
"Juiceboxes and party kisses."

Let's cut to the Chase. I have No parents, they left when I was little. I have no brother's or sister's, my only brother died last year in a car crash. I have one thing, my bestfriend. I've known Logan for a long time, we first met in kindergarten. He had a crush on me for the longest time but, finally in 7th grade he relized we were just best friends. I live with him and his brother's, his parents died when he was little. Logan is good looking but, not my type we're pretty much twins. And if I were to date him it would be awkward. His name is Logan Jameson and mine is Logan James. Weird right? I never got to chose if we would be friends or not our names did. When we were little our cubby numbers were next to one another and when we were in highschool all our classes we together."Logan wake up." I said and jumped on his bed."What?" He moaned and grabbed my knee's and I fell on him."It's the first day of Summer vacation!" I yelled"What are we doing today?" He moaned but, louder."Haha, We bought tickets to the fair" I said "Don't you mean I bought tickets for us to go to the fair?" "Yeah, yeah whatever" I said in my fake Jersey accent. "Get up and get in the shower then, we can play some X-box.""Okay, Get off me so I can get up." He said and I got off his lap, Then I sat on my bed and picked up my phone. I texted Alex, Logan's little brother to bring me a juicebox. He said no, what a stubbern kid. I hopped off my bed and walked down stairs. Once I got into the kitchen, Alex was sitting on the kitchen counter.............. Drinking the last juicebox."Oh, I ought to kill you. I bought those. I Need applejuice, Geeze dude." I said and put him in a head-lock. Then Branden walked in."Want help?" Branden said and Picked Alex up and Put him upside down. I laughed "Why, agian are we hurting Evil?" "Because Evil drank the rest of my applejuice." Branden smiled and Alex struggled."Put me down!" Alex yelled"Say sorry to Lo," Branden said. Lo is what they called me so thay didn't get me mixed up with Logan."Sorry." He mumbled and Branden droped him, Alex face hit the floor."Branden," I laughed. "That was mean." I laughed harder and he laughed with me. "Hey, Where's Trenton?" I asked he was Logan's oldest brother he pay's for the house."I don't know why?" Branden asked"I wanna throw Logan a 18th birthday party.""Trenton won't care, Just invite alot of girls." "I'll invite alot Just so you can Finnaly get laid." I laughed, Branden is 15. I like giving him a hard time."I've Gotten Laid, I get ass...All the time..Yeah I get ass, everyday." He said and I laughed"No, you don't." Alex said Logan's 10 year old brother said. I laughed and Logan walked in."Who's got ass?" Logan asked."Lo does," Branden said."You know it," I said.

"Wanna go play Xbox?" I asked."Yepp, and you do have ass." He said and walked over to me and picked me up. Alex smiled and stuck his tounge out. That fucking evil kid."Put me down,"I said."I'm just taking you upstairs" "Fine." After we got upstairs I sat on the couch in our room, and he turned on the Xbox. Then he sat next to me. About 20 minutes into the game I asked him if he wanted a party."So your 18th birthday is on friday." I said"Yeah." "So can I throw you a party since you wouldn't let me last year.""Huh, When you kiss me I'll let you throw me a party." Then I thought about it, I've kissed him before he made out with me last year at this one party. But I was drunk. So why not?"Okay," I said and grabbed his face and kissed him. "Woah," He said and kissed me agian, And I pushed off him."No Buster." I said and he laughed and countiued playing. "So party?" I asked "I guess." He said and I smiled"See my kisses are special""I can count on it." He smirked and we both started playing agian.

"Same Clothes and Big wheels"

I changed into Purple jeans, a Asking Alexandra tee shirt, My purple beanie and, My conbat boots. After I got dressed I walked into the bathroom and, started doing my makeup. Then Logan ran in and unziped his pants. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked"I need to pee and Alex is in our bathroom!" Logan said and whiped it out."Woah, bro. Put it away," I said and covered my eyes. "I Came to the one down stairs because I didn't wan't you runing in." I said and he ziped his skinny Jeans. Then I opened my eyes and, he walked over to me. I looked him up and down. I noticed it botheing him."What?" He yelled"Is that what your wearing?" I asked."Yeah, woah were wearing the same thing.""No shit, Hand me that shirt on the rack over there." I said and he handed me a Black Veil Brides shirt. I took off my shirt and put on the one he handed me. I walked over to the closet in the bathroom where I keep some of my clothes. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and handed him them. "What's this?" He asked"Taco's, put them on.""Sweetie pie that's not possable." He said. "You're smaller then me Lo, Your Jeans won't fit and take off the purple beanie." He said and I put on my blue one that was on the counter."I have a ass you don't, Their gonna fit." I said and he took of his pants and put on mine. "Good, now stop wearing purple jeans. Thats my thing.""Fine, Princesses. Now are you ready to go to a fair?""Yeah," I said and he ran up to me and picked me up and took me outside out to his car. "Stop, picking me up." I said and we hopped in his car. He turned on the car and we left. "Hey, We should dye our hair tommorrow.""No." He said with no struggle."Why?" I asked "If I dye it it will fall out and my hair will be short. I like it long and soft, not short and raggedy." He said"Are you gay?" I asked because he sounded like a fagg. He stopped the car at a red light and, looked at me."Lo I think you know i'm not gay" He said and winked.I laughed "Oh, shut up. I told you I don't wanna talk about that night.""Oh, the night I deflowered you." Okay so on my 15th birthday me and Logan were virgins, and we thought since we were such good friends we should have sex. "I said shut up." I laughed and hit him."Oh, Logan faster" He moaned."Are you quoting your self." I teased, one of the only perks we have with having the same name."Your mean." After our small conversation we pulled into a parking lot and he parked the car and we got out. "Logan, I'm giving you permission to carry me on your shoulders.""Yes!" He said he loved picking me up it was a thing of our's. He held my hand to help me get on the hood of his car. "Becareful." He said and backed his self up to the car and I got on his shoulders. Once I adjusted, He started walking to the fair...On the next block. I looked down at him and smiled. I started sticking my fingers in his mouth. "What..Are..You..Doing?" He asked between fingers."I'm bored." I said and wipped his slobber on his shirt. A few munites later we walk into the park and up to a group of friends. I stayed on Logan's shoulder. "Hey Taylor," I said to one of my only girlfriends."Hey LoLo,"I looked down and Logan looked up,"Will you put me down my butt hurts." I said and he helped me down"I can make it hurt more." Clay said and winked."Eww." I said and Taylor laughed. I dated Clay but we broke up because he thought I liked Logan. Then Austin walked up to us, He's Taylors boyfriend. "Hey Austin," I said then whispered in Logans ear."Wanna go ride some rides?" He nodded."Were gonna go." Logan said and we walked away. We started walking to the farris wheel. We gave the ticket keeper one of our tickets and Logan helped me on. After we got on we started talking. "Clay's a duche don't let it get to you." He said and I set my head on his shoulder."I won't, So you ready to party hardy tomorrow?""Yeah, But don't invite alot of people.""I was gonna invite Girls" I said and we reached the top of the ferris wheel."I only want one girl there.""Who?" I said and the ferris wheel stoped."You," He said and grabbed my face like I did to him. But he ment it, and Kissed me. I pushed off him and started hitting him in the chest. "Calm down." He said and grabbed my hands "What's Wrong?""I'm Not supposed to like you but, I think I do.""Why not?""Because, were to good of friends.""I waited 12 years, fuck friendship I wan't a relationship." He paused and a tear rushed down his face."With you." I hugged him."Don't cry. You know I love you." I said and the farris wheel started agian."I love you, too." He said and kissed me on the cheek. Once we got to the bottem and got out the Ticket master said one thing i'll never forget."Life is like a roller coaster,it has it's up's and down's.""Wanna get out of here?"

"Condom's and Girlfriends"

I woke up in Logan's bed and I stood up on his bed and woke him up how I usally do. But this time I yelled the "Happy Birthday" song. "Good morning beautiful." He moaned"Morning, Happy 18 birthday!" I said and sat on his lap."Thank you, I had fun last night." He said I kissed him on the neck and up to his lips in between words."I.... Did.... To... Now.... Get.... Up.""Okay." He said and kissed me. It felt werid kissing him but I know we got drunk last night and I woke up in his bed. I think we broke the ice. I got off his lap and he got up to. I walked into our bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror then put my hair up. I looked at the door and Logan walked in and he walked up to me."Um..Did we use a condom last night?" I asked"I Didn't see any around the bed, are you on birth controll?""I don't have a leagal gardian." I said and he peeked in his boxers."I don't think so..""What make's you think that?""Well usally their's a little line around...."I stopped him "Never mind, I'll go to the docters sometime next week.""Okay," He smiled and picked me up and put me on the bathroom counter and started kissing me. And I started playing with his hair then, wrapped my leg's around his waist.

I kissed his nose and hopped off the counter. I started getting undressed, I took off his shirt I fell asleep in then my jeans. "Is this happening? In the bathroom, I awlays dreaned of this." He asked and tripped while attempting to take off his skinny jeans."No dork, I'm getting in the shower." I laughed and took off my bra and underwear."Can I stay?" He asked"No," I said and turned on the water. Once I got in I herd the door shut. *************** (Logan Jameson's P.O.V.)I walked down stairs but, while walking down I counted the steps...19.. Is the number of step's me and Lo walk up and down everyday. I walked into the kitchen and read the note that was on the Icebox. It read "Took Alex and Branden to the denist be back at 6. I don't care if people come over, Happy Bithday Bro. Trenton." After I read it, I opened the icebox and grabbed a soda. I turned around as Lo walked in and jumped on the counter. "Hey bubba." Thats what I like calling her it dosen't mean brother, it means like baby."Hey Logy, So what are we doing tonight?" She asked and I opened my can of soda and took a sip."I don't know, I guess we can throw a party." I said and she took my soda out of my hand, Then took a sip. After she handed it back I set it on the counter."Yay! We need beer," She said and smiled then I kissed he on the forehead."It's so hard to take you serious.""Okay, well take me serious now. What are we, What do you call this thing that were doing?" She asked, she knew i'm not much of a dater. Huh, she's my 'Bestfriend' but she's the only person i've had sex with. "I don't know are we dating. It wouldn't be a bad thing, I like you and you I think like me. We could do this." I said and she wrapped her hands around my neck."But if we break up it could ruin our friendship.""We won't." I said"Hey, I'm not accepting marrage.""I know, I know, But if you pregnant your mine." I smiled"That's not funny. How do you know we had sex anyway?" "You got drunk. I therefore didn't. And you never told me you had a tattoo.""I Got it during spring break." She said and took off her shoe. A cute little batman tattoo."Didn't that hurt, it's on a bone""I was drunk.""I really should have guessed. I never get mine on bones.""You're tattoo's are really sexy." She said and lifted my shirt and I laughed."Do I get to lift your shirt?" I asked and she took off her shirt but she was wearing a tanktop. "Tease." I laughed."There's no reason to tease, you've already seen me naked." I smiled and kissed her. It felt so normal to kiss her."I love you," I whispered in her ear."Logan i'm not playing, What are we? I Know you haven't really dated anyone. But I'm not just gonna kiss you and call you my best friend.""I know," I said and got on one knee. "Logan will you be my girlfriend.""Fine." She sighed and laughed at the same time. Then I stood up and picked her up. "Let's go shopping, we need booze and beer, you look 22 and you have a fake ID." She said and smirked."What did you get me for my birthday?" "I guess you'll find out tonight." She said and I kissed her. 

"Body shots and Punches"

(Logan James P.O.V.)


"What are you gonna wear?" I asked Logan and sat on my bed."The same thing as you are." He laughed and took off his shirt and started looking threw his drawer."I'm wearing My little black dress but I have a blue one if you wanna wear that." I said as serious as I could be."Oh, Never mind then.." He said and grabbed a pair of black jeans and took off his then put them on. I walked over to my closet and took my clothes off. Then I felt Logan behind me, kissing my neck. I smiled and turned around then he picked me up. "Our friends will be here soon." I whispered and he laid me down on his bed."Shhh." He winced and started kiss down my body. I laughed when he got to my tummy."Af-ter the party." I shirved and he came up to my face and kissed my nose."Okay, Now go get dressed." He laughed and so did I. I walked back over to my closet and took off my under wear and put on a new pair. Then I looked threw my closet and in the back was my black dress. I took it off the hanger and slid it on. "Hot, you almost ready?" He asked."Yeah I just gotta put on my boots." I said and grabbed my boots and sat next to him. After I put on my boots we walked down stairs. (Logan Jameson P.O.V.) ‎"Body shots!" Lo yelled and I smiled "Birthday boy first!" She said and laid on the counter. Cory poured some booze into her belly button and some of her belly. "Come on, Logan" She said and I Licked her belly down to her belly button. Then she sat up. "That tickled." "Did It?" I asked and picked her up and kissed her. "Wait, you two are finnaly together?" Clay asked."Yeah. You gotta problem?" Lo said and I held her back. She was drunk."Yeah, bro it's no big deal." I said"Can you tell me one thing?" He asked and I nodded. "Did you guy's hook up when we were dating?""Just once." She said, Why do you hate me Lo?"We had sex because she wanted to be ready for you.""Who cares? She's a slut anyway." Clay said "No she's not who the fuck invited you now, shut the fuck up and leave.""No Skeeze, Are you gonna make me?" "The fuck? I am." I answered my own question and punched him in the chin. I herd a crack, I quickly sobored up. "Wanna go upstairs?" I asked Lo."Yeah," She said and I picked her up. As I walked her up the step's I looked at the sea of people below."Get out," I said to a couple on Lo's bed. As they walked out, I took off my shirt and jeans and Laid on my bed. "Ugggh!" I yelled into a pillow. Lo took off her dress and put on one of my shirts. She does this every night. Then she laid next to me."Are you okay?" She asked"I'm fine, will you grabb my pills from the top drawer right there" I asked and she reached over to my side table and handed me my antidepressant pills. "Here you go," She said. She sobored up, It was cute. "So do you wan't your birthday presient?" She said and kissed me."Sure." I said and smiled. Then she got up and walked over to her closet and grabbed an envlope then walked back to me and handed it to me. "I don't wan't money.""Good, because there's no cash in there." She laughed and I opened it. It was a letter from a University I applied to last month. I got accepted. Then she got up and went back over to her closet."Oh my god babe, can you believe it?" I said and she walked back over to me with a opened envlope. "Read this." I looked over it and hugged her."We both got accepted," A tear ran down her face."We did it, We leave next May." She said and I hugged her agian. "Happy birthday!" She said and we set the letters down on my table."Thank you," I said and Picked her up and laid her down. I started kissing her, Then we made love.


(Lo's P.O.V.)

"Wake the fuck up!" I yelled and punched Logan, He jumped up. I put my hands on my fore head to calm the stress. "What's wrong?" Logan asked"We did it agian, Do you want to be a father? Well I don't wanna be a mother. Come on we were sobor last night, how could we forget?" "Logan, Stop If anything happens were able to take care of it." "No, Logan you dont understand If I get pregant I can't go to CJU. My life will be ruined, the have a rule!" I yelled"Everything will be okay. If your pregant It will be out before next may."

"Test's and dissusions's"

A few weeks later Logan and I did the hardest thing possable. Telling Trevor..... Witch wasn't so hard. We sat down on the couch and Trevor sat on the chair next to the couch. "Hey brother, Um whats up?" Logan said and I nugged him."Umm.. We had sex.""Well it's about time, I only had to put your rooms together.""Twice and we didn't use protection." Logan said."Fuck... Umm I can get Morgan to buy some Pergency test stick things." Trevor said, Morgan is his girlfriend. "I would say the morning after pill but, You guys look like shit so it wasn't last night.""Haha, soo funny." I said sarcasticly."Thanks bro, Can she get it tonight?" Logan asked"She's comming over later I'll tell her to get it on her way over." I smiled and nodded. "And just because I'm chill dosen't mean I'm not Pissed. I am," He said and we wen't up stairs."That wen't well " "It did my darling." He said and backed me up on the bed."No sex." I whispered"Okay," He said and took his shirt off. Then he layed me down and started kissing me. Then our door opened."Eww Eww Eww." Alex said and shut the door and ran away. I laughed and so did Logan. He started to tickle me. "Eww, Eww , Gross , Eww." He said while tickling me. I laughed and fliped over on top of him. "I love you, And what ever happens I'll never leave.""But my parents did.""Were not your parents." He said and I smiled."I love you, too." *****************

(Logan's P.O.V)

"Ready?" Lo asked while I was standing outside the bathroom door."Just pee on the damn stick." I said and it got quiet, What if i become a dad? Shit, If she's Pregnant I'm gonna marry her. I mean, She'll be 18 in November. Were both adults. She walked out of the bathroom. "Is it done? Are you.." She cut me off."It takes 5 minutes I pee'd on 4.""Why?" I asked"Because One could be possitave and one could be neggitave." "Oh, okay." I said and it beeped. She ran in there and I followed her. She started crying, "Babe I'm so sorry, But whatever we deceide. I'm okay with it." She didn't say anything so I hugged her."My Life is ruined." She yelled."No it's not. We can handle this." I whispered, "Do you wanna hit me?""Yes." She smiled and turned around and hugged me the right way. "I Love you Logan.""I love you too." I said and we walked out and walked down stairs. Trevor stood up, and smiled."Is it good, bad?""It's good but, she's pregant." I said and she smiled at me."How the fuck it that good?" "Because I love her.""That's so cute!" Morgan said and I smiled."So are you guys gonna keep it?" Branden said everyone was in the living room but Alex."I don't know." Lo said and shrugged."Yeah there's Adoption or Aboration." Trevor said. There's no way that's happening."Were not gonna kill my kid." I yelled."I couldn't do that, Adoption at least." She said, "But, we could keep it." I smiled"I'll babysitt when you guys have class." Morgan said and Lo smiled."You told her about school?" I asked Lo."Yeah, We all knew." "Bro, just because I didn't go dosn't mean i'd be mad if you went. Both of you," Trevor said I was suprised he didn't wan't me to countiue working in dad's autobody shop."Yeah, you guys are great writers." Branden said."Thank's Guys." I said and kissed Lo on the head."So were Keeping it?" I said."I guess." She said and held my hand. I gotta get a ring, we were having a kid. I'm gonna marry her. I love her.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.01.2014

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To Tori (My sister and her highschool love."

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