
on the way of love................

Chapter 1

You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. And romance is the glamour which turns of everyday life into a golden haze. Read romantic story


Eric Love:



She is so….beautiful.” ERIC thought staring the girl. The moment he saw the girl, he instantly fell in love with her. The dream girl of every boy, fair, slim, short heighted with long hairs. It was how she looked.


But as the fact goes that this type of girls have attitude. She must be having…God knows. ERIC didn’t know anything about her. But still he fell for her.



Every evening she would come and sit alone in the park in front of his house. And it was the only time he could see her. He started observing her by standing out in his balcony. He would pretend playing in his mobile but would see that girl. After observing her for few days, he started walking in the park when she would come.

Chapter 2

One day, while walking in the evening, he saw that she was sitting with her earphone dug inside ears and in the verge of tears.. He became sad seeing her upset. After 2 rounds, he went and sat near her. ERIC thought it was the right time for the conservation.

 “Hey.” He started the conversation. But she didn’t reply. He went near her ears and again said, “Hey.”

 She looked at him. He waved his hand. But she looked down.

 “I think you are upset. I have been observing you from the balcony and never saw anyone upset in the park. Can it be shared?” He said. She replied, “Mind your own business.”  And she went away from that place.

 He felt bad. Not because of the rude reply. But for the sadness she was carrying inside her. After all he liked her. He got up from her place, walked around for some more time and went to his home. The whole night he thought about why she would be upset.





“Why? All my friends are going there. Why can’t I? Even our parents have agreed upon it.” She said. She was arguing with her brother.

“No ANNA. Pitamahal Dam is a very dangerous place. My friends went there two months ago. They went to the river for a bath but the current was so fast that one of my friends went away with it. So please don’t go there.” Her brother said.

Chapter 3


“But…..” she had just started saying when his brother interrupted and slapped her to stop. As it was evening time, she came out from her house and went to the park. ANNA i would daily go to a park for spending time alone and she had noticed him staring at her from the corner of her eyes numerous times. The park was only five minutes distance from her house.

She was upset. Her brother had slapped her. She had dug her earphones and was listening to some sad songs with tear in her eyes.

She was sitting on the bench thinking about the argument between her and her brother, she saw the guy coming towards him. He sat beside her.

“Hey.” He said after sometime. She wasn’t in a mood to see him or even reply him. He came up to her ears and said “Hey.”

She looked up at him. He waved his hand. But the sadness didn’t allow her to reply him back and she looked down. “I think you are upset. I have been observing you from the balcony and never saw anyone upset in the park. Can it be shared?” he asked.

ANNA was getting frustrated. “Mind your own business.” She replied and went away from that place. She wasn’t able to forget that her brother slapped her for such a silly reason and couldn’t sleep the whole night.


Chapter 4



When ERIC came out from his house the next day, he saw that the bench was empty. He went inside the park and searched for her, but didn’t find her. He went and sat on the bench where the girl usually sits. Just then he saw that the girl coming inside the park. He got up and went near her.

“Sorry. I didn’t want to hurt your sentiments. Actually, I can’t see anyone sad. So I asked you.” He said. She nodded.

“I know you didn’t have any bad intentions, but I was upset and I was getting frustrated when you sat and started talking to me.” She said.

And as the fact goes all depressed girls speak their heart out, she also told him about the incident. He was happy. At least she was talking to him. Apology doesn’t mean that you are wrong or the other person is right. It means your relationship is more valuable than your ego.

“My name is ERIC. And yours?” He said. She was just about to say her name when she got a call. She received the call and after talking she went away.

He shouted from behind “At least tell me your name”


Chapter 5




The very next day when he was roaming inside the park and talking with his sister, the girl came inside the park. She came and sat near him.


“Whoa! Your girlfriend. Nice. What’s her name?” ANNA said. ERIC stroked his head with his hand.


“Excuse me Miss ANNAi STEVE. Don’t dare call me his girlfriend. Because I am his one and only sister.” The girl said in style. Mahi was shocked.


She was surprised to see that she was ERIC’s sister.


“REVEN. You are his sister?” She asked shockingly. They hugged each other. And by this ERIC found out her name. ANNAi. With the help of his sister.

REVEN was his most favorite sister and was only a year junior to him. And through her, he found out that ANNA was her classmate. She knew that his brother liked her classmate.


Chapter 6




“Do you have any ex-girlfriend?” ANNA asked her while they were roaming around the park. It was more than a month they had met and started talking to each other and they have grown too close to each other. They were sharing each and every thing. But ERIC didn’t tell her about the past he was having.

“No. I am just learning to gain interest in this matter.” He replied and again asked “Any ex-boyfriend?”

“Was having one. Broke up three months ago. He lost interest in me. But why don’t you have a girlfriend yet? You are so handsome, healthy and caring guy. Your nature is the best. Anyone can be your girlfriend.” She said.

“Why don’t you become my girlfriend then?” He replied. Just then she said that he is her best friend. ERIC started laughing and said “That’s the reason dear”. Just then, ERIC saw a guy coming towards the park. ANNA went forward but ERIC stood there.

“BRO.” That guy said entering the park. They half hugged each other. “Where have you been for so many days? You were not coming to college too.” ERIC asked. Just then, ANNA reached the point where we were standing.


Chapter 7

“BRO, why you are here? I told you take rest. Please go home.” she said and then asked “ERIC, do you know my brother?”

“Yes. He is my colleagues. Mr. Sid. Am I right, bRO?” ERIC said. And Sid nodded.

“Mr. ERIC. Dramatic Secretary of our college. The respect you have gained from others in our first year is just fabulous. I am great fan.” Sid said and ERIC hugged him. Sid said that he recently had an operation due to which he wasn’t able to come to college. ERIC suggested him to take rest and shouldn’t roam around. Sid nodded and went to home.

You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. And romance is the glamour which turns of everyday life into a golden haze.


Chapter 8




One word frees us all the weight and pain of life. That is love. And love connects itself through many ways. ERIC and ANNA didn’t know that they will grow too close to each other so soon. It was a different feeling. And they got even closer day by day.

He had been thinking of proposing her shortly. He was in love and couldn’t control himself from doing so. New Year was about to start and he wanted to step into New Year with her as a girl friend not best friend. He got ready on time and plucked a rose from his garden and was waiting with the rose in his hand. But as soon as she came to the park he hid the rose behind him and then hung it to the jeans. And normal talking started between them. They started roaming for a while. That rose had a horn which penetrated but he kept silent as didn’t want to let her know. After some time he got a call from Sid for asking him about the assignments he had missed so he just said goodbye and turned just then she caught the sight of the rose. He was busted now. She called out his name and told him to freeze there. She went up to him, took the rose, saw the blood, and started crying. He got depressed and told her sorry like many times but she continued crying and finally slapped him jokingly. He got scared by the slap but when she smiled he got alright and then she said “If you have to propose someone, you should kneel down like this and say I love you will you be my life partner”. He just smiled to that not knowing what to do. Then suddenly she got angry and said, “Dude, I just proposed you at least you should reply for that.”




He scratched his head and played with his hair. And suddenly he snatched the rose from her hand, knelt down and said “Your eyes are soft and tender, as sweet as they can be. There’s one thing you must remember. You are the one for me. You are the angel of my world. With you I felt this earth like paradise. Come live in my heart, and I will not charge, even a Penny from you. Between the thousand yesterdays and a million tomorrows, there’s only one today and I wouldn’t let this day pass without saying this to you. I love you. I love you ANNA. From the starting day I saw you, I was in love with you. You are the one to being my faith back in love. Thanks my angel. I loved you, I love you and I will love you forever. ANNA, will you be mine? For the rest of my life?”

The kneeling down was making ERIC suffer, but at least he could do that for her. ANNA was blushing. She make her stand, punched his stomach jokingly and hugged her tightly.

“Why did you say it so lately, ERIC? But…I don’t love you.” She said. ERIC was looking confused. ANNA kissed her cheeks and said “I love you too, my baby. I promise my heart, along with my love to you. I will be faithful and true. I promise to always be there for you. I will cherish you until the end of time. God made me complete when he brought you into my life. I ask that you accept my love for you after becoming your lover.”



And she hugged her tightly. His dream came true. ERIC’s crush and one sided love became his 2nd love and his forever love. And the best love is one that makes you better without changing you into someone other than yourself.


one suggestion:


If you love something, let him go, if its yours it comes to you or not  ,understood that it was never yours.....





Hey dear,


I am Anna write first time a story if like to respond, so i will furture try my best to you will read ...........................


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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 11.03.2016

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i will try my best in this you may like it......................

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