


Mikhael woke up and looked at Ailyn that was sleeping peaceful, he ran his hand thru her brown hair, leaned to give her a soft kiss on her forehead and got up from bed.

Ailyn opened her big grey eyes and scanned the room still lying down. She sat on the bed crossing her legs and rubbed her eyes.

- Mikhael? - She called but no one answered.

She went to grab her phone from the bedside table and saw a note. " You were sleeping so peaceful that I didn't want to wake you up. I have to go on a business trip to San Francisco. I left you some clothes in the chair and William will take you home. See you in a week. "

- Is that it? You've gotta be kidding me. How could you leave like that? - Said Ailyn whispering staring at the paper.

She got up from the king size bed, walked toward a big black chair on the corner and grabbed the clothes. She got in the black training pants, a white plain t-shirt that was to big for her small body and her black high heels.


Ailyn went down the stairs and saw Mr. William standing there.

- Good morning, Mr. Smith. - Said Mr. William very politely with a smile.

- Good morning. - She answered embarrassed.

- Would you like to eat breakfast, before leaving? - He asked.

- Ah ... I'm ok, I'm not hungry ... you don't have to.

- I will take you home then.

- Thank you. But I can't go home I ...

- I can drive you wherever you want. - He said.

Ailyn smiled and follow him to the car. Ailyn asked him to take her to Mia´s house.

- We're here Mrs. Smith. - Said Mr. William while stopping the in front off Mia´s apartment.

- Thank you, Mr. William.


Ailyn rang the bell and Mia open the door.

She looked at Ailyn from top to bottom . - What the hell are you wearing?

- Can I come in?

- You can, but ...

- I need to borrow some clothes.

- You don't say. Where have you been? - Mia asked curios.

- I've been with Mikhael.

- Mikhael? My boss? Did you ...

- Well when I woke up this morning he was gone. - Said Ailyn

- Yeah, he went to San Francisco for a week with Emily in business.

- Who is Emily? - Asked Ailyn a little jealous.

- His secretary. Are you jealous right now?

- No, I'm not. I'm just curious. - Said Ailyn.

- You two disappear after dinner last night ... did you two?

Ailyn grabbed a juice from the fridge - I think I fucked up.

- Did you have sex with him?

Ailyn nodded her head and drank the juice.

- I stopped him a couple times but ... in the last couple of days I saw a different side of him and ...

- And what? - Asked Mia curious.

- I fell for him even more. And last night after we had sex, we here in bed ... he said he loved me.

- Michael Stark said he loves you? Are you sure it wasn't a dream?

- But he left in the middle of the night with another girl. Now I don´t know what to do. - She sits in the sofa. - And there´s Luke. I need advice. - Said Ailyn.

- Ok. They left together in a business trip.

- She has a crush on him and I know that you already noticed. - Said Ailyn.

- Ok. But that doesn't mean that something is gonna happen between them. - She paused. - Do you trust him?

- I don't. I want to but I can't.

- And more important you have to talk to Luke.

- I know.


Ailyn changed clothes and went home. When she opened the door she got a text from Mikhael. - " I heard you went Mr. Stewart house and not your´s. Take care of your problems. And by the way eat breakfast. "

- Hi. - Said Luke leaving his room.

- Hi. - She said putting the phone in her pocket.

- Did you have fun with Mia? - He started to walk towards Ailyn.

- I need to talk to you, it´s important. - She said very nervous, her voice shaking.

- What's up? - He said laid back sitting in the sofa.

Ailyn sat in front of him two feet away. - I lied to you last night - she paused - I wasn't with Mia.

- Ok, where were you? - He became tense staring at Ailyn.

- Do you remember last year, the guy from the coffee shop and the parking lot? - Her voice almost cracking.

- Mia´s boss? - He frowned.

- Yes.

- You were with him? Why? - He raised his voice.

- When I told you that I was leaving for a year, you asked me why I was leaving so suddenly ... I told you I left because was a good opportunity for me - she paused cleaning her sweaty hands on her pants - but I left because of him, because I couldn't handle my feelings for him.

- You were in love with him? Or are you in love with him? - He asked still staring at her.

Ailyn didn't say anything and just stared at the ground.

- Look into my eyes and tell me the true.

- I'm in love with him. - A tear fell down her face. She couldn't look at him. - I'm sorry.

- That's why you were always running away from me when I tried something. - He faked laughed. - How many times did you fucked with him while you were with me?

- I never did ...

He banged his hand on the table between them. - Look at me.

Another tear fell from her eye, Ailyn couldn't raise her head because she was afraid of him.

- AILYN - he screamed at her. - Look at me and don't fucking lie.

Ailyn raised her head and looked him in the eyes. - Just one time.

- Last night? - He asked angry.

- Yes. I never wanted to hurt you it ...

- Shut up. I can't hear your voice. - He got up.

- I'm sorry. - Ailyn whispered.

- Pack your shit and leave. - Luke ordered.

- I ...

- When I get back I don't want to see your face ... you better be long gone before I came home tonight.

Luke left the house slamming the door behind him, Ailyn buried her face on her hands crying her eyes out.


After twenty minutes crying, Ailyn tried to call Mia but she didn't answer, she called Mikhael but his phone was turned off so she send a text - " I going crazy here, please call me ". 

Aylin got up and started packing her stuff into boxes and bags. Almost five hours later her phone started ringing.

- Hey. - She answered the phone.

- What's going on? You're ok? - Asked Mikhael worried.

- I already took care of my problems.

- Already? I thought you were going to take your time. - He said playful.

- He kicked me out. - A tear fell down her face.

- Can you do me a favor?

- What? ­- She asked crying.

- Stop crying, I don't want you crying over other guys.

A little smile escape from Ailyn´s face.

- What are going to do? - Asked Mikhael.

- I already pack almost everything, I have to live before he gets here. - She said worried.

- What is he gonna do if you're there?

- I don't want to find out.

- I'm gonna call William to help you.

- Thank you.

- What's wrong with you?

- What do you mean? - She asked.

- You're being nice, I'm not used to it.

- Do you want me to treat you like shit? - She smiles. - How was your flight with Emily?

- I will call William. Have to go, bye. - He hanged up.

After five minutes Ailyn got a text - " William is on his way " -, and then another -  " She´s not my type ".


- Thank you. - Ailyn thanked Mr. William for helping her move her stuff.

- Of course, Mrs. Smith.

- Can't you just call me Ailyn? - She asked with a smile. - I hate the Mrs. thing.

- How about miss Ailyn? - He asked.

- I like that one. - She smiled. - Thank you. Drive safe.

It was already eight o'clock when they finished, William took a moving truck to be easier. Ailyn put her stuff in Mia´s garage for now, until she can figure out what to do.



It's been five days since Luke kicked Ailyn out, she been living with Mia and her boyfriend. Ailyn is been focused on her work, she haven't talked with Luke or Mikhael.

It was friday and Ailyn was the last to leave from work, she had to organise some paintings to a show that they were going to do.

On the way to the train station a car stopped and Ailyn sigh of relief when saw Mikhael inside the car.

- Hi. - Said Mikhael with a big smile formed on his face.

- Hey.

- Do I have to force you inside the car this time? - He joked.

- I'm too tired for that today. - She said getting in the car.

- When are you going to get a car? - He asked starting driving.

- A car, a house, there's a lot that I don't have right now. - She gazed at him.

He said nothing and just keep staring at the road.

- How was the trip? - She asked curious. - Did you do what you had to do?

- Yes, I did everything. - He took his eyes of the road and looked at Ailyn.

Alyn ignored him and leaned her head on the car seat looking out the window.

Mikhael reached his hand to Ailyn chin and turn her head on his direction. - Did you miss me?

- Not that much.

- Just a little bit? - He smiled.

- What about you, did you miss me?

- No. - He replied very quickly, his hand still on her chin.

- I figured, since you had your friend with you to keep you company. - She said with a sour face but teasing him a little bit. - I made a new friend this week at work.

He let go of her chin. - Good for you.

- The other day I lost the last train and he gave me a ride home. I should pay him lunch some day. - Leaned her head on the car seat staring at him.

- You do that. - He took a glimpse at Ailyn pissed off.

- I was thinking maybe asking him to come with me every day to lunch, you know , so I don´t go alone.

- I thought you liked eating alone. - He looked at her. - That´s what you told me.

- I lied to you, I wanted you to go away.

- Are you trying to piss me off, right now? - He asked angry.

- I was just explaining to you why I didn't miss you that much.

- I have you mine explanation. What about yours?

- I know what you're trying to do.

- I'm not doing anything, I'm just making conversation because it's a long ride. - Ailyn said still teasing him.

- Well, I didn't miss you because I didn't have time to think about you. You see I had my time full with meetings and work from the company to keep up. And having breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee with Emily - he looked at Ailyn - I didn't have that much time left.

- Good for you. Here is she by the way?

- Probably resting from all the activities she did. - He said coldly with a smirk on his face.

- I see ... if you don't mind, I'm also gonna rest it's been long couple of days. - She turned her head to the side of the window closing her eyes. Ailyn fell asleep right after.

Mikhael pulled up in front of his house, looked at Ailyn who was still asleep and got out of the car. He walked around the car and opened Ailyn door.

- Hey - he whispered stroking her face - wake up, we're here.

- Hmm - she slowly opened her eyes - here where? - She asked confused still half asleep.

- Wake up ... Do you want me to carry you? Is that you're plan? - He joked speaking quietly.

- No - she opened her eyes and looked at Mikhael - why are we here?

- It's late, I'm tired don't make drive you home. - He begged.

- Fine. - She took her bag and got out the car.


They walked to his room, Mikhael gave Ailyn some clothes for her to change. After she changed she sat on the bed with her legs crossed, trying to stay awake waiting for Mikhael to come from downstairs. Tired she laid on her side in bed, when she was about to fall asleep he got in the room and sat on the bed looking at her.

- Why didn't you call me or text me? - Ailyn asked quietly almost whispering.

- I told you I was really busy. And I thought that you could use some time apart from me and the other guy to think and do what you had to do. And if you needed something you would call.

- Will you be gone when I wake up tomorrow?

- No - he leaned towards Ailyn and gave her a soft kiss on her cheek. - Next time I will take with me. - He whispered on her hear. Mikhael turned off the lights and they fell asleep.

- Good morning. - Said Mikhael.

- Hi - she said still half asleep - for how long I´ve you been staring at me?

- For the last twenty minutes? - He smiled playful, with his messy hair but still looked good.

- God - she put her hand on top of his face covering his eyes.

- It's too late for that I already saw everything. - He took her hand from his face.

- What time is it? - Ailyn asked taking her hands to cover her face.

- Almost eleven, but you can sleep more if you want.

- Don´t you have stuff to do?

- I do actually - he removed Ailyn hands from her face and have her a kiss taking her by surprise.

Ailyn put her hand on his chest pushing him away breaking the kiss and sat on the bed rubbing her eyes.

- I can't give you a kiss? - He asked confused.

- I'm sure your friend already got rest from the activities, why don´t you give her a call? - She said sarcastically getting out off bed.

Michael got up grabbed Ailyn by the arm, pulling her on top of him. - I don't want to play that game anymore, ok? - He said with a firm voice.

- You're the one who started. - She gave him a quick kiss on the lips and tried to get up but he didn't let her go.

- His the guy from work true? Or did you made that up? 

- His real. His name his ...

Mikhael kissed her cutting her off. - I don't want to know his name.

- You're always cutting me off, did you know that?

- I'm aware ...

Ailyn gave him another quick kiss before he could finish.

Mikhael pulled her to him before she could break the kiss, while he kissed her, Mikhael buried his hands on her smooth hair.

- I'm hungry - she said in between kisses whispering .

- For what? - He asked.

- Food, not you. - She said smiling breaking the kiss and sitting on top of his hips.

- So let's eat. - Mikhael said sitting, getting face to face with Ailyn still sitting on top of him.

Ailyn got off him and stood up and Mikhael followed her to the kitchen.

- Good morning Mr. Stark, Mrs. Smith. - Said the woman who was cleaning the kitchen.

- Good morning. - Said Ailyn back.

- Mrs. Smith here is hungry can you make something for her? - Mikhael asked but ordering the woman.

- Yes. What about you Mr. Stark? - The woman asked politely.

- Just a coffee for me I have a lunch meeting.

The woman nodded her head.

Mikhael signed Ailyn and she followed him outside, they sat on the sofas near the pool.

After a while the women brought a tray with two cups of coffee, one cup of orange juice, a croissant and some grapes and put on the little table near the sofa.

- Do you need anything else? - Asked the woman looking at Mikhael.

- No, you can go finish what you were doing. - He ordered.

The woman nodded her head and left.

- Do you want to go for a swim? - Mikhael asked looking at Ailyn with a smile showing his perfect white teeth.

- Thank you, but no. That pool is dangerous. - She joked grabing a grape.

- What's your plans for today?

- I don't have any. Why? - She asked taking a sip of the orange juice.

- I have to go to lunch with some investors to a new game, I should finish around four. After that we can do something.

Ailyn said nothing and just took another sip of juice.

- What is it? - Asked Mikhael.

- Nothing. - She answered.

- What? - He asked again looking into her big grey eyes.

- She's going with you?

- Again with that. Does she make you that jealous?

- Come on, you spend everyday with her, she's pretty ...

- I already told you she's not my type, do you think I would hire someone I would play around? Work is work for me ... . And she´s not that pretty.

Ailyn looked at Mikhael - I don't believe you.

- That's your problem. - He stared at her with a straight face. - I meant everything that I said to you. And I did miss you, more than you think.

Mikhael got up and left her alone. While Ailyn finished breakfast Mikhael took a shower, got dressed and left with William to the meeting without saying anything to Ailyn.

When Ailyn finished she grabbed the tray and took it to the kitchen.

- Where can I leave this? - Ailyn asked to the woman.

- Oh, you didn't have to bring that.

- It's ok. I don't mind.

The woman took the tray from Ailyn´s hand and put in the sink.

- Did he left already? - Ailyn asked.

- Yes. He said for you to take a shower and stay until he gets back, or you could leave. - Said the woman.

Ailyn gave a weak smile to the woman.




Ailyn left the kitchen and went up stairs to Mikhael´s room, where she started walking back and forth the big room, thinking to herself if she should leave him or stay. Debating whether to call Mia for advice or take this decision alone.

After ten minutes of thinking and passing thru the room she took her clothes off and got in the shower. After ten minutes of thinking and passing thru the room she took off the white shirt and her panties that she was wearing and got in the shower.

When she finished, she wrapped herself in a towel and another for her wet hair. She ran her hand in the foggy mirror, looking at her reflexion and took a deep breath " what should I do? " she thought.

Ailyn cleaned herself with the towel and wore the same clothes from the day before. She combed her wet hair and put it in a ponytail letting it dry naturally. When she finished, she looked at her phone and saw that were already almost two o'clock .

Ailyn sat on the bed already made, went thru her contacts and did not resist calling Mia.

- What do want? - Answered Mia, grumpily.

- Did I wake you up?

- Yeah.

- Long night? - Ailyn asked.

- I went clubbing with the guys. - Answered Mia still grumpy and half asleep.

- Thank you for inviting me. - Ailyn said joking.

- Liam invited Luke so I figured that you didn't want to go.

Ailyn stayed in silent and lost the smile.

- I'm up. What's going on? - Mia asked friendly concerned about Ailyn silent. Where are you, by the way? You didn't come home last night.

- Mikhael went to my work last night and gave me a ride ... I kinda fell asleep in is bed.

- Are you still at his house? In his bed? - Mia teased.

- Yeah, he left while I was eating without saying anything.

- I don't understand you two.

- I kept playing ... - she paused looking at her feet on the floor - talking about Emily ... and the trip.

- For your tone I guess he didn't like that. - Said Mia.

- He said the day that he left that she's not his type ... but in the ride home he kept teasing and today said that he would´t hire someone to lay around.

- Yes, they are always together, I can see that she's interested in him but I never saw him give her any hopes, he's totally professional with her for what I see. - Mia assured her.

- I don't know what to do. He kinda told me not to be here when he gets home, if I can´t trust him.

- I don't - Mia paused - I can't tell you what to do baby. That's a choice you have to do.

- I know, but I afraid.

- I think you should talk to him. Tell him what you think.

Ailyn took a deep breath - I guess.

Ailyn hang up the phone and thought about it.



 Was almost five o'clock when Mikhael arrived home.

- Mr. Stark. - Said the woman nodding her head politely.- Can I get you something?

- No, I'm fine. - He said almost being rude.
The woman nodded her head in response. - Your uncle called, he said he couldn't get a hold of you.

- If he calls again tell him I'm not home. - Mikhael said looking at the woman. - And tell the guards if he comes here don´let him in. - He said to Mr. William.

- Yes, Mr. Stark. - Said the woman and Mr. William at the same time.

- Did she leave? - Mikhael asked the woman.

- I haven't seen her since this morning, Mr. Stark. - She said with her hands together in her belly.

Michael left the woman and went up the stairs loosening his tie. He stopped in front of the closed door of his room taking a deep breath. He put his hand on the door handle and opened the door.


Mikhael looked around the room but didn't see her, he took off his suit jacket, following his tie and threw it on the chair angry.

Mikhael looked relieved when the bathroom door opened and saw Ailyn leave.

- Hi. - Ailyn said smiling.

- Hey. - Responded Mikhael still a little angry.

- You look angry. - She took a step forward. - Is it because of the meeting? - took another step forward. - Or you thought that I left? - She stoped staying one step away from him.

- Definitely the meeting. - Mikhael answered teasing her.

- Are you sure?

- I am. - He said taking one step forward leaving no space between them.

Ailyn smiled showing a little bit of her teeth. Mikhael took one hand to the back of her head taking the rubber band from her hair, letting her hair falling on her shoulders.
Ailyn lenead in giving Mikhael a soft quick kiss. Mikhael grabbed Ailyn by her hips pulling her to him, but didn´t kiss her. 

- I trust you. - Ailyn said whispering, putting her arms around his neck kissing him.

Mikhael moved his right hand slowly under Ailyn blue shirt touching her bare smooth skin, pulling her to him with his left hand on her hips. Ailyn´s fingers started playing with his blond hair, making him kiss her even deeper playing with her tongue.

Mikhael grabbed Ailyn´s hair, making her tilt her head back breaking the intense long kiss.

His lips touched Ailyn´s chin, then her neck, her collarbone, then up to her earlobe looking at her, but Ailyn had her eyes closed enjoying the moment letting him do what he wanted.

Mikhael kept teasing her, going up and down her neck looking at her reaction. After a while Ailyn had enough, she opened her eyes and looked at him pushing him onto the bed.

Mikhael was surprised by Ailyn as he watched her take off her shirt, showing her black bra. She got on top of him, putting one leg on each side of him sitting on top of his hard manhood.

Ailyn grabbed his hand locking her fingers on his pulling them up above his head, leaning in kissing his earlobe, going down his jawline into his adam apple. Rubbing her hips against his making him moan quietly.

Kissing him deeply, she unlocked her fingers, running her hands down his chest on top of his buttoned shirt. Ailyn broke the kiss looking down into Mikhael's eyes grabbing his shirt and tore it, making some buttons fly through the air. Running her cold hands on his perfect build abs, still looking into his eyes.

- I'm done playing.

Said Mikhael sitting down, getting face to face staring into her big eyes while he took off her bra in instants, letting her breast naked. He grabbed her by the ass and rolled her around, staying Mikhael on top.

Ailyn left a laughter leave the back of her throat while Mikhael got up, taking off the rest of his shirt and his pants throwing it onto the floor. Ailyn eyes following his every move.

Mikahel took off Ailyn pants, leaving her only on her panties. He put on knee on the bed, slowly spreading her legs kissing the inside of her thigh making her breath heavily. He smiled seeing her reaction.

- Do you like that spot? - Mikhael asked teasing her.

- What about this one? - He asked kissing her between her legs on top of her panties, making her back arched from pleasure.

Mikhael stopped teasing her and took off her panties and his boxers leaving them both naked.

Mikhael laid down on top of Ailyn, just looking at her. She stroked his face, Mikhael took the opportunity and thrusted his hard manhood inside Ailyn making her moan, clenching her teeth on his shoulder.

Michael thrusted again and again even harder, making Ailyn moan louder and louder. He thrusted one last time and they both reached the climax at the same time. Michael fell on top of Ailyn exhausted both gasping for hair.



Ailyn and Mikahel were laying down in the bed still naked.

- Have you find a place yet? - Mikhael asked laying on his side resting his head on his hand.

- I haven't looked yet. - Said Ailyn laying on her stomach looking at Mikhael.

- Why not?

- I can't afford a rent on my own, it's too expensive. And I still have students loan.

- You gonna stay with Mia until you can afford an apartment? - He asked running his fingers up and down her bare back.

- No, I moved out to give her space with Liam, I can´t just move back. I just didn't find a solution yet.

- Who's Liam? - He frowned. 

- Is Mia's boyfriend. - She said and his frown disappeared.

- I have a solution for you. - He paused.

- What?

- You can just move here. - He suggested.

Ailyn looked at him for a second - I can't tell if you serious or not.

- I'm not saying for you to move in. I have a lot of rooms, you can stay in one and pay rent.

- How much will it cost me? One room in this mansion?

- How much do you get paid?

- I'm not telling you that.

- Why not? You know I can find out.

Ailyn leaned in and kissed him - You're too expensive.

- I didn't say the price yet.

- I can tell, just by looking at your face. - She smiled laying back down.

- I wasn't thinking about money, you know!

Ailyn laughed.

- What do you say? - He asked smiling.

- Are you actually being serious? - Ailyn asked him with a straight face, trying to read him. - You want me to move in?

- I am. - Kissing her forehead before getting up from bed.

Ailyn kept looking at him until he disappeared into the bathroom.

- You should take a shower. - Mikhael said from the bathroom.

- I'm going when you finish.

- Ok.


While Ailyn was in the shower, Mikhael went to his office to resolve some problems about the new game that the company is gonna release soon.

Ailyn knocked on his office door. - Sorry. - She said because Mikhael was on the phone.

Mikhael signaded for her to come in, he grabbed her hand making her sit on his lap.

- Ok. Just finish and send me the final result. - Said Mikhael on the phone and hangs up.

- You didn't have to hang up because of me. - Ailyn said sitting comfortably on his lap, putting one harm around his neck to support.

- You smell good.

- I smell like you. - She said perplexed.

- Exactly, now you're marked. So other guys can't lurk around.

- That's not gonna stop them. I came to say goodbye, by the way. - She smiled.

- You're leaving?

- Yeah, I have a date. I can't be late, you know how it works. - She joked with him but his expression darkened.

Mikhael didn't say a word, just staring at her. Ailyn saw his frown and gace him a kiss on the lips.

- My parents are coming here. I'm going to dinner with them. - She said.

- As anyone already told you that you're very funny. - He asked as he kicked her up off his lap.

- Bye, grumpy baby. - She leaned into him to give him a kiss but he didn't let her.

- What did you say to me? - He asked getting up off the chair walking towards Ailyn.

- My grumpy baby? - She said with the biggest smile.

He laughed out loud for the first time since she meet him.

- The taxi is waiting outside, I have to go. - Ailyn said.

- Say hi to your parents for me. - MiKhael kissed Ailyn.

- Yeah, right!

- Do you want me to take you outside? - He asked.

- I can go alone. - She gave him another kiss and left.

Ailyn got into the taxi, heading to her best friend's house to change clothes before going to dinner with her parents.

She wore a dark blue dress above her knee, with some black heels and her curly hair falling over her shoulders.

Her parents called her, saying that they were already at the restaurant.

- Sorry, I'm late. - Ailyn said taking a seat next to her sister.

- It's ok, honey. - Said her mom.

- You're not that late. - Said Ailyn´s father.

- Did you guys ordered already? - Ailyn asked.

- Yes. We ordered your favorite. - Said Ailyn´s mom with a smile. - How is everything?

- It's good.

- That's it? Is good? - Asked the dad.

- Work is amazing, it's not what I expected but I love it.

- How is Luke? - Asked her sister.

- His ... he's fine ... we kinda grew apart in the last weeks.

- What happened? - The mom asked curious.

- Some stuff happened, I don't want to talk about it.

- Where are you staying? - Asked the mom worried.

- I'm staying with Mia.

- Have you thought moving near work?

- I did ... but I don't know ... I have everything here. - She paused thinking if she should tell them about Mikhael or not.

- Mia is the only thing here. What are you talking about ? - Asked Emma her sister.

- I'm just gonna make decisions at the end of the month. Ok?

The food arrived saving Ailyn from saying anything that she will regret.

When they finished eating, the parents and sister went to a hotel for the night. Ailyn stayed behind because she had to go to the bathroom.

Ailyn opened the door to leave the restaurant looking at down at her phone and bumped into someone.

- I'm so sorry, I didn't see you. - Ailyn said very apologetic.

- It's ok. - He smiled showing his perfect white teeth. - It happens to everyone.

- Are you ok? - She asked the beautiful tall men, wearing a blue navy suit that looks very expensive like the ones that Mikahel wears all the time.

- I'm ok. I'm Mason by the way. - He said with a sexy thick voice stretching his hand to greet her.

She reached her hand and greeted him - I'm ... - she paused imaganing Mikhael's grumpy face - ... Ailyn. I'm really sorry.

- Don't worry about it.

- I have to go. Good night. - Ailyn said leaving the man, looking at her.


The next morning, Ailyn meet her family at the hotel to eat breakfast, before going to the Museum of Fine Arts.
At one o'clock, they left the museum and went to have lunch to a near restaurant before going to next destination.

- " Am I gonna see you today? " - Ailyn got a text from Mikhael during lunch.

- " Why? Missing me already? " - She texted him back.

- " No, just wondering. "

- " Today is family day. Sorry. " - She wrote.

- " Have fun. " - Mikhael texted.

When they finished they went to Skywalk Observatory. At eight o'clock, Ailyn kissed her parents and sister goodbye and they returned home.



Monday morning Ailyn left the house after taking quick shower, because she didn't have time to make breakfast she went to a coffee, after ordering leaving the coffee, she saw Luke arriving.

- Hi. - Ailyn said quietly being friendly and apologetic.

- Hey. - He said bitterly.

- How have you been? - She asked barely looking into his eyes.

- I've been pretty good, actually.

- That's good. We should meet up someday ... to talk better ... I ...

- Ailyn. Stop.

- I'm really sorry.

Luke smirked - you're sorry? When did you realise that? - He approached her, his mouth touching her ear. - When you were screwing him?

- I never wanted to hurt you, Luke. - She stepped back. - I have to go, I'm gonna miss the train.

- He didn't buy you a car yet? Isn't that the reason that you're with him? - He asked still smirking.

- You know me better than that. - She paused. - I'm sorry for hurting you. - She said leaving to the train station.


During lunch when Ailyn was having lunch her phone rang and she answered.

- Hey! - She answered smiling.

- What are you doing?

- I'm having lunch. What about you?

- With the guy, that you wanted to thank? - Mikhael asked.

- I'm alone. That guy doesn't exist. - She lost her smile.

- You ok?

- Yeah. I'm ok. - She said.

- You don't sound ok.

- I just have a lot of work, too much to prepare for the show. That´s all.

- You're sure?

- Thanks for worrying about me, Mr. grumpy.

Mikhael laughed - I'm going to kill you, when I see you.

- I have to hang up.

- Do you want me to pick you up, later? - He asked.

- No, I will take the train.

- Ok ... - Mikhael said and Ailyn hanged up before he could finish.


Ailyn was the last one leaving the gallery. She closed the back door and walked to the train station. On her way, she saw a shadow on the ground, her heart began pounding faster from fear.

She kept walking, she was too afraid to look back because of everything that she already been through. She put her hand inside her bag, to grab her phone. When she grabbed the phone someone grabbed her shoulder.

Ailyn stopped freezing for a second, her hand turned into a fist and she turns around slowly.

- Ms. Smith. - It was Mikhael uncle.

- Mr. Stark? What are you doing here?

- My nephew is not answering my calls.

- Do you want me to pass the message? - She asked nervous. She knew him but was still in panic.

- No, Mrs. Smith. I want you to get in the car.

- I appreciate but ...

- I'm not asking. - He cut her of.

- Where are we going?

- Git in. - He ordered.

Aylin did not protest anymore and got in the back seat of the car along with Mikhael uncle.


After a quiet ride, the driver stopped the car in front of Stark Company.

- What are we doing here?

- You're going to Mikhael's office and bring me the files and everything you can find about the new game.

- Why would I do that? - She asked perplexed with him.

- I can't get in that building. But you can.

- I'm not doing that.

- Yes, you are. - He smirked. - Remember when I said I can find everything about you? Your sister she wants to go to Harvard, I am I right? And your father ... I was shocked when I found out what he did, all I need is call the cops and ...

- Ok. I get it, stop.

- Don't even think about calling my nephew. If you do ... well let´s hope that you're not that stupid to find out.

Ailyn gets off the car slamming the door, she took a deep breath and walked inside the building.

- Good night. Can I help you? - Said one of the guards.

- Good night. I ... my friend forgot something, I came to get it. - Ailyn was nervous and sweating.

- What's your name?

- Ailyn Smith.

The guard tipped her name in the computer and looked at her. - Please come this way, Mrs. Smith. - The man said guiding the way to the elevator.

He pushed the button and the elevator opens, Ailyn walked inside. - You could have told that Mr. Stark send you. - The doors closed, she sigh of relief and pressed the button to the 40º floor.

She took what she needed and left the building, getting in the car.

- Good job, Mrs. Smith. - He took the files from her hand.

Ailyn was about the open the door when Mikhael´s uncle stopped her.

- One more thing before you go. Don't even think saying anything to him, if he asks because he will ask you ... - he pause to think - ... well I'm sure you can think of something, like you're working for me. When I say no one, that includes Mia, Luke, Liam, family. Now leave.

- You son of a bitch.

- I've been called that before and doesn't offend me.

Ailyn got out of the car, watching him drive away. Her phone rang she looked and it was Mikhael calling. She turned off the phone.



It's been two days since Ailyn robbed Mikhael, she texted him saying she was to busy with work and didn't have time to hang out with him. Mikhael also didn't mind because he had to finish the game to do the launch that weekend.

Ailyn was been staying in a motel room in Belmont, she wanted to be away from everyone and she could not face Mia.

Thursday the game that Michael has worked for a year was released by another company that no one knew it existed.

Mikhael completely lost it when he heard the news, screaming at everyone.

Ailyn got a text from Mikhael - " Meet me at my house tonight ".

- " I can't not see you for any longer. " - She got another.

- " Ok. See you tonight. " - She replied.

At night Mr. William came to the gate wait for Ailyn. After she arrived he walked her inside to the living room, where Michael was sitting down on the sofa, his computer open and papers all over the little table.

- Hi. - Ailyn was nervous, her heart was pounding and her hands began to sweat.

- Leave. - Mikhael said to Mr. William calm.

- Mr. Stark. - He disappeared into the kitchen.

- What have you been doing in the last couple of days? - Mikhael asked looking at the laptop.

- I told you. - She said still standing.

- Busy with work? Right?

- Yes.

He raised his head staring at her. - What did I forgot?

- What do you mean?

Mikhael turned the laptop screen in Ailyn direction and showed her the footage from the day she went to is company.

He got up. - The game that I've been working for a year was released. - He took a few steps and Ailyn froze.

- I ... - She closed her mouth thinking about what his uncle said.

- Tell me you didn't have nothing to do with this. - Mikhael raised his voice, Ailyn was never saw him that angry, looking at her with so much hate.

- I ... I'm sorry. - Her voice cracked.

Mikhael took more steps staying one inch away from her. - ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? - He screamed with rage.

Ailyn´s body trembled, her eyes closed when he scream letting a tear escape.

- Who is it? - He asked but she didn't say a word.

- The company that launched the game, who is he? - He asked again.

- I don't know. - She answered looking at the ground.

Mikhael turned around kicking the little table making the laptop and the paper fly in the air. Ailyn jumps with his action.

- Mr. Stark. - Said Mr. William coming from the kitchen.


- Mason Fox is outside, he says it's important. - Mr. William said.

- Mason? - Mikhael locked at Ailyn. - Tell him to come in.

William when to get him.

- I hope I'm wrong. - Mikhael told Ailyn.

After five minutes, Mr. William brought Mason. Ailyn looked at him, it was the man she bumped the other day.

- It's been a long time, Mikhael. - He said to Mikhael and then turned his head in Ailyn direction. - Hello Ailyn.

- You know each other? What a surprise. - Mikhael said pissed off, looking at her.

- I should leave. - Ailyn said but Mikhael stopped her.

- You´re staining write there.

- That's not how you treat a lady. - Said Mason.

- You're the one that stole my game?

- Well, she stole it and I released it.

- Well, she stole it and I released it. I told you the day you kicked me out, that I would come back. Surprise.

Mikhael walked towards Mason and punched him in the face so hard, making him fall in the floor.

- How do you feel, when something you like is taken from you? Ah? Not so good is it? - Said Mason on the floor, cleaning the blood from his mouth.
Mikhael grabbed him by the collar pushing him against the wall. - You screwed me over and I kicked to the curb.

You think you hit the jackpot for stealing one game?

- That would be too easy. - Mason smirked. - I'm not talking about the game. I´m talking about stealing the first woman that you ever loved. - He looked at her. - How does that feel, friend?

Mikhael took his hands off Mason and took a step backwards. Mason smirked and Mikhael punched him again. Mikhael lowered himself staying face to face with him. - I will make you regret coming back from the shadows, friend.

- Get him outta here. - Mikhael said to Mr. William.

When they left, Mikhael looked at Ailyn that has been standing watching everything.

- Do you have anything to say? - He asked but she didn't answered. - I never in a million years would imagine, that you're that type of girl. You got me good ...

- I ... - She began to cry. - I had to do it. - She tried to clean the tears with her hands.

- Get out. - He ordered.

- No.

- Get out. - He ordered again raising his voice a little bit.

- No. I need to tell you something.

- GET OUT, NOW. - He screamed on her face.

- Please. - She whispered, trembling.

- Don't make me use force.

Ailyn didn't move a inch, so Mikhael grabbed her arm and dragged her out to the front gate.

- I never want to see you again.

- I'm sorry. But I had to do it.

- I want you to disappear from my sight. If you ever see me again you should run in the opposite direction. - He said with so much hate piercing thru his eyes.

- I want you to disappear forever from my sight. If you ever see me again you should run in the opposite direction. - He said with so much hate piercing thru his eyes and the gate closed.


Ailyn fell on her knees in the ground, with both hands on her belly crying her eyes out.

- I'm pregnant.












Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.08.2017

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