didn't see my sister for weeks, nor did I even have any contact with Bruce. One day he asked permission from me to take her to Hawaii, of course I said yes. She was only 19, and I wanted her to live her best life, before she wanted to leave to university. Two days passed, I had no news from either of them. Those two days turned to two weeks. I called my sister, she picked up but I didn't hear an answer, instead I heard arguing. Bruce was yelling about how she had the audacity to sleep with someone else behind his back while they were on their vacation." Oh god...I can't even imagine how that must've felt, but for now the further John keeps explaining, the more his voice continues to break. I was really concerned at this point, but also very curious to know what happened to her. He took a final breath before continuing, "I straight away rushed to Bruce's apartment, I was way beyond furious. Scared that he was going to hurt her. I made my way to their floor, and slammed the door open with my foot. The moment I stepped in that apartment, I felt myself break down in a thousand different ways. There my sister was, laying on the floor with blood everywhere. And there was Bruce, standing in the corner of the room, shaking and crying. He got up and yelled at me, saying they were arguing, but she tried to leave the house, her heel broke, she fell and hit her head on the dining table." I started to shake, I couldn't believe what I was hearing. It sounded like such a coincidence, the moment they were fighting she happened to fall and crack her skull? I couldn't stand to see the tears that were now falling down from John's eyes. I mumbled that it's okay and leaned forward and embraced him. "It's okay...come on, what happened next?" I asked. He was still sobbing a little on my shoulder. "I believed him, because when I checked t-the heel was r-really broken. And the dining table had a small crack, the b-blood tracing down to her unconscious b-body. So, we both took her to the hospital. Days passed until she finally w-woke up, but she was paralyzed." I felt my whole body freeze. That couldn't be possible, even if it was I can't even imagine the pain him and his family had gone through...

"I-Is she still-" He then interrupted before finishing, "Yes...she's still paralyzed, and hasn't spoken a word ever since that accident. So, I don't know whether Bruce was saying the truth or not..." He carried on to sob on my shoulder, I stroked his hair and whispered sweet nothings into his ear to make him feel better. "I'm so sorry this happened to you John, you and your sister didn't deserve this..." I whispered. We both parted a little, our faces only inches distant from each other. We stared at each other, eye-to-eye. This bond inside of us growing, our attraction towards each other becoming stronger by every single second that passed. Soon enough, we both leaned in and combined our lips with one another. The kiss was smooth, but many mixed feelings were put into it. Emotions of sadness, grief, appealing, pleasing, tempting, and in some ways lust. 

We soon pulled away, just to have ourselves staring at each other for another one to two minutes. None of us glitched, because both of us were communicating in a way nobody could. We could feel each other's pain through our eyes. He shared them. He shared his sorrow with me, and by all means I accepted, if it was anyone else I'm pretty sure they would too.

"Rebecca." He called out lowly, "Yes?" He kept quiet for a bit, his lips then parted from each other and spoke, "Please take care of yourself." I frowned then nodded in response. I really didn't know what to think of Bruce anymore. Even though he might not be who he seems, he's still a man with feelings, and maybe his weak point is betrayal. Maybe he's gotten hurt so many times that he doesn't know how to handle his patience anymore, and maybe I have to teach him. Maybe I could be the only one who can turn him into a better person. Not just for himself, but for everyone around him. I've never seen his parents disrespect him, or in any other way have him talk bad about them. Mostly, because they're probably just too busy with earning their money and luxury lifestyle that they barely bother to listen about what's going around their son's life. 

"Anyways, you should probably head to bed before Bruce finds out." John cleared his throat, trying to keep his eyes off of me, because they were all filled with tears. "No." I confidently spoke. I lifted his chin up, staring deeply into his dark soul and finally placing another kiss on his pale but smooth lips. He was first surprised, but soon kissed back. We ended the kiss at once, taking some time to ourselves, and try to comprehend on exactly what was going on. "That felt nice." He chuckled with a smile, I returned one too then nodded gently. "Same time tomorrow?" I asked. He mumbled a yes. Next, we both took our separate ways. Something about John made me feel calm and secure, I felt like I could trust him with a lot of things that I definitely couldn't trust with Bruce. Speaking of him, no matter what happens. He shouldn't find out about this. I still need time and patience to understand what his game is. I spent the whole night, laying down on my bed, and constantly thinking about both John and Bruce. How did I even end up in this mess? If I ever try and get out of it, I'm pretty sure I could experience something bad coming for me, but I can't spend the rest of my life in despair and stay with a man whom I'm too scared to sleep with anymore. I forcefully closed my eyes, and felt myself drift away .

But soon a couple hours after I had fallen asleep, I quickly woke up to the sound of screams and arguing. I looked to my side to find it empty, and checked my phone for the time. Who in the world was arguing at four in the morning. Oh God no...this definitely doesn't look good. I rushed outside to find out that it was John and Sasha who were arguing instead of him and Bruce. Thank God for that.

"I'm so tired of your repeated shit, why can't you just pick it up and take it out of my life!" John yelled right in her face, she screamed then pushed him right into the pool out of rage. Me and Bruce jumped mid-way in surprise, she glanced at me with an irritated expression then stormed out. Bruce helped John get out of the pool, "What the fuck happened to you two?" He cursed, John rolled his eyes then threw a dripping wet phone on the concrete floor which slid right next to my foot, the screen already smashed into pieces from the throw. I wrinkled my eyebrows then kneeled down to pick it up, the phone was unlocked and the screen was stuck on a chat with someone. I read through it then found myself gasping while covering my mouth with my palm. Bruce walked towards me and asked what it was. I showed the phone to him then looked over at John who was busy staring at the floor, and running his hand through his wet hair. "Damn, that chick wanted to bankrupt you?" Bruce chuckled. 

"Can't believe I fell for her squeaky ass. I was gonna dump her anyway, this just gave me a better reason to do so." John confirmed, then walked past me like I was just a wind in the air. I felt kind of offended, but decided to shrug it off as nothing. He was probably just angry about the whole situation. I soon noticed Bruce staring at me from the corner of my eye, "Hey, you okay?" He asked. I looked back at him and nodded without hesitation, "Okay, I'm going to head to the city to pick up some things for tomorrow. Make sure not to hang around with John too much." He warned. I giggled lightly, "You're kidding right?" I gave him a weird stare so he could easily fall for it.

"I trust you." He smiled, pecking my lips then grabbing his keys and heading out. I released a sigh of relief then ran up to John's door, I knocked a couple times, but I didn't receive a response. So, I decided to open the door and head inside without any permission. The room was empty so I decided to wander around, looking through his stuff and imaging what it would be like if I met John before I met Bruce. My thoughts soon got interrupted as soon as I heard someone clear their throat. I jumped in surprise then turned around to find John with his wet hair, and a towel wrapped around his waist. His abs shining in the sunlight that came through the window. "Holy-" I gasped, he soon walked over to me. Our bodies so close together, it felt as if they were puzzles. So right for each other, these two pieces would make the whole game complete. He placed his right hand on my waist then leaned closely to my neck, breathing hard. I felt myself shiver from the intense amount of physical contact. He then whispered huskily, "Do you mind moving? I need to put my boxers on." I blushed in embarrassment and immediately moved away, "I-I'm sorry." I hesitated. He chuckled then waved it off, grabbing his clothes from the drawers that I moved away from. "Um- I shouldn't be here. I just wanted to see how you were doing. I'll be waiting outside." I spoke in speed, already embarrassed, and didn't want to increase that feeling anymore, so I ran out of the room before I could let him even exhale a breath. 

I swirled my hand on top of the pool water, enjoying the reflection that the water gave out. It calmed me. The water. "I have a question." I turned around to find John approach my way, and sit beside me on the corner of the pool. "Go ahead." 

"What was the reason you started swimming and continued for all these years?" He asked curiously while crossing his legs and staring at me, waiting for a reply. I took a deep breath then felt my head go back to all the horrid memories I wanted to put behind me, but somehow they would always manage to haunt me. "My father...he was in coma for four years after his accident." The atmosphere fell silent, he looked down, keeping his eyes off of mine. "My mom couldn't do anything around the house anymore, it broke her to see her high-school lover sleep endlessly in the hospital without being able to open his eyes for his family. I was only around ten and a half by then. I didn't know what to do, especially with my six-year old sister who wouldn't stop crying, knowing that she missed our dad so much. Since my mom couldn't do anything, I was the second mom of the house. I would clean, cook, and take care of my sister as well as doing the normal school things." I felt him place his hand on my upper-thigh, stroking it in order to soothe me down, knowing I was growing more tense the more I reminded myself about those tough days. "I used to be bullied a lot in my school, especially since every kid knew my dad was in a coma. They would tease me a lot for it. We had this salon with a big swimming pool where everyone would hang around when it was time for the competitions. After the competition, I was helping out the competitors and handed them towels. One of my bullies happened to be the competitor. The moment I handed her the towel she threw me in the deep pool, I didn't know how to swim by then so I started drowning." I noticed John's jaw drop, he didn't know what to say. Heck, even I didn't know how to react to the fact that it actually happened to me. "People would scream, the teachers would freak out, and the lifeguard wasn't there at the moment. The students refused to help me, because they were too scared. At that moment I thought that I was actually going to die, but remembering that if I drowned to my death, I would be leaving my family behind. Especially, my sister. The more I felt my lungs tighten, the more I would struggle to swim to the top. And that's when it all happened, I opened my eyes, being able to see everything around me, and I started to naturally swim to the top. Nobody saved me. I saved myself. After that incident, I started to take swimming lessons. Somehow, the water calmed me down. Sure, I spent more time on swimming than studying, but it was the only thing that kept me strong about the fact that my family and life was a mess."

"Rebecca, I don't know what to say. That's the strongest thing I've heard anyone do." He continued to stroke my thigh with the hand he still had on. I gave him a small smile then nodded in agreement. "Do you wanna go for a swim?" He asked gently, I exchanged a confused look, "You just took a shower." He chuckled then got up, he took his shirt off and jumped in the pool, water splashing all over the edge. He swam to the top, and gripped my wrist. "Does it look like I care?" He grinned. He next pulled me down in the pool, causing me to squeal in surprise. He held onto me, making sure I didn't get hurt. His hands wrapped around my clothed waist as he pulled me closer to his body and finally leaned in, kissing me. I returned the favor back, gripping my hands around his neck, feeling myself melt the more I got closer to him. We both pulled away, giving me chance to take my clothes off and throw them onto the edge of the pool, being left with the swim-suit I had prepared underneath. He laughed loudly, "You're always prepared, aren't you?" I giggled then muttered a low yes. I quickly swam away from him, "Come and catch me." I played around. He groaned loudly then started to swim to where I swam, trying to snatch me. This was what I liked. I was surrounded by the water that calmed me in every situation along with a man whom I found very attractive both mentally and physically. I just wish I never received that text from Bruce saying he was almost home.


Chapter 4 - Those Three Words


"I didn't want to leave this place so soon, I was just starting to have fun." I frowned as Bruce continued to focus on his driving. "It's okay, we'll visit this place next time, first we need to start planning our engagement party." I groaned in annoyance, too inactive to even start thinking about the hard-work we'll have to go through just to plan a simple party. "But I'm too lazy to work." I whined. Bruce rolled his eyes playfully then slapped my leg gently, "You idiot, do you really think I'm even going to let my wife even touch a single thing for this event? We'll get a planner along with some workers. No biggie." I clapped my hands in excitement then planted a kiss on his cheek, "And that's why I love you." He chuckled then began to blast our favorite song. I know what everyone's thinking. I just spent the whole quick vacation covertly meeting up with John every night, having deep conversations, bonding, and the more closer I got to know him the more attracted I found him to be, and here I am confessing to Bruce, my soon-to-be husband, that I love him. I'm getting nigher to finding out what kind of man he really is. If I even try to admit that I don't like him, or that I'm cheating on him with his best-friend behind his back, God knows what in the world he'll do. So, my plan is to marry him, get his money, support my family, accuse him of cheating, and divorce him then marry John and live the life I always wanted. It sounds easy, but I know for a fact that it's not, Bruce is a smart man. He has a trick up his sleeve anytime of the day, and I need to try and figure out how I can be the one to trick him instead of having it go the other way around.

"We're here-" Before he could say anything else I hurriedly rushed out the car. I can't stand those vehicles for more than an hour or so. That's why I loathe these rides, mostly because they make me feel more uncomfortable than I already should. I walked into the house, and got greeted by the maids who coped with the struggle of keeping our home as shiny as it was the moment we left. I ran up to our room, and took a quick shower. After coming out I heard some muffled noises coming from out my room. I sneakily walked towards the door and stuck my ear against it to try and hear what they were trying to say. "Give him the goddamn money, I don't wanna see his face ever again!" Bruce argued through what seemed like phone-call with someone. I tried to make out what he was saying, and soon realized what it all meant. "I can't see John anywhere near Rebecca. I swear on my life if he tries to steal another one of my girlfriends, I'll snap his fucking head in less than a second!" He yelled, then hung up the phone. I ran up to the bathroom door, and when Bruce entered I pretended as if I had just gotten out of the shower. "Bless you, honey." He smiled. I replied with a small thank you then proceeded to put some clothes on.

I couldn't let him get rid of John, not just because I'm selfish, but because that poor man has already gone through so much. I can't let Bruce do that to him, not after what he did to his sister. There was only one way where Bruce wouldn't think that I was somehow allured to John. One was to seduce Bruce, and treat him in a way I would have treated John. Second, talk bad about his best-friend daily, that way I'll fool him into making him think that I found John as a disgusting pig rather than anything else. "Rebecca?" Bruce soon interrupted my thoughts, I turned around to have myself smile at him, "How are you doing?" He asked. Well, here goes nothing.

"I'm really pissed at you." I crossed my arms against my chest. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, staring at me in suspicion, "What? Why?" 

"I don't like your friend, John. He makes me really intolerable." I gave a look of disgust, Bruce shifted in his seat, trying to figure out if whether I was staid or not. "Really? I thought you liked him." He kept a straight face on. "You're kidding right? That creep kept staring at me so much, I felt so uncomfortable every time he even glanced at me." Bruce smiled, I knew it. I knew he felt competitive towards John, if I keep making him feel that I hate his own best-friend, he'll be the happiest guy on earth. "I'm happy to hear that, honey." He kissed my forehead then left the room. I released a sigh of relief then checked my phone to find a notification from John. "Speak of the devil." I mumbled to myself. I read the message then felt my chest tighten in stress. I checked the time then looked around to see if anyone was around or not. I deviously walked upstairs to find Bruce's study-room locked. I immediately ran downstairs and exited the house from the back-door. I walked around the garden in the dark, barely being able to see anything. "Rebecca!" I heard someone whisper-yell my name. I looked to my side then ran into John's embrace. He quickly kissed me before letting me go, "What in the world are you doing here, you idiot!" I slapped his arm in frustration, he giggled then shrugged in response, "I guess I just missed you. It's not in my hands, I just couldn't stop thinking about you." I felt myself go in awe then leaned in and gave him a gentle kiss him once again. "Okay, now go." I punished him with my words calmly, then managed to push him out the entrance forcefully. "I love you!" He quickly said before dashing his way out of Bruce's property.

As I walked back to the living room I couldn't close my widened eyes. I was so shocked to hear him say those words to my face, it was all so sudden and my brain couldn't function well enough to try and reply at least, or even accept the fact that he told me those three strong words straight away. I try to shake it off, then notice Bruce walking down the stairs, "Hey, where were you?" He asked, approaching me in less than a couple seconds. I glanced at the door then back at him, "Oh nothing I just took a walk around the garden to clear my mind about some things." I lied. It wasn't a complete lie. If I wanted to be honest, it was just...a part of it. He mumbles an oh then suggests that we sit down and watch a movie. We ended up arguing about what movie to watch for the next ten minutes, but soon decided to settle on a romantic one.

Halfway throughout the motion picture, me and Bruce either cuddled or he would constantly check his phone every ten minutes, not even knowing what the movie was about or where it was heading to. "Rebecca." I heard him call me from the kitchen where he was bringing some strawberries and melted chocolate. I hummed in response, laying comfortably on the couch while going through my social media. He sat down beside me right after I kneeled my legs to give him some space to sit. He put one of the strawberries in the mouth, staring at me as I gently chewed the fruit into smaller pieces. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion to wonder why exactly he was staring at me like that. That's when I eventually heard his voice, "I love you, Rebecca." I soon gulped the un-chewed strawberry, eyes broadened, my breath getting heavier by every second. He squeezed my hand then looked into my eyes, "I actually love you."


Chapter 5 - Who's The Real Psycho?


I love you...I love you...I hate those three words now. It's been two weeks since they spoke those words to me on the same day, it's such a simple coincidence to have the both lovers in my life speak the same words, that frighten me every time, on the same exact day with only a couple hours difference. Why me? Wasn't there someone else to love? This whole thing has been mischievously messing with me so much, and here I stand, staring at my own reflection in the mirror, where a couple hundred guests are waiting for me outside. I fixed the red dress that fit right on my body then decided to lighten up my makeup a little more. That's when I heard a knock on the door, I gave that anonymous person permission to enter. "Wow." I turned to find John staring at me with awe and lust. I widened my eyes and rushed to the door, locking it instantly so nobody would find us in here. "What are you doing here? I haven't left the room yet!"

"Did you even expect me to even show up at your own engagement party? Come on, give me some credit Rebecca. I missed you so much, and you have no idea how stressed I was for this party." I scoffed in disbelief, "You were stressed? I didn't even sleep for a second last night. I'm the one who's actually stressed here." He grabbed my wrist, and stared into my eyes. Trying to figure out what was going on in my head with just an examination. "You're tensing about something else." Yes, sure. I'm straining myself about the fact that my husband and my secret lover admitted they loved me, and I haven't given either one of them an answer, and if I eventually don't, I'll lose both of them, get kicked out of my house, and probably end up as a prostitute just to make a living. Yes, I'm definitely not stressed. "What? No, you're just over-exaggerating." I faked a chuckle, but I'm pretty sure he noticed that it wasn't an actual chuckle, but at this point it really didn't matter to me. What mattered to me was to get through this day without having to hear or use the word, love. I felt John's hands embrace me from the behind, then slowly rose to my shoulders and massaged it smoothly. He brought his face close to my neck and started to peck the sides. I inhaled deeply then grabbed his hands to stop him from going any further, I turned around then lifted my head up to stare at him with a hint of anguish in my eyes, "You know we can't now..." I whispered, stealing every hopes he had for this moment. He sneered then left the room without exchanging another word or look. I just felt like sitting down in the corner of this room and breaking down into sobs. I was too weak to handle so much...too weak.

I heard another knock, then gave permission of entrance. Next was my mom who came in. She stood in front of the entrance, staring at me and judging me in many ways. She then walked over to me and squeezed my wrist harshly, "Listen here, you're going to marry that guy and you're going to do what's best for your family. Stop being selfish for once, and think about us. I'm not like your father to respect your decision, because every decision you've made in your life has leaded to nothing but trouble. So, now you listen to me or you're going to regret going against me, because you know goddamn well that there won't  be a home waiting for you if you come back." She hissed, squeezing it firmly harder before finally letting go. She stormed out of the room, and that's when I broke down to tears. This was unbelievable, what in the world did I get myself into all over again. At this point, I just regret every choice I've made in my life. Mostly because my mom made me regret them. I felt like a disappointment, and I knew well enough that I really was a disappointment. So, it was my time to shine. Even if it meant I had to give up my happiness for good.

I stepped my foot out the door, finally having the courage to walk through the crowd of unknown guests, greeting them with respect, and having to find Bruce standing with a glass of champagne in his hands, wearing a black and white tuxedo, and his hair done all well. Now that I was looking at him, I started to remember why I fell for him in the first place. That day, when he saved me from drowning...something about his face calmed me down and made me feel like I wasn't alone in this shallow world. I sensed myself smile more and more the further I walked towards him. His face suddenly lit up the moment he saw mine, he handed his champagne to his friends and hugged me tightly, he next kissed my forehead. Another thing I loved about him was his forehead kisses, no matter where we are or in what situation we are, he always kisses my forehead. It ceaselessly managed to give me the feeling of reassurance, and he makes sure of it. I just think the reason why I started to lose my feelings for him was after that accident. I was so bewildered that I didn't know how to believe it. I really couldn't. I'm pretty sure I wasn't, and still aren't crazy enough to think that incident was actually by me drowning. It couldn't be possible, but I tried not to overestimate it a bit too much, knowing that it would end up wrecking my mood before the party have even started. 

"You can't believe how happy I am for you." I turned around to have myself scream in joy. I quickly embraced Kara, my high-school best-friend, whom I didn't see her after those three years spent together, because she left to Sweden for her studies and we eventually lost contact, but here she is at my own engagement party. Who even invited her?

"Oh my God, look at you!" She squealed in excitement, adoring me from top to bottom. "Look at me? Look at you! Holy crap, that jawline, those pumped lips, THE NOSE!" We both laughed along while trying to catch up with each other. "How'd you even find me?" 

"You're husband contacted me!" I weeped an astounded expression, in which I really was. How did he know her, or even get the chance to contact her when I tried everything? "Well, guess I gotta thank him for that." I winked naughtily, making Kara give me a grossed out look then giggle right after. We spent the next hour bonding over things we missed all these years, and not going to lie, but she and I still had the same old trait of having tea on every news and gossip that was going around, even if we were way too old for those stuff anymore. It's just best-friend things at this point.

"Rebecca? Can I talk to you?" I turned around finding Bruce who was waiting for me with a not-too-happy look on his face. I excused myself before heading towards where he motioned for me to go. We ended up in the corner of an empty hallway, he soon pushed me against the wall, breathing harshly against my neck. My eyes stayed widened as I started to question his actions, and why it was necessary for him to do it now, here, and at this occasion. "Are you having an affair?" He asked straightly, his eyes being more serious than any work situations he had gone through. I pushed him off of me, scoffing in disbelief and starting to bring up my acting skills. "How dare you accuse me of that! Did I not make myself clear that I'm clearly disgusted by that man?" I spat.

"Oh..." I felt my heart stop. I recognized that voice. More than I could recognize any one else's. I glanced to my right to find John standing there with his shoulders fallen down in disappointment. His face holding no expression all though I knew exactly what his heart spoke. It asked why. It didn't stop asking why. That was clearly my fault, I never told John my plan to try and find out whether Bruce is the guy he really is or not, and now I instantly regret not mentioning it to him earlier than I should've have. "Oh no..." I mumbled, but he soon walked away. I knew if I followed him like any other girl would've done, I would've been caught. Instead, I turned to Bruce and angered my face at him, "Look at what your nonsense caused! Now he's mad at me, I don't see him that way, but I see him as a good acquaintance who I clearly don't want to hurt! So, go fix your own goddamn mistake Bruce." I ordered. He gazed at me with a mixture of shock and surprise. He clearly didn't expect me to talk to him like that, but I'm glad I did, because they clearly had an effect on him. He nodded then proceeded to go follow John and make it up to him just like I told him to.

I released my breath in relief then took out my phone and dialed Kara's number which I had asked for earlier. I told her to rush to my room, then hung up without continuing any further. 

I tapped my foot repeatedly against the hard wood beneath. I bit the skin around my nails that now looked as if I had cut them off with something. I cursed under my breath in impatience. A couple seconds later, that's when I heard a tap against the door. I ran and opened the door, pulling Kara inside by her arm without any warning, clearly panicking her about what was going on. "What in the world is going on, Rebecca?!" She half whispered, half yelled. I told her to take a seat before I start talking. "I think I married a psychopath..." I spilled. She didn't understand at first, it was just forty seconds of her staring at me to find out whether I was being serious or not. She chuckled nervously in response, "Yeah, right." 

I gave her the longest eye-stare I could, and that's when she gasped, knowing I was speaking the truth. "What? How!? Since when??" She freaked out externally, not knowing how to react. I have to give her the credit, if my best-friend told me she married a lunatic I wouldn't know how to react either. I ran my hand through my hair, plainly having an anxiety attack, "I didn't notice before his best-friend told me." 

"Johnathan?" She questioned, I nodded in response. "How do you know him?" She spoke no word. Her eyes travelled down to the wood, so I decided to not continue questioning her any further. "He told me the whole story about Bruce dating his sister, and after she cheated on him, he and her fought, and on that very moment she happened to 'accidentally' fall down, hit her head, and get paralyzed for life." I sarcastically spoke.

"Well, how do you know Bruce isn't lying? Maybe that's really what happened." She shrugged, but what surprised me was that it was the first time she was disagreeing with me. She never disagreed on me with anything. I tried to ignore that issue, and continue to release my nervousness out on her by the rants, and proofs I've been dying to tell someone for the past few weeks. "But what's even more eerie is that when I overheard Bruce's conversations with one of his co-workers or something, he clearly stated to make sure John wouldn't be found anywhere around me, because he doesn't want John stealing another one of his girlfriends? Does that even make sense?"

"Maybe John's the person who made Bruce mad. Who do you even know to trust? They both have totally different stories." She uttered in vexation, scratching the back of her head, lost in the whole situation. I clapped my hands referring to what she said earlier, "That's exactly what I'm saying! Those two have totally different stories. I've heard all of Bruce's from John, but I don't know what John's story is." Kara then suggested me to simply ask Bruce for it, "I will...but that's not the only weird thing that has happened to me this whole time I've been with Bruce." I played with my nails, not being able to really look Kara in the eyes, because somehow the more I talked about Bruce the more she gave me really uncomfortable stares for some odd reason. So, I just decided not to have any eye-contact with her while I'm illustrating, which surprisingly worked. I notified her about what had precisely happened when me and Bruce met, and the whole one day turning into a year thing which was really a puzzle for me.

"Nothing makes sense. How did I even drown in the first place? Not to mention after that one-day date, how the actual hell did it turn into a year?" I didn't receive any feedback. All that was heard was the silence of the tension surrounding the room. I called for Kara, she looked at me in the eyes and finally admitted, "Rebecca..have you thought about the fact that maybe these problems are all coming...from you?" 

I gave Kara an anxious glare for a straight minute, my hands started to shake along with my legs, "W-What do you mean?" My eyes teared up, I was terrified of what she was going to say, because I know Kara, and I know that whatever she says. She means it. She never lies about what she's thinking. At least not to me. "Rebecca, maybe all these foolish situations are coming from your head...maybe these events aren't really happening. You're the one who's making them happen," She tapped my temple, "All in there." 

I felt my chest tighten. I couldn't breathe for seconds, making me suffocate inside. "Rebecca?" Kara called out for the fourth time, the other three making me realize that this suffocation caused me to go deaf too. "Get the fuck out, Kara." She tried to speak, but I screamed right in her face. She let out a look of guilt then walked out the room without speaking another word.

I threw my body backwards and laid on the bed, tears streaming down my face about the thought that maybe I'm the one who's slowly going crazy. Maybe none of this really isn't happening. Maybe it's all coming from me.

It'd all make sense if it was true...It'd definitely all make sense if it was really true, but that's the thing. I don't want it to be true.


Chapter 6 - Mistreated


Four weeks. It's been four weeks since I've barely ate like a decent mortal being. I'm dehydrated, I can't seem to be thinking clearly, and I feel like I'm going to pass out every second I get up from sleeping, but I can barely call it a sleep. Feels more like dozing off. 

Three weeks. It's been three weeks since I've been seeing a therapist which Bruce forced me to go. I haven't spoken a word ever since I went to the sessions anyway. I just don't feel comfortable with releasing my inner thoughts and feelings anymore. I feel like it's all futile and pointless.

What's the point of being sane when I know any day now, whatever that's going on in my head will get bigger and bigger, and will soon cover the whole capacity of my brain. Turning me into the real lunatic. 

"Rebecca? Are you with me?" I raise my head to glance at the therapist sitting in front of me, having the same concerned expression she always had for the past three weeks. The moment I stepped into this room I noticed how she would look at me as if I was hopeless when I really am dejected, and she was right. I am hopeless. "Do you think we can end this session earlier today?" I asked, my voice barely audible. She released a sigh of disappointment then mumbled a yes, then wrote something down on her clipboard. As I was about to leave the room, the therapist called Bruce inside so she could talk to him. I felt suspicious, but at the same time I really didn't care. It was probably another speech about how I'm mentally unstable and need more medications to keep my lifestyle balanced. These medications would benefit them financially anyway. Since when did these therapists really care about our mental health? All they really care about is the salary they gain throughout selling all these stupid, ineffctive pills.

But oh boy was I wrong. I leaned closely to the closed door and eavesdropped on their dubious conversation. "I've came up with a solution that might help with Rebecca's current situation." She spoke, Bruce asked her politely to continue and his voice sounded kind of desperate for whatever help they were going to offer if I'm going to be honest. "Right now she doesn't really have a priority in life, she doesn't have someone to depend on in life, and is hopeless, thinking that she doesn't have any goals to go for." I shrugged to myself. She wasn't wrong. My life's entertainment ended weeks ago, and my reason to die was growing stronger and stronger every second of the day. "What are you exactly suggesting, doctor?" 

"She needs to get pregnant." I fell right to the floor the moment she brought up the subject of pregnancy. The receptionist rushed over to me to see if I was doing okay, but I begged her to not speak of it. She nodded then headed back to her own business. I leaned in and continued to listen to what they were discussing. "By having a baby, she'll see that baby as a priority, and would never do anything to leave and hurt him or her as a mother. At this stage of her life she doesn't need someone to take care of her. She needs to take care of someone else. And that someone is you and her baby." I felt my hand harden into a fist, I was furious with this horrible recommendation. Was she in her sober mind? Oh right...everyone at this institute were on their right minds, except for me. "But doctor, we haven't gotten married yet, or won't get to do that anytime soon until she has gotten better. Do you think this will affect anything?" Please say yes, please say yes.

"Not at all. I advise you two to try it out tonight, and see what happens tomorrow. She might gain after-birth depression due to her condition, but it'll last for a maximum month." 

I ran as far as I could. The receptionist ran after me, trying to follow the path I dashed away from. I couldn't handle staying in that lobby, and definitely not when Bruce comes out and takes me home where he gets the chance to get me pregnant. I don't want a child. I, myself, am a child- I won't be capable to take care of that poor little human being. I'm mentally unstable and don't have the capability to take care of a little human being whom I can easily be able to harm when I'm feeling low, just to achieve my pleasure. I couldn't run much more, my legs gave up on me, causing me to crash down on the floor of the entrance hallway of the institute. Not eating, and ignoring my health care can really go against me sometimes...

"Ma'am, please. Your husband will be worried." She whispered in a soft soothing voice, slowly helping me up and leading me back to where I escaped from. She sat me down on the chair, and handed me a cup of water to calm down. After a couple minutes of calming down, Bruce finally walked out that room with a small smile on his face. I know exactly what he wants. He wants a baby, but I can't give that to him. Not because I physically can't, but because I actually don't want to. "Are you ready, honey?" He smiles, bringing out his hand for me to hold and depend on. "S-Sure..." I muttered, then accepted it like I always did so stupidly.

The ride home was dull. Just the way it was when we were on our way here. And just like it was after I had accepted the fact that I'm not conceptually okay. "Bruce." I called out, glaring out the window in the rainy weather. Enjoying the sounds it muffled into our car. "Yes?" He focused on the road ahead of him. He wasn't the type of guy to hold a conversation while driving. That's because he always focuses on doing something one-by-one at their own specific time. "Are you going to send me to a mental hospital?" He immediately pulled over to the side of the road, earning angry honks from the past drivers. He held both my hands and made me look into his sad eyes, "What makes you think I'll ever do that?" His voice was defeated. It hurt my heart to see how much my actions had an impact on him. I don't want to hurt him. No matter how bad a person can be, I didn't have the emotional solidity to hurt them, because knowing that I hurt them would never wash the guilt away.

"Because I'm not okay. I'm not the Rebecca you fell in love with. I'm so much worst now, I don't even know how you're still with me." I broke down into tears. With the lack of water in my body, I didn't feel any warm liquid draining down my eyes anymore, instead I felt dry air which burnt my skin like acid. Bruce took me in his embrace, stroking my hair gently which brought a wave of calmness and satisfaction travel through my body. "Never think that way, okay? You're still the Rebecca I love. I still love you, and nothing's going to change that," He spoke in pain, he squeezed me tighter into the hug, "We'll get through this together. I promise you." he backed away and kissed my forehead like he always used to do. 

I fell asleep after that confrontation in the car. When we arrived, Bruce carried me bridal style to our room, and laid me down on the bed for me to continue my sleep in peace, and easily be able to rest which I appreciated a lot, because I really needed it after the whole drama going through my head back at the institution.

I woke up to the buzzing sound of a phone. I groaned, rubbing my eyes for them to open wide enough to enable my visions back again. I turned to find Bruce's phone that was uncontrollably buzzing. I listen closely to hear the showers on. I use this as my chance, and pick his phone up. Damnit, I don't know the passcode. I put away the phone, learning close to the drawer and pulling out a picture of Bruce that was cuddled up with his rumpled yet folded clothes. I display the photo in front of the phone's camera, hoping it'll work. Denied, well talk about bad luck. 

I threw the personal device back on the bed then started to go around on my social media to cure my boredom that has been bothering me for the past few weeks. That's when this time his phone starts to ring rather than the uncontrollable buzzing, I curse under my breath then take a look at the caller. It was unknown. I snatch it, and without thinking twice I answer it, holding the phone against my ear to hear if they'll speak without me having to utter a word first. "What the fuck are you doing?" The object that laid between my fingers soon dropped from my hand. My whole body shaking in fear as I turned around to see Bruce's flaming eyes staring right into me. "S-Someone called y-you-" He cut me off before I could even try to explain myself, "And that gives you the right to pick it up?" He snapped like a wild dog. He grabbed his phone from my hand furiously then slapped me right across my face. It wasn't just the fact that he abused me in some way, but it was the fact that it was the first time any man landed his hand on me in a physically harsh way. I didn't move. More like I couldn't move. My hands were shaking while my eyes streamed tears. "That better teach you from ever trying to snoop through my phone again!" He yelled then stormed out of the room. 

I somehow coped to get up from the bed with my trembling legs. I checked myself in the mirror to find a large red hand-print on my right cheek. I bursted out into loud sobs, and hurriedly ran to the corner of the dark room which I had just switched off in fear and horrid. I kneeled down and continued to cry in silence. I was not capable of using my lungs in order to inhale and exhale properly, because I tried not to make too much noise to bother Bruce and have him come back in and mistreat me again. I sniffled over and over again, getting sick of myself at this point. My body soon gave up on me, and everything turned black within' seconds.

Out of all the time in the world...why did my body have to go oppose me at the worst times possible?


Chapter 7 - Afraid


"Rebecca? Can you hear me?" I arose, unfolding my eyes to see John standing right in front of me, looking as if he was about to cry any second. "Oh my God, I'm so glad you're okay!" He gasped, leaning down and hugging me tightly. "What are you doing here?" I didn't have the energy it took to speak and even if I did it was really hard to do so, because I felt like something was holding me back. He licked his dried lips then sat on the chair that stood right beside my hospital bed. "Bruce sent me here." I chuckled without warning. "Bruce, sent you here? Sure." 

"Do you think I'm lying?" I frowned then tried as best as I could to ignore that question. I didn't want to seem judgmental in anyway, nor did I want to lie at the same time. "After all those secrets I told you about Bruce?"

I felt my head burn all of a sudden, my eyes bursting in anger, as well as my mood and patience suddenly lowering to a zero. "That's the goddamn thing, John!" I snapped loudly, feeling my heart-rate increase in less than a millisecond. "I don't know whether I should believe you or not! I'm crazy as it is, and this is just making me feel more insane than I should be feeling!" I cried, "I don't know who to believe. I don't even rely or trust myself, what makes you think I can believe a word you spoke about my husband?!" 

"You can't be serious, Rebecca..." I hit his chest with my fist using the energy I had left in my body, which clearly wasn't enough because he didn't even budge. "Leave me alone, John! Please!" I shrieked with uncontrollable tears. He glanced at me one last time before actually leaving me alone. I admit I was a little harsh on him, but it was for the best. I had to get rid of him, because I couldn't risk getting irritating Bruce more than he is right now.

Hours passed, I spent them mumbling calm things to myself. I wasn't strong, I definitely wasn't. I was as weak as a plastic bottle that would continually get crushed by people walking over it on the empty streets. Nobody bothering to pick it up because who knew how dirty and filthy it was. Who knew how useless it would be. Not even one person kneeled down to collect it and throw it in the trash, because they expected other people to do it for them. That's what's bad about humanity, not many of us are humane. Mostly because we don't act like one. A normal mortal being knows good enough how to keep the universe clean by helping each other out, but that's not the point. The point is I keep breaking as much as that poor plastic bottle that was squashed by more than a hundred people. Nobody, and I mean nobody was prepared to pick me up and put me out of my misery that I went through for hours and hours every single day.

"Mrs. Jones, your friend Kara Smith is here to visit you. Do you wish for her to see you?" The nurse poked her head inside the room, asking for my permission generously. It took me a while before I could whisper a positive response. Soon, Kara walked in the room with a bouquet of apologetic flowers that covered the area with its strong scent. Her footsteps next turned louder and louder as she made her way towards me. She took a seat, setting the flowers, in her hand, on the side-table that stood beside my bed. "I'm sorry." She spoke. I stared at her, confused about what she meant. "I should've never told you what I did that night at your engagement party, I never thought you would take it so seriously and that it would lead you to here..." I didn't let her continue. I faked a dry cough so she would understand that I don't want to apprehend any of the bullshit she's saying anymore. "Listen, Kara. You just spoke the truth. These past few weeks I've actually realized that maybe I'm not as mentally stable as you told me I am." 

"You told her what?!" We both turned to see Bruce standing in front of the entrance door with a box of chocolate in his hands along with a balloon that was floating in the air of the small room. Kara got up, shaking because she was too scared to face Bruce. "So, you're the motherfucker who told Rebecca she's crazy huh?" He hissed, his face turning infuriated, giving Kara his angry laser glares. She tried to speak, but nothing came out of her mouth. "Get the fuck out of this room, you little piece of shit!" He cursed then was about to throw hands on her, but stopped as soon as I screamed for him to not go any further. Sure, I wasn't happy with the state Kara put me in, but I would never want anything or anyone to hurt her just so I could feel better about it. It wouldn't even make me feel better, I'd just spend the weeks with pure guilt even if I wasn't the reason she got distressed. Kara rushed out of the room without speaking another word. Poor thing, I kind of felt bad for her. "I'm sorry, Rebecca I just don't want anyone hurting you."

"Like you hurt me?" His eyes widened, but then stared down at the floor shamefully. He didn't know how to respond to my shade, and I don't blame him either. I still haven't forgiven him, and have no intention of doing so anytime soon. I just hope he understands that and accepts the consequences he's brought upon us both. "You know I never meant to do that on purpose..." He muttered guiltily, I shrugged in response. "You still did it, that doesn't change anything." 

"Well, to make up for it. I wanted to take you out for a small weekend away from the world. Sounds good?" A weekend away from the world? That sounds like a dream. I had to accept, it was a far great offer that I couldn't bother rejecting. "Sounds great." I nodded in agreement. He exchanged a smile then told me to get up. I wrinkled my face, trying to figure out why he's asking me to get up. "I packed your stuff, I've already asked for authorization from the hospital, and they told me it'll be better to do so." I was at loss of words, so I just got up from my bed and forcefully tried to get up, but fell into his arms. My eyes met his instantly, my heart beat increased all of a sudden. Although we had our differences, and I was furious at him...those eyes never failed to make me fall in love with him all over again. He carried me in bridal style without any notice, and took me all the way to the car himself. "You've lost so much weight, Rebecca. That saddens me." He frowned, while struggling to open the passenger door to the car he had just unlocked. I helped him, bringing my arm out and opened the door instead. He thanked then placed me carefully on the seat without letting his voice out and speaking of whatever else. He hurriedly ran to his seat and started the car. 

"Why are you really doing this, Bruce?" I straight up asked him with no hesitation whatsoever. He kept quiet for a couple seconds before manning up, "I talked to your therapist-" I interrupted him, not allowing him to finish his sentence. "Oh my fucking- she isn't in her right mind, Bruce! I overheard you two talking about how getting me pregnant will be the right way out!" I noticed him heat up then pull over the car on the side of the road, "Why the fuck did you eavesdrop in the first place!?"

"Do you really think creating a living creature inside of me is a good idea!? How in the world can I take care of that poor baby when I'm not in the right frame of mind to even take care of myself?!" I screamed, tears roaming down my eyes because I couldn't handle the amount of pressure life was putting all on my shoulders.

"That's why I'm doing this, Rebecca! I want to help you! I want to help you heal so you can be the same Rebecca I fell in love with in the first place-"

"You're the goddamn reason I became like this!" Silence. Regret. Tension. Remorse. Attrition. Guilt. Rage. How many other words did I have to use to describe how I felt at that moment? My heart dropped, realizing what my mouth had spilled. Oh God, if only I had stayed shut in the first place. I couldn't try and describe his expression at the moment, because I knew very well that I just fucked up like I always do. "Listen, Bruce-"

"Get the fuck out of my car." He whispered, "Now." I couldn't really see his face, the only view that was shown was him gritting his teeth which clearly proved that he was way beyond enraged. I shakily opened the door, the moment I placed my foot on land he immediately drove off with no warning, catching me off-guard. I reached for my phone in my pocket then dialed the number I needed the most. The moment the ringing stopped, I felt myself take a deep breath before beginning to talk.

"I just wanna die."


Chapter 8 - Consequences


"Do you have any idea how much your call scared the life out of me?" John cursed in irritation as he drove straight to his house. I looked down, fiddling with my fingers, too drained to even try to open my mouth and defend myself. I saw him glancing at me from the corner of my eye, then soon felt him place his hand on my thigh, stroking it gently. "Sorry, I know you're going through a rough time right now. I shouldn't be too harsh on you." 

"I'm just...not ready to have a baby." I mumbled, hoping he heard my low-volumed voice that wasn't able to turn louder than it already was. "It's not your fault. He should've understood." I forced his hand off my leg in annoyance, "No, it's my fault. I rushed and blamed him for my condition." John soon tensed up the second I said that. "That's because he is to blame." 

"You can't be sure of that, John." I shook my head in denial, knowing well enough that I was taking his side, but I had no other choice to. I felt really guilty and woeful about what I told him. I already committed a sin by going through his phone and invading his privacy, and now I invaded another one by blaming my misapprehensions all on him. I felt so ashamed of myself. I never used to be like this, I just wanted to know what got over me. "Listen Rebecca, as far as I know you were always yourself before you even met that guy. I can surely prove that ever since you met him your life's been nothing but been totally chaotic. Am I wrong?"

"No, you're not wrong, but John you still can't change the fact that I tormented Bruce with my mistake!"

"And you definitely can't change the fact. That he did the exact same to you, but even worst than what you did to him!" My mind suddenly went deep into thoughts again. That night...that one night is what really ruined everything. If I was careful and swam like a decent human being I'd never be here stuck in this endless situation. "John, where are we going now?" Looking outside the window I view a greenery field, filled with big built-houses and bright clouds. This neighborhood gave off a really positive vibe. It was more peaceful than it was anything else. "You're staying at my place until Bruce comes back." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What do you mean until he comes back, did he really leave off to that trip without me?" I asked in disgrace. He pulled the car over to a parking, turning the car off and exchanging a disappointed nod with me. I scoffed unbelievably. How can someone be so selfish? It surprises how one minute I can go full-defense on him, a another realize how self-centered he can be. Without wasting any other precious thought over that jerk I got out of the car, stomping my way to the main door, waiting for John to come and unlock it. He grabbed a large bag from the back-seat, and walked his way over to where I was standing silently. He opened the door then motioned towards his now open home, giving me formal permission to enter. I mutter a small thank you before stepping foot into his fancy house. I take a seat on the brown leathered couch in the living room, turning the television on by the remote that laid close to where I was sitting.

"Do you need anything to drink or eat?" I responded with a harsh no. He sighed in exhaustion then took a seat across from me. "Are you sure? I bet you haven't ate anything in days, or maybe even weeks." I shrugged, keeping my eyes on the colorful motion that was displaying with a bright light. "So what, I'm not that hungry anyways." He got up and headed to the kitchen. After a couple minutes, he came back with a tray filled with snacks. Cakes, chocolates, lollipops, different versions of candies, boxes of various flavored juices, and a cup of chocolate milk. I widened my eyes in surprise, feeling my stomach growl at the mouth-watering snacks he had brought right in front of me. "I know you want them, Rebecca. You love these stuff." He's not wrong. While we were in the villa,  every now and then Bruce would head to the city and come back with a big box filled with snacks like these just for me. I would get so happy that I would cry tears of joy while eating them. I can't believe that John bothered to even remember such a small thing that yet meant so much to me. Not to forget, the fact that he bought the exact same brands that I was deeply in love with. I felt my eyes go in puppy-form for a couple minutes before snatching the tray from him, crossing my legs on the leather couch and starting to enjoy my desserts.

John laughed at my reaction while taking a seat back to where he previously was, and changed the channel, playing Tom & Jerry. I squeaked in surprise and started to watch the show like a baby. I'm not a child, I'm just old-fashioned I guess. I had to spend my childhood being as responsible as an adult, and carrying my family out go misery. I never had the time to go through these things during those times. Sure, I did watch them when I was small, but I enjoyed them so much that I badly wanted to continue them, but I knew I couldn't. I knew that those days were over, and I couldn't make up for it. But the fact that John is doing all this just for me, I can't help but tear up just thinking about it. 

"After you're done with those snacks I wanna take you out on a not-so-big date." He winked right at me. "Date?" I spoke, my words muffling through the chocolates I had stuffed in my mouth. "Yes, now eat up. I bought you a  pretty-ish dress, it's upstairs in the guest room." He played with my hair before planting a small kiss on my forehead and walking out of the area. It took me a couple minutes before I could completely process what was happening. That's when it hit me. This is going to be risky. What if Bruce finds out about me and John going on a date? What if tonight is the night that will destroy every single chance I have in life, or any of the plans I had planned for Bruce?

I swayed away the thoughts and precluded myself before eating any further. While rushing upstairs to the guest-room I find a beautiful short, black, lacy dress that was laying on top of the cloth of the queen-sized bed. I grabbed the dress and positioned it over my clothed body, imagining myself wearing it tonight while going out with John. It was still hard for me to believe that he actually asked me out like this, especially right after what happened between me and Bruce.

After picturing a thousand different scenarios and overthinking as always, I took a long hot shower, enjoying the hot drops of water falling against my tired muscles. Soon, relaxing them in peace. I came out of the shower with a towel wrapped around myself, my hair dripping on the wooden floor beneath. There was a knock on the door all of a sudden, I gasped then told John to come in. He stepped inside, walking and placing some extra comfortable clothes on the bed before even bothering to look up at me. And when he did, I noticed his jaw drop a little. He shook his head and snapped back to reality, "Sorry-!" I chuckled at his reaction. He looked so innocently sly. I just wanted to embrace him, play with his smooth hair for hours, enjoying his presence around me. Fingers crossed, hopefully I'll reach that dream after I figure out my plan with Bruce. "S-Sorry, I'm staring. Uh, I'll head out." The fact that he was embarrassed wasn't the best part. The best part was the fact that he was still standing as tight as a statue, not bothering to move, his eyes locked on my dripping wet body. "John?" I waved my hand in front of his face, then bursting into giggles when he jumped and ran out. I wore the clothes he had handed over to me and dried my hair before proceeding to start on doing my makeup, and finally getting ready for tonight.

No matter how hyped-up I was, it still didn't change the fact that if Bruce found out in any way. It would all be over. But then again, I had to be careful and look out for any unusual people tonight. Just to be safe....Let's just pray and hope that the thing I'm afraid of won't really happen.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.03.2020

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Copyrights Reserved©️; Age 12+; Category: Teen Fiction; Content: Mature; Angst; Drama; Mystery; Romance; Disclaimer: This story contains violence, sexual content, strong language, dark themes, cursing and swears, unintentional jokes, drugs and alcohol, private based events, real-life issues, disturbing scenes, & other mature themes.

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