

Alexandria sat in her bed listening to the rumbling outside, lightning flashed by her window and her shadow leaped against the wall, as if beckoning her to play. "Where are you daddy?" she asked herself. Lord Grimwarld had left that morning to attend to an urgent message, which arrived at the palace complete with a magical seal, which would only break with the king’s touch. The storm outside was growing strong not to mention the blue moon was rising, suddenly a distant roar was heard and Alexandria made her way to the window, then gazed around wondering when a slight glow emerged from under the neckline of her silk night dress, she held out her emerald emulate, as she gazed into it, the vision that followed was clear as it was terrifying... "Drago!" she yelled.

 Alexandria awoke with her heart pounding tensely against her chest. She looked around at the surrounding trees from the tree branch where she had spent the night. The forest was regaining its summer glow, bird song filled the air and Alexandria made her way up to the top of the tree where she watched the sun rise every morning. This morning on the other hand was quite spectacular; even for Alexandria who spent much of her mornings admiring the sun rise. She gazed upon the horizon as a warm and soft breeze gently caressed her face and danced in her hair. Enchanting golden rays pierced through the dazzling grey clouds that covered the horizon, turning them into a wonderful display of colors dancing across the sky.

As the day rose and the night set, Alexandria climbed down to the forest floor then sauntered to a small stream not far from where she spent the night. She followed the stream to a water fall which sparkled as the light touched it, made sure she wasn't being watched, and slipped behind two odd looking rocks. She was now behind the water fall and inside a cave whose walls had been smoothed by years of a once powerful river that raged through. Alexandria walked a few meters into the cave and through a short tunnel that opened into a smaller cave. At the center of the cave a hot spring run from the underground magma chambers of a long forgotten volcano. The cave was lit by shafts of sun rays that found their way through the thick canopy of the forest and into the blowhole above.


She peeled off the cut off t-shirt she made from the softest tree bark one could find in a jungle and the skirt she made from the leaves of a giant oak tree in the forest. Alexandria stepped into the spring with a sigh. Soon after that she left for the river into which the water fall poured, but this time she wore custom made knee high boots from the hide of a buffalo while the sole was made of wax from a rubber tree. There she climbed onto an old hollow tree where she stored a bow and arrows. Her bow was made of mahogany with a perfect curve and small blades at the ends complete with beautiful brown texture and an engraved symbol. Her quiver was made of the same material as her boots. As for her arrows, they were made of saddle wood; the tips sparkled of granite rock and the extremities, owl tail feathers. "Time to go home, i have the travelers' key, my magic and a big celestial event to draw from. Soon i will be off this planet and back home." she said to her reflection in the water, sounding more confident than she really was.


In a tree on a great cliff far from the polluted air of cities, Mihigo Emmanuel gazed upon the horizon at the sun as it rose into the morning sky over Iguazu falls, making the rivers sparkle as a thousand diamonds and seem as though fire poured from the falls. He sighed audibly, 'I wish the world would remain this way forever,' he thought to himself. "Earth to Mihigo, get down here, all that scenery and you soon won't be able to tell the difference between reality and fantasy." said a familiar voice. Mihigo glanced below him to find Ntende Lawrence holding a basket of mangoes, a silly smile on his face. He made his way down the tree to his friend. While Mihigo had dark brown eyes, a birth mark on his right cheek, and what looked like a raccoon’s nest for hair, Ntende had light brown eyes and silky black hair. Both boys stood at a height of 5'9 and were fairly well built.

"Enzo what poor creature of the forest have you purged today." asked Mihigo gazing at the mangoes hungrily. "That would be mom, but she doesn't know... yet." answered Ntende proudly. No sooner had he said so, than the thuds of running feet could be heard coming toward them. From behind a winding path Mihigo and Ntende saw Nasuna Caitlin, Ntende's sister, race towards them. Panting she said, "You boys better get a move on, mom noticed missing mangoes and from the looks of it she was right who the culprits are." Mihigo raised his hands in exasperation "Culprits! Why am i always associated in your crimes." he said to Ntende. "Maybe because you’re the one who brought out the worst in Me." answered Ntende.

"Would you boys continue this discussion while moving? If mom catches you, i am in trouble as well." Caitlin spoke as she gazed warily in the direction from which she came. "Right," agreed Ntende at once "we owe you one sis." Mihigo and Ntende took off vanishing through the forest. They spent the day devouring the mangoes and exploring the falls and surrounding caves, at one point they climbed up the side of a water fall to a path a little ways up then followed it to the top were they had a breath taking view of the setting sun and skies above, as the stars slowly begun to appear twinkling and winking down at them. "This is perfect, we'll have an exceptional view." said Mihigo. They sat watching the sun set and once night had fallen they were laying on their backs gazing at the stars.

A few meters away hidden under cover of darkness Alexandria held her bow in her left hand, her quiver on her right thigh strapped in with a make shift snake skin belt and her food pouch tied to her waist. In her right hand she held a compass like contraption with four needles, one green, the other blue, and the last two golden and red. She followed the golden one until the other three needles pointed at the same direction with the golden one. She followed them until the needles separated and pointed out to the four cardinal points forming a cross and marking the spot. It was a small clearing with a clear view of the night sky; Alexandria smiled to herself and began chanting inaudibly.

Mihigo and Ntende gazed dreamily at the sky, "There it is,” said Mihigo "the constellation Leo, the storm should appear to fall from that point." Ntende smiled a toothy grin and said "Make a wish Mihigo." No sooner had he said so, a shooting star streaked across the sky in a glorious display of all shades of red. It was soon followed by another about two minutes in and within an hour the sky was engulfed in an Armageddon of falling stars of all colors and shades. The meteor storm named after the constellation Leo had arrived, making the three hundred year wait worth it.

The storm grew more fierce as the hours flew by, soon the whoosh of meteors’ became audible and the celestial winds reached the ground "I think we should head back, the chances of one of those breaking the atmosphere and becoming a meteorite are too high." said Mihigo siting up "Oh come on you’re the one who wanted to sit through it to the end and now your chickening out." countered Ntende still gazing at the sky. The winds grew stronger still and the meteors begun to grow brighter in bursts making Mihigo flinch each time "Enzo come on." he begged, there was a loud bang and clap of thunder. Ntende shot up, "Your right we should go, no point in being here and never telling the tale."

They made their way along a narrow winding path; the wind grew stronger with each step they took until they came to small clearing. The wind was less there like the eye of a storm and in the middle of it stood a girl, a bow in her left hand and a compass like contraption in her right. She was murmuring incoherently but seemed to be seriously concentrating; Mihigo and Ntende looked at each other with confusion, Ntende's expression mingled with amusement. "Are you mental." was Ntende's first question, but the girl didn't seem to have heard him. "Hey if you want to die there better ways to go." said Mihigo "Let’s just grab her and run for cover." suggested Ntende.

As they grabbed her by the arms both Mihigo and Ntende felt a jolt of electricity run through them, they both tried to let go of the girl but couldn't, and then like she was awakening from a bad dream she noticed them "What are you doing?" she asked, terror in her eyes " let me go." she demanded " We can't." said Mihigo, terror etching its way along his face. There was a loud thunder clap and a flash of blue, the air around them suddenly became hot very fast "meteorite!" yelled Mihigo "move!" Ntende yelled back "no!" screamed the girl. Mihigo and Ntende begun to run dragging the girl along with them "Please don't do this i need to go home I’ve waited three hundred years for this." 'Mental' Ntende concluded to himself. There was a loud rumbling, an ear splitting crash, a flash of bright light then everything went dark.


Mihigo woke up to the treacle of a stream at his side surrounded by huge moss covered trees with twisted trunks. The rocks were also covered in mosses, a few flowers and shrubs grew around while the stream sparkled as rays of sunlight fell upon its surface from cracks in the thick canopy above. Mihigo slowly sat up a distant ringing in his ears while his vision blurred for a second before coming into focus. The girl lay on his right motionless then suddenly, like lightening he remembered the meteor storm, the heat, the crash and the blinding light. Ntende laid a little ways off the bank floating motionlessly. Adrenaline rushed through Mihigo's body 'he can't be.' Mihigo thought to himself.

He rushed beside him and pulled him to a bare rock, Ntende's skin was ice cold to the touch; Mihigo placed his ear close to Ntende's mouth and nose. He felt the warmth of his breath and then continued to delicately run his hands down his body; he then proceeded to the girl and did the same. She seemed better off than Ntende; Mihigo took in his surroundings discovering a hidden path that headed back into the forest. 'Best to leave the stream,' he thought to himself, and then as he tried to move Ntende he noticed the girl begin to stir.

"Don't get up too fast." he said to her "What happened?" she asked, "I am not sure, all i remember is the meteorite, which isn't right cause we aren't supposed to be alive." she looked at him confused then Mihigo saw realization dawn on her face. Her eyes widened as she begun to notice her surroundings, a silly smile crept onto her face as she thought to herself, 'I made it, and I am home.' Mihigo interrupted her thoughts "What are you smiling about, we are stranded in the middle of a forest and my friend is dying."

She looked at Ntende with concern "He looks bad and i don't think he'll make it unless we find a healer." Mihigo got up and scanned the surroundings again "This is a wild forest which means a lot of wild plants, many of whom are adapted to survive the worst conditions making them good medicine, and i know what to look for." the girl looked at him then Ntende and bite her lower lip "That's not what i meant," "Do you know how to use those?" Mihigo interrupted not really hearing what she said as he pointed to her bow and arrows.

"I can heal him; one of the things I’ve learned in your realm is how to heal because i didn't have anyone to run to, plus i hate the methods used by healers in your realm, butcher is more fitting." Mihigo looked at her skeptically and sighed "How hard did you hit your head?" he asked. The girl ignored him and moved beside Ntende. Placing her hands delicately onto his chest and closing her eyes she begun to chant inaudibly, Mihigo was about to pull her away when a light whirl wind begun forming around her and Ntende. It eerily reminded him of the night the meteor hit, but before he would say a word to stop her Ntende's skin begun to regain color and his eye lids begun to flutter, he then suddenly took a sharp intake of breath and opened his eyes.

Air flooded into Ntende's lungs while he happily gulped down more, once he was satisfied he glanced about and met Mihigo's eyes which were staring at him like that of a chameleon ready to pop. "Don’t look at me like that, it’s not like am dead." he said. The analogy snapped Mihigo out of his trance and he rapidly blinked his eyes then sighed. He slowly approached Ntende held out his hand without breaking eye contact and lightly tapped his shoulder, then without warning pulled him into a bear hug so tight it was Ntende's turn to have bulging chameleon eyes. "Hey buddy i am ok.” Ntende said straining his voice "until i suffocate from this killer hug." Mihigo released him a toothy grin plastered on his face, relief radiating off of him.

"I thought you were dead." Mihigo said "I am ok." answered Ntende "I would however like to know how i am not dead, cause i could hear you just fine, i even said a silent prayer." they both turned to face the girl who was now sited on a tree root wearing her quiver watching them in fascination. "In my defense," she said picking up her bow at her side and getting to her feet "you’re the ones who grabbed me and I’ve done my part to heal you so have a nice day." she then headed up river followed by Mihigo and Ntende. Ntende leaned close to Mihigo and whispered "Maybe we are dead and she is an angel." Mihigo gave Ntende a questioning look then called out "Hey what's your name?" the girl finally stopped to face Mihigo and Ntende allowing both boys to notice her appearance for the first time.

She had dark curly brown hair falling to her shoulders, soft pink lips, cute button nose and astonishingly green eyes with light golden specks. Her skin flawless was tanned and standing at 5'1 with an athletic figure she definitely seemed like an angel. There was a slight marking on her left hip starting just below the hem of her skirt and disappearing above it. It looked like a creeping plant but what intrigued Mihigo was how it blended into her skin like it was part of her. The pointy elf like ears are what made Mihigo snap out of his haze, that and the girl asking him if he was going to stare at her all day. Blinking he asked again what her name was, "Alexandria is my name, before you ask obvious annoying questions i recommend finding someone else because you aren't supposed to be here and like i said I’ve done my part healing you." Ntende asked again how she healed him only to watch her roll her eyes, turn on her heel and continue up river. Mihigo smiled at Ntende and called out to Alexandria "In case you’re wondering we aren't following you," Ntende smiled back and said "yeah, we just happen to be moving in the same direction."

Alexandria smiled over her shoulder at them displaying the dimple on her right cheek, giving her such innocence that Ntende sighed out loudly earning himself a slap on the back of the head, and a mischievous grin from Mihigo. They followed the stream until the trees begun to grow more apart then moved off the path towards pillar shaped rocks that would normally be found at a rough coast where the cliff has been eroded for millennia. It was at this point that Mihigo and Ntende decided to expand their thresh hold of normal... a little bit. The rocks appeared to stretch out like a boundary line and beyond it was a field with scattered trees stretching out for miles

It was Alexandria who broke the thick blanket of silent that had fallen between them, "Once we get to the town you guys are on your own got it." before Ntende could protest that he needed her to hold his hand as he crossed the streets of heaven, she was already making toward the horizon. "As much as I’d love to help, you guys are on your own, i have my own plans and I will not waste time telling stories." Mihigo grabbed her hand "Any ideas as to where we can be told these stories." she gazed into his eyes and pulled her hand away "I know a place but you have to do as i say understand, this isn't your realm any more, the rules are different." she then turned on her heel and continued moving leaving Mihigo and Ntende to re-think their heaven theory.

They made their way to the base of the hill towards a gigantic wall with an equally gigantic gate. There was a civilian gate way cut into the side of the gate and opposite it was a sack of potatoes on a chair, but as they got closer the sack appeared to have a large well-polished egg sited on top of it with some sandals sticking out from underneath it. Once they were at the gate Ntende tried to liberate the egg from the grilling heat of the day and into the cooler depths of his stomach, or so he thought. Just as he reached out to grab the egg a hungry look in his eyes, a hand suddenly reached out and closed tightly around his.

"Ahhh!" Ntende let out an ear piercing screech, the smooth egg surface suddenly melted away only to be replaced by two human like eyes on its surface and out of the sack was where the hand appeared to be from but there was no hole where the hand could have passed. "We seek entry to the citadel." Alexandria spoke, not a trace of worry in her voice. The human like eyes stayed focused on Ntende's face as a voice echoed out of the egg "Who are you people, never seen you around before and how strangely you’re dressed." his voice was kind and curious then he turned and faced Alexandria "Well you’re a sassy lacey, what are you doing with strangers such as these, you from the forest, yeah i suppose." all the while he kept a firm grip around Ntende's wrist "As for you ravenous lad try the blue moon turban Daisy turns any carcass into gratifying varieties of grub, should keep you from gorging on people's heads eh, well you better be on your way." with that he let go of Ntende and waved at the civilian gate way which clanged as if bolts were being pulled back then silently swung open. As they walked through the egg said, “Best to change disguise wouldn't want more like that lad coming along.” There was a crack and when Ntende and Mihigo turned to look all that was left was a fierce looking stone griffin.

Once through the gate they were facing another giant wall with three watch towers and an arch in the wall just after the middle tower. They made their way across a bridge towards the second wall, Mihigo and Ntende glanced down and quickly came to regret it. While the bridge was wide and strong the drop was at over 100m and the sides of the death trap as Ntende named it were punctuated with jagged rocks that looked custom made to skin the poor souls that ever went over alive, while in its unseen depths a raging river could be heard. As they neared the arch the bustle of a market place could be heard getting louder and once through Alexandria announced "Welcome to Tempa Serra market."


It was like they had entered a new world, the sides of the wall were flanked with statues of two huge lions and Ntende kept his distance he wouldn't put it past them to come alive. The ground was rocky and sparkly like the rocks created when lava cools. It was also covered in intricate drawings and markings like creeping plants. The market looked organized, stalls and carts were placed on the sides leaving a narrow path for Pedestrians to walk. Mihigo and Ntende gazed around market; it was surrounded by four similar buildings two stories high. The pedestrian path cut through from the arch which they entered to the arch at the end of the quadrangular. There were other smaller paths leading to other parts of the market around the square. People were bustling around looking for things to buy from the various vendors in the square. “Stay close and don't get carried away" said Alexandria when a man in an overly long court appeared, and he opened the north side of his court showing a heavy extension of jewelry "Something you like sir" said the stranger "OH! Shiny" Ntende spoke as he reached out greedily. Alexandria turned round and slapped Ntende hard in the face "I said don't get carried away, and you putting a lust spell on commodities is illegal." the man looked at her with a sly smile showing an array of gaps where his front teeth were supposed to be. "The spell only heightens my buyers’ will, more of an insurance missy perhaps you would like to take a look eh." Alexandria merely grabbed Ntende by the arm and pulled him away. “be careful around here" Alexandria said "the only difference in our realms is the magic but everything is just as dangerous maybe even more. Your both acting like children, you need to grow up."

"Hey we haven't exactly been much of a pain considering we got crushed by a meteorite and ended up in another realm or so you say, walked through the most eerie forest I’ve ever seen, talked to an egg not to mention i am not supposed to be alive at all, none of us should, and the only thing keeping us sane is that you said you'd find someone to answer our questions so stop lecturing and get us something to eat!" Ntende's chest rose and fell at irregular intervals and his eyes glared with the fire of a starved lion. Alexandria looked at Ntende with concern "i am sorry" was all she could say. She was so engulfed in her own concerns she forgot Mihigo and Ntende also had feelings. She suddenly thought of their families and remembered how she felt when she first came to earth. She turned to face Mihigo only to find him staring at her with an expression that said ‘do you want to hear my side too.’ "Come on" she said let’s find that blue moon turban, Mihigo’s mouth immediately begun to water and Ntende’s stomach rumbled.

They made their way to the end of the quadrangle and out of the arch into a loading area filled with crates, cranes and trailers but there was something weird going on that Mihigo couldn’t quite put his finger on. A cube like crate fell from above only to stop ten feet from the ground and float over their heads onto a trailer being loaded with similar crates, there was a man standing next to the trailer and when the crate reached his line of vision he spread his hands as if to catch it and made fists, then his face contracted as if he was supporting a heavy load. He moved his hands in a swing motion which the crate followed before he brought his hands carefully downward until the crate touched down onto the trailer. Mihigo looked for wires and slapped himself while Ntende stared on open mouthed, a crooked smile curled onto his lips as though he was half smiling and half ready to burst into song. Mihigo turned to face Alexandria unmistakable anger radiating off his face.

Alexandria swallowed hard, the cheery calm boy who had gone along with what she said was gone, in his place stood a man of immense power he suddenly looked taller and larger. When he spoke goose bumps broke out all over Alexandria and her face lost color "Explain" was all he said but even Ntende turned to look at him almost not recognizing his friend. To her dismay Alexandria let out a small squeak that made Mihigo's features relax as though he was returning from deep thought "I am sorry" he said "I think we should get to this turban, i could devour a stake the size of a crate right now." Alexandria relaxed... a little. Ntende wasn't so convinced he knew his friend, even when they talked of magic Mihigo was always cautious and preferred to fully understand something; he often got angry when Ntende rushed into a topic or tried to say a spell he barely understood. They made their way out of the loading area and onto a bridge three towers long.

It was built of iron and concrete, the concrete mostly made up the road while iron beams supported the bridge tethered to two watch towers in the center of the bridge forming the final support. The water sparkled beneath them reflecting the clear blue sky above. As Ntende stared into the water he caught movement that defied nature, part of the river seemed to flow in the opposite direction he stopped and stared closer he made out a fin and blinked, impossible he thought but as he turned to continue the surface of the water broke and a dolphin like creature sprang up and back down into the water but what followed made Mihigo slap himself hard. With a fish like tail as sparkly as the night sky but as blue as the ocean a woman, no, a girl also sprang from the water her hair platinum blonde falling past her waist as she called out "rocky, not so fast" her voice soft as silk but so cheery, so inventing Ntende put one leg over the railing as he shouted ‘don't leave me!’ Mihigo froze thunder struck as Alexandria laughing hysterically pulled back Ntende while the two creatures disappeared , when Ntende blinked and turned to face Mihigo from a heaving Alexandria, all Mihigo could say was "i am not going to ask" and he turned to continue across the bridge. Ntende had started to ask what had happened but Mihigo cut him off saying if he doesn't eat soon he'll eat his voice box, and since there was only one way to reach it Ntende kept the questions to himself.

The city wasn't much different from the world they came from it was so similar Ntende dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone to find the cell network active and decided to add it to the furnace of questions. The roads were all lined with trees on both sides as far as the eye could see. The dress code was also similar in many ways; girls and women wore dresses, skirts, jeans and blouses while boys and men wore shirts, t-shirts, shorts and trousers. It wasn't long before they found their way to the blue moon turban a tall glass building that stood out with the image of a huge moon sited perfectly at the edge of an ocean with an assortment of stars and clouds surrounding it. The reflection in the water broken from the obvious flow of the mini waves, melded into the side of building making it look like a giant screen. The image shimmered, with the clouds around the moon carefully caressing and cuddling it while the reflection swayed back and forth with the waves. It seemed so real Mihigo let out a low whistle that ended in a yawn that reminded him why he was there.

The inside of the turban was unlike anything Mihigo and Ntende had ever seen, making the word turban tumble out of place. It was more like a luxurious hotel. The celling was entirely covered in a single painting that fit the entrance hall. The painting was of a golden stair way twisting upward into the unseen sky. As Mihigo searched for where the stair way begun he spotted another painting across the room of an orange blue sky punctuated in gray clouds hanging over a red calm river and part of the two shores separated by it. A small sail boat sat not too far from shore with a fishing line so thin it was barely seen touching the water, only with a keen eye catching the light in the painting not out of the painting could one see it.

 A shriek suddenly tore through Mihigo’s admirations and a woman stormed out of a Conner shuddering and mumbling Ntende smiled to Mihigo and made a winding motion to the side of his head. The woman was soon followed by a man wearing long tattered robes in torn sandals and had more of a bearded than a face; he was about three times a normal man's size. The cow boy hat he wore had a variety of small reptiles Ntende's jaw dropped while Mihigo merely pulled up a chair and sat watching the scene. When the woman was in an open area she spun on her heel and disappeared, which caused Ntende to squeal in excitement and ran to the spot then spun but was still there. When he turned to Mihigo to protest he saw he had his head in his hands like a grieving widow. Before he asked his friend what was wrong the giant man walked up to Alexandria

"My fair maidens please tell me what about I would repel you." Alexandria scanned him head to toe and frowned "Did you see a shaman before coming here?" the man breathed in relief "yes!" he pronounced "well," Alexandria said choosing her words carefully "i don't know what he told you but i am sure this couldn't be what his advice meant." the man raised his hands in protest "you there," he pointed at Ntende "why don't the ladies like me?!" when Alexandria went out of his way to let him pass Mihigo fell backwards in his chair and Ntende took a few steps back before saying "well i am not sure if it’s your cloudy mind or constricting personality." everyone within hearing range burst into laughter and giggles for above the cow boy hat that the man wore a cloud was following him and for a belt he wore a huge snake.

The giant man stood confused for a while then realization dawned on his face or at least what could be seen of it. He chuckled “oh Clara here wouldn't hurt a fly.” he said tapping the giant snake on the head; it flicked out its tongue at his touch. Can i touch it Ntende asked reaching out when Mihigo smacked his hand so hard Alexandria at the counter hastily turned and looked at Mihigo with concern. she returned with two plates of food, one a mound higher than the other, but the moment she placed them down Ntende grabbed the larger helping and immediately began tearing away at it. “I've got it!” declared the man, Mihigo looked at him skeptically “what are you going to do?” he asked “wear a different colored snake.” The man looked at Mihigo with a new level of respect. “Aye, that i shall” he said and he left through the front stooping to get through the door way.


After Mihigo and Ntende ate their way through four helpings of meat without asking what animal it was from, Daisy, a short plump woman excitedly refilled their plates saying it had been long since she fattened up willing customers. When Mihigo and Ntende had filled their stomachs to their hearts content it wasn't long before a tall confused looking man entered the turban, his nose was so long it preceded him through the door. His hair line was receding into a horse shoe; he not only favored one leg but also walked hunchbacked with a slight tremor. Two of his front teeth stuck out when he smiled at Alexandria before making his way to their table, despite the favoring of one of his legs his movement was swift. Ntende gasped when he felt something land lightly onto his lap. It was a large light brown bob cat; he pressed his paws into Ntende's laps cautiously then finally settled into a curled position. He was probably obscured from view by the man's old tortured robes thought Ntende before patting him. The old man sat down beside Alexandria. Placing his hands on the table he turned and faced Alexandria "My my, little one, how time has been kind to you."

Before he could say more Daisy came in holding an axe over her head "you!, i warned what would happen if you came back." she held the axe high ready to swing "Alright, alright don't get yer knickers in a bunch lass i am leaving." he got up stared into Alexandria's eyes a moment before turning toward the door. Mihigo noticed the cutlery was missing where the old man had been sitting. He turned his gaze to him just in time to see him slip a silver tray over the neckline of his robe into the depths of God knows where; he ran his hands over tables as he walked to the door and where his hand passed, cutlery vanished. Once at the door he turned and called “kitty! Come on let’s not stay where we're not wanted.” The cat gave a low meow and stayed put. “You CAT!” He called. The animal jumped up and walked to him grumbling in low steady growls.

"Why did that lunatic come to you?" Daisy asked but didn't wait for an answer "He's insane nobody knows where he passes to get to the city given that his house is at the top of saber Tooth Mountain, or so the hikers say. Though i have seen him talk to himself often and sometimes even seen him deep in debate with chicken." she smiled at the thought then went back with her axe. "Don't tell me that that is the man going to answer our questions." Ntende looked skeptically at Alexandria "He was less unstable when i knew him." she answered "But unstable none the less." Mihigo added in a matter of fact tone, he seemed to be adjusting or rather accepting the situation. “Let’s go, if you still want your answer that is?” They left the turban and back into the streets following Alexandria who seemed more confident about where she was going. Mihigo and Ntende followed silently and without question, she made a turn at a building with the image of a blue spiral galaxy being fed by multiple tiny streaks filling into it.

They walked through the front door into a wide hall with a logo imprinted into the floor. It was an octogram with multiple small crosses inside, well aligned to mimic the octogram shell. In its center two boxes over lapped each other making it look like a diamond intertwined with a box, and in that center another octogram created in broken lines. The balcony above was punctuated by an assortment of pipes of different colors that all met at two huge terminals that hung over head on the celling and the side of the balcony on the first floor. They walked up to the secretary who sat jabbing swiftly and precisely at the keyboard of her desktop. Next to her was a golden tab with the name Nezza on it.

She wore a thin white blouse with a black lining from the left collar down the button line, her blond hair falling forward at the sides of her face. She tucked some stray strands back behind her left ear as she peered up at them through her dual-toned black and amber glasses. "Welcome to the Internal Planetary Transport center how may i help you?" she straightened up when she noticed Mihigo and Ntende "you’re not from around here." she meant it as a statement other than a question but still looked at them curiously especially Mihigo. "We need transportation to saber Tooth Mountain." Alexandria said. The girl continued staring at Mihigo and he never broke he's gaze into her eyes either. "Saber Tooth Mountain is uninhabited." she answered calmly turning to Alexandria "Campers are only allowed there..." she broke off, then sighed "follow me" she said in almost a whisper. She pushed the intercom button on the landline at her side and said "Judi please complete this report for me and take it to the prime he needs it in ten minutes." She led them through an arch way and into a corridor lined with red doors every five steps. It looked heavily congested yet the corridor was completely free of any one except for them.

The secretary wore a light brown skirt about two inches above her knees into which she smartly tucked her blouse. Her knee high boots barely made any sound as she led them deeper into the same never ending trail of doors. Soon they reached an old battered door, the wood was scratched in ways that suggested a devastating battle between a vicious animal and the door which despite the toll taken seemed to have won. As the secretary approached the door it seemed to straighten up and tighten the hinges, "It’s alright, they’re friends." she said soothingly to the door as if talking to a toddler refusing to give up a toy. She ran her finger down the door then placed her whole hand upon the door, the door relaxed; its hinges creaked as it did so before swinging open.

A leathery darkness shimmered at the threshold "whoa, impressive." Mihigo said breathless. "You can see that?" the secretary asked looking at Mihigo curiously but could not hide the hint of hopeful excitement in her eyes. "It's the darkest mirage ever, in fact the only one there is." Ntende piped up looking hopefully at the secretary who gave him a warm motherly smile but returned Mihigo a meaningful but still exciting glance. Alexandria also looked at Mihigo curiously "What do you see?" she asked "I see what we’re all seeing now can we go, we still need answers." he stepped through the darkness. Out through the other end Ntende came to a sudden halt. The room was filled with most complex machinery. "Tele-transporter" the secretary said to Ntende "you saw it before we went through, how?" Ntende asked Mihigo "It’s a rare gift some have." said the secretary, walking toward the massive machine Alexandria followed "your down playing it why?" she asked in a low voice "I don't know what you mean." she answered a bit loudly just enough to catch Mihigo and Ntende's attention.

Alexandria left her fiddling with the nodes and dials "Everything alright?" Ntende asked "i am fine." she answered as the machine roared to life, a vortex materialized into what had looked like a hole in the machine but now seemed to be the one thing holding the vortex together and open. "This will take you straight in front of his house." said the secretary, Alexandria nodded "you’re a telepath" she meant it as a statement not a question. "Yes, he left a message in your mind so when i scanned you i saw it." Mihigo looked at her worriedly but expectantly "you were reading my mind when you stared at Me." she answered yes so plainly Mihigo swallowed wondering what she had seen.

"Let’s go" Alexandria pronounced and waved Mihigo and Ntende through "you want answers, through here please." Mihigo suddenly turned and faced Ntende with a mischievous grin plastered onto his face "after you" he said griping Ntende by the arm and flung him into the portal himself closely behind.

Ntende appeared in a snow covered clearing running for miles all around the only things in sight were some mountain ranges that formed the only horizon. The sky was a light with star clusters all over and constellations so clear they looked painted into the stars themselves, they were so many so bright they provided the only form of illumination. Mihigo appeared soon behind Ntende he gasped in surprise his breath caught in his throat. "It’s incredible i am not even cold." Ntende declared facing Mihigo who was looking up at the sky a horrified look on his face a burning anger in his eyes. When Alexandria appeared, Mihigo turned on her, leaping at her, pinning her down and throwing her bow out of her grasp and drawing one of her arrows to her throat in one swift motion.

Anger, that is what Mihigo felt, how could she betray them like this, then again they'd only known her a day. "Mihigo get off her!" Ntende yelled trying to pry him off her "she's been lying to us Ntende, look at the sky she's been lying straight to our faces. Why i ought a...” “Mihigo i don't get it." Ntende said trying with no result to pull Mihigo off the girl below him. "The stars Enzo look at the stars." all the while Alexandria remained still underneath Mihigo, heart thundering against her chest, his eyes never leaving hers, she wondered what he was looking for. Ntende took a deep breath to steady himself when he spoke his voice was calm and commanding at the same time "Mihigo listen to me i know your confused and worried as am i but let’s not get carried away, were so close to getting the answers we seek so please let her go, she's brought us this far." Alexandria felt him relax his hold on her but his eyes remained cold; he then left her lying on the ground and tossed her arrow aside. Alexandria let her breath go; she didn't realize she had been holding it for that long. Mihigo stood up and pointed to the stars “look Enzo,” he said, then started rumbling on and on about stars and constellations, pointer stars, what they point to... on and on he went.

"For the love of all that is natural look at that aurora!" Mihigo tossed his hands into the air, for emphasis, like a street pastor, Just as Alexandria was about to speak the same old man appeared out of thin air right before them "curious, how curious, you have the sight, a rare sight indeed." Mihigo sighed loudly "you better be here to answer my questions old man." the old man smiled "yes impatient one, but first tell me what more you see besides the aurora eh." Mihigo regarded him for a while and decided anything, to get the answer he needed. He gazed up and around then took a deep breath "i do see the aurora, it’s like a magnificent curtain of fire dancing across the sky, red, blue and green layers in sort of a spiral circle surround this clearing. Which is part of the problem!" he turned to the old man who merely told him to continue describing what he saw. "There is also a blue moon far beyond here, its faint but it’s the moon i know it." Mihigo turned to face the old man who had a content smile on his face, Ntende mean while stared open mouthed at Mihigo and Alexandria hugged herself. The old man saw this and ushered them to his house which Mihigo answered that he could see as well when the old man gave him a questioning look.

They walked through what looked like thin air and were suddenly in a beautiful flower garden with a small path way leading up to a small cottage, the sweet fragrance of flowers unmistakable. Once inside the old man shed the brown tattered cloak he wore waved at the fire place where a fire erupted crackling over the dried wood already there. The cabin smelled of rotting wood like it had been here for centuries maybe even millennia. A single beam stood near the fire place to support part of the roof that seemed ready to collapse. It also served as a look out post for his cat, which was better at getting up than down. White lace curtains hung on the inside of the windows. The log walls were dull gray with age, but a bright blue door greeted visitors outside. Other than the door, the whole place gave the appearance of hiding within the grasses surrounding it, of trying to go unnoticed. The house wasn't large, but it did have a porch running the length of the front. The three of them sat themselves down into a worn out but comfortable long sofa. The old man sat across from them "Tea anyone," he asked as he sat not waiting for a response he snapped his fingers at a thick black kettle shuffled its self towards the end of the table where it sat and looked down at a stove below which roared to life with menace, the kettle recoiled a bit but then jumped down hard onto the stove that replied with a burst of sparks onto the kettles bottom.

Mihigo rubbed his temples leaning into the chair "Tell me impatient one what bothers you." asked the old man. Mihigo sighed without opening his eyes "we are on another planet, the stars are reversed in a mirror image which can only be seen if we are behind the stars, and so we are most likely in another system. Judging from the sight outside Drago and Lyra even Orion point to the reversed directions, the only nearby planet existing in the life zone where these constellations would be visible and reversed is alpha centaury. So tell me for someone who had traveled both worlds how could you confuse them to be realms? I always thought realms were two or more versions of the same world and yes i know the difference between realms and dimensions." he opened his eyes and faced Alexandria "you probably thought we wouldn't believe you, and yes, one can only handle one shock at a time but when we didn't bother about you healing Ntende and let you bring us this far for answers you should have at least mentioned it." Alexandria's expression was one of practiced ease as she gazed into his deep brown eyes "your right i didn't know how you would react and i have just returned home after three hundred years it's been a while, sorry if i didn't consider your feelings." Mihigo smiled and asked for a place to rest his head while Ntende asked his sea of questions, the first being how he can get powers like those at the loading area.


Mihigo awoke to the lulling light of the aurora dancing on his face. All was quiet as he made his way past Ntende whose arms were spread out wide as though supporting an enormous weight. Strange but beautiful glowing flowers lit his path as he made his way to the back of the house. Alexandria sat on the back porch huddled in a heavy white blanket it was so large Mihigo wondered how many animals were skinned to make it, or how large the one was. The blue moon had reached over head and its light gave her hair a worm light glow like she was some over grown but beautiful wisp, even from where he stood Mihigo could feel her sadness, he sat silently beside her and gazed up into the red, blue and green curtains of the aurora swaying and waving in an unheard wind. He sighed loudly dreading what he must ask and choosing his words carefully "I am sorry about how i reacted. I could have been more patient." she looked into his eyes, eyes so deep she couldn't help but feel there was so much unspoken wisdom and knowledge that could only be amassed over time, yet, he couldn't be older than eighteen.

She was so taken by him she did not realize how close she had leaned into him, it was when she felt his breath on her lips that she blinked and slowly backed away. Mihigo had not moved the whole time admiring how her eyes sparkled in the aurorian light, her thick eye lashes bat flirtatiously as she backed away from him. "You understand more than you let on. I know why you were so angry; i shouldn't have kept it from you." They sat in silence sneaking a peek at one another when they thought the other wasn't looking. "Do you know how to count the difference?" she turned to find him staring at her and quickly averted her eyes. "It depends on the planet you’re on but when i was on your world i spent three hundred years there while here nearly another three hundred years have passed." Mihigo clenched his jaw to stop a shudder. Alexandria wanted to say something comforting but the words fled her mind like rain from the sky. She couldn't quite find the words and resolved to resting her head on his shoulder, "promise me," Mihigo's words came in a soft whisper "don't tell Ntende, let me do it." she agreed and they sat in silence for a while before going back to sleep.

As the sun peeked from behind the distant mountain top the first rays of light streaked across the still midnight blue sky mingling with the ever brilliant aurora making the stars stand out in contrast and slowly fade as the horizon became ever brighter. The warm morning breeze swept across the cold desert waste land carrying with it waifs of the soft white sand that played around Ntende's hair and face as he stretched out on the front porch, he walked round to the back of the house taking in the tantalizing scent of the flowers around the path. The sun had only just risen above the mountains, Ntende stared open mouthed at the huge orange ball of fire that sat just barely on the mountain peaks, no star dotted the now soft yellow horizon as Ntende reached out as if to touch the sun and caress it. He was so engrossed by the view of his hand holding the ball of fire in all its splendid power and glory he didn't notice Mihigo walk up behind him.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Ntende jumped at the sound of his friend’s voice "I thought i was dreaming." said Ntende a hint of disappointment in his voice. Mihigo felt the same way for no matter how beautiful this world may be it only stresses the fact that they don't belong, that this is not home. Mihigo clasped Ntende's shoulder and took a deep breath. "Give it to me straight." Mihigo gave his friend a questioning look "You only do that when there is bad news so give it to me straight, will we be able to get home?" Mihigo sighed and stated a simple 'i don't know' "We need to find a portal first and even if we do there is no telling when we will get home. We need to factor in the light years." Ntende closed his eyes for a second and opened as if expecting to suddenly wake up "How long has it been since she left here?" 'three hundred years, but she spent another three hundred years on earth.' answered Mihigo "That’s not bad maybe we will get home in time then, if three hundred years here are three hundred years on earth right?" he sounded so hope full Mihigo hated crushing his spirit but he needed to be honest. "Enzo,” he said "there is no telling how long we will be here compared to earth." Ntende looked into his eyes his vision watery, then with new determination he raised his chin determinedly and said 'we'll find a way. No matter what.' then his eyes suddenly had an excited glint, one that Mihigo new all too well he couldn't help but smile. His smile filled Ntende with warmth as long they had each other all will be fine he told himself. "As long as we are here, what do you say we explore this world." though he made a statement Mihigo heard only heard one word, "ADVENTURE."

Mihigo and Ntende drifted back to the house following the insistent rumbling of their tummy’s, made worse by a sweet fruity scent wafting teasingly around their nostrils. A large long table now sat in the middle of the living room. Ntende whistled when he saw the rings deeply set into it and ran his fingers over it. Mihigo walked past following the sweet scent into a smaller room filled with multiple silver objects, chains, spoons, knives, forks, trays, some of which were labeled blue moon turban. "What are you staring at?" Alexandria's voice jerked him back to reality. He opened his mouth to speak but the old man gave him a meaningful look and he closed it again. "Gone dumb have you?" Alexandria asked oblivious, 'What’s cooking?' he thought. She picked up a tray laden with hard looking dark brown rocks. 'Rock cakes.' she answered his silently asked question, “don’t worry i have some provisions that will go down more smoothly.” she whispered “Well why did you ask me to make them?” the old man wheeled round to face them, his hearing obviously as sharp as his nose. Alexandria quickly stepped behind Mihigo and into the living room "I better go see if she needs help setting the table." said Mihigo hastily and ran to living room.

Once every one was seated and well fed Mihigo faced the old man with a look that made him freeze half way stuffing a rock cake in his mouth. He set it back down on his plate, his expression blank though Ntende saw a flicker of worry flash in his eyes. "Well i suppose the impatient one couldn't be kept at bay long." “Who are you?” Mihigo asked his voice even and his gaze piercing the old man's. "What do you see?" he asked 'That's not an answer.' "I am just an old man living in the mountains." he was becoming defensive Ntende could tell. He placed a hand around Mihigo's shoulder and eased him back while he came forward "you trust Alexandria and she trusts us enough to bring us here, that or we are defenseless between the two of you. So old man, why don't you tell us a story preferably one we are already a part of. How did Alexandria come to earth and who are you to her?" the old man glanced at her and she gave a light nod. Mihigo and Ntende leaned back into the sofa and wiggled around till they were comfortable enough then gave the old man an expectant look.

He sighed and took a deep breath, then begun in an ancient captivating tone "Long ago in the old world i served at the palace in the kingdom of Elebor." Mihigo's hears pricked up instinctively and Ntende leaned forward like a child in Sunday school. "I served as royal wizard and adviser to Lord Grimwarld, King of Elebor." The old man's eyes glazed over with a distant look as he recalled. "At the time of the blue moon i summoned a vision of the future of our kingdom, what i saw chilled me to the bone, an evil so great it devoured all of our lands, i still hear the screams." he then turned to his wide eyed guests a glint in his eyes. "I saw something else that day though, a spark, a piece of hope, someone who would save us all and ensure the safety of our kingdom. I never saw his face but begun right away to search for him and one fate full night in the mountains of Elebor the dragons offered most precious a gift, so i summoned the king immediately, unfortunately the evil we all feared had been growing in the heart of the kingdom and with king out of the way Elebor fell and darkness overtook the old world." The old man leaned back in his chair the pain of the memory visible in his eyes. Feeling pity for him Ntende offered him to stop but Mihigo egged him on. "I knew i had to keep some sort of hope alive, so i hide Lord Grimwarld's daughter. So long as the people knew the royal line was still alive, the torch of hope was kept burning. I knew when she returned i would have to resume my search, the search for Elebor's hero and only hope… the dragon lord."

Mihigo turned to Ntende "Well buddy i remember you saying you want an adventure." he then turned to the old man who had a quizzed expression. "What are the chances you'll come across a portal during your search for this hero?" “Quiet high, but to find the right one is a different story.” the old man answered. "Well then," Mihigo smiled "allow us to accompany you, we can find our way home and help, any way we can." Alexandria considered this; she didn't believe in coincidences, she believed everything happened for a reason. These boys were dragged with her back home, something tied them together so they couldn't let go of her and one of them has the power of second sight. Maybe... "You may come along but there is more to the story, the darkness has grown but one man sits at the height of it all. They call him the bringer of death. No one has seen his face and lived to tell about it, only those who knew him when he was beginning his reign of terror remember, though he is hardly the same. The chance of you dying is as great as the sun rising every morning. You are free to turn back, i will not think any less of you." Ntende made a sound somewhere between a snort and a chuckle, "I will. Do you really think we can live in a world which is dying and there is something we can do about it and simply sit back and watch? Well, you clearly don't know us, right buddy?"

Mihigo stood by the window gazing out to a view only he could see "Are you with us?" Alexandria's voice jolted him to reality. He smiled, "Old man i never caught your name." The old man smiled "That is something i only tell my friends." “Very well, i shall call you wizard then.” Mihigo nodded as if agreeing with himself and said "Wizard, would someone who save's your life qualify as friend?" the old man nodded "I once read a book that said something about tracer clouds, now i am no expert, but that cloud out there is quiet well defined, almost has a shape, almost like a snake preparing to strike a lowly victim who can't see past its camouflage." The old man was at the window at surprising speed. "Morgana's mocking birds! We need to leave, NOW."


Two boys, a girl, a cat and an old confused looking old man stood at the top of a small snow hill as they watched multiple squads of men dressed in all black shinny armor push against thin air though they knew better. Mihigo watched in agony a scene only he could see. The red, blue and green curtains had merged into a single angry veil that stretched tightly around a small patch of the ice desert. It flickered and burned a crimson red, streaks of blue running through it like bolts of lightning. The snake cloud however pushed harder and steadily forward, weakening the barrier. "We need to go before they break through and find out we aren't there." Ntende tugged at Mihigo who reluctantly turned to wizard. The old man through his arms outward to the sky and arched his back as though calling out. Ntende was about to voice his agitation when a vortex much like the one they used to get there appeared. "Ladies first." the old man beckoned Alexandria through, who was quickly followed by Ntende and Mihigo. They arrived in the same room through which they had first gone through the portal. The same secretary was there waiting for them. She was as beautiful as ever, thought Ntende. She wore the same knee high boots, with cutoff jeans and a black t-shirt that clung tight to her body. “I was worried when I sensed a breach of your defenses, are you alright?” Wizard turned his gaze downward and looked at his cat that was purring and rubbing his chin on his leg. “We are fine for now Nezza, thank you.” She nodded and they followed her out of the IPTC.

“We should head for my place, we will be safe there.” Spoke Nezza but Ntende shook his head “The only way to get away would have been by portal, it won’t be long before they figure it out. We should head for some place anonymous.” Wizard nodded his agreement.

The sun was high in the sky over the forest casting long shafts of light through the thick canopy. The city far behind, nature’s sounds became more evident, birds twittering, leaves rustling in the wind. “Didn’t get enough sleep?” Ntende called out seeing his friend swaying with the wind. Mihigo smiled “Maybe hearing things no one else can isn’t so bad.” “Nature’s song is heard by all, if you’re in the right state of mind.” said Wizard. A twig snapped a few feet away stopping them all in their tracks. Out of the trees stepped a hooded figure, Wizard stepped forward and said “The spark of hope is frail but hard to kill, pure of heart protect it, darkness seeks to snuff it out, those between fight to survive.” The hooded figure stood still for a minute, Ntende shifting uncomfortably until it eventually turned and was followed by wizard and the four. They were led deep into the forest, the trees slowly closing in and the forest growing ever quieter. They walked for what felt like hours but eventually the trees begun to grow more spaced and brighter with thin golden rays of light pouring in; Mihigo expected it to be the setting sun.

A large wall made entirely of large thick vines suddenly loomed above their heads. As they approached the wall the three stopped but not Wizard, Nezza and hooded figure, they walked right through the wall as though it was not there. Mihigo and Ntende glanced at each other, like the three Alexandria walked through. They soon followed warily, and found themselves in a city built entirely of trees and vines. Buildings made entirely of forest, their structure not different from the city buildings. The only inorganic materials visible were the glasses set into the windows. A fire pit at the center of the compound was smoking. Children ran all over laughing and giggling. Two children raced by chasing an unnaturally large puppy, you could tell from the puppy like yelps and barks that otherwise without made it look fully grown. Wizards cat peeped from behind Ntende’s leg then bounded away.

They followed the hooded figure into a large domed building set at the far side of the compound. It looked as though the very building was part of a humongous tree and disappeared into the tree itself. They made their way through the giant double doors into a hall filled with books. The walls, shelves and beams that held the building together were entirely made of wood or vine, as though the building itself was one giant tree. They followed the hooded figure to a desk at a window overlooking the compound. “Welcome my friends, to the eternal forest.”

He said, as he sat himself behind the desk and gestured for them to take their seats. As he did so plants immediately burst forth from the earth and shaped themselves into chairs. The figure removed his hood to reveal a man with white hair and eyes so blue they seemed to pierce your soul. The deep wrinkles on his face gave away his youthful impression. Wizard busied himself with a book on one of the nearby shelves. His voice was deep and even, with practiced steadiness as he looked down at the youngsters before him. “My name is Albadeluz, leader of this community, what are your names?” before anyone could answer Mihigo spoke “We haven’t got any…yet.” Albadeluz focused his gaze on him as did Mihigo each of them scanning the other.

“You are right to protect your identity and that of your friend, but I still need something to call you, it’s just a name.” his voice had become soothing as though coaxing a baby to let go a beloved toy. “Names have power; you will know ours once you gain our trust. But for now call me Lionel.” Albadeluz smiled. “Smarter than he looks eh.” Wizard said from behind a book. He shut it and walked over to the desk “Identified a doom cloud he did.” As he did so Ntende noticed that he no longer favored one leg and his nose seemed normal, he wasn’t hunch backed either. Noticing Ntende’s perplexed look he said “Glamour spell boy, I may be old but I am not that old.” He run a hand over his head and as he did so hair seemed to grow over the bold part, making him look slightly younger than Albadeluz. They spent the day admiring the town; it was bigger than it appeared. Every house was set into a tree and some people added an assortment of leaves and twigs to their garments, this really amused Mihigo; especially when Ntende added twigs in his hair in order to ‘fit in’ and when he was asked his name he called himself ‘Tormentadefuego’ (Storm of fire.) but later went by Blaze.


Later that night a shadow crept past the many concealed houses set into trees. Past the fire pit and onto the steps of the great library, as the huge doors swung silently open a hooded figure crept in. The cloak it hid behind could not conceal the unusually large padded feet that carried it silently along the corridors and towards an old glass encased book, bound in leather with abstract carvings set into it. In the glass reflection a pair of deep glowing amber eyes stared back at the figure, though it seemed undisturbed. As the figure closed in on the glass, the book’s carvings begun to glow a dull blue light; just then a bright yellow light filled the room and a deep steady voice called out “UNMASK YOUR SELF.” The hooded figure froze in place, then slowly turned and pulled back the hood to reveal a young girl with red hair so long that even as it was braided into a ponytail it still reached her waist line. Her fury cat like ears set near the top of her head drooped as the grey whiskers twitched with the trembling of her lips. Her pupils dilated to slits as she looked into the light and at the person who caught her.

“Amber, what are you doing sneaking in here like a thief in the night?” Albadeluz lowered the staff held in his left hand and the light emanating from the orb at the top dimmed. “Master, I did not expect to find you here.” ‘Obviously’ thought Albadeluz “What did you expect to find?” Amber lowered her gaze “I am not sure, I had a dream this morning of a stranger saving the village, but I thought it was just a dream, until I saw your guests. The boy with a marking on his cheek, he is the one I saw in my dream. I thought…” Albadeluz sighed “you thought the book could answer your questions. Dear Amber you know that book can only be read by the one.” Amber’s gaze snapped back and she locked eyes with Albadeluz. “How do you know ‘the one’ is not me? I could be here right in front of you and yet you refuse to even acknowledge me.”

“Dear child, not even the dragons know who it is, all we can do is wait, whoever it is will be revealed… in time.” Amber’s slit pupils dilated larger with concern making her look like a surprised cartoon. “You think that he or she could be revealed soon?” “All I know is that your visions have yet to lead us astray, so do tell me what our new friend saves us from.” Albadeluz put his arm around her lovingly and they walked down the aisle deeper into the library.

Morning arrived to find Mihigo in the library engrossed deeply in a book. “What do you have there with you Lionel?” Albadeluz asked as he walked in. “History of this Village, but it makes little sense to me.” Albadeluz smiled “Yet you carry on reading it, why?” “It may not make sense to me now but it will, eventually. Some things though I would like to see them myself, like the living trees. Trees are already alive, so what would make these trees so special?” Albadeluz smiled fondly “You have an adventurous spirit. Come with me, your friend is already waiting.” They made their way to the desk near the window where Ntende, Alexandria, Nezza and wizard were waiting.

Ntende was nose deep in a book when Mihigo reached him. “Yo man, check out this creature.” Ntende held up the book which showed a large bear like creature with blue crystals jutting out of its back. Mihigo smiled, “Sweet” was all he could say. “Lionel and Blaze you must know that your arrival here is no accident.” Ntende placed the book back on the shelf and turned to face Albadeluz. “On the day of your arrival I did a summoning spell, do you know what this is?” He held out in the palm of his hand a clear crystal gem. “This is conveniently named star crystal, as it absorbs star light and accumulates it into magical energy which it stores for millennia. It is thanks to this that I managed to summon you here.”

“Send us back?” Mihigo’s voice took on a deadly tone. Alexandria shrunk in her seat knowing too well the person yet to surface. “I called out to you and in an instant you came to us.” Mihigo glared at Albadeluz “You brought us here, you can send us back.” “It is not that simple, the celestial event that brought you here will not happen for another thousand years, and the magic in the crystal is nearly depleted.” “So why did you bring us here?” Mihigo asked. Albadeluz sighed. “I didn’t. All I did was call out to the one that would save us all and you arrived.” “But there are three of us who arrived.” Ntende said. “No.” Alexandria looked to Ntende and Mihigo “The spell I did was meant to carry one person… me. No, if the spell brought any one it was you two, I felt it when you grabbed me, I felt the power of the spell double. The spell didn’t bring three it brought two, the two of you.”

 Wizard and Albadeluz shared glances as if questioning each other. “Is it possible?” Wizard spoke with a new found energy. “It was hard to believe that one person could save us all, but now we know he won’t act alone and if so this means there could be more than one Dragon Lord.” “Impossible.” Nezza said “The prophecy clearly says dragon lord, as in one not two or three, one.” “Albas,” Wizard said as he rose from his seat “summoned for the one who would save us, the prophecy did not say he would be from another world either. So if these boys are the ones must we not prepare them for what is to come?” As he said this the doors to the library were heard as they were banged shut. Lionel and Blaze were no longer in the room.

“Emma!” Ntende called as he followed his friend out of the library. “You said we would help them.” Mihigo stopped in his tracks and wheeled around, confusion and desire burning in his eyes. “Enzo I said we would help them find their hero if we could find a way home in the process.” “But we are those heroes Emma, we can stay and help.” Ntende could do little to hide the excitement in his voice. “This is war Lawrence, WAR! What are the chances of us returning home if we fight a war? We don’t even know if they know we are missing, they may think we are dead from the meteorite that hit us. Enzo you don’t fight a war in a day, it takes years, decades and even centuries to end any war. Do you really think two children that came out of nowhere LITERALLY can end a war they don’t even know about?”

“No, but your arrival here has changed things.” Said a feminine voice, they turned to see who it belonged to, and found a girl about 5’1 with deep amber eyes and an abundant volume of hair so red it glittered in the sun light. Her ears were pointy like Alexandria’s but other than that she looked normal. “Hi, my name is Amber.” Mihigo clenched his jaw “Go away.” He said “I know everything looks messed up right now but things will get better.” She assured them.


No sooner had she spoken a humongous fire ball rocketed past and landed in the middle of the village. Smaller fire balls erupted from it and transformed into man like forms wearing armor and carrying all forms of crude weaponry, from clubs to axes and hammers, these creatures were armed to the teeth. They scattered and set to fire everything they touched as they crushed what they could causing mayhem and panic. Albadeluz, Wizard, Nezza and Alexandria burst forth from the library at once. On seeing what was happening they all fled in different directions, heading for burning houses and helping the people get away. Albadeluz raised his staff and a beam of light shot out into the sky, and then spread out like a dome over the area being attacked. The creatures were contained, leaving Albadeluz, Wizard, Nezza, Alexandria, Ntende and Mihigo to deal with them.

Mihigo grabbed Ntende by the arm, “we have to take cover.” He said as he instinctively ducked when one of the creatures hurled a fire ball at Wizard who waved his hand and deflected it with a gust of wind. “No,” Ntende pulled his hand back “we have to help.” With that he ran straight at one of the creatures clutching a fiery hammer and quickly realized as it set its sights on him, that he knew nothing of how to stop a flaming hammer. It smiled menacingly and hurled the hammer at Ntende who froze mid step with shock. He closed his eyes, felt the heat on his face and braced for the hot impact, when suddenly, his leg was swept off the ground and a strong hand shoved him toward the ground.

Wham! Ntende hit the ground, and opened his eyes in surprise to see the fiery hammer whisk by over his head, and crash into a nearby tree. He turned to see Mihigo glare at him in a way he’d never seen before; he had a beastly air to him that scared Ntende. The creature let out a blood curling howl and raced towards them. Mihigo was on his feet before Ntende could blink, he tore off his shirt and leaped with all his might and flung himself over the creature. Just as he was above it, he dropped his shirt over it. The creature being made of fire was now trapped within the shirt as it burned. Mihigo landed on his feet and still holding onto the shirt he tossed it at another creature and the two creatures screeched as they slammed into one another and then exploded into oblivion.

Wizard saw what Mihigo had done and created a mini tornedo that swept up a dozen of the creatures and slammed them into one another and destroyed them. Albadeluz also noticed the tactic and did the same. Soon there were no more creatures but the one that landed in the middle of the village, it begun spitting out more creatures and the battle begun afresh.

Amber ran towards Mihigo who was dragging an insistent Ntende into the library. “I know what to do now, I can get two of them to attack me and…” Ntende stopped when he looked at Mihigo and instinctively backed away. “You almost got yourself killed boy!” Mihigo’s voice boomed and ricocheted around the library just as Amber burst in. “we can’t take much of this.” She said out of breath. When Mihigo turned to look at her, she took a step back and went for the dagger strapped to her side, but as she looked into his eyes she relaxed and sighed loudly. “They just keep coming, Nezza, Alexandria and I were trying to put out the fires but it’s hopeless, at this rate the forest will soon be gone.” Mihigo walked to a window and looked outside, it was a war zone with Wizard and Albadeluz the only ones fighting as Nezza and Alexandria tried to put out the fires.

Nezza stood near a well making swift dancing like motions which the water seemed to be following out of the well towards Alexandria who made Frisbee like throwing motions that cast the water over the fire which only seemed to grow. He turned to Amber his voice strong and commanding while his eyes seemed to bore into her soul. “Can you do a rain spell?” he asked “Yes, but not without clouds.” She answered. “Get Nezza to telepathically tell Wizard and Albadeluz to simply keep the creatures together until I return, and when I do to slam them all into the one spitting them out. Then you and the girls should prepare to cast the biggest rain spell you ever have.” Amber nodded and ran out.

“Come with me.” He said to Ntende who followed wordlessly. They made their way to a large bookshelf. Mihigo pulled a book half way and the book shelf slid to the right revealing a tunnel. Mihigo motioned to Ntende to follow him. The tunnel led them out of a giant hollow tree. Mihigo scanned the area, then suddenly begun talking to himself. “You know what’s happening.” He said; ignoring Ntende who looked at him as though he had legs on his head. “I’ve read about you, I know you were once guardians of this forest. People think you’re a myth, but now more than ever they need you.” Ntende walked cautiously to his friend “Emma, you’re worrying me.” Before he could open his mouth to speak again the trees around them begun to shift as though waking up from a deep slumber “Why should we help?” said a voice. “Because this is your home and the people here have done nothing but respect it and treat it well, treat you well; But if you won’t do it for them do it for your selves, this forest is your home if it burns so will you.” Mihigo turned to leave when a root erupted in front of him blocking his path. “For centuries we have slept,” said another voice; this one deeper and more ancient than the last. “We have watched people come and go, seen the good and evil in man, watched as they forgot about us but kept our home safe, and have taken care of us and our children.” “We made a promise long ago,” the ancient voice said “If man shall ever need our help all he need do is ask, and we shall come to your aid; and so today hijodebosque we serve you.”

Mihigo turned to Ntende “Lead the youngest, strongest trees back to the village, when Wizard and Albadeluz slam the creatures into the original flame have some of the trees form a cocoon around it as tight as they can, then find a way to make them pour soil over the other fires to kill them before they spread further.” Ntende nodded and pointed at five trees “Follow me.” He said and tore off into the forest, the trees not far behind. Ntende could hear the crackling of the flames as he neared the village. When he arrived it was pure chaos; the flames had gotten past the barrier Albadeluz put up and were burning their way through the village. He turned to the trees and pointed to the three tallest ones “Two of you form catapults with your vines, as strong, wide and many as you can make. The other should form just as many shovels with its vines and fill your catapults, then you hurl them at the fires not the creatures; put out as many as you can.”

He signaled the last two to follow him as he made his way through the mayhem all around him. The trees deflected fire balls hurled at him as they neared the original flame which had grown enormous. Albadeluz and Wizard noticed the trees, their jaws dropped when they saw Ntende leading them. Do it now Ntende thought, as though they heard him Albadeluz and Wizard raised their hands and a humungous tornedo appeared sweeping up the creatures; with one final hurl they threw them at the source which boomed and cracked menacingly as it was bombarded by its own magic. It spit and cracked as it diminished into the size of a basketball. Ntende commanded the trees to form the cocoon around it immediately, and they did. Vines and roots burst from the ground around the flame and begun wrapping themselves around it, entwining and twisting to form a very tight ball; the flame inside struggled and roared trying to break free until it eventually died out. Ntende told the two trees to join the others in putting out the flames.

Cold winds rushed by, and a distant rumble could be heard along with an unfamiliar whooshing sound. Mihigo soon appeared standing atop one of the huge trees as they swung their leaves and branches to the rhythm of his hands and arms; above them heavy storm clouds gathered as Mihigo led the trees to the middle of the village where he climbed down to meet Ntende. “Great work.” He said pride evident in his voice. Alexandria, Nezza and Amber came out of the library gasping at the clouds. “Will these do?” Mihigo asked raising his voice over the loud whoosh of the building winds. Amber simply gaped at him. “This will take more than three.” Alexandria said as she gazed up at the clouds “How about five?” Wizard asked as he and Albadeluz joined them at the center of the storm Mihigo had brought. They raised their hands at once and yelled cloud burst! The clouds burst and down came the heaviest rain the forest has ever faced; the fire didn’t stand a chance, it fizzled out under the down pour.


People whooped and cheered at the great hall of the village; it was as its name described. As large as an arena the building stood out with its domed roof, and like all buildings in the village it was made entirely of thick twisting vines and leaves. Ntende sat at the high table next to Wizard and Albadeluz, set on a stage looking out at the people of the village; they were milling in through the three arched entrances. They made their way in to the hall filling up all empty seats and talking animatedly. Ntende thought back to the reason he was here. After the rain storm passed Mihigo had been taken to a healer to get some burns he had attained when he saved Ntende checked out. Later that day Amber came to find him and informed him of a celebratory dinner to be held in honor of the village’s new Hero’s. He asked to go find Mihigo but she told him Alexandria had gone to tell him about the dinner. “Besides you have to get the proper hero attire.” She had said with a wink before taking him by the hand and leading him away. As they walked she began enthusiastically telling him about how she’d already been to the tailor and knew the perfect materials and fabric that would complement his form and bring out his eyes. “Just wait, you’re going to look soo great…” she trailed off “What’s wrong?” she asked seeing the troubled look on his face. “You remind me of my sister. She always complained about my fashion sense, trying to get me to the mall and putting holes in my cloths so I had no choice.” “You must miss her.” “Yes, I do.” Amber felt sorry for him, she may have never known her family but at least she didn’t know what she was missing. ‘I have to make him feel better.’ She thought as they neared a small door set into a large tree. Her face lit up “We’re here.” She declared.

Amber knocked on the door and was answered by a short plump woman wearing a shabby brown dress, with some white spots Ntende assumed were its original color. This brought a smile to his face that quickly diminished as he wondered how she was going to make him look great as Amber had put it. “Amber darling come in, come in and bring your friend.” She stepped aside to let them in. The inside was entirely wooden, from the floor to the ceiling, everything besides her cloths were wooden. But as Ntende looked around he realized there were no widows; the only source of light coming in through the roof as shafts of sun light. But there was something else, Ntende looked up again and realized there was no roof, just the inside of a hollow tree; he glanced at the door and at the woman worriedly. A giggle escaped Amber’s lips. “Something funny dear?” the woman asked. She gave Ntende a winning smile and turned to the Plump woman. “Tuisenge, this is my friend, he goes by Blaze but that’s not his real name.” “It’s a pleasure to meet you Blaze.” said Tuisenge “He needs something to wear for the dinner tonight.” Amber said with a twinkling in her eyes; “Yes, something worthy of a hero.” Tuisenge looked Ntende up and down as she stroked her chin; then her eyes lit up “I see it.” She proclaimed. “Come with me, we have some work to do.”

She led him into a back room that was lit with glowing crystals set into the roof, and smelled of sweets. All around cloths and fabric hung off hangers and hooks. Tuisenge put him up on a stool in front of a mirror. She disappeared behind a heap of fabric and returned with a measure. Taking his measurements and choosing the fabric took twenty minutes, then came the day long wait for the surprise as Amber put it. He had tried to have them make a suit but as soon as Tuisenge heard his explanation she refused to make it, but said she understood the gist of it and would make something that fit in the occasion and made him comfortable. When she set out to begin the task Alexandria walked in “I thought I might find you here.” She gave Amber a meaningful look who simply smiled back innocently. “Hi Alex, is Lionel with you?” Ntende asked “That’s why I am here Albadeluz wants to see you both, Lionel is already with him.”

Once at the library Alexandria and Amber left to go get ready for the dinner. Mihigo pointed out the dinner was to be held after sun down but all he got for an answer was giggles, smiles and waves goodbye. “Thank you for meeting me, you must want to rest before tonight but I think this is important.” “Lionel found a spell to protect your given names the morning of the attack yesterday. I have looked into it and think you should cast it, but only if you intend to use your given names.” Mihigo and Ntende glanced at one another. A smile playing on Ntende’s lips “You really think we wouldn’t recognize a test.” “Only those with the gift of magic can cast.” Mihigo said getting up. “You have second sight.” Mihigo sat back down. “That means nothing.” He glared at Albadeluz “You want to go home, I understand.” Ntende opened his mouth to speak but decided against it. “This is my home” he gestured around “but I wasn’t always around. In my youth, I traveled and went on adventures, made friends all over the world, fell in love so many times; with the lands I visited, the seas I sailed, but the one constant feeling was the yearning to come home; do this spell, come to the dinner, stay one more night and then we shall try to find a way to reach your land, and get you home.” And so Mihigo and Ntende did the spell to protect their names. “Well?” Albadeluz asked “My name is Mihigo Emmanuel.” On hearing this Albadeluz raised his staff at him and commanded “Mihigo Emmanuel, rise from your seat.” Mihigo smiled “Guess it worked.” He turned to Ntende and nodded. “My name is Ntende Lawrence.” Albadeluz raised his staff to him as well and commanded him to attack Mihigo but he just hugged him. This made Albadeluz smile.

As the sun set Ntende returned to Tuisenge to pick up his outfit. When she saw him she smiled brightly “It’s ready.” She pointed to a smaller room like a closet where he found his cloths placed neatly on a table. When he re-emerged Tuisenge sighed with content “I knew you would look great in it, I am so good at what I do I surprise myself.” Ntende walked to the mirror and studied his reflection. He was dressed in a navy blue admiral like jacket that went just beyond his waist with golden clasps; the sleeves and lower hem embroidered with gold, over a white shirt that complimented the jacket. His trousers were a deep blue that blended nicely with the jacket and were secured by a black belt made of a material a bit tougher than leather. Ntende smiled at himself. “Thank you Tuisenge, this is indeed great.” “I know dear, now you best get to the great hall, I have to get dressed too.” From there he left for the great hall and found Albadeluz and Wizard already at the high table.

A tap on his shoulder brought Ntende back to reality; he turned to find Mihigo smiling down at him in a similar outfit. Ntende smiled then rose to greet his friend. “Where were you?” “With Alexandria, she is relentless.” Ntende studied his friend, his eyes widened in realization “She combed your hair.” They sat down and Mihigo told how she first tried to butter him down with flirtations but quickly realized he would not yield. She then proceeded to literally tie him down to a chair. Mihigo’s expression turned grave and he said in a whiny voice “She murdered my hair Lawrence, murdered.” Lawrence shook his head in disbelief “She gave you a haircut? What did she do, tie you down with magic?” Mihigo begun feigning tears “Oh Lawrence we must strike back.” “What’s your plan?” Mihigo smiled a devilish smile, a mischievous glint in his eye. “I shall shave her eye brows mwah ha, ha, ha, ha.”

Albadeluz rose to his feet, and a wave of silence spread out across the entire room. “Welcome citizens of the eternal forest to this fabulous moment, definitely going down in the forest’s historical records; Today we celebrate those who saved us from a horrific attack. An event meant to destroy us has bought us closer together and united us more than ever. So tonight we not only celebrate these new heroes but also the return of this forests most ancient protectors; May we raise our glasses to this night and to our heroes.” He turned to Mihigo and Ntende who nodded their consent “To Mihigo Emmanuel and Ntende Lawrence.” Every one followed suit and rose their glasses, nodding towards Mihigo and Ntende and murmuring “To Mihigo and Ntende.”

Conversation broke out throughout the hall even Albadeluz and Wizard were engaged in deep conversation, but when Ntende turned to look at Mihigo he was hungrily tearing at a fleshy piece of meat. “Sometimes I wonder if you are omnivorous or just pure carnival.” “Bottomless pit.” Mihigo said between raising another piece of meat to his mouth. Ntende shook his head and gazed out at the crowd and caught Alexandria’s eyes, she waved at him and he rose to his feet “Be right back.” he said, leaving Mihigo to gasp in joy as another piece of meat materialized on his plate. “So, Ntende huh?” Alexandria smiled as Ntende sat down beside Amber. “Yeah, but Mihigo calls me Enzo.” Amber leaned in close “Well, it’s finally nice to know your name…” Alexandria raised an eye brow “your real name.” Amber finished.

She reached out and held his hand, then begun tracing circles on his palm. “Hey Ntende, you’ve been to the library have you not?” “We were all there.” Alexandria glared at Amber who only bats her eye lids innocently. “You see there’s this book, it’s encased in glass, it’s the only book encased in glass.” “I’ve seen it.” He said in a hushed voice as he leaned in closer to her. Her eyes lit up and she put on a seductive smile. “It is said that book can only be read by those destined to save us. Perhaps you should take a look at it; it might have a way to get you home.” On hearing this Ntende nearly jumped out of his seat. “Albadeluz never lets anyone near it.” Alexandria supplied making Ntende furrow his brow in thought. Amber begun tracing her finger over his chest in an ‘S’ fashion “I am sure a brave young man like you can manage to get a book out of a library unnoticed.” She once again bats her eyes at him. “I definitely can, where do we meet?” Ntende declared at once.

Later that night Ntende walked out of the library hugging his tummy in an odd manner. He made for the forest not noticing the shadow of a hooded figure following him. Ntende reached a small clearing in the forest that had once been part of the village. “Well,” Amber’s voice said behind him “did you get it?” Ntende smiled and revealed the book. “So,” came Alexandria’s voice “now what?” she asked stepping out from behind a tree. “Open it.” Amber urged him. “Yes Enzo please, open it.” They all jumped at the new voice “I would like to know what could make you commit such an atrocity to those who have been so generous to us?” Mihigo pulled back the hood to the cloak he wore letting the moon light illuminate his face. He showed no expression as he walked up to Ntende and once again asked him to open the book.

Ntende swallowed hard and tried but the book remained sealed shut. “Well then, it seems the book doesn’t like being stolen. You will return it now and hope no one noticed it is missing.” Amber swiftly reached for the book but Mihigo’s hand was faster and clamped down on her own. “Let me try, I have to know if I am the one, if not I will return it myself Albadeluz will be disappointed and mad but not surprised.” Mihigo scanned her eyes then let go and nodded to Ntende. He handed her the book but she also failed, Alexandria too tried with the same result.

“Won’t you try?” Ntende asked Mihigo. He only shook his head and begun walking away towards the village. No sooner had they taken ten paces than Amber suddenly ducked; then lunged forward, knocking Ntende to the ground just as there was a roar and a huge beast black as night whisked by narrowly missing Amber as she landed atop Ntende. It turned its glowing red eyes to Alexandria who raised her hand and large vines erupted from the ground only to be cut down in one swipe of its huge paw and razor claws. Amber quickly got to her feet and body slammed the creature while it was distracted.

Two new assailants appeared, though they looked human and pointed to Ntende who had the book in his arms. “Hand over the book of Dragons and we will not harm you.” “Never heard of it.” Ntende answered. One of the men flicked his arm and threw Mihigo into a tree. “Hand it over or your friends die.” “No! You can have it just don’t hurt them.” As he loosened the vice like grip he had on the book Mihigo’s voice rung out, “I CAST NATURE SHEILD.”

Suddenly the nearby trees begun to glow a faint green and Ntende was engulfed into a sphere of light. The men turned to Mihigo who charged at them with two sticks each spiked along its shaft. Again the man waved his hand and pinned Mihigo to a tree. A slight thud was heard as the beast collapsed to the ground its body packed in arrows. Alexandria stood by the beast bow in hand as Amber leaped down on the two assailants from above knocking them to the ground and freeing Mihigo, who wasted no time slamming his foot down on the man’s face closest to him and knocking him out just as Amber jabbed the other one on the back of the head also knocking him out. Mihigo walked to the sphere of light and touched it, revealing Ntende inside. “What in the name of all that is good was that?”

“That… was a mythical mirror tiger.” Amber said jerking her head to the beast. “We need to get back and worn Albadeluz and the others this is too close to the village especially after the last attack.” Alexandria said moving purposely ahead. “How did you do that spell?” Ntende asked Mihigo. “I was in the library when you came to get the book, after doing the protection spell on our names I decided to learn some in case of emergency spells and I am glad I did.” “You know why i really did this right.” Ntende held the book closer to his chest. He wondered if Mihigo would understand. He wasn’t one to break rules recklessly.

“I know you want to get home, but we don’t need to make any enemies while we are here.” The village loomed ahead and they sped up to the library to return the book before Albadeluz figured out it was missing. As they approached the library a slight glow emulated the sky as the first rays of dawn sipped through the tree tops down to them. Albadeluz and wizard emerged through the giant doors of library, Ntende gulped audibly. “Well, at least that’s one mystery solved.” Wizard said his eyes on Ntende and the book in hand. “I know your both angry, but we were attacked…by a mythical mirror tiger.” Alexandria spoke, her voice even and soothing, yet it had a commanding tone to it that made Wizard turn his attention to her.

“It has begun he said to himself but his eyes still on Alexandria.” Following Albadeluz, he returned to the library followed by the small group. “Yes Mihigo, it is time to give you what you have so patiently waited for.” Ntende turned to Mihigo who nodded curtly, before dropping into the leafy couch that had just grown before their eyes. Albadeluz watched the four pairs of eyes set upon him and sighed heavily. Ntende seemed to notice how old the man looked his face now had a somber faraway look and his fore head set in deep wrinkles of a frown. He seemed to be remembering something troublesome. Suddenly his face cleared and he looked as radiant as ever except for the intensity in his gaze. “I am going to tell you a story, I believe um… Wizard has told you part of it.” Leaning forward Ntende said “About the lost kingdom of Elebor.” “Yes,” Albadeluz faced them “Now for the details. The darkness, the danger that we are all terrified of is…Mayiga.” At the mention of the name a cold wind blew past leaving the occupants of the library covered in goose bumps.

“He was part of the king’s court, rescued as a child from a terrible event of which he was the only survivor. He grew up in the palace and many presumed he would become king, until an heir was born. Or rather an heiress; No one really knows what drove him or what events specifically took place but he was able to turn part of the army to serve him, probably by magic. The army was made up of subjects of Elebor who volunteered specifically to protect their kingdom, their home. In truth everyone was in the army. Battalions were chosen in shifts from different parts of the kingdom. After he defeated the last of the army he declared himself sole ruler of Elebor. You are aware that Alexandria is Lord Grimwarld’s daughter and hence a threat to his rule.”

Ntende glanced at Alexandria. He wasn’t surprised somehow it made sense. “Our kingdom is built on magic,” continued Albadeluz “certain things cannot occur minus consequences. Elebor is not a kingdom in this planet Elebor is this planet. The throne is a seat of power and so to stop the threat of this evil from spreading a dimensional barrier was set up to separate the old world of Elebor from everything else. The darkness had spread far and wide and in order to prevent it from going any further even the slightest hint of darkness had to be quarantined and as a result a large part of the kingdom was lost with all that lived within it.”

“You’re saying there are people in this old Elebor.” Ntende was horrified. “It was not of our choosing to leave them, but we had to look at the bigger picture.” Said Wizard “To create such a dimensional barrier took an immense amount of power and mystic energy. The king’s court was made of fifty adult clerics each at the height of his power, and it took all of us to set it up, with me as the only survivor.” The audience of four gapped in wonder, “I didn’t know what it took to save me, and I am sorry Wizard.” Alexandria bowed her head solemnly. “Do not blame yourself princess we chose our path and the others live on in the boundary. So long as their blood lines continue the barrier cannot, will not fall ever.” “A tethering spell, excellent; they are the hardest to break, especially when one does not know where or who they are tethered to.” Mihigo stated. “Indeed.” agreed Albadeluz.

“When I went to the dragons they showed me a vision of a warrior, his body ablaze like a second sun, on a battle field of sweltering terrain. From the ground came forth plumes of acid smoke through which he strode unscathed; and then from within him burst a light of cosmic intensity, it washed over the battle field cleansing all that it touched. Even the very ground cooled and from it sprouted fields of ever green blades of grass, imbued with the most aromatic scent ever. Wounds healed, scars faded even those thought dead arose. All weaponry vanished from the scene, until all that was left was a pacific meadow.”

Silent as a grave, Is the only way one could define the atmosphere in the library. Mihigo broke the silence first. “A God.” He spoke barely above a whisper. When no one showed any inclination they had heard he raised his voice. “You’re describing a GOD and expect us to pull off such a feat.” “Not a GOD.” interrupted Alexandria “A DRAGON LORD.” “Whatever you want to call it, neither me nor Ntende can walk right through acid smoke.” Wizard wagged a finger in front of Mihigo “I didn’t say walked, he purpose fully strode.” “I don’t care if he sashayed! We can’t do that!”

“Enough.” Albadeluz’s voice cut through the slowly escalating argument. “Obviously this… being is something to behold, but for now let us stick to what we know. The men that attacked you belong to a section of magicians who believe in him.” Before anyone could ask he continued “Darkness exists everywhere and the death bringer uses it to turn people to his side; now a small group is influencing more and are growing steadily. If they find the descendants of the wizards they can bring down the barrier; we suppose this is his plan; but this is not your fight. We have a team of guardians that will deal with them, for now we must find a way to defeat him. The people here did not forget old Elebor. They have an army standing by to protect their homes if the barrier falls. “The dragons.” Amber offered and everyone turned to her. She had been so quiet they had forgotten she was there. “They have untold power. The very name of our world Elebor is draconic the meaning lost over time. If we can get Mihigo and Ntende to them surely they can tell us if they at least stand a chance against him.”

“You make good sense Amber. We shall make preparations to leave for the old world in two days.” Albadeluz and Wizard stayed in the library to discuss as the others left. “Just like that we are a team on a mission.” Mihigo for the first time since Ntende knew him sounded unsure. “We can do it.” Ntende held out his hand to Alexandria and Amber. “Together.” He declared and so they joined hands “Mihigo.” Alexandria held out her hand to him. “You can’t do this on your own, none of us can.” “But together we stand a chance.” Ended Ntende; and so Mihigo joined the group linking his hands with Alexandria on his right and Ntende to his left; as he did a jolt ran through them all similar to the one that held Ntende and Mihigo to Alexandria. Only this time they were not afraid, this time they stood together as one. “From here on out,” begun Mihigo “we” followed Alexandria, “are” added Amber “the” stated Ntende and then together they declared “Dragon lords of Elebor!”


The two days went by in the blink of an eye. The day had come when they would set off to the old kingdom of Elebor. Mihigo and Ntende had received multiple provisions as gifts from the inhabitants of the forest; from cloths to food to weaponry, it was as if they had lived here all their lives. And so with Albadeluz and Wizard in the lead Mihigo, Ntende, Alexandria and Amber left for the depths of the forest towards the great boundary that separated the old kingdom of Elebor from the rest of the world. Nezza stayed behind as the acting head of the village until Albadeluz returned.

They kept a steady pace behind Albadeluz, his feet leading him through the ever condensing jungle. Their surroundings became more feral. Over the copious assortment of roots and branches that snapped under their weight and tugged at their cloths they pressed on. The stillness of the jungle was unnerving. Amber’s abundant mane seemed to have been electrocuted for it was now a mound of spikey strands from her head to knee joints. She looked more like a cat on high alert. Ntende wondered when she had unbraided it but could not bring himself to speak in the gloom that seemed to be trying to suffocate him. His vision blurred and he kept tripping on unseen roots. He swore he saw one of the trees lift its root to trip him, but when he tried to speak his voice never left his throat. Some malevolent force was weighing him down and soon he was rooted to the spot unable to lift his feet. In the darkness a shadow loomed closer to him, grasping its throat he attempted to crush the life out of it.

‘I will not be killed so easily.’ He thought to himself even as an insistent voice called out from some distant part of his mind to let go. The voice grew louder until Ntende recognized Wizard’s voice in his mind. “Ntende.” He called his voice clear as day. “Wake up Ntende, WAKE UP!” It came as a roar echoing throughout his mind and ripping through the darkness. Onward it carried Ntende until suddenly he was face to face with Mihigo, his hands clamped tightly around his neck in an asphyxiating squeeze.

A jumble of emotions crossed Ntende’s face as he gasped in horror taking several steps away from his friend. Anguish gripped at him from all sides. He just wanted the ground to open up and swallow him. ‘How could I ever hurt my best friend? I tried to kill him.’ He thought to himself. “It wasn’t your fault.” Said Albadeluz; His face devoid of any emotion as though the slightest sign of feelings may be treacherous. ‘I set this trap to stop those who sought to help the spread of evil, now I wonder if I can get my new allies and me through…in one piece.’ He thought to himself.

“Quickly,” Wizard prodded Ntende in the back “we must move on.” Mihigo finally caught Ntende’s eye despite his numerous efforts to avoid him. “It wasn’t your fault my friend.” Ntende presented such a forlorn look Mihigo added “We close upon the seat of evil; it tries to draw us in, to snuff out the light in our hearts that threaten it. Do not despair my friend, you do not stand alone, I am here.” “Truer words were never spoken.” Mumbled Wizard then more loudly so Ntende could hear he added “So am i.” Alexandria and Amber also echoed the same.

Everyone felt the evil bearing down on them and the signs of their struggle were evident. Alexandria and Amber held hands so tightly their knuckles whitened. Mihigo and Ntende supported one another as though the other would soon collapse. Even Wizard and Albadeluz held onto the same staff for support. Where it came from no one had the strength to ask. It seemed the further into the forest they travelled the more unyieldingly did the unseen force press into them.

Albadeluz had earlier explained to them when Ntende’s curiosity surpassed his tiredness, that the boundary they were crossing was as much a death trap as any. He went on to say that the spell cast over the land that the boundary touches in thickness, is a self-sustaining and intensifying spell, meaning so long as it existed it would grow stronger and stronger. It was created to contain the evil in the old world as well as keep any one who attempted to cross from ever reaching their goal. The spell would grow in intensity the deeper you traveled into the boundary. From simply causing you to remember some would be more important errand, fatigue, to hallucinations and other despicable things that would send any one running in the opposite direction.

          Eventually none of them could move a muscle. “We are at the edge of the boundary.” Gasped Albadeluz “The spell will try to kill us now; There is no turning back.” “Could have mentioned that earlier.” Ntende wheezed as he crawled into a ball. “Join hands.” Wizard nearly pleaded while clawing at his chest. As Ntende clasped Alexandria’s hand he felt his strength begin to foster. Soon they were in a bizarre kind of circle each trapped in his or her own posture unable to move.

Mihigo could feel his death draw near, as his eyes grew heavy and his body felt light, as though he were floating away. Fleeting images crossed his mind; his mother and father worried sick unaware of his fate, Ntende’s lifeless body alone on the forest floor ‘Why did I convince him to watch that blasted meteor storm with me.’ He thought to himself. He saw Alexandria and Nezza’s hopeful glances when he looked through the door. The people of the eternal forest lost without their leader whom he had taken to his death…literally.

“No!” came a voice clear as a bell “You cannot give up now.” All at once his spirit came crushing down to earth. As ambitious as the devil, he clung onto life. ‘I won’t give up.’ he thought. Then reaching deeper than he ever thought possible into his soul, with all his might he bellowed “WE WILL NOT GIVE UP!” A surge of energy left him as another rushed through him. Somehow he knew it was from Amber. A feral like instinct to survive overwhelmed him causing him to sit bolt upright.


The change of scenery was over whelming, the serene forest through which they had traveled now gave the impression of a decimated war zone. The air had a chocking smell to it causing everyone to cough and wipe their eyes. “The waste lands,” Albadeluz glanced at Wizard a pained look in his eyes. “We must make our way out of here quickly before the inhabitants find out about our arrival.” No one dared ask who the inhabitants of such a devastating dwelling might be.

For hours they walked in silence up to a small hill; the only one that could be seen for miles. It made the only hopeful horizon that one could move purposefully towards without doubting his or her direction. Once there they could see signs of life begin to emerge. First as a small foot path then as scattered patches of grass and soon a number of trees dotted their surroundings. Wizard turned off the now clear road to another small path into a clearing where a dwelling of simple structure stood. It was obvious the house had no foundation. The right strength of wind could have easily swept it away. Despite this however, it gave the impression of being worn with age.

“I need something to base my alteration spell on.” Wizard said as he walked towards a line of cloths. He waved his hand over them and a slight shimmer passed over them before vanishing. “I am all done here.” He said as he walked back to them “We should change into cloths suitable to this particular setting.”

When they had all changed they looked like peasants from a long forgotten era. They grabbed their gear and headed back onto the road. As the first stars sparkled in the distance they came upon a town. The road cut right through it flanked on both sides with buildings of wood and metal. People went about their business as usual. Some fleeting glances passed their way but no one paid them any attention. Far different from the welcome they received at the eternal forest noted Ntende.

Weaving their way through the town Albadeluz led them to the crow bar inn; A rundown den of all perceivable goons, some unspeakable. “I will be right back.” Albadeluz headed for the counter. “Tell Nowamani an old friend is here to see him.” Albadeluz spoke with his back to the bar tender who continued wiping a single wooden mug that seemed to be intent on being dirty despite his insistent cleaning. When the bar tender didn’t reply Albadeluz turned to face him. Had it been anyone else he would have run for the hills but Albadeluz stared straight at the face like death. “I said…” “Heard what you said.” Interrupted the bartender, his voice was like rusted metal bars rubbing against one another. “Don’t know old Nowa.” “Never said he was old, nor did I give you his nick name.” Albadeluz could sense him getting ready to run. “I am a friend, I just want to find my friends and i a place to sleep, we hand a long journey and are tired.” Death face stared at Albadeluz blankly. “If you could afford a better place you wouldn’t be here.” “How about a safer place?” Interjected Wizard

Sliding his hands over the table he revealed a silver fork of intricate design. The words blue moon turban sprawled across the handle. The bar tender licked his lips very much like a starved komodo would when placed in a chicken house. The corners of his lips they realized stretched to touch his ears. A voracious hiss escaped his lips as he reached out to grab it. Albadeluz was quicker. Death face gave him a stare so vile, if looks could kill Albadeluz would be six feet under. “A ‘safe’ place to sleep first and make sure we are not disturbed.” The bartender seemed unsure. “You get another in the morning.” Albadeluz added quickly.

Five minutes later they were all in an attic like room; with a warm fire crackling in the fire place. The floor was covered in a soft carpet and the walls concealed by heavy red curtains and once Ntende had handed over the fork to the bartender, the curtains were extended to conceal even the door; plunging them in total silence as the outside world was blocked out.

Fire light danced on the curtains making the room even cozier. Ntende walked up to Mihigo and shuddered. “I don’t think the bartender is human.” “You will find few things are in this world, if any still exist.” Wizard said. “Don’t worry we’ve added our own magic to the room. We’ll be safe.” Albadeluz assured them. “So, where to now?” Mihigo asked. Wizard sat himself in a rocking chair nearby and Albadeluz perched himself on the edge of the only bed in the room while the others sat on the carpeted floor.

“We must find the resistance and present Alexandria. It will fill them with new hope.” Albadeluz looked at Alexandria as he said this and she nodded her consent. Already she was being treated as a princess again. She wondered how long it would be before the people wanted her to… No, her father is still out there and she will find him, he was probably leading the resistance right now. Amber put a comforting hand on her shoulder which made her smile, at least she wasn’t alone. By the time she turned to listen to the rest of Albadeluz’s plan he was finished and nodded curtly to Mihigo. “Very good, let’s get some sleep; we have a hard day’s work waiting for us tomorrow.”

“Princess,” he bowed. Alexandria blinked at the sudden show of formality from Albadeluz. “The bed is yours.” She tried to protest. “That was not a request.” He walked to a corner of the room and produced a small plant from his pocket; placing it on the floor it immediately begun to form a living tent at which Albadeluz smiled fondly, then crawled into before it sealed its entrance. Mihigo lay down by the fire and Amber curled herself around his head like a cat would; he smiled patted her on the head and closed his eyes. Wizard was fast asleep in his rocking chair. Ntende smiled at her “Good night princess.” He whispered and lay down staring at the ceiling; defeated Alexandria crawled into the bed and fell fast asleep.


A man of average height rounded a bend in the torch lit tunnel. The light cast shadows over the impenetrable breast plate that fit his broad chest to perfection. Light brown eyes caught sight of every detail in the tunnel. Being descended from the mpologoma clan his eyes had the ability to penetrate the deepest darkness.

Bbale Denis set off along the passage way quiet as a mouse. He moved instinctively guided by the memories of wandering these very passage ways for years. Time seemed to pass unnoticed in the never ending tunnels of the infinite city. Hands clasped behind his back he thought about his predicament. The men were getting tired of fighting a losing battle. Their hope deemed every day despite his attempts of pointing out their small successes, and reminding them of the legends on every child’s lips. If he didn’t find a way of restoring the people’s hope, then the battle will surely be lost. What do we have if not hope? He thought to himself.

A subtle noise caught his attention. He looked up to face Kalende Lyna. She was a short slightly plump woman about 5’1. Her stunning green eyes bore into his, making him feel vulnerable like she was staring into his very soul. Vulnerable as he might feel, he knew he was safe. Her happy smile always filled him with warmth and that chirping laughter of hers always made others laugh as well. Kalende had joined the rebellion after her forest was burned by the soldiers of the death bringer. Her sun kissed skin tone made it easy for her to move unnoticed in the dark tunnels of the infinite city. Her dark wavy hair never grew passed her jaw line; and in her right hand she held a beautifully engraved wooden staff about a foot taller than her. It was the sound of her tapping the ground with this staff that Bbale had heard.

“Do not trouble yourself brave leader.” She smiled her heartwarming smile and he felt his troubles slip away as he smiled back. “A light has returned to our world, it will soon need your protection. Come we must prepare.” Bbale followed her to the cozy round room that was his office. He pulled out a cushy sit for her and sat down in the one across from her. Despite the enticing shape of the chair she sat straight backed. Bbale did not bother; he could be himself around her.

“There are whispers’ in the wind.” She says in a mysterious tone. “The princess has returned. With her she has brought a formidable force, one you must treat with care lest it be turned against you.” Bbale was at the edge of his seat now. “Lyna, this is wonderful news.” He says grinning so much from ear to ear that his cheeks hurt. “Where is she we must send a party to escort her back. No. I will go personally.” As he was striding to the door she tripped him with her staff. He didn’t hit the ground as one might have expected, but stopped midway at about seventy degrees gave Kalende a pained look of amusement and swung back unsupported to his full height glaring down at Kalende.

A smile played at the corner of her lips. Since her arrival she had taken to trying to trip him when he least expected it. Whenever he confronted her about it she would only smile and move one. “She is not alone; Albadeluz and Rugina are with her.” Bbale squealed like a little girl. His old friend Albadeluz had returned and the great wizard is with him. The princess couldn’t be in safer hands. He was pacing now. “I shall have preparations made and sentries on the lookout for their arrival.” Kalende nodded “There are three others with them. The boy with silky black hair must be protected at all costs. When they reach the serpent’s canyon they will be ambushed. Send men ahead to clear the way and accompany them safely here.

This time Bbale was out the door before she could trip him. Down the winding passage ways to the council room where his generals where already waiting for him. “I need men at the serpent’s canyon and others on lookout. We will be having some special guests soon.” He waved his generals away and they bowed respectfully before racing out. Gone are the days when they would have questioned his orders Bbale not only had the respect and loyalty of the rebellion but many where his friends.

When the generals had left a solitary figure remained. He stood in one corner of the room concealed from head to toe in a blue cloak clasped at his neck. He also spotted a long beard and protruding sideburns. “Ssekabembe have you heard?” Ssekabembe stepped out of the corner and perched himself on the edge of Bbale’s desk. “I suppose the witch told you.” His voice was calm and deep. “We must prepare a feast in honor of the princess.” Bbale declared. “No.” Was Ssekabembe’s firm answer “They must enter the city covertly, and they must be tested like anyone else; Let the city decide if they are who they say they are.” Bbale’s eyes widened in wonder “How can you think them to be spies?” Ssekabembe smiled “Just because you believe something doesn’t make it true.”

Bbale sighed “I would be a fool to shun your advice. When they arrive they will enter covertly and be tested. But just in case they are who they think they are we should prepare.” Ssekabembe chuckled “Yes the return of the princess deserves a grand gesture. I shall prepare an enchanted feast.” Bbale smiled and bid him good bye. He didn’t need magic to believe. He had faith and with faith there is hope. Finally, he thought to himself. The odds shall be even on the battle field once more.


Ntende and the girls woke up before the others. Heading downstairs they found the bar a different scene from the night before. Instead of the teeming den of thieves they had checked into, this was a civilized inn. The tables draped in white cloths, the floor swept and the place gave an overall air of peace. A small man with electric blue eyes and a well-kept white beard stopping at his collar bone stood at the bar where the scary bar tender had been the night before.

Ntende walked up to him. “Excuse me.” He said to the man who smiled at him. His smile reached his eyes and Ntende couldn’t help but smile back. “Where are we?” He asked. “The crow bar inn.” Answered the bar tender. “No its not, this place was a hell-hole last night how can it be the same place.” The bar tender laughed and his voiced seemed to echo all around the room. “You will find nothing is as it seems in this place and nothing remains quite the same.” “I believe that’s my line.” Ntende turned to see Albadeluz standing on the landing above. The bar tenders eyes widened in disbelief. Now that they stood in the same room Ntende could see that the two were quiet similar in appearance. In fact apart from Nowamani’s slender appearance they looked exactly alike.

The bar tender raced up the steps two at a time until he was face to face with Albadeluz. They appeared to be of the same height. Albadeluz and Nowamani embraced each other with joy. Both of them smiling and chuckling nervously. Albadeluz broke the embrace first and held Nowamani at arm’s length by the shoulders and examined him fondly. “Dear brother, how wonderful it is to see you again and hold you as well. It has been so long I am ashamed to say that I had nearly forgotten what you looked like.” Albadeluz’s voice was thick with emotion as he spoke and Ntende expected him to burst out in tears, but he did not. “How could you forget, we have the same face, we are twins after all.” Nowamani gazed at Albadeluz with an amused expression.

“Come brother, we have much to discuss and little time to do so.” They both walked back down the steps grinning, which gave them a dim witted faced. Ntende chuckled to himself as the thought crossed his mind. Nowamani returned behind the counter and begun fumbling around still grinning like he was a fool. By the time Mihigo and Wizard had woken up and joined them Nowamani had been brought up to speed about their mission.

Nowamani was silent for several minutes, in which time it took Mihigo to finish three helpings of breakfast. Finally he spoke. “You seek the dragons of old. Few are brave enough to wonder around their territory much less seek them. It is a dangerous mission. One that must be taken with care, the death bringer has many spies and his reach is wide. You must be able to defend yourselves when the time comes.” His gaze settled on Mihigo who held it. “I sense you have touched the mystical world of magic. Yet you did not command it as novice often do on their first spells. You actually worked with it and simply directed it using you as a channel for the power. What was your first spell?” “We cast a protection spell upon our names.” Mihigo answered “Clever, but I meant your first combat spell.” “I have yet to cast any.” “Then what spell, besides the one on your names have you cast? I can see the magic awaked in you.” “I cast a nature shield.”

Nowamani seemed surprised by this and glanced slightly at his twin who shrugged. Mihigo felt a tingle in the air as though it had been charged, quick as it had come however it was gone leaving little room in his mind for him to think about it. “I have a question.” Mihigo said to Nowamani. “Why is it we can do magic here and not on earth?” Nowamani nodded satisfactorily “A wise question. It is because magic exists inside everything from the rocks to the clouds. Magic is a part of nature just as the wind and even yourself. There are explanations I cannot give without arousing more questions, but the simple answer is this; before one can wield a sword the warrior must first strengthen his body.” “I understand.” Mihigo said

Nowamani rose from his seat and returned from his back room with an A4 sized leather bound book with intricate carvings and runes. “This is the book of elders, masters of every era have added to its pages. I was supposed to pass this down to my apprentice, alas there are not many these days that are eager to learn about magic. The spells in this book will help you along your journey and probably save your lives.” The runes and carvings on the book begun to glow as the book rose into the air and moved towards Mihigo at which point the glow brightened and the book came to rest before him.

“The book has chosen you as its new keeper use it wisely and call upon it when you need help. The wisdom of all who have added to its pages is with it. Now our time together has come to an end and you must continue on your quest. The resistance has its strong hold in the heart of the infinite city beneath the great mountains of Muhavura.” Nowamani packed for them a week’s provisions and after a strained goodbye Albadeluz turned to leave his brother once more. Wizard handed Nowamani a silver tea spoon. “This is for the night shift employee.” He said. Nowamani smiled “He will be pleased.”


Gravel crunched under Ntende’s feet as he set foot on the road to the mountain. The village was now a cluster of houses in the distance behind them. The gravel road began at the first hill top after the village and continued on to the foot of the mountain. The first two days went by smoothly with them only stopping to set up camp for the night at the road side. On the third day however fatigue begun to set in; Since Ntende and Mihigo were not used to travelling long distance on foot, they were quickly worn out.

“Could we at least slow down.” Ntende complained wearily. “We have been walking for three days straight.” “Our bodies are yet to be accustomed to this kind of strain.” Reasoned Mihigo; Amber suddenly came to a halt and whirled around to face him. “Oh quit your whining will you! Alex and I are the girls here so we should be the ones…” “You’re just mad that I am the one carrying the food since you tried to eat it.” Mihigo said grinning cheekily. Amber’s gaze faltered and a light shade of pink materialized onto her smooth chestnut colored cheeks.

“I…I was just checking to see if we hadn’t forgotten anything.” Mihigo chuckled teasingly. “Stop bothering her Emma.” Ntende laid his arm comfortingly over her shoulder. “Don’t mind him; I too would also sneak off into the night with the bag containing all our food after every one has fallen asleep, just to make sure it was still there.” Mihigo chuckled again “I suppose when we found you drooling over the meat you were just getting ready to check if it was poisoned right?” Amber’s uncomfortable expression disappeared as her hair begun to prick up. “Me? What were you doing up that time anyway?”

“Had enough rest?” Alexandria asked, calmly smiling at Mihigo. “Again, we aren’t used to moving such long distances on foot. Should our bodies begin to fail, we would become more of a hindrance than of any use.” At that point Albadeluz approached them from an almost invisible path that led off the road up the adjoining hill. “Gather fire wood I have set up a warded area for us to spend the afternoon and night.” He said to the bemused group. “What, I am not as young as I used to be; plus there is a vantage point up there so we can see any one coming our way.”

Alexandria blinked comically “When did you leave us?” she asked. “Who cares, let’s go gather fire wood I want to rest.” Ntende said as he set off for the hill top. “With that energy we could cover a few more kilometers.” Alexandria argued, but set off after him. Once at the top they had each gathered a sizable bundle of fire wood. Albadeluz set up his portable tent, and from within withdrew a rocking chair of the same make as the tent. The cushion was made of an enviable amount of what could be called Irish moss; into which Albadeluz sunk delightfully. As he did the chair begun to sway back and forth leisurely; He placed his staff on the ground beside him where it stood upright on its own. The orb at the top flashed and in its place a skillfully crafted wind chime appeared. Its melodious tune filled them with an air of serenity that generated childish beams on all their faces as they set about putting up their tents and digging a pit for the fire.

Within an hour the tents had been set up and the fire pit ready for use. Ntende and Amber lay sprawled on the grass gazing up at the sky. Mihigo and Alexandria were off hunting for game. Alexandria had argued that since they didn’t know what to expect ahead they should stock up on extra provisions while they have a chance. Mihigo went along because he had always wanted to go hunting; while Amber was more interested in chasing the sparrows that kept zipping around her playfully. As for Ntende he was fast asleep as soon as he was done setting up his tent.

Down past the escarpment to the valley, stretching out ward is the flat valley floor where Alexandria and Mihigo crouched hidden by the tall grass as they watched and stalked their prey; a large herbivore with a fawn coat, a short dark mane running down the back of the neck, complete with strong spiral horns and a short tail. They were positioned behind it and couldn’t make out its face. ‘Won’t be a problem for long.’ Thought Mihigo as Alexandria tensed her grip on her bow. He could sense her tension.

They were quite close to the creature, if it was to learn of their presence Mihigo could tell by its strong nimble legs it wouldn’t have trouble out running them; but if it were to attack that would be more of a dilemma. “You need a clear shot of his throat.” He whispered to her. “If only it would tilt its head for just a second.” She whispered back. Mihigo gazed at the sky for a moment then drew the dagger Amber had given him as he left with Alexandria. “Every predator needs claws.” She had said to him. Turning to Alexandria he spoke with a new strength, the strength of a man with a plan. “In about a minute the sun will emerge from behind the clouds, I will drew his attention and distract him with this,” he held up the dagger “when its blinded strike.” Alexandria smiled it was a simple plan she wondered why she hadn’t thought of it herself.

Mihigo’s gaze took on a deadly form, one of a fierce and sure predator. His eyes burned with a fire unlike any she had seen before. As he disappeared through the grass to the creature’s side she found her heart beat had sped up. Taking a calming breath she locked an arrow to the string of her bow and waited. A light growling sound emanated from just ahead of her. It announced its bearer, a creature of immense power prowling his territory; so sure of his power he purrs in anticipation of his next kill.

Alexandria turned her attention to where the sound was coming from. She couldn’t shoot in fear of hitting Mihigo nor could she warn him and risk the creature to pounce. As she pondered her situation the sun emerged from behind the clouds heating up the air around her. There was a rustle; she turned to see their prey move ever so cautiously so that she had a clear shot. She quickly made a decision and drew her bow string; arrow locked. She took aim. There was a flash. She let the arrow fly. Her prey collapsed lifeless to the ground.

Alexandria waited for the beast she had heard to attack but all was quite. She walked up to her kill only to find Mihigo examining the horns. “These would make good weapons, yes?” he spoke so calmly she couldn’t believe it. Had he not heard the beast? Mihigo noticed her expression. “What’s the matter?” he asked. “Didn’t you hear the creature growling, we are not alone. Quickly get away from there before it decides we can be desert.” Mihigo arched an eye brow “What creature? I am not aware of any others; this one was separated from the herd which means any predators would have followed the herd.

Besides I am more of a second course, just look at all this muscle.” He then struck a comical pose. “I heard growling.” Alexandria said confused. “Well I had to get its attention somehow. By mimicking a possible predator he focused all his attention on finding me and didn’t notice you.” Alexandria’s shoulders slacked and her pupils widened in disbelief. “You…” Mihigo smiled his wicked smile “Was the dear princess worried about me?” Alexandria stuck out her chin in mock insolence “Of course not, I was worried it would scare away our food.” Mihigo chucked “Of course. Now let’s head out, it’s getting dark and I don’t want to see what prowls the night from outside Albadeluz’s protection circle.” Alexandria sighed “Agreed.”

So they began their walk back up hill to the camp and within thirty minutes they were seated by the camp fire. Alexandria grinned as she watched Amber and Ntende’s expressions listening to a highly exaggerated version of events told by Mihigo.


Sparks flew up from the dying ambers of the camp fire as a log collapsed. The chilly midnight wind blew the sparks towards Mihigo where he sat staring down at the intricately curved cover of the Book of Dragons. Its twisting glyphs formed shapes that seemed to dance in the fleeting light of the ambers. The swaying forms seemed to be moving in a pattern that Mihigo couldn’t quite figure out. For some reason he remained captivated, convinced that there was a story. He just needed to understand. Sighing sleepily he put the book back in his bag and lay down for the night.

Dawn came quickly for Mihigo. Albadeluz was the first to awaken, greeting the first rays of the sun with a booming yawn. It did the trick and the others were soon awake. Mihigo and Ntende took an hour to get washed and dressed only to find Alexandria by Albadeluz’s side. She greeted them both with an infatuating smile that lifted their spirits. A soft breeze swept the hair from her face as the sun seemed to set it ablaze. Like a velvet veil it fluttered in the wind. Mihigo and Ntende’s jaws dropped as they raced towards her. She lifted her chin in pride and opened her mouth to greet them only to have a mouth full of dust as they raced passed her.

Spluttering she rose to her feet and stared down to replenish her injured pride by thrashing them senseless. However she stopped dead in her tracks on seeing the two animals hunched over trying to liberate a chunk of meat from the spit. “You scatterbrains!” she bellowed furiously “how dare you ignore me for a carcass, I am a princess you know.” Ntende looked up at her; His lips an oily mess. “Well princess,” He spoke with a mouth full making the word sound so disgusting Alexandria’s face contorted in horror. “Can you cure our hunger, cause if not, personally, food comes first.”

Just as Alexandria was to retort a sweet voice called out “Good morning princess.” This caused Alexandria to smile. “At least someone notices me.” However as she spun to see this courteous person, she was met by a pair of glowing amber eyes, a toothy grin and what looked like a porcupine with red quills sticking out. Alexandria squealed in fear as the being rushed passed her. It stopped at the spit and begun purring a low long note. “Amber?” Alexandria asked with a quiver in her voice.

“My, you look scrumptious, hope you don’t mind me skipping the formalities.” She then tore off a large chunk of meat and delightfully bit into it. “What is wrong with you people this morning?” Alexandria asked timidly. Albadeluz walked up to her side “Their methods are crude but they have the right idea. I received a message last night; Bale Denis leader of the resistance has sent ahead a small squad to escort us to their base deep in the mountain. We won’t stop until we meet up with them; and even before we do Bale warns that an ambush awaits us in the mountain, he is sure it will be at serpent’s canyon. He already sent men ahead to clear the way but we will have to keep our guard up.”

“They already know we are coming.” It was a statement but Albadeluz could hear the question behind it. “Don’t worry, the resistance has a team of wizards in its ranks one of them must have had a vision. If he who shall not be named knew of your arrival we would be having an entirely different conversation.” As soon as they had all filled their bellies, some more than others, the small group of five were on the move again to reach the great mountains of Muhavura.


Mihigo stumbled for the third time. “Better put that book away, it’s a lot easier to carry than you if you had a broken leg.” Ntende said as he slowed to Mihigo’s pace. “There is something about this book.” Mihigo answered “So read it.” Ntende replied confused. “No, there is something about these markings on the cover. I feel I must first understand them before going any further.” Ntende sighed. “You think too much.” He then proceeded to glace at Amber. Mihigo smiled “Not unlike you.”

“You saw her this morning, right?” asked Ntende his gazing at Amber’s back. It was Mihigo’s turn to sigh. “Enzo we are on another planet, light years from anything remotely close to home. On a world where trees talk and move; A world where fire takes the form of men and proceeds to attack a village; whose entire existence mind you is melded into a forest. If you find something strange I think it best to ask about it rather than fretting over it.”

Ntende gave him a knowing look. Mihigo grinned. “The book is different. I can’t fully understand it but I know that if I am to read it I must prove myself worthy. Remember what Nowamani said, ‘before one can wield a sword, the warrior must first strengthen his body.’ In other words I must prove I have the mental capacity to understand what is written in this book by first figuring out the title.”

“Yeah, ok.” Ntende relented. Their path was soon shrouded in shadows as they neared the mountain base. It looked like the sun was setting yet it was barely noon. Before long the sun was bloated out by the thick canopy of the vast forest that blanketed the mountain side. With the road completely nonexistent now they walked in single file; Albadeluz at the front followed by Alexandria, Ntende, Mihigo and Amber bringing up the rear.

The eerie forest reminded Ntende too much of the forest crossing the barrier and he shuddered. The forest felt strangely similar to the eternal forest but much older, powerful even. The wind felt like the steady breathing of one entity and Ntende’s heart beat melded with the forest as if by walking through it he had become a part of the forest itself.

Pressing on, Ntende put one foot in front of the other, his thoughts a drop in the sea of psychic energy that encompassed the forest. Suddenly he bumped into Alexandria. “Are you ok Ntende?” She asked. Blinking he answered “I am fine, just lost my train of thought for a moment.” They stood on the edge of a great winding road looking down into an “S” shaped canyon.

“Before us is the serpents’ canyon.” Declared Albadeluz, “Here we must remain on guard it is here that my informant says the ambush is staged.” They descended without incident and had soon taken up defensive positions around Alexandria; something she did not fancy but realized she may have to get used to. Time seemed to slow down and the forest seemed to be holding its breath.

Mihigo knew the enemy was near but could not bring himself to speak so as not to alert them. It was a typical warning of the forest. The ceasing of all sound and the lack of wind all together were not good signs. Mihigo begun to shift his stance, slowly crouching to the ground; this would allow him to leap out of the way of any attack as well as duck faster. It was then that he heard it. A shift in wind though he knew it was not wind for it was unidirectional, carried sound and seemed to come out of nowhere.

 Reaching out Mihigo grabbed a dry branch and hurled it at the source. It seemed to strike the air to his left. A groan, the shuffling of leaves and a hooded figure seemed to materialize before him as it stumbled back. Suddenly there was a flash of light quickly accompanied by a loud crack. The shock wave rose a cloud of dust and as it cleared where there were once was five now stood six encased by a translucent shield.

“Well done my friend.” Said Albadeluz as he tightened the grip on his staff; hooded figures begun to materialize out of the air around them and the battle begun. One of the figures attacked Mihigo. It lunged at him with a short knife. An image filled Mihigo’s’ mind and he knew what to do, how to do it but not where he it learned from. ‘A question for later.’ He thought to himself.

With his mind made up, Mihigo’s vision suddenly cleared. Details jumped out at him even as his attacker lunged out, his actions slow, Mihigo could still move. He quietly thanked Wizard and proceeded to perform the moves that seemed to play out in his mind. With his enemy’s actions slowed by Wizard’s spell Mihigo easily disposed of one assailant after another until the forest was quiet once more.

Ntende and the others were alright from what he could tell but they seemed in much higher focus than usual and even slower. A wind blew past and there speed returned to normal as suddenly as it had slowed. Mihigo blinked and realized he couldn’t hear anything during the battle. It was as though he was just catching up to sound, but he wrote it off as adrenaline.

Mihigo noticed Ntende staring at him strangely “What’s wrong Enzo?” he asked concern evident in his voice. Just as Ntende opened his mouth Wizard placed his hand on Ntende’s shoulder silencing him. “It’s nothing.” He eventually answered.

Bird song had returned to the forest and once Amber and Alexandria were done tying up the ambush party, a bird of flames with tail feathers orange and deep yellow, its body red and crimson with eyes deep set and shining of an intelligence that is undeniable settled on a branch nearby. Wizard and Albadeluz smiled. “I wondered why there were so few of them.”

Said Wizard as a tall slender man walked out from behind the tree it had landed, followed by three others. “There were a hundred to begin with but the last one was more trouble than we anticipated.” Said the man who walked out first; He wore light amour with a crest of the bird perched on the tree. A red kerchief was tied to his right arm, probably to mark him as leader.

He walked up to wizard and asked “Why is the sky blue?” Wizard answered boldly “That’s one of my best works, you like it?” Everyone gaped at Wizard. The leader was the first to laugh followed by his men and Albadeluz.

The now group of ten led by the lieutenant of the phoenix resistance army made their way to the infinite city. Mihigo couldn’t remember how but he was suddenly facing huge double doors. He gave the lieutenant a cold stare. “I don’t like people messing with my head.” The lieutenant looked at him with disbelief and a little fear. Wizard chuckled “I wouldn’t expect anything less.” He said to Mihigo. “If you wish to blame someone she is behind these doors.” Bolts could be heard being pulled out of their sockets and the doors swung majestically open, then Wizard announced “Welcome to the Infinite city.


Light spilled into the passage in which they stood. The sight before them was as spectacular as it was breath taking. Ntende knew they were underground but somehow the sight before them was so contradictory that he glanced back into the dark tunnel through which they had travelled. Albadeluz and wizard chuckled and proceeded through. Ntende turned to Alexandria and Amber and was relieved to see that they were just as stunned.

Together they crossed the threshold into what seemed like another world. It reminded Mihigo about the portal they took to Wizard’s house; the sensation of moving through space over great distances in one step; ‘That will take some getting used to.’ Mihigo thought.

The scene before them was that of breath taking splendor; in spite of that the first thing Mihigo scrutinized was the slab of gray stone that rose up from where the horizon should be into an endless sky above. The stone seemed to stretch for miles in every direction. Mihigo turned to the massive double doors through which they had just walked and found that it was curved right out of the wall, hinges and all, such that it seemed almost invisible when closed. Come to think of it he couldn’t remember what it looked like on the other side.

Scowling he turned back to the scene before him now taking in his surroundings. Stretching out before him is a wide expanse of trees, and from his vantage point they looked like a sea of green leaves. Realizing this Mihigo thought he must be upon a hill. Gazing around him he noticed an array of hills and even what could be small mountains though he was too far to tell for sure.

Jutting out from the canopy here and there crystals of different sizes adorned the land scape. They flashed hues of blue giving the forest a pale blue glow.

A rustling to his left caused Mihigo to turn and find Ntende kneeling down and running his fingers through the grass at his feet. “We are supposed to be under ground.” He meant it as both a state mate and question. Amber sniffed the air. “The air is fresh.” Standing up Ntende answered “The trees.” Pointing, Alexandria said “They’re green.” a note of awe evident in her voice.

“You know,” said the lieutenant as he walked up to Ntende. “Most children that arrive here start with ‘wow’ or ‘amazing!’.” Wizard chuckled “They aren’t ordinary children.” Albadeluz lightly struck the ground with his staff, turning attention to him. “To think, Imongit Michael, they have only just arrived.” The lieutenant gaped at Albadeluz who simply added “I also don’t like people messing with my head.”

“Dramatic as ever I see Alba.” Said a voice; everyone turned to see a short, slightly plump woman about 5’1. She carried with her a beautifully engraved wooden staff about a foot taller than herself. Ntende gasped. He did not think it was possible for anyone to have eyes as green as the forest itself. In fact they were rivaled only by Amber’s eyes, but stunning none the less.

“My name is Kalende; it is a pleasure to meet you.” These words she directed to Ntende and Mihigo. “Thank you.” answered Ntende. Mihigo on the other hand remained passive.

Kalende the forest witch smiled. It had been a while since any being had so easily brushed her aside; and without training. It amused her. She applied a slight pressure to show her strength and hopefully spare this sapling the pain. She was surprised to find an astonishingly well-fortified wall. ‘This is interesting.’ she thought as she re-studied her subject.

He was nothing special; if anything he looked ordinary at best. Then she made eye contact and instinctively set up her own wall.

Those eyes, that look; she’d seen it before. Now she was curious. What is behind those walls? She had to know. Shoving with as much might as she could without causing any permanent damage she ploughed forward and was met with the same result. She realized now that he wasn’t as unaware as she had originally thought.

He was giving it his all. Now, so would she. Raising her staff she waved it at the party before her and a gust of wind swept over them. Except for a few bumps with Wizard and Albadeluz; it was to be expected. She respected that. With everyone else done she refocused on the boy and pointed her staff in his direction.

The boy flinched then stumbled, his friend made to catch him, concern on his face; she was through but all was blank. Somehow he had purged his mind of all thought, emotion and even memory, leaving nothing but a vast endless void.

Lost in the endless nothingness she did not see him coming but she felt him. She felt the knuckle connect and the build of pressure as his momentum transferred to her; then ripple through her body and send her crashing to the ground.

“Release him telepath!” commanded the boy standing above her. Kalende blinked. He had trapped her. Somehow this untrained ordinary boy had trapped her in his mind long enough for the other to strike. He could have landed a fatal blow but only stunned her. She smiled then rose to her feet.

“I believe you are done here.” Said another commanding voice; Bbale Denis leader of the phoenix resistance army was there. He gazed disapprovingly at her then turned to the guests that he and many others had so anxiously been waiting for. Kneeling before Alexandria he said “Princess welcome home.”

Alexandria held her head high with pride and answered “Rise.” So he did; “You honor me, but, I would like to earn this honor among my people. So please I ask you, do not bow until I have earned that privilege in your eyes. Until then I am but a lost soul who has found her way into your generous care.”

From there they proceeded to the encampment where Bbale was currently stationed. They went over the events that led them there and told him of their plans. They then discussed their next course of action. By the time they were done it was night fall and no one had the strength to ask how; except for Ntende for whom no one had the patience to answer.

They were led further into the forest where it thinned out and came upon a town. It was here that they spent the night and let their worries drift away in the satisfying feeling of their first accomplishment.


“Achooo!!” Mihigo sneezed. “Guess it was too much to hope huh?” Ntende asked from his bed beside the window. “Yeah I suppose.” answered Mihigo. “Do you still have it?” Ntende asked with concern as he realized the danger his friend now faced. “Destroyed when we landed, it’s useless now.” Mihigo answered as he reached into his pocket and fished out a cracked white cylindrical tube. Ntende averted his gaze in sorrow.

“Quit that.” Mihigo said “We are in a world where people appear out of nowhere and auroras hover in one spot in the sky. Perhaps we can find a magical solution.” Ntende smiled and his face lit up as he remembered where they were. He sprang out of bed and out the door only to find the bathroom. Mihigo laughed. “The door is this way.” He said and pointed to the door at the foot of his bed.

“Who sleeps facing the door way?” Ntende grumbled “Many do.” answered Mihigo “That’s not how I used to sleep.” Mihigo simply chuckled then sucked in his breath. Ntende starred at him worry evident in his eyes. “I’ll be fine as the day goes on, besides isn’t this place in a forest. There’s plenty of fresh air here.” Ntende mumbled something along the lines of ‘For now’ but Mihigo paid no attention. He stretched out of bed and shuffled to the door.

Once out of the bedroom they walked through a narrow corridor to a balcony of wood. It was then that Ntende noticed that the entire structure was made of wood. “Guess they don’t have much else to build with, out here.” Mihigo commented. They made their way down the stair case and out the front door. They now stood on the front porch of a small cabin house. Mihigo caressed the wood of the porch railing and beams. “This wood was curved with magic similar to what was used at the eternal forest.” He said.

Enzo gasped and Mihigo turned to see what was wrong only to gasp himself. Before them was a landscape unlike any other they had seen. Mountains, hills and valleys as far as the eye could see and all covered in a vast expanse of trees. The crystals they had seen the night before sparkled exquisitely as they reflected the light around them. This made the forest seem ever more magical.

From their vantage point they could see the town through which they had walked the night before. It sat in a basin formed by the four hills surrounding it. Clear roads could be seen that cut through the town along with the structures that made up the town. People bustled around going about their own business for the day.

“Did we move?” Ntende asked “No,” Mihigo answered “we are still underground. The air is warm when normally at this altitude it should be cold.”

“Nothing gets passed you does it.” Ntende and Mihigo turned to see Amber walk up to them. “Good morning Amber, where did you spend the night?” Ntende asked. She pointed behind her to the forest. Ntende gaped in confusion while Mihigo smiled.

“Alexandria spent the night at the local inn close to Commander Bbale Denis’s headquarters along with Wizard and Albadeluz. They spent most of the night talking about who knows what.” Ntende raised an eye brow in question “So you decided to climb a hill and sleep in a forest.” Amber yawned and stretched “We were all supposed to spend the night up here but Alex and the others decided to go begin their war plans. The two of you were so spent that you practically passed out. So the accommodation was modified for you two.”

“We better get down there.” Declared Ntende but Amber giggled “Not unless you want to scare away everyone with a sense of smell. When was the last time you two took a bath? A change of clothes has been provided so better get going I’ll wait for you.”

Within twenty minutes both Ntende and Mihigo were done with their bathes. On their way down hill Ntende asked “When did you take a bath Amber?” All he got for an answer was a sly smile. They soon arrived at the inn Alexandria and the others had spent the night. Albadeluz and Wizard were already awake and having breakfast. Mihigo and Enzo didn’t hesitate to join them while Amber went to check on Alexandria.

After a quick review Amber and Alexandria joined them. Not long after their breakfast Imongit Michael the lieutenant who accompanied them to the infinite city arrived to escort them to Bbale Denis’s command office.

“Stay close.” Said Imongit and he flashed a pin he wore on the left corner of his collar. They were all enveloped in a bright light.



Once the light had faded they found themselves in a round office room. Commander Bbale sat behind a large desk of chestnut brown; it was covered in neat organization of assortments such as books and papers.

When Commander Bbale noticed them he tapped his desk and asked them to each have a seat. As he spoke his desk narrowed and lengthened while a number of chairs made of rock rose from the ground at different intervals along its length.

Once they were all seated Commander Bbale spoke. “I am up to date about the events leading up to this point. So based on that information we should straight up discuss how to proceed. Let me begin by saying I am glad you are here however the circumstances surrounding your arrival are… questionable to say the least. Without divulging all information about your experiences it would be difficult for a lay man or woman to understand. As such we will need to come up with a story to tell the people and cutoff any and all questions as well as put to rest any doubts in their minds. Prince… Alexandria has agreed to this along with Albadeluz and Wizard.”

Mihigo raised his hand. “I have a few questions of my own as well as a few points I would like to make very clear. I will not repeat myself on this.” “This should be good.” said a familiar voice. Enzo turned to see Kalende Lyna walk in through a door at the end of the room. He clenched his fist, she smiled.

“To start, while Alex… princess Alexandria would like to earn her title from her people, you will have to earn my loyalty. Know this, trust is practiced, friendship is born and loyalty must be earned. If we are to work together one or a combination of these or even all may exist between us. However do not make the mistake of ordering me or Enzo around. We are not bound in any way to you or your world; there is no reason for us to be here or to help. We are our own selves and if any one wishes to use us it better be by our own free wills. Bribery is accepted. BUT! ...” he now faced to look straight at Lyna across the table.

“Make no mistake; try to force either of us to do anything in any way and I will deem you a threat and eliminate you. Make an enemy of me and the only way to stop me will be to kill me, and make sure you do not miss because; I will remove you from existence by hunting down any and all who may have ties to you and thus are a risk of enacting revenge. Make an enemy of me and I will end your blood line!”

Everyone in the office was paralyzed by the intensity in Mihigo’s voice. Alexandria had heard it before but back then all he said was one word. Now he had threatened not only a powerful witch but the entire phoenix resistance army. It was to be expected; once people found out about them they would most likely try to manipulate them. Such is the politics of war and politics in general.

The witch Lyna did not break eye contact with the sapling though out of fear she did not know. Her grip on her staff was so tight that her knuckles turned white. The intensity of his gaze was searing. More so than when she broke through into his mind, he was still angry. She concluded.

“I see.” said commander Bbale cutting through the thick tension that had developed. “What you ask for is difficult.” Mihigo slowly turned to face him “That; was not a request. Plus difficult is not impossible. I shall make it so.” Albadeluz cleared his throat “moving on.” He offered.

Mihigo’s expression and features changed so quickly every ones faces were still blank when he smiled and said “Now for my observations, questions and requests.” Bbale blinked and nodded for him to continue. “For one thing how are we communicating? Enzo and I hear you in our language but your lips do not form the words. Except Ale… the princess, whom I suppose picked it up from living on our world for so long. Also how did she live for so long, and finally do you have some herbalists among you I have a request.”

Wizard chuckled “I am surprised you noticed.” Mihigo leaned back into his chair “I’ve noticed more than that, but for now this is what I want to know.” Wizard lost his smile and studied Mihigo wondering what else he knows only to find an expressionless mask. “In order to answer your first question,” Albadeluz said “we will have to ask the dragons because I did nothing of a sort when I summoned you. In fact it did not occur to me that you would be from another planet altogether.” He then turned to Wizard who continued.

“Princess Alexandria was able to live for so long on your world because of an enchantment I placed on her to suspend her flow through time until she returns home, so now she is as mortal as anyone.” “As for the herbalist, I am here, please make your request.” said Lyna with a smug look on her face which quickly disappeared when Mihigo revealed a cylindrical shaped object; it appeared to be cracked down the middle. ‘He did not hesitate.’ She thought to herself.

He spoke as he rolled it over to her. “Like any other human I am liable to illness, this is a medication that I am on. Medicine in our world is refined from plants, only extracting what is needed by the body in concentrated amounts depending on the severity of the ailment. As you can see it has been compromised therefore if you value my life your help would be useful in speeding up the process as I am not familiar with the plants in this world.”

Lyna smiled as she thought to herself ‘He is much smarter than I give him credit for. By pointing out whether I value his life in front of the commander and princess my refusal would seem like I want him to die; also he pointed out that my help would only speed up the process meaning he already has a plan in place to survive. He is telling me he won’t go down easily. He is still warning me after what I did.’

Bowing her head ever so slightly she whispered, “I am sorry.” Almost immediately she finished those three simple words Mihigo’s expression relaxed further and his eyes completely lost their intensity. Suddenly before her was just a child who had been ripped from his world and thrust into the throws of another with almost no choice. She silently reprimanded herself for being so harsh on him.

Mihigo’s sudden change seemed to have been noticed by the others as they all begun to sigh freely.

“Now,” Mihigo said to commander Bbale “for the point I am sure my dear friend Enzo has been so patiently waiting for.” Ntende gave him a wild-eyed look that made Mihigo chuckle “if we are going to help fight a war in this world then we will need crucial skills in weaponry and magic.” At the mention of the last word Ntende let out a sharp excited squeal.

Commander Bbale was glad to finally be back in charge of the meeting. “Ah yes, for fighting skills we have a training center for the younger generation if you will. When attacked it is not just the army that fights but people’s homes are attacked as well and we cannot protect them all. Therefore we came up with a training camp for the eldest children in every home as well as every man. They don’t all fight in the army but at least they can protect their families; though more than a few eventually volunteer to join. People from all over the kingdom come just to learn to fight while others move with their whole families, eventually the town you saw came to be established.”

Ntende raised his hand “How do they find their way If you keep messing with their minds, or was that just for us?”

“Yes, about that. The infinite city is well, how can I put this?” “Alive” added Lyna Ntende nodded “You understood that?” questioned Commander Bbale. “When any object is infused with enough magic it comes to life.” Lyna gazed at Ntende with surprise which made him smile. “Well then there you have it. The city hides its location; only a few can find it and they can’t recall how.” “Like the Lieutenant.” Mihigo added.

“Next is the magic lessons, we have wizards in our ranks if you wish to learn.” Lyna made a chocking sound “Those stumbling saps cannot even tell the difference between a frog and a toad. You will study under me.” Ntende raised an eyebrow in question “What is the difference between a frog and toad?” “Excellent question!” before she could continue Bbale cut her off “You can cover that in your lessons but for now is there anything anyone would like to raise? If not this meeting is complete, I will contact you again later on. For now get to know the town and tomorrow the lessons begin. It is time to change the tide of this war.”

They decided to keep the truth about who they were to themselves for now and wait to see the dragons only after their training as the journey to the Dragons realm was a perilous one.



The day passed quickly as they explored from the myriad of tunnels that connected the mountains and hills, to the training area just outside the town to minimize damage as some students can go overboard with the training.

The city Ntende observed was much similar to the new world of Elebor that was separated by the barrier. Probably because of the abundance of rocks from the mountains and hills; the buildings were of solid rock and the roads crushed gravel.

In the evening they returned to the local inn where they had breakfast. “We’re starting training tomorrow.” Ntende stated excited. “What do you think we will learn first?” he asked Mihigo who was sited beside him. “Hard to say,” Mihigo answered “we shall have to be tested first so that our training schedule and weapon are set accordingly to minimize our training time.” “It is easier to build up a skill you already have an affinity for than to start from scratch on something else.” Alexandria added.

“Hey Alexandria, is there an observatory on this world?” Mihigo asked. “You mean to study the heavens?” Mihigo nodded “Yes, but it is on the surface. You want to know how we can see down here, don’t you.” Mihigo nodded again and Enzo scoffed “I’ve heard of having your head in the clouds but that’s just obsessive.” He said “We are on another planet surrounded by stars and constellations that we may never see again. I have a chance to see things astronomers of earth will live life times without even imagining; I will not throw away this chance.” Mihigo answered with a comical tone of finality.

“Well you can’t actually see the stars from here because we are underground; but I may know a place. My father often told me stories of the under resort. It is where he met my mom. Would you like to come along to find it; I am going out tonight.” “I think we are already in it.” Amber said “No,” countered Mihigo “we are under but not at the resort. I will come along with you princess.” Alexandria flushed at his use of her title. “Would you mind calling me by name; it is strange to hear you talk to me so formally.” “I am okay with it.” Amber answered “Me too.” Ntende added; they turned to Mihigo. He sighed “Very well.”

“Well,” Ntende declared getting up “It’s getting late, better go get as much sleep as possible. I want to make a good impression on our trainer tomorrow.” “Yes,” added Amber “and I would like to explore the forest after being on the road for so long.” Just as Mihigo was about to speak Ntende cut him off. “No Emma, only you are crazy enough to look for a sky underground.” And with the same comical tone of finality he said “Good night.” and left with Amber. “Looks like it’s just us, huh?” Said Alexandria “We will meet at the edge of town at light out.” She handed Mihigo a compass like contraption. Mihigo remembered seeing her with it the night the meteorite hit. “Follow the golden arrow it will lead you to me.” She said, and then got up to leave “Thank you....for everything.” was all he said. She smiled earnestly and left.

By the time all the light in the city had faded, leaving only the soft glow from the crystals scattered across the forest; Mihigo was dressed in a pair of warm woolen pants, a turtleneck t-shirt and a thick coat on top of it all. He flipped open the compass and watched as the four needles begun to spin and overlap until they pointed in a unified direction with the golden one on top. Mihigo then began his solitary walk to the edge of the city, his hide boots crunching in the gravel beneath his feet. As he neared the line of straight stemmed tall broad leafy trees that marked the boundary of the city he could see a lone figure leaning on one of them.

Alexandria wore a crop top, cutoff shorts and a soft pink kimono. Upon seeing this Mihigo stopped dead in his tracks. Alexandria giggled when she saw the expression on his face. “Fear not dragon lord, I brought these from your world. I needed to wear cloths there you know.” “I see.” Mihigo answered and gulped. “Shall we?” asked Alexandria as she led the way.

Mihigo followed in silence “Although similar designs exist in new Elebor, you know.” Said Alexandria “I saw.” answered Mihigo as they walked further into the forest. They walked for what seemed like was hours and Mihigo noticed a strange glow in the forest. ‘It can’t be morning yet, could it?’ he thought. The surrounding trees grew closer together until there was a huge wall of trees.

Despite this Alexandria did not stop, Mihigo reached out and held onto her shoulder. He felt her body heat rise just for a second and the trees drew apart. They walked through the resultant pathway.

Once again the scenery changed instantly. Mihigo sighed exasperatedly. “WOW,” Alexandria said and Mihigo could not help but agree.

Before them was a secluded area of clearly undisturbed nature. The grass was a shimmering green and the surrounding shrubs a serine olive. Across from them a pond of sparkling blue water rocked with small waves from a slight cool breeze. In the center of this pool with roots bursting forth from the unseen depths of the pond, a humungous tree of girth nearly ten men wide rose; soaring hundreds of feet into the air before broadening and draping over a ten meter circumference. The gray slab of stone Mihigo had seen when they first arrived shimmered with the embedded crystals in it from the other end of the pond.

Alexandria gulped a mouth full of air. “Mihigo, do you feel that?” she asked “Yes, I can. This is the heart of the infinite city.” Alexandria smiled “Wait until the other’s see this.” She mused aloud. “I doubt they will or that we will be able to return here.” Mihigo stated; to Alexandria’s bewildered expression he explained. “This is the infinite city, is it not? I doubt that name was given effortlessly; surely someone must have tried to find the end of this place; and yet for some reason here we are at the heart and staring at the wall no less.” He gestured to the gray slab of crystal embedded rock.

“You mean to tell me this place moves?” she inquired. “Yes,” Mihigo replied “not fast or suddenly enough for us to notice, but it does. As we were walking I noticed subtle changes in the environment; and the distance we traversed was too great yet the time is not equally spent. I have a theory. All inanimate objects brought to life by magic infusion have no emotions to guide them; as such they tend to be unpredictable.” Alexandria stared at Mihigo “What are you getting at?”

“You said your dad told you stories of this place; my guess is only those of royal blood can find this place. In other words, you can keep your secret from the people but not from the city.” Alexandria stared into the clear yet seemingly infinite depths of the pond. “How about you how are you here; are you royalty.” Mihigo laughed freely, the first time she’d heard or seen him laugh since their journey begun. This caused her to smile as she felt the heat rise in her cheeks.

“You flatter me princess, even though I were of royal blood, which I am clearly not;” at that he bowed mockingly “I am not of your royal blood. This city is a part of Elebor and recognizes you as its princess. I am only here by the mere chance that I held on to you as the doors to the heart were opened to you.” Alexandria smiled again “Nothing is by chance, at least not around you. If the city didn’t want you here you wouldn’t be.” Mihigo nodded “Agreed. Now, tell me more about this place.”

Mihigo undid his shoes and walked barefoot across the grass, sighing as he dug his toes into the dirt then smiled sheepishly at Alexandria. She rolled her eyes at him “I believe the term used to describe you on earth would be tree huger, yes?” Mihigo gazed longingly at the large tree at the center of the pond. “Is it wrong to feel at home in the arms of Mother Nature?” he asked. Alexandria sighed exasperatedly “Just don’t go stripping, ok?”

Mihigo walked up to the edge of the pond and sat down, slowly dipping his feet into the water, a blissful expression on his face. Alexandria joined him but kept her feet out of the water, though she too was now bare foot.

“I remember one story I asked my father to tell over and over, one he did not get tired of. This is how he told it.”

‘We are raised to be told what love should be but never understanding how love feels; listen closely my dear for this is a story of the heart and magic of the bond that holds us together.’ She then went on to tell her favorite story; weaving an elegant tale with words that captivated and trapped her audience.

When she was finished she looked over to Mihigo only to find him with his eyes closed and a faraway look on his face “Hey! It couldn’t have been that boring. You better not be asleep,” she balled up her fist because I will give you a wakeup call you will never forget.” Mihigo chuckled. “Fear not princess for I am here.” He said. Alexandria dropped her fists “Eh?” was her only response as Mihigo got to his feet “Come, the sun will rise soon and we have training.” He held out his hand and she took it. As he hoisted her up she spoke “I told you not to use my title.” Mihigo smiled a devilish grin. “What, princess?” Alexandria turned bright crimson. “Not when you say it like that.”

Mihigo laughed freely once again “Come on, we should go.” Mihigo gazed up above him into the seemingly endless void above, punctuated in millions of tiny twinkling lights.

And so they stood outside of an opening in space and watched it mend back together and seal away the treasure behind it.



Morning arrived with Ntende jogging laps around their cabin. He wanted to be in tip top shape when they began their training and couldn’t wait to see what he could do with magic. The more he thought about it the more his heart thundered and drove him on; soon he was sprinting more than jogging and by the time he returned to the cabin Mihigo was awake and by the dining having breakfast.

Ntende walked over to him panting while dragging his feet along with a trail of dust and gravel that had caught onto his shoes. Mihigo looked up from his plate of roasted stake and red vegetables, gulped down what he was chewing and gave Ntende a condescending look. “You do realize we now live here right?” Ntende nodded while clutching a stitch in his chest “So then you also realize who will be mopping the floors?” Ntende gazed at his feet then back at the trail he left leading into the cabin, he then shrugged and took a deep breath.

“Forget the floor, are you ready to do magic?!” he declared “I am ready to watch you get hurt.” Mihigo answered. Ntende glared at him. “Dear Enzo, you have no battle experience and can barely make a few rounds around a cabin. Do you really think you can run for miles while carrying which ever weapon is in hand at the time?” “Tsk, tsk, we handled ourselves just fine in the ambush.” Mihigo chuckled “During that fight we had two magicians an archer and God only knows what Amber is though she was comfortable in the forest.” “Well you sure seemed comfortable as well.” mumbled Ntende. “What was that?” asked Mihigo “Nothing.” answered Ntende before sitting down at the dinning; then stabbed his toe against the granite wall. “Ouch! Who builds a dining table out of rock any way, and without any leg room?” Mihigo smiled and Ntende huffed.

Once they had both finished breakfast, bathed and changed into the new garments that had appeared the previous night; they walked down to the town to meet Alexandria and Amber then head to the training area.

“I suppose Amber already left for the town.” Commented Mihigo “Yes, I didn’t see her in the morning and I woke up pretty early this morning.” answered Ntende. “By the way how did our new cloths appear, not to mention the breakfast? I was too hungry at the time to ask but it did appear right in front of me right?” Mihigo smiled “There are runes on the plates and in the wardrobe that facilitate magic transportation.” Ntende sighed “I suppose you know this since you went through the entire cabin?” “There is that, but I also asked Alexandria about it.”

Ntende looked intently at Mihigo “On a first name basis are we now?” just as he finished his question, an arm suddenly wrapped around his neck. “Who is on a fist name basis with who?” asked a feminine voice. Ntende jerked and turned to find Amber by his side smiling. “Jesus Amber, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” he exclaimed. Amber considered him for a moment curiosity in her eyes then asked “Who is Jesus?” Mihigo chuckled lightly “Good morning Amber.” He said and she once again smiled “Good morning Mihigo.” She answered.

Ntende suddenly came to a halt. “When did we get to town?” he asked “I thought our cabin was on a…” looking back and up the hill he could see the cabin but it seemed a great distance away. “Hill?” he finished. Alexandria then joined them. “Good morning everyone; why are you staring at the hill?” she asked. “Enzo just noticed what we discovered last night.” answered Mihigo. Alexandria smiled “Oh, he’ll get used to it, I think. I still haven’t though.” Ntende turned to her “What are you talking about?” he asked “This entire place is actually alive and it moves.” On hearing this, Ntende’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“Good morning everyone.” cried a whiny voice “Oh, Good morning Amber.” answered Alexandria with a smile. “Oh so it’s Amber now. Why couldn’t you greet us by our names before? We are not some peasants you’re waving at from a palace balcony princess.” Alexandria’s lips twitched as she bit back her retort then, smiled. “Your right, I should pay attention to the pets as well… house cat!” Amber recoiled. “What!” she lunged at Alexandria as the princess raised her arms in defense; but, before they collided a loud smack filled the air. Amber and Alexandria turned to Mihigo who was smiling but for some reason seemed terribly scary. “We are going to be late for our training so how about you take it out on each other there?” Alexandria shuddered and grabbed Amber’s arm while nodding and started off in the direction of the training area. “What’s with them?” Ntende asked. “It is to be expected. We were thrust into situations that required us to work together no questions asked. There has been no time to bond our personalities.” Ntende nodded “and the crack?” Mihigo gazed confused at Ntende then recognition dawned on his face. “Oh that, I just clapped my hands.”

On arrival at the training center they found a group of about a hundred people, male and female with a tall broad man who distinctly stood out by mere age difference. He looked over in their direction and scrutinized them from head to toe. “You’re late.” He said.

Ntende walked up to him “My apologies sir, it won’t happen again.” He said, though the man did not show any inclination of having heard him. Mihigo and the others walked up silently behind Ntende. The rest of the students along with them were standing in a circle around him. The man closed his eyes and took a deep breath then spread his arms slightly out ward. A magic circle appeared at his feet and spread outward to encompass all the students. A bright light burst forth from the circle and when it faded they were standing in a completely different location.

A river rushed passed nearby with crystal clear waters while a very large bridge arched over it. It looked like the land itself had risen over the river over to the other side. “That is Ngororano’s arch.” Said one of the students when he noticed Ntende gaping at it; “The story goes that during a battle the great Ngororano lost his cool and tried to kill his opponent;” “but the opponent tripped,” said another random student “and fell out of the way of the his attack which continued on to and through the hill.”

Ntende’s jaw dropped “That,” he said pointing “was a hill?” “Yep.” answered the first student. “See the water fall that pours from the top and into the river? Well, apparently it used to flow through the hill side and join the river underground.” “Wow!” Ntende gave Mihigo a stupid grin “I sure hope I could have met that guy. Think of what he could have taught us.”

“I am not sure what you expect to learn, but if you put in the effort perhaps I can pass on a semblance of my knowledge before your body breaks.” Ntende’s eyes widened in disbelief as he focused on the man who was speaking; it was the same man who had transported them. “You’re the great Ngororano?” he asked. “Ngororano, yes, great…i doubt that.”

Ntende fell to his knees before him and bowed till his head touched the ground. “Master please teach me take me under your wings. I know I may not be worthy but I promise I will work till I break and then some. I shall make you proud; I ask you please grant me your skill.”

Mihigo sighed “Enzo, you do know we are in his class right? He is our master.” Ntende looked up from the ground at Mihigo then to Ngororano before chuckling nervously. Ngororano smiled “It is good to find someone so enthusiastic to learn. However I will judge you not by your enthusiasm but by your determination.” He walked a short distance away from Ntende then turned to face him, determination in his eyes. Ntende gulped and rose to his feet and took a fighting stance as the rest of the students backed away.

“You are behind the rest of my students I would like to see what I have to work with… fresh meat.” ended Ngororano with a smile. Ntende took a deep breath and attacked. It was immediately obvious that he was out matched as Ngororano effortlessly parried his blows and felled him without moving from his spot. After five whole minutes a sweat drenched Ntende was panting on the ground as Ngororano smiled down at him. Once Ntende caught his breath he rose up purposely slowly and took a more rooted stance than before. “Oh,” said Ngororano as he lost his smile and paid closer attention to Ntende who had his eyes closed.

Mihigo smiled. Ntende suddenly threw a punch at Ngororano who put up his hands in a defensive block but the blow did not arrive. Confused, he lowered his guard and immediately regretted it as a small projectile slammed into the tip of his nose. This caused him to lose his balance; and before he could regain it he felt Ntende’s palm connect with his solar plexus as well as the resulting force wave that rippled through him and sent him a step back. It was then that Ntende made the mistake to look up and smile at Ngororano; next thing he knew Ngororano was behind him grappling his waist. He then hoisted Ntende up and smashed him back down. Ntende’s legs gave way immediately as the resulting shock wave rocked his body and rattled his brain. He collapsed to the ground gasping, shock etched onto his face, his pupils dilated to tiny dots in his eyes.

Mihigo’ s eyes narrowed to slits as he sent a piercing gaze to Ngororano, then walked over calmly to his friend’s side. He gently caressed his face then pressed two fingers on his neck while applying a slight pressure. Ntende’s eyes widened and his mouth gaped; when Mihigo realized the pressure Ntende gulped down a mouth full of air and his pupils returned to normal as his body slightly shuddered. After checking Ntende’s pulse Mihigo held him close to his chest until he stopped shaking. He grasped Mihigo’s hand and said “Get him.” With as much force as he could muster. Mihigo smiled and nodded, then got up and left his friend in Alexandria’s arms as Amber moved to massage his feet.

“Due to a medical condition I was born with I can only expel one hundred percent of my strength in short bursts.” Said Mihigo as he walked up to Ngororano “Originally I had planned to ask whether you wished to see that strength, or know what I can do while holding back.” By now he was standing right in front of him. “At this point in time what do you think I will do?”

As Ngororano opened his mouth to speak; quick as lightning Mihigo jabbed at his throat, Ngororano gasped and instinctively clasped both hands around his neck. Mihigo stomped his right foot into the ground then rose on his tiptoes as though lifted by an unseen force; just before his heels touched the ground he struck Ngororano square at the solar plexus. The resultant force shoved Ngororano two feet back and felled him while Mihigo slid to a halt half a foot after his heels touched the ground. Not giving him a chance to catch his breath Mihigo rushed forward to Ngororano spreading out his arms for balance as he halted above him; raising his left leg he used his right to channel the inertia he had generated and accelerated with his body weight downward.

Ngororano got out of the way just in time to watch Mihigo’s foot crush into the ground where he laid a few seconds ago. ‘When did he take his shoes off?’ he asked himself as he watched Mihigo’s foot muscles flex when he turned to face him. Mihigo once again rushed him as before, but this time Ngororano was ready to guard against his attack. However, Mihigo’s foot did not reach him as it landed shoulder length apart and his palm instead connected with Ngororano’s chest; as the air was forced out of his lungs Ngororano jerked, huffed and fell silent.



A distant voice humming a tune he could not put words to; that was the first thing Ntende heard as he regained consciousness. He opened his eyes only to gaze entirely into a pair of deep amber eyes and a toothy grin. His heart skipped a beat and he sat bolt upright. When he turned back to face the creature that held him in its lap, the first thing he noticed were the flaming locks of ruby red hair that framed her face and augmented her eyes. Ntende rose to his feet and walked a few steps forward then turned to face her again. She seemed strangely familiar sited on his bed and gazing unblinkingly at him; and as he gazed back deeper into those captivating eyes a light bulb lit up in his brain as recognition dawned on his face. “Amber?” he asked.

She tilted her head slightly “Yes,” Ntende frowned “How, what, why have you changed?” “Hmm, I haven’t changed; I am the same as ever.” “Really?” responded Ntende as he ran a hand through his hair. “You’re not quite back with us are you?” asked Amber. “What happened?” responded Ntende. “Well, that’s an interesting story. You see during training master Ngororano wanted to test what we already knew and… he may have overestimated you.” Ntende raised an eye brow in question. “He used the wrong technique to knock you out and ended up hurting you.”

Ntende gently kneaded his thighs and winced “I remember…” he gasped “oh my God Mihigo, what... what did he do?” Amber concealed her mouth with her hand and tilted her head so her hair concealed her face. “Amber!” cried Ntende

“Pfft…bwahahaha!!!” Amber tumbled to the floor laughing. “You should have seen it, after the master blacked out the students all turned on him. They probably thought he had killed him; but when they attacked Mihigo…he….completely annihilated them.”

Amber returned to her spot on the bed; she lay down while resting her chin on her palms. “To be honest I didn’t think he could fight like that. A war almost broke out when we returned with the unconscious master; he has a surprisingly large following. I think it is because he taught almost everyone down here.” A smile then played at the corner of her lips “The fun part came after though, when everything was straightened out by Commander Bbale Denis. As we were returning to the cabin those that saw Mihigo either shrunk or unsheathed their weapons.”

Amber then squealed like an overly excited child “Mihigo ran wild!” At this point she was rolling around on the bed from side to side “He looked like he was ready to fight a whole army,” she threw her feet into the air and bat at them with her hands “he was growling and barking and hissing. Oh!! It was so beautiful; and the looks on people’s faces when he did that were priceless.”

She was now splayed out on the bed and panting. “That boy is human only in name; after what I have seen today….” Amber looked up at Ntende a goofy grin and sly expression in her eyes “I am going to enjoy teasing him for the rest of our time together.” Her eyes seemed to shine brighter and she burst out laughing an evil laugh. “Mwa, ha, ha, ha, ha!!!”

After Ntende had rested, he asked Amber where to find Mihigo and she told him he was with the witch Lyna. So he followed the directions she gave him and wound up in a secluded part of one of the surrounding forests. Sited at a fire was Mihigo, cross-legged and eyes shut tight. He seemed to be practicing his breathing. Ntende joined him by the fire and sat down quietly beside him. “I messed up huh?” he asked. Mihigo took a deep breath “Well at least you haven’t made a small country your enemy.” “How long was I out?” “One day, it’s now evening.” answered Mihigo.

They sat in silence for a while until the witch Lyna arrived carrying a bundle of fire wood followed by Ngororano himself. “Master.” Said Ntende. Mihigo opened his eyes and asked “Are you well master?”  “Yes, thank you for asking.” He answered as he sat down across from them and Lyna fed the fire.

Ntende bowed his head “Master I am really sorry.” Ngororano sighed “Do not apologize, you did nothing wrong, I on the other hand performed poorly my role.” “Yes you did.” Mihigo and the witch Lyna agreed. Ntende turned to Mihigo “Don’t get cocky.” He said. “I am not. While I did beat our master it was only due to his own incompetence. Even the greatest of warriors may trip on the battle field, but what you did was beyond. Forgive me if I am over stepping but you are obviously fighting an inner demon. Whatever it may be you must seal it away or your lessons will be just as sloppy and endanger the lives of your students in the long run.”

Ngororano sighed “You’re right, I have reflected on my actions and realized to my dismay that my students are indeed lacking in many areas due to my own anxiety. I ask for your forgiveness Ntende, I understand if you reconsider being my student.” “No.” was Ntende’s simple, direct and final answer. The witch Lyna clapped once, “Well, now that you’ve all made up, go away.” She said to Ngororano while making shooing actions with her hands. Ngororano respectfully left; and so Mihigo and Ntende began their magic lessons.

Weeks passed as Mihigo, Ntende, Alexandria, and Amber trained their bodies with Nowamani and magic with Lyna.

Ntende was found to be eerily handy with a sword while Alexandria was unmatched with the bow; Amber’s fighting style kept Ngororano vexed for while her movements were strange they were indeed effective. She was unpredictable yet still moved smoothly and would switch attacks midway the execution of another; though what really threw Ngororano off was how she occasionally appeared to have animalistic traits such as claws and unnaturally long canines. This often left Ngororano wondering whether she was human, but she simply smiled and said it was her special form of magic.

Mihigo’s bursts of strength made him a formidable melee fighter in close combat and there was yet to be any one left standing after his finishing blow.

 When it came to magic Ntende’s enthusiastic nature was the perfect fuel for the chaos magic he wielded. Alexandria’s kind heart extended to wield the empathic magic of healing while Amber took to transformation magic like a fish to water.

Mihigo was found to have no particular affinity but extensive magic absorption and containment capacity with an equally large reserve to boot. This allowed him to maintain the other’s magic power during battle enabling them to use multiple spells consistently and even boost their power; though Lyna discouraged this and encouraged them to grow their own abilities.


 The clang and clash of steel could be heard over the passionate cries of Ngororano’s students at the training grounds. “Haaa!!” clang! Was the unmistakable sound as both their swords collided? His opponent drenched in sweat panting heavily brought a sly smile to Ntende’s face “Is it over?” he asked in a mock sad voice. The opponent clenched his jaw “Don’t be so proud of being a monster, you know the students call you the sword demon Ntende right?” Ntende laughed “What an awesome name! I would really like to meet the person who came up with it.”

Sitting on a bench out of ear shot watching his friend practice Mihigo sneezed. ‘Hmmm is someone talking about be me I wonder?’ He thought to himself.

“Ok, time to end this!” yelled Ntende as he charged and struck his opponents sword sending it flying, and halting his own blade right at his throat and ending the battle; As Ntende turned to leave a voice called out “Hey sword demon, up for a little challenge?” Ntende turned to see one of the older students holding out a scroll. “Swiped this from the forbidden section of the library, it is a summoning spell. I say if you can handle this then you earn your title.”

“No.” said a firm voice Ntende saw Mihigo walk up to him. We have our final test today; if we fail we will have to remain here longer. I am sure you’re enjoying your stay but we need to continue on our original plan.”

“Oho are you scared?” said the older student when a low growling sound came from behind him; he turned to find Amber and Alexandria standing behind him. “If Ntende is a demon then I am a devil.” Said Amber as her finger nails morphed into gleaming menacing claws right before the boy’s eyes. “Care to test me?” The boy backed away slowly, “Guys I can handle this.” said Ntende walking up to the boy. Amber grabbed his hand “Ntende we need to move on.” She said “Please.” added Alexandria. Ntende sighed “Fine, but we all know I could’ve beaten whatever is in that scroll right?”

“Let’s find out.” said the older student as he dropped the opened scroll and walked up to the river.

When Amber glanced at the scroll she gasped “Mihigo…” she said as she pointed to the scroll. One look and Mihigo yelled out “Don’t do the spell!” but it was too late. “Come forth water elemental!” yelled the student as he completed the summon gestures illustrated in the scroll.

A burst of air seemed to rush from the boy as he released his magic. A column of water rose up from the river and begun to take shape. Soon an eight foot being of water stood before them.

“Seriously, you do know that I can use fire magic right? I’ll just boil that walking bubble.” Amber gave him a mortified look “Don’t you battle maniac. Elementals are living elements turn that thing to steam and it will simply have a wider range of attack. I’ll run ahead to get the master the rest of you simply keep it occupied don’t let it reach the city.” With that Amber set of for the city where Ngororano, Commander Bbale and the Witch Lyna were planning their final test at an inhuman speed.

“You heard her spread out!” yelled Ntende “focus on controlling it.” He said to the older student who gave him a bewildered look “There is nothing about controlling it; just the summon and specifying the enemy.” He said.

Ntende gripped his sword tighter “Okay, every one draw its attention and get it out of the water where it draws its strength.” “Ntende!” yelled Alexandria “Draw it to me I will ground it.” She said as she notched her arrow.

“Enzo, remove its reason for being in the water first then lead it by the nose.” said Mihigo without taking his eyes of the elemental.

Ntende nodded and sheathed his sword then took a deep breath followed by a fighting stance. He then went on to stomp the ground with his right leg forward and an uppercut motion with his right fist. A slab of stone rose up from the river acting like a small dam, seeing this some of the other students begun doing the same and eventually a one meter wide bridge spanned from one bank to the other and cutting off the elementals access to the water.

The others formed spheres of water in front of the elemental which followed them like a dog. “Ok, I am done.” said Mihigo handing Alexandria one of her arrows “Make it count.” He added as she took it. The creature was now attacking the students, waving around its huge arms as if to sweep them away. Alexandria took aim for its center and let loose the arrow.

It travelled straight and true its tip glowing ominously as a glowing text wove itself around the shaft. The mindless creature paid no heed to the projectile as it struck home and sunk into its watery depths. As soon as it did though the arrow burst in a flash of light and in its place vines sprouted and flourished faster than any normal plant would.

In a manner of seconds the creature’s insides seemed to have a skeleton like structure. The moment the vines touched the ground massive roots spread as the vines begun to expand in girth, while the elemental faded. In no time a new tree dotted the landscape while the elemental was no more.

“What was that?” Ntende asked. Mihigo thrust out his chest comically in pride “That was my ingenious idea. As the elemental was made of water in had it consumed by a creature that needed the water.” Ntende looked at him sneeringly, then with an evil grin creeping up on his lips “Is that so? Basically you had plenty of water to spare and simply gave it away. Any monkey could have come up with that idea, well, I suppose since you’re the only one cable of completing such a spell with the amount of magic you can contain…” Then in an audible whisper he added “You magic glutton.”

“Why do I feel like I’ve just been insulted and praised at the same time?” Mihigo moped. Ntende snickered.

By the time Ngororano and Lyna arrived all had calmed down. The older student took responsibility for his actions, not that he could deny it with all the witnesses around. “Well this puts off all our plans.” said Lyna as she stood before the four of them. “We had planned a surprise attack for the test to gauge your reactions, but considering the circumstances all we can do is grade you now.” added Ngororano. Ntende kept tapping his foot on the ground like a hyper rabbit. “Quit that boy, contain yourself.” Lyna chastised as Ngororano sighed; then hesitantly even ruefully said “You are all now minimally qualified to travel the outside world, congratulations on passing our crash course of ‘how to survive in the old world of Elebor.’ ”

In Commander Bbale Denis’s office Mihigo, Ntende, Alexandria and Amber sat waiting “Why are we here again?” asked Ntende. “To meet your teammates of course.” answered Albadeluz

In answer to their perplexed looks Wizard spoke. “You didn’t expect us to send you out there all on your own did you?” “Aren’t you coming with us?” asked Alexandria “We have a few things we must take care of first.” Albadeluz answered. “So who are our teammates?” Mihigo asked.

No sooner had he said so than a door materialized in the wall across from them and out walked Nezza of the Internal Planetary Transport center.


“Master,” Nezza bowed as she acknowledged the presence of Wizard then turned to Albadeluz saying “I am honored to be here.” Albadeluz nodded in response. “Who is that with you?” Alexandria asked.

From behind Nezza a shadowy figure lurked. “She’s beautiful.” Commented Mihigo rather loudly.

The moment he spoke the figure walked out away from Nezza and revealed itself to be a young girl. Ntende leaned over to Mihigo “How did you know it was a girl?” he asked “All females regardless of species are a bit vainer than the rest of us.” Mihigo answered “So whatever response we you would have known the gender of whoever it was, huh, how clever of you.” Ntende reasoned “I expect no less from the most cunning person in asylum.” Mihigo scoffed “If I was the most I wouldn’t need to be cunning at all.” “Your known as the god of lies.” said Amber with an arched eye brow. Ntende thought he saw a slight smirk of pride when Nezza spoke.

“This is Tricia,” she said gesturing to the girl “she is master Nowamani’s apprentice. I spent a night at his place and he told me about her. Although he mentioned you already knew of her existence.” She glanced at Albadeluz who nodded back.

The girl bowed her head to Albadeluz. “It is an honor to meet master Nowamani’s brother, you looked so much like him it scared me at first I thought you were a specter.” Ntende chuckled so that is why you were quivering behind Nezza’s back.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 02.04.2017

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