

(A boy point of view)

“I can't tell you because I can’t talk when you're around, but I love you.” The words brought me back to the moment my ex, Kathrine evergreen had taken wendy’s diary and read it to the almost the whole entire school. Nobody knows how Katherine got the diary, heaven knows she probably snuck into wendy's house. Wendy looked at me with tears in her eyes, then started running as fast as she could out the front door. “But there is one thing wrong he hurts me for fun and no one will see how much it hurts.” Katherine looked up from the diary. She had the look that many people have when they have done something and felt incredibly guilty about it. Kathrine's mother had been beaten to death. Her gaze drifted to me. She had pleading eyes underneath the guilt. I took off in the same direction that Wendy had gone. When I found her she was in a tree just laying there looking up at the sky.

"I've been looking for you."

'Why?" her voice was weak.

"Please come down from there," I said pulling on her jacket. I felt her jump a little.

"Leave me alone! Don't EVER, touch me again!" She turned out of the tree and landed carefully with two feet on the Ground. She began walking away from me. She was a foot from me when I seized her wrist and made her stop. she slowly turned around to face me. There were anger and pain inside her blue eyes. She glanced down at our hands then back to me. Tears were stinging her eyes now.  I slightly pulled on her wrist bringing her to me. I reached my fingers up to move some hair and found a bruise across her cheek. She closed her eyes causing a tear to run down her face.

“Is there more?” I ask. She nods her head slowly. “Where?”

She pushes back slowly and lifts up her shirt. I feel my eyes wash over with anger. Her stomach was covered with a huge bruise. After a few seconds, she put her shirt back down. I pulled her back in my arms letting her wet my shirt with her tears. I heard the doors open behind me and Katherine came out clutching wendy diary with both hands. Her face was one of guilt and sadness. She gently put the book on the ground, turned back and walked back inside. Once Katherine was gone I focused back on Wendy. By then her sobbing had become whimpers. “Hey,” I said pulling her head back to look at her face. I got lost in her beautiful blue eyes. “I won’t let him hurt you again, I promise. You’ll come to my house. ”Wendy nodded her head. Let’s go get your things and we’ll go ahead and go.”

She pushed away slowly and headed for the door with me walking right beside her. Halfway through the walk I grabbed her hand with mine and held it. I watched as her eyes widened and her chest started to rise and fall faster. When we got to the door Wendy picked up her diary and threw it in the bin beside her.

“What was that for” I ask

“All my secrets are out. I only had two.” Her lips twitched at the corners but she didn’t smile.

“Wait,” I said while she turned to me. I took my hand out of hers and put both of them on her waist. Her eyes seemed to widen even more. I moved my face closer to hers and brushed my lips against hers. When she didn’t pull away I latch on and started molding her lips with mine. Her hands slowly made their way up from her sides. They skimmed over my stomach causing it to stiffen, then my chest, finally to the back of my neck. She grabbed a fistful of my hair deepening the kiss while I pressed her body closer to mine creating not even the stressed crack. We both pulled back gasping for air. Not even a second had past and she had an ear to ear smile on her face.

“There it is.” I smiled. Her cheeks turned pink. I kissed her again real quick. “Let’s go. They will probably be wondering where we are... Plus we still have to get your stuff so we can go to my house.”

“Okay,” she nodded. We walked hand in hand into the school to her locker.

“Stay here and wait for me.” once again she nodded. I walked down to the office.

“Hey, Miss Maine, hows my favorite secretary?”

“Where have you headed now James?” She asked. Miss Maine has always been good to me. She knows that every time there is a problem I’ll leave. She has straight grey hair and big green eyes that match her small figure.

“Umm….I have to help someone in a situation they are in.”

“Who is it, my dear?”  

“I can’t talk about it right now, but soon everyone will now.  Um...Anyways can you have the teachers in the rest of my classes give me and wendy’s homework to Katherine and can you inform my parents that there is a problem and I will be coming home early please?”

“Would you like me to inform wendy’s father?”

“I'm afraid that would not be a good thing to do Miss Maine,” I said looking in her eyes. Every time I look into her eyes she knows exactly what's wrong. She then nodded her head in agreement.
“Right, that would be a very bad Idea if that is the case. I will inform Mr. Wilton.” Mr. Wilton, on the other hand, is an angry old man. He’s said before that is I keep ahead of my work, Have all A’s and stay at school at least have four hours that I can leave anytime I want. He’s also told the same thing to my parents and they thought it was a great idea.

“Thank you, Miss Maine.” I left her office and went back to Wendy. She was sitting in front of her locker with her knees pulled up to her chest.

“Are you ready?”

“Yeah” her voice was so sweet. I held out my hand but she questioned it before grabbing hold. I gently pulled her up. She quickly wrapped her arms around me in a hug. It was so fast that it took a couple seconds for me to register what was happening. Slowly I wrapped my arm around her in return.

“Thank You for everything” she mumbled. We walked out of the school to the parking lot with my hand in the small of Wendy's back. It's always filled with cars from old to knew, banged up to not even a scratch. I pushed the lock button on my car keys to find it faster. Once we had got to the car I opened the door for Wendy to get in. She walked slowly and sat down in the passenger seat. I watched the whole time as her face turned one of aw. 

"Do you like it?" she nodded with her eyes wide. I walked around the car and hopped in the driver's seat. "To my house, we go then," Pulling out of the lot seemed harder to do. It took a few minutes I rounded into the driveway and parked the car behind my parents'. Getting out of the car I walked to the passenger's side and opened the door. 

"Here," I said sticking it out for Wendy. She gently grabbed it and I pulled her out. We got to the door and I knocked once before going in. Yeah, I know why did I knock yot my own house? My parents know that if someone they don't know or a relative knocks they do more. I only knock once so they know it's me. 

 Walking to the living room I noticed that Wendy had the same face as she did when she was in my car. We walked in and she sat on the couch. I gave her the remote " You can watch Tv if you want. To tell you the truth you can make yourself at home. I have to go find my parents."  I turned and started walking out.  "Wait" Wendy said stopping me. She stood up and walked over to me. She wrapped her arms around me laying her head on my chest. I put my arms on her waist.

"Thank you, " she said. Her voice was trembling. 

"He won't hurt you. I won't allow it." We squeezed our embrace then retracted and stared into each others eyes. I slowly leaned down and kissed her. 

"Am I interrupting something?" I heard my mothers voice behind us. I looked behind to my mother. 

"Hi mom'

"I'm thinking this is the reason you are home early?"

"Yes. This is wendy." mom nodded. "where's dad" 

" he asked me to come and get you to talk about the problem you siad there was." I turned to wendy. wendy nodded her head "Okay" 

I walked out of the room to my father's office.

"hey dad"

"Hey son, who'd you save today?" he asked turned around in his chair. 

"A girl. Her name is Wendy." I say back with a smile. Dad's face turned one of concern

"What happened?" my smile quickly disappeares at the question and rage fills me. 

"She's being beaten by her dad," I say glaring

"Katherine."  i shook my head "she lsomehow got her hands on Wendy's diary and read it out loud!" I realised that I had yelled a little. "I sorry I didn't mean to yell." I said calming back down

"It's okay, btu it doesn't take an idiot to know that you love her." he paused for a secong then sighed "Well, I'll call my boss, but in the meanwhile you might need to go save your girl from your mother." he laughed I hugged my old man and walked back towards the living room 




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.02.2019

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