
Chapter 1

Tabitha's POV
I flipped the page of the latest book I was reading as Kirche came up to me for once not complaining about Saito "did you want to come with me into town today" she asked softly sounding almost nervous I glanced at her from the corner of my eye before giving a slight tilt to my head as a nod she stayed sitting by me for a while before getting up and turning to me "did you want to go our free time will be up soon" she said I stood up and grabbed my staff never once taking my eyes from the book we headed for the stable to get a horse each but there was only one left "sorry most of the students decided to go to town today" someone said to Kirche "it's fine never mind then" she said quietly "we've both ridden with people before" I said quietly closing my book and looking at her "well yes but..." she trailed off "if it bothers you so much I could always take Irukuku" I said "no it's fine" she said looking down at the ground. A while later we were walking through town I hadn't got my book out again "Louise, Saito you came to town as well" she said suddenly I glanced up and seen the black-haired boy and the pink-haired girl standing just in front of us "yes we had time so I decided it would be a good idea" Louise said she kept looking between Saito and Kirche "stop it Louise I promise I won't do anything I love someone else I was just to stupid to realize" Kirche said I looked at her just as her eyes flicked to me she blushed a bit and looked away Louise nodded and her and Saito left leaving me alone with Kirche again I seen a bunch of other students racing toward the school "oh it's time to leave already" she said surprise written all over her face we quickly headed back to school where the rest of the day passed with not much happening. After classes I laid back on my bed reading again from where i'd left off earlier only to be interrupted a few pages in I sighed and grabbed my staff opening the door and unintentionally muting Kirche when she came in so she ended up mouthing a few words before I unmuted her "-so I wanted to say I am in love with you Tabitha" she said not looking at me until my book dropped I stared at her my lips parted in shock probably showing the most emotion she had ever seen on me "will you say something" she mumbled I stood up going over to her "what" she asked I leaned up and kissed her softly her hands came up to sit on my waist as she kissed me back the door still open behind her I pulled back and went back over to my bed "what was that" she asked after waiting a bit of me not answering she left muttering it was like that for a few days until she asked me in front of the others I closed the book i'd been reading and walked off three days later I got told her Louise and Saito had gone on some mission for the queen I spent the first week pretending I didn't care but I was actually really worried the second week my worry started to show I couldn't concentrate on my classes and I spent most of my free time waiting by the gate of the school it's was day 15 since i'd found out that they had gone that they came back as I was making my way to the gate Kirche and the others stopped to talk to the headmaster for a moment, I forgot for a moment about everything except Kirche I ran over to them dropping my staff just before I got to them and throwing my arms around Kirche's neck "you could have told me you had to go somewhere" I muttered crying a little I felt her arms make their way around my waist as she hugged me back gently "sorry it was sudden" she mumbled "just one letter is all it would have taken Kirche" I whispered "I didn't know if you'd want to know considering the way you were acting before we left" she answered quietly "idiot that was my way of say I love you too, just I didn't know how else to say it and I wasn't ready for others to know how I felt" I said softly pulling away someone cleared their throat getting both our attention "did you two want a moment" the headmaster asked I went silent and shook my head completely pulling away or tried to except Kirche grabbed my hand "please don't go" she asked I shook my head and stepped just to the side of her quietly she turned to face the headmaster again but kept a hold of my hand Guiche and Montmorency came over to us as they finished talking "also Miss Zerbrst I would suggest getting some help tonight from one of the maids with your bath I don't think you should be using your arm" the headmaster said just before leaving "no way I can do it myself" she muttered "what happened" Guiche asked "nothing we just got injured for no reason" Kirche snapped I tugged at her hand pulling her away from them well aware that they were watching us until we disappeared I put two finger between my lips and whistled Sylphid came down landing in front of us a few moments later once we were both on I directed the dragon to head towards a large lake in the forest nearby "why are we going out there" Kirche asked "you want to clean up but you know you can't do it alone thanks to your arm you're just too stubborn to admit otherwise so I can help but I knew you wouldn't accept if others were around" I explained "I love you" she declared suddenly I laughed a little "I love you too" I answered "can I kiss you" she asked "since when do you ask to kiss someone Kirche" I asked a bit shocked "since the person I want to kiss is my best friend and the last few times she kissed me she then started ignoring me for the rest of the day so I just don't want a repeat" she explained I laid back and gently tugged her down with me both of us laying on our side facing each other I leaned forward and kissed her pausing only sometimes to catch our breath before resuming our kisses Irukuku said to circle warning me we were going down in a minute I moved a little closer to Kirche kissing her again as the blue dragon went down landing next to the lake "we're here" I mumbled getting off Kirche landed next to me wincing as her arm banged against her body when we got near the lake she gasped no doubt seeing everything set up "I come here when I need space or have hurt myself and don't want anyone to know" I explained carefully taking my uniform and glasses off and folding them placing it on a rock nearby before wading into the water "coming or not" I said turning back to her laughing when I seen her looking away I ducked under the water wetting my entire body before coming back up to the surface I blushed when I seen Kirche trying to get her uniform off one-handed "need some help" I asked going up closer she shook her head stubbornly still struggling I got up to shore and went to stand behind her reaching my arms in front of her undoing one button at a time until I could get her shirt off "wait Tabitha" she said my hand went to her hip to undo the zip there so I could slip her skirt off I got her stockings off before grabbing her hand and walking into the lake with her trailing behind me we got till waist deep on me before I stopped "relax do you trust me" I asked softly she nodded and knelt down when I gestured for her to "tilt your head back a bit" I asked once she did so I cupped some water in my hands and rinsed it through her red waves getting most of the dirt and such from her fight out she stayed quiet while I washed some more water through when it came time to wash her sore arm I was a little hesitant but she held it still while I brushed my hands over it carefully, I went back to the shore for a minute to grab a wash cloth before going back to her "what's wrong" I asked continuing "nothing" she said quietly "liar i've known you since I started at this school I know almost everything about you including when you worried about something" I mumbled "it's nothing for you to worry about really" she said "fine splash your face" I requested she cupped some water in her hand and closed her eyes flicking her hand up a moment later she wiped her hand down her face removing the excess water as I washed the cloth out in the water once it was clean I began wiping the smudges from her cheeks "we should get back to school soon" she said I nodded and washed the cloth again "there done" I said quietly we went back to the shore and got dressed before she got her shirt on I stopped her "I can treat your arm before we go back if you like" I offered she nodded and sat down holding her injured arm carefully, once I was done I helped her get her shirt back on, when we got back to school I found that we'd already missed two classes so we got sent straight to the headmaster's office "why were you girls late" he asked "I was helping Kirche clean up as she was embarrassed to have to do it tonight in front of others" I explained "is this true Miss Zerbrst" he asked she nodded "very well if it happens again there will be a punishment" he said letting us go we nodded and left heading back to our own rooms, it didn't take long for her to come to my room though I opened the door on my own this time after having muted her a few to many times I didn't want to take that chance again "hi" she said smiling a light flush covered my cheeks as I let her in I went to kiss her when I seen our other friends standing at the door as well "come on in" I said smiling not showing the disappointment I felt for about an hour Kirche and I kept stealing glances at one another "just kiss already" Saito said jokingly glaring at the two of us we glanced over at him surprised "for an hour you two having watching each other so just kiss already" he said I glanced at Kirche she wasn't looking at me but I could see the blush on her cheeks "Kirche" I asked softly she glanced at me quickly before averting her eyes I moved forward and kissed her cheek softly but before I could pull away she turned fully to me pulling me into her as she kissed me deeply still keeping the kiss I moved to my hands and knees accidentally knocking her arm "ouch" she said pulling away I sat up "sorry but you pulled me down" I pointed out "consider it payback for the lake" she said "i'm surprised you'd settle considering" I said laughing "well I can't think of anything else so that's why" she muttered pouting.

Chapter 2

Louise's POV

"Where is he that stupid dog" I muttered searching around campus for my familiar I found him talking with Siesta like normal as I got up closer I heard them talking "ouch stop hitting me it's true I swear I really do love you" he said I walked off going back to my room to wait for him. "Louise you're still awake" Saito said coming into the room "how could I sleep I heard your confession" I snapped "what are you talking about Louise" he asked "to that maid I heard you confess to her" I yelled my cheeks going red in anger "how many times do I have to tell you a familiar only looks at their master no-one else but yet everytime I look you're flirting with her" I shouted jumping forward to whip him "I wasn't flirting with her" he yelled running around my room away from me "so why did you tell her you loved her" I yelled finally getting him "I didn't" he said wincing everytime the whip hit him "you did I heard you" I said the tears i'd been holding back overflowing "I was talking about Guiche and Montmorency she was hitting him and he was telling that he loved her" he said I stopped hitting him "so why did you tell the maid" I asked "because you hate it when I say things about the other nobles so I tell Siesta she's my friend nothing more" he said "oh" was all I could say "the next chance I get i'm leaving for Japan and I doubt i'll be coming back" he said suddenly "what why and you can't you're my familiar" I said shocked "i'm not sure I want to be your familiar anymore and because I talk to other girls or look at them you get jealous but you don't even know why I do it and you whip me like i'm a dog but i'm not i'm a human being you claim to love me but you act like you hate me you will be cute one moment and the next you'll be a devil you are the very meaning of tsundre" he said angrily I flinched back "i'm sorry when I see you look at the other girls I feel like you're wishing you could have any of them rather than me and I can't take it so I try to take my anger out but I can't do it on them but you it's expected you're my familiar" I said crying "when I look at the other girls all I think about these days is this part of this girl reminds me of Louise or that part of another reminds me of her you are permently on my mind honestly i'm really starting to hate being in love with a girl like you who can't even make up her mind whether to hit me or kiss me or yell at me" he said I snapped the whip and handed him the two pieces "here take them then you know I won't hit you anymore and I do love you i'm just afraid when you look at all those other girl one day you'll find one better than me and leave" I whispered he tossed the pieces to the side and reached forward pulling me into his lap hugging me as I cried "if I didn't love you really Louise would I still be here after all this time after everything you've put me through" he asked I leaned up and kissed him "please will you stay or i'll go with you I don't want to leave you're side ever" I said "okay i'll decide which in the morning" he said "can we do more than kiss tonight" I asked he went to speak only to stumble over his words so he stopped trying again a few moments later same result he did this a few times before giving up, nodding and kissing me I closed my eyes and melted into the kiss sighing as he lifted me and took us over to the bed I enjoyed the whole night waking up the next morning a little sore but still very happy he woke up a few moments later smiling "I had the best dream ever last night" he said trailing his fingers up my bare side I shivered and moaned slightly "what was it about" I asked trembling slightly at his touches "I got to make love to the my Louise" he whispered leaning down and kissing me I grabbed his hand and directed it to where I most wanted his touch "you tell me was it a dream" I said my hips moving to meet his hand he pulled his hand and replaced it with the other part I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him closer to kiss him to muffle my moans as I finished again with him "you really know no self-restraint do you" I asked he only grinned and kissed me again "Chibi-Louise get up we're leaving for home right now" my eldest sister said barging into my room I clutched the blankets to my chest and blushed as my other sister came into my room as well fixing the door with a quick spell "what no i'm not leaving" I said shocked she came over and went to pinch my cheek but Saito got in the way so she ended up grabbing his cheek instead she let go really quick "stay out of this familiar" she snapped to him "don't talk to Saito like that" I said hiding behind him mostly to protect my modesty "why are you hiding behind him get up" she shouted yanking the blankets off us I quickly curled my legs up staying behind Saito as Saito moved his hands to cover his own part both my sisters turned away alibet one quieter than the other who was still ranting about how I could do something like that to the family sleeping with a commoner a peasant we quickly dressed following her out to the dining hall finally i'd had enough "stop talking about Saito like that it's none of your business but I didn't sleep with him because he made me but because I wanted to and he's not a peasant he's a knight for the Queen and he is braver than you will ever be, it was him and my void magic that beat that horrible army so leave him alone" I yelled clenching my fists next thing I knew she slapped me hard across the cheek "Louise" Saito said coming to my side instantly "don't you ever talk to me like that again Louise" Eleonore said "no i'm sick and tired of you treating my like a nothing I do have magic it's just different to yours and you can't say anything about my relationship with Saito because at least I have one" I said turning on my heel and stalking over to my seat Saito came and sat next to me at the newly added empty seat me on one side and Kirche on the other my sisters were still staring after me one angry the other proud. She didn't speak to me for the rest of the day not even when I told her i'd come home with her as soon as we entered the house she was yelling again I clutched Saito's hand in my own rolling my eyes I used to be afraid of her but now that I had Saito by my side I knew she couldn't hurt me "Louise why are you home so early" my mother asked coming out to the hall and cutting my sister off "because Eleonore pulled me out of school again" I snapped glaring at my blonde sister she returned my glare equally "stop it both of you go to you rooms your father will be home by supper we will talk about it then" mother said I started to walk away Saito following me "boys stay out" she said "he's my familiar" I said "and your lover" Eleonore spat "he is my familiar first and foremost" I snapped to her "so is that why you were in bed with him this morning your uniform on the floor" she asked "that is none of your business" I yelled "enough both of you the familiar stays out here and you two go to your rooms right now" our mother commanded over both of us we glared at each other one more time before each storming off to our own rooms.


Saito's POV

"Is what she said true" their mother asked me "yes it is but I am not a mere peasant I am a knight for the queen" I said bowing my head slightly as a sign of respect "very well I will not do anything because of your status it is more my eldest daughter's fault she has never accepted Louise she may love her she just doesn't know how to show it" she said "thank you very much" I said honesty flooding my voice "is she being teased to much at school I know she has no talent for magic which is why i'm worried" she said "that's not true she is talented just in a different way" I said looking up at her she looked surprised at my outburst "would you care to tell me how last I heard my youngest daughter spent her school days blowing things up" she said "it's her magic counter-acting any spell she tries, she is a void mage and anytime she tries a normal spell things go ka-boom" I explained "and you, because you are more to her than a lover or familiar" she asked "have you ever heard of Gandálfr" I asked she nodded and I showed her my runes on the back of my left hand "oh well that explains it then i'm truly sorry for everything my eldest has put you through" she said quietly I heard a man's voice ring out through the halls "Cattleya would you go and get Eleonore please" she asked before turning to me "would you get Louise I think it would be best if the girls came out seperately" she said I nodded and followed Louise's sister upstairs she pointed to a door just passed the one she stopped at "that's mine and Louise's room" she said smiling softly before going into her older sister's room I went down and knocked on the door I could hear Louise crying on the other side but she still called out come in "Louise" I said softly closing the door and going to sit on the bed next to where she was curled up she sat up and threw her arms around my neck still crying it took me a bit to calm her down "your mother asked for you to come downstairs as your father's home" I murmured kissing her hair "Louise" one of her sisters said as she came into the room "Cattleya" Louise said pulling away from me slightly "mother and father want you to come down now" Cattleya said softly Louise nodded before getting up and wiping her cheeks free of tears I stood up and grabbed on of her hands catching her attention when she looked at me I leaned down and gently kissed her "it'll be fine" I said she nodded again before we left following her sister downstairs into the dining hall Louise went and sat down while I went to stand off to the side her mother called my name shaking her head and gesturing next to her daughter when I looked over I nodded and went to sit next to Louise opposite Cattleya she smiled at me quickly before turning to her mother as she began speaking to their father "Louise and Eleonore fought again today over this boy and her studies" she said she looked to me "would you care to explain what you told me" she asked I nodded and took a deep breath before turning to her father "my name is Hiraga Saito I am the familiar of Louise as well as her lover I am also Gandálfr and Louise is my master a void mage that is why it seems she is not progressing at the academy because her magic is interfering with almost every spell she tries, she can do basic teleportaion spell and has even been able to do very basic spells of some of the elements" I explained looking straight at him "where are you from you wear the silliest clothes" he asked "I am from a place called Tokyo in Japan, a different reality from yours" I answered "if it came to it would you be willing to marry my daughter" he asked "yes" I replied instantly all except Cattleya look surprised "are you a peasant" he asked "I used to be yes but now I am a knight for the queen" I said he nodded accepting the answer "very well I do not mind" he said returning to his dinner Louise seemed shocked but his reaction "father is there a reason for you being so calm about this" Eleonore asked "for him to have gone from being a peasant from another world to a knight of the queen means he has more than enough to prove himself and being Louise's familiar in two ways means he would lay down his life for her so I am being so calm because there is no reason to be anrgy" he explained "though if it's alright with my daughter I would like to see you fight for myself just to see how well you can protect her" he added to me "of course anything for Louise" I said softly "Saito no you don't know how well he can fight" Louise protested "Louise if showing him my skill is what is takes to be able to stay by your side then i'll do it over and over how ever many times he asks" I said gently she sighed "why do you have to be so stubborn" she asked "because i'm your familiar" I said smiling "fine just be careful please" she replied "always" I answered immediately she nodded as we all finished our meal Louise's father led me down some halls to a training room he went to hand me one of the training swords but I shook my head "you are not backing out are you" he asked "no of course not I wouldn't dream of it, it's just I can only fight with a weapon that is meant as a weapon so a training sword would do me no good without proper training first" I explained he nodded and allowed me to draw my own sword strapped to my back we sparred for a while I never hit him to draw blood finally I knocked his sword to the side and he slipped to the ground where I held my sword at his throat "very well you most certainly can fight" he said "it was a slight struggle because normally who I fight I am aiming to kill but this time I wasn't" I said laughing a bit I put my sword away and held my hand out to him after a few seconds he gripped it and pulled himself to his feet "thank you Familiar Saito" he said turning to his eldest "you are to leave this boy and your sister alone no more bullying them is that understood" he said sternly she looked down and mumbled "yes father" Louise ran up and hugged me "are you okay" she asked I knew she was referring to a hit I took about half-way through the battle where I had fallen to the ground "yes i'm fine Louise I promise" I assured her wrapping my own arms around her middle she pulled away when her sister cleared her throat we turned to face Cattleya "I think maybe it's time Louise got her own room rather than sharing with me father" she said smiling a slight twinkle in her eye "yes I think so too" her mother said "very well I shall have her things moved in the morning" her father said Louise grinned as we glanced at each other and followed him to a new room about half-way between her sister's rooms "where will I be sleeping I asked quietly "with Louise of course you are her familiar are you not" her mother said I nodded and followed the pink haired girl into her room as soon as the door closed I went up behind her my fingers hovering near the buttons on her shirt as I kissed just below he ear "will I be helping you dress or un-dress tonight" I whispered "both we should sleep tonight" she said softly "spoil sport" I mumbled kissing just below her ear again as I raised my head I blew slightly next to her ear smirking when her breath hitched and she moaned quietly I did it again getting the same reaction while my fingers worked on the buttons of her shirt she turned us around and pushed me back toward the bed climbing on my lap straddling my hips as soon as I sat down I slowly laid back pulling her down with me so she was leaning over me as our kiss deepened her tongue slipping in my mouth she moaned and pulled away a little our breaths still mingling but at least we could breathe "would you two like some sleepwear" we heard from the door we looked over to where Cattleya was standing the some of Louise's clothes in one hand and some pants and a shirt in the other for me Louise blushed "please thank you Cattleya" she said climbing off my lap and sitting next to me her sister came in handing the things to us before leaving again I quickly dressed myself and then helped Louise dress "if I could create a portal for you to go home would you go as long as I could promise you could come back" she said as we laid down together "only if you came with me" I said kissing her quickly "we'll see tomorrow" she murmured drifting to sleep my arm around her and her head leaning on my shoulder I stayed up a while thinking until I couldn't take it anymore I got up carefully laying her head on the pillow before walking out the open french doors onto the balcony to get some air "if I could go home it wouldn't be worth it without Louise" I muttered "why not" I heard from the side I turned my head and seen her mother next to me "it's a joint balcony you two are next to mine and the girls father's room" she said pointing to another open set of doors "because Louise is the only thing I care about anymore I don't care if I never get to go home again so long as I could stay by her side" I explained she nodded and leaned on the railing next to me "would you like to go home if Louise came with you" she asked "sometimes not for a while just little bit here and there so I could see my family it would be half-way through my second year of highschool back home" I said "highschool" she asked "school for older kids you start when you turn 15 and go until you turn 18 this year I turned 17 so it would be my second year" I explained "what other kinds of schools do you have in your world" she asked curiously "well there's junior high which is 11 till 14 and then there is also Elementry school the only thing lower than that is kindergarten which is for 5 year olds" I explained we spent the night talking about my world "if you would like you and Louise can spend the rest of the year in your world i'm sure she would like to see it" she said just as Louise and her father came out "morning" we all said to one another "we should go down for breakfast" her mother said we all agreed and went to get dressed I seen a blue dress laid out on the bed and Siesta standing at the end "I was asked to come to assist Miss Vallière with anything she should need this morning" she said smiling at me I returned the smile distracted as I dressed myself I felt Louise's glare on my back "do you remember what I told you about all the girls I look at" I said without looking at her "yes but I don't see how with her" she said I turned and walked over to her placing a small kiss on her lips "when you're tired you get sweet and cute that's what she reminds me of" I said softly she blushed and looked away as Siesta dressed her in the dress "I can take it from here thank you Siesta" I said she nodded and left the room I quickly finished helping her and we went downstairs to the table "Louise would you like to see Saito's world" her mother asked suddenly Louise coughed as she tried to swallow the bit of Juice she had drank "yes I would i'm curious from what he's told me" she answered afterwards "would you like to go and stay for a while" her mother asked she nodded slowly "Saito said he still has half a year to finish at his school so I said he could go and take you with him for the time if you wanted Louise jumped up from her chair quickly going around to hug her mother "thank you, thank you, thank you" she said excited everyone even Eleonore laughed at her antics before her father told her to sit down again "is that why you had this dress brought to my room" she asked her mother nodded "only if you want to Louise" she said "yes I want to" Louise said her mother nodded and asked for a bag to be packed "it doesn't need to be much we can always get some stuff when we get there i'm sure my sister will have some stuff that will fit Louise" I said "also it would be better if you left you staff in Tristen rather than taking it with us she nodded and handed it to her mothing smiling excitment clear on her features her mother gave her a small amulet "use this when you want to come home" she instructed as she opened the portal Louise hugged each person in her family before pulling me through I glanced around at where we had landed and seen some familiar places I stood up and brushed myself off before helping Louise up as well she was a little shorter than I was I grinned when I seen a particular shop "come on" I said happily she clutched her shoulder bag strap tighter as I pulled her over to the shop "you are so lucky for the contract and that it allows me to be able to read your language" she said rolling her eyes "I didn't have that luxury when I first came to Tristen" I said "Saito what are you doing here shouldn't you be at school" my mother asked as soon as I stepped inside with Louise "mom" I said hugging her she felt surprised for a second before hugging me back and stroking my hair "hello Saito but again my question young man" she said "I wasn't feeling well so I came home early i'll go back tomorrow" I said she nodded and called my father out "hey dad" I said grinning he rubbed my head "dad come on don't" I said embarrassed I heard Louise giggle behind me I broke from my dad's grip and turned to face her "that wasn't funny Louise" I said glaring at her playfully "yes it was I don't see that side of you much" she teased laughing "that's cause your usually yelling at me" I objected she kissed my lips quickly "it's nice" she said softly I huffed and turned away from her groaning when her arms slipped around my waist "that's not fair and you know it" I said kissing her I heard my parents amused chuckles "oh sorry mom, dad this is-" I paused I couldn't exactly call her my master "girlfriend i'm his girlfriend" Louise said "right sorry I must have spaced out this is Louise Vallière my girlfriend" I said shaking my head "it's nice to meet you Louise" my mom said shaking her hand my dad did and said the same as my sister came racing in with her own boyfriend coming after her she laughed as he caught and tickled her "Saito" she said freezing suddenly "hey little sis" I said I braced myself just as she slammed into me "I was only gone for a little while" I said I glanced at Louise who assured time passed the same here as it did in Tristen so I really had been gone for a few months "yeah I know but still six months" she said hitting my arm Louise laughed again the day passed without much more drama except for when it hit closing time and this girl from school who had a major crush on me turned up asking about me "hey yeah he's in here" my sister said bringing him up back "Azusa come on" I said running my fingers through Louise's hair who had long since fallen asleep with her head on my lap "she just wants to ask you something" she said "hey Miki" I sighed "hi Saito" she said as Louise began stirring "oh boy this won't be good" I muttered "i'm in love with you will you please go out with me" she confessed quickly Louise sat up and glared at her "hey calm down Louise this happens all the time here it's different in this world remember" I murmured in her ear she didn't calm down so I blew a little her glare turned to me before she calmed a small shiver running up her spine "i'm sorry I can't i'm actually seeing someone at the moment" I said looking at Miki "oh no it's fine Saito is this her" she asked glancing at Louise who had her eyes closed leaning against my shoulder while my hand rubbed on her back keeping her calm for now "uh yeah this is Louise my girlfriend" I said "hey it's nice to meet you" she said "Saito stop it would you" she muttered I took my hand away and she sat up glancing at Miki "nice to meet you too" she said shortly after we all went home Louise coming home with us while Azusa went to stay over at Miki's "you can borrow Azusa's room if you'd like Louise" my mom said "thank you" Louise replied glancing at me I smiled at her which she returned gently "i'll get her transferred into the school into the school in the morning" dad said "yeah thanks she may not look it but she's the same age as me by the way" I said quickly he nodded making the right phone calls "there Miss Valliere is now enrolled in Hiraga Academy" dad said a few moments later Louise looked at me with an eyebrow raised "dad runs the school while mom runs the shop" I mumbled when we got home we had something to eat and went up to my room Louise looked around the blue room before stopping on my desk where lots of papers were piled up "homework i'm gonna be busy for a while" I said she nodded and sat down on my bed watching me after a while my parents came in to say good night I was so busy focusing that I didn't bother pushing my mom away when she kissed the top of my head "she's not going to be sleeping in your sister's room is she" my dad asked "probably not" I mumbled as they left it was well past midnight when I finally finished I glanced at Louise who had already fallen asleep I didn't bother changing just shrugging my jacket off on the way over to my bed collapsing next to Louise my arm draped over her waist as I fell asleep it seemed like a few minutes later my alarm was going off Louise and I groaned in tandem as I got up and turned it off "you two overslept that's the third time that went off, your mother and I have to go i'll see you and Louise at school" my dad called through my door I heard my mom shout something that sounded like dumb hot water "great enough for one shower if we're lucky" I groaned rolling over and burying my head in my pillow a few minutes later I heard the front door close "come on we'll be late if we don't hurry" I said hurrying to get up when I seen the time "you said there was only enough water for one person" she said "no I said one shower" I corrected she smirked and followed me into the bathroom we got through the shower pretty quickly I washed her hair using a bit of my mom's shampoo and conditioner when i'd first started highschool and my parents had ordered my uniform they'd sent out a girl's uniform instead of a boy's thankfully that was fixed now but I still had the uniform I handed it over to Louise and got out my own shaking my hair until the eccess water was gone I got dressed and glanced at Louise who was still standing by my bed holding the towel to herself with one hand and the uniform with the other hand "want me to dress you here too" I asked "of course" she said I ducked into my sister's room grabbing some spare panties I hand them to Louise and took the uniform from her finally she let the towel drop as she put the panties on "it's a co-ed school which means there will be girls I promise I do not like any of them except you but a lot of them have crushes on me so just fair warning some of them are my friends as well" I said she nodded as long as you kiss me and such i'm fine now I promise" she assured me she sat down on the edge of my bed when I got the stockings on she started playing with the edge of her blazer on the bed I got the tie done up into the bow easily enough her hair was mostly dry by the time I was done so I ran a brush through it quickly "we really have to go now" I said grabbing her hand we raced out the front door after I grabbed my bag we only just made it to the train in time "cutting it close don't you think" one of the boys from my class said "yeah I overslept sorry" I said squeezing my fingers tangled through Louise's she glanced at me and smiled it wasn't long until we pulled up at the station outside the school "whoa it's even bigger than the academy" she said as we all headed for class as it was a train specifically for the school the train stayed where it was which was why it would have been so bad if were late "yeah I know there is so much stuff here it's amazing how much work my dad put into this school" I said she nodded as we made our way to dad's office "ah morning you two I have Miss Valliere's schedule here she's not in all of your classes" he said I nodded and left with Louise head toward her first class "the first class we do have together thankfully" she said quietly I nodded "you'll have to stay up the front with the teacher while she introduces you but you'll probably end up next to me as last I knew that was the only empty seat left in class" I said kissing her cheek just before we went in I went straight to my seat hanging my bag on the hook next to my desk "good morning welcome back to homeroom Mr Hiraga" the teacher said looking at me amused "sorry Miss I went out of town for a few months" I said smiling sheepishly "very well we have a new transfer student today, care to introduce yourself" she said turning to Louise "sure my name Louise Valliere I look forward to working with you all" Louise said bowing slightly everyong clapped a little "right well it seems you'll be next to Mr Hiraga" she said I raised my hand showing Louise where I was homeroom passed without much drama after that until the end "tomorrow we'll be having practice test ready for entrance exams everyone except Louise groaned "why do we have to do it so early most of the other teachers are waiting until it's closer to the time to take them" I called out a couple of others agreed with me "the reason being Mr Hiraga is that if you practice now then when the time comes you will all be assured of getting into some sort of collage whether it be the one here on campus or another one" she said I shut up after that until the bell rang "oh Miss Valliere Mr Hiraga's father asked me to hand you these" the teacher said handing Louise a school bag "thank you very much" Louise said looking through it as we left "what is all this stuff" she asked "it's the books pens and other stuff you'll need for you classes, speaking of what do you have next" I asked "nothing it's balnk" she said "whoa lucky that means you have a free period you can do whatever you want for an hour" I said "when's yours" she asked I pointed to one of her classes "I have mine there I memorized my schedule ages ago" I said she nodded and followed me to my next class "what's this place" she asked looking up at the dojo "it's a dojo we learn how to fight" I said "so why don't you ever use these skills in Tristen" she asked "because this kind of fighting does nothing against magic" I pointed out going in I nodded my head to the leaving class having only one other person in my training "did you want to stay and watch" I asked she nodded smiling "yes please i'm curious now" she said I changed quickly leaving my bag waiting on the side with Louise "who's the cutie" the other boy asked "mind your own business Hayashi Yamashita" I said standing across from him "stop it boys" the teacher said coming over to us she stood just to the side of the mat near Louise "bow" she called out we each held our hands at our sides bending down at the waist keeping eye contact the whole time once we stood back up we both got into a fighting stance one foot back from the other and our hands raised in closed fists just in front of our faces "you know the rules this is only training so not enough for the need for hospital please I had enough of that from you two last year" she said we both nodded "fine then, fight" she called Hayashi was the first to throw a punch I ducked the side grabbing his wrist and pulling him forward making him lose his balance he growled and stood back up raising his fists again I thrust my fist forward but he pulled the same trick as I did rather than falling over like he did I stepped forward using that foot to push myself up into the air and over him with a straight hand I hit the back of his neck and kicked the back of his legs he fell to his knees with his head bowed "ready to give up already" I taunted "never I will not lose to you again Hiraga" he snapped standing he raised he leg straight out and spun around his heel hitting me straight in the jaw I fell to my knees clutching my jaw "Saito" Louise called "i'm fine it's just part of the training" I replied through gritted teeth I stood up again punching him in the stomach and raising my knee hitting him in the nose when he leaned over with some effort he straightened again he got behind me wrapping his arm around my neck I grabbed at his arm and managed to pry it away using it to flip him over my head I knelt down over him and placed my own arm against his neck "if you know what's good for you you'll stay down" I said he growled then sighed and nodded "I give up" he said raising his hands next to his head "why do you never attend any of the competitions" she asked "because I don't want to" I said going to get changed I came back a few minutes later and grabbed my bag "hey wait up" Hayashi called out "slowpoke" I called after him laughing "I thought you hated each other" Louise said clearly confused "they don't hate each other it's just easier for them to train with each other if they pretend to other wise they would just play around pretending to hit each other, so in fights they hate each other but in reality they're best friends" the teacher explained coming over to me with a form "no I already said I didn't want to" I complained "you two are this schools best fighters at least think about it Saito" she pleaded "if I enter 1 tornement will you get off my case about it" I asked "alright fine 1 championship and i'll drop it forever" she said I sighed and grabbed the entry form "fine i'll talk to dad about it though i'm sure he either put you up to it or will say yes" I muttered as Hayashi came back out dressed in his own uniform "so you never told me the name of your girl" he said "Louise Valliere" I said turning to Louise "what class do you have i'll drop you off" I offered "um home ec" she said confused "dad lied most of our classes are together" I said "the only one we don't have together is algebra great" I added sarcastically "what period does she have it" Hayashi asked "fourth" I replied wrapping my fingers around Louise's when she grabbed my hand "why do all the do all girls always go after him" I heard the other boys in school whispering while the girls were mostly glaring at Louise and putting forward whispers of their own "what's so special about her she completely flat and not even that pretty" I turned to face the girl who'd whispered that one "enough or I swear you will regret it so what i'm dating someone does not give you guys the right to be talking about her under your breaths unless you have something nice to say about Louise shut up" I snapped she looked shocked before nodding and looking away "what's going on out here" the teacher asked coming out of the class "nothing Miss nothing at all" I said heading to my class with Louise and Hayashi "you didn't have to do that Saito" she said quietly "I know I didn't have to but I hate bullies so I stand up to them when I hear them saying something bad about someone whether it has to do with me or not" I confessed softly "you know you're the first girl Saito's ever been serious with most of the girls in this school get to go out with him a couple of times before he dumps them" Hayashi said Louise hit my arm "ow what the heck was that for" I asked going into the classroom "don't know I just felt like it" she said shrugging "ah Miss Valliere is it" the teacher said "yes sir" she said looking at him "you'll be paired up with Mr Hiraga and Mr Yamashita okay" he said she nodded and followed me to the desk "does anyone know what's going on tomorrow" he called out no-one raised their hand although I already knew what "Mr Hiraga" he said "the Summer Cultural Festival sir" I said "correct so each person will be making one food that will be used tomorrow for it" he said smirking when most of us groaned Louise looked excited of course she did she hadn't cooked a day in her life "what are we supposed to make" she asked "not sure we get to choose what" Hayashi said to her "i've never eaten Japanese food before execpt last night at su-dinner" she said automatically correcting herself "supper wait your from England" he said I hadn't even thought of this coming up "yeah she's from England which is pretty far away so let's not worry about it and start cooking" I suggested "why don't we let Louise choose what to make" he said I nodded "have you two ever had...... sponge cake before" she asked we shook our heads she grabbed a spare piece of paper and quickly wrote the recipe down she passed it to us and we read it over both nodding "sure why not" I agreed smiling we worked in silence unless we need her help with something we were just putting the finishing touches on when the teacher said to finish what we were doing I heard a few groans so I figured they hadn't finished their things "done" Louise said wiping her fingers clean she glanced at me and giggled "you've got cream on your cheek" she said I wiped my hand over my cheek "wrong one" she said smiling I wiped the other "how is it possible you wiped your hand across your cheek but still missed it" she said reaching up and using her thumb to wipe it off I glanced away when she licked her thumb clean teasingly "whoa did the new girl make that" I heard someone mutter the teacher was walking around looking over everyone's stuff he stopped when he got to us "you made this" he asked us "it's something I used to have a lot at home so yeah" Louise said quietly obviously uncomfortable with the attention "very well you will all get a card with you grade at the end of class for not just do whatever" he said most of the kids suddenly came over to our bench asking Louise about the cake she refused outright to let anyone try any though "wait until tomorrow if you want some so bad" she said "alright everyone can take home what they made and i'll see you tomorrow" the teacher said handing out the grades I grinned when I seen a red A+ on ours "have I mentioned that I love you" I whispered leaning down to Louise's ear "maybe once or twice" she said closing her eyes and leaning back into me "hey Saito wanna walk home together" on of the girls asked "actually I am going to walk with my girlfriend" I said quickly grabbing my bag and Louise's hand and walking out thankful that's she'd already grabbed the cake it didn't take us long to get home "mom, dad, Azusa" I called out as we walked through the door "wait why were we allowed to go home early" she asked "everybody's getting ready for the festival so they don't have time to do much except the first few classes it was dad's rule back when I was in fourth grade do a few classes then you can go home just like tomorrow there will be no classes" I said spotting a note on the table "mom and dad are still at work and I went to a friend's try not to miss me too much love Azu" "my sister must have come home a little bit before we did" I said showing Louise the note "so we have to house to ourselves then" she asked I nodded she came closer to me and kissed me her fingers undoing my tie and a few buttons so she could slip her hands in spreading her fingers across my chest without breaking the kiss I picked her up bridal style and took her upstairs kicking my bedroom door shut behind us.


Azusa's POV

I hurried home having done what I wanted at my friend's place when I stepped through the door I heard silence but seen my brother's and Louise's shoes by the door "Saito, Louise are you home" I called out I pressed the button on the answering machine "hey kids your father and I won't be home till late tonight because of a couple of meetings heat up some leftovers and go to bed early" mom's voice came through the house "and Louise there's some clothes on Saito's bed for you to borrow if you sorry if they don't fit they used to be Azusa's things" she added before hanging up I raced upstairs and barged into my brother's room blushing like crazy and ducking back out noisly when I seen them in bed together not exactly asleep more like talking with no clothes on "Azu how many times do I have to tell you knock before you come into my room" Saito yelled coming out a few moments later with some pj pants on I glanced at Louise who was wearing his school shirt and had the blankets covering her legs she looked up at me and we both instantly blushed again and looked away "countless" I muttered "so why didn't you" he asked running a hand through his hair "well I wasn't exactly expecting you to be having sex" I shouted "go back to you own room" he groaned I stormed back to my own room hearing Louise laugh a few moments later mom and dad ended up being home a lot earlier than they thought which meant we all ate together making it very awkward for us kids the entire meal was spent blushing or avoiding gazes "Azusa, Saito will you to please do the dishes" mom asked "uh actually I have a ton of homework to catch up on from the time I was gone the sooner I get into it the better" Saito said quickly his cheeks going a deeper red "and I could do them on my own" I said refusing to look at my brother and his girfriend "nonsense if Saito's so busy why doesn't Louise help you if she doesn't mind" mom said I stood up my hands coming to rest on the table as my entire face heated up right to my ears "n-n-no i-it's f-fine i'll be fine" I stammered grabbing my dishes and heading to the kitchen "Azusa" I heard my father call after me I went back to the table and sat down "sorry may I be excused" I asked looking at my lap "no you can't not until one of you tell us what's going on" he said "Saito's having sex" I blurted out "really it took you this long to notice" mom said "what" I asked confused "please he's a teenage boy and he didn't have his parents around him for a while" she reasoned "I seen them in bed together that's why i'm avoiding them" I muttered mom laughed "that's all that's wrong why didn't you say so your father and I will handle the dishes all of you go to bed" she said we all nodded and left.

Chapter 3

Kirche's POV

"Why do you always read" I asked Tabitha, we were laying on her bed she was in front of me facing away "because no-one has ever asked me to do anything else" she replied softly I gently ran my fingers up her back surprised when she jumped she closed the book kind of roughly and turned to face me when I did it again grinning "would you stop that" she asked I pretended to think about it for a moment "nope" I said finally she grabbed my hand when I moved to do it again she tangled her fingers through mine and moved our hands between us "fine i'll stop" I said she nodded and went to grab her book again stopping when I sighed "what's wrong with you" she asked laughing "i've been in here for over twenty minutes and you've been ignoring me" I said pouting "ask me to do something with you then" she said smiling "can I kiss you" I asked "stop asking" she said leaning up I tilted my head and pressed my lips to hers my tongue darting out to ask for entrance she parted her lips with a soft moan "Miss Tabitha you have a letter from ho- oh i'm very sorry" a boy said coming into her room I groaned when she pulled away and sat up facing the new arrival with her normal silence she held her hand out for the letter he quickly handed it to her and left, Tabitha carefully opend the letter reading through it once before smiling slightly I tilted my head to the side in confusion, "what happened" I asked curiously "someone they don't mention who found the right ingredients and made the cure for my mother, she wants me to come see her" she said still smiling "will you go" I asked "well we do have a break from school coming up, did you want to come with me" she asked turning to face me her eyes lighting up I laughed and nodded she kissed me again.


It's been two weeks since that day and finally the break is here and we're on our way our hands clasped together on the seat between us as we talked about Tabitha's childhood before her father passed, she was a lot happier than I had ever seen her, "Lady Charlotte, Miss Zerbst welcome" Percerin said bowing in front of us "please take me to my mother" Tabitha asked as we were assisted from the carriage as soon as we were both standing Tabitha grabbed my hand again she looked a little nervous as the butler led us inside to the drawing room where the Dutchess was waiting by the window the doll she so often held sitting on the table in front of her I glanced at Tabitha and was surprised to find tears in her eyes "Mil'lady" Percerin said quietly the Dutchess turned to face us and seen Tabitha, Tabitha took a hesitant step toward her mother her grip on my hand making me step with her "mother" Tabitha whispered "Charlotte" her mother said Tabitha let go of my hand finally and ran into her mother's arms crying, her mother pulled her onto her lap gently soothing her until she calmed down I glanced away as her mother looked over to me "who might you be" she asked I knelt down on one knee with my head bowed "Kirche Augusta Frederica von Anhalt-Zerbst, Dutchess" I said clearly, used to being asked who I was "are you a friend from school then" she asked before I heard a small gasp of surprise from her I smirked quickly "please raise your head" she asked when I looked up I seen Tabitha's cheeks were red so I assumed she had told her mother I was a little more than a friend "you are my daughter's lover" her mother asked softly I nodded my head silently and looked at Tabitha "how long have you know my daughter" her mother asked "since Tabitha came to the school Mil'lady before her lover I was her friend" I explained "Tabitha" she asked I mentally cursed myself "Charlotte Mil'lady at school she knows herself as Tabitha" I said quietly "very well would you care to come sit with us" she asked gesturing to the chair across from them "yes thank you" I replied standing and going over to sit down "how is school" she asked Tabitha "it is school how can one possibly have fun studying" Tabitha replied "fair point" her mother said "may Kirche stay for the holiday" Tabitha asked suddenly "I don't see why not if her family says it's okay" her mother answered "they don't care where I stay that's why they sent me to Tristen Magic Academy" I said quietly not looking at Princess or Dutchess across from me "then I have no objections at all" the Dutchess said I looked up and smiled gently although I knew the tears were there whenever I thought of the last time I saw my family they always came "shall we adjorn to have something to eat" she asked Tabitha and I nodded so we left the room heading for the dining hall Tabitha stepped back from her mother with a quick glance at me "we will join you in a moment mother" Tabitha said her mother nodded and stepped into the dining hall while Tabitha stayed to calm me down "aren't you usually the one to calm me down" she said laughing I smiled and nodded as she leaned up and gently kissed me "don't worry about it, it's their fault for sending you away" she said quietly we went to supper shortly after that, the Dutchess was at the head of the table with Tabitha on one side and myself on the other side dinner was spent with Tabitha's mother getting to know Tabitha better after all the years while I ate in silence watching the two when it came time to tell her mother about Louise and Saito my nose scrunched up I glanced up when Tabitha laughed and seen her watching me "what I don't like them" I reasoned "why this time" she asked smiling "they went to Saito's world and didn't even ask if we wanted to come" I answered "if they had of asked would you have said yes" she asked her head tilting to the side and her eyes shining with curiousity "would you" I replied she shook her head "no I wouldn't if I had of gone then I wouldn't have found out about my mother" she answered "well there you have your answer I wouldn't go anywhere without you no matter what sight came before my eyes it wouldn't be worth it being around with out the most beautiful girl next to me" I said softly turning my attention back to my plate to hide my deep red cheeks Tabitha was silent as was her mother glancing quickly at the two of them I found the Dutchess looking between Tabitha and I and Tabitha was looking down at her lap with a dark red blush covering her face "I think that's enough talking for tonight" her mother said standing and leaving the table.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.11.2017

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