

 (Addison's P.O.V)

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block the mental image my science book gave me. I yawned and leaned back in my chair. I put my hood on my jacket up and put my head on the lab table. "Miss Meyers put your hood down and pay attention." I lifted my head and put my hood down, then smirked.

"Well Mrs. Franco, if your advanced classes were more advanced I would want to pay attention. And I'm sure besides half the class have already learned this, therefore the other half." I looked up and laughed "There rich daddy and Mommy's paid their way in... And the answer is B," I smirked as the glossy girls and the jocks stared at me.

"Correct Miss Meyers," She said and my face glared. "Now class, your partners for the DNA2 project are on the chart outside the classroom. You are to work on the project this weekend. Any problems consult me." She said and the bell rang. "You are free to go, have a great weekend."

I got up and walked out the door, I looked at the billboard outside the hall and found my name. I ran my finger across and found the last name I ever wanted to see. A liar, a spoiler, a time-consuming, jockey, fucked up, rude, bitchy, manwhore. Drake Matthews, my Ex-bestfriend.

"Addie, Hey. Long time no see." I took a deep breath and turn around.

"Hey Drake," I sighed and started fastly walking down the hall.

"Were good right?" He asked following behind me.

"Yeah, sure were good. You only screwed my sister, turned my boyfriend against me, got me fired, left me stranded and a party then threw up in my new car. No problem."

"Come on, I'm sorry. Your sister went to college, that one guy was a douche, you were way too good for that job, The guys wanted to leave the party and I get carsick easy." I laughed then put my keys in my car door.

"Hmm same old Drake with excuses. Lets just get this project over with, I'll come over tomorrow night around seven." I said and opened my door then sat down and he stood in the doorway.

"Alright, I see you then Addie." He winked and shut my door. I pulled out of the parking lot and drove to my house.

Once I got to my house, I went around back so my neighbors didn't see me. Drake is my neighbor... I laughed at my rude thought and went inside. I set my keys on the kitchen counter and walked into my living room. I sat on the couch next to my two brothers.

"Hey, Adds how was school." Blake said and put his arm around me.

"It was great dropouts." I said and they both glared at me.

"Geez, what's wrong with you?" Brandon asked.

"Drake is my lab partner, and I have idiot twin brothers." I said and Blake laughed really hard, there is something really wrong with these two.

"Whats so funny!" I questioned and stood up, Glaring down at them.

"You like him, and you still won't admit it. Thats why he did all that stuff to you, to make you jealous." Brandon said.

"No it's because we hate each other."

"Come on!" Blake sighed. "You got fired from your job only because you wanted to hang out with him. And Kaalob that guy was a joke."

"And with Sarah, he only wanted to make you jealous. He likes you, alot." Brenden said

"Last year, he asked me if it was cool if he asked you to the Winter Formal. As a date."

"Just stop telling me all this stuff." I said and ran upstairs.

"You like him." They sang in unison. Them creeps. I walked into my room and layed on my bed. I took out my ipod and put in my ear plug. I turned on my playlist, It was the song Lost It All By Black Veil Brides.

Drake is just another distraction on my scholarship. I just need to get these last two months out of the way then off to Jullian School Of Journalism and Art. Ugh, maybe Drake could take my mind off of things. Or ruin them, I need to stop and just focus. I took a deep breath and sighed. Is this how it feels to like-NO, befriend someone? Seriously? Huh.

"Uh, who's the new kid?"

I woke up to the noise of Ronnie Radke rapping. I smiled and took my earplugs out of my ears and got up. I stretched and walked over to my closet. I guess I’m not have the average 17 year old girl. I've only been to a few parties, I only have a few friends, and my natural auburn hair.

After getting dressed I walked down stairs, I watched as my brothers were about to leave. “Where ya going?”

“Skate park, you coming?” Brandon asked.


                    (Addison's P.O.V.)

“Yeah,” I said and ran out the door with them both. We walked to blakes car and got in.

Once we got their I hopped out and walked to my group of friends. “Hey Addie, why didn’t you pick up the phone this morning.” Chris asked, I truly didn't know someone called this morning.

“Sorry, I was listening to music again.” I said and said Hi to everyone else. Zach, Lissa, Morgan, and Chris. I looked at the ramps and saw a new face, he was cute, black hair, really skinny, and had a tattoo that said “Forever Fantasy.” What does that even mean?

“Who’s that?” I asked.

“Thats Vince, Hot right?” Lissa said and laughed. “He Just moved here, he’s pretty good at making friends.” She pointed at him talking to my brothers and their friends. I walked away and walked to my brothers.

“Hey Boys.” I said to my brothers and to Austin, Stevie, Justin, Fleak and, Vince.

“Hey sexy.” Stevie said and winked. I saw my brother hit him and I laughed.

“Never gonna happen Short-stack” I smiled and Vince stared at me. “Hi, I’m Addie.” I said  staring right at his beautiful green eyes. I  held out my hand and he just stood there. “Well?” He looked deep in my eyes but didn’t say a word.

“I gotta go. Nice meeting you guys.” He said and walked away. I watched him get into his car, He gave me one last look. I could feel a connection, like he knew me.

“Well that was weird.” Austin said “Do you know him?” He snapped me out of my trance.

“No, But I will.” I said and ran to the car. I sat down and waited for the boys to leave. The whole time I just sat and thought about Vince. Who is he?


I grabbed my backpack and looked at the clock on my phone 7:04. I was a few minutes late.

I walked outside and knocked on Drake’s door. His mom, Mary opened the door. “Addison, how are you sweetheart? Come in, come in.” She said and let me in. “Drake is in his room.” I walked down the hall and went into Drake’s room.

“Hey,” I said and sat next to him on his bed.

“Hey beautiful.” He said and grabbed his books.

“Before we start..”

“You wanna make-out first?” Drake cut me off and I laughed, then hit him a little

“No, do you know a kid named Vince, He just moved here.”

“Stay away from him, he’s trouble.” He yelled

“Okay Ricky Bobby, sheesh.”

“Now that that’s cleared up. Why don’t we ever hang out?” I was shocked this came out of his pretty pink lips.

“You had sex with my sister.”

“We just made out on a bed, nothing more. Nothing less. I just wanted to get you mad so you knew how I felt.”

“How did you feel?”

“Lost, betrayal, I didn't understand. You dated my best friend, and you knew I loved you.” When I heard what he said I stood up and I just started yelling. About anything I could yell about.

“Addie” He said and I kept yelling “Addison!” He yelled I began to cry. My heart never felt so hurt and angry. How dare he say I love you? I started hitting him in the chest. He grabbed my fist and held me down squeezing me against his hard chest. “Stop.” I hated how good he looked. And his blue eyes I fell in to, but his lips were just so kissable. “Kiss me.” He knew what I was thinking.

I kissed him right then and there. His lips were just so soft he licked the bottom of my lip asking for entrance, Which I granted. I flipped over so I was on top.


(Drake’s P.O.V)

I kept kissing her as she rolled on top of me. I held her hips and started kissing her neck. Then took off my shirt. As we began kissing I whispered “I love you”  I didn’t mean for that to come out of my mouth. Shit. She got up and started picking up her books. “Addie, I’m sorry please stay. I didn’t mean to say that, well I did”

“This was a mistake, I’ll finish the project.” She said slowly and walked out my door. Everything just happened so quickly. I got up and slammed my door shut. I screwed up, I should have stopped her.  

“Drakey, is Lukas still coming over?” I heard my mother come down the hall. She opened the door and saw me on the floor crying. “Oh sweetie are you okay?”

“I didn’t convince her. She doesn't love me, mom.” I said as she sat next to me and I put my head on her shoulder.

“She’ll come around, now get up you make mommy look bad. Thats not football captain material. Now is it?” I laughed. Goddamn, she always know how to cheer me up. “Now is he coming over? I need to know if I have enough cheese.”

“Uhh, yeah mom.” I said and got up. “Now get out.”

“I love you, cutie pie…” She said and walked out. I guess I didn’t need to tell you she said that…. Hehe.  I laughed to myself and sat on my bed. My phone vibrated, I answered Luke's text and turned in the television.

“Dude, you just killed us…” Luke yelled and punched my arm. I came out of my daze. I looked up and paused the game. “What’s gotten into you?”

“Addi, came over and we sorta made out. And I said I loved her and..”

“You said I love you, are you stupid. She’s not even your type. She’s emo, bro your a football captain.” Luke said and gave me a serious look. “Dude listen, She’s not even into you. Today when I was at the skate park she was having eye sex with Vince. When he introduces himself to her at school monday, Ha bro you won’t exist..”  I thought about it and picked up my phone. “Dont.”  

“Ill be right back, I need to take a leak.” I said and went into my bathroom. I shut the door, then looked at myself in the mirror. I picked up my phone again and called Addie. She picked up on the 3rd ring.


“Hey Adds,”

“Whats up?”

“I’m sorry about kissing you”

“It’s okay it takes two to kiss”

“Ha, yeah I guess so…” I paused

“So why did you call?”

“To ask you..”


“Uhh.. Dna?”

"Stay Away."

I put on some skinny jeans and a blue hollister shirt. Luke and I walked out the house and got into my car. We drove down the street to the skate park, when we got out I popped open my trunk.  

I looked at all of my boards and grabbed my favorite one, and Luke grabbed his. We walked over to the crowed of people and saw a fight. It was a normal 8th grader fight. After boredom we walked up to Zach, Lizzy, Morgan, and Kayde. “Ohhh Kayde, fine as always.” Luke said and kissed her cheek.

“Ugh, get a life youngey” Morgan said

“Its Junge! You’re just jealous.” He winked and took off his shirt. Eww..

“Come on you guys, who wants to hit the ramps with me?” I said and Lissa walked away, Morgan sighed and Kayde was busy trying to get out of Luke’s hold. “Zach?” He pointed at lissa as he just wanted to be with her. “Damn couples..Anyone else?”

“Yeah me.” I turned around and looked down..


“Me, has a name Bekka. I’m a sophomore.”

“Nice to meet you, so do you like football players?”

“No eww, so ramps pretty boy?” She smiled and hopped on her bored and left. I followed right behind.

After an hour of skating with a beautiful girl we sat on top of one of the ramps. I took off my sweaty shirt and put it around my neck. “So you never told me your name.”

“Drake Matthews, senior year. So how come i’ve never seen you around here?”

“My brother and I just moved back here. You should know him he’s a senior.”

“I bet I do, but lets pay attention to us.” I said, so.. I was a player, so what. But, she was special like I knew her.. I placed my hand on her face and she touched my chest.

“Oh sorry.”

“It’s okay, I do play football.” I said and she kept her hand on my chest and I leaned down and kissed her. We kept kissing for about ten minutes..

“Bekka! Get your ass down here.” We let go of each other and looked down.

“You’re a Monroe? Dammit.”

“Haha, is that Drake?” He laughed and we both slid down.

“Yeah whats up, Vince.” I said fiercely, “So, how you wanna do this because I need to talk and so the fuck do you.”

“Why don’t I go first, get your fucking hands off my sister. And put on a fucking shirt.” He yelled

“Is that it?”

“For now,”

“Good, don’t even think about touching Addie.” I yelled.

“Phhs she doesn’t even know you exist..”

“Yeah, is that why we made out last night?”

“You kissed her.”

“It takes two to kiss..”

“Just wait till tomorrow, All of your sluts will be on me. All ‘till I get Addie of course... she already knows she wants me and I like her, don’t screw this up for me.” Vince said and took his sister to his car. If Addie really does like him, she won’t need me.

“Lukas Anthony Gage mother-fucking Junge, lets go!” I yelled.

“Well thats my queue ladies don’t forget to call me and…”



After I dropped off Luke at his place, I dropped my car off at my house. I walked over to Addies house and opened the door. I stormed in and ran upstairs to Addies room. “Drake what’s wrong?” I ran up to her and asked the biggest regret to ask a girl.

“Are you crazy?” facepalm…Did I really just asked that?..

“No, are you fucking crazy?”

“Did you talk Vince?”

“No, why?”

“Do you like him?”

“I just met him. Not officially, but it’s possible.”

“He’s bad news.”

“Whatever happened between you two I don’t care.”

“But you will..” I said and ran up to her and kissed her. She pushed back.

“No, you can’t do this every fucking time you want to be forgiven..”

“But I love you..” I said and kissed her again.

“But I don’t anymore..” She said and we started walking downstairs. She walked to to her door. “I’m sorry.” She said and tipped toed to kiss me on the cheek.

“When did you stop?”

“Stop what?”


“When I realized, I deserved better.” She said and whispered in my ear. “Please stay away, for me. ‘Till I want you to come back.”

“I cant, I love you.”

“No, you don’t you love the thought of us. In that case I love you to... I just can’t handle you.” She said and shut the door on me.

"Mixed Connections"

(Addison’s P.O.V)

“Addie, Addie.” Someone said. “Adds get up, It’s almost time for school.” I opened my eyes only to see the one person I hated more than Drake. “Morning cutie.” Luke said.

“Eww.” I said and sat up. “Where’s Brandon?”

“They left.”


“You ask a lot of questions..” Luke said and I looked at his bare chest.. “Yeah but anyway I crashed here last night. Blake said to sleep in the empty room next door, but I couldn’t help seeing you sleep so peaceful. So, I came in and layed next to you. Yeah so, technically we slept together.”

“Excuse me?” I said furiously and rubbed my eyes.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t touch you. Yet.” He Winked and touched my leg.

“Hmmm why don’t we do something exciting?” I said staring deep into his brown eyes.

“Really? Now? Should I get undressed?” He stuttered.. If he wasn’t so goddamn cute I would hit him. But, instead I put my finger up to his lip and smiled.

I leaned in and whispered in his ear. “Get the hell out or, I will personally destroy your manhood.” He backed up and scratched his head

“Well, thats not exciting at all…. I’ma leave, I’ll be in the guest bedroom..”

“Good idea, I’ll knock on the door when I’m ready to leave.” I added as he walked out the door.

I put on my Batman shirt, bright dark blue skinny jeans, and my yellow vans. I walked over to my vanity and put on my make up then straightened my hair.

A good hour later Luke and I headed outside. I turned my head to only see Drake.. “Sup’ Luke, Did you hit bro.” Drake said to cause drama. As always..

“NO. I would NEVER touch her.. I respect her to much..” Luke spit right out of his mouth. Good kid..

“Let’s go.” I mumbled and luke and I got into my car. As we pulled out Luke started talking.

“You know he like’s you right..”

“Yes, He told me he loved me about 10 times the past two days.”

“Dude, he’s whipped..”

“Dude, Im not a dude. And believe me I know..”

“Just give him a chance. Think about it..” Luke said and we stopped at a red light. I put my head on the wheel and breathed deep.

I pulled into the parking lot and parked in my usual spot. When we pulled up, Luke and I got out together. “Hello ladies,” Luke said and I rolled my eyes…. He walked up to his “Babes,” and I walked to my locker. I opened it and picked up my books and slipped them into my backpack. I walked to Room 306, Kemestry, And sat down in the back..

“Welcome class for another great, boring class. I will be horrified to say there is another new student. Vince Monroe, Welcome.” I put my head up and smiled. He seemed more cute with the tight white shirt he was wearing.. “Vince, go ahead and sit down in the back next to Miss Myers.” I blushed and he walked towards me, then sat down. “Now, class do whatever till period is over. And I am going play candy crush..” Everyone laughed and I turned to Vince.

“Hey, so you know my brothers?” I said and he turned towards me and nodded. “You’re not gonna talk?” He shook his head and smiled.

“Let me talk first.” He said and I smirked.


“I want to introduce myself, politely. I guess the other day I was just shy to see such a beautiful girl.” He shrugged and laughed.

“That was so cheesy.”

“It was.” We laughed together. “Why don’t I try again.”

“Good idea.”

“Feel my jacket.” He said and I rubbed my hand along his jacket. “You know what it’s made of?” Vince said and I shrugged then smiled. “Date material.”

“Oh much better..” I said and we laughed together again. “How come everyone knows you and I dont?”

“I was afraid you'd ask that. Me and the guys go back, I think we met once but that was when I went by Ryan.”

Suddenly I thought of 8th grade. Tall, blonde, to die for green eyes. Then I remember from when Drake was on vacation with his mom the only other guy that asked me to prom was Ryan Roe. He had a first name that no one cared to ask about. Ryan the guy that I had my first kiss with in the middle of the under the sea themed prom. Ryan the kid that left and no one heard of again after prom night.. “Ryan from middle school? My only other date to prom other than Drake?”

“Yeah but I doesn't matter now. I’m Vince now. Short, black haired, Green eyed different guy.” He said and the bell rang. I got up and whispered in his ear holding him close.

“That’s to bad, I really liked how sweet Ryan was. But thats a Forever Fantasy.” I copied his tattoo quote and walked out of class..

I walked into Science and sat at my desk. This is the place that started this little story. I fucking hate Science.

“Miss Myers, Come here please?” Mrs. Franco said. I stood up and walked to her desk, if it wasn’t for Drake i’d be done with this stupid project.

“Yeah, whats up?” I asked and looked at Chris, who was standing next to me.

“Drake asked for a new partner for the project, you’re new partner is Chris. I’m only giving you two days. Get it done you two.” She said and Chris and I turned around, then walked to my desk.

“So, Uh i’ll see you tomorrow night at seven? Your place?” I nodded and sat down as class began.

"A few Months Later.."

(Vince’s P.O.V)


I walked into my room, setting my bookbag on my bed. I walked up to a box marked “music” and opened it up. Then i got out my Forever The sickest Kids album and put it in my stereo. I put it on track nine and walked to my “hair Station” I will not call it a vanity.. Anyway i turned on my hair straightener and took off my shirt and walked into my closet.

I put on an Asking Alexandria shirt and changed into gray skinny jeans. I pulled down them a little, for a small sagg. I walked back over to my straightener and re-flattened my bangs. I started dancing to myself to the music. then suddenly heard laughing... I turned around and saw my sister sitting on my bed.

“What do you want?” I said as I sprayed cologne all over my chest.

“A brother with less of a scent.” Bekka said and laughed.

“Funny,” I said with a straight face and walked over to my bed and sat down.

“Where are you going?” She said and a smirk came upon my face..

“Thats not any of your business.” I said and looked at her. She was all prettied up and girly  stuff.. “OOH, are you going on a date?”

“Yes and you know where Addison Myers lives?” I smiled and nodded.”Can you drop me off next door?” SHe said and I nodded, Then I started worrying about addi, who lives next to her. Can he bother her? Does he like her? Wait what guy doesn’t? I shouldn't worry.. I trust her...

“Who lives next door to her? Is he her age?”

“He’s eighteen, and I’m not gonna tell you..” Bekka smirked and grabbed my keys.

“Your fifteen, he’s a senior.”

“I’ll be sixteen in two weeks.”

“Whatever, give me my keys. Lets go.” I said and we left.

(Addison’s P.O.V.)

After putting on my Asking Alexandria shirt, purple jeans, and gray vans. I walked outside and sat on my porch, I looked over and saw Drake walking over to me.. “Hey Adds.” He sighed and sat next to me.

“What are you so dressed up for?” I asked looking him up and down.

“I’m going to a party with this girl i’ve been dating. She’s great, you’d love her.” Drake said and I smiled only thinking about Vince. But this girl he’s dating is probably his usual slut.

“That’s cool.” I nodded as Vince pulled up, Drake stood up and waved bye. I watched as a girl got out of Vince’s car. Is that what Vince wanted to talk about? He has a girlfriend… I saw Vince walk up to her and kiss her on her head. Are they brother and sister? She had red and black hair and was really pretty. Vince walked up to me and I watched slowly as she ran up to Drake and Kissed him. What?

I hugged Vince and laughed. “What?” He laughed and we walked inside.

“We’re matching.” I said and we walked upstairs he sat on my bed. I walked into my closet and changed into a Falling In Reverse tee.

“Ha, I guess we were..” He mumbled acting really weird.

“So, Do you want to study tonight?” I said and sat next to him.

“No, I was wondering if you wanted to go out, or something? I mean we have been Hanging out for about three months or so.. I really want to get you know you this summer before you go to university..” He stuttered, It was cute how sensitive he was. As I thought about him he just kept talking. I smiled and kissed him. “Thats a great way to shut me up..” He said and kissed me back.


That day was another stupid pep rally….But my brothers made me go so that they could. Dropouts…..Ugg.

Later that night me and Vince walked up the bleacher steps.. The wind was blowing right towards us, we sat down next to my brothers and His sister, Bekka. Bekka was so sweet no wonder why Drake liked her so much. I watched as she cheered on him.. Soon I felt a bad vibe coming on. To shake the bad feeling I stood up and started cheering for Luke.. I watched at Drake was passed the ball and he ran… “Past it Matthews!!” I yelled and everyone looked at me…. Heh.. So I liked football. Its not that big of a deal.. I shrugged and yelled again “Drake pass it to Jacob!” And then Drake was tackled, He looked really hurt when everyone came off of him. He wasn’t moving, then I sat down.

“Timeout!” I heard two referees call. Both  coaches ran up to him and Mr. Lasith our coach got on the phone.. Everyone around us started talking about it. I just stayed quiet..

About 2 hours later most people left but me and Vince, “Babe, you wanna go?” Staying here isn’t gonna help him.” He said and I stood up.

“Yeah lets go…” I said and we walked to his car and went to his house. When we got there we went up to his room. Since we started dating i’ve been here almost everyday.

“Do you wanna spend the night?” He said and nodded and he handed me a shirt, after changing I layed down on his bed and he laid next to me……

I faced him and he grabbed my body and pushed it against his. I began kissing him and he picked me up and put me on top of him. I felt his bare chest under me, And I Immediately thought about how he probably thinks I wanna have sex. I started thinking about how I lost my virginity to Drake, I.. Need this,. I wanted to have sex with Vince. I kept kissing him and Took off my shirt. He flipped over so he was on top and I unbuttoned his jeans and he took them off. “Bae, you are so sexy.” he said and I took off my shorts and rubbed his briefs.

“Woah babe,” He said and got up.

“What,” I said smiling.

“I like you alot… almost love, but.”


“We can’t have sex…” Vince said

“Why not…?” I said confused.

“I Don’t want to.” Vince said

“I’m gonna leave,” I said and put on my clothes

“No, Babe…”

“What?” I yelled, I was mad he rejected me.

“No. Im a Virgin…” Vince yelled….

“This was just the beginning”

It had been two months since my boyfriend at the time yelled at me because he was a virgin. He didn’t set off that vibe, it seem as if he did have sex alot… I just stared at my alarm clock waiting for it to go off. Three, two, one.. BEEP, BEEP, BEEP… Gahh, I hit the off button and sat up. I walked over to my dresser and picked my phone up off the charger. 26 Messages, What? I read a few and people I never talk to were sending messages saying “I’m so sorry addison, about Drake..” What the Fuck does that mean.

I called Drakes phone at least 20 times. Then I called his mom,

“Addison!” His mom said

“Hey, where’s Drake.” I said and started changing clothes.

“Were uh up at the Hospitable.” She said and I hung up… Shit.

I Drove to the Amber county Hospitable, When I went inside I told them shit so they thought I was related to Drake. They took me up to his room, When I opened the door I saw drake and his mom talking. They soon both stared at me. “Addie,” Drake said and stood up and walked over to me then gave me the softest kiss. I would have-NO should have pushed him of me but I followed back with his lips.

 “Uhh about last night, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have Took your Virginity, You just looked so great. And you were into it.” Drake said and I was so confused,,

“Drake it’s okay, That was three years ago”

“No, that was last night.. Right?” He said and looked at his mom.

“Drake you're 18, Remember?” I said and He grabbed me and shook his head no.. “Drake alot has changed… Can we talk alone?” I asked and his mom left the room.

“None of this makes sense, are we together? Did we go to formal…”

“Drake.. Were not together, we actually arent best friends anymore, you had sex with my sister, And You have a girlfriend and I have a boyfriend..” I said and it broke my heart to say it..

“No, you’re mine.” He said and pushed me backwards to the bed in the room and kissed me, I’ll admit it I kissed back.. We kept kissing and he layed me down and got on top of me, he took off his green american eagle shirt and continued kissing me.. “I love you,” He said

“I love you to,” I whispered back and he took off my shirt, everything just went so fast….


 (Vince’s P.O.V)

Me and Bekka walked up the stairs of the hospitable. We walked down the hall and found room 583 me and Bekka looked at the chart and saw Drake Matthews… Ugg I only did this for Bekka.

I walked into the room and saw Drake on top of some girl. She looked really familiar huh...“Drake?” Bekka asked and he sat up.

“Who are you?” He said that Douche How dare he say he doesn't remember her… Then all of a sudden i saw Addie under him, “Common Bekka Fuck those two.” And we left..


(Addison’s P.O.V)

I quickly got off the bed and got dressed..

“Who was that?” Drake said and I rolled my eyes…..

“Your Girlfriend, and my boyfriend..”

“Oh...wait was that Vince?” He asked and I nodded my head and grabbed my keys and started to walk out..

“Wait!” Drake yelled and I turned around.

“What?” I said hesitant

“Please stay… I need you... I love you…” He spaced his sentences and started to tear up..

“I…...I can’t.” I said and walked out the door while balling my eyes out… Then I heard the door open again..

“Please I have no one left!” He yelled and ran up to me.. Gosh what is this a Dear John movie.. I just stood there as he looked into my eyes.. “After dad died mom doesn’t talk to me much, and you were all I had.. I don’t just fall in love, You felt something when I kissed you and you know it..” He said and I sighed..

“And what if I did.. I leave in a month to university..”

“I come with..” He said and wiped a tear off my face and kissed me, I kissed him back and we walked outside and left.. Uggh Vince.. if you're reading.. Im sorry..

“So…..You Understand right?”

Vince didn’t take it to well seeing me making out with another guy.. And that day went horrible.

“I still dont believe you Addie..You were into it. I easily saw how you were half naked. We just need to take a break..” Vince sighed and sat next to me on his bed..

“I leave in a month..”

“I got into jamestown though ill be a few miles away..” All of a sudden I thought about Actually us dating all through college being 20’s parents and getting married.. No thats Creepy.. Then I thought about Drake. I don’t think I can hide the fact I love him..

So then me and Vince were taking a break.. I really missed him..

I shut my eyes and Cried a little as he hugged me.. He let go and I realized I needed to. I got up and left…

When I pulled up to my house my brothers were outside taking and shit with their friends..I walked inside and walked upstairs. I opened my door and saw Drake sitting on my bed.. “Hey baby.” He said and I sat next to him..

“What are you doing here?” I sighed..

“Every saturday night I come over..” He said and stared at me.. “Oh, I guess not anymore…” He scratched his head.. He started rambling and I began to cry a little.. “Oh babe, It's gonna be okay the doctor said I should remember everything soon.”

“No me and Vince broke up…” I said and he looked me deep in the eyes..

“Do you love him more than me?”

“I dont know.. I mean we never said love..But you know I love you.” I smiled and he kissed me and we lied back starting to make out.. I smiled and so did he.

“I love you too..” He whispered and started kissing my neck, I tugged at the bottom of his shirt and began lifting it up and he finished taking it off. I kissed him then looked at his chest. His perfect abs were pressed against me.. He started kissing my neck again and nibbled a little bit, causing me to moan, he just smiled.. “Your so cute,” He said and I blushed. Then he started tickling me, “Are you Blushing Addison Myers? Are you, Are you?” He smiled while tickling me. I just started squirming around.

“Stop.. Stop Drake.” I said and I got to the part where I could pin him down.. “Gottcha,” I said and smiled.. He grabbed my face and softly kissed me..

“No, I got you..” Drake said

"...And Off We Go"

“Okay so were all packed...You ready to go?” Kayde said and zipped up Her last suitcase.. I smiled and so did she.

“I can’t Believe we’re going to college together, Were half way done with life..”

“Only if we live to 40 kid, So...Drakes Birthday is tomorrow..” She said and I laughed

“He Thinks he’s gonna be 16 but his memory is starting to come back…”

“Haha, So are you gonna give him birthday sex?” She laughed and I Blushed then nudged her.

“No. Were not together.” I said and we both walked outside to our cars.

“Oh right..” She said and pointed to Drake, who was leaned against his truck..

“He has no one else kay..” I said and walked up to him..

“Hey Babe..” He said and kisses me playfully.. I blushed and looked at Kayde and Chris.. Kayde made a heart with her hand and I smiled.. She kissed Chris then he got in his jeep..

“Bye bitch see ya’ there” She said and got in the passenger side.. I laughed and got in the passenger side of his truck and we drove off.

“Music?” He said and turned on the radio and The song “She looks so perfect” By Five Seconds Of Summer was on.. Oh geez Hipstep music.. Haha just kidding. This was a good song..Till Drake started singing..

“You look so perfect standing there In my American Apparel underwear And I know now, that I'm so down. Your lipstick stain is a work of art, I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart And I know now, that I'm so down HEY!” He was screaming the lyrics..

“Baby..Baby. Stop…” He look over at me and I was just shaking my head.. I reached in his backseat and grabbed my Sleeping With Sirens album. I put in the CD and played Track 2 “Roger Rabbit”

“Is there a right way for how this goes? You've got your friends And you've got your foes..They want a piece of something hot, Forget your name like they forgot..Ohh Ain’t that something..” I sang and he cut me off..

“Please don’t..” He laughed and kissed me at red light.. “I love you..”

“I love you too, So About your birthday.. How about a party? Your house?”

“Cool i’m into it.. Just bring your self and some beer..” He laughed and kissed me again

“Okay..” I smiled and he did to..

A few Hours later we pulled up to Julian, Drake parked in dormitory parking next to Chris and Kayde. After we got out we walked into the crowed collage, Me and Kayde picked up our slips and read all our classes, dorm room, and roommates.

“Whatcha’ got?” I asked Kayde

“D45, and Morgan Were..Hehe Chris I got ya sister…” She laughed And Chris grabbed her slip. “What about you Adds?”

“D19, And this guy Austin Gunter…”

“Why is there a guy in your doom? I mean.. You should be sleeping in a room with a girl..” Drake snapped…

“I don’t know calm down Ricky Bobby shesh..” I smiled and kissed his cheek, “Its gonna be okay”

“I know, I trust you.” He smiled and we walked to my dorm room..I smiled and opened the door. Only to see my roommate with his shirt off, It was nice to see all of his tattoos but I can not say the same for Drake..

“Hey you must be Addison, Im Austin..” He walked up to me and winked. I couldn’t help but blush.

“And I’m Drake Im sorta her boyfriend…” He said and i laughed..

“Sorta,” I said and we brought in my bags..


After Drake and Chris left, Kayde went to her dorm. I opened one of my bags and put all my clothes in my closet, and all my shoes under my bed. I opened another bag that was filled with bras, socks and undies, There was a nightstand type- thing in my closet that I filled with my undergarments. At the bottom of that bag were some posters, I grabbed the tape and stood on my bed. I put up my Asking Alexandria and Sleeping With Sirens posters before looking behind me. Austin wasn’t on his bed, I shrugged and started to feel myself fall back. I felt muscular hands grab my waist, I turned around and saw Austin. His deep blue eyes hit my light hazel eyes like a bomb, I couldn’t take my eyes off him. He was like a magnet.. I noticed his pupil get bigger. He broke the trance and set me down. “Be more careful.” He ordered and walked out of the room, What the hell?

"Happy Birthday...And Sorry"

“I kissed the scars on her skin, I still think you’re beautiful, And I don’t ever want to lose my bestfriend.” I woke to the sound of Vic’s beautiful voice, I sat up and yawned then rubbed my eyes.. I took my headphones off and saw Austin drawing. I stood up and walked over to him and sat on his bed. It was a drawing of me sleeping, it was weird but he’s a great artist.

“It’s beautiful,” I sighed and he smiled.

“Good morning.” He said and I stood up.

“Mornin’” I said back and walked into our bathroom, I got a quick shower and wrapped myself in a towel, Austin was on his bed still but now he was watching tv. I walked into my closet and  changed into Drakes favorite color. Blue, I grabbed a black and blue underwear and bra, then I put on a blue tanktop and a black and indigo plaid cover. After changing. I grabbed my blue vans and slid them on.

“What are you doing today?” Austin said

“My ‘Sorta-Boyfriends’ birthday is today, so we’re throwing a party.” I wrote down my address and handed it to him. “Come if you want. I have a bunch of my single friends coming. It should be fun” I smiled

“Alright, i’ll think about it..” He said and i walked out of the door. I walked outside and saw Drake sitting on the tailgate of a truck. He hopped up and pushed up the tailgate, he ran up to me and picked me up, then kissed me passionately.

“Happy birthday.” I whispered between our kisses. He let go and smiled while putting me down, smiling.

“Thanks, you like my birthday present?” He said pointing to the truck. I nodded and he walked me to the passenger side and opened the door. I smiled and hopped in, he peaked my lip and shut the door.

After he got in in we drove to the grocery store, we got out and I grabbed a cart from the parking lot and we walked inside. We started walking down the 1st asle, “Hey, i’m paying for this.”

“No your not,” I snapped then laughed. “I didn’t get you a present anyway, So i’ll pay” I said and picked up 3 packs of 150 solo cups.

“You’re my present, you smurf.” He smiled and looked me up and down. “Thanks for wearing my color bae.” He stated and I laughed.

“How am I your present?” I said grabbing cocktail mix, Then suddenly he stopped the cart and looked me in the eyes. Kissing me soft I tiptoed to receive more, Then I heard a scoff.. Before letting go, I held on to his hand. “Uh yes?” I sighed tilting my head slightly only to see some whore.

“Hi Drakey pie,” The hoe said, and i looked at Drakes face only to see disgust.

“Hey Scarlett.” He said, “What do you want?” He gripped my hand tighter..

“I just wanted to say happy birthday..” The hoe winked and played with her hair. Ew.

“Thanks, bye now.” He said and we walked down the aisle, I smiled and so did he.

“Who was that?” I asked and grabbed tons of bags of chips.

“Cheerleader..Drake follower, in other words.” I smiled.

“Okay then, If i was the jealous type though shit would have just went down.” I laughed he he grabbed beer and booze.

“Thats scary..” He laughed and put them in the cart.

After we left we went to my house, My brothers were hanging streamers all over, Drake had all the stuff from the store and took them into the kitchen. “PARTY TIME BITCHES!” Blake yelled and jumped off the couch.

“Your stupid.” Brandon said and walked into the kitchen. I followed him and sat on the counter. “Girl’s coming?”

“No just guys..” I rolled my eyes and hopped down and grabbed a bag of ice, and poured ice into a few bowls. then filled the ice bowls with beer and soda.

“Well then,” Brandon said and grabbed a beer and walked out.. I laughed and turned around to see Drake drinking apple juice. I nodded my head and smiled. Then my phone rang.

“Hey Adds.”

“Hey Vince.”

“So you guys are throwing a party?”


“Can I come?”

“It’d be best if you didn’t”

“Right, Anyway. tell him I said Happy birthday, and I’m Sorry..”

“Okay, i will.”

“Bye” His voice cracked..



I walked back into the kitchen and sat next to Drake.. “Who was that?”

“It was Vince,”

“Oh..” He frowened

“Don’t worry, He called to say happy birthday and sorry.”

“He said sorry?”

“Yeah, why?”

“I can’t tell you…” A tear ran down his face. “Sorry..” He got up and grabbed a beer and walked out..


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.05.2014

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