

The puzzle's cry

I am a puzzle
A black and white one
A hard-to-comprehend wonder 

Put me together man,
Couldn’t you at least try
Because I can’t seem to breathe no more
This broken humpty dumpty 

Put me together Jesus,
Or am I too much of a shame
Or am I just that humpty
The one in pieces all the time.





Going Reverse in Words

Once was found and now am lost

No way to find
So much Lost
Lost in words, Lost in embrace
Hard to define, more to regret
Blabbering things of past
Regretting of loosing a hearty embrace
Once flied in the arms of an eagle
Now in the palms of a scorched ground
Love that was once abundant
The days where springs of pure love overflowed
Are now in droughts and famines
All is lost to the brine
And was found once again


Another evening spent

Venturing the lagoon shore
Once after a strenuous day
To forget the past things
so busy and haste
With a cup of tea and piece of cake
and with a loved one nearer to me
Viewing the setting sun
with awe and excitement
setting my sorrows and weaknesses with it
The sky flames with heavenly blaze
While dashes of indigo,yellow and orange
lights the pathways of sun's departure
so that's another sunset
An evening spent setting your sorrows with it



Last breath

Night brings horror
Night brings fear
Yet it was a time to complete one's fate
Gasping heavily breathing fast
There a little kitten awaits
Meowing with fear
Meowing for the love of the mother
Who separated it from the warmth of hers?
Blood thirsty grey hounds awaits
Smelling fear and loneliness
Sketching their pathways to the kitten
So there they goes
Horror painted the story
So I ran to change it's fate
I took the creature to my hands
Knew nothing I could do
It looked at me
Gasped its one last breath
Little paws and little eyes they were
No the little kitten knew
The dangers that night brings
The fate that brings horror for some and pity for some
Unfair resemblance it was yet we have to admit
When death resolves with fate
It brings sadness and regret
No innocent cute eyes, or little paws and beauty
Could stop them
They could go on with their work
Lighting "inevitability of Life"



The pristine mind

Going through my mind
to revive memories
of age passing times
is my greatest pleasure of life
The pristine mind i possessed
was a haven for fun and enjoyment
from mud puddles to sand castles
i had time to play to dance and to get dirty
with oodles of mud
No sin corrupted me
For i know nothing of sin
innocence shielded me from deadly snares
until time collapsed into a period of storm
where my fresh mind was corrupted
with knowledge that grew my pleasures
queer feelings misted my innocence
leaving me alone in a world so odd
A world so cruel and no fun is found


The Curse of Revenge

the curse of revenge
the avenge for the thorns of hell
Enemy so restless
blood thirsty yet helpless
there in the distant place
in his path so straight as he thinks
getaways to hell lies invisible within
he that steps down the righteous
whose blood he drank for thirst
No not that his fate so fright
in future where it'll be terror
the day to be butchered by the pain of humble
crushed by the tears of anger
Oh low!! who suffers the syndrome of scrooge
The one who wears jealousy and pride
Yet shame and pain will cover
the little what he bears to live




Whispers of calling

She lays there in her straw bed
Covered with a luscious coat of sheep
No one to look after
No one to talk
Death whispers lullabies to her ears
While a figure dress in golden armour awaits
in the distant corner of her room
calling her to come with him
showing a golden stairway towards the vast heavens
beautiful and narrow it was with flowers and gems
and all kind of assortments covered it
with twists and turns it lead it's way profoundly
So he gave her the jewel of eternity
asking her the robe of deeds
So she took it from her inner soul
All clean and neat and washed with the tears of repentance
And there she goes with him,
with the one who is dressed in all majesty and grace
leaving her cage of flesh to wilt
she goes to the pathway of eternity




Odorous memories

Memories are always soothing
But sometimes fiery
Smells of course cooperate in it
From Smells of flowers
which makes you happy
to smells that makes you weary
The smell of the roasted turkey
in Christmas eve
will make you homely
The scents of the earth
Will surely makes you happy



The green moss wall

Lays in a garden so secret and bright
A wall so high with moss so green
So damp and cold it was
To inhabit a world of pygmies
So small they were so hard to see
They made there living in a wall
that laid in the y axis
they planted moss for a shield
and by hunting insects they made their living
So this is the wall of pygmies
that is so marvelous to see





The Final Judgement

Laying awake in the dark ghostly room
was an endless nightmare
The shadows of my flesh
made me to scare myself

Footsteps and then growlings
wailings are heard
But mast imbearable evil laughs
were the scariest

second, to minute and to hour
I counted the days with my blood
consuming myself within
No food fulfilled my hunger
And no drink quenched my thirst

Memories and worldly pleasures
Scorched me with bitterness
Every agonizing truth haunted me
Making me to kneel, weep and pray

At last the day came
to make the dreading journey
Towards the thrones of heaven
And to give the account for eternity


Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: Shennon Perera
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 27.12.2016

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