
Chapter 1

(Emma's P.O.V.)

I zipped my suitcase, picked up my bag and said goodbye to my bedroom. I walked into my kitchen with the remander of my bags and my mother kissed me on the cheek, and my forehead. She was upset I was gonna be halfway across the world but, proud because I'm only 16 and got a scolorship to a High school of talants in Queensland, England. "I'm so proud of you, honey." My mother said and walked me out to the cab outside. "I Love you, I'll call and text and skype and..." I stopped her "I love you too, mom" I said and kissed her on the cheek and went into the cab. As the cab drove off I watched my mom walk in the house. ************

I helped the cab driver take my luggage out of his cab and then I paid him. I walked into the airport as an airport guy helped me carry my luggage to my destionation in the airport. I know my mother paid for him to help me but I gave him a little tip. He was a teenager mabye a year older than me and he has his job to make money, so I gave a little cash. I don't know why this bothered me so much but, it did. After I boreded the Airplane, I put my luggage in my cubby. I sat down in my first class seat and just thought. About what it would be like in England living with people with fancy accents, food, schools, and thier lifestyle. I put in my earplugs and fell asleep. Knowing I would wake up in England.


I opened two glass door's that lead outside. I looked around where I soon saw a sign,That said Emma Jensen writen red marker. I walked up to the couple and the husband grabbed my bags as me and his wife talked. We talked about what a good year I'm gonna have. Once we got to thier house they showed me around the bottem floor of thier house. "Emma, I'm very sorry but me and my husband got called into work." I nodded and she countinued talking. "Jamie is up stairs with his friend, ask him to show you your room when he comes down stairs." "Yes, and if you need anything just call. Our numbers are on the fridge." Her husband said I havent offically talked to on the long ride here. "Yes sir," I said and they walked out the door. I walked into the living room and sat on the couch for a second I felt like I was still home. I walked into the kitchen I was starved. I opened the fridge and looked around. I saw nothing that showed me intrest. When I shut the door, there stood a teenage boy on his phone. He looked up and said something I'll never forget. "Hey you must be.........Emmy? Oh my god!" He said he wasn't my Ex but he was his bestfriend. "Matt what are you doing here?" I said and hugged him. What was he doing here? So when I was 13 I dated this guy I met on Skype, He was british. I should have known when his mother said Jamie. "I'm here with Jamie, he told me to come get you so I could show you around upstairs. You look good by the way." Matt said and grabbed a juicebox. Then he started walking up the stairs with some of my bags and I grabbed one. "Thanks," I said and we walked into a bed room with two beds. I saw a girls uniform on a clean bed and pointed to it. "Is that a joke?" I asked Matt. "No, Me and Jamie both wear uniforms to." He said and I was confused I didn't think they would both be at a school of arts. That sounded rude but, I never knew anything would be special about them expecally Matt. I never really liked him when we were younger, he was a mean 13 year old. "You go to Charslin School of Arts?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm a music Prodgie and Jamie's parents are just rich." He laughed and so did I. "You know your the only cute girl in England." He said to flatter me with his british accent. Matt has long black hair but sometimes its brown and he's scrony but kinda cute. I have long red hair, I wore shorts because it's the last day of summer vacation and I'm wearing a All Time Low band tee. "Thank you, I'm here because I'm the first 16 year old writer to write a novel." Matt and I set my bags on my bed. I opened one and put my clothes in an empty dresser. Then Jamie walks out of the bathroom. "Hey............."

Chapter 2

"Hey." I said and put more clothes in my dresser. "So you live here?" "Yeah, Matt texted me when he noticed it was you and I guessed when I read your transcript. So were cool right?" Jamie asked "Yeah I mean we were 13 or 12 or whatever." I said and opened a new bag. "Yeah, can I get a hug. When we dated we never got to really touch." He asked witch I didn't care. I walked over to him and hugged him his eyes looked red I think he was doing some coke in the bathroom. I smiled at the thought, then my phone rang. I picked it up, It was Wyatt my current boyfriend. "Hey babe," I said "Oh...It's great here...Yeah..I'll call you later...Yeah, I got here safe." He countiued talking "Awkward." Matt said, I smiled. "Love you too, Bye babe" I said and hung up. Jamie looked at me and smiled sadly. "So you have a boyfriend?" He asked and I unpacked more then nodded. "Does he know you share a room with you Ex boyfriend and your bed is right next to mine? You could easly cheet with a boyfriend that dosen't live here." "Jamie stop, this is why she broke up with you your a duche." Matt said and smiled at me. "Sorry, seeing you is just a little weird" He said and I nodded. "I know." I said Matty walked over to my bed and sat down. "Want help?" He asked I said yeah and handed him a bag. He opened it and saw probably 9 boxes of red hair dye. "Jesus, how many times do you dye your hair." I laughed "I love my hair this color and this will last me a year, Wait don't you dye your hair?" I asked "Yeah, Once every two months Its brown right now." He said and picked them up and put them on the bottem of a bookshelf. Jamie smiled and went down stairs, "Your gonna look hot in that uniform," He said and I laughed "I bet, so does Jamie's parents like you?" I asked Matt dosen't have as money as Jamie and his parents look sterotipical. "Not really but Jamie Is a rude rich kid thats probably why were bestfriends," Matty said and I smiled. "So what's your boyfriends name?" "Wyatt, I wanted to break up before I came but I never told him, he's so cute and sweet and i've known him since I was 5" I said "Well you should, I mean for other's benifits." Matty said slowly "Are you flirting Matthew Siddoway?" I said It was so cool having british friends. "Mabye, what if I am?" He joked and brushed my hair behind my ear and leaned into kiss me. Then Jamie opened the door. "Dude, Not in my room." Jamie said "We wern't doing anything, I have a boyfriend" "I was just playing, you awlays hated Matthew anyway." "Haha you did," Matty said and smiled. Later that night me and Matty got done packing. Jamie ordered a pizza and we ate. I can't believe I'll be at a new school tomorrow. After Matty left, Me and Jamie went upstairs. "Do you like it here so far?" He asked while making his bed. "Not how I expected it," I said and grabbed a towel. "The guys are gonna love you at school." "How So?" I asked "British girls that go there are usally science geeks, or worlds fastest typers. There's only one cutish girl and she's a slut so, no one likes her." "I'm gonna get in the shower," I said "Okay, don't be to long I need to get in too." "I won't," I said and walked Into the bathroom. My first night in England wasn't how I expected it to be but, tommorrow should be better.

Chapter 3

I woke up and changed into my uniform. I did look good. After I got dressed I started doing my hair and makeup. "Hey, what are you doing up so early we dont have to be at school till' eight." Jamie mumbled from his bed "It's 7:30" I said and laughed "I get up at 7:55" Jamie laughed and got up. "Haha, I bet you do." I said and he stood right next to me while I was sitting down. He looked at me threw the mirror. "Why are you wearing makeup your already beautiful." He said and I smiled. "You tired," I said and started putting on eyeliner. "Yeah, but I do know what beauty is." He said and kissed my forehead. "I'm sorry but, I'm not okay with you flirting with me. Not with how we broke up." "You didn't care when Matthew was flirting with you." "I never dated Matty though, and I have a boyfriend." "You almost kissed him I saw you" He said and walked into the bathroom. Wyatt texted me and told me to have a good day even though it was like two in the morning at home. About 20 minutes later Jamie was still in the bathroom so I walked in there. I watched him as he swallowed some pills. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked and he turned around. "Taking my pills, Why?" He asked "Jamie that was like 6." "It was 4 and thier my ADHD pills." He said and I started to cry. "Oh, Emma I'm sorry I forgot" He said and hugged me. "It's just she died and so did my dad." I said and he gripped me tighter. "Look Darling, you smearing your makeup." I laughed, My best friend and my father both killed them selves three years ago. "I promise I'll take them one at a time, Okay?""Oh Okay" I snifled and walked out of the bathroom and fixed my makeup. "You ready, I'm driving." He said and we walked down stairs then outside to his beautiful car. "Nice," I said and hopped into his car and so did he. "Ready?" He asked and turned on his car and started driving. "Yeah," I said and turned on his radio Nothing very good was on besides songs that nobady cares about. Once we pulled into the school driveway, Jamie had a spot with his name on it 'Mr. J. Tutdle' Geeze my Ex was richer than I thought. Once I got out Jamie tapped the top of his car to get my attition. "Be careful" He said and I nodded.I asked a little shy girl where the adiminstraters office is. After she showed me I walked into the office. "Hello?" I asked as a secertery came up from picking up papers under her desk. "Hello, Um are you Emma Jensen?" She asked and I nodded. "Good, Good, Here is your information paper and welcome to Charslin!" She said cheerfully "Thank you " I s aid and walked out of the office and bumped into Matty and his friend. "Sorry," I said and noticed it was him. "Watch it new girl" Matty said and laughed "Damn, You do look good in that uniform." "I know, So who's your friend?" I asked and looked at him. "This is Trevor and he has a girlfriend." Matty said, and Trevor shook my hand. "No Matthew, I don't have a girlfriend." Trevor said and I laughed. "Hey Matty will you help me find my locker?" I asked "Yeah, I'll see you at football pratice Trevor." Matty said and Trevor walked away. "Can I see you slip?" He asked and I handed it to him. "Locker number 2436, Thats a lucky locker." He said "How?" I asked as we started walking. "Because mine is 2437." He said and I smiled Matty was so cute like a puppy dog. Or a lost one. I smiled at my comment "Why are you smiling?" He asked. "I don't know i'm not happy." And I wasn't I was dating a guy I didn't wanna date. "I'm not eaither," He said and held my hand. "Why are you upset?" "Because you have a boyfriend." He said and brushed my hair behind my ear agian I knew he was gonna kiss me I could feel the connection. Something I didn't have with Wyatt. He kissed me.

"I just kissed my first british boy" I said and smiled "I've never kissed a british boy." He said and I laughed "So what about Wyatt?" "I'll talk to him." I said and the bell rang "Bye," "Bye," He said and left.

Chapter 4

I walked into room 177 Mr. James's Music class. I sat in the back of the class and watched everyone walk in. Then Matt ran in "Sorry i'm late," He said and after he saw me he sat next to me. "It's okay Mr. Siddoway, Welcome back young prodgie. Alright you regulars we have a new student this year. She's a state girl" All the boys in the class start clapping "Allrighty, boys calm down. Emma Jensen could you come down to the front?" He said and I walked down to the front of the room and sorta waved. "Alright, This is something we do here to new students and we let students ask you 5 questions. You up for it state girl?" Mr. James was the best teacher I've ever met. "Sure" I said and all the guys raised thier hands. "River?" Mr. James called on first. "Emma, are you single?" River asked and me and Matt looked directaly at each other. "I actually broke up with my boyfriend today." I answered, Matty's face glew like a Christmas tree "Chris?" Mr. James called next. "Do you like british boys or state boys?" "British boys they just have a way with words, or accents." I laughed. "Trevor?" I didn't even see him hiding in the back. "Aren't you Jamie's Ex? And Don't you live with him?" "Yes And Yes, But I was 13 when we dated." "Richard?" Was called forth. "Wanna go on a date tonight?" I laughed, "No." Then everyone laughed. "Matthew?" Was called last. "Wanna go on a date tonight?" Was repeated but by Matty. "Yeah, Hey but only because you need to explain the kiss this morning." I smiled and turned to the teacher. "May I sit?" "No, I need to hear you play one instrument, school rule." He asked and I picked up the flute and began playing . "Beautiful Playing, Thank you." I smiled and sat down in the back next to Matt. "I didn't know you could play." He whispered and touched my hand to open it. "There's alot of things you don't know about me." I whispered back, and he held my hand then kissed me on the cheek. Then the bell rang and we walked out to the hall together. "I'm spending the night at Jamie's tonight." Matt said and smiled. "Where are you gonna sleep?" I asked "I have an idea." He said and laughed "I have the same one." I smiled and paused, "On the floor." "Right," He said. "So, our date tonight. Wanna see some cool places in England? There's a fair tonight." Matty said and walked down the hall with me. "I don't know if Jamie's parents will let me go on a date with you." I sighed "But, I can ask." I said and smiled. Then the bell rang, "Bye," I said "Bye, Darling." He said and ran down the hall. I laughed and thought to my self, "Was he late to every class?" I smiled at my thought and walked to the Cafateria. The Cafateria was like any other one ....... Crowded. After I grabbed my tray I looked at the sea of people. Then I saw Jamie waving at me and I walked to the table he was sitting at. "Hey Emma, These are my boys. Calvin, Steven, Jackson, and Trevor." The Famous Trevor was in all my classes so far Mabye we just had simluar last names. "Hey guys I'm Emma, May I sit?" I asked and they all said "Yes!" At the same time it was funny. I sat next to Jamie and Jackson. "So you guys are the rich kids?" I asked "Yes but, No were the 'Jocky's', As you state girls would say. Not all the team has the same lunch hour though. Like Matthew." He said "Oh What sport?" I asked "Football, or Soccer" Calvin said. "Speaking of Matthew.. Are you guys like together now? I saw you kiss in the hall this morning, and He asked you on a date in music." Trevor asked. Damn, I already don't like you Trevor. "You guys kissed?" Jamie asked. "What about Wyatt?" "Me and Wyatt broke up this morning and I just said I would go on a date with him to explain the fast kiss this morning. Sorry.." I explained "Okay then, But I got yelled at for flirting this morning?" "I was tired, I wouldn't care now" I said and he whispered in my ear. "You look good in that skirt. I'd love you see you out of it." Mabye I wasn't okay with it. Because my ear was fine with it but, my body got up and threw my tray away. "I told you." He yelled behind me. 


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 03.01.2014

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To Jamie Darling and Matthew Siddoway, I love you faggits.

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