


Ailyn likes to do a full check up every two years, to see if something wrongs with her. Two days before going to Mikhael house she did a full check up and the doctor said she was pregnant. She couldn't believe what she heard, she was thinking how was that even possible.

It has been two months since she found out she was pregnant. Ailyn thought many times and even went to a clinic to have an abortion but she couldn't do it. She was already ten weeks pregnant. No one knew she had a human growing inside her.

Ailyn moved to Belmont, to a small cheap apartment with only one room, one kitchen, one tiny bathroom and one living room that only fit a couch and a little table with no TV.

She hadn't heard or seen Mikhael since the day of the fight, neither tried to call him or anything because she was to afraid of what he could do, if he saw her.

The same day that Michael kicked her out, Ailyn and Mia had a huge argument about what happened. Ailyn had to lie to Mia, she said that she was using Mikhael to steal from him. Ailyn said that while she was dating Luke someone approached her and made an offer she couldn't deny. Mia was so disgusted at Ailyn that she kicked her out to.

Ailyn left to Belmont to run away from everything and everyone. She completely lost contact with Mia and her parents always making excuses not to see her mom.

Ailyn became obsessed with work, she had no life outside work.



Ailyn was at work when a colleague told her that her mom was outside and wanted to talk to Ailyn.

Ailyn ran out of excuses to not see her mom, so she texted her mom - " I can´t leave right now. At lunch time meet me at the restaurant five minutes away from here. It´s the only one around here. Bye. ".

Her mom texted back - " You better come or I will drag you out. "


After two hours Ailyn left for lunch, she could see her mom from the distance staring at her, she wasn't to happy.

- Hi. - Said Ailyn sitting at the table.

- Hi? Is that the best you can do? - Her mom said, with a look that could kill someone.

- I've been really busy, I didn't have time to do anything.

- I get that you're busy but you can at least answer the phone.

- I'm sorry, mom. 

- Mia told me I should talk to you. What's going on? - The mom asked concerned.

- Wow. You called her?

- You didn't answer, so I called her to know if you where ok and she told me you two argued and you left. What happened?

- I don't want to talk about it. And you don't need to be worried with me all the time. I'm grown woman. - Ailyn said taking a sip of water.

- Worrying with you and your sister it's my job, you will find out what I'm talking about once you have kids. - She paused. - I see is even sooner that I thought.

Ailyn didn't said.

- How many weeks are you? - Ailyn´s mom asked.

- I'm not ...

- Don´t lie. I can see the bump in your belly already.

- I'm ten weeks.

- If you don't want people to notice, you should wear loose clothes. That's Luke knows?

- It's ... - Ailyn paused taking a deep breath. - It's not Luke´s, mom.

- Who is it then?

- His name is Mikhael.

- How long have you been with him?

- Two weeks, he broke up with me two months ago.

- Two weeks? Are you serious? - Her mom asked.

- Well, I met him before my graduation. But a guess we just dated for two weeks after I break up with Luke, if I can call it dating.

- So it could be Luke´s?

- No it can't. - Ailyn says firm. - We never got to that station in our relationship.

- I see. What that's this Mikhael does?

- His Mia's boss.

- He works at Stark Company? - Her mom asked innocently.

- No, he's the owner. He's Mikhael Stark.

- Wow.

- You could say that. - Ailyn says smiling.

- Do you love him?

- I do.

- Does he know?

- No, he doesn't.

- Why not?

- Let's just say that things didn't end well, and it's better that he doesn't know.

- Honey, he's the father. He was to know.

- I don't want him to know. It´s better this way. 

- Why?

- Mom, enough. I'm not telling.

- Do you think that running away is gonna solve something? It's not.

- I'm doing my best not to fall apart. You gave me your advice but you have to respect my decision.

- Is there anything that you need? - Her mom asked concerned.

- No. Thank for the meal.

- I'm paying?

- Yes. I have to save up. - Ailyn made her mom smile and herself.

Ailyn kissed her mom goodbye and left to work.



One week later Ailyn had to go to Boston to see the doctor. The doctor told her that the baby was good and healthy.

It's a twenty minute walk from the doctor's office to the train, Ailyn decided to walk since she had the day off and to do some exercise.

Mid way Ailyn spotted Mr. William standing against the car parked in the streat, her body froze.

She looked around but was no sign of Mikhael. She couldn't cross the street because the cars were a lot of cars driving fast.

She started walking again, Mr. William saw her and nodded his head politely, Ailyn gave him a little smile to be polite passing thru him.

Ailyn feet stopped, she had to know how he was doing. She turned back and walked to Mikhael´s driver.

- You should keep walking Miss Ailyn. - He said politely looking over her shoulder.

- I just need to ask one thing. Is he ok?

- You should go. He's about to come.

- Please.

- He's doing ok, you don't need to worry, Miss Ailyn.

- Thank you.

- Now leave ... - he stopped talking.

Ailyn realize that someone was standing behind her, but she was to afraid to look back.

- I told you to never come across my path again. - Ailyn could feel the anger in his voice.

Ailyn got some courage and turned back, she wanted to talk but the words did not left her mouth, for the first time she was terrified of him. His eyes full of hate looking down on her.

- Get out of my way. - Mikhael said almost killing Ailyn with his eyes.

- I ... - she was about to say something and then saw Emily, smirking at her behind Mikhael.

Mikhael took a step towards Ailyn grabbing her shoulders, pushing her hard against the car. Ailyn wanted to scream when her back hit the car but she hold back.

- I don't think you want to find out what I capable of doing to you right now. I don't care if you're a fucking girl.

- He whispered in her ear still grabbing her shoulders.

- I will leave. - Ailyn said dropping a tear from the pain.

- And tell to your boyfriend, I'm coming for him.

- Let go. - Her voice cracked.

Mikhael let go of her, stepping back letting some space between them. Ailyn hugged her belly, dragging her feet walking away from him.


After walking for a few hours trying to calm down she stopped in of a door and rang the bell. The door opened.

- You ok? - Luke asked seeing the state she was in.

- No. - She said crying.

Luke opened his arms, Ailyn hugged raaping her arms around his back grabbing his shirt. Luke placed one hand on his head and the other on her back. They stood there for a few minutes silently.

- I'm sorry ... for what I did to you. - Ailyn said still crying.

- I already moved on. Don't worry about it.

- Thank you.

- For what? - He asked.

- For the hug.

He laughed. - Just you. Do you want to talk about it?

- I don't think you want to hear. - She said still hugging him.

- Is an asshole if he makes you cry like this.

Ailyn let go of Luke wiping her tears away with her hands.

Luke cooked for Ailyn and she told him about Mikhael's uncle, Mason, that she was pregnant and about her dad.

- I don't know what to say. - Luke said.

- You don't have to say anything. - She smiled. - Thank you for being here and not kicking me to the curve. After all of the things I did.

- Like I said, I already moved on. I think deep down I knew that we are just good friends and we can´t date.

Ailyn smiled at his statement - I think I should go, it´s getting late.

- You can stay here for the night, tomorrow is saturday you don't work ...

- Okay.



Ailyn spent the weekend at Luke´s house, they went for a walk talking more about what Ailyn should do. Luke also introduce Hannah to Ailyn, his new girlfriend. They meet each other one month ago and clicked right away.


It was already monday, Ailyn called his father to meet her at her house for dinner alone.

Ailyn got home, took a quick shower and began making dinner. At eight o'clock her father knocked on her door.
Ailyn smiled. - Hi. Come in.

- It smells good in here. - He gave her a kiss on the cheek. - What's for dinner?

- Pasta, your favorite.

- What's the occasion? - He asked taking a seat in the little table that only fit two people.

- I need to talk to you. - She said taking a seat.

- For the look on your face it looks serious.

- I don´t know where to begin. We promised never to talk about this again.

- Then don't talk about it. - He said staring at Ailyn.

- Someone found out ...

- Who? - He cut her off.

- You don't know him, dad.

- I don't understand. Someone found out but I don't know him, that´s not possible, just explain, please.

- I met a guy and we dated, but his uncle doesn't like me, so he did a background check on me and every one around me. Two months ago the uncle approached me and he knew about you and me, and made me steal something from the guy I was with. - She paused. -I wouldn't care or say anything to you but I found out that I'm pregnant ... I can´t take care of a baby alone, I mean look were I´m living ... If I tell him the thru, his uncle ...

- I don't know what to say to you.

- I'm not saying anything to anyone without your consent. - Ailyn said.

- I need some space to think. - Her father said living the house.


Two hours later someone knocked on the door, Ailyn went to open thinking that her dad came back.

- What are you doing here? - Ailyn said shocked.

- I warned you ... - Said Mikhael uncle, grabbing her by her throat pushing her against the hall.

Ailyn tried to get free from him but his grip was very strong.

- I ... can't ... breathe. - Ailyn said gasping for air, tapping on his hands.

- Good. - He smirked. - You've been busy lately, going around talking to people, your mom, the driver, Mikhael, Luke and now your father.

- Pl ... ease. - She begged.

- If your thinking about telling him, you should forget about it.

- I ... won't ... please, let go.

He let go of her neck, Ailyn lost the strength on her legs and fell on the ground.

- Have you been following me? - She asked.

- What do you think. I wish you didn't do anything stupid again and make come all the way to this dump.

- I think you should leave. - She said, her voice still weak.

- I'm going to. And since you already down there you should clean the floor. - He said smiling and left the house.

Ailyn stayed on the floor, without moving a inch, crying.

Her father walked through the door that was still open.

- Ailyn? What happened? - He asked.

- N... - she couldn't speak.

- Who did this to you? - Her father asked looking and running his finger thru her red neck.

She didn't say anything, looking at the floor because she could´t make eye contact with him.

- Who did this? - He raised his voice, making Ailyn shrink.

- Go ... leave. - Ailyn said.

- I'm not going anywhere, until you ...

She cut him off - I don't need your help, all of this is because of your mistake. Just leave. Please.

Her father got up. - Fine... I'm sorry, ok? I didn't want any of this happened to you.

- Please dad, go.

- I'm leaving. Lock the door.

He left, Ailyn got up, locked the door and went to her room locking the door to.



Two days after what happened, Ailyn´s mom showed up at her house, saying that her dad told her everything about what happened eight years ago. Ailyn hugged her mom, that was crying saying sorry.



Another month passed, Ailyn hasn't talked with her father since that night. Her mom asked for the divorce, but her father didn't want, he wanted to work thru the problems. But her mom didn't, so her dad left the house.

During that time, Ailyn moved back to Boston, she changed jobs. A professor from her art class call her saying that he knew a design company that was looking for a person to draw. Ailyn thought about it and took the job because was close to everyone she knew and the salary was good. And in the company she would do what she loves, that is drawing. With her salary she could afford a nicer apartment and take care off a child.

After being there just for three weeks, one monday morning her boss called her to his office.

Ailyn knocked on the door.

- Come in. - Said her boss.

- You called?

- Yes. I need you to do me a favor. - He said in a hurry.

- Ok.

- Rosie, called in sick, she was supposed to meet a buyer today.

- Do you want me to go meet the buyer? - She asked.

- I can't go and I don't have anyone else available. You can think of it, has a experience. If you do good you can get a raise.

- What do I need to ...

He cut her off - First off all is our number one buyer, second he's not easy to deal with and last you can't mess up. - He paused. - Go to Rosie desk get the folder and everything you need to know is there. You can go. The meeting is at one o'clock, don't be late.

- Ah ... I need the name of the ...

- Mikhael Stark Company. - He said cutting her off.

- Stark? - Ailyn said shocked.

- Is there a problem? - He asked looking at her.

- No - she hesitated - no problem. - She left his office and went to Rosie desk get the folder.


After reading and memorising the highlights, she walked to Stark Company.

- Good morning, can I help you? - Asked the woman at the entrance.

- I'm here for a meeting with Mr. Stark.

- I'm here for a meeting with Mr. Stark. - She said looking around, thinking of the reason for so many security was because what happened.

- Rosie Miller? - She asked.

- Yes. - Ailyn said nervous. If she said her name there was no way she could get in there building.

- You can go in, 40º floor.

- Thank you.

All her body was shaking when the elevator doors opened on the 40º floor. She looked around looking for Mia, but she didn't see her.

- Rosie Miller? - A woman asked.

- Yes.

- Please, come this way. - She pointed out the way.

- Mr. Stark will be here in a moment. - She said opening a door to a big conference  room. 

- Ok. - Ailyn said sitting in one of the many chairs, taking a big deep breath.

At one o'clock on the dot, Mikhael opened the door.

- Good afternoon, Miss Miller.

At one o'clock on the dot, Mikhael opened the door.

- Good afternoon, Miss Miller. - He said closing the door, Ailyn had her back turned to the door.

- Ah, Rosie couldn't make it today, so I ...

- What the well are you doing here? - He asked surprised and pissed off.

- I work at ...

He cut her off again - You work for Mark?

- Yes. - She said still sitting down.

- Since when? Are you planning to steal from him to?

- I'm here as an employee, not as ...

- As what? - He asked still furious.

- I'm here to do business. - She tried to calm him down.

- I'm not doing anything with you. - He raised his voice.

- I'm sorry for what i did, ok! Maybe one day you'll understand my reason.

- What was the reason? - He asked and sat down at the end of the table.

- Can we just talk about the new design?

- I told you, I'm not doing business with you. - He grabbed his phone and called someone.

- Hello, Mark. I can't do business with the person you sent here.

- What are you doing? - Ailyn whispered.

- Let's just say, she not trustworthy. - He kept talking on the phone. -That´is good to know. I will call you later.

Ailyn smirked. - I don't care if you treat me like that, I know I deserve it. But I'm not leaving until you see the drawings. - She took the drawings and lined them up on the table.

- Fine. Let's do business, show me what you've got.


After half an hour of talking. - Are you done?

- Yes. - Said Ailyn.

- My answer is no. - Mikhael said cold.

- You're doing it on purpose.

- I told you I would make your life a living hell.

- You know what ... I'm done. - She said, getting up for the first time.

Mikhael jaw dropped when he saw the bump under her casual black dress. He looked at her while she gathered the papers from the table. Without saying a word.

- Goodbye. It was nice doing business with you, Mr. Stark. - She sarcastic walking towards the door.

- Do you have anything to say to me?

- No. - She answered with her back turned to him, ready to open the door.

- I will see you very soon.

Ailyn hearing that, opened the door and disappeared into the elevator.

- Tell Alex to come to my office. - Mikhael said to the secretary.

After ten minutes, Alex came to the his Mikhael.

- Did you call? - Asked the man at ease.

- I need a favor.

- What?

- Remember Ailyn Smith? - Mikhael asked.

- Yes, the girl I did the background check.

- I need to know the name of her doctor and contact.

- Ok. I can do that. How long do I have?

- One hour. - Said Mikhael.

- That's short.

- And I thought you were the best. - Mikhael joke.

- I am the best. I just need half an hour.

- See.


Ailyn returned to work after going to lunch.

The next morning, Ailyn´s boss Mark called her to his office.

- I don't know if you knew this but Mikhael Stark bought this company three years ago.

- I didn´t know. - She said.

- He called me last night, you're moving there.

- What?

- He liked what you showed, so he wants you to move there to draw for the big games.

- I cant ...

- You don't have a choice, Ailyn. - He said firme.

- Grab your stuff and move there.

- Right now? - She asked in disbelief.

- Grab your stuff today, you start there tomorrow. Same schedule, money, lunch time.




In the next morning, Ailyn went to work at Stark Company. She couldn't believe what was happening. Why he wanted he near by. He said for her to stay away, but now he was bringing her close.

- Good morning, how can I help you? - Asked a different secretary at the entrance.

- Good morning, I'm Ailyn Smith, I ...

- Yes, I have here you´re access card. - The secretary gave her the card.

- Where I'm I supposed to go?

- To the 40º floor. Now when you arrive you don't need to come here, you can just pass the card there.

- Ok. Thank you. - Ailyn said confused, what was he trying to do.

When Ailyn left the elevator, Emily was waiting for her.

- Good morning, Miss Smith. - Said Emily, with a look on her face that she didn't want to be there.

- Good morning. - She said too friendly.

- Follow me, please.

- Ok.

Ailyn followed her to MiKhael's office. Suddenly Ailyn remembered all the things they did on that office.

- You can get in, Mr. Stark his waiting for you. - Emily said and walked away.

After taking a deep breath, Ailyn opened the big door in front of her.

- You're late. - Michael was sitting on his chair, staring at Ailyn.

- Why am I here?

- I'm sure Mark told you.

- You want to fuck my career, is that it? You want pay back. - She said holding her tears.

- I had a nice talk to your doctor. - He got up.

She couldn't hold her tears anymore. - Is that why?

- Did you fuck Mason?

Ailyn started laughing with tears falling on her face. - The baby is yours, Mikhael. - She turned around ready to leave but he stopped her, blocking the door.

- What do you want, Mikhael? Why do you want me here?

- Mason, I need to talk to him.

- I can't help you with that.

- Why not? Did he dump you? - He asked.

- You can't dump someone, if there´s nothing to dump, don't you think? - She said sarcastic, avoiding eye contact.

Mikhael just keep looking at her in silence.

- None of us wants to be were, so just get outta my way. Please. - She said.

- I just gave you dream job, are you sure you want to leave?

- It was, until you brought me here. - She said, still sarcastic.

- If you leave thru that door right now, I can assure you i'll never find another job. - Mikhael said, moving away from the door.

- Are you threatening me? - She looked right thru his eyes.

- You can take it however you want, Ailyn.

Ailyn laughed, making Mikhael looked at her surprised.

- What the fuck do you want from me? Ah? - She asked.

- Why did you do it?

- I did it to protect my family. - She said.

- From who?

- Think, something will come up.

- What the hell are you talking about? - He burst.

- I couldn't tell you before, but now I can ..., but I don't want to. I'm leaving, do whatever you want. I don't care anymore. - Ailyn left to the elevator.

Ailyn left the building, she walked towards the road to get a Taxi but Mikhael grabbed her arm.

- Just let me go, please. - She begged.

Mikhael didn't listen and dragged her to the parking lot, he opened the car door and pulled her inside. Ailyn didn't fight, doing everything that he said. Mikhael got in the car and they drove off without saying a word.

- Where are we going? - Ailyn asked breaking the silence, but he didn't respond.


Mikhael stopped the car in front of Ailyn´s apartment.

- I was going to ask I do you know where I live, but I´m not surprised anymore.

- Tomorrow nine o'clock. That's the time you have to be at work. - Mikhael said coldly not looking at Ailyn.

- What makes you so sure that I ...

- Because you need the money ... for the baby. - He said cutting her off.

Ailyn got out the car and slammed the door, she looked inside but Mikhael didn't look at her and drove off.



- What's the password? - Asked the man angry. Ailyn didn't answered.

The man slapped her face - What's the password? - And he slapped her again.

Ailyn was crying her eyes out - 24 ... 68 - she said.

The man called someone someone on Ailyn´s phone.

- Please, she was nothing to do with this. - The person on the other end of the line begged.

- I'm going to fuck her and you're going to listen. - Said the man.

- Please ... stop. - Ailyn begged while the man was ripping her clothes off.

Ailyn woke up in panic, hearing the alarm clock went off.


She went to work after taking a shower and eating breakfast.

This time was Mia waiting for her at the elevator.

- Good morning, Miss Smith. 

- Good morning. Miss Smith? Really?

- I will take you to your office. - Mia said professionally. 

Mia guide Ailyn to her new office, the office was on the 40º floor at the other side of the building from Mikhael´s office. 

The office was almost as big as her old apartment, there was two desks. One bigger than the other, the smaller one had a Mac desktop computer and a phone. The bigger one had a big tablet for drawing, a lot of sheets of paper and pencils.

- If you need anything just press number one on the phone and you're secretary will come. - Said Mia.

- My secretary? - Ailyn asked confused.

- Yes, her name is Wendy. She had to take care of some stuff but she will be here soon.

- What I'm supposed to do? - Asked Ailyn.

- I'm sure Mr. Stark send you a email. - She turned to walk away.

- Mia?

- Yes.

- Can't you ... stop treating me like that? - She asked.

- If is not work related, I can't help you. - Mia said leaving Ailyn alone in the office.

Ailyn looked around to all the expensive stuff, the computers, a cartoon of one of his games in full size, the paintings on the walls. She sat on the comfortable chair, took a deep breath caressing her belly. She turned on the computer and check her new email address she created for Mark company. She opened the email from Mikhael. " Meeting in the conference room at eleven o'clock. Don't´be late. "

While she waited for the hour, she researched about what kind of games, characters, graphics, design and other things.


Someone knocked on the door. - Yes. - Said Ailyn.

- Good morning, Miss Smith. I'm Wendy, I will be your assistant.

- Ok ... I'm sorry, I don't know what to say.

- You have a meeting at eleven, Miss Smith. - Wendy said.

- I know ... I got the email. Can you do me a favor?

- Of course, Miss Smith.

- Can't you not call me Miss Smith, I hate that.

- What would you like for me to call you? - She asked.

- Ailyn is fine.

- I can't do that, Miss Smith.

- Ok, I guess he would freak out.

- Miss Ailyn?

- Fine, I will get that.

Wendy smiled.

- And you don't have to say Miss every time you say something. - Said Ailyn.

- I ... will try.

- Ok.

- You should get going to the conference room, Mr. Stark doesn't ...

- Doesn't like people arriving late? I Know ... . Too bad because I need to go to the bathroom.

Ailyn got up and left the office.

- Miss Ailyn? - Wendy followed her to the bathroom.

- Miss Ailyn, you should be there already. - Wendy said to Ailyn that was on the bathroom stool.

- Do you need to be here?

- I'm sorry, but Mr. Stark hates people arriving late. - Said the secretary scared. 

- Don't worry ... - Ailyn opened the door and washed her hands. - I can take is rage.

- I can't ... he can fire me.

- Because I'm late? That's ridiculous.

- Well, he once fired a secretary for bringing tea instead of coffee. - Said Wendy.

- Relax, he won't fire you ... - she cleaned her hands and walked outside the bathroom .


Ailyn knocked on the conference room door, Mikhael was the only one there sitting on one of chairs. Ailyn closed the door and sat in front of him.

- You're late. - Mikhael said with a angry look.

- I know, but pregnant woman have to pee ... a lot. - She said sarcastic.

- I ...

- Where is everyone? - Ailyn asked not letting Mikhael say a word.

- No one else is coming. Is just the two of us.

- Okay. - She said suspicious.

- This is your chance ... - he paused.

- Chance? For what?

- Explain to me.

- What?

- What do you mean, what? Why did you do it? - He asked raising his voice.

- You care now?

- STOP. - Mikhael screamed, punching the table with his fist. - Why? Why him? - He calmed down.

- Why? Why now? Because I'm pregnant? Is that why?

- You did not answered my question.

- I met him twice.

- When?

- I bumped into him, the weekend my parents were here. I said sorry and I left, the other time was at our house.

Mikhael stayed silent.

- What do you want? - Ailyn asked.

- Was any of it real?

- Yes, everything was real. - Ailyn said holding her belly.

- Then why?

- I had to choose between you and your family.

- You did you choose? - He asked.

- My family ... I had to keep the secret, but now ... - she paused - ... they fell apart, because I got involved with you.

- What secret?

- I guess is not a secret anymore, everyone knows about it.

- Everyone but me, ah.

- I can tell you, but it's not gonna change anything. - She said almost crying.

- Go ahead.

- Ok ... I was 14. One night my dad got really drunk and slept with a married woman. He cheated on my mom. - She couldn't hold the tears anymore. - A few days later, the husband of the women found out about it ... he was a complete psycho. - She wiped the tears away but they kept falling. - He found out that my dad had two daughters, so one day that was waiting for my at school ... he said to me that he was friends with my dad, I didn't believe him, so I walked away. I always had to walk home from school ... he followed me but I didn't notice him, I was walking on a empty street and he ... grabbed me and put me in the car's trunk. He took me to a abandoned building and he chained my ankle to a wal. He called my dad, that's when I found out ... he took his clothes off and ripped mine ... - Ailyn started crying and couldn't finish.

- You don't have to keep going, if you can't. - Mikhael said holding his tears.

- I have to ... - she took a deep breath and kept going. - All of a sudden something fell, he got distracted for a couple of seconds, so I grabbed a rock and smashed it on his head a couple of times until he knocked out. I open the lock from the chains and ran as fast as I could. I hid and called my mom ... my dad picked up the phone. My mom had a miscarriage like two weeks before. To summarize me and my dad kept the secret, my mom never found out.

- What happened to the guy? - Mikhael asked.

- My dad went to find him and beat him up, he was in the hospital for a couple of weeks.

- You almost got raped because your father cheated on your mom. I don't understand, what does that have to do with stealing from me?

- Your uncle, if I didn't do it he would tell everything to my mom.

- My uncle? - Mikhael asked shocked with what Ailyn just told him.

- His working with Mason to bring you down.

- That son of a bitch. I'm going to kill him.

Ailyn got up and was ready to leave but Mikhael stopped her.

- Where are you going? - He asked.

- I need some air ... - she paused and looked at him - ... and by the way, this doesn't change anything between us.

- I didn't say anything. - He smiled.

- You didn't believe me ... you just treated me like sheat.

- You said that you did it. - He got up.

- Don't ...

- What?

- I don't want you near me. - That were the hardest words she had to say.

- I don't believe you. - He said walking towards her.

- You should, Mikhael.

- Give me a reason.

- I don't love you anymore. - Ailyn said leaving the conference room leaving Mikhael alone shocked with her statement.




Mia saw Ailyn storm out of the room crying and went after her to the elevator. Mia just hugged best friend without asking or saying anything. Mia stayed at Ailyn´s home for that night, Ailyn told her why she did that to Mikhael.


It's been a week, Ailyn didn't saw Mikhael during that week, he sent her emails about the work she had to do.

Ailyn that day decided to stay later to finish drawing a character.

It was already eleven o'clock when she left the building, there were just the security.

- Hi, Ailyn. - Mason said behind Ailyn making her jump.

Ailyn turned around to face him. - What are you doing here?

- You're pregnant? - He asked pointing at her belly.

- That's none of your business. ­ - She hugged her belly with her two arms.

- Ouch, that almost hurt me. You used to be so nice to people.

- What do you want?

- I heard about your parents, it's a shame.

Ailyn turned around to leave, but Mason grabbed her arm stopping her.

- Let go. - She said trying to get free.

- I need a favor, Ailyn.

- In your dreams maybe, but not in real life.

- It would be a shame if you had a miscarriage, don't you think. Leave Mikhael without a successor.

- I'm not doing shit for you, not again. Now let go. - She said firm.

- You don't think I'm able to do it?

- You have to have people to do the dirt work for you, you don't have the balls.

Mason slapped her on the face.

- You son of a ... - Mason slapped her again before she could finish.

Ailyn put her hand on her red cheek, looking at Mason with hate on her eyes.

- What are you going to do? Ah? - He punched Ailyn on her belly making her scream in pain.

- I'm still not doing it. - Ailyn said before he punched her again but on her face.

Mason pushed her making her fall on the floor. - This is your life, Ailyn. All alone for the rest of your life. - He said and kicked her on her belly.

- Stop, please. - Ailyn begged protecting her baby.

- It's a small favor, are you sure you don't want to do it. - Mason asked ready to kick her again.

- She's not doing anything. - Ailyn sighed with relief when she heard Mikhael´s voice.

- Mikhael, about time you show up. - Said Mason turning around.

- You just made a big mistake. - You could hear the anger on Mikhael´s voice.

- Did I?

- You're gonna wish you never born. - Said Mikhael walking towards Mason, his hands turning into fists.

- You're protecting a thief, you know that right?

- No, I'm protecting the woman I love. - Mikhael said throwing a punch at Mason, almost knocking him out.

Mikhael punched him again, Mason fell on the floor with the strong punch. Mikhael grabbed him by the collar and punching him again and again, harder and harder.

- Stop. - Ailyn said still lying on the floor with a weak voice to Mikhael.

- Why should I, after what he did to you?

- Look at ... - she catched her breath - his face.

Mikhael let him go and bent down to see Ailyn that was in pain.

- I think ... I need ... - she tried to catch her breath between every word - ... to go to a hospital. I ...

Mikhael grabbed his phone and called his driver. After called the security man to take Mason away. Two minutes later Mr. William arrived with the car.

- Let's go. - Mikhael took her in his arms and carried her to the car.

- You're gonna be fine. - Mikael said caressing her head that was on his lap.

- I´m not worried ... about me.

- You two are gonna be fine. - He put one hand on her belly.

Shortly, they arrived at the hospital, Mikhael carried her inside. The doctor did a ultrason on the baby.

- Is the baby ok? - Ailyn asked the doctor worried.

- Is heartbeat is normal ... but you should stay for the night, just for precocious. I will send a nurse to look at your face.

- You can transfer her to a v.i.p room. - Said Mikhael.

- I don't ...

- Don't argue with me. - He said.

Ailyn was transferred to a room after the nurse took a look at her bruised face.

- You're leaving? - Ailyn asked Mikhael that was headed to the door.

- I have to take care of some things.

- Mason?

- Don't worry about it.

- Can't you stay? I don't want to be alone. - She asked with puppy eyes.

- I will stay, until you fall asleep.

- No ...

- Take it or leave it. - He smiled.

- Okay.

Mikhael sat down on a chair near the bed holding her hand. Ailyn fell asleep twenty minutes later, Mikhael kissed her forehead and left the hospital.


- Hi, sleepyhead. - Mia said.

- Hi. - Ailyn looked around.

- He's not here.

- What did he do?

- I don't know, he just called me and said to be here when you woke up.

Ailyn looked at Mia suspicious.

- I really don't know here is he. - Mia affirmed.

- I'm afraid he did something stupid. - She said sitting on the bed.

- You should worry about you two right now, not Mikhael.

- I never saw him like that, so much hate on is eyes ... not even he found out I stole from him.


Mia stayed with Ailyn the entire day until the night.

- Mr. Stark. - Mia said to Mikhael walking in.

- How is she? - He asked.

- She's okay, giving the circumstances. She's been sleeping for an hour now.

- You can go home and rest, i'll stay here with her.

- Ok. - She said grabbing her stuff. - Ah ...

- What is it?

- I just want for her to be happy - she paused - she loves you to death but ... - Mia pondered if she should say it.

- You can say it.

- Her life's been a rollercoaster since she meet you.

- I know. I never wanted for any of this to happen to her. - Mikhael said looking at Ailyn sleeping peacefully.

- I'm saying that, I never saw her more happy then when she was with you.

- Thank you, for staying with her.

- Goodnight, Mr. Stark. - Mia left.

Mikhael sat down holding her hand and left a tear fell down his face.

- Hey. - He said when saw Ailyn waking up.

- Hey. - She reached her hand and wiped his tear. - I never thought, I would see you cry in my life.

Mikhael gave her a small smile.

- What's wrong? - She asked worried.

- I was just thinking.

- About what? - She asked still with her hand on his face. He didn't respond.

Ailyn sat on the bed, leaning in giving Mikhael a hug and he hugged her back. They stayed like that for a couple of minutes.

- What have you been doing all day? - Ailyn asked without breaking the hug.

- I've been solving some problems.

- Mason?

- Yeah ... I'm sorry. - He said hugging her tighter.

- For what?

- About everything I said and did.

- You don't have to say sorry, I know that every time you saw me or spoke to me it hurt you more than me.

- How can you possibly know that? - He let go of her and looked at her.

- I saw it on your beautiful eyes. - She joked.

- Beautiful eyes, ah? - He smiled.

- I can't deny that.

- But seriously, what about ...

- Mason won't be coming to this country anymore. My uncle I made him a proposal he can't refuse.

- What proposal?

- He will be the garbage man at the company for the rest of his life.

- What?

- Cleaning employe. - He said happy.

- Can I keep working at the company? - Ailyn asked smiling.

- I will think about it.

- Really? Do you have to think?

Mikhael leaned in and gave Ailyn a soft kiss on the lips, taking her by surprise.

The doctor gave discharge to Ailyn the next day, he said the baby and her were healthy but she had to be careful. Mikhael took her home and waited for her to fall asleep before leaving.


One month has passed, Ailyn was nineteen weeks pregnant. Mikhael let Ailyn keep working at Stark Company.

They decided to stay friends and nothing else for the time being.


Twenty weeks later, Ailyn gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. They named him Harry after Mikhael´s dad.

Harry birth brought Ailyn and Mikhael closer, they decided that was for the best if she moved in with Mikhael.
Four years after Harry was born, they were expecting another baby.

Mikhael took Ailyn and Harry on a vacation to Hawaii, he took her down to the beach at night, got down in one knee and proposed to Ailyn. She said yes and had sex in the middle of the ocean under the moonlight.

They got married after Ailyn gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Cora.

Stark Company just kept rising becoming the best gaming company on the world.


They lived happily with some small fights along the way.









Tag der Veröffentlichung: 19.08.2017

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