
Midnight Scars







Midnight Scars

A Collection of Poems



Written by


Marie Yuzon











I believe there’s nothing more beautiful than meeting people who have the same likes and interests as you. There’s nothing more beautiful than encountering someone who actually understands the way you feel. For some, it could be family, a friend, a pet, a favorite artist or it could also be Marie Yuzon and her poetry.


As someone who also writes, I am very much aware of the fact that to be an effective writer, one must feel empathy towards the people around. That’s what I saw in Marie from the first time she shared how and why she was able to write poems. She could understand other people’s suffering and pain and knows how to turn it into something beautiful through her own words. That is why when you read her works, you would somehow feel connected.

While many of us are very afraid of showing our wounded selves, afraid to speak about the things we long bottled up, “Midnight Scars” projects vulnerability. Once in a while, you may find yourself in the same situation, or you may see yourself standing on that very same ground.


The book is an invitation for the lost souls, with the hope that you may finally find peace and comfort through shared experiences of heartbreak, confusion and wandering in this chaotic world we live in. It will teach the readers that there’s nothing wrong to take the risks. It will give encouragement for you to be strong even if it means standing by yourself alone. The book will tell you that it’s totally fine to be unwell because eventually, things will get better. Maybe not now, but one day.

As how Marie openly showed us her “Midnight Scars”, I hope someday, you will too.




Elisabeth Gutierrez

Writer, poet
















10. Sun Flower

12. Hopefully the Rain won't Stop

14. I Promise To

16. Purple

20. Fire Fly

21. Prize and Price

24. Rewind

26. Shape Shifter

28. Reverse

30. Shape Shifter 2

32. Gift of Gab

34. Heartless

36. Stuck

38. Cell

40. A Montage of Thoughts

42. Invisible Star

44. The Entity

45. Stones

50. Midnight Scars

It’s a midnight lie... a kind of lie told for someone else’s sake,

a lie that sits between goodness and wrong,

just as midnight is the moment between night and morning.”

― Marie Rutkoski, The Midnight Lie



Every morning,

I usually wash my face, look in the mirror

then I’d ask myself, "Who am I?"


I have familiarized my face, obviously.

My brows are thin,

I have a short nose,

the fine lines on my forehead;

and a mole under my right eye.

These are what people see everyday.

These are the only things they're sure of.


And I’d wipe my face with towel, still looking in the mirror

then I’d ask myself again, "Who am I, really?"


Inside me,

you can hear the songs I listen to,

the short prayers I pray,

the loud arguments of my siblings,

the warm greetings from random strangers,

the laughter of


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.11.2020
ISBN: 978-3-7487-6471-7

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