
Chapter 1

Mimi's POV


"Mimi bring me some water please" my boss called out from her office "hai" I called back before I grabbed a bottle of voldka and two shot glasses I put them on a tray and then walked into the office where Rin was holding her head I placed the tray on the desk and poured a single shot I tipped it into my mouth and held it there while I went around Rin's side of the desk and sat down on her lap I grabbed her tie and pulled her face down to mine and then I kissed her and transferred the voldka into her mouth berfore I pulled away and reached over the table to grab the shot glass and bottle "Mimi" my boss said as she coughed up the voldka "Voldka means water in Russian" I said "also I know you prefer it this way" I added preparing another shot but this time before I could put the liquid in my mouth Rin grabbed the glass and drank it herself "you're right because we have this conversation every morning" she commented before pouring another shot and tipped it in to her mouth she put a single finger up and motioned me forward I grinned and leaned in and kissed her I swallowed the voldka without breaking the kiss I felt Rin's hand squeezed my ass and I moaned and Rin took that as an opportunity to slip her tongue into my mouth for a few moment our tongues battled for dominance before we had to pull away for air "wow you haven't kissed me like that ever so what's up?" I asked because usually Rin just pulled away and busied herself with work "nothing's wrong I'm just sick and tired of losing the people I care about" she said standing up and punching her desk "ow damn it why can't immortality come with no feeling of pain" she complained while rubbing her hand when she started rubbing her little finger she said ow again and gritted her teeth "damn it I think I broke it" she said placing her hand into my outstretched hand I moved her hand carefully around so as I could see better "good news or bad news" I asked "uh good news I guess" she said looking confused "you didn't break it but the bad news is you did dislocate it and this is going to hurt like hell" I said as I relocated her finger "OW damn it Mimi give a girl some more warning next time" she shouted "sorry boss I tried but if we left it for too long it would have set like that" I said placing her hand on the desk and the going out to my desk and getting the first aid kit I went back into her office and seen the she hadn't moved at all I grabbed the tape out and wrapped it around her finger so as it would stay in the same shape when her rapid healing kicked in but before I could go and put the kit back Rin grabbed me by the waist and pulled me back so I was flush against her with her breasts pressing into my back I sighed and leaned my head back against her shoulder and closed my eyes "thank you Mimi" she murmured in my ear "mmmhh for what Rin" I asked still not opening my eyes "for everything" Rin said quietly "well then you're welcome" I said finally opening my eyes and tilting my head around so as I could kiss her softly what I didn't expect was for Rin to grab my hips and twist me around to kiss me first Rin stepped forward making me step backward, I felt my butt hit the edge of the table Rin stepped forward again now she was pressing against me she moved one of her legs in between mine and I felt her rub against me "damn it Rin" I moaned Rin tightened her grip on my hips enough to lift me onto her desk so now I was sitting on her desk but was still a little bit shorter I slid my butt forward so I was sitting on the edge of her desk and wrapped my arms around her neck I layed back on her desk so Rin was leaning over me with her hair coming down either side of my face Rin pulled away and started kissing my neck "um hi I was told to come here by a friend of mine because my sister's missing" I heard from the door of the office we were currently making out in I tilted my head back one so I could see who was there and two to give Rin better access Rin bit down on my neck "ahhh Rin stop it" I said biting my lip so as not to moan "tell them to come back later" she said against my neck "what no Rin I can't tell her that" I said trying to move my hands to her shoulders to push her away but Rin grabbed my wrists and held them by either side of my head "Mimi boss's orders" she said moving her head so she was looking down at me I blushed when I seen that her eyes were darker than normal "jesus Rin you're drunk aren't you" I asked only loud enough for her to hear " no Mimi that's lust not achohol" she said not bothering to keep her voice down I decided that the gentle approach wasn't working so I tried something different "Rin that's enough I don't want this" I said forcing the words out while trying not to moan when she dipped her head down and started kissing my cleavege "if you didn't want it Mimi then why are you cheeks so red and your eyes so dark" she said against my skin I repressed a shudder at the vibration that went across my chest "mmmmhhhhh Rin knock it off please" I tried begging but my moan of pleasure gave my away "no tell her to go away" she said again "urgh fine then last try" I muttered when she kissed my lips again I bit her lip she jumped back in surprise "what the hell was that for Mimi?" she asked wiping the blood from her lip I jerked my thumb back behind me "we have a client" I said walking out the door and out the office "MIMI WAIT PLEASE" I heard her shout after me I walked onto the street and down to the park after about twenty minutes I had calmed down enough that I could face Rin again so I began walking back to the office when I got back I stopped just before walking in and looked around because I felt like I was being watched but I couldn't see anything I shook my head and walked into the office I seen the girl was still standing at the door I walked up behind her and looked in I seen Rin at her desk with her head in her hands "how long has she been like that" I asked the girl "since you walked out" she said "okay thanks" I said taking a step forward into the room but I suddenly felt really dizzy "Rin" I managed to choke out right before I collapsed on the ground with my blood pooling around me a few hours later I woke up suddenly and sat up in Rin's bed with the sheets falling down around my hips so my entire torso was naked "um Rin she's awake" I heard the girl call out from next to me I heard a door open "you'd lost a lot of blood" Rin said taking a mouthful of voldka and then placing her hand behind my neck to pull me to and then she kissed me passing the voldka to me "thank Rin but we do still have a client" I said after I had swallowed "also where are my clothes" I whined and pouted Rin and the girl laughed "they were covered in blood you'd been shot and bleeding for a while Mimi" Rin said going over to her drawers and grabbing a pair of underwear and then going over to her closet she got out one of her shirts and brought them back over to me "thank you again Rin" I said smiling and putting them on i kicked the sheet off and tucked my legs up under myself "now then Mimi this is Akemi Amari and her little sister Aimi went missing two days ago" Rin said sitting next to me on the bed "uuhhhh before we go any further into this chat I was wondering do you two always kiss each that........." Akemi asked looking between me and Rin "you mean the voldka thing" I asked she nodded I laughed "usually I kiss and pass the voldka to Rin but Rin decided to be different today" I said, suddenly we all heard Tajima start crying and a knock at the front door "i'll get the door" I said as Rin said "I'll get my son" "um okay then" Akemi said as we both went different ways out the bedroom door I unlocked the front door and let Mishio in "where's Rin" she asked stepping through the door and going into the kitchen to place the bags of groceries on the bench "with Tajima trying to calm him" I said as we began to put things away suddenly I heard a bang come from the nursery I took off at a sprint  till I got there I opened the door and seen Rin in the corner crouched down one arm holding her stomach while the other was protecting Tajima but that wasn't what worried me the most what worried me was the Angel standing over Rin trying to grab her I felt the all too familiar pain in my stomach but I fought it all I cared about was proteting Rin and Tajima "hey get the fuck away from her" I yelled catching the Angel's attention I seen a lot of things had been broken so I grabbed a piece of chair leg and tried to stab it but missed and only grazed it's arm it brought it's hand back and then slapped me hard sending me flying into the wall near Tajima's crib I grabbed another piece of broken wood and as I did I seen that a picture had fallen off the wall and the glass had smashed a single piece of glass had torn through part of the picture while I had been distracted the Angel had come up to me he grabbed my wrist roughly and pulled me up I put my hands on his shoulders and tried to push him away but as he got closer I felt my will crumbling "please don't" I whimpered but he put his head down to my shoulder and bit down anyway I screamed when his teeth peirced my skin after a few moment I felt my consciousness slipping away suddenly he stopped devouring me and crumbled to white dust before completely fading I seen Rin standing in front of me her son in one arm bouncing him trying to stop his screaming and in the other hand was I'd say a part of the crib "sorry it took so long" she said "it's fine Rin are you both okay apart from some scratches and stuff" I asked looking over them both she nodded her head and then we stumbled back to her room once past her bedroom door we both collapsed to our knees I seen Mishio come and grab Tajima before Rin and I fully fell to the ground dead because of a deep wound each that I hadn't seen.

Chapter 2

Rin's POV


I woke up eventually and groaned I went to sit up but felt something weighing down my left side I opened my eyes and glanced down, I was suprised to see Mimi laying against me with her arm across my chest and her legs tucked in between mine "that's right an angel attacked us in the nursery" I said out loud "mmhmm by the way we need to go shopping tomorrow everything got wrecked sorry" Mimi said waking up and leaning into my side more "Tajima" I said rushing out of my bed and grabbing my bathrobe to put on as I went I looked all around the apartment and when I couldn't find him I broke down sobbing "what's wrong Rin" Mimi asked panicking "I can't find him Mimi I can't find my son what if another Angel got him or worse what if he was killed" I said a little hysterical by now "shhhh it's okay we'll find him I promise but it's going to be no help if you're stressed and tired so why don't you go back to bed" she said "no not until I know he's okay" I said shaking my head "Mimi why don't you go get the spare robe on as you're naked at the moment" I added smiling a bit when she blushed bright red and ran back to my bedroom coming out a few moments later wearing like me a blue bathrobe but then we decided to go get dressed into usual clothes afterwards my phone suddenly rang "hello" I said not bothering to look at who was calling "hey Rin sorry for calling but your son is getting grumpy I took him out so as you and Mimi could sleep without the cries of a baby around and now he won't stop crying" I heard Mishio's voice over the phone "you could have left a note saying you were going out I spent about two hours feaking out because I couldn't find him" I screamed into the phone "ow that was a really high scream Rin and sorry" she said "put him on and i'll calm him down" I said "okay here you go, Taji mommy's on the phone" she said before I heard Tajima's crying "hey baby are you being good for Mishio" I cooed into the phone chuckling to myself when Tajima started to giggle loudly "thank you Rin how do you do it" Mishio said "easy i'm his mother" I said before hanging up the phone and putting it down on the coffee table "where is he" Mimi asked as I began walking towards her slowly "out with Mishio" I said reaching her I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her in for a soft kiss "mmmhhh what do you want Rin" she asked tilting her head back when I started kissing her neck "I want you Mimi" I said flicking my tongue out and tracing the outside of her ear smiling when she shuddered and moaned "how so" she asked between pants "I want to have sex with you Mishio will be gone all day with Tajima and it's only morning so we have a while" I said moving a hand down in between her legs I ran two fingers against her crotch and grinned when she began moaning and panting "can we at least get to your bedroom Rin" she asked quietly and when I looked at her eyes they had darkened so now they were a dark violet rather than her usual purple "no I can't wait that long I still have it built up from yesterday when you walk out and then went and died on me" I growled before pulling her over to the couch but apperently Mimi couldn't wait either because half way there she pulled me around and then pushed me backwards so I fell over and landed on my ass I was about to complain but Mimi suddenly kissed me roughly stopping any speech from being made she yanked my shirt out of it's neat little tuck in my pants I wanted to flip us over so as could have the control back but as Mimi slipped her hand under my now free shirt and ran her hand up my side and cupped my breast I could only lean my head back and loudly moan in pleasure I felt her cool fingers slowly running down my torso as she undid my buttons I sat up and stripped my shirt off as well as my vest and tie I was now only in my bra I pulled off Mimi's jacket and shirt "cute" I said seeing a lacy pink bra encasing her breasts "mmhh yours looks sexy" she said tracing her fingers along the top of my black lace bra "I say it just gets in the way" I murmured seductivly in her ear I reached behind her back and unclipped her bra I flipped us over before taking her bra all the way off I closed my mouth around one of her nipples while I caressed her other breast with my hand I sucked on her nipple a little harder enjoying when her moans got louder "aaaaahhhhh don't bite Rin" she gasped as I bit down a little "I'd say i'm sorry but i'm not" I said taking my mouth off her nipple and going up to kiss her neck "mmmmmmhhh I feel hot Rin" Mimi said wrapping her legs around my hips "do you want more Mimi" I asked moving the hand that was caressing her breast down to the top of her skirt "aaaahhhhhh god yes Rin" Mimi said arching up a little making my hand move down "you're so impatient Mimi" I said slipping my hand into her panties, rubbing my fingers along slowly I enjoyed it when Mimi suddenly screamed "RIN" and then completly relaxed her body exhasted "that didn't take long Mimi" I said pulling my fingers out and licking them clean "well if you didn't get me so worked up beforehand it would of taken longer Rin" she said flipping me onto my back her knees either side of my hips "my turn" she said before moving down to my lower region unzipping my pants she pulled them off and my panties before she leant her head down in between my legs I felt her tongue flick my clit softly, I gasped and she took it as a sign to do it again "fuck Mimi knock it off" I said my face burning with desire "do you really want me that bad Rin" Mimi asked looking into my eyes which were a dark forest green rather that my usual emerald thanks to the lust and heat going through my body "mmhh fuck yes Mimi now hurry up" I whimpered moving one of her hands down to where I was most desperate for her touch "okay okay I get it" she said before she pulled free of my grip and moved her hand the rest of the way I moaned when her fingers entered me she moved two fingers in and out slowly teasing me "faster Mimi please" I moaned Mimi moved her fingers quicker I glanced off to the side biting my lip to hold back the moans threatening to come out I seen a pillow from the couch next to us I could feel myself getting closer to the edge but suddenly Mimi pulled her fingers out, when I looked down she moved her head in between my legs I gasped when her tongue took the place where her fingers had previously been I could feel her licking up every drop that was coming out "AAAAHHHH MIMI" I screamed as my back arched and I climaxed and I grabbed a hold of the pillow, Mimi crawled up to me and I found myself smiling softly at her "hey" she said, "hey" I said laughing quietly I lifted my hand up to softly caress her cheek, Mimi closed her eyes and leaned into my touch, she opened her eyes and leaned down to softly kiss my lips "that was fun" I said holding my arm out a bit "mmmm" she agreed laying down next to me "one sec" I said taking my arm out from under her shoulders and going over to get my jacket and shirt as well as a cloth "here" I said handing my jacket to her "arigato" she said taking it and wrapping it around herself I put my shirt on and did up the buttons before leaning down and cleaning up the floor with the cloth I went and put it in the washing machine when I came back to the living room Mimi hadn't moved at all except a pout had formed on her cute face "what's that for beautiful" I said sitting down next to her "are you going to lay down now" she said pointing to the pillow that had been moved so as I could lay down I laughed but layed down anyway, I put my arm out and smiled when Mimi curled into my side and then we fell asleep like that not bothering to get dressed fully and not bothering to go to a bed or even the couch.I'm not really sure when we woke up but when we did I could here shouting and crying "hey Rin" I heard Mimi say from laying next to me with her head on my shoulder "hey Mimi" I said looking down at her and smiling "WHY COULDN'T THEY AT LEAST BE LIKE THAT IN BED" I heard Akemi yelling "Akemi you should've called or met us at the office here you can never know who is going to be here or what they're going to be doing" Mishio said "ah then that explains the crying" Mimi said sitting up "hey Mishio we didn't think you'd be back for a few more hours" I said standing and going over to my son's pram and picking him up I sat him on my hip and turned back to the rest of them and seen that Mimi's was looking at me funny "what's wrong Mimi" I asked tilting my head to the side to softly kiss her cheek, suddenly the arguing stopped I looked over and seen an Angel kneeling on the ground "Gardian someone is at the tree and wishes to speak with you the Angels can not go near her as she is an immortal and you told us not to hunt them anymore" he said glancing up at me "very well I shall be there in a moment tell her that I just have some family matters to deal with first" I said giong to turn back to Mimi "but Gar-" he began "did you not understand me I said I will be there soon now leave because you are hurting my friend" I shouted making my son cry once again "hush Tajima sorry for shouting" I said lowering my voice "yes Gardian" the Angel said before going over to the window and flying away "Mimi come with me now" I said walking towards the front door "hey what am I supposed to do" Mishio said "help our client" I said handing her Tajima and then walking out. Instead of going out onto the street Mimi and I went to the elevator and up to the roof "Mimi I need you to promise to hold on no matter how fun it is okay" I said leaning down and putting one arm behind her knees I used that arm to bend her legs making her fall back into my other arm so now I was carrying her bridal style "I promise Rin" she said intertwining her arms around my neck I allowed my wings to come out of my back and then I jumped off the roof and flew through the air pulling up just before we hit the road I smiled as Mimi buried her head into my shoulder because as an Angel I didn't hurt her because I was pure.

Chapter 3

Mimi's POV

When we got to the tree Rin went to put me down but I held onto her neck tighter and buried my face in her neck "no I don't want you to put me down" I said into her neck "urgh fine then sorry about my girlfriend she can be like this sometimes" I heard Rin say and I softly kissed her neck when she said girlfriend "Mimi if you don't want me to put you down then behave" Rin said loosening her grip on me to prove her point "okay okay sorry I promise I'll behave" I said panicking and leaning into her body more "thank you" she sighed and tightened her grip again "why did you need to speak with me...." she said trailing off "my name is Satuki and because my daughter was taken by an Angel" the immortal woman said "ah that explains his urcency then" Rin muttered "his" Satuki asked I turned a bit in Rin's arms and seen that the girl had her head tilted to the side a little "another Angel came to inform me of your presense I was occupied at the time with my family" Rin said the girl looked terrified when Rin mentioned the Angel "I'm sorry to have bothered you" Satuki said turning to walk away "wait i'm sorry for scaring you a little while ago we had an Angel go rogue and I haven't been able to track him down for long enough to either kill him or make him obey so at the moment he is killing immortals women and doing something with immortal children but he isn't killing them because eventually the come back alive" Rin said "how old is your daughter and what is her name" I asked taking my arms from around Rin's neck and pulling out a little chip that served as a temperary database "uh she's 4 and her name isTtalaki" Satuki said looking between me and Rin I reached up and tapped on Rin shoulder "hmm" she hummed "can you put me down I can't work properly" I said trying to move my hands across the screen the had appeared "mmmh fine then" she said putting me down but before she could pull away I grabbed her arm and held it around my waist until she gave up and wrapped both her arms around my waist "thank you" I said quietly my eyes flitting across the screen taking in as much infomation as I could "your welcome" Rin sighed and rested her chin on the top of my head "what are you doing" Satuki asked sitting down on a bench that was near-by "I'm trying to find out everything I can about your daughter so I can see why the Rogue would want her" I said leaning back into Rin enjoying it when her arms tightened around me "oh okay then" Satuki said "um sorry to interrupt again but he's here" the Angel from earlier said as he came running into the courtyard "he's here now" Rin said in disbelief I suddenly fell to the ground on my knees clutching my stomach and dropping the chip "Rin he's close" I said squeezing my eyes shut and trying to make the pain go away as my girlfriend crouched down next to me and touched my shoulder but I shook her off "don't worry about me go deal with that bastard" I said picking up the broken chip and threw it as far as I could "I HATE ANGELS" I screamed hoping the he could hear me I looked back at Rin just as she allowed her wings out and flew in search of the Angel "please don't come back Gardian" I heard a male voice say and I looked back just in time for the Rogue to bite down on my shoulder "AAAAAHHHHH RINNNNN" I screamed. "Seriously why do you hate us" I heard Rin call out before the Angel got off me and look or more glared at Rin "hello Gardian" he said "why do you hate us I asked" Rin said landing on the ground but keeping her wings out I looked at her when the Angel suddenly doubled over in agony "how are you doing that" Satuki asked "she's an immortal angel" I said going over to Rin and sliding my arms around her waist. "You know that's very distracting Mimi" she said placing her hands on mine "yes I know but your hot and that's distracting to me unless I get sex sorry" I said moving one hand down to her ass grinning "you are a pain in the ass Mimi" she groaned "I will never obey you" he said to Rin "Mimi get her out of here" she said nodding her head to Satuki "okay come on" I said going over and grabbing her hand and pulling her along behind me we got just inside the doors when we heard a loud scream and then silence "what did she do" Satuki asked "hang on" I said I heard a small knock come from outside "let's go" I said opening the door and walking out to where Rin was standing "you're troublesome Mimi" she said to me.


Rin's POV


"I know" she said grinning walking over and kissing me I allowed myself to melt into the kiss before pulling away "we should get home Taji's probably throwing a fit knowing him mama's not there" she teased me "haha be nice so i'm a mother big deal you don't need to keep teasing me about it" I muttered getting ready to go back home.


*2 hours later*


"Tajima's finally asleep and I need a distraction" I said climbing on my bed and pinning Mimi's hands next to her head "what kind" she asked I leaned down and kissed her hard "a rough one" I replied pulling away panting I flipped us over so she was on top we both made quick work of getting each others clothes off as the last article of clothing was discarded she thrust her fingers into me hard I groaned and my hips lifted off the bed to meet her hand as she moved her fingers inside me it didn't take me long to climax


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.08.2017

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