
1. The get away Cat's P.O.V


"I am sorry." I whimper in pain.
"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY!" he yells at me with fire in his eyes my father has like olive skin and looks like he is nice but in reality he is the devil.
"Sor..ry master" I shudder out I am so scared of what he will do today every day I get hit or even worse it's different everyday never the same thing as the day before. He grades my hair I whimper in pain as he picks me up and tossing me into the side of the stairs as my head hit the ege of the corner of a step making me bleed in the head just before I pass out I hear my father on the phone and says
"yes I have got her she is all yours" then I passed out unable to hear the rest of the conversion.

I wake up in a strange room and the window was open....... I need to get out of here so this is my chance to final leave I start to get up but I am pulled down by my arm so I look at my arm and it was wait for I was CHAINED to the bed what the hell !!!! The door opens and the man has a big smile on his face what the hell was he smiling about ....... WAIT, this is what my father was talking about earlier Fu#k I need to get out of here.He walks toward me as if he owns me of couse he THINKS he dose after what my father said but I will get out of this Hell hole before anything serious happed I tug and tug and then I hear him chuckle 

"you can try all you want your never and I mean never leaving your mine got it good" he told me as if it were a fact oh pleasse get over yourself I thought to myself but then I relized how close he was I could see his red eye's his pale skin and his raven black hair he caresses my check and I flich with all the streagth I had I pulled so hard on the freaken chain it snaped in half

"Yess" I screamed and as I said that I jumped out of the dark room from the window it was 23 feet off the ground but that didn't matter I would heal I was free no more father no more mothers threats of killing me if I tryed to run away but now I am finaly Free. I look around not able to know where to go but then I smell rivers and the smell of the woods I run as fast as I could and that was fast. When I was inprisioned in the basment I would exersie and run around doing whatever I could to get stronge so when I was escapeing I would be strong enough to run without getting caught I was in the forset I sat down on the rock near me. I look around for the first time in so manny years to see more that four wall inprising me inside from the world I look up at the sun how it was pretty and it was setting and I was hungry and needed to find somewhere to sleep.I get up to see a rabit man it looked good but..It was a cut animal how could I do sometging so crule I left it alone and kept walking to find a deer and a mountian lion.

(Hi guys I hope you all liked this first chapter pleasse tell me what I could do for upcoming chapters Thanks keep reading THANKS!!!)

2. We finally meet Tever's P.O.V

#The nexted day#


I wake up to see Jasmin with a tray of food in her hads in the door way looking in at me with her big smile (and if your wondring no she is not my girlfriend or mother but my older sister.)

"Hey Trever did I wake you up wait what am I saying you'd still be in bed if I wasn't here right now, oh and Dad was looking for you so get dressed he is in the livingroom." Oh where would I be without my sister she is such a hipicirt telling me to get up when she probly just gor up herself whatever I get up out of bed and go to the closte and put on awhite shirt and sweat pants and brush my hair even though it is not long enough to really brush it all I did was put it in it's normal places. I walk out shutting my door as I leave whatever it is is should be good. I get to the living room and go to st on the love set  across dad and mom Dad looks like he is stressed my father and I have our loooks in comman the oly thing that I got from my mom was her blue ocean eyes I got the white hair that is just the color I am only 18 so it's not from the age the Tan skin and his height even though I am a bit taller thatn him he is 6.4 foot and I am 6.8 foot I am the tallest in the pack.

"Father whats up why did you need to wake me up so early in the morning you know I don't get up till 12:00pm right"I said in a half jokeing way with a tired look an my face.

"Well it would have been to late if I didn't send Jasmin up there to wake you up because we all know your a real bear when someone try's to wake you up so I thought let her deal with your tried butt today. Any ways the ting I wanted to talk to you about was that there's a rouge on our terf and by jugging by the smell it's a girl in her teens probly 18 or 19 and she's strong so I called this job to be asighned to you to fix the problem you caan eat and get proplerly dressed then go out to find her if she is just passing though bring her back for questing but if she agree's to be apart of the pack because we could use more members not that we really need more but still. Got I hope she will agree she could be a great asset for us." I go beack upstairs to ger actually dressed and grab brunch because it was already 12:00pm so I eat while I walked when I was done with my apple I took my cothes off and shifted. I could smell her she was hurt and for some reason my wolf Chariley didn't like that we rann and the smell was getting stronger and it smelled like strawberrys and vinilla I wonder why that smell is quite unquie I was getting really close I could tell because the smell of blood and srawberrys was getting so strong it made me want to fall to the ground. Upahead was a clearing and it was starting to snow I heard some one crying it might be the girl I was after once I got close enought to see I never saw some one as beautifull as her she had long wavey rose red hair snow white skin and when she turned to look in my driecion I hid not wanting her to see me just yet then I saw her eye's it was the seconed most beautiful thing I had ever seen the first was her rose read hair the seconded was her eye's they were snow white to match her skin but it had a hint of black and gold in her eye's she was really tall like 6.foot tall or something close to that I need to get closer my wolf said to me so I shifted back with my closthes I had on my back and slipped them on really fast to excited to wait any longer to meet her I wonder why.

I walk out so she can see me our eye's interlock "MATE" my wolf said so loud it gave me a head ach.

" Hello I am Tever what's your name" I said slowly putting my hands up to show I ment no harm to her. She ws wearing dirty clothing which ment she sleept en the ground and had no where to stay poor girl and where's her pack, why did she leave in a tank top that had mudd stains on it and shorts which looked like years old and she was so skinny you could see her rib cage what had happended to her why dose she look like this.

3. The Alpha Cat's P.O.V

# Cupple secondeds before#


I am bleeding from the mountain lions. There was three more than the one I saw so I had four of them buggers on me I manged to kill them but the dree ran as soon as I had been spotted by a mountain lion but then three more came out and they all at once lunged at me I fell down (yes if your wondring I was in my wolf form at this time.) I got up and bared my teeth and I had sharp teeth and I growled at them and I kept growling I lunged at one and the lion clawed at  my chest as I stood on top of it and I wimperd in pain but stood my ground and a graded his thort with my jaws and I snapped it like a twig. I heard the other three behinded me hissing at me I turned around and well it gets bloodly so I'll skip that part the only thing you need to know is that they are dead I am still alive and suverily hurt but I will live. I was now o longer hungry because well you know I ate them well not alll I ate one and was full so I was no in a clearing which might not m=be such a good Idea but who cares any ways I was stitting on a rock and then it started snowing I looked up a the sky and smiled it was the first time I had seen snow in my life crazy right. I heard a twig snap and lokked at a tree near the entrnce in where I came from I thought I was the pack that maybe my father sent out to look for me I was about to run when I guy with dark tan skin with grey eyes and had cheek bones and let me tell you he was Tall taller then me and I was 6. foot I winder if he is my age because he was lookin fine I hope he is 18 like me that would give me a chance. I looked up into his grey eye's and the next thing I can't seem to look away he amell's of pine tree's and the ocean "Mate we have our mate" my wolf Angi said to me in a really excited voice he walks over putting his hands up to show I think to show that he won't hurr me and then he speaks.

"Hi I am Tever whats your name" he still has his hands up while still looking into my eye's I self conious just lets my hair fall into my eye's and I look up again to see him waiting for me to responded then he see's me bleeding and looks pained to see me hurt I wonder if he know's were mates. I finally relpy to knowing he won't hurt us by the look on his face.

"I Cat" I mutter out shyly and look back up to see him smile at me.

"Are you hurt really bad, dose it hurt" he said bending down to touch my leg which was bleeding blood from my knee. My shorts went just a little above the knee I had had these for so long never got new ones and my black tank top was muddy and dirty to so I was dirty. I looked down and he put his hand on my knee making me clam and I wasn't even nervours any more wow thats what a mates touch was like I lkie it. He look at my knee and the rest of my leg cause it had claw mark form the lions.

"Are you okay how did it happen would you like to come to my pack house to get you properly looked at by a doctor pleasse and then we can feed you and give you a place to stay and my father would like to meet you and I can see you also got scratched in manny other places and b the look on your face it hurts don't it" he said with pledding eye's oh yeah he new we were mates because he was giving me the puppy dog eye's which was so cute on him. I nodd but slowly he knew I couldn't say no to him with us being mates and all even though he didn't say anything he was probly waiting till I was in a better sate to tell me. we both changed I look at him with amazement in my eye's he was pure grey with black and white fur he was beautifull then he looked at me with shock in his eye's didn't surprise me I was a rare type of wolf I had  rose red  fur like my hair and black fur I was the strongest and the more powerful wolf than any other one outh there. We ran for a while I slowed down for him to be beside me and we finally  got to his pack house I heard growles and I heard him tell me in a growl 

"if they growl like that growle back they should know not to mess with you just by the fur stupid mutts their asking for trouble" he growls and then everyone looked at my fur and shut up I smiled a shy smile and kept walking we were in front of the pack house well... it wasn't a house it was  a mancion it was white with the color glod it could have been real gold but anyways the gold was the outline of the house we walk in and it was so modern he coach was black and the carpet was white and there was a big flat screen and there was poeple waching us as we walked in and Tever kept walking and I folowed him in walking more slowly thatn before he looked behinded him and he smiled and came over and rubed our fur together to clam me down and it did we walked up to them and we shifted with our clothes still on cause I didn't change out of them before.

"You must be the rouge I am Alpha of this pack but you can call me whatever suits you like mr.T or just my name Tie whatever you perfer."

(Sorry I changed his name to terver so if you see it don't mind it Okay Thanks all my readers and I hoped you liked this chapter I will uptate)


4. What is going on Tever's P.O.V

 I can't help but want to put her in my arms or touch her hair alll I want to do is touch her my father begains to speak to her.

"You must be the rouge I am Alpha of this pack but you can call me whatever suits you like mr.T or just my name Tie whatever you perfer." He said firendly with a smile on his face Cat was nervous I could tell so I graded her supriseinly fragial hand it was so soft and I neverr wanted to let go of her hand I wanted to rub my face against it. She looked at me with her sad eye's I could tell someone hurt her it made my blood boil and I was starting to growl but stopped because I felt her hand on my cheek claming me down. 

"Father she needs to see a doctor she is really hurt so could we do this later" I ask my father with aglogement he would say yes but he said this

"No she can't untill we are done talking after she can it shouldn't be to long" he said with not so firendly way his green eye's were cold as Ice the way he looked at me and her he was someone eles I have never seen him this way.

"It's fine it can wait I am not in a hurry I am used to the pain of bleeding so don't freat it's fine I can wait" she said it in a samll gental voice I looked at her she had a sad expression on her face my father lokked even colder than before when he said

"What pack are you from rouge and why are you hear" he said in such a cold voice it made me feel nervous of what she would say.

"I am from...." she begain to say when she was interupted by my father

"WELL SAY IT" he yelled I have never heard him yell I don't think he has ever yelled at anyone like this with so much Hate what is going on why was he acting like this she opened her mouth again to speak. 

"I am from the night killer pack... and I am here because I ran away from my pack" she said in fright I couldn't take this anymore I opended my mouth when my father got up and picked her up a threw her out side I heard her wimper and yelp as I saw him go out side and slap her He SLAPPED HER what the HELL is wrong with him I ran out there to defend her I got colse enough to see her face she was in so much pain her eye's were so dead in side like she was used to getting hit but she wascrying thats when I stepped in I stood in front of her before my father could hit her again she looked up ant me with far in her eye's it hurt me so much to see her like this 

"FATHER STOPP WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" I yelled and he stopped looking at her to look at me with dread in his eye's what the heck is wrong with him I heard my mother rush out as if she saw the whole thing and was now coming out to stop the damage from getting worse. I looked back down to her she was now sobbing Jasmin came out and was now holding her in her arms trying to clam her down and then she got up and pucnched my father in the face before mother got to us fathers face was so shocked. 

"DAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO HER SHE HASN'T DONE ANYTHING TO US SHE IS ALREADY IN PAIN CAN'T YOU SEE WHAT DID SHE DO TO YOU HUH? IS IT BECAUSE SHE IS STRONGER THAT YOU BECAUSE OF HER FUR? HUH TELL ME SO I CAN UNDERSTAND FATHER" she was shaking and now standing in front of him with Cat in her arms still sobbing in pain. I was losing control Charlie had enough he ws coming out my eye's turned gold and he took control of my body I heard him gasp as he looked at me he knew he should run I was out for blood he hurt our mate he was going to pay with his life for hitting her for making her sob like that he was going to die to night. Jasmin took Cat and ran back to the house so the doctor could look at her and so she wouldn't see me like this.

(Okay this one was not the best chapter I know but wait and see waht happends in the next one when I update it. I t might be latter today my hands hurt lol. thatnks for reading guys you are the best tall me if you want to give me Ideas for the next chaper okay)


5. The truth is out Cat's P.O.V

 someone holdss me close to her kepping me warm and some what clam but I doen't stop me from sobbing I can't stop my tears from flowing out they keep comen and she wispers in my ear

"It's okay it's okay I supect you know me by now but I am Jasmin I am Trever's sister. I am here just let it out Cat" she says gently I know why I am crying because I swear I was free from getting beaten or hit it brings back so manny memories that I try to for get I still see his face when he's angry at me I remember waking up for the first night he started abuseing me he wasn't all ways like thts I don't know why he started to but all I know I was in pain for weeks from the first night he said 

"If you diobeay me Oh you'll regret it I come in your room with a sivler kniffe and stab you till you bleed to death got it" I used to live in my room afraid to leave it but then I got worse one night I got thrown into the basment and I rolled down the staris at the time my mother was a regular mother but then my father brain washed her and she thought I desverd to be punished for everything that went wrong in their lives. I kept crying into Jasmins arms and the next thing I knew I was in her arms and she was yelling at her  father finally snapping because of the state I was in am I the cause of this I wonder she starts to run back to the house for some reason and I blacked out.

#4 days later#

How long have I been out I thought to myself my boby feels stiff and my eye's won't open as if there glued to the bottom of my eye I try harder finally I mange to open an eye then the other opens 

"your finally awake I was worried about you your okay right" Angi asked me yea I'm okay Angi no worries I reply yo her 

"Good" she says with joy in her tone. I look around me to see a pair of grey eys looking at me and brigtens when he see's me awake.

"Cat your..your awake" he says nearly yelling and I was right next to him it hurt my ears his face turns red when he see's me smile at him awwww she looked so cute with his grey eye's his white snowy hair he was so just I was about to melt into his arms well I wanted him to kiss me to cuddle me like how Jasmin did last night or was it last night I am not sure let's find out.

"How long was I out" 

"You were out for four days" he says to me with a grave expression

"Hey look at me Trever I am okay" my wolf Angi was trying to take control to show him I was really okay but I got this Angi.

"No it's not and no your not okay I saw your face before you were crying your eye's were dead you were in pain yet you didn't show it on your face it was like looking at you for the fisrt time it was like your used to this it make me.... it makes me boil inside because someone did that to you and it makes me love you more. I lost control that night because your my Mate and you were endanger. I love you so much, I want to hold you but afarid you won't let me. Can I hold you?" he pleaded oh man if had said that earlier I would have jumped into his arms but now I feel guilty for makeing him think that I would push him away so I open my arms with a mistchevios smile he smirks back I love his smile it hade me feel so so much better when I see his face he comes to me and wispers in my ear

"I love you Cat" 

"I love you more Trever"

"No I love you most of all" he smiles

"Oh I love you with all my heart and my life, beat that" I giggled with his eye's wide when I said that

I heard the door knock Trever still had me in his arms as he opened the door I tried toget out but I saw i his eye's he wasn't letting me go even though I was going to be embareced jerk I mudderd I heard him chuckle as Jasmin opened the door with a smile on her face as she saw me in his arms man he had strong arms hmmm I never wanted to get out of his arms Angi agreed.

"Cat your okay I was starting to think you were never going to wake up" she said with so much empithy in her voice I manged to get out of his arms and I gave Jasmin a bare hug.

"Oh Cat I was so scared that we would never really meet when you didn't wake up" she hugged me back even tighter we were interupted when I saw a woman come into the room she was pretty she had to be the mom she had bloond strait hair Blue eye's like her son and she was short and skinny she looked like a very nice person but after what just happend four days ago I wasn't going to be so how should I put it I won't be haveing any open arms for her untill she is proven to be tursed wait where was the father Tie as he said his name was ... wait Trever said he lost control that meaning he was..Dead.

"You must be Cat it's a plessure to meet you I am Jensessa Trevers mom" she said with a smile well there's a good start.

"Hi" I said back to her in a friendly manner but not to friendly if you get what I am saying. We shook hands and she left weirod I thought.

"Well we can talk latter okay Cat Trever seems like he really wants to talk to you privitely" she said as she left the room with a smile on her face.

"What happened to you that made you act like that pleasse tell me Cat Pleasse, I really want to know I want to comfort you but I don't know how I need to know in order to comfort you" I nodded at him to dismiss his puppy dog eye's I knew I would happen do time so I took his hand and lead him to the bead making him sit and I sat beside him and told him the story.

6. The love I want with you Trever's P.O.V

 What he did that to her I can't believe what I was hearing she told me what happened as she sobbed I pull her close to me and brush my fingers though her soft rosey red hair that I loved I look into her eye's while watching her sbbing in my arms.

"Do you regreat being my Mate now that you know what happened" she said ith such a sad face aww don't do that i chuckled she looks up at me

"I could never regreat being your mate not even if you said you killed him I would still love you no matter what Cat I want you to know that so don't ever think that" I said in a low voice which I know she loved hearing.

"Really?" she said with such a cute face I gave her my you know I am dead serious look and she smiled I guess she got that. grads my neck making me come towards her and her lips crashed into mine man I couldn't have asked for a better Mate me and Chariley agreed on that he growled wanting more she growled back aceppting me. I pull back to look at her white eye's and say

"I love You Cat I would die for you" she smiled and pulling me back to her for another kiss I didn't stop her then she pulling away.

"I love you to wolf man I would do the same for you I would take a bullet for you anytime" she says pulling me to her again.We just lay there leeting her sob into my arms he is going to pay for this.

"I will never let him hurt you I would kill him for you if you'd let me I'd do it now but I can't stand to be so far away from you Cat" I wisper in to her ear

"I love you Trever"

"I love you more Cat"I tell her

"Fine you win this time but I won't go down easy next round" she still cry's but smiles up at me I swaer I will kill him if she dosen't.

(Hey guys sorry it was a short Chapter but keep reading it gets longer just read to find out.

Lov ya


7. Love Cat's P.O.V

 #next morning#

I wake up in his arms I look up at his face man I loved his face I put my hand oh his cheek stroking it he opens his eye's and smiled at me I love his smile Hell I loved him head to toe.

"morin beautiful" he says to me and pulls me in for a kiss when our lips touch it was likee electrisity ran thoufg our badys and then he was on top of me, really right now I thought he was tired but now he looks like he has been awake for hours he crashes his lips to mine hmmm his lips he was a good kisser I am goig to admit I love his kisses, he starts to pull of my clothing and well we go at it you know.(I'll let you imagain it.) 

#4 hours later#

I wake up and I am naked I slipp out of his arms and get dressed I get to the closet to find womans clothing to the right side with shoes and amonge other thind I get dresses I am now wearing I Black long sleve shirt and black leather pants wigh leather boot that went to my knee wich has fully healed and I pu on a leather jalcked my out fit shows all my curves I like it. I head down stairs to make us breadfast but I see food on the table and Jasmin already eatting with PJs on they were winny the poe pjs cute she smiles when she see's me

"Hey so your up I though no one was no one really get's up till noon so I guess you'll meet the rest off the pack to day, nervous." she says to me with cirousity in her eye's

"Yea maybe a little but I am sure it'll go well with you there with me" I say to her as I go to the table

"nice outfit" she complimnts me

"thanks" I sit down and say

"nice PJs" I say with a smile her face gets red and she gives me a shy smile back.After she changes it's around noon so everyone should be getting up soon so me and her go for a run around the woods I shift man it felt good for my wolf to shift and run again it felt nice for the wind to flow though our fur.Jasmin was a pertty blond wolf which was weriod she had Black hair huh. We finally come back all my nervs gone and then I see him and I shift back and run and jump into his arms he smiles at me with the smile I love so much.I kiss him and he kisses me back and pulls me away with a serious look and I remember I have got to meet the rest of the pack I hear Jasmin come up andI pull away from him and we walk back to the pack house. We sit down on the love seat Jasmin is beside me and Trever was standing up and he get their attention.

"Everyone You all know why your hear because of out new and very powerful pack member and she is also your new femail Alphal and my Mate, Cat come and meet everyone" he gesters to me to stand up and meet everyone this sound be fun I look over to Jasmin thar says good luck on her face I give her a thunbs up and get up."This is James, Bella, Elana, Justin, Becka, Bekkie,and Andy everyone this is Cat" I smile they all smile back at me they all give me hugs Bella comes up to me with a smile

" I hope we will be good friends Cat well I know we will" and she leaves me after the meetings is over I see James Glaring at me and I heard a growl from him.

"Whats your problem" I ask him his face gets even more darker and more anger appers on his face.

" My problem is you, your the reason why our Alpha is dead it's your fault." he says I hear a loud growl from behinde me it's Jasmin and Trever growling at him at the same time thats scarey their face's get dark and anger appers on both their faces.

"Don't ever speak to her like that again" Trever says and Jasmin adds somthing eles to his comment

"If I ever see her crying or sad or even angry because of you You'll be sorry and I will tear you to shreads got it" Jasmin Growls and Glares at him his face shows anger and fear now and he stomps off in frustrstion.

"I want to know if he bothers you again" He says and Jasmin adds

" and if you ever need a firl to back you up I'm in and if you need to talk I'll be there for you" she says with a gental voice and love and protectiveness in her eye's and in her voice I nodd to both things Trever walks off pobly to find James but I'll just leave that to them. I look at Jasmin.

"wanna go for a run to the pool to relax" she asks me

"sure but lets invite the rest of the pact to or at least the girls I want to get to know them also" she nodds and calls the girls down Bella Beca Bekki come down staris and we head to the pool.


8, The abusive father is back Trever's P.O.V

 #The day after#

I wake up with Cat in my arms and I smile to myself hmmm Ithink I want to stay in bed like this forever with her inmy arms so nothing could tear us apart.

"TREVER HER FATHER IS HERE" Jasmin screams in fear I have never heard her scream like this so I jump out of the bed and run down stairs to see a man with red hair with olive skin and he is tall he had black eyes which ment she got her skin and looks from her mother except her beautiful red rossy hair that I adored.

"Well you mus be the Mutt that has my stupid ugly duaghter." he said with a smile on his face

"where is it where is Cat" he says with such a ugly smirk. I hear Cat coming down stairs to get breadfast sh@t when she gets down stairs her eye's go wide and treas well up in her eye's and she starts to shake.

"What the Hell is HE doing here" she says in a angry but scared voice it made me angry to see her like this.

"wow Cat it's been to long now get your ugly face over here" he says in a Alpha voice she stops shaking and smiles because she isn't moving how is she doing that I wonder if it has to do with the fact that she is the strongest wolf out there.

"Oh Father oh father I will never go back to the pack never and you can't use that CRAP ON ME I am not our pupet any more I am not your anger punching bag anymore you can't control me any more I will kill you soon when I become stronger than I already am and you know you won't stand a chamce becasue of the type of wolf I am I'd count your last days and don't wast them if I were you, GET THE HELL OUT" She said that with such confidnce it made me scared her father was scared too and for good reason I'd be scared in his shoes he left in such a hurry when the door closed I was laughing my a## off and I was on the floor Cat started to jion in so did everyone else we were all on the floor laughing.After were all done laughing Cat was in front of me hugging me and she crashed her lips to mine than pulled away with a teasing smile on her face then she put on her serious face

" I need you to train me you and Jasmin" she said me and Jasmin agreed to her and we would start tomaroow.

#the next day# we get up early me and Jasmin and Cat we run for 4 hour strait then came back to let her get a drink of water than she did 75 push ups in 4 sets each which was inpressive I didn't think she was this stronge she's beautiful and she's all mine my wolf growled at the last part fine she is all ours I corrected myself. by the time were done were all swaeting and we go eat some apples and fruit and we grab a coffie after and then we head to the pool to do some lapps around it she dose 4 lapps around our 55foot pool she's amazing. we finsh our traing satiom today so now it's Jasmins turn to keep her clam were going to test her anger controll to see how much she can handle.

9. Angry control Jasmin's P.O.V

 We get done with the exersize pourtion of the day now it's my turn to to my part in the training she asked me if I could teach her to ger better at her anger control so she could stop a losing control so ealisly so this is where we are at.

"Okay Cat this is the first step I am going to ctrow stuff at you while calling you names and threating you okay let's start" she noddes I grad a ball and start throwng thing tant are hard but not ot hard and I start thwith the names.

"Your ugly you rotten girl your parents were stuoid to give birth to you they hate you I hate you no one care's about you" after a while of doing this she starts to get angry and her eye's change color but quickly recovers and then she is till clam and smileing at me.

" Okay Cay lets be done for the day okay" she noddes exhaustion takes over her I could tell she was tired then she collaspa. We run and Trever catches her before she hits the ground and he takes her up stairs to let her rest then he comes back down after a few minutes he comes back done shutting the door softly.

"Is she oaky I didn't think we tired her out that much did we over work her todayTreveer."

"No we didn't it was a good days work she made real good progress today don't you think." I nodd and he gose back up stairs and I go to my own room my room is black and blue ahhh my room I nearly jump into the bed so excited to see what will happen bteen them to they already share a room and sleep in the same bed. They are so cut But Andy is much cuter than my brother Andy is so sweet, caring and loving  I love Andy we are Mates but he just dosen't  know about it yet he's so dum because we have known each other for5 years and yet dosne't know "dumbo" I mutter I hear a knock and I know it's Andy he walks in and he's kissing me what the hell so he isn't as dum as I thought when did he find out whatever I am going to enjoy him as long as he is offering I pull him on top of me and he pulls of my shirt and I pull off his and we keep on kissing.

"MINE" he wispers to me OMG he knows yay!!! 

"MINE" I wisper back and well you can guess what happends next

#next moring# 

"Morning Jasmin I hear Andy and my eye's widen and all the things that happend last night come back and I smile back at him 

"How long have you known that I was your mate" I ask him.

"I've know since the day Cat came when you dad was abput to hit you I relized I was blind and then I was going to step in when your mom got there." he said smiling at me

" I didn't now hwo to tell you srry" he told me again with a teasing smile I pull his cute tan skin to me I lokk in his bluse eys and then ran my fingers though his jet black hair his body coverd mine man I am so happy well am wolf Jna is excited to know he knows.

10. Marked Scarlet's P.O.V

 Man my body feels so sour it hurts to move it's like my body is broken you know when you break your arm thats how it felt like to move.I sit up grunting and I look to my right to see Trever's  beautiful grey eye's still shut I put my finger on his cheek and poke it's so soft then my finger travels to his soft plump kissable lips man if he weren't asleep I'd kiss him but he needs his beauty sleep. I get out of bed then I end up falling back down crap I fel hands on my waist which means I woke him up.

"Cat are you okay I saw you get up but you fell back down are your legs to sour to get up cause if so I will be more thatn  willing to carry you all day my love" he said with his misterios smile man I just wanted to grad his cheeks and pinch them.

"Oh I am sure you'd be more than willing but I need to try to get up first because this is going to help with pain resitant" I am going to go through what I said to my "Father" I give him a reasureing smile but I know he dosen't believe me. I get up agian but this time I lach onto the side of the bed so I won't fall and smile at him even though I know he see though it.

"Go back to bed Trever I'll be fine"

"Ha ha your so cute when your lie but nice try I will be right next to you all day to day so if you want me to go back to bed then you'll have to join me" He says it with a like your not going anywhere I am dead serious look

"jerk" I mutter he chukles at my response and I fall gentaly back on the bed and into his arms and laughs at me man you know what I can't take it anymore I pull him toward me and kiss him 

"hmmm" he moans I growl in response he nezzles my neck inhaleing my sent I do the same but I nipp his neck he moans again making me giggle he nippeds on my ear making me jump and growl he just laughs and then he bites my neck putting the mark on me I bite his neck to put it on him and both growl in happness and we stay there for what seems like for hours I wish it were forever.when we wake up again it's already 1:00pm but we still don't move not even a inch we just stare into each others eye's.The door opens and I see Jasmin Smile at me.

"I'll just steal her for a while kay." she grads my arms and I grunt in pain again but she steadys me making the pain go away.

We get to her room and I see Andy there in her bed woah what goin on in here I give her you better have a explation look and she smiles at me.

"Andy get out of my bed unless you want me to say it by myself" she says to Andy and he is up in a Flash now standing with a cute smile on his face and he's wide awake.

"We are going to get Married" the say at the same time like they practiced this I laugh

"If you hurt my Jasmin you'll be sorrry and I hope your both going to be happy and shouldn't you tell Trever before he finds out from someone else" they nodd and I give them both hugs and I give Jasmin a kiss on the cheek and say 

"Congrats guys I am so happy for you" there eye's go wide when the see my neck with the mark on it

"OH MY GOD" Jasmin screams man the girl can scream everyone is in the room in a flash because of her scream including Trever.


11. The Dream Cat's P.O.V

I have to be dreaming this isn't real it cant be it ..can't be real.

"TREVER" I scream again and again but no one can hear me I am laying beside Trevers....Dead body my wolf howls in grief her Mates lost. Why am I shaking I wonder while sobbing into his short and why do I hear my name

"TREVER" I scream again but he won't open his beautiful grey eye's I love those grey eye's.

"Scarlet it's okay come on wake" I hear a sad voice I know that sad scared voice but who did it belong to and where was it coming from. My eye's open and I see his slivery grey eye's looking down at me with fear of not know what wrong.

"Am I dead, am I in heaven" I wisper I hear a frightened chuckle

"No Cat your not dead your not in heaven, you were dreaming but now your awake. what were you dreaming of Cat."

"Do I have to say it it will sound stupid and weriod" I say really quite but he nodds and waits for me to continue.

"Fine, okay let's see um.... Oh it started when we were attacked by My Fathers Pack and um..." man I didn't want to say out loud it was already bringing on tears.

"It's okay Cat I am right here and I am Okay keep on going pleasse" he sounded like he was really intrested but concerd at the same time but I nodded and started back up where I left off.

"Um... My father had been really quite k..killing us off one at a time then he got to our room and we were still asleep but then I opend my eye's and he had the knife on your back and when he saw me his people made me watch you....die then it was Jasmin then Andy and then the left me there all alone I sobbed that I wouldn't get to see your eye's or your smile again" I started sobbing and Jasmin was standing at the door with tears in her eye's  and I ran to her giving her a hug she gave me a hug back and I was sobbing in to her PJ's I heard Trever come behinde us and giving both of us a hug. I couldn't stop crying every time I closed my eye's I saw his face and his stupid smile as he k.. k..killed Trever. when we finally pulled out of our hug I was still crying a little but we went down staris and Trever got us bredfat when he puche the plate toward me all I could see was Trever's eye's closed and my Father's poeple holding me down watching I am no longer hungry I look up at Trever he was smiling so was Jasmin why can't I smile it was only a dream I puch the plate back to him. 
"I am not hungry excuse me" I said and left I heard Jasmin running to catch up with me

'Hey it's okay Cat I am right here I cry on to her sshoulder once were out of sight

" Hey It is okay I am right here" she said softly.

"No it's not Okay I didn't think he stll had that much effect on me and it felt so real I was like I can't explain it but I was so sure that it was real I didn't want to say this with Trever around but I had to watch everyone die in front of me and then after I while thaty came back and they.... killed my baby.

"Cat are you Pregant" I nodd slowly

12. Pregant Trever's P.O.V

 I watch Jasmin run to Cat and I her them Talking but I hear a word that catches my attedtion I star to walk out wen I see them talking and I get cloer wanting to know whats going on 

"Cat are you Pregant" Jasmin says and Cat nodds. 

"Your PREGANT Cat this is fantastic" I yell in excitement Jasmin looks up not suprised and tell me what had happed and I look over at Cat her white eye's start to water and I run overr to her and hug her

"hey it's okay it's okay, you should get somthing to get eat though for our baby can be strong" I wisper to her I see her smile re aper on her face finally her smile is back I help her up and hug her close to me and I hear Jasmin giggle at me because of the big smile on my face, my face starts to get red and I hear a giggle from Cat man she had the most adorable laugh I was like hearing a babys first luagh it brought everyone to smile even her snez it was like a cats snze co cute. I bring her back to the house and push the food back to her making sure she eats everything on her plate.

"Are you full Cat" I ask her making sure she ate enough she smiles and nodds.

Jasmin comes in 

we  should throw a baby shower Oh and you huys are going to get married we have everthing already set up we will do it tomarrow got good oh and go to bed early okay tommarow will be a long day." she says and then leaves. Wow okay that should be fun my wold Chariley is jumping up and down so excited were marked and now with child and now getting married wow this has been one exciteing cupple of days.


Cat's P.O.V


What married but but I do love him I do but I don't know.

Oh NO I think I am going to be sick I run up stairs and into the bath room and well you get sick I hear Trever standing behinde me holding my hair out of the way.

"Hey it's okay jsut let it all out." wait it don't sound like Trever I look up  to see a tall dark taned man with green eye's andblond hair he was cute.

"Justin is the name sweet heart i haven't been around to interdouce myself yet are you okay Cat" I nodd and he smiles at me he seems so nice he pulls me into a hug and says

"Do ya know if it's a girl or a boy yet cause I know the date's coming soon." I gasp and he chuckles he was so going to be my friend maybe even my best friend some day he was that nice.

"No I don't know if it's a girl or a boy yet and um the date is tommarow which is the same day as the wedding."I said to Justin

"Oh no thats going to be a eventfull day won't it lets hope it won't be untill after the wedding and if you want I will be there with you if you don't mind" he said with puppy dog eye's he really wants to be there well a friendship has to start some where and it starts with trust.

"sure if you don't mind" I say with hope he will come I would like to have a friend there not just Jasmin.

"Not at all" he gives me another hug and I hear a growl and look up to see Trever there Opps.

"Trever we were just talking and he is just a friend right Justin" he nodds 

" I think it's time for me to leave" he says and hugs me once more and gives me a look that says good luck on it and I smile back at him.

( Hey guys did you like this chapter and the other chapters as well I hope you did

-love ya guys all my readers


13. Attacked Cat's P.O.V

I wake up in my old room before I moved into the same room as Trever wow it looks the same. Jasmin comes in with breadfast.

"Good morning Cat ready for the big day" She is so in this I chuckle

"ready as I'll ever be" she smiles and I smile back I hear another knock Justian comes in and smiles as he sits next to me on the bed and he gives me a hug wow he must like hugs I hug him back.

"Todays the day huh are you excited for both things" he says and gives mr the eyebrow I laugh and then he leaves me and the girl which I didn't know were even in the room and we get ready.

Jasmin dose my hair in long cerly crls which I loved the dress was beautiful black that made my hair look like it was on fire and glowing which was cool the dress was black long and elagant it was MY dress it was just for me.

Beca helped me put on the dress and it was more comfy that I thought it would be it was showing all my curves. Bekkie did my make up we did rose red lip stick like my hair and then eyeliner we made cat eye's an for the eye's shodow we did silver and gilery white and then for the finshing touch we did gliter in my hair and some on my face I was literly coverd in gilter but I was beautiful. Elana was the flower girl she was so cute innher pink dress with her strait brown hair and with that black bow in her hair she was so cute.

" he is going to drool all over you when he see's you Cat" Elana tells me. we head out ready and Justin is the person who will be walking me down the Altar.

"You look beautiful Cat" he smiles still looking at me

" Thanks" I hear people standing and the music starts and I look around and I see him.

I see his gergous face his beautifule grey eyes he looks so so hot in his taxseto I started smileing even more when our eye's locked into each others while I was walking my eyes never left his and his never left mine.

I can't remember anything but sayin

"I do" and us kissing. But then the screams started and Trever was growling then I was My Father and justins hands were on mine as he was standing in front of me barring his teeth I growl when he smiles at me and he starts coming toward us pushing people out of the way when he finally got to us his smile grew as he looked me up and down it made me shiver.

"Well did you think I'd not come to my own daughter wedding I am not that crule."he says in a vandiktive voice which made me gag.

"Well I am glad your hear Father I was going to pay you a vist soon anyways' I growl at him and I see his eye's trun black and he sstart shaking

" What father are you scared or are you mad you know if you lose contrl I will have the advantage so try not to diopoint me Father."

He doen't lisen he shifts any ways stupid him.

i shift right after him clam and fouced him on the other hand angry and unfoused He growls at me and I growl back we go in circles for a cupple of minutes and I am waiting for him to do the first attack like I know he will and he dose he lunges at me I easliy doge it and he hits Trever I growl at Trever telling him he's mine and I'll be okay he gose off to help others and I turn back to my father.

He growls and lunges once more man he is stupid I doge him onece again and this time I bite his tale and throw him back on the ground and I jump on top of him clawing at his chest I hear him yelp and wimper I don't care I don't let anger get in my way it'll get distract me he bites my leg but lose's his grip quickly as I bite his nose and he let's go and growls a low growl which means he was mad not me I was completly un fazed by my emothions. he lunches me to the ground and try for the neck but I doge it and roll underneath him clawing at his belly and he jumps back I jump up and lunge at him knocking him to the ground and I bite his neck and before I kill him I say 

"I told you I'd ki;; you daddy" and I snap his neck and he yelps but he fade quickly I shift back to human form and go find Trever he is helping Jasmin up we were all coverd in blood but thankfully not our own blood.

14. The baby Trever's P.O.V

I am so glad were ended up all okay some more than other Cat was hurt but she would heal I walk over her fathers body and kick it and smile at his lifeless body I hear Cat scream and this

" THE BABY IS COMING" We run her to the doctors room in the pack house me Jstin and Jasmin stay while she is deliverying the baby I won't get into the detail into that. The baby came out fine but then another one came out they were twins wholey Sh#t.

"This one is a girl they first one is a girl and the seconed on is a boy" the doctor said and they are twins they looked nothing alike but they did in some ways the girl had my white  hair and she had my red eye's like my mothers eye's and her mothers skin and she had my nose and her mothers smile she was so cute. Our son he had my white hair and his mothers white white eyes and had my skin and he had his motherssmile and her nose they were our kids aww they were so cute.

"Cat we should name the girl after your grandmather Scarlet don't you think" she nodds with a tired smile.

"we should name our son after you grandfather Andrew" I like that so I nodd and the doctor take the kids and washes them off and I let Cat sleep. When Cat wakes up she is in our roomand there is a slight change there is a cradle for the babies they will sleep in the same crib. Cat looks up at me and smiles a me

"I love you Trever and I will never stop loveing you" she says while looking at Scarlet and Andrew.

"I love you more Cat and I love you with my whole baby and heart, beat that Cat" I laugh at her expresstion and she smiles and pulls me close and our lips meet our bodys are pushed to gerther and the electristiy flows beteen us. 

Authors notes

 I hope you all like my story I will write another but it will not be about Cat and Trever it will be about  Scarlet and her life I hope you enjoy it when I write it I want to thank everyone who read this book and who favorited it

-Love ya all so much thanks for reading it


p.s look out for the next book


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.12.2015

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To the guy I like this is the life I wish I had with him

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