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This is a work of fiction intended for all ages. Minors should be supervised when reading this book, due to the use of explicit and suggestive language. All events depicted are fictional. Characters are consenting adults. Any resemblance to places and persons, living or dead, is unintentional coincidence; especially to those living in Selfoss.

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Also, I want to dedicate this book to my loving sister for her support. And special thanks to God Almighty, I couldn’t have gone this far without you also not to forget my darling friend, you know who you are, Smiles.













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Cold Hands; Loving the undead

At the fall of night during the cold winters of Selfoss, a cabin built by River Olfusa, surrounded by thick dark thorns, mystical ornamentals hanging by the ledges of all corners of the house; black Ravens gliding above the roof. On the door a crest which says, ‘Hail the gods of the dark light’. Voices echo out profusely through the walls of the cabin, dishes crashing to the floor.

Like an insane lioness, Jasiri swings an arm, hitting the remaining dishes from their previous standings.

“Calm down Jas, it’s not what you think.” Ari Thompson gives a crooked smile, holding her by the hand in attempt to calm her nerves. She swats it away.

“Stay away from me, I hate you. Who is she? Tell me, who on earth is the lady I saw with you? Countless times, I’ve spotted you with her, but never cared to ask. But with what I saw today, there’s more to your relationship with that hag.” Jasiri yells.

“Why you won’t listen to me, " Ari says. He picks up his coat, placing his hand by the knob of the door. Instantly it turns red hot. He screams.

“What! Why did you do that? What’s wrong with you?” He asks.

“Where do you think you are going? You will never leave this place alive," Jasiri promises.

“Then watch me go back to her”, he says.

Jasiri is filled with rage. Her aggravated tone causes a turbulent tremor within the cabin. A dark cloud arises creating a shadow on them both, accompanied with bolts of lightning and echoes of loud thunder claps.

“Stop, Jasiri, stop. You promised never to use your magic on me, you promised.” Ari cries.

Her eyes come into sight, looming crimson red as her voice echoes, “You’ve hurt me for the last time.” Ari levitates from the ground as he struggles to gain balance. He cries aloud, feeling his heartbeat slowing down, like a wall clock with low batteries.

“Your soul shall walk the Earth in time to come, wandering for a lost love you will never find. I curse you this day.” She says, as bolts of lightning began to strike him spontaneously. He falls hard to


Verlag: BookRix GmbH & Co. KG

Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.06.2017
ISBN: 978-3-7438-5813-8

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I want to dedicate this book to my loving sister for her support. And special thanks to God almighty and to my darling friend, you know who you are. I couldn’t have done this without you.

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