
Chapter 1
I don’t really know how to start of this story. No there’s no “Once upon a time,” or “In a faraway land.” This is the real world people, or to me it is. What I’m about to tell you may shock you but don’t be scared I won’t bite, at least I won’t bite you. My name is Zoey Briar and I am a 17 year old Vampire. No. I know what you’re thinking and no I’m not like Edward. I don’t sparkle in the sunlight actually I like sunbathing now and again. Stephenie Meyer got vampires all wrong. We don’t make other vampires by one bite; humans actually have to die with Vampire blood in their system in order to become one. Oh yeah I almost forgot Vampires have royal families, I can’t give to many details it would be bad if other vampires were reading, but I can tell that I am a part of the biggest and most powerful royal family of all but I’m the youngest of five so I won’t get the crown. Alright enough about me let’s get to the story. It all started when I broke the Vampire law … “Zoey don’t just stand there c’mon!” I heard Kaleb yell. “Zo let’s go.” He said pulling my arm. I turned after him and started to run. I didn’t stop until we were a mile away then I stumbled into an alley and puked. Kaleb came up from behind and moved my hair out of the way. “Zo, are you ok?” I shook my head. “It’s ok he attacked you first.” The image of the dead man flashed across my mind making me puke again. “Aw, Zo.” Kaleb said while rubbing my back. I started crying. “I…killed…him.” I said in between sobs. Kaleb wrapped his arms around me. “It wasn’t your fault. He attacked first.” “He’s dead because of me.” “Zoey look at me.” I pulled back and did as I was told.”It was not your fault.” He said his green eyes shimmering. Kaleb was a good looking guy with his jet black hair and tanned skin; you would never think he was a werewolf. Whenever I was around him I looked like a freak because of my silver/gray hair and the silver eyes with specks of green and blue, and also because of the pale skin not exactly ivory but close enough to it. “Let’s get you home.” He said. Wait a minute I forgot a piece of vital information on Mr.Kaleb, he’s a werewolf. He’s also immortal just like me and that’s because he’s my guardian. Most werewolves age like humans do only slower. He’s also my childhood friend. He watches over me day and night and yes this means we share a room but hey I guess it’s all good. Alright back to the story. We arrived at the “Castle” I say that in quotations because it’s not really a castle it’s just a really big and creepy manor, anyways once we got there we were instantly summoned to my Father. Pause the story, sorry I also forgot to mention that my Father is really scary to people but when it’s just me an Kaleb he’s actually pretty sweet it’s my mom you want to worry about. Play. As we entered my dad’s office everyone else backed away. “Ah Zoey, Kaleb, it’s nice to see you.” “Dad drop the act there’s no one around.” I said pointing at the doorway that was now empty. Father walked over to the door and shut it. Then he laughed. “Princess I’m only trying to cheer you up you looked kind of down.” I glared at him. “What?” “I hate being called Princess.” He chuckled. “You’re my only daughter.” “So, I still don’t like being called Princess.” I said plopping down into his seat. “Kaleb help me out here.” Kaleb laughed and shook his head. “Sorry sir whatever the lady says goes.” My dad looked at me. “You’ve got him wrapped around your finger don’t you?” We all laughed. “He’s only my guard daddy.” They both stopped laughing and Kaleb looked down at the carpet. “It’s almost dawn and you two have had a long night why don’t you two get to bed.” Father said while shooing us out of his office. He slammed the door behind us. “One minute I’m his Princess and then the next I’m just a fly.” Kaleb didn’t say anything. “Kay what’s wrong.” He stood straight at the sound of the nickname I had given him when we were little. He opened his mouth to say something then must have thought better of it because he started off down the hall. “Kay wait up!” I yelled and ran after him. He was quite the whole way to my rooms. “Kaleb?” He didn’t even look at me he just went into the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. I quickly slipped out of my clothes and into my pajama shirt. Kaleb came out of the bathroom a few minutes later wearing only sweatpants. I walked over to him. “Kay talk to me.” He looked me in the eyes. “What about?” He asked. “What’s wrong?” He sighed. “You called me your guard.” “Yeah so?” He looked away. “You said that I was only your guard.” I gasped. “Oh Kaleb I didn’t mean it like that.” “Zoey you know you mean a lot to me and not just in the guardian way…” He stopped. I smiled and hugged him which surprised him but after a few seconds he hugged back. “You mean a lot to me to and not just in the guardian way.” He pulled back startled. “Really?” “Really, really.” I said laughing. I saw a big grin cross his face which made him look a lot more than cute, he looked outright sexy. I yawned and he chuckled. “Let’s get you to bed.” “Are you sleeping with me tonight?” “As always Zo.” As we lay down Kaleb whispered to me. “I’ll say that I killed the man.” “Kay, no! You can’t besides he was a Vampire that was no man and if they found out a werewolf killed a Vampire you’ll be hang…” Kaleb put his finger to my lips. “I’m your guard remember?” I fell asleep that night with the fear of what lay in the future.

Chapter 2
The next morning was a blur. Kaleb and me were woken up by the maids and we hurried to get dressed. We didn’t know what was going on and no one would tell us. “Liza.” I said to the maid pulling at my hair. “Liza! What is going on?” Liza looked around then leaned down to whisper in my ear. “The council is here.” Then she hurried to finish my hair. By time the maids were trough getting me ready I looked like a medieval gothic princess with a black corset dress and lace sleeves. My silver hair was pulled into a tight ponytail with a tiara in it. I was then rushed into a room where a whole bunch of men were waiting. They all stood at the sight of me so I did what I was taught to and curtsied then I sat in the chair next to Father. Then Father spoke. “Now that everyone is here. Let’s get to business.” I looked around and saw Kaleb in the way back his black hair combed back and he was in a black suit, which made his green eyes stand out more. An old man with white hair and eyes stood up. “Sire we have come to believe that last night one of our own kind was murdered.” Father’s eyes went big. I tried to suppress a gulp. “Who was killed?” “Lord Lexion.” At that everyone’s eyes went big. “And we think that a werewolf killed him.” The man turned to look at Kaleb. “And the only werewolf we know of in this city is Mr. Pierce.” I gulped. “Are you suggesting that Kaleb killed Lexion?” Father asked the man. “Yes, yes I am. He is the only werewolf known around these parts an…” “What if there are others?” Father asked cutting the man off. “Well that is possible but wouldn’t more vampires have been killed?” “That may be so but they could just be sending us a warning.” “A warning for what?” The man asked. Father didn’t say anything. Instead he stood up and walked to the door. “I trust we are done here?” “Sire what about Mr. Pierce?” “He’s in good hands.” Father looked at me, smiled and then walked out the door. “Miss Briar…” “What Father said is true Kaleb is under my watchful eye day and night so rest assured there will be no trouble.” The old man managed a smile. “Alright then Milady, thank you for your time.” He bowed and then left the room. The rest of the men did the same. Then it was just me and Kaleb. “You look like a Queen sitting in that chair.” I pulled the tiara from my hair and loosened the ponytail. “I don’t feel like it.” He walked over and kneeled before me. “Princess Zoey Aldornia Briar I must say that you look most stunning right now.” I blushed. “You may stand Sir Kaleb Lucien Pierce.” He stood and we both smiled. He held out his hand, I took it and stood up. “I need to get out of this dress it’s starting to make me itchy.” He laughed. “I could help you with that.” I looked at him. “I’m sure you could.” He was startled. I smiled. “You weren’t expecting that answer were you?” “No I was not.” I laughed. “It’s good to know I can still surprise you.” I started walking towards the door. He hurried ahead and opened it. “Oh you’re quite the gentlemen.” He snickered. “Miss!” I heard Liza yell. “In the conference room!” I yelled back. I saw Liza’s blond head peer around the corner then she came running up. “Follow me Miss.” She said and took my hand. I looked at Kaleb and he just shrugged his shoulders. We both followed Liza down the hall and into Father’s office. “Thank you Liza you may go now.” She quickly turned and left closing the doors behind her. “I’m very disappointed in both of you.” Father said while pacing behind his desk. “I thought you could control yourself but no. Now one of the nobles is dead.” “He attacked me Father what was I to do?” “I don’t know.” He sighed. “Princess what am I going to do with you? I mean how did you make it look like a werewolf attack?” I shook my head. “I don’t know one minute he’s trying to drink my blood the next he’s on the ground dead.” Father turned to Kaleb. “What about you? Did you partake in this killing?” “No Sir.” “Then what were you doing you are supposed to protect Zoey?” Kaleb looked at the ground. “I was being Charmed.” “Charmed? Werewolf’s can’t be Charmed.” “It just happened one minute me and Zoey were walking and then out of nowhere I hear a voice and then I wake up lying on the ground and Zoey was being attacked.” Father just stared at the wall. Then he said something that shocked us both. “You’ve fed from Zoey.” He sighed. He looked at me and I nodded. “We were in a fight a few years ago and he was badly wounded so I did what I thought was best and gave him some of my blood.” I told him. “That’s why you were able to be Charmed. You have the blood of a royal running through your werewolf veins.” “What does that mean?” Kaleb asked. “It means you just might be the most powerful werewolf out there.” We both went silent. “It’d be best if you two left.” “What why?” “Because it’s not safe here anymore. Kaleb I want you to pack your things and get Zoey as far away from here as possible.” “Yes Sir.” Kaleb said standing up. “But dad.” He looked at me with so much sadness in his eyes it hurt. “Zoey please do this for me. I want you to go and leave this life behind.” Then Father did something that he hasn’t done in awhile, he hugged me and I couldn’t help but hug back. “Now you must go and tell no one you’re leaving. Hurry.” He showed us out and slammed the door. “Again with the door slamming.” I sighed. “Let’s go.” Kaleb said. I nodded and followed him to my rooms. “We need to hurry and change so try and wear something human looking.” He walked into the bathroom. I ran to my closet and took out some jeans, sneakers, and a tank top and quickly changed into them. Kaleb came out a few minutes later wearing a dark blue shirt and black jeans. “Bags.” We both said at the same time and laughed. We raced to pack our things. “Done?” “Done.” I replied. “Good let’s go out the secret path in the conference room.” We quietly and quickly moved to the conference room and found our way to the tunnel. “I’ll go first and you can lower the suitcases to me.” He jumped down and landed with a muffled thump. Then he whispered up to me. “Ok.” I handed the bags into the darkness then jumped down myself. We ran in darkness for what seemed like forever but it had only been a few minutes then we saw the little light. We exited the tunnel near the lake. “Ah I will miss playing in this lake.” I said looking at the water. “We must keep moving.” Kaleb took my hand. “How are we supposed to get anywhere I mean we don’t even have a car?” “I have a car.” He said. “What? Really? How?” “You ask too many questions.” He laughed. “I got it a few years back when I was supposedly 16.” “Oh that’s right.” I said remembering he had been made immortal at the age of 19. Forever frozen as the handsome devil. “What kind of car?” “Mustang.” He said pointing into the trees where a dark red car was parked. “Wow!” I said running over to it.”Nice huh?” He asked putting our things in the backseat. “It’s gorgeous.” He climbed into the car and I slide into the passenger seat. “Where to?” “Don’t know yet. For now we just have to get out of the state.” He started the car and drove off down to the road. “Kaleb I’m sorry about everything.” “Why?” “Because I’m always getting you into trouble.” He took my hand in his and brought it to his lips and kissed it. “As long as I am with you everything’s fine.” I blushed and he smiled. “At least I know I can startle you.” I playful punched him in the arm with my other hand. “You didn’t startle me.” “Oh really?” He raised one eyebrow, something I wish I could do. “Yes really now keep your eyes on the road.” He laughed and I leaned over and turned on the radio which he turned right back off. “Hey I was going to listen to that.” “I thought maybe we could talk. It’ll make the trip seem shorter.” “Fine then what do you want to talk about?” “I don’t know.” “Oh you’re a great help.” I said rolling my eyes. “How about we talk about you then?” He suggested. “What’s so great about me?” “Lots of things like how your eyes sparkle in the sunlight and how your laugh makes you look so cute and when your hair is in your eyes it makes you look mysterious and sexy at the same time.” I was certainly shocked by the things he was saying, I couldn’t believe my ears. He thought I was sexy? I mean when does a vampire ever get told by a werewolf that she was sexy? Out of nowhere a sudden lust went rippling through my body making me gasp. “Zo what’s wrong?” “Pull over.” “I can’t there’s nowhere to turn.” “Pull over! NOW!” I yelled at him. The car stopped and I jumped out and ran, but I didn’t get far before the lust came back. “Zoey what’s wrong?” I heard him coming up behind me. I’ve never been this hungry before. “Kaleb go away.” I told him. I could feel my fangs coming out at the smell of his blood. I bit my lip and blood swelled up. I could taste the rusty, metallic, honey of it. Kaleb touched my back and I turned towards him. “You’re hungry and by the looks of it you haven’t eaten in four days.” I nodded not able to speak. “Zo you can feed from me.” “No!” I said my fangs flashing. “Just for now.” He kneeled in the grass next to me. “Go ahead.” He tilted his head to the side. I reached forward and pulled him towards me. “This will hurt a little at first.” He nodded and I bit into him. The blood tasted so good going down my throat and I felt closer to Kaleb then I ever had before. It was like we were linked through our minds. I could feel him becoming one with my soul as I drank. I noticed too soon that his breathing got heavier and he moaned. Being bitten by a vampire is like getting high, the bites release a toxin and it numbs the victim so they feel no pain. He started to pass out, I had taken too much. I retracted my fangs and laid him on the ground. “Kaleb are you alright?” He smiled weakly. “Yes.” He whispered. “I’m sorry I took too much I was just so hungry.” “Zoey I’m a werewolf this is nothing.” I smiled. “Your too good for me.” I leaned down and kissed him. He tensed up but then I felt his hand behind my head and he kissed me back. We pulled back breathing heavily. “It is you that is to good for me Zoey.” He said. “C’mon we need to get back to the car.” He told me. “Will you be able to walk?” I asked as he stood up. “Yeah see I’m perfectly fine.” He stepped forward and fell. “I see that.” I replied laughing. I stood up and help him to his feet then I put his arm around my shoulder. “I’ll help you then.” We walked back to the car in silence. Once we got there I told him that I would drive for a little. “You can drive?” he asked sarcastically. “Yes I can drive you may be older than me human wise but I’m older than you immortal wise.” I laughed. Actually even immortal wise I only had 2 years over him. “I always love an older woman.” He said getting into the car. “What’s that supposed to mean?” “Older women tend to be sexier.” “So if I wasn’t older than you, you wouldn’t like me?” I asked afraid of the answer. “No Zo I’d love you even if you were younger.” I just stared at him. “What?” “Um…you s..said you l..l..loved me.” He turned bright red. “Um, well yeah I do.” My breath caught in my throat. “I love you.” He looked me right in the eyes as he said it. “I wasn’t ever able to say that before but I guess after the feeding it changed me.” He smiled. “I’ve never before felt so close to you.” I didn’t know what to say. Yeah I loved him to but I didn’t deserve him but I said the words that in my heart I knew were true. “I love you to.” He stopped speaking. “What?” “I said I love you.” Everything was silent then a big grin crossed his face. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited to hear those words.” I smiled. I looked back at the road in time to see a hotel sign. “Let’s pull over for the night.” He nodded in agreement. I got out of the car and bought the last available room, which was the honeymoon suite, yeah I know just my luck. As I helped Kaleb to the room he kept on smiling. “Honeymoon suite?” He asked as I unlocked the door. “It was the only room left.” “Ah ok.” I pushed the door open and stopped. There was one heart shaped bed and no couch. I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the light. There was one huge hot tub bath. “Do you want to bath first?” Kaleb asked me. “No you can go ahead.” “Well there’s room for two you want to bath together?” He laughed as I turned bright red. “I was just kidding.” “D…do you really w…want to?” I asked looking at the floor. “Uh yeah I guess.” I was about to reply when there was a knock at the door. “I’ll get it.” I said and rushed out of the bathroom. I went to the door and looked out of the peephole. I saw the manager standing there so I opened the door. “Miss Briar?” “Yes?” “We need to have a few words with you.” A big man stepped from around the corner. That’s when everything went wrong.

Chapter 3
The man reached out and grabbed me before I had the chance to run. “Don’t struggle you’ll only make it harder for yourself.” The man whispered in my ear. “Don’t hurt her Max we need her alive.” So the man’s name was Max. “Is it only you?” The manager asked. “Yes I’m the only one here.” I said a little loud so Kaleb would hear. “I’ll check the bathroom, keep an eye on her Max she’s a feisty one.” Max smiled as he handcuffed me. “Won’t be much of a problem now will you?” I shook my head, even though I could easily break the handcuffs with a flick of the wrist. The manager came out of the bathroom. “No one here.” “I told you.” I snickered at him. “Don’t make fun of me girl you are no position to do so.” “Eddie don’t get all mad at the little lady.” “Eddie? What kind of a name is Eddie?” Eddie walked over and smacked me across the face. I won’t lie for a human he was damn strong because that smack made my ears ring. “I told you not to make fun of me girl. Grab her and let’s go.” Max pulled me up by my hair and dragged me out to an old looking van. I tried to look for Kaleb but he was nowhere in sight. Good let him get as far away as possible. I was shoved into the car where another man was sitting. “This is the girl huh? She doesn’t look like a vampire.” “What? A vampire? They don’t exist.” Another smack. “Yes they do and we know your one of them so don’t play dumb with us.” By the end of the night I was going to have a permanent red mark across my face. “Now let’s get her to the boss. I’m sure he’ll be pleased with what we have to offer.” Eddie slid in next to me and Max into the driver’s seat. We drove for about an hour before we finally arrived at a house. I was taken out of the car and into the house. “Max go find Mr. Croft.” Eddie told him. Max handed me off to the other guy from the car and walked off down the hall. A few minutes later he returned with a man who looked to be about 45. “Is this the girl?” Mr. Croft asked and Eddie nodded. “Zoey Briar, Princess to the Briar family.” Eddie said. Looks like he’s done his homework. Mr. Croft had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes; he had a neatly trimmed beard that had some gray in it. “Zoey I’m sorry for how my men treated you.” “Oh it’s fine I mean I’m handcuffed and pulled by my hair a lot.” “Release her and bring her some food and drink.” Max took off the handcuffs and I immediately started rubbing the sore skin. “Now if you don’t mind I must be on my way.” “You’re going nowhere.” Mr. Croft said. “Oh really now and why is that?” “Because you are mine now.” I glared at him. “I am nobody’s and I never will be now I can leave the easy way or I can leave the hard way. You choose.” I stood there and looked at him. “Neither.” He said. I sighed. “You guys say you know what I am so if you know that then why are you trying to piss me off?” Mr. Croft took a step towards me. “How old are you Zoey?” “17.” I replied. “How old are you really?” He said reaching out to touch my hair. “21.” I told him smacking his hand away. “Do you not like to be touched?” “Not by old perverts like you.” I said. “You might as well get used to it because we are going to become family.” I laughed. “How exactly do you plan on doing that?” “By marrying you to my son.” He said bluntly. I stood there mouth wide open. “But you’re human.” He leaned down and whispered into my ear. “Everything isn’t always as it seems.” He pulled away. “Now come meet Daniel.” He started off down the hall and I had no choice but to follow him. Please be safe Kaleb. I was led into a room that looked like it used to be a library. There was a little seating area off to the side and in that area there were five boys. Great I’m like a prize. “Daniel. There is someone here for you.” Mr. Croft said. A dirty blond boy stood up he was well built for a human. He had tanned skin and bright pale blue eyes. He was cute I’ll give him that. “Daniel this is Zoey Briar I’m sure you already know about her.” “Why yes hello there Miss Briar.” He held out his hand and I just looked at it. “You’re supposed to shake it.” He told me. “I know what I’m supposed to do I’m just not going to do it.” I said glaring at him. “You have pretty eyes Zoey.” Daniel said. I stuck my tongue out at him. “That is no way to treat your future husband.” Mr. Croft said. All of Daniel’s friends were staring at me. “Daniel I must attend to some business you and your friends please take care of Miss Briar.” Then he walked off. “Why don’t you have a seat Zoey.” He pointed at the couch where he was sitting when I first walked in. “We can talk about our future.” I took a step towards him. “I see that in my near future I’m will be kicking your butt in front of all your little friends. You don’t want that do you?” He shook his head. “Good then help me get out of here.” I started for the door but his friends now stood guard in front of them. “Ah you humans are so fragile.” I said smelling each and every one of them. “The beating heart, the flowing blood, and the very breath you take I can easily rip from you.” I looked at Daniel. He was laughing. Had I done anything funny? No I think not. “Zoey you think we’re humans? How naïve you are.” He flashed then he was standing next to me. “We are far more powerful than any human.” He said cupping my chin and bringing my face to his. “And it would be in your best interest to stay and marry me.” Then he kissed me. It wasn’t like the kiss with Kaleb this was stranger. I didn’t have that little spark like with Kaleb either. He moved his mouth against mine. I could smell blood on his breath, could taste it on his tongue. He pulled away and looked me in the eye. “That wasn’t so bad now was it?” I didn’t say anything because my fangs had popped out. “All right gentlemen I believe we can trust her now.” His friends looked worried. “Good night gentlemen.” His friends started to leave. “That wasn’t a good idea.” I said my fangs throbbing from the smell of his blood. He ignored me and turned to walk away. Now’s my chance. I pulled him back and tilted his head and bit into his neck but as soon as his blood touched my tongue it started to burn. I pulled back and rolled away. “Ah it bwuns.” I said fanning my tongue. “I told you I wasn’t human you stupid girl.” He yelled at me. “But you smell so good.” “My blood is poisonous to vampires.” “Sowwy.” I said still fanning my tongue. “I’ll get dad to get you a solution.” He held out his hand and I took it. “If you’re every hungry we have humans here for you to feed on.” I didn’t say anything. We walked into an office that was down the hall. “Father are you in here?” “Yes Daniel what do you need?” “Zoey here tried to drink my blood.” “The solution is on the table there just take it all.” Daniel grabbed the vial and handed it to me. “Here just drink it.” So I did and my tongue instantly stopped burning. “Wow.” I said. We walked out of the office. “Zoey I’m sorry about this.” “About what?” I said scanning for exits. “About the kidnapping. It’s just I saw you at the conference about the werewolves but you kept looking at that Pierce guy. I wanted you for myself and I told dad about it so I guess he had it all set up.” I stopped walking. “What is it Zoey?” Daniel asked looking me over. “Hey you!” Daniel turned just in time to be punched in the face. “What the hell?” Daniel said from the floor. I looked up from him to see Kaleb standing there and he was looking right at me. “Are you alright Zoey?” “Yeah I’m just fine.” He walked over and hugged me. I was so worried when they took you I didn’t know what to do.” Tears prickled my eyes. “Kaleb you stupid dog you shouldn’t have come.” “Why not?” he asked pulling back to look at me. “Because she’s mine now.” Daniel was in high in the air. Wings had come out of his back and they were blacker than black. “You’re kidding me an angel?” Kaleb asked. “I am no angel nor a demon.” “Then what are you?” “A God.” Daniel said and dove at me. I was lifted into the air. “Daniel put me down now!” I yelled at him. “Why so that filthy werewolf can have you I think not.” Then he kissed me again. I tried to pull away but he was just too strong. I heard a growl coming from below us. Daniel pulled back and shouted at Kaleb. “Leave now dog boy she’s mine.” “Over my dead body she is.” Kaleb yelled back his fangs coming out. He’s going to transform. “Kaleb don’t please just leave I’m not worth the trouble!” But he didn’t listen to me. He started growing black fur over his body and his face started to push it. He always told me that is was a very painful process and it took few minutes but today he had transformed within a few seconds. He let out a loud howl and jumped at us. He clawed Daniel which made him drop me. I landed on the ground with a loud thud. I could hear Daniel screaming from somewhere up above. I turned to look up and fell down. I put my hand to my chest and felt wetness. Blood. Great I’m bleeding. I tried to stand and winced at the pain. I stumbled to the door. I had to get out of here. “Where do you think you’re going?” I turned and saw Mr. Croft standing there. He had wings just like Daniel except his were grayish. “What…are you?” He laughed a scary laugh. “I’m your worst nightmare Zoey and I’ve come for what’s mine.” He grabbed my hand. “Let go of me.” “What are you going to do about it? I mean you were running from the nice little fight in the other room.” I was getting pissed and I could feel the power racing through my veins. My hair started to lift up like an invisible wind was blowing around me. I started to glow silver. “Leave…me…ALONE!” I let all the power out at once and it knocked Mr. Croft across the room. I walked over to him. “I am nobody’s toy.” I told him. He wasn’t only scared he was terrified. “Now who has the power?” I asked before I hit him again. “Zoey stop!” I heard Daniel yell. He came running up but he didn’t get far before I hit him too. He stood up and tried running at me again. “You’re persistent I’ll give you that.” I didn’t even recognize my own voice. “Now you all shall die.” I lifted my hand and I was about to attack when out of nowhere my power was suppressed and I fell to the floor. My whole body was on fire. ‘Zoey that’s enough.’

I heard but it was a voice coming from in my head. Did I kill anyone? ‘No everyone’s fine’

What are you? ‘I am you the other you’

What does that mean? ‘I am the more powerful you…your real self’

than everything went black.

Chapter 4
Numb. That's all I knew. It hurt a lot more than actually feeling pain. I'm dead. That's all that was running through my mind. I'm dead...I'm dead...I'm dead. 'You're not dead'

came the voice. 'You're just out of it you have used to much power at one time'

Then why can't i wake up? 'Your body couldn't handle the stress and collapsed'

All of a sudden I heard a loud ringing sound that hurt like hell and made me snap my eyes open. I instantly saw the giant hole in the wall. Did I do that? 'Yes that is just the minium of your powers'

I tried to move but couldn't. I looked around for Kaleb and saw him laying in a puddle of blood. I immediately closed my eyes. I killed my best friend, my only real love. I've had quite a lot of lovers in the last few years, some women even, but Kaleb is the only one I love with all my heart. Kaleb I'm so sorry. 'He's not dead'

What? 'He's not dead'

The voice repeated. I opened my eyes just in time to see Kaleb move his hand. I slowly got to my knees and crawled over to him. It took a lot of strength out of me so it hurt to pull Kaleb up onto my lap. "Z..." "Shh don't speak." I told him. I bit into my wrist and held it to his mouth. "Drink." So he did he licked it then put his mouth around the bite marks. After he was done he slumped back down. "Z..." He started as his eyes rolled back into his head. "Kaleb?" I said gently shaking him. "Kaleb come on this isn't funny." I said shaking him harder. I pulled him closer to me and started crying into his hair. "You can't die. You can't leave me. You stupid idiot." 'Use your power'

What power there's nothing there. 'Think of Kaleb. Think of all the good times you had. Picture him healthy and happy'

Easier said than done. 'Just try'

So I did. I pictured the Kaleb I knew and loved. I could feel a warming feeling going throught my body. I channeled it into Kaleb. 'Good keep doing that'

After what seemed like forever I heard Kaleb groan. Even though I was tired as hell, I hugged him so hard. "Zoey can't breathe." I pulled away and kissed him. I smiled and leaned back. "I thought I lost you." I said between sobs. "Well I'm here now." He told me and I smiled. Kaleb looked around. "Wow you did a number on this place didn't you?" "I didn't know what I was doing." He slowly stood up. "It's not a good idea to walk." But he stood with ease and held out his hand to me. I took it and tried to stand only to fall back down. "I can't walk." I said looking at him. "Then I'll just have to carry you." He picked me up and held me like a bride."Um Kaleb..." I said blushing. "What?" He asked stepping through the hole in the wall. "You don't have to hold me like this." He laughed. "I like it." He said setting me down. "I'm going to transform so you can ride me back to the hotel." I just nodded afraid to speak. He transformed within seconds like he did before. His face pushing out and his skin growing beautiful black fur. It was the most beautiful thing I ever saw. As soon as he was done he pawed my leg which I think meant, ready. I slowly climbed onto his back and wraped my hands into his fur, it was so silky and soft. He took off and I had to hold on tight. Now this is fun. 'You must be careful there are others after you two'

I ignored the voice and breathed in Kaleb. He smelled earthy instead of like blood. We arrived at the hotel all to soon and he quickly changed back then he carried me in and laid me down on the bed. "You must sleep now I'm pretty sure your as tired as I am." I nodded but I couldn't close my eyes. Kaleb looked like he hadn't even been hurt. Then I said something that shocked even me. "Kaleb you have to leave me. If you stay you'll end up dead and I don't want that." I paused seeing if he had something to say. When he didn't say anything I went on. "I mean I almost killed you tonight and if I had I don't know what I would have done." I buried my head into the pillow. "Zoey nothing will keep me from you not even death." I turned and looked at him. That's when he kissed me. It was deep and intoxicating. Before I knew it he was beside me on the bed. "Zo...I Love...You." He said coming up for air. "I love you to." He smiled and kissed me again. I bit his bottom lip and he growled. 'Zoey you must sleep'

I pushed Kaleb away. "What?" He asked. "I kind of forgot to mention but I have a voice in my head and it talks to me." "Oh wow that's a new one." He pulled me close and hugged me. "Let's get to bed we have a long day tomorrow." We climbed under the covers and I feel asleep in the arms of my one love, Kaleb.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.03.2011

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To my mother- For giving me the wings to fly

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