
Chapter 1

Weir's POV

"John what can I do for you" I asked aloud not looking up from my laptop as I heard my office door open "I believe that I am not the Lt Colonel Dr Weir" I heard Teyla's voice say I glanced up "oh i'm sorry Teyla what can I do for you then" I said blushing faintly as she came a little closer "are you well you looked a bit flushed Dr Weir do you need to go down to the infirmary I can tak-" she began panicking quickly walking towards me more "no Teyla I'm fine really I just need some air would you care to join me" I asked willing myself to calm down as it was only Teyla "no thank you I came inform you about an attack by the genii on another team and the Colonel offered for us to go after them" she said "of course Teyla" I replied she nodded her head before walking out I got up and walked out after her "Teyla it turns out that the attack was a false alarm so you and the team have no need to go anywhere after all" Dr Zelenka said as we came into the control room "care to come for that walk now Teyla" I asked quietly "yes thank you" she said falling into step beside me as we walked out of the control room I felt her hand brush mine by accident and I instantly blushed again I turned my head away from Teyla so she wouldn't see and then I tried to calm down so as my cheeks would stop being so red but every time I felt my cheeks cool off Teyla's hand would brush mine again and it would start all over again after about 10 minutes of that happening I gave up and stepped away from her altogether "is everything alright Dr Weir" she asked stopping I glanced around and seen that we were in an empty corridor "yes Teyla i'm fine but I think that I should go the rest of the way by myself if that's okay with you" I said beginning to walk away "it does not seem like I am being given much of a choice here Dr" she called after me I spun on my heel so I was facing her "well what do you want me to do Teyla" I snapped "be honest with me don't just give me an excuse" she said calmly "god you are being so annoying right now" I said feeling like a teenager again "you are the one being irrational" she said coming closer to me I gave up on the argument in my head "you wanted me to be honest with you well I can't do that Teyla i'm sorry" I said I turned around to walk away again but then I felt her grab my hand "please just tell me Elizabeth" she pleaded "do you like me" I asked turning around and walking towards her she backed up until her back was against the wall "what" she asked "if you don't like me then you can't help with my problem" I said straight forwardly "you are a very nice person Dr Weir of course I like you as does anyone who works in Atlantis " she said holding her hands up near her head all rationality went away as I stepped forward and pinned Teyla's hands next to her head while I leaned down and kissed her I moved one of my legs so my knee was leaning against the wall in between Teyla's legs I could feel myself getting light-headed from lack of air so I pulled away breathing heavily I heard short quick pants from the Athosian woman she moved both her arms around my neck I opened my mouth to say something but Teyla leaned up and kissed me again softer than the first one with more passion in it I placed my hands on her hips and leaned toward her more.


Teyla's POV

It's nice when Elizabeth kisses me but I am still not sure about my feelings toward her, I pulled away from her to catch my breath 'Elizabeth there's something in the gate room you need to see' I heard McKay's voice come on over her earpiece "i'll be right there Rodney" she said "would you like to join me later" she asked smiling at me "yes please" I said smiling back at her we walked in comfortable silence to the gate room when we got there I seen Dr Zelenka lying on the ground with a wraith kneeling above him his hand poised for feeding I grabbed the nearest gun and shot him but all it did was get his attention on me I got ready to shoot him again but he was right in front of me in seconds he pulled his hand back and hit me sending me flying into the staircase I heard a sickening crack and someone yell my name right before I passed out.


Weir's POV

I seen the wraith hit Teyla and she slammed into the stairs "TEYLA" I screamed the wraith turned to me and started walking towards me I grabbed a gun and started shooting through my tears he fell to his knees but I didn't stop until he fully dropped to the ground and the gun ran out of bullets I dropped the gun and went over to where Teyla was I seen blood coming from her forehead "I NEED A MEDIC OVER HERE" I yelled looking around I seen Jennifer running over to us I hadn't stopped crying since Teyla got hit I faintly heard talking in the background and then I felt someone touch my arm and I looked over at Carson who had joined our little group at some point "we need to get her to the infirmary now Dr Weir" he said softly I nodded my head and stepped back letting them lift her onto a gurney "is she going to be okay" I whispered "yes she'll be fine we just need to get her patched up and then with a couple of weeks bed-rest she should be fine" Carson said placing an arm around my shoulders and leading me over to where Rodney had come down "will you please escort her to her room Rodney" he asked "of course" Rodney said as he took Carson's place by my side we walked along the halls in silence "what happened I didn't see anything after you and Teyla got there" he asked I was starting to have a little trouble breathing so I stopped and went off to the side to lean on the wall until I could breathe again but instead my vision started to go black "Rodney" I whispered as I passed out.


Rodney's POV

"HELP" I yelled as I seen Elizabeth collapse "Rodney what's wro- oh god what happened to Elizabeth" John asked coming around the corner "I don't know Major if I did I wouldn't be yelling for help now would I" I snapped "I don't know now move over" he said pushing me out of the way and picking her up bridal style "lead the way to the infirmary would you and hurry up" he said taking a step forward after about 10 minutes we finally got to the infirmary "open the door I can't really do it myself while holding Elizabeth" he sighed moving her a little "fine, fine" I said opening it and stepping aside to let him through "Carson we have a problem Elizabeth passed out and Rodney needs a giant chill pill" he said placing her down on the bed next to Teyla "what's wrong with her" he said jabbing his finger at Teyla "she got hit by the wraith and dislocated her shoulder as well as a cut on her forehead so she should be fine within a couple of weeks" Carson said checking Elizabeth's vitals "her vitals are all normal except her heart which seems to be a little fast still so I would say that the adrenaline wore off that's all" Carson said moving over to Teyla and checking her vitals before writing them down on a chart "she seemed to be struggling to breath before she passed out though" I said "yes I noticed the same thing as I passed her over to you in the first place so the next best guess would be that she had a panic attack over something probably the wraith being in Atlantis" he said going over to check over other patients "or about Teyla getting hurt" John muttered "pardon Major" I asked "nothing" he said "no it's not nothing I heard you say something about Teyla so what was it" I pressed "I don't know if what I said is true so I am not telling you" he said turning and walking out "what happened between you two" I heard my girlfriend say I looked over too where Jennifer was changing Elizabeth into a set of hospital clothes I quickly averted my eyes "it's fine Rodney I know you weren't staring" she said "okay and in answer to your question the Major is being a massive pain in the behind he said something about Teyla but then wouldn't tell me what" I said "maybe whatever he said has to do with something he hasn't confirmed so he doesn't want to make assumptions yet" she said covering Elizabeth with the blankets "are they going to be okay" I asked looking at the women "yes Rodney they will we're keeping Dr Weir here over night for observation and Teyla will have to spend about 2 weeks here whether she likes it or not" she said walking over to me "come on I want to show you something" I said remembering about a plan I had made earlier today "okay lead the way" she said smiling I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers, I lead her down a series of halls until I reached my room I open the door and lead her in "wow you don't have a lot in your room do you" she said laughing "no I don't but what I want to show you is out on the balcony so close your eyes please" I asked "okay" she said closing them I lead her out on to the balcony where I had everything set up I let go of her hand and reached down to pick something up I knelt down on one knee and took a deep breath "okay open" I said while opening the little black box.


"Jennifer Keller I love you so much and I don't know if I will ever get to ask this again or even make it to the actual wedding but I would do anything for you in the entire universes will you marry me please?" I asked.

Chapter 2

Jennifer's POV

"oh my god yes, yes Rodney  I will marry you" I said crying "oh thank god I thought you were going to say no for a minute and I don't know what I would've done if you had of said no-" I knelt down and kissed him to shut him up "thank you this is the sweetest thing that has ever happened to me and I love you too" I said wiping my cheeks 'Jennifer we have a problem Dr Weir woke up at some point and is now missing' I heard Carson say over my earpiece "I'll be there in a moment Carson" I said I didn't resist as Rodney held my left hand out and placed the engagement ring on my finger "thank you" he said I leaned up and kissed him softly on the lips "you're welcome" I called as I got up and ran out the door I navigated the halls until I got back to the infirmary "Dr Beckett where are you" I called out "they already left to go and find Liz" someone said quietly I looked around and seen Teyla sitting up in her bed looking at me "was that you Teyla that said that" I asked walking over to her "yes it was" she said "do you know why Dr Weir left Teyla" I asked "yes" she said "will you tell me maybe when she gets back I can fix it" I said she looked over to the other bed "she kept calling for me I do not think she knows that I am in here" she said "when they get back she can see you so that she knows that you're okay" I said Teyla smiled and nodded her head "thank you" she said "LET ME GO" I could hear Elizabeth yelling I went out into the hall and seen two men trying to hold her still when Carson tried to sedate her "wait" I called out "what is it Jennifer" Carson asked "Dr Weir Teyla is in the infirmary in the bed next to yours" I said and she calmed down "thank you I just wanted to know if she was okay or not" she whispered "yes she's fine in fact why don't you go and see her now" I said signaling for the guards to let her go "okay thank you" she said slowly walking past me and into the infirmary "how did you know what she wanted" Carson asked amazed "Teyla told me that Elizabeth was calling her name" I said.


Weir's POV

"Hello" Teyla said as I walked in "hi" I said walking over to her bedside "how are you feeling" she asked me "I should be asking that of you" I said laughing and after a few seconds Teyla joined in "well I feel fine just a little bit sore, now your turn" she said calming down I heard someone at the door so I knew my next move probably wouldn't be a good one but I didn't care I leaned forward and softly pressed my lips to Teyla's "better now" I said pulling away after a couple of seconds she smiled "that did feel nice maybe another one would make me feel even better as well" she said grinning at me she reached forward and grabbed my hand with her good one and pulled me forward so my head landed on her good shoulder I pulled back and stood up and Teyla decided to move over a little so as I could lay next to her I pulled the blankets back and got in giggling when she put her hand on my ribs accidentally tickling me "what is it" she asked looking down to me "nothing I am just extremely ticklish on my ribs" I said quietly before she could get me again however I moved one of my hands under the covers to tangle our fingers together "now about that kiss" I said leaning up as she leaned down our lips meeting for a gentle kiss "I really do like you Elizabeth I think more than others" she said softly I laughed quietly "I love you Tey and goodnight" I said "goodnight Liz" she said softly and then we both fell asleep.

I slowly opened my eyes only to close them again against a really bright light it was only then did I realize that I was extremely warm I snuggled closer to the source of the warmth and opened my eyes slowly I faced Teyla and smiled "good morning Liz" she said opening her eyes and smiling back at me "good morning Tey" I said "you can go now Dr Weir" we heard Carson say "were you one of the doctors standing at the door last night Dr Beckett" I asked turning to face him "um well it's my job to make sure all my patients are comfortable" he said nervously "also I didn't know that you liked women either of you" he added "it's fine and I don't mind either way, but I do love Teyla" I said softly, "I think the same way as Elizabeth" Teyla said John came in grinning "glad neither one of you died on me yesterday and for the stuff you missed out on not much except that Rodney got engaged" he said "thank you John" I said laughing "request for a mission" John said "why" I asked "distress call from somewhere on the planet" he said I felt Teyla move against me "don't you dare try and get up Tey" I murmured gently pushing on her good shoulder "but the mainland, my people I have to help" she complained "no it's not going to do them any good if you get more injured by being reckless" I said "but Liz" she whimpered as her shoulder jarred against the sling as she tried to sit up I seen the pain written on her face, I leaned down and kissed her to stop her from leaving after a few seconds I felt her begin to move her lips against my own I could taste the tears on her lips so I knew her shoulder must be really hurting I reached down with my hand and intertwined my fingers with her good hand I pulled away and glanced at Carson him and the Major were staring at us "first off Carson can she have some morphine for her shoulder and second what you've never seen two women kissing" I said "yes she can and no I haven't" Carson said as John said "no I haven't either also I never thought of you being so soft with someone" "well I am now stop staring" I snapped I moved aside so as Carson could give her the morphine "you shouldn't have tried to get up Teyla you may have just increased you healing time" he said and I seen Teyla deflate "hey don't worry about it just do as you're told and stay in bed and you'll be back on your feet in no time" I said softly while brushing some of her hair out of her face "i'm starting to wish Elizabeth was interested in me" I heard the Major say.


Teyla's POV

I knew it was wrong to try and get up but I couldn't help it those people were my responsibility and I wanted to help them I glanced over to where Elizabeth was before "where did Liz go" I asked Carson "she had something to take care of elsewhere" he said quickly averting his eyes I knew he was not telling me everything but I didn't press it knowing that she probably had a good reason for leaving I closed my eyes and decided to get some sleep I woke up a while later and looked around I spotted some movement next to my bed I glanced over and seen Liz peacefully sleeping in a chair that had been placed next to my bed she also had a blanket over herself I smiled when she curled herself under it more I was about to close my eyes and go back to sleep but then Elizabeth obviously started having a nightmare "Teyla no don't go I don't want you to leave" she groaned "Liz it's okay i'm not going anywhere" I tried comforting her but without being able to hold her I couldn't even with my arm stretched "Teyla no, no Teyla" she whimpered quietening down a little I grit my teeth as I sat up expecting pain but I got none I took the sling off and then I stood up and walked up closer to Liz she started crying I sat down on the arm of the chair and wrapped my arm around her shoulders "shh, shh quieten down I am not going anywhere I promise" I whispered she began to settle I softly began humming a song from my childhood Beyond The Night once she had fully settled I pulled her closer to me and laid her head in my lap for comfort I started stroking her hair while still humming "Teyla what are you doing out of bed" Carson asked frustrated as he came back over I glanced down to make sure that Elizabeth was still asleep "oh but you still have to answer my question" he said quietening his voice "she was having a nightmare" I said softly "and you had to get out of bed why" he asked "because it was about her leaving" I heard Elizabeth's voice say I looked down at my now awake lover "you should still be sleeping you need it" I said "so do you but you're not" she shot back "fair point but I can't sleep" I answered "and you think that I can" she said quietly she leaned up towards me, I got the hint so I lent down a pressed my lips to hers I felt someone apply pressure to my arm but it didn't hurt "what happened she didn't feel a thing and that was her sore arm" I heard Carson say I pulled away from Liz confused "no it was not I think I would of felt something if it was" I said "well it can't be your other arm is sore with the way Dr Weir is leaning on it" he contradicted "what happened" Liz asked grumpily "it's simple Dr I used one of the ancients formulas to create a stronger morphine but it seems to have healed Teyla instead" he said "that's good news Carson when can you make more" she asked smiling a little I laughed at how quickly her mood changed "what's so funny" she asked looking to me "I will tell you another time" I whispered as Carson began speaking again "...well the thing is Dr Weir I can't make more what we have now is all of it" he was saying "oh, well then we should save it for emergencies only then" she said leaning back into me "right then you two can go now" Carson said, we left I walked Liz to her room when we got there I was going to say goodbye but Liz pulled me in once the doors shut she kissed me I pulled away and moved to her bed I laid on my back and raised my hand a bit once I was sure I had her attention I curled one of my fingers towards myself inviting her over.

She walked over to me I pulled her down next to me and began kissing her again without breaking the kiss I moved so I was leaning over her I moved one hand so as I was brushing my fingertips up and down her arm she pulled away to catch her breath again so I ducked my head down and softly kissed her neck 'Teyla can you come to the gate room please' Rodney's voice came over my earpiece I mumbled no against Liz's skin and then took my earpiece out leaning up to place it on the bedside table Liz took hers out as well and then I resumed kissing her neck I had just started moving my hand down her body when she stopped me "Teyla wait can we not do this now please i'm not ready" she asked quietly I pulled away with my hands up in surrender "whenever you're ready Liz" I said softly leaning forward slowly to cup her cheek and place a small kiss on her lips.

Chapter 3

Weir's POV

I didn't want to turn Teyla down I just wasn't ready for that kind of touch yet "Teyla Rodney says that you're not answering him" John said as he walked into my room I felt my cheeks flush at how this must look to him "um maybe I should go and come back another time" he said turning and going to leave "John wait" Teyla called getting off me "okay" he said slowly coming back into my room "it's my fault that we were in that position I went to go further with Liz but she said no and I hadn't had the chance to move when you came in" she explained "do you have anything to say Elizabeth" John asked turning to me I realized that I had been quiet through the whole exchange "can you close the door and come over here please John" I asked "sure" he said doing as I asked "about a week ago I went for a regulation check up with Jennifer and things weren't so fine so one or both of you are going to be in charge for a while" I said taking a deep breath "what happened are you ill is it serious" Teyla asked "not exactly I feel fine physically I found out i'm pregnant" I whispered "what whose the father when did you get the chance to do anything like that why didn't you tell anyone sooner" John asked I glanced to Teyla but she refused to meet my gaze "his name is Mike Branton it was a one night stand I was stressed out from work and he offered me a drink after the first I had a couple more to get out of my own head for a while and one thing lead to another, i'm sure you can figure out the rest and I didn't tell anyone because I didn't know what to do" I said "how long ago was this" John asked "about 10 weeks" I replied still looking at Teyla "excuse me I need some space" Teyla said suddenly getting up and walking out "Teyla wait" I called out standing and trying to go after her but John stopped me "let her go Elizabeth she just found out her girlfriend had a one night stand with a guy and is now pregnant with his child can you blame her for walking away" he said I could feel tears stinging my eyes "no I guess I can't" I said going and sitting back on my bed.

I looked up as someone came through my bedroom door it had been a few hours since Teyla left I breathed a sigh of relief when Teyla came in "hi" I said "hello" she replied coming to sit next to me "i'm so sorry I didn't tell you I was ashamed of it and afraid of what your reaction would be" I said "it's fine Liz just please try and trust me from now on" she pleaded "okay I will" I promised "how about John be in charge so as I can help you" she suggested "why do you want to be a part of this pregnancy" I asked "because I love you and I want to be a part of your life and your baby's Elizabeth" she said "our baby" I corrected smiling "very well our baby" she stated smiling back "can I kiss you" I asked unsure she laughed a little before leaning forward and pressing our lips together softly I parted my lips to allow her access she explored my mouth both of us occasionally letting out soft moans I pulled away when I felt light-headed "did you not want me touching you earlier because of what happened" she asked quietly I looked away in embarassment "yeah" I muttered "I will wait as long as it takes for you too be ready Elizabeth no matter how long it is okay" she said I nodded and leaned forward to kiss her again I lifted my leg over hers so I was straddling her "Elizabeth can you come to the Control Room please" Rodney's voice came over my ear piece "i'll be there in a moment Rodney" I said just as the city got hit with something and shook "anytime now would be good" he said I quickly climbed off Teyla and ran out the door her quickly in pursuit "finally what were you two on the other side of the city or something" Rodney said as we sprinted up the stairs "no we were just talking before you called sorry" I snapped as the city shook again "what is going on Dr McKay" Teyla asked I yelped as I lost my footing as I crashed back into Teyla "are you okay" she asked me I nodded she slowly got up before helping me up "thanks" I said softly "the city's being attacked no-one's sure by what though" Rodney said quickly "thank you Rodney we got that much apparently you can't answer my actual meaning of the question" I snapped "sorry" I sighed "um it's fine" he said going over to his laptop I grabbed a hold of Teyla as the city shook once again "shield's at 60%" someone called out "i'm starting to wish I had never woken up this morning" I muttered "come on why don't you go sit down before you hurt yourself" Teyla said quietly "i'm fine I just wish the city would stop trying to knock us off our feet" I said Teyla wrapped her arm around my waist and pulled me into her "if you don't sit down you could risk hurting the baby or yourself please Liz go sit down" she whispered to me I shook my head "no I won't leave" I said starting to cry "hey now shhh" she soothed "sorry I just can't help it" I said trying to calm down she ran her hand through my hair and I eventually calmed again "ma'am transmission coming through" Chuck called over to us "play it" I said pulling away from Teyla and wiping my cheeks clean of tears "this is the Apollo from Earth we are in serious trouble we have four wraith hives attacking our shields are nearly depleted and our weapons have been disabled if anyone can hear us please provided some sort of assistance" Colonel Ellis said "open a channel" I said Chuck nodded and did it "this is Atlantis how far away are you" I asked "orbiting around the planet now" he replied back "okay sending assistance now" I said before the channel went dead "someone get John now" I yelled sprinting through Atlantis down to the jumer bay "you shouldn't be running around" John said went I ran in "shut up and get in" I snapped slowing to a walk and going over to the nearest jumper he sighed but followed me over we got in and went up the front John was about to close the door when Teyla ran in "don't run off will you" she said smiling "sorry I wanted to personally be there to help" I said blushing and looking down "you're pregnant Liz I think people will excuse you from being in the front lines" she said crouching down in front of me and reaching up to take my hands which were sitting in my lap "I just want to help" I tried "and I just want you to stay safe" she countered quickly "I guess" I replied softly leaning down to press our lips together for a second "if you two don't mind can Teyla sit down" John cut in "what oh yeah sure" I said deeply blushing again Teyla laughed quietly before sitting down behind me. "Col Ellis you asked for some help I brought a jumper, John and Teyla with me" I said contacting the Apollo "not sure how much help that's gonna be but thanks" he said back "you'll see" I said John fired drones at the hive ships and we watched as one after another they all blew up "now ladies and gentlemen that's how you handle a hive ship or four" John said sarcastically "very funny John but do you think we could head home being up here for this long is starting to make me nausous" I asked clutching my stomach "I don't think it's being up here Elizabeth" he said turning the jumper and heading back to Atlantis "oh god i'm gonna be sick" I groaned John handed me a throw-away bag "we'll be there soon I promise" he assured me "I hate being pregnant" I muttered Teyla grabbed my hand and pulled me into the back closing the door behind us "what are you doing" I asked "calming you down" she said pulling me down to one of the seats I gasped before relaxing and leaning into her side I closed my eyes and a few seconds later I felt her lay us down I slowly started drifting off as Teyla began stroking my hair.


Teyla's POV

 I smiled as Liz's breathing evened out and she fell asleep I carefully untangled myself from her before grabbing a light blanket from one of the shelves and putting it over her, I went back up the front and sat down next to John "is she....." he asked "she fine just sleeping" I replied looking straight "okay then does she know where we're going" he asked me "no she still thinks we are going back to Atlantis but soon enough she's going to wake up and know that we are not going home John" I said "I know that Teyla but if we don't do this then she will be seriously hurt it's for her own protection and your baby's" he answered me softly "I know I just don't like keeping secrets from her is all" I said finally looking over to him he face was grim but set "who else knows where we are taking her" I asked "no-one not even McKay and Ronan" he replied "which of us will stay with her because we can't just drop her off and leave" I said "both of us you need to be there for her and I need to protect you both" he said reaching over and giving my hand a quick squeeze I heard Elizabeth calling from the back so I went to check on her "hey what's wrong" I asked "where were you" she asked I pointed through the now open door to the turned seat "oh can I come back up there" she asked wrapping the blanket around herself I nodded and followed her back up front "feel better" John asked she nodded and stood next to him for a moment I sat down and went to turn my seat again but Liz came and sat on my lap and leaned back against me "where are we going this is nowhere near Atlantis" she asked quietly "well um consider this a game of hide and seek you're hiding from the SGC and Woosley" John said hesitantly "WHAT" she yelled I cringed and moved my hands to her sides and began rubbing them up and down to calm her "why didn't you tell me" she growled "would you calm your girlfriend down before she bites my head off" John asked me "don't you think i'm already trying to calm her" I said "the planet's coming into veiw we should hit the atmosphere soon hopefully once we land getting on solid ground will calm her" he suggested I nodded and moved my hands over her ribs by accident she froze "Teyla...." she warned me "all you have to do is calm down" I said "Tey you wouldn't dare" she said pouting "try me" I said lowering my voice she started wriggling "don't Tey that's not fair" she whispered "stop it you two we'll be landing in a minute" John cut in "what are we supposed to eat and how long will we be staying here" Liz asked "we have some food to last us for a while and Jennifer was kind enough to provide some seeds so we can grow our own food" he said "what about meat where do we get that" she countered "will you just trust us we have everything worked out you will be safe here and I don't know how long we'll be staying" he sighed landing the jumper and standing to stretch his legs we all slowly got out and looked around I seen a forest "who else knows what happened" I whispered "Rodney, Ronan, Jennifer, Zelenka and Carson all know that something went wrong and are all willing to help provide for us three all they ask is that they get to see Elizabeth sometimes" he said "how are we supposed to keep her safe if we have them coming to visit" I asked confused "I could blindfold them so they can't see what way we're going please Teyla we need the help and she needs more than just us two in her life" he said nodding his head towards Liz who had gone up ahead of us "you're right sorry which one's coming first and when" I asked "I don't know to either McKay came up with a transmitter that we can use he sends a message and who and when and I go to pick them up and bring them here" he explained I nodded once before going to catch up to Liz "hello" I whispered wrapping my arms around her waist "hey" she said as she leaned back against me.

Chapter 4

Weir's POV

I was really mad at Teyla and John for taking me her with out my permission but I realize now it was for my own protection I turned around and pressed my lips to Teyla's "we should probably find so- sorry you two" John said coming up near us and averting his eyes "it's fine John" I said pulling away from my girlfriend giggling "did you just giggle" John asked me "yes I can do normal girl stuff John" I replied poking my tongue out at him "really I never would have guessed" he snickered I whacked him around the back of the head grinning when he grunted and walked away I laughed and turned back to Teyla who had wrapped her arms around my neck and was now staring off into space while pouting about something "what's wrong beautiful" I whispered leaning down to her ear "waiting" she muttered turning her head and kissing my neck I reached up and moved my hair out of the way to give her better access before setting my hands on her hips "McKay just sent the first message they want you to pick someone because they all want to see you and they can't choose who to send first" John said coming over to us "I don't know you pick" I said biting my bottom lip to hold back a moan as Teyla nibbled just below my ear "Teyla would you stop whatever you're doing that's getting Elizabeth so flushed" John sighed rolling his eyes "no" she said against my pulse point I bit down harder to stop myself from giggling at the sensation I tasted blood in my mouth so I released my lip from between my teeth as Teyla finally pulled away only to lean up and capture my lips in a searing kiss "okay fine I get there's some blankets and stuff over by the jumper they'll still be there when I leave i'll be gone for a few hours and when I come back i'll bring them all for the first trip okay" John said I ignored him and parted my lips to allow Teyla to deepen the kiss "fine i'm leaving" he said I broke the kiss panting a bit "John wait" I managed to get out through deep breaths "thank you for eveything that you're doing it really means a lot" I said he walked back and his face softened I stepped away from Teyla and leaned over to hug him and took another step towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist "it's fine Beth you're like an older sister to me i'd never let anything bad happen to you" he whispered I closed my eyes as I began crying "I hate hormones" I muttered and we all laughed before I pulled away from John "Ronan can stay on the planet with us" I said smiling when his face lit up at the mention of his boyfriend "okay thanks bye" he said turning and jogging back to the jumper "i'm not quite showing yet" I said turning back to Teyla she hummed and tangled her fingers in my hair "I know" she said as the jumper left the planet "remember when I turned you down because I was embarrassed" I asked pulling away and grabbing her hand "yes" she said confused "well you said you'd wait until I was ready well I want this Tey I want you" I said softly turning my head to smile at her she smiled back as we got to the blankets which John had kindly laid out for us by the looks of it I laid down on my back "i've never done this before" I admitted quietly "don't worry Athosians don't care much for the sex of their company" Teyla whispered getting on her hands and knees above me I shuddered at the seductive edge her voice had taken "Teyla....." I said "yes Elizabeth" she said to me going to sit up I wrapped one of my hands around the back of her neck and pulled her down to me again crashing our lips together I rubbed my thighs together trying to quell the sudden heat pooling between my legs "are you okay" she asked around my lips it sounded kind of muffled I pulled away and tilted my head as she started kissing my neck "not really I am so turned on right now and you're not helping at all" I said gasping as she bit down on my pulse point "sorry I just don't know what you want if you don't tell me" she whispered dragging the tip of her tongue over the mark to soothe the pain "how should I know what to say" I asked "anything would be fine" she said pulling away laughing "kiss me" I questioned "that's a start" she said fulfilling my request she slowly trailed her fingers down my side until she reached the hem of my shirt she paused as if waiting for something I grabbed her hand by the wrist and pushed it up lifting my shirt with it she leaned back from me "are you sure you want this Liz" she asked I growled under my breath before sitting up and removing my shirt myself "yes I am now hurry up please Tey I don't know how much longer until the others get back" I pleaded "fine then" she replied leaning down and kissing me while moving her hand down to the top of my pants I felt her undoing them I pushed them off my underwear quickly following much to my greatest pleasure Teyla pushed two fingers inside of me I was quickly reduced to a quivering, panting mess as Teyla thrusted into me I moaned as she moved her mouth to lavish my breasts with attention as well "oh god Teyla" I moaned loudly I was getting close when the radio came to life "Weir, Teyla we'll be coming in to land soon so make sure you're decent" John's voice came through "damn it of all the days to be quick about something" I groaned as Teyla pulled her fingers out and put them up to her mouth I looked away so as I couldn't see before grabbing my things and getting dressed again I grabbed the radio "both of us are dressed anytime now would be good John" I growled "sorry did I interrupt something" came his sarcastic reply "no i'm just in a bad mood for no reason" I snapped "mood swings" he said I sighed forcefully before tossing the radio to the ground and going over to Teyla who was still sitting on the ground I knelt down over her lap and kissed her "get a room" I heard John and Ronan say "whatever" I muttered pulling away from Teyla "what's wrong with you" John asked I thought about keeping it moderately clean but decided against it "I was in the middle of some really great sex which you interrupted and now i'm hot and bothered and not a damn thing can be done about it" I growled "well sorry how the hell was I supposed to know that you'd be in the middle of screwing Teyla when we got here" he said he opened his mouth to say something else but stopped when I slapped him "don't ever talk about Teyla that way again" I warned "like what Elizabeth" he pushed "like she's some cheap slut" I yelled turning and storming away.


Ronan's POV

I could see them both starting to get frustrated at each other but I never thought he would push her so far as to slap him I grabbed John's wrist and pulled him away from everyone else "damn it why couldn't I just leave well enough alone" he grumbled "I don't know why" I asked he looked at me "who's side are you on here" he asked "the pregnant woman's" I replied "what are you getting at Ronan" he asked me "long version or short version" I asked "short" he said "Teyla's not just some girl to give her a good fuck she really loves her John" I said looking away from my dark haired boyfriend at the direction Weir had gone in "when did you get so smart" he mumbled walking closer to me I leaned down and pressed my lips to his gently "when someone had to be there to counteract your stubborness" I replied he moved his hands up my arms to my shoulders "guys Liz's back" Teyla said her head peaking around the side of the jumper we walked back to the rest of them "I wanted to sat that i'm sorry for what I said Beth" he said to Elizabeth "it's fine John and i'm sorry for hitting no matter what you said that was going too far" she answered he nodded and placed a small kiss on her cheek as if to say 'it's fine I understand' Elizabeth grabbed Teyla's hand and pulled her away into the forest "don't go to far Beth" John called "I can keep an eye on her" Teyla called back.


Teyla's POV

"Why do I get the feeling I know why you're taking me all the way out here" I asked Liz as she pulled me along "you need to finish what you started" she said stopping suddenly I looked back and couldn't see the others "what if they hear" I asked "it's fine moans they won't and unless you do something really good I can stop myself from screaming out" she said I nodded and gave in leaning forward to kiss her I gently manuvered us so she was laying down forgoing all forms of teasing figuring she didn't need it I slipped one hand into her pants and the other sat next to her head supporting my weight she moaned as my fingers slipped into her again easily finding a steady rythm that would help her finish I had to adjust my pace though when she wrapped her legs around my hips and pulled me down to kiss her "god Teyla faster" she moaned weaving her fingers through my hair I moved my free hand so as it was still supporting me but I could stroke her cheek with my thumb smiling softly at her as her pants became heavier and she closed her eyes her face morphing into one of pure ecsatsy I added a third finger and sped up my pace to match the thrusts of her hips one of her hands move to raise her shirt I leaned my head down and kissed her breasts slowly moving closer to her hardened nipples each time her breath hitched I used my nose to move her bra out of the way before latching onto a dark pink bud flicking it with my tongue and sucking on it for a bit before moving to the other one doing the same thing swapping between the two soft mounds in front of my face I could feel her beginning to clench around my fingers "oh my god" I heard behind us I pulled away a bit and stilled my fingers seeing Carson standing there staring at us "um sorry" he said I yanked my hand back and quickly sat up hiding Liz so she could rearrange her clothes "that is the second time today" she groaned Carson looked confused as Liz came around in front of me "the second time for what" he asked "that i've been denied an orgasam" she said bluntly my cheeks heated up at her frankness and Carson looked shocked he quickly turned away and went to leave "sorry my mouth currently doesn't have a filter on it I just keep saying what's on my mind" Liz said before he left I went to get up as well "don't even think about it Teyla I am going to go crazy if I don't get to cum soon" she said laying down again I sighed but moved on top of her again my hand quickly finding her wet entrance again I entered two fingers while my thumb rubbed her clit thankfully soon enough she was biting down on her fist to stop the loud noises I slowed my fingers down until they stopped and her body had calmed down enough for me to remove my fingers she grabbed my hand and moved it up to her mouth where she cleaned my fingers and then kissed me allowing me to taste her juices on her tongue I moaned lowly and pulled her body flush with my own "what was the point of bringing the others here if you two are going to lay around making out like a couple of horny teenagers" we heard John say we took our time to finish the kiss before finally pulling away panting "why do they freak out whenever someone else catches them but if it's John speaking they take their time" Jennifer asked we glanced over and seen them all looking down at us I blushed while Liz shrugged and buried her head into my neck muttering about being tired "you could at least wait until we got back to the jumper" I said quietly laughing "carry me back then" she mumbled "i'd rather not risk it" I replied softly as she began to fall asleep "then put up with it" was the last thing she said before drifting off I groaned under my breath but readjusted myself so as I was laying on my back with her head on my shoulder her soft puffs of air tickling my neck slightly "let me guess she said for you to carry her" John said laughing "yes I said I didn't want to risk it which I don't" I answered "why are you guys hiding from SGC anyway" Rodney asked "because well let's just say something happened on a planet that Liz went to alone and it got her in a lot of trouble there was no way she could have prevented it but they won't let her explain they just want to remove her from Atlantis and use her in ways that aren't right so John suggested we hide her until it all blows over which could take a while" I explained "what do you mean something happened" Jennifer asked "basically nothing except old age can kill Beth now" John cut in as Ronan and Carson joined us "someone's by the jumper" Carson said I carefully moved Elizabeth and went to get up "don't Teyla she'll want you here when she wakes up" John said putting a hand out to stop me "I want to know who found this place John we brought her here because we were the only ones who knew about it and she was supposed to stay safe if someone else is here I want to know who they are and how they came here" I said angrily getting up anyway "you know you two are as stubborn as each other" he muttered turning to walk away I followed him out into the clearing where we seen two men and a woman standing by the jumper looking around "can we help you with something" I asked "yes actually you can we're looking for Elizabeth Weir" one of the men said "and you can come with us as well feel free to take your time to discuss it over" the woman added with a small smile as if to say 'either way she will be coming with us'.

Chapter 5

Teyla's POV

I was about to give my answer when John grabbed my hand and pulled me back to the others out of hearing range "Teyla whatever you were about to say don't even think about it" he said in a warning tone "how did they find us John and why can't they just leave us alone" I yelled "calm down, and don't wake Beth" he said "I don't want to lose her, I want- no I need her to stay in my life John I love her and I always will" I said "you're a grown woman Teyla you can't know that for sure" he said "what would you do if it was you and Ronan in our place John because I certainly wouldn't be impling what you are" I growled "whoa cool it I wasn't impling anything Teyla I was just curious to see you reaction" he said smirking "god how can you joke like that when this is going on" I sighed crossing my arms together "when will you two learn to fight quietly" I heard Liz ask we glanced over to where she was sitting up looking annoyed "so this is where you've been hiding her" the three from the jumper said walking up to us "stay the hell away from her" I snarled while John moved closer as if to hide her "she doesn't belong on Atlatis anymore the stopped when she fiddled with alien technology" the woman said "that's not your place to decide" John snapped "what do you want with her anyway" I asked "that's between us and the SGC not you" she said signalling the men forward they stepped forward with their fists raised one man on each of us the on in front of me swung his fist forward only just barely missing my jaw I moved my own closed hand and hit him in the ribs gasping when he knocked me down I kicked at his feet making him lose balance and land next to me with a thud he half got up and hit me again splitting my lip leaving the metallic taste of blood in my mouth by this time he'd climbed on top of me I quickly flipped us over and threw a couple of well placed hard hits knocking him out in a few seconds I got up and wiped my mouth facing the woman "i'm still taking her Teyla" she said I glanced over at John who seemed to be having a bit more trouble with the much larger man he was fighting the woman took my distraction as a chance to pull out her side arm facing it to me she gestured to the side "move there's no point fighting it she is coming with me whether you want her to or not" she said I stepped to the side out of the way of her gun and quickly reached forward to grab her wrist I backed her up against the closest tree and moved my forearm to her throat "never try to take away the people I love tell everyone back at Atlantis and SGC to fuck off and leave Elizabeth alone she is not some project you can experiment on she is a living breathing human being, the woman I love and if I ever find out someone is messing with her life again I will personally kill them do I make myself clear" I snarled anger burning through my entire body she nodded fearfully as I tossed the gun to the side "Teyla she gets it let her go now" John said gently pulling on my free arm I stepped away from her and was instantly wrapped into a hug from John as the woman took off running back to the clearing "deep breaths Teyla" John said quietly "is Liz okay" I asked trying to pull away he held me tighter "calm down first you shook everyone up including Beth and myself" he said I relaxed again and took a couple of deep breaths, "okay i'm fine now" I said moving my hands up and pushing against him once he let me go I turned to Liz her eyes were wide as she was staring at me "remind me not to piss you off" she said laughing I smiled and went over checking the man knocked finding nothing but weapons on him "John" I called John came over


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.08.2017

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