


- Stop .... please - She begged while the man's hand moved up her thigh.

- Why? Isn't this what you want? - Said the man.

The man laid down on top of her, kissing her ear, moving down to her neck while one of his hands moving inside her pants touching the top of her vagina.

- STOP - she screamed. - Please - and then begged.

- Oh, you're so tight. Don't tell me you're a virgin. - Said the man with a disgusting smile.

- Please ... stop. - She begged crying her eyes out.

- You are. Lucky me I like them untouched.

Ailyn looked around, grabbed the big yellow flashlight and hit hard against his head.

- You're little bitch. - He said while screaming in pain.

Ailyn took the opportunity and ran away.

She looked back to see if he was after her but saw no one, when she turn ahead she hit against someone and looked up to see his face.

- Hi, babe. - Said the tall man with a rough voice. - Hey Victor, Why don't you take the night off and let this babe for me?

Tears began to flow over her face.

- She's too good for you, how about you take the night off. - Said the other man behind her.

She started looking around and the man walked towards her, grabbed her shoulders and said:

- No need to be shaking, babe. I´m more kind than the monster behind you.

Ailyn woke up startled, her breath very heavy and fast, she looked around. - Breathe ... breathe is just a nightmare. - She said to herself trying to calm herself.
Every now and then since that night at the university, Ailyn has always had the same nightmare.

It's been ten months since Ailyn left to go to the internship. She spent the first four months in Madrid, three months in Italy, three months in Paris and now to finish the internship she has to be in New York for two months.

Ailyn and all the students who participated in the internship decided to celebrate the last months of the internship with dinner in a good restaurant.

- How about after dinner all the girls have a party in my room? - Asked Susan.

- What about guys? - Henry asked with a smile on his face.

- You can do your own party, Henry. - Replied Ailyn.

- But I want to party with you. - He said.

Ailyn shook her head and at that moment she saw Mikhael having dinner with a beautiful tall skinny women.

- Are you okay? Looks like you saw a ghost. - Asked Susan.

Henry put his arm around Ailyn's shoulders - are you ok, flower?

- I'm fine. - She took his arm from her shoulders.

For the rest of the night she could not stop look at Mikhael and the woman who was always with a smile whenever Mikhael spoke to her.

When everyone finished eating dessert and drinking a few beers, they left the restaurant. They called four Ubers and were divided into groups. While Ailyn was walking someone grabbed her by the arm, she looked back and saw that it was Mikhael.

- Let go of me. - She said.

- Flower, you coming? - Asked Henry to Ailyn.

- Yes. - She replied still looking at Mikhael.

- I will give her a ride, you can go ahead. - Said Mikhael to Henry with an angry voice.

- LET GO OF MY ARM. RIGHT NOW. - Ailyn shouted in a low tone.

- Ailyn? Everything ok? - Asked Henry worried.

She turned to Henry and said - yes, I'm ok. - And then turned to face Mikhael - now let go, and go back to your date Mr. Stark.

- Mr. Stark? Really? - he paused - tell him to leave, before he piss me off.

- What do you want?

- You. - He replied with a serious face.

She smirked and rolled his eyes.

- Let's talk, I'm asking nicely.

- Fine. - The word left her mouth before she realizes.

She free herself from his grip, turn around and told Henry and Susan to leave, that she had to go somewhere with Mikhael.

- Get in. - Said Mickael while opening the car door.

- What about your date? She won't be jealous?

- For what I see you're the one jealous.

- You wish.

- Get in the car, Ailyn. - He ordered.

Ailyn took a deep breath and got in the car.

- What do you want to talk about? - Asked Ailyn to break the silence after driving for awhile.

- Why didn't you told me you were leaving?

- What for?

He stopped the car in the middle of nowhere and told Ailyn to get out with a soft voice.

- Where are we? - She asked looking around.

- A place where you can't run. - Said with a smirk on his face.

Ailyn got off the car and slams the door. - This is exactly why I left. I left because you´re to much to handle. Everything as the be your way. You don't care about anyone else, about people's feelings, my feelings. - She paused and took a breath. - You just do whatever you want. You want to control everyone and everything. But guess what ... you can't control me and that piss you off.

- I never tried to control you. You are the only person I know that talks back to me and walks to tell about it.

- Exactly my point. Why can't people talk back to you? And you never try to control me? Really? - Shouts Ailyn with anger.

- When did I do that?

- Really? You don't remember? Since the first time I meet you, the only thing you did was give me orders.

Mickael didn´t answer and just stays still with his hands on his pockets.

- You have nothing to say? - Ailyn voice begins to tremble. - Wow, Mr. Mikhael Stark has nothing to say. I'm leaving.

Mikhael walked after Ailyn, grabbed her by her arm turning her around, put his hand in the back of her head and kissed her. Ailyn puts her hands on his firm chest and pulled him away. - NO. - She shouts. - You don´t have the right to do that.

- You still wish you had never meet me, don't you? - He whispers.

- Yes. - A tear fell down her face.

- Get in. I will take you back.

- Just leave. I will call a táxi.

He didn't move or said a word.

- Go ... GO. - She screams.

Ailyn watched Mikhael while he drove off and disappeared into the dark. She fell to the ground and hugged her legs while crying.


   # Two months later #




Ailyn finished her internship and went one week to Paris again on vacation to celebrate the end of the internship, after that she returned to Boston her home. Her dad went to the airport to pick her up.

- Hi dad. - She gave him a hug.

- How was your flight, honey?

- Was too long. I'm exhausted.

- Come on. - He took her suitcase. - Let's go home.

Ailyn went home to spend some time with her parents and her stubborn sister, but that she loves more than anything.

Mia has found a new boyfriend, but this time it seems serious because they are living together in the apartment. Luke left his parents' house and bought an apartment ten minutes from Mia's house. As Ailyn didn't want to come between her best friend and her boyfriend, she decided to move in with Luke. While she was aboard on the internship, her parents and Mia moved her things to Luke's house.

- Hi. Welcome to our house. - Said Luke with a smile to Ailyn.

- Hi. - Ailyn answered with a smile.

- Hello, Mr. Smith. - Said Luke politely.

- You can call me Henry. - Said her dad while putting the bags on the floor.

Ailyn gives her dad a tight hug. -You can go dad. Don´t be late for work.

- Ok, ok, I'm going. You don't need to kick me out.

- I'm not kicking you out, dad.

- Bye, honey. - Smiles at her.

- Bye.

- Luke. - Ailyn dad gave him a serious luke.

- Goodbye, Mr. Smith. - Said Luke nervous.

Henry gave another hug to his daughter and left to work.

- Are you afraid of my dad?

- I'm not scared. Is respect.

- If you say so.

- I said so. Come on, let's see your room. - Luke walks to her room. - How was the trip by the way?

- Was amazing, I had a blast, meet very important people, made new friends.

- Now what? - Asked Luke.

- What do you mean?

- What are you going to do?

- I have some places in mind and I have some offers.

- What offers?

- It's a secret, can't tell.

Luke looks at her with a suspicious look.

- I'm not telling you.

Ailyn unpacked only half of her stuff before she goes to sleep. The next morning she called Mia to meet during her lunch break.

Ailyn arrived at Stark Company, gets out of the taxi looks back and sees Mia running into her direction and gave her a hug.

- Hi. - Says Ailyn laughing.

- Do you have any idea how much I missed you?

- I may have a small idea.

- I don´t think you have. My best friend is back. - Mia releases Ailyn.

- What's wrong with him? - Asks Ailyn watching Mickael living the building.

- Who? My boss?

- He looks very angry.

- He's been like that for awhile now.



 - How was the first night at the new house. - Asked Mia while taking a sip of coffee.

- Ok. Why?

- I'm just asking - takes another sip - you know that Luke has a crush on you, right?

- What are you talking about? - Asked Ailyn with a frown on her forehead. - Don´t tell me you never noticed.

- I did but that was like years ago.

- I don´t know about that. But you can always come back to the apartment. - Mia winked.

- Is this really about Luke? Or do you want me to move back to your house?

- Don't hurt his feelings, ok?

- That was never my intention. And you know I´m going to move out when I find a job and have money for it.

- I kwon.

- How is to be the head of secretary's?

- A lot of work, I can tell you that.

- And the money? Is it worth it? - Asks Ailyn curious.

- Yeah. - She smiles.



They left the coffee shop and Mia gave Ailyn a ride home.

- Did you know that Mikhael would be in New York? - Asked to Mia.

- Of course. It´s my job to know where he is all the time.

- Why didn't you told me?

- It´s New York, the chances of you two meet is very small.

- Well, it happened.

- Are you serious? What happened? Did you talk? - Mia asked.

- Yeah. More like I talked and he listened.

- Are you sure we're talking about the same person?

- Yeah. - Ailyn said proudly.

- About?

- It's a long story.

- Well, tell me.

Ailyn told the whole story to Mia for the first time.

- Why I'm only listening to this now? - Asked Mia shocked.

- I don't know. It never came up.

- How was it? Was it good? - She asked curious.

- It happen a year ago ... I don't want to talk about it. - Answered Ailyn with a sad expression on her face.

- Ok. But one day you have to tell me how was it, you know. There's rumours about he being very good at what he does. - Said while stopping the car in front of Luke's house.

- Jesus, Mia. - Said opening the car door.

- I just know that he is acting weird ... around the time you left.

- I don't care anymore. Bye, thanks for the ride.

- Yeah, yeah. Bye.




# One week later #





After going to six job interviews in one week, Ailyn went to the last interview, but the art gallery is forty-five minutes from Boston by train. The interview took longer than she expected and she missed the last train. She called her father, but he is at work very busy and he can´t go pick her up, neither Luke. Her last hope was Mia.

- Mia finally, please tell me you're free.

- What happened? - She whispers.

- I lost the last train, can you come pick me up?

- Where are you?

- Belmont.

- That's like a forty minute drive. - Still whispering.

- Can you come or not, Mia. - She said desperate.

- I'm in a meeting right now. If you wait there I will pick you up.

- How long will it take, i'm freezing.

- I will be done in half an hour. Maybe.

- I guess I have to wait, no one else can come.


After twenty minutes of waiting in the cold, a grey Mazda car approach Ailyn, who was sitting down. They rolled the car window down and her entire body frozen when she saw who was it.

- I heard you need a ride. - Said Mikhael with a smirk on his face.

"Fuck Mia", she thought to herself. - You heard wrong. - She said.

- Get in. - He ordered.

- No, but thank you.

- Get in the car Ailyn. - He said calmly. - Are you gonna ask Mia to drive one hour at midnight, just because you don´t want to come with me?

She didn't say nothing and crossed her arms.

- You want to stay here at this desert area alone? ... Just get in, something came up she can´t come.

Ailyn just keeps staring at him, still without saying a word.

- Don't make me get of the car and drag you. - He opens the door when she doesn't move.

Ailyn rolled her eyes and said. - Fine. I´II get in the car.


After driving for twenty minutes without a word, Mikhael broke the silence.

- How was it?

Ailyn keeps staring out the window and doesn't answer. And Mickael grabbed her chin.

- What? - Said irritated.

- The interview. - Still grabbing her chin.

- Why do you care? - Takes his hand out.

They were interrupted by Mikhael phone. "ID Emily Scott"

- Is it done? ... Ok. - He hang up the phone.

- I would not ask if I didn't care. - Talking to Ailyn again.

She rolled her eyes. - It went good. Happy now?

Mikhael looked at her and said: - I was hoping it went bad.

- What? - Looks at him surprised.

He smirked and looks at the road. After another five minutes of silence he asks: - are you hungry?

- No.


Mikhael stoped at a gas station. - Last chance, are you sure you don't want anything?

Ailyn didn't answer. When Mikhael got out of the car, Ailyn took a deep breath and cleaned her sweaty hands on her short black dress. He bought two sandwiches, two bottles of water and one snickers bar. He opened the car back door, put the bag on the seat, stripped off his coat and took off his tie. He took out one of the water bottles, a sandwich and ate outside the car while looking thru his phone. After finishing got in the car, put the bag on Ailyn´s legs and started driving.

- You could at least open and see what's inside. - Says Mikael with a playful tone on his voice.

- If I open it could you stop?

He stayed silent while she opens the bag, when she sees what's inside a soft smile formed in her mouth. She took the chocolate bar and ate it..

After a long silent and boring ride, Mickael pulled up to the front gate of his big mansion.

- Here are we? Is this hour house? Why ...

He cuts her off before she can finish - I'm tired of driving. And my deal with Mia was to give you a ride, she didn't told me where to drop you off.

- I'm not ...

Cuts her off again - You can stay and William will take you home tomorrow.

- I'm not staying here.

- Why not? Are you afraid you will do something you'll regret?

- Pff... i'm not afraid because nothing will never happen between us.

- You're staying then? I mean if you are sure that nothing will never happen. - Smiles. - Huh?

When Ailyn didn't answered, Mikhael walked slowly towards her, getting closer and closer. Her heart started beating really fast when he put his mouth on her ear, cheek to cheek.

- I can assure you that i'm not going to do anything to you. I don't even need to touch you, for you to go crazy.

- Said Mikhael with a big smile.

Ailyn pulled him away and Mikhael laughs showing his perfect white teeth.

- Is this the talk you give to all your girls? - She asked. - Well it's ...

He cuts her off again. - Let me guess, it's not going to work on you ...I don´t need the talk, because it already work on you. Remember?

- I must've been fucking blind when that happen.

Mikhael perfect smile disappeared when he saw a tear formed on her beautiful big grey eyes.

- Can you do me a favor? - She asks gently.

- What is it? - With a worried voice.

- Leave me alone. Get off my life - she raises her voice. - Please. - Soft voice.

Mikhael took a few steps back puts his hands in the air, turns around and walks away. Ailyn stands in front of the big black gate and watched him closed.




# Next morning #




- Sleep ok? - Asked Luke.

- Not really.

- Everything, ok?

- Yes. Is fine.

- Are you busy today? - He asked.

- Yeah. I have a last minute job interview and dinner with Mia. Why?

- I have the day off. I thought we could do something.

- Sorry. - She apologized.

- Next time?

- Definitely. I have to go I'm already late. See you later.

- Good luck. - Said Luke.

- Thank you. Bye.

After going to the job interview, she goes to Stark Company to meet Mia.
- I'm a little late, I'm sorry. - Says Mia on the phone.
- How long will you take?
- Maybe twenty minutes. Come up here.
- Not a good idea. - Said Ailyn thinking she would find Mickael.
- There's no one here. Come up.
- Still. Not a good idea.
- I'm alone. He's not here. Come on.
- Fine, fine. I will go.

Ailyn leaved the elevator and walks toward Mia at her desk.

- Please, don't be mad at me. - Mia says with puppy eyes.

- I could kill you right now. You know that?

- Was that bad, ah?

- Next time I need anything, I won't call you.

- Give me twenty minutes. And we can go, ok? - She winks at Ailyn.

- Ok. Can I look around?

- Of course. Just don't touch anything.

When Mia finished what she was doing, she went to look for her best friend. Ailyn was standing still where she spilled coffee on Mickael.

- Good memories? - Asked Mia.

- Not really. - Ailyn gave her a weak smile.

- I'm ready. Let's go.

- Yes, please.


They left the company and went to SUBWAY for dinner. During the meal Ailyn decided to tell Mia what it was like to have lose her virginity with her boss, how he is always giving her orders and the conversation they had the night before.

Next they went to the club with Luke, Mia's boyfriend, Susan and other people from school. After having too much to drink Luke was completely drunk, he approached Ailyn and told her that he was in love with her, in fact for some time now and leaned in to kiss her. Since she was a bit drunk to, she let him kiss her. She started to play with his hair in one hand and the other on his back to pull him to her. He put both his hands on her waist, pulling her against his hard manhood and playing with her tongue.




- Here's your coffee. - Said Luke handing Ailyn the cup of coffee.

- Thank you.

- What do you think about me cooking for you later - gave her a kiss on the cheek - and after grab a couple of drinks.

The train arrived.

- It sounds good - she gave him a kiss on the lips - I'll see you later.

- Do you want me to come pick you up later?

She nodded. - I'll walk home.

- Ok. - He kissed her again. - Have fun at work.

- You know i will. - Said while walking away.


- Hi. - Ailyn answered the phone.

- Hi stranger. Where are you? - Asked Mia.

- On the train. Come on, it wasn't been that long.

- Two months? Since we hangout.

- I've been busy with work, you know that.

- Work? Is that how is called nowadays. - Says Mia playful

Ailyn laughs.

- Is that going smooth?

- It's going fine.

- Are you happy?

- I guess ... - she paused.

- Ailyn? I guess? What's the problem?

- Exactly, there´s no problem. I love my work, I have the best friends ever ...

- An amazing boyfriend. - Added Mia.

- Yeah, he's great but ... - she paused.

- But what?

- I really like him alot, his amazing ... I'm happy, but i have the feeling that something is missing, you know.

- Babe. - Said Mia worried.

- And i thought that if I gave him a chance it could work with time ... but I can´t be in love with him.

- Because you're in love with my boss.

- Why did I fell in love for an asshole like him?

- I have a theory. Do you want to hear it?

- Sure.

- Ailyn, you hate boring stuff, you love excitement. Luke is a great guy I kwon, a bit sexy, a little hot but a little boring. Mikhael is very hot, not that great of a personality, for what you told me he knows how to play with you, making you want more ... he is everything but boring. Are you still there?

- Yeah.

- It's something like that, am I right?

- Yeah. - Said Ailyn.

- Shit, devil is calling me. Have to take this. I'm sorry, call you later.

- Don't worry. Bye.


After a long day at work, arranging things, handling paperwork, Ailyn is walking home and hears heavy footsteps behind her and her heart starts to beet really fast.

- Hi, beautiful. - Luke jumps from behind.

She jumps and looks back - fuck ... what the hell.

- Did i scare you that much?

- Never do that again. - she punched him with her bag.

- Are you mad?

- Of course. You don't scare people in the middle of the night.

- Sorry. I just wanted to surprise you. - He leans and gives her a soft kiss.

She walks away from him. The walk home was long, boring and very quiet. They ate the dinner Luke cooked and talked about work.

- Do you still want to go for drinks? - He asked with a innocent look on his face.

- No, I need to rest. Has been a long day.

- You sure?

She gets up and does the dishes, Luke approached her took the plate from her hand and pushed her against him and gave her a kiss. His hands traveled down to her waist, putting one hand under her shirt and pulling her more against him.

Ailyn breaked the kiss - I'm really tired, I ...

Luke smiled, gives her a soft kiss - goodnight, Ailyn. Dream of me.

- Thank you. - She smiled back - goodnight.


She went into her room, took a shower and called her parents she needed to hear her mom voice to comfort her , before going to bed.


- You need to have some big balls, to be pointing that gun at me.

- I'm not afraid of you. - Said the man holding the gun, is body covered in tattoos.

- Do you have any idea who am I? - Said Mikhael very calm.

- Don't need to. I just have to kill you and get the money.

- Come on then. Shoot the gun. Shoot .... SHOOT ... - he screamed - ... KILL ME ...

The man shoot the gun right in the middle of Mikhael head. Making him fall on the ground instantly.

- NO ... - Screamed Ailyn waking up, breathing heavily and crying.

She sat on the bed with her legs crossed, runed her small fingers thru her hair. - What's wrong with me. - Wipes the tears away and lies down again.


Saturday morning, Ailyn leaved the house before Luke waked up and went for a walk. She spoted Mikhael car, parked in the road near the coffee shop she used to work.

She stared at the car and remembered the nightmare from three days ago.

- Are you going to steel my car?

Ailyn jumped scared, looked back and saw Mikhael in a blue suit that fit him perfectly. The same woman from New York was standing next to him, wearing a short black dress with gold details, her beautiful blonde hair falling down on her naked shoulders, and her big light brown eyes staring at Ailyn.

Ailyn says nothing only looking at them.

- Give me a minute. - He says to the woman.

- Of course, Mr. Stark. - The blonde woman answered and walked to the car across the street.

Mikhael keeped staring at Ailyn.

- Do I have something on my face? - She asked calmly.

- There you are. I thought for a second that you were gone. - He smiled.

- Very funny.

- Where you looking for me?

- No - answered very fast - I was looking at the coffee shop, I ...

- Of course you were. - He cut her off.

- I have to go. It was not nice seeing you, Mr. Stark.

She was about to walk away but he grabbed her hand. - Do you want to play a game with me? - He asked playful.

- I don't want to play with you. And you should go, she's waiting for you.

- I see you´re still jealous of her.

- I'm not. I have a boyfriend I don't ...

He cut her off again - Who? Luke? I can tell you, who's gonna win.

- How ...

Cut her off one more time - I gave to go, I have a very important meeting. But I will see you soon. - He let go of her small hand and walked away - and it was nice to see you, Ailyn Smith.

She looked at him and watched him drive away, she could not believe what had just happened and how he knew about Luke, she was just astonished.




Aylin finished the walk after she bumped with her best friend's boss and went to Mia's apartment after having lunch alone.

- So sorry about yesterday. Do you still want to talk? - Mia asked while giving her a hug.

- You're right. - Said Ailyn freeing herself from Mia.

- I am?

- Yesterday Luke was kissing me, things were getting steamy and I stopped him, it felt very wrong.

- Have you two already ... you know ... did it?

- No, I can't do it ... - Ailyn paused. - I bumped into him this morning ...

- Who?

- The devil ... I felt weird inside but felt good. Just the way he talks, the way he touches me.

- I have nothing to say. You already made up your mind, babe.

- And that scares the crap outta me. I'm not going to jump into Mickael's arms ... is just ... Luke doesn't deserve this. I don't know how to tell him.

- Just tell him everything.


- Are you crazy?

- He will understand. If he doesn't now, just give him some time.

- I don´t know.

- Just trust me. - Says Mia confident.

- That's a beautiful dress. What's for? - Askes Ailyn curious.

- It's for work. Every year they do a big dinner to all the clients and partners. There's a lot of dressing up, good food, people to meet, you know.

- I don't. Never went to any.

- It's boring, not fun at all. - Said Mia.

- When is it?

- Friday night.

- Can I stay here for the night?

- You know you can. But you can't avoid him forever.

- I know that, but I'm not ready to talk to him.

- I get it. - She hugged Ailyn.




The next day after spending most of the night talking with Mia, Ailyn went to work without talking to Luke since the kiss. It was a beautiful day, so on her lunch break she went to a restaurant and decided to eat on the table outside. She was wearing a short white dress, her hair in a high ponytail and black heels. Her phone rang but she didn't know the number.

- Hello. - She answered.

- That dress looks good on you. - Says Mikhael.

- How do you know what I'm wearing? - Asked looking around.

- I guessed it. I guess I got it right.

- Where are you? - She asked.

- At work, why?

- Bye.

- Don't you dare hang up on me.

- What do you want?

- I have this thing I have to go and I need a date.

- Why are you telling me?

- Why are you playing dumb? - He asked.

- Go to your contacts, scroll thru the massive amount of the girls and choose one.

- I already did.

- Do it again. - She hangs up the phone.


Five minutes later he called again but she didn't answer so he texted her.

- "It landed on you again. "

- " Try again ". - She responded.

He answered: - " It will always land on you. What now? "

She smiled and said: - "what about the blonde from the other day. "

- " I see she left an impression on you. "

- " I´m busy. " - She said.

- " Eating? " - Mickael asked.

Ailyn felt a presence behind her but before she could look, he put his mouth against her ear and whispered - you don´t need your mouth to text.

She looked up behind her and saw Mikhael wearing a white shirt with the sleeves rolled up, no tie, with two undone buttons, his hair falling into his forehead and black jeans.

- What the hell are you doing here?

He didn't say a word, sat down in front of her and runed his hand thru his hair. - Why are you alone? No friends at work?

- I like to eat alone. Can you leave?

- You're the only one eating. Technically you still are eating alone.

- Very funny. - She smiled.

- About the date ...

She cuted him off - not happening, I told you already.

- Why not? If you give me a good excuse, I may let you not go.

She laughed - You're crazy.

- What's the reason?

- I don't want to. Don't need to give you one.

- Why are you playing hard to get?

- Not playing hard to get. I just want nothing from you.

- Stop lying, for once tell me the true. You tell me to leave you alone, two months later you're talking to me again. You're telling me that you are not playing hard to get but you clearly are. You told me to choose another girl and I told you that I already choose. You say you have a boyfriend, but you are avoiding him. Just tell me what´s going on inside your crazy head.

Ailyn was about to get up and Mickael says: - Of course you´re leaving. You always walk away. Have some guts for once.

Ailyn got up - You want the truth, I will give it to you. I don´t want to see you or speak to you because I don´t want what happen last year happens again. And you don't know shit about my feelings. - She starts to walk away.

- Then prove it. Come with me to the party dinner.

- Fine. - Turned around to face him. - I will go if you give me your word that after, if I say for you to leave, you leave for good from my life.

- We have a deal.

- You better keep your word. - She walked away going back to work.





# Friday night #




Ailyn got home from work went to the fridge to get water and saw the note that Luke left. " Went out with some friends from school. Don´t wait up gonna be late. PS. A package came for you, put it in your room. xoxo "

She grabbed the water put the note on the garbage can, went to her room and opened the box. Inside the red box was a dress, shoes and a note " I will pick you up at 8 ". Ailyn took a quick shower, did her hair, makeup and got dressed. At eight o´clock on the dot she got a text " I'm down stairs".

Ailyn took a deep breath and went down the stairs of the apartment. Mickael mouth opened when he saw her, her straight long brown hair falling into her naked shoulders, some big silver earrings matching her long red empire waist dress with a sparkle silver jewel top.

- You look stunning. - Said Mikhael opening the car door.

- Can we go?

- Can't you talk nicely?

- That wasn't part of our deal, Mr. Stark. - She got in the car and closed the door.

Ailyn got sleepy in the car and was now fast asleep. Mikhael stroked her face - Wake up ... we are almost there.

- You're gonna mess up my makeup. - Taked his hand from her face.

When they arrived: - I have to go say hi to everyone and it's very boring, why don´t you go look for Mia and stay with her for now.

- Ok.

- I will look for you when I'm done.

- Wow, Ailyn Smith. You look fucking hot right now. - Said Mia.

- Just right now? And the other days?

Mia laughs.

- You look fucking hot to.

- I need a drink. - Says Mia smiling.

- You're not surprise, for the fact that I'm here?

- I was surprised when he told me. Remember the talk we had? I remember you said Iím not going to jump into his arms.

- First of all I did not jump into anyone, we have an agreement and secondly I need a drink to.

After forty minutes of greeting people Mickael goes to Ailyn whos been at the bar with Mia drinking since they got there. He put his hand around her waist.

- Mr. Stark. - Said Mia politely.

- Are you two having fun? - He asked a little mad.

- I was until now. - Answered Ailyn coldly.

- Is everything ready? - He asked to Mia with a serious look on his face.

- Everything is set, we are waiting for your word.

- You can start. - He ordered.

- Yes, Mr. Stark. - Said Mia leaving them alone.

- Do you intend getting wasted before the night ends? - He asked Ailyn angry.

- If I do? ... And I didn't drink that much. - Removed his hand and faced him.

- No? Just two Cosmopolitan, one Long Island Iced Tea and - points at her hand - one Mai Tai.

- You're keeping an eye on me?

- I have to know where´s my date, what she's drinking and with who she´is flirting.

- Oh look, your girlfriend is coming.

- I'm sorry to interrupt, Mr. Stark. We are now moving the guest to the dining room.- Said the blonde girl from the other day.

- Lead the way. - He says to the woman.

Mikhael grabed Ailyn´s hand - come on.

She points discreetly - You will be sitting at the table at the end. - Walks away to help the other guests.

- She's pretty, why didn't you invite her to accompany you?

- She is pretty, but it be weird if I came with my secretary, don't you think? - He said smiling showing is perfect with teeth.

She looked at the table and her heart skiped a beat - Am I sitting next to you? - her voice trembled.

- Obviously.

- Do we have to sit there? - Her hands started to sweat.

- I have to sit there and you next to me. - He said without noticing her nervousness.

- Can I eat next to Mia?

- Why? What's the problem?

- They are very important people, I can't ...

He cuted her off - Are you afraid right now?

- I ...

- They don't bite, you know. - He tried to calm her down.

Ailyn said no with her head - ... That man looks a lot like the man that attacked me at campus. I ... - A tear formed on her eye.

Mikhael put his two big hands on her face - Just because he looks like him, doesn't mean is going to hurt you. And remember who save you that time? Well, I can kick his ass to if I need.

Ailyn smiled.

- That's better. I'll be next to you the entire time, if you need anything just give me a signal. - He took his hand off.

- Thank you. - Her voice cracks.

He grabbed her hand, they sat down at the table and they greeted everyone. Mikhael and the other partners talked about business over the course of dinner.

- You're ok? - Mickael whispers to Ailyn and she said yes with her head.
- May I ask the name of the lady that came with Mikhael. - Asked the man that looks like the man that attacked Ailyn.

- Ailyn - she paused - Ailyn Smith. - Her voice shaking.

- Smith? ... May I ask what you do for a living?

- I ...

- Don´t answer. - Said Mickael cutting her off.

- Don't tell her what to do. - Said the man to Mikhael.

- I know what you're trying to do, uncle. - Said Mikhael

- Come on boys, not today. - Said Mickael aunt.

- I was just trying to know the woman that Mickael brought to this important event. - Said the uncle.

- You don't need to know her. - Mikhael raised his voice and looked at the the people thet were sitting with them, they got up and left the table.

- We are not doing this here, please. - Begged Mickael aunt.

- I'm not the one who started this. - He said exalted.

- You can't bring some low girl that you're playing on the weekends or when you're bored, to this kind of event. - Said the uncle.

- Blane stop. - Begged the aunt again.

- You've gotta be fucking kidding me. - Said Mikhael really angry.

Ailyn grabbed Mikhael hand under the table without anyone noticing to try to calm him down. When her hand touched his hand he took a deep breath and finished the glass of red wine.

- I can know everything about her in five minutes, you know that. - Said the uncle to Mikhael with a smirk on his face.

- Stop it already. - Said his aunt.

- My name is Ailyn Smith as you already know, I'm twenty three years old and I was born in New York. I work in a art gallery in Belmont, I take the train every day because I don´t have the money to buy a car. I live in the center of Boston in a shared apartment with a man that you don't need to know the name. I graduated from the school of Art Painting & Drawing one year ago. And I´m not a girl that Mickael is playing with. Is there anything else you want to know? - Said bravely still holding Mickael´s hand.

- So you're after his money? I mean from your speech just now, that's the impression I get. That and two men at the same time, damn. - Said Blane.

Mickael hand formed into a firm fist and hit the table, making it shake. He got up resting his hands on the table and all eyes were on them.

- Mikhael. - His aunt whispered.

- Last time I checked you´re the one after my money ... . You have two days to pack up your shit from the house I bought her - points at his aunt - and you´re ten percent shares of my company, you can kiss them goodbye.

Mikhael grabbed Ailyn by the hand for her to get up.

- And goodluck with your company, uncle. - Mikhael walks away olding Ailyn hand and everyone staring.




- Do you like what you see? - Asked Mikhael to Ailyn that was staring at him since they left the dinner event.

- Why didn't you told me he was your uncle?

- What have you done if I told you? - Asked with his eyes fixed on the road.

- Nothing.

- See.

- Are you ok? - She asked concerned about him.

- I'm the one who should ask, you're the one shaking.

- It´s from nerves.

- Not scared?

- I shouldn't have come. - Said Ailyn.

- I'm glad you did, I needed an excuse to kick him out. He's been getting on my nerves since I started my company.

- He's your uncle. Families are not perfect ...

- He's after my money, that I work my ass off to earn it. I´m not let him take it for his greed.

- Your aunt seems nice.

- She is. She is the reason why I let him in my company and I bought the house for her. But I don't know what she saw in him.

- Maybe he is nice to her when they are alone, but not that nice to other people.
Mickael looks at Ailyn.

- You should keep your eyes on the road. - She said.

- I should ... but I can't keep my eyes off you. - Mikhael smiles for the first time since dinner.

- Pff ... - A big smile formed on her face.


Ailyn phone started ringing. - Hi - She answered.

- Hi. Did you see my note? - Asked Luke.

- Yeah, I saw it.

- He called me and said he was down stairs, I couldn't say no.

- It's ok. - She said.

- Where are you?

- I went to dinner with Mia. - Ailyn said looking at Mickael that was looking at the road.

- I'm glad. It's gonna be a long night ...

- Don't worry. Have fun with the boys.

- Are you ok? - He asked concerned because her voice was shaking.

- I'm ok. I'm just tired, that's all. - She said still looking at Mikhael but he didn´t took his eyes of the road.

- I will make up to you, ok?

- Ok, have fun. Bye.

- Bye, love you. - Said Luke but Ailyn hang up the phone.

- Dinner with Mia, ha. - Said Mikhael playful but almost jealous.

- I want dessert. - Ailyn said right away.

- What? - He looked at her confused.

- You pulled me out before they served the dessert.

- What do you want?

- Ice cream. - She smiled.


After awhile Mikhael pulls up to the big gate of his big house. Ailyn looks at Mickael.

- What? You said you wanted ice cream. - He said smiling showing his perfect white teeth.

- Not at your house.

- You never said where. - He parked the car at the house entrance. 

Mikhael got out of the car and opened the big brown door of his house and looked at Ailyn still in the car. Ailyn took a deep breath got out of the car and walked toward Mickael.

The house was large with camel-colored marble and very light gray. As she entered through the main door, she saw two white tile stairs with navy blue railings, one on each side that joined at the top. They passed thru the huge living room, a white sofa that would probably fit five people laying down, a black carpet occupying the length of the sofa and a table with a strange shape on top. And a television that occupied almost the entire white wall. Then they went into the kitchen with the same colors as the living room. There was a counter in the middle of the kitchen with a sink and a large lustrous black chandelier.

- Which flavor? - Asked Mikhael with his hand on the big grey fridge.

- Any is fine.

- I have chocolate, vanilla, strawberry and mint. - Taking them all out into the the counter.

- A spoonful of each? - She jokes

- One of each it his. - He said taking a ball of each and put it in a cup. - Here.

- Thank you. Where are the spoons?

- Second drawer on your left. - He pointed.

- How is your relationship going? - Asked Mikhael.

- Why do you want know?

- I´am just curious that's all. - Takes a bite of his ice cream.

- It´s fine.

- Fine? Are you positive?

- Yes.

- Don't you have something to say to me? - He asks with a trickster look.

- No.

- Remember our deal? What's your final word. - Begins walking towards Ailyn. - Are you gonna say to leave you alone or ... - his now a inch away from her face. - I want the true.

Her heart started beating really fast - You're sure you want to know?

- I think I know the answer already. - Mikhael put his two hands on top of the country surrounding Ailyn.

- You do? - She paused. - What is it?

He moved his hands placing them on Ailyn's face, he smiled as he approached her and gives her a soft kiss.

-Did I get it right?

- No. - She whispers.

- Then why are you breathing so hard?

- I ...

Mikhael went for another kiss before she can say anything. He moves his hands down to her ass to pull her up onto the counter, Ailyn opened her legs for him to come closer and put her arms around Mickael´s neck. After kissing passionately for two minutes Ailyn breaks the kiss and pulled him away.

- Stop. I can't ...

- Why are you fighting this? - He asked taking off his black jacket and tie.

- I'm not fighting anything ... it's just ... this might feel right for now but I don´t want to be the girl you play with at the weekends.

- I know I'm an asshole, I mean, look around I have this huge house just for myself, a have more cars and bikes than the days of the week. No one dares to talk back to me because they're afraid of me and I like them to be afraid. They do whatever I ask the moment I ask ... but not you. - He paused and unbuttoned the sleeves from the shirt. - I was pissed off the day I meet you because you dared to talk to me like no one has in years ... You're not a girl that I play on the weekends and you kwon that, ... I didn't see you for a whole year and I´m steel after you, that means something ... I'll be outside by the pool, you stay here and finish your precious ice cream, after that you can stay or you can leave. And by the way, you will never see me talk like this ever again. - He left thru the back door that goes to the pool.

After ten minutes Ailyn finished the ice cream, cleaned up and put the ice cream back in the fridge. Mikhael was in the pool swimming in is black boxers.

- Can I join you? - She asked.

He smiled. - In the dress? That was expensive.

She laughed and took her dress off, exposing her sexy black lingerie. - Is this better?

- You look hot. But you will look hotter without that. - He said with the biggest smile she saw on his face.

- What makes you think - she sits on the berm of the pool putting her feet in - that I will take it off.

- How much time do you give me, to take it off?

- You're gonna lose. - She said and got on the pool.

He laughed. - Let's see then.

Mikhael begined swimming towards Ailyn but she swimmed away from him to the other side of the pool.

- You want to play that game? ... Ok. - Mikhael said.


- Making it hard for you to win. - She released him from her.

- Like that ... you're making it easy. - He took off his boxers, throwing then outside the pool leaving him completely naked.

Mikhael walked across the pool, grabbed her by the arm pulling her to him and he was about to take off her panties but she stood up.

- No ... no. - She said playing hard to get.

- I can just - he grabbed one side of her panties and ripped them - do this.

- Really? You just ruined my ...

Mikhael kissed Ailyn cutting her off, grabbed the other side off her panties and ripped them off, leaving Ailyn completely naked to. He pulled her against him and she could feel his hard manhood against her stomach. He lift her up to his lap, pushing her hard against the pool wall near the stairs, she moan when her naked back hit the hard cold wall and he put his hard manhood inside her making her moan again.
Mikhael kept thrusting his manhood inside Ailym´s wet vagina and his tongues going deeper and deeper. She bites his shoulder and moaned grabing the stairs rail.

She tilted her head back from pleasure, Mikhael took the opportunity and bited her hard niples, making her arch her back from pleasure that she never felt before.

He bit her other niple even harder with his teeth and she moaned even louder. She hold his head up and kissed him, playing with his tongue.

Mikhael took a deep breath and went under the clean water, swimming towards Ailyn but this time she disn´t move. Still under water Mickael kissed her ankle, then her knee, moving to her thigh and then put his lips on top of black pantie kissing her. A soft moan escape Ailyn´s throat when he kissed her.

He kept on going up onto her belly button and when he was about to move up she put her hands on top of his head and dunked his head. While he was under water he grabbed her legs and pulled her under to. Mickael came to the superficie first and then Ailyn, while she was with her eyes closed he kissed her passionately playing with her tongue.

Ailyn put her hands on his chest and tried to pull him away but failed because she wasn't putting a lot of strength into it. Without breaking the kiss Mickael moved his hands thru her back until he reached her ass and pulled her into his lap, Ailyn wrapped her legs around his waist, one harm around his neck and onother playing with his hair.

He took off her bra with one hand and the other still holding her against him, Ailyn broke the kiss and leaned back floating, but still with her legs wrapped around Mikhael.

- What are you doing? - Asked Mickael smiling.

- Making it hard for you to win. - She released him from her.

- Like that?  ... You're making it easy. - He took off his boxers, throwing then outside the pool leaving him completely naked.

Mikhael walked across the pool, grabbed her by the arm pulling her to him and he was about to take off her panties but she stood up.

- No ... no. - She said playing hard to get.

- I can just - he grabbed one side of her panties and ripped them - do this.

- Really? You just ruined my ...

Mikhael kissed Ailyn cutting her off, grabbed the other side off her panties and ripped them off, leaving Ailyn completely naked to. He pulled her against him and she could feel his hard manhood against her stomach. He lift her up to his lap, pushing her hard against the pool wall near the stairs, she moan when her naked back hit the hard cold wall and he put his hard manhood inside her making her moan again.

Mikhael kept thrusting his manhood inside Ailym´s wet vagina and his tongues going deeper and deeper. She bites his shoulder and moaned grabing the stairs rail.

She tilted her head back from pleasure, Mikhael took the opportunity and bited her hard niples, making her arch her back from pleasure that she never felt before.
He bit her other niple even harder with his teeth and she moaned even louder. She hold his head up and kissed him, playing with his tongue.

He thrusted hard one last time and both reached the climax at the same time. Mickael rested his head on her shoulder, with his manhood still inside her.

Ailyn gasping for air said - I only have time for that today, I have to go.

- What? - He asked surprised.

- You don't remember? You said that.

Mikhael said nothing still resting his head on her shoulder.

- You have nothing to say?

- I guess I was very busy that day. - He joked.

- What about today? What are you gonna say?

- How about you stay here with me today? - He lifted his head staring at Ailyn.

- I don't know if that's a good idea.

Mikhael released Ailyn, got outta the pool and wrapped a towel around his waist.

She followed Mikhael and he wrapped her in a towel.

- Can't you stay? I don't feel like being alone. - He begs.

- Ok. - She smiled softly

Ailyn and Michael are laying down on the bed in Mikhael's room. He's fast asleep and Ailyn was looking at him.

- My face is gonna fade up if you keep staring. - He turned to his side being now face to face with Ailyn.

He closed his eyes, Ailyn runned her hand thru his half dried hair, then got down to his forehead, down his nose, lips and a tear fell down her face. She's was about to get up, but Mikhael grabbed her arm pulling her down gently, she lies down on his arm and stared at each other.


- Please look at me. - Said Mikhael whispering.

- I am. - She whispers.

- But I don't think I'm in your heart.

- You are.

- Please love me. - Said Mickael still whispering.

- I do. - Another tear fell down.

- I love you. - He said after a small pause.

Mikhael pulled Ailyn to his chest hugging each other.











Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.07.2017

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